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13 hours ago, ScarletSylph said:

Who is better to 5* first for horse emblem? Xander or Ursula?

Depends on who else is on your horse team.  Honestly speaking you probably want them both from my experience.  From my experience horse emblem has the following core members available:

Best Mounted Melee:
Xander/Eliwood/Eldigan  (red sword) - Xander has built in ranged counter and very high attack/defense making him likely the best mounted red sword unit in the game. He can tank most red and all green physical damage like its nothing and still counter kill Nino.
Titania/Frederick/Gunter (green axe) - From what Ice Dragon has shown if you use an Emerald Axe and Distant counter you turn any of these three into blue killing machines. +Atk, +Spd or +Res Titania is probably the best alongside +Atk/+Def Frederick.  Titania essentially becomes queen of magical counter killing, while Frederick stands Knight alongside Xander for melee counter killing.
Abel/Peri (blue Lance) - Blue melee are probably the weakest of all horse emblem.  +Atk Abel can hold his ground though with some nice brave attacks.  +Atk +Spd or +Res Peri might be able to pull off Sapphire Lance and Distant counter and be a queen of magic counter killing like Titania.

Mounted Mages: 
Leo (red mage)  - Leo can make a good Raudrblade user.  He does not have as much Attack as Cecilia or Reinhardt.  And he has much less speed than Olwen and Usula (so he isn't a great double blade user either).  So he's probably the least awesome of the mounted blade users.
Cecilia (green mage) - She is the only mounted green mage and can Gronblade with her super high attack for the most damaging oneshot hits in the game (only outmatched by SCamilla using Gronblade+FlierEmblem).  Or Cecilia can use Gronraven and Triangle Adept 3 to invalidate Blue and Grey units, oneshotting almost all with no buffs and tanking their hits with relative ease. 
Olwen, Reinhardt, Ursula (blue mage) - Its a wash between the three. Reinhardt is the most independent with dire and higher attack, Olwen can quad dire though with the right stats and Life or Death.  Likewise Ursula and Olwen can easily perform double blarblade hits with life or death making them absolutely terrifying.

Out of them all I think Xander, all the blue mages and Cecilia are the most stand out units.  They do their jobs exceptionally well and require the least investment.  Titania likewise can be incredible, but you have to sacrifice a Hector on her.  

Edited by Katrisa
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2 minutes ago, Katrisa said:

Depends on who else is on your horse team.  Honestly speaking you probably want them both from my experience.  From my experience horse emblem has the following core members are available:

Best Mounted Melee:
Xander/Eliwood/Eldigan  (red sword) - Xander has built in ranged counter and very high attack/defense making him likely the best mounted red sword unit in the game. He can tank most red and all green physical damage like its nothing and still counter kill Nino.
Titania/Frederick/Gunter (green axe) - From what Ice Dragon has shown if you use an Emerald Axe and Distant counter you turn any of these three into blue killing machines. +Atk, +Spd or +Res Titania is probably the best alongside +Atk/+Def Frederick.  Titania essentially becomes queen of magical counter killing, while Frederick stands Knight alongside Xander for melee counter killing.
Abel/Peri (blue Lance) - Blue melee are probably the weakest of all horse emblem.  +Atk Abel can hold his ground though with some nice brave attacks.  +Atk +Spd or +Res Peri might be able to pull off Sapphire Lance and Distant counter and be a queen of magic counter killing like Titania.

Mounted Mages: 
Leo (red mage)  - Leo can make a good Raudrblade user.  He does not have as much Attack as Cecilia or Reinhardt.  And he has much less speed than Olwen and Usula (so he isn't a great double blade user either).  So he's probably the least awesome of the mounted blade users.
Cecilia (green mage) - She is the only mounted green mage and can Gronblade with her super high attack for the most damaging oneshot hits in the game (only outmatched by SCamilla using Gronblade+FlierEmblem).  Or Cecilia can use Gronraven and Triangle Adept 3 to invalidate Blue and Grey units, oneshotting almost all with no buffs and tanking their hits with relative ease. 
Olwen, Reinhardt, Ursula (blue mage) - Its a wash between the three. Reinhardt is the most independent with dire and higher attack, Olwen can quad dire though with the right stats and Life or Death.  Likewise Ursula and Olwen can easily perform double blarblade hits with life or death making them absolutely terrifying.

