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Just now, Gustavos said:

Do AoE specials (growing flame, etc) ignore the boost from defensive tiles?

I don't think I've tested (maybe I did and just forgot), but I believe it does ignore fortification bonuses.

The AoE special skills work directly off of the characters' stats and ignore all in-battle boosts, and my gut feeling tells me that fortification bonuses are (1) in-battle boosts and (2) a reduction in damage and not a boost to Def/Res (since they aren't counted as boosts to Def/Res for specials like Bonfire or Moonbow).

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3 hours ago, Gustavos said:

Do AoE specials (growing flame, etc) ignore the boost from defensive tiles?

Tested Story 11-5 Normal.

Michalis with 56 Atk (34 + Hauteclere + Hone Fliers) using Blazing Thunder against Mae with 10 Def (and Blarowl with 1 adjacent ally) on a fortification deals 64+52×2 damage.

  • If Blarowl and the fortification are not applied: (56 - 10) × 1.5 = 46 × 1.5 = 69 damage.
  • If only Blarowl is applied: (56 - 12) × 1.5 = 44 × 1.5 = 66 damage.
  • If only the fortification is applied and the fortification is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 13) × 1.5 = 43 × 1.5 = 64 damage.
  • If only the fortification is applied and the fortification is a reduction to damage: (56 - 10) × 1.5 - 3 = 46 × 1.5 - 3 = 69 - 3 = 66 damage.
  • If both are applied and the fortification is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 15) × 1.5 = 41 × 1.5 = 61 damage.
  • If both are applied and the fortification is a reduction to damage: (56 - 12) × 1.5 - 3 = 44 × 1.5 - 3 = 66 - 3 = 63 damage.

Michalis with 56 Atk (34 + Hauteclere + Hone Fliers) using Blazing Thunder against Bruno with 14 Def on a fortification deals 57 (splash) damage.

  • If the fortification is not applied: (56 - 14) × 1.5 = 42 × 1.5 = 63 damage.
  • If the fortification is applied and is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 18) × 1.5 = 38 × 1.5 = 57 damage.
  • If the fortification is applied and is a reduction to damage: (56 - 14) × 1.5 - 4 = 42 × 1.5 - 4 = 63 - 4 = 59 damage.


I'm actually surprised at this result. Fortification buffs are weird, considering how they work with in-battle special skills.


EDIT: Oop. Didn't realize I was the last to respond.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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On 6/4/2017 at 3:11 AM, Rafiel's Aria said:


1.) Neutral's not bad. Like a lot of units, Cecilia likes +ATK and +SPD, but she's not unusable without it. I've been warned before about -SPD on her because she is INCREDIBLY slow. I have a lot of trouble using her without horse buffs simply because she really relies on destroying things in one shot.The biggest reason I prefer her over someone like Frederick is her high RES. A lot of the "great" cavs have non-existent RES. I try to balance my team with two units with nice RES and two units with nice DEF. Both mages have excellent RES. Xander has some insane DEF, and Camus's isn't anything to turn your nose up at either. Cain's more balanced in terms of both. I recently got a 5 star one, and he has served me well. ^^ Frederick has nice DEF and ATK, but he's so painfully slow and his RES is just abysmal, so I can normally just use my healer to take him out in battle. 

I don't see anything wrong with spreading out your horse buffs. ^^ It gives you some variety to work with. 

I'll just stick with what works for me and slowly build towards a Xander/Camus/Cecilia/Ursula team. If Reindhart comes around before I get a spare Odin though, he'll take Ursula's place and Cecilia will get the Blade tome.

6.) Of your 4 star healers, I would say that's a good Maria. She's a VERY fast healer which means she likely won't get doubled...ever. A +ATK boon is kind of useless without Wrathful Staff, but she could potentially be very useful as a "grey mage" if you were to ever get that skill. Unfortunately right now it's 5* exclusive on Genny. And Genny is kind of an awesome healer, so I wouldn't sacrifice my only Genny for Maria. I've also found that Lucius is a great healer, but I've got some major bias... Once again, he can function as a "grey mage" with Wrathful Staff. He's got decent speed. His attack is nice too even without an ATK boon. But +RES gives him some ridiculously high RES. Not as high as some other healers, but he likely won't take much damage from mages. (However, he has the absolute worst defense out of all of the healers. XD) Serra's not bad either, and if you like her enough as a character, bringing her to four stars isn't a bad idea. Her stats are pretty adequate across the board. +RES gives her a good chance to survive against mages, but I think for an optimal build, Serra really wants +SPD. 

