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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate thread but I didn't want to create an entire new thread for one question. I have one Threaten Speed 3 I can give away, but I am town between two units, Klein and a +SPD Hawkeye. Which should I give it to?

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7 minutes ago, Ekans647 said:

I have one Threaten Speed 3 I can give away, but I am town between two units, Klein and a +SPD Hawkeye. Which should I give it to?

Neither. Klein gets an effective 33 Spd with it while +Spd Hawkeye only gets 30, which doesn't double very many units. Unless you want debuff support the rest of their team can work with? I'd go with Klein in that case, though Threaten Def is technically better because of his Brave weapon.

Also, small questions like these go in this thread, so you're fine.

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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

It wasn't even mentioned in the initial list. The list ends with Lloyd and late May though, so anything can change.

It's kind of weird that Lloyd is the next GHB.  He hasn't appeared in any capacity yet, and he's just a random sub-boss from FE7.  He's not even in some sort of double event with Linus, and they sort of go together.

It would be funny, if there was a quest where you have to use Nino to defeat Lloyd.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It's kind of weird that Lloyd is the next GHB.  He hasn't appeared in any capacity yet, and he's just a random sub-boss from FE7.  He's not even in some sort of double event with Linus, and they sort of go together.

It would be funny, if there was a quest where you have to use Nino to defeat Lloyd.

he's not really a "random sub-boss" though

he's one of the four fangs, who are pretty damn important in fe7, and two of them are already in the game

he's not really any less important than ursula, whose only real significance is that she's told to kill nino

and now that jaffar and ursula are in the game, we'll be able to have all four fangs if linus is added

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Hello All,

I recently started an account for Fire Emblem Heroes. I have some pretty good pulls overall

Julia (+Atk -Res) 5 stars

Tharja (+Atk -Def) 4 stars

Chrom (+Atk -Spe) 4 stars

Draug (+HP - Res) 3 stars

Hana (+Atk -Res) 3 stars


I've also gotten some units with questionable natures, notable

Linde (+Def -Res)

Abel (+Res -Spe)


I know there is a separate thread for how to invest in units, but I'm wondering which of these units should I be investing in especially the last two.


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13 hours ago, Happiest said:

Heya. Got two Takumis from Hero Fest. One of them is +hp/-def and the other one is +def/-atk. Which one should I use long-term? The other one will be merged or will have the skill inherited. Thanks.

I'd definitely keep the first one. Takumi is an offensive unit, so you want as much Atk as possible.

23 minutes ago, Mew-2Chainz said:

Hello All,

I recently started an account for Fire Emblem Heroes. I have some pretty good pulls overall

Julia (+Atk -Res) 5 stars

Tharja (+Atk -Def) 4 stars

Chrom (+Atk -Spe) 4 stars

Draug (+HP - Res) 3 stars

Hana (+Atk -Res) 3 stars


I've also gotten some units with questionable natures, notable

Linde (+Def -Res)

Abel (+Res -Spe)


I know there is a separate thread for how to invest in units, but I'm wondering which of these units should I be investing in especially the last two.


Well, Julia, Linde and Tharja are all pretty great (Linde's Def boon doesn't really help her much, but still keeps her offenses intact, so it isn't really a hindrance either). You could even use all three of them a the same time if you wanted to play Mage Emblem, they have the colour coverage and offenses for that.

Out of the three sword users you mentioned I'd personally use Chrom as Draug just isn't all that good in general while Hana needs skill inheritance to do really well and suffers rather harshly from her frailness. Chrom would also provide some tankiness for your team, which is otherwise very squishy.

Abel's Spd bane in the meantime might by no means ideal, but he still does his job of ruining sword users and reds perfectly fine, so consider using him if you have problems with those.

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29 minutes ago, Mew-2Chainz said:

Hello All,

I recently started an account for Fire Emblem Heroes. I have some pretty good pulls overall

Julia (+Atk -Res) 5 stars

Tharja (+Atk -Def) 4 stars

Chrom (+Atk -Spe) 4 stars

Draug (+HP - Res) 3 stars

Hana (+Atk -Res) 3 stars


I've also gotten some units with questionable natures, notable

Linde (+Def -Res)

Abel (+Res -Spe)


I know there is a separate thread for how to invest in units, but I'm wondering which of these units should I be investing in especially the last two.


Julia +Atk is great, her Res is high enough that -Res doesn't hurt too much, and only really matters when going up against other Julias or Ninos.