Out of them all I think Xander, all the blue mages and Cecilia are the most stand out units.  They do their jobs exceptionally well and require the least investment.  Titania likewise can be incredible, but you have to sacrifice a Hector on her.  

Can I just say that I appreciate the color-coding? It makes everything looks so much cleaner. 

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14 minutes ago, Katrisa said:

Abel/Peri (blue Lance) - Blue melee are probably the weakest of all horse emblem.  +Atk Abel can hold his ground though with some nice brave attacks.  +Atk +Spd or +Res Peri might be able to pull off Sapphire Lance and Distant counter and be a queen of magic counter killing like Titania.

There aren't any red mages that are really worth building a magic counter killer towards unless you're really worried about Tharja.

Peri, Abel, and Cain have the best offensive stats among the melee cavalry units and shouldn't have any difficulty running a Life and Death Brave build. Peri, Abel, and -HP Cain (at +10, only Peri and -HP Abel) have HP low enough to use Ardent Sacrifice to activate Desperation as well as provide healing for Fury tanks like Xander and Eldigan.

If you really need a magic counter killer, you probably actually want Sapphire Lance Jagen instead for his higher Res and HP. I'm pretty sure his lower offensive stats are still enough to kill any of the red mages as long as he has Quick Riposte up, and his better bulk and Sapphire Lance should make up for the damage he takes from being double attacked.

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1 minute ago, wizzard of soz said:

for fort tiles, do you factor in Spur Def before or after applying the .3 multiplier to your defense?

I haven't tested it yet, but I'm fairly certain the Fort Tile bonus is calculated last, after everything else. 

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17 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

for fort tiles, do you factor in Spur Def before or after applying the .3 multiplier to your defense?


14 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I haven't tested it yet, but I'm fairly certain the Fort Tile bonus is calculated last, after everything else. 

Assuming the fort bonus works like weapon advantage, Spur Defense would be applied last. This still needs to be tested though.

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4 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:


Assuming the fort bonus works like weapon advantage, Spur Defense would be applied last. This still needs to be tested though.

i think you're right. 52 Atk Ryoma vs 31 Def M Corrin with Spur Def 3.

Ryoma did 8 damage to Corrin.

if we apply Spur first, the bonus from the fort comes out to be 10, but if we apply Spur last, it'll be 9. which applies in this situation. 31 (base def) + 9 (fort bonus) + 4 (spur) = 44.

52 - 44 = 8 damage.

unless my math is wrong and i wouldn't be surprised because i make the silliest mistakes sometimes.

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20 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

i think you're right.

unless my math is wrong and i wouldn't be surprised because i make the silliest mistakes sometimes.



T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶-̶-̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶*̶*̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶*̶*̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶!̶

The interesting thing is that straight buffs, whether from Spur / Blow / Hone / Fortify add damage to proc skills, while multipliers like weapon advantage (unsure about weapon effectiveness) do not. It follows that forts would not give a damage bonus to skills like Bonfire or Moonbow.

EDIT: It's not affected by effective weaponry.

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7 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:


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T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶-̶-̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶*̶*̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶*̶*̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶!̶

The interesting thing is that straight buffs, whether from Spur / Blow / Hone / Fort add damage to proc skills, while multipliers like weapon advantage (unsure about weapon effectiveness) do not. It follows that forts would not give a damage bonus to skills like Bonfire or Moonbow.



you're not alone! -sheds tear-

oh really? even Night Sky, Glimmer, and Astra don't factor in weapon triangle/effectiveness? the others seem more understandable, and more like a flat damage bonus, but those actually scale off your damage. i wonder about the Moonbow and Bonfire stuff though, it doesn't feel like the same deal to me. i may find out while doing the arena since two of my units have those skills. 

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2 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:


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you're not alone! -sheds tear-

oh really? even Night Sky, Glimmer, and Astra don't factor in weapon triangle/effectiveness? the others seem more understandable, and more like a flat damage bonus, but those actually scale off your damage. i wonder about the Moonbow and Bonfire stuff though, it doesn't feel like the same deal to me. i may find out while doing the arena since two of my units have those skills. 

Night Sky/Glimmer/Astra are the only skills that do factor in WTA and effective damage since their damage is calculated after everything else. 