I was leaning towards Sakura as the Seal Atk spell is more useful than Panic. The tempest trials are coming up and I want a backup healer in case I mess up and Wrys bites it as he'll be very important this time around. Lissa is actually ideal because rehabilitate > everything else but 3 stars hurts and I'm saving my feathers for other things (Nino/Camus/Possibly Marth/etc). I don't like Martyr at all so Lucius/Azama are completely out, a heal spell built around the healer taking damage is terrible imo.

More questions.

1. I have a +RES/-DEF Nino at 3 stars. Is it worth building her when I have a +1 +ATK/-RES Soren NOW or should I wait for the ideal boon/bane?

Let's compare my Soren's stats with Nino at *5

Soren:  37/36/34/17/25

Nino: 33/33/36/16/30

In the most important stats she loses to him by 3 points in ATK and since I gave him the speed seal she only has 1 SPD over him. She loses in def by 1 point which in combination with the 4 less HP makes her far more squishy. For res she beats him by 5 points but it's largely irrelevant. If she was +ATK/-DEF then she would more or less match her but still loses in survivability for virtually the same utility. The only way I see Nino beats a +1 +ATK/-RES Soren is with a +SPD boon. As it stands Fury 3 gives them the same layout while Nino gets 1 speed in exchange for 3 less ATK and loss of survivability. My question here is... without +SPD Nino is it really NOT just better to give Soren himself her Gronnblade+? because while Soren is usually just a weaker Nino, it seems to be the reverse in this case. While you're at it, you can tell me how a +ATK Nino is better than Soren if I were to come across that. I love Nino, I like her arguably more than Soren but I really feel like swapping him out for her would actually cost me.

2. Is Neutral Matt passable for any of these builds? because he's all I have and I really want to start building him. There's a build for every Boon for Matt here, but is there a point to any of these builds with no boon at all?

2xa: Kagero's Deciple:


Boons: +ATK/+SPD

Poison Dagger+ / Reciprocal Aid / Luna

Life and Death / Vantage / Threaten DEF

Overview: This essentially turns him into a Mini Kagero. He trades a 2 SPD advantage over Kagero for a 9 less ATK. This leads to him getting a couple more doubles but doing overall less damage. His DEF eclipses her's but her RES does the same to him, meaning he'll survive more physical blows due to his much higher HP but he'll falter more vs Mages. He won't double the fastest mages so Desperation is pointless on him, Vantage serves him better as he has Luna instead of Moonbow because he needs the extra kick in order to get his damage in the same league as Kagero. It's also a waste to put Wings of Mercy or Escape Route on him. Even if it's safer to get him in the HP range for the latter, he lacks the damage to make these skills worth it, Kagero has much higher damage and comparable speed so it's better on her.

Drawback: This build requires a *5 Kagero to feed to Matthew, which means she could potentially gain a point of SPD, ATK, DEF etc, shortening Matt's few advantages over her and ultimately making this build sub-optimal/pointless.


2xb: Attrition Spy


Boons: +DEF/+HP

Rogue Dagger+ / Pivot / Ignis

Fortress DEF / Renewal 3 / Threaten ATK

Overview: This Matthew is basically the pest that you want to kill but can't. He debuffs enemy units with Rogue Dagger+ while making himself hard to kill, moves himself to the front lines quickly with Pivot, heals himself with Renewal 3, debuffs nearby enemies (Mages!) ATK making him even harder to kill. And with Fortress DEF and Rogue Dagger+ bonuses he's sitting pretty at 40 DEF or 43 DEF with a DEF boon effectively making him Lukas. Ignis is also sitting there for surprise kills on weakened enemies. This Matthew wants someone with Rally or Hone attack honestly, he debuffs fantastically and Ignis is effectively an insta-kill against a debuffed enemy and an attack buffed Matt.

Drawback: It's a fantastic build. However, it's also one that Saizo and Felicia use better. Saizo has superior defenses while Felicia is a Mage tank which is arguably more usable as some of the most dangerous opponents are magic users and she can swap out Ignis with Glacies.