Linde's nature is okay, -Res doesn't hurt as much as -Atk or -Spd would.  She's meant to nuke things, not take hits anyway.  She's the glassiest of glass canons.

Is Abel 4* or 5*?  If he's 5*, since he's a Brave Lance Swordbreaker, -Speed isn't going to matter when going against swordies, it might just hurt his vs Blue match-ups.  He shouldn't go against Greens unless absolutely necessary.  If he's 5*, he's usable, if he's 4*, I'd wait for a non-Spd/Atk nature.

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21 minutes ago, Mew-2Chainz said:

Hello all,

I recently started an account for Fire Emblem Heroes. I have some pretty good pulls overall.

I know there is a separate thread for how to invest in units, but I'm wondering which of these units should I be investing in especially the last two.

Julia and Tharja stand out the most from your pulls. The former is the best possible check to one of the biggest arena threats at the moment, Reinhardt, while the latter has a great deal of potential through stacking buffs on her -Blade tome. Definitely invest into both of those.

Chrom and Hana is a toss-up. While Chrom has Falchion to offer coverage vs dragon units, Hana ends up stronger overall with a Brave Sword set, especially since yours is +Atk and she comes with Life and Death by default.

Linde's spread isn't ideal, but her offenses are strong enough that it doesn't hinder her. If you want to get the most use out of her, have her inherit Blárblade and Moonbow from Odin and Palla, since she shares her best niche with Tharja.

-Spd doesn't bother Abel too much, since his weapon lowers his Spd anyway. Is he 5*? He still does his job checking sword units, though he lacks the bulk to address other threats.

Hope this helped!




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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Julia +Atk is great, her Res is high enough that -Res doesn't hurt too much, and only really matters when going up against other Julias or Ninos.

Linde's nature is okay, -Res doesn't hurt as much as -Atk or -Spd would.  She's meant to nuke things, not take hits anyway.  She's the glassiest of glass canons.

Is Abel 4* or 5*?  If he's 5*, since he's a Brave Lance Swordbreaker, -Speed isn't going to matter when going against swordies, it might just hurt his vs Blue match-ups.  He shouldn't go against Greens unless absolutely necessary.  If he's 5*, he's usable, if he's 4*, I'd wait for a non-Spd/Atk nature.

My Abel is indeed a 4 star, so I'll put in the back for now. I'm debating over whether or not I should try to pull, for a better Linde, or move on to another banner. My hero pool is really fragile, and the sturdier heroes in the radiance banner seem like nice additions, but Linde is really good too. I really don't need much from the female mages banner anymore though, don't need a tharja or sanaki (I think), and definitely don't need a julia.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Julia +Atk is great, her Res is high enough that -Res doesn't hurt too much, and only really matters when going up against other Julias or Ninos.

Linde's nature is okay, -Res doesn't hurt as much as -Atk or -Spd would.  She's meant to nuke things, not take hits anyway.  She's the glassiest of glass canons.

Is Abel 4* or 5*?  If he's 5*, since he's a Brave Lance Swordbreaker, -Speed isn't going to matter when going against swordies, it might just hurt his vs Blue match-ups.  He shouldn't go against Greens unless absolutely necessary.  If he's 5*, he's usable, if he's 4*, I'd wait for a non-Spd/Atk nature.

My Abel is indeed a 4 star, so I'll put in the back for now. I'm debating over whether or not I should try to pull, for a better Linde, or move on to another banner. My hero pool is really fragile, and the sturdier heroes in the radiance banner seem like nice additions, but Linde is really good too. I really don't need much from the female mages banner anymore though, don't need a tharja or sanaki (I think), and definitely don't need a julia.

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6 minutes ago, Mew-2Chainz said:

My Abel is indeed a 4 star, so I'll put in the back for now. I'm debating over whether or not I should try to pull, for a better Linde, or move on to another banner. My hero pool is really fragile, and the sturdier heroes in the radiance banner seem like nice additions, but Linde is really good too. I really don't need much from the female mages banner anymore though, don't need a tharja or sanaki (I think), and definitely don't need a julia.

Your Linde is perfectly usable, and unless you're a really answering the whale song, I'd avoid trying to Pull for ideal natures.  With most units, as long as they aren't -Atk or -Spd, they are perfectly good at filling their niche, and some are even decent with a bad nature.