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4 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Night Sky/Glimmer/Astra are the only skills that do factor in WTA and effective damage since their damage is calculated after everything else. 

makes sense. hmm..so now i'm thinking about Glimmer on my Kagerou...could actually be alright.

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12 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

makes sense. hmm..so now i'm thinking about Glimmer on my Kagerou...could actually be alright.

Forgot to mention Glimmer / Astra being exceptions due to how it calculates the damage after everything else has been applied. Though that's exactly the reason why those skills are strictly worse than other options. Units that get KO'd by a Glimmer proc could just as easily have been KO'd with Draconic Aura or another skill, though Glimmer / Astra have the added disadvantage of being less effective against high Def and Res units.

In summary: they either overkill, or they tink.

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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Forgot to mention Glimmer / Astra being exceptions due to how it calculates the damage after everything else has been applied. Though that's exactly the reason why those skills are strictly worse than other options. Units that get KO'd by a Glimmer proc could just as easily have been KO'd with Draconic Aura or another skill, though Glimmer / Astra have the added disadvantage of being less effective against high Def and Res units.

In summary: they either overkill, or they tink.

yeah, it's pretty sad. /8 i'm only considering it on Kagerou because my resources for other skills are more restricted right now, and for her it could function decently, if only against infantry units. i wish those skills would get a buff in some way, like raised percentage or lower CD, but with Gacha games isn't it illegal, or at least highly frowned upon, to change things like that? 

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@wizzard of soz,

I feel like Night Sky, Glimmer, and Astra should have used speed rather than adding a percentage of your attack. It would have made more sense since myrmidons, the skill Astra is associated with as far as I know, are generally fast or known for their speed. The only problem is what would happen to Luna since if Glimmer was a 3 cooldown, 50% speed added special, then Luna isn't really useful when it's the main special for units who don't have high attack, defense, or resistance to use the other specials. Moonbow at least can combo off of Wo Dao and works well for units who really need to activate it every battle or wants it low cooldown in the case of units with +1 special weapons like the -blade tomes and Lightning Breath.

I've never played a Gatcha game except for Heroes, so I don't know about the issues of changing stuff, but the developers have been changing mechanics of the game except for the skills. Could they? Maybe and I feel like for the Night Sky skills, they really should since it's not a really good special compared to anything including Miracle, the AoE skills which are pretty good for singleplayer if you can time them to damage groups of enemies, and the ranged defense specials, Holy Vestments, Sacred Cowl, and Aegis.

Edit: For Kagero, Moonbow and Luna are good and if you happen to have a +Res one, which puts her at 31 resistance, 1 above the 30 mark for most Iceberg and Glacies users, Iceberg can work too or Glacies since if she's one-rounding infantry a lot, Glacies could give her a massive attack boost for non-infantry. The problem is if you give her Life & Death, then her defense and resistance drop, so Iceberg and Glacies wouldn't be that great on her anymore. Or stick with Reprisal until you're sure what you want for her.

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So, I just pulled a 4-Star Nino. She's +RES/-DEF. I already have a Nino that I've mostly trained up (read: Level 35 4-Star) tho, and that one's +HP/-RES.

Which of these Ninos should I keep? If I keep the new one, the old one will be fed to her to get Defiant ATK and (more importantly) Moonbow on the preferred Nino.

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well if they did convert Glimmer and company to a speed based skill, then i assume they would make it like Bonfire and Iceberg, with 30% of speed instead of 50%, which could still have Luna being viable? i agree with this though, and most characters that come with it are speedy to begin so it'd be fitting. i mean, i guess they were trying to go with the whole thing where Astra gives you five hits, which would be a damage % scale, but that just doesn't work for this game, especially with how much impact the weapon triangle has. 

i haven't played any other gachas either, but it just seems like it could get complicated when people spend money to get characters and then they change something like that. a more extreme example is if they decided a certain skill on a newly released character was OP and they proceed to remove the skill from the game or they nerf it, after a lot of people probably spent a lot of money trying to get the said OP skill, feel gypped, and would probably want compensation of some sort. and while changing Glimmer doesn't seem like it would be something anyone would have complaints about...there may be some regulations around gachas that would prevent it. i know there are some other laws around this stuff due to gachas having a gambling aspect.