2xc: Debuff Specialist


Boons: +HP/+DEF/+RES/+SPD

Rogue Dagger+ / Reposition / Bonfire

Darting Blow 3 / Seal ATK / Threaten SPD

Overview: This Matthew is a devoted to crippling your opponent in every way possible and debuffing enemy units so other characters can finish them. Rogue Dagger naturally decreases DEF and RES, Seal ATK cripples the offense and Threaten SPD makes for easy doubling and killing for fast teammates. With this build he and Gaius are the only characters capable of decreasing all 4 of a character's stats. The reason why Seal ATK and Threaten SPD aren't switched around is that few characters are doubling Matthew to begin with and the characters that are won't be capable due to Darting Blow initiation. On top of that, his attack is abysmal and he's pretty much guaranteed to be attacked by the unit he debuffed the second turn unless he's rescued by an assist skill. He gets an additional +5 DEF/RES from the dagger and is decreasing enemy attack, effectively negating 12 damage from both Physical and Magical enemies.

Only mages such as Nino, Tharja and Linde (with buffs) would be able to kill him on the following turn. Long story short he'll survive the following round most likely, that's when threaten SPD kicks in and the unit is essentially dead the next turn. Bonfire is there instead of Ignis because it activates faster, Ignis has a longer cooldown and killing outright likely won't happen without something like Fortress DEF, that's not his job. He weakens and chips away, and Bonfire helps soften up prey as Moonbow likely will just tickle enemies.

Drawback: Buffing your units is less popular than killing them outright, so in a situation where you'd use Matthew, you may prefer Kagero or Takumi. Matthew with this build however, covers all unit types and is not semi-useless if few/no infantry is deployed. On top of that, Felicia and Gaius are both faster than Matthew and likely could swap out Darting Blow and make better use of this build. 


2xd: Scourge:


Boons: +SPD

Rogue Dagger / Pivot / Bonfire

Distant Def 3 / Poison Strike 3 / Savage Blow 3

Overview: This layout revolves around chipping away at your enemy army while being difficult to kill by opponents in your kill range. If you're attacked by ranged units you take a shockingly low amount of damage and even less if the dagger buffs are active, then you do 10 damage to them and just a few points less to everyone in the immediate area. If you manage to build up your special skill, Bonfire will probably kill whoever is around. Great for if your opponent is clustered up.

Drawback: Jaffar may not have Rogue dagger defense buffs, but his dagger is superior and he can do 17 points of damage to his opponent instead of 10 while doubling as a standard attacker with overall superior combat capability. In short, this build is better on him, but you lose the ability to wall.

2xe: Sniper:


Boons: +SPD

Silver Dagger+ / Swap / Moonbow

Darting Blow 3 / Watersweep 3 / Savage Blow 3

Overview: This build is a weaker albeit somewhat safer version of the debuffing thief. This Matt is less about decreasing attack capabilities and Matt's survivability and more about debuffing defenses for outright followup kills. DB3 on a +SPD Matt enables Watersweep to activate against nearly every enemy unit in the game at a comfortable 43 SPD. Savage Blow just acts as a damage bonus. Silver Dagger swaps out Rogue Dagger for more overall Damage and debuffing output.

Drawback: This build is literally better on Felicia herself as she is 3 points faster at +SPD and she already has Silver Dagger+, the build's effectiveness decreases with Rogue Dagger+ and he's better off with a full Debuff Build if going in that direction.

Edited by Zeo
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I was leaning towards Sakura as the Seal Atk spell is more useful than Panic. The tempest trials are coming up and I want a backup healer in case I mess up and Wrys bites it as he'll be very important this time around. Lissa is actually ideal because rehabilitate > everything else but 3 stars hurts and I'm saving my feathers for other things (Nino/Camus/Possibly Marth/etc). I don't like Martyr at all so Lucius/Azama are completely out, a heal spell built around the healer taking damage is terrible imo.

@Zeo - Just so you know, you can inherit other staves onto other healers. If you want someone bulky, Azama is a HUGE pain to kill because he's got some ridiculous HP and DEF for a healer. Sakura is pretty average in all of her stats, but I believe she and Lucius have the same speed. Lissa's a bit bulkier, and you're right, Rehabilitate is nice, and so is Renewal. Definitely my favorite combo. (I actually put Rehabilitate on my Luicus.) As far as healers go, I tend to value skills, mobility, speed, and attack. (The latter two because I go for grey mage builds.) Mounted healers are godspends. The ability to not be doubled is kind of priceless.

If you want more balance, go with Sakura. She's bulkier than Lucius even if their SPD is the same. The physic staff is usually hit or miss for me. Sometimes it's nice to be able to heal from a space away. Sometimes it really screws you over if you get boxed in. Lissa's kit is probably my favorite however even if her stats aren't that stellar. The little extra DEF is kind of nice though even if she's slow...

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Tested Story 11-5 Normal.