If you want to Pull for ohter units that's fine, but try to avoid the temptation to always getting ideal natures, or you're setting yourself up for disappointment.  Take it from me, I'm the goddess of -Atk natures.  I've actually developed a bit of a reputation for it, if you're new to this sub-forum.

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Your Linde is perfectly usable, and unless you're a really answering the whale song, I'd avoid trying to Pull for ideal natures.  With most units, as long as they aren't -Atk or -Spd, they are perfectly good at filling their niche, and some are even decent with a bad nature.

If you want to Pull for ohter units that's fine, but try to avoid the temptation to always getting ideal natures, or you're setting yourself up for disappointment.  Take it from me, I'm the goddess of -Atk natures.  I've actually developed a bit of a reputation for it, if you're new to this sub-forum.

yeah, you're right. I'll try not to be so paranoid, lol.

Edited by Mew-2Chainz
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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Your Linde is perfectly usable, and unless you're a really answering the whale song, I'd avoid trying to Pull for ideal natures.  With most units, as long as they aren't -Atk or -Spd, they are perfectly good at filling their niche, and some are even decent with a bad nature.

If you want to Pull for ohter units that's fine, but try to avoid the temptation to always getting ideal natures, or you're setting yourself up for disappointment.  Take it from me, I'm the goddess of -Atk natures.  I've actually developed a bit of a reputation for it, if you're new to this sub-forum.

yeah, you're right. I'll try nto to be so paranoid, lol.

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I have a flier emblem team and Palla has consistently been letting the team down so are there any other red fliers I can use to replace her 

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9 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I have a flier emblem team and Palla has consistently been letting the team down so are there any other red fliers I can use to replace her 

Besides Caeda? No. Your current options of red fliers are a high speed, high resistance Caeda who can only be summoned as a 4* or 5* or a jack of all trades Palla whose default weapons makes her very specific against greens. Until Heroes get another sword flyer or a red mage flyer like Aversa, you're stuck with those two.

Edited by Kaden
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What do you think of this build for Soren (+res/-def)

  • Weapon: Gronwolf
  • Special: Iceberg
  • A slot: Triangle Adept 2
  • B slot: Green Tomebreaker 3

most of the builds I've seen for him are Nino lights but, with already a good Nino, I'm looking for something more defensive. Would Gronraven be a better choice?


Edited by fatboyjam
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1 hour ago, fatboyjam said:

What do you think of this build for Soren (+res/-def)

  • Weapon: Gronwolf
  • Special: Iceberg
  • A slot: Triangle Adept 2
  • B slot: Green Tomebreaker 3

most of the builds I've seen for him are Nino lights but, with already a good Nino, I'm looking for something more defensive. Would Gronraven be a better choice?

I'd make everything the same except take Gronnraven over Gronnwolf. 

Gronnwolf is largely unnecessary and niche since the only relevant cavalry threats are Reinhardt, Cecilia, Ursula, and Olwen (and Xander, but Soren's not taking on Xander with or without the wolf tome), all of whom Triangle Adept Soren handles fine (and G Tomebreaker for Cecilia). On the other hand, having WTA over colorless units gives Soren a lot more coverage and versatility and is definitely the superior choice overall. 

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Are we not getting quests for Light's Blessings anymore?  I've only got like 6 left, and had been expecting to replenish my supply at the beginning of the month.

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2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Anyone have any suggestions for clearing 11-2 with a lance on Lunatic? I keep losing someone, even with Olivia, Lissa or both.

I beat it with my usual team of Sharena / Reinhardt / Lilina / Soren.

Kill lance knight with green, baiting Mae with it, bait Boey with red, kill sword with whatever, kill bow with whatever.

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4 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

Anyone have any suggestions for clearing 11-2 with a lance on Lunatic? I keep losing someone, even with Olivia, Lissa or both.

I beat it with a team of Nino, Ryoma, Sharena and Olivia. Can't remember my exact strategy though, and it might be difficult to reproduce without desperation on Nino anyway (Nino was responsible for all kills, save from the sword fighter who got killed by Sharena).

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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

I beat it with a team of Nino, Ryoma, Sharena and Olivia. Can't remember my exact strategy though, and it might be difficult to reproduce without desperation on Nino anyway (Nino was responsible for all kills, save from the sword fighter who got killed by Sharena).

I do have Desperation... I was hoping to promote Odin first, but Shanna might do.

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