29 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So, I just pulled a 4-Star Nino. She's +RES/-DEF. I already have a Nino that I've mostly trained up (read: Level 35 4-Star) tho, and that one's +HP/-RES.

Which of these Ninos should I keep? If I keep the new one, the old one will be fed to her to get Defiant ATK and (more importantly) Moonbow on the preferred Nino.

i'd say go with the -Def/+Res. ideally Nino won't be getting hit by many melee physical threats, and a 5* Fury Nino with +Res can survive all the green mages if they have G Tomebreaker (assuming neutral natures and vanilla otherwise), and all except Julia if she doesn't have Fury. with +HP/-Res there isn't much difference except another Nino can kill her. with -Def the only ranged unit (not including distant counter melees) she straight up gets one-shot by if she initiates is Kagerou (assuming they're all vanilla and neutral, though..), even without Fury on. Gordins and Kleins, or any archer with a Brave Bow is gonna most likely shred her either way if they get the jump, and the +HP doesn't stop that. i'm not sure what build you're going for with your Nino, though :P

edit: completely missed the Defiant Attack, my bad 

just my two cents! i have -Res Nino and it can be painful sometimes because even blue mages can dent her preeetty hard.

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@wizzard of soz,

So, the Dragon specials' format? Night Sky is a 4 cooldown that uses 30% of speed, Glimmer is a 3 cooldown that uses 30%, and Astra is a 4 cooldown that uses 50%. The issue with that is not a lot of units can actually get up to 50 speed let alone above it without in-field speed buffs to meet the equivalent of Dragonic Aura and Dragon Fang being ideal on units with +50 attack. Attack having weapons to push the total higher explains why the Dragon specials have a lower percentage. Speed on the other hand, Lon'qu is the fastest unit at 39 base speed followed by Anna at 38, Caeda, Felicia, Lyn, Navarre, and Setsuna at 37, etc. If Glimmer used 30% of his speed, it would give +11 damage to Lon'qu. Luna would treat, let's say 25 defense as an average, as 12 defense. But that's only for Lon'qu. The others would probably be doing less damage with Glimmer than Luna which might be okay, but might not.

The highest speed boost is through Life & Death for +5 attack and speed, -5 defense and resistance which would put Lon'qu at 44 speed. With a speed boon, Lon'qu can reach 47 speed with L&D 3. In this case, +14 damage which is slightly better than Luna, but once again, only for Lon'qu.

50% and 80% like Bonfire/Iceberg and Ignis/Glacies could work, but it might be too much since Luna is just there now. Maybe 40% and 60% instead? 30 speed would net +12 damage while 38 would net +15 damage.

Each of the specials have different animations or visual effects. Astra, Glimmer, and Night Sky having added hits would still work with it using speed to calculate its damage.

I do agree with people going to be annoyed if this happens, but for others, the only problem would be wasted SP, especially the ones that had to inherit specials like Setsuna. Anna, Cordelia, Jaffar, Lon'qu, Lyn, Peri, Ryoma, and Virion would benefit greatly by having their default Night Sky branch specials using their high speed. The only one with the Night Sky branch of skills who doesn't have high speed is Beruka who would definitely need her special swapped out for Luna at the very least which would mean she'd be the only character to be changed in any way.

Anyway, this is a topic for somewhere else since it's not a question or answer.

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@wizzard of soz Alright, +RES Nino it is! Defiant ATK is just sorta there because I wanted the extra power (+14 damage! 14!), but I can see running something else (like, as you said, Fury). I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
I'm not sure if I'll use her in the future (Stahl/Frederick/Reinhardt/X has been working really well for me for a while now), I just want one good Nino because she's cute and I like cute (see: Kirby).

And -RES Nino... that sounds painful. I mean, I'm going by my experience with -RES M!Robin, who gets murdered by basically most mages, and -RES Stahl, who gets Fortify Cavalry buffs and has built-in Triangle Adept 3 and still struggles against stronger Green mages. So yeah, -RES, it kinda sucks.

Okay, so, what's a good Special for +HP/-DEF Lilina? I feel like Draconic Aura would be good, since she'll get 16 extra damage per proc and it charges much faster than Growing Flame, but maybe Iceberg would be good instead?
On a related note, is Draconic Aura or Iceberg a better choice for +HP/-DEF Julia?