Michalis with 56 Atk (34 + Hauteclere + Hone Fliers) using Blazing Thunder against Mae with 10 Def (and Blarowl with 1 adjacent ally) on a fortification deals 64+52×2 damage.

  • If Blarowl and the fortification are not applied: (56 - 10) × 1.5 = 46 × 1.5 = 69 damage.
  • If only Blarowl is applied: (56 - 12) × 1.5 = 44 × 1.5 = 66 damage.
  • If only the fortification is applied and the fortification is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 13) × 1.5 = 43 × 1.5 = 64 damage.
  • If only the fortification is applied and the fortification is a reduction to damage: (56 - 10) × 1.5 - 3 = 46 × 1.5 - 3 = 69 - 3 = 66 damage.
  • If both are applied and the fortification is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 15) × 1.5 = 41 × 1.5 = 61 damage.
  • If both are applied and the fortification is a reduction to damage: (56 - 12) × 1.5 - 3 = 44 × 1.5 - 3 = 66 - 3 = 63 damage.

Michalis with 56 Atk (34 + Hauteclere + Hone Fliers) using Blazing Thunder against Bruno with 14 Def on a fortification deals 57 (splash) damage.

  • If the fortification is not applied: (56 - 14) × 1.5 = 42 × 1.5 = 63 damage.
  • If the fortification is applied and is a direct buff to Def: (56 - 18) × 1.5 = 38 × 1.5 = 57 damage.
  • If the fortification is applied and is a reduction to damage: (56 - 14) × 1.5 - 4 = 42 × 1.5 - 4 = 63 - 4 = 59 damage.


I'm actually surprised at this result. Fortification buffs are weird, considering how they work with in-battle special skills.


EDIT: Oop. Didn't realize I was the last to respond.

This is minor evidence, I think, for Luna and Moonbow being skills that simply add damage based on the opponent's Def/Res rather than working as described and lowering Def/Res by a certain amount.


Edit: That said, it's a bit odd that they'd work based on unmodified def/res rather than post-fort-tile def/res. *Shrugg*

Double Edit: Maybe they just added a line to remove fort-based def/res for special proc calculations? This makes sense of AoE damage, the New Moon line, the Ember line, and the Chilling Wind line.

Triple Edit: Although it's weird as hell that the exception only exists for in-combat specials. Forts are weird.

Edited by DehNutCase
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15 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Zeo - Just so you know, you can inherit other staves onto other healers. If you want someone bulky, Azama is a HUGE pain to kill because he's got some ridiculous HP and DEF for a healer. Sakura is pretty average in all of her stats, but I believe she and Lucius have the same speed. Lissa's a bit bulkier, and you're right, Rehabilitate is nice, and so is Renewal. Definitely my favorite combo. (I actually put Rehabilitate on my Luicus.) As far as healers go, I tend to value skills, mobility, speed, and attack. (The latter two because I go for grey mage builds.) Mounted healers are godspends. The ability to not be doubled is kind of priceless.

If you want more balance, go with Sakura. She's bulkier than Lucius even if their SPD is the same. The physic staff is usually hit or miss for me. Sometimes it's nice to be able to heal from a space away. Sometimes it really screws you over if you get boxed in. Lissa's kit is probably my favorite however even if her stats aren't that stellar. The little extra DEF is kind of nice though even if she's slow...

Azama is actually pretty great in this case, I hate him but he's really tanky, in actuality though he just paralells Wrys. He trades massive res for massive def. Both their attack is terrible but Azama wins the speed game and with something like fortress Def he's like a tank that heals... it's annoyingly tempting because he doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm just going to take a shot at raising both Sakura and Maria and see who performs better for me. They say the Tempest Trials is a limited event but if it turns out to be a monthly or even bi-monthly thing then the healers will be really important. 

As for training healers, I thought someone said you would be able to go on a stratum and just park a unit with no weapon there with Fury and heal with your healer forever. I tried this twice and after 3 or so levels the healing stopped giving XP or SP. What's the deal with that? Is this something new after the latest update or am I supposed to be on a higher level stratum? The levels were 1 and 2.

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43 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I tried this twice and after 3 or so levels the healing stopped giving XP or SP.

Healing only gives XP or SP first six (five?) times in a given battle. Attacking only gives XP first six (five?) times against a given target.

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

As for training healers, I thought someone said you would be able to go on a stratum and just park a unit with no weapon there with Fury and heal with your healer forever. I tried this twice and after 3 or so levels the healing stopped giving XP or SP. What's the deal with that? Is this something new after the latest update or am I supposed to be on a higher level stratum? The levels were 1 and 2.