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oh whoops, no i meant 50% like Iceberg/Bonfire, accidentally typed 30% instead. yeah, Luna would kind of just be there after that, and even against very tanky units which Luna is supposed to shred, the Speed Glimmer at 50% will likely match it or still outdo it when put on ideal units. not to mention the meta pretty much says no to tanks unless you're running Armor Emblem or Hector, and maybe Effie, which pushes Luna even further down the drain. so i think you're on the right track with 40% and 60%. i guess one problem with comparing Iceberg/Bonfire to this speed thing is that usually tanky characters don't have enough speed to double, which means not getting their procs off as often, but having a speed based skill would be self-fulfilling in a way.

yeah, there is the SP factor, and the bit where you had to sack a unit to GET the replacement skill, alas. 

but yes i'll shut up now ;D

19 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

@wizzard of soz Alright, +RES Nino it is! Defiant ATK is just sorta there because I wanted the extra power (+14 damage! 14!), but I can see running something else (like, as you said, Fury). I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
I'm not sure if I'll use her in the future (Stahl/Frederick/Reinhardt/X has been working really well for me for a while now), I just want one good Nino because she's cute and I like cute (see: Kirby).

And -RES Nino... that sounds painful. I mean, I'm going by my experience with -RES M!Robin, who gets murdered by basically most mages, and -RES Stahl, who gets Fortify Cavalry buffs and has built-in Triangle Adept 3 and still struggles against stronger Green mages. So yeah, -RES, it kinda sucks.

Okay, so, what's a good Special for +HP/-DEF Lilina? I feel like Draconic Aura would be good, since she'll get 16 extra damage per proc and it charges much faster than Growing Flame, but maybe Iceberg would be good instead?
On a related note, is Draconic Aura or Iceberg a better choice for +HP/-DEF Julia?


yeah Fury or Life and Death on Nino is the kind of established thing, but i like your Defiant Attack, honestly. yes, +14! and it goes pretty well with Desperation. the only problem is getting her low enough for Defiant Attack. y'know, now that i think it, it might be easier to get to that 50% threshold if she has -Res xD. 

oh geez. i have a +Res -Def Robin and some people may think that sucks, though i've really been loving it because yeah otherwise time to get murdered by mages. even then Linde still ORKOs him -thumbs up- which is the sole reason i slapped a B Tomebreaker on there. can't imagine a -Res.. dang Stahl step up your game! 

as for Iceberg vs Draconic aura, they actually do the same damage for your Lilina. Iceberg does 15.5 with 31 res, and Draconic Aura does 15.9. i'm pretty sure FEH rounds down or up unconditionally (but i can't remember which way it rounds), so they should do the same amount. so whichever of those two skills is less scarce for you i'd just slap on there.


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@wizzard of soz +RES Robin actually sounds pretty good, if you need an answer to mages and staffies (which, after some of the Grand Hero Battles, I can see a need for that)... -DEF, not so much, but I'm sure Triangle Adept can help with that, to a degree.
As for imagining -RES... it really isn't so bad, since Robin never really needs to go up against mages... plus he has Triangle Adept 2 (I will never pull a second Roy, or a 5-Star Cordelia), so he could possibly take on Red Mages. Yes he's a tiny bit weaker against staves, but he already has WTA over them so it's not that big of a deal.

As for Stahl, he doesn't really need to step his game up. His game is right where it needs to be... which means no axe can hurt him and he basically walls Hector. Plus he has Hone Cavalry, to make Reinhardt punch people even harder, and he's got lots of HP thanks to being +HP So yeah, until I 5-Star Xander, Stahl is staying on my cavalry (and Arena) team... and probably even afterward, since Xander has 2 less SPD and RES (my Stahl, as mentioned before, is -RES) and 4 less HP (+HP Stahl), although he does have 5 ATK and 7 DEF over Stahl at 5-Star... but Stahl's most likely to still be stronger in the field of Greenslaying since he has the Ruby Sword, which is really all that I need since I have +ATK Death Blow Hone Cavalry Reinhardt to kill everything else, so Xander may very well just stay on the bench.
Stahl is really not bad as a defender, if only against Greens.

So, uh, new question: Should I give Stahl Aegis? Because it would help with his Mage problem, and I need something to deal with that.

And... huh, I thought Aura might do a little less damage, but if they're the same, then Lilina's getting Draconic Aura!

Thanks, mate!

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@wizzard of soz, well, a way for tanks to activate their specials often is through a Killer weapon and Quick Riposte. Basically, the Wall of Fire/Ice and Sharp Things build. The only issue is how long they can keep Quick Riposte up which for some units, can be very long like a team of knights all getting Ward Armor buffs from their allies.

At the same time, assuming Titania becomes a 4* summon and more units are introduced with either Heavy Blade or Guard, tanks could either increase their ability to activate their specials or lower their opponent's ability and making sure they activate their special instead which can make units like Ike and Titania, very dangerous against units who love or want to activate their special. It would also prevent speedy units or units in general from going against WTD since outside of the Night Sky branch skills, all of them add fixed damage which can be a lot for units with very high attack, defense, HP, or resistance.

Also, damage calculations are rounded down, so a neutral stats Lilina with either Draconic Aura or Iceberg will do 15 damage despite DA's result being 15 and Iceberg being 15.5.

@ILikeKirbys, for a +HP, -Def Lilina's special, do consider your team's skills as well and what would happen if there were debuffs. Assuming she's a 5*, a -7 debuff to her attack drops Draconic Aura to 12 damage while a -7 debuff drops Iceberg down down to 12. That assumes they are debuffed in any way. With buffs, a +7 buff to attack makes Draconic Aura do 17 damage while a +7 buff to resistance makes Iceberg do 19. I'd say Iceberg. If she were +Atk, then either would have worked with DA having a higher minimum if debuffed by 7 at 13 damage, but still being lower in damage when buffed by 7 at 18 damage.

Edit: For +HP, -Def Julia, same thing; DA does 14 damage while Iceberg does 16 on a neutral attack and resistance Julia. Dragon Fang, her default skill, however does 24 damage, but it's a 4 cooldown special. Since she has Dragon Fang, it's really up to you if you want to replace that for a lower cooldown Dragon Aura or Iceberg. Personally, I'd figure out her other empty slots first before changing her default skills unless they're really weird like Obstruct on Hana of all things.

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@Kaden Ah, I already gave Lilina DracAura. Besides, I don't see Lilina getting debuffed very often (next to nobody runs Seal ATK, and I have other units to deal with daggers).

As for Julia, I want to change her Special because Dragon Fang just takes too damn long to charge so it almost never procs. I'll give her Iceberg, so she can do a bit more damage... and then I'll worry about which Breaker to give her, because RES +3 is useful (plus it buffs Iceberg damage) and Breath of Life is nice on occasion.

Thanks, mate.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

@ILikeKirbys, for a +HP, -Def Lilina's special, do consider your team's skills as well and what would happen if there were debuffs. Assuming she's a 5*, a -7 debuff to her attack drops Draconic Aura to 12 damage while a -7 debuff drops Iceberg down down to 12. That assumes they are debuffed in any way. With buffs, a +7 buff to attack makes Draconic Aura do 17 damage while a +7 buff to resistance makes Iceberg do 19. I'd say Iceberg. If she were +Atk, then either would have worked with DA having a higher minimum if debuffed by 7 at 13 damage, but still being lower in damage when buffed by 7 at 18 damage.

Nobody serious about the Arena is giving Lilina Defiant Res. Even +4 is dubious unless you're running Rauðrblade/+ (which probably doesn't need a special). If you're giving her a Defiant, it should be Atk, which applies on every attack, not just on a special proc.

Debuffs are kinda hard to assume as well, especially on a squishy mage. If you're comfortable leaving Lilina in someone's range, she prooobably doesn't even need a special to take them out. Seal skills and Shuriken users not named Poison Dagger/+ are virtually non-existent, from my experience...and Poison Dagger will almost certainly OHKO her.

Overall, I don't see any reason to not take Draconic.

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@Katrisa My team is Xander, Ursula(w blarblade), gunter(for buffs), clarine. This will probably change once Camus comes out. I do have a cecilia but I don't really have anyone to pass TA or death blow so I didn't use her in the team.

I've already 5* Xander and he is much better than when he was a 4* just because of his distant counter. So far he has been ORKO anything that attacks him as I level him. No regrets in upgrading him.

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