What Vax said. Healers are pretty easy to train. I recommend just bringing along another unit you want to train and to focus on him/her. The healer will pick up EXP simply because healing is necessary. My level grinding set-up is always: unit to be trained, healer, dancer, and either second dancer or tank. 

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Should I give Soren(+atk/-res) Gronnblade+ or Gronnraven+ first? He will be getting both eventually, but those 20,000 feathers take forever to build up. 

Or should I just forgo a new weapon for now and get him life and death 3? He has fury on him now. 

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7 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Should I give Soren(+atk/-res) Gronnblade+ or Gronnraven+ first? He will be getting both eventually, but those 20,000 feathers take forever to build up. 

Or should I just forgo a new weapon for now and get him life and death 3? He has fury on him now. 

Gronnraven, since Nino uses -Blade better already. Fury and LaD do work better with -Blade however and you'll want Triangle Adept in addition if you give him -Raven.

If you're really set on not using Nino, then -Blade works better since he has Fury already. However, I personally prefer Raven Adept for Soren.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Gronnraven, since Nino uses -Blade better already. Fury and LaD do work better with -Blade however and you'll want Triangle Adept in addition if you give him -Raven.

If you're really set on not using Nino, then -Blade works better since he has Fury already. However, I personally prefer Raven Adept for Soren.

Okay -raven was what I was kind of leaning towards so it looks like Cecilia it is for next promote! Aaaand oh boy my eternal hunt for at least two Roy's continues... at this point I'm kind of tempted to just use my 5* Cordelia for t-adept. :/

I actually use both Soren and Nino on different teams. So she will probably always be my main -blade mage. I just want to give Soren as many different build options as I can for the fun of it. I love me my green mages! 

Thanks for the help!

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Im unsure of something. I have a Takumi on my team that i had since nearly the beginning of the game when it started, but recently i pulled bridal cordelia. and now im just wondering... Should i replace my man Takumi with Cordelia?

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1 minute ago, Thany said:

Im unsure of something. I have a Takumi on my team that i had since nearly the beginning of the game when it started, but recently i pulled bridal cordelia. and now im just wondering... Should i replace my man Takumi with Cordelia?

What are their natures?

Cause that could affect the decision, even though Cordelia is the best ranged unit in the game (according to my fellow strategists). With her best set she gets quite a few more wins than Pineapple head if he's using the same set from what I remember

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16 minutes ago, Thany said:

Im unsure of something. I have a Takumi on my team that i had since nearly the beginning of the game when it started, but recently i pulled bridal cordelia. and now im just wondering... Should i replace my man Takumi with Cordelia?

Overall I'd say Cordelia is better since she gets a lot more wins on offense than Takumi. She shreds most of the game's cast with Life and Death 3 and a +atk nature. Even without +atk or +spd she still has a much better offensive game than Takumi does. She's really an offensive monster, but her downside is she's made of paper and has virtually no enemy phase. You can get around that with help from her teammates/positioning skills/a dancer to keep her out of harm's way after an attack, though.

Takumi's not nearly as scary as he used to be early on, but he's still decent. Unlike Cordelia he can actually bait some stuff, but his res sucks so that doesn't include most mages, which happen to be the most common ranged units by far.

If you have the teammates to help keep her covered, and she's not -atk or -spd, I'd go with Cordelia.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

Overall I'd say Cordelia is better since she gets a lot more wins on offense than Takumi. She shreds most of the game's cast with Life and Death 3 and a +atk nature. Even without +atk or +spd she still has a much better offensive game than Takumi does. She's really an offensive monster, but her downside is she's made of paper and has virtually no enemy phase. You can get around that with help from her teammates/positioning skills/a dancer to keep her out of harm's way after an attack, though.

Takumi's not nearly as scary as he used to be early on, but he's still decent. Unlike Cordelia he can actually bait some stuff, but his res sucks so that doesn't include most mages, which happen to be the most common ranged units by far.

If you have the teammates to help keep her covered, and she's not -atk or -spd, I'd go with Cordelia.

Fury 3 B.Cordelia still has better offenses than L&D Takumi, while being significantly bulkier vs. mages and only marginally (2 hp) worse vs. physical. The thing about units with crazy min-maxed offenses is that they can use Fury 3 over L&D for both cheaper feather costs (2k for 4* Hinata vs. a 5*) and an 8 point defense swing (+3 Fury vs. -5 L&D).


Off-topic: I kind of wish there was an option to limit the amount of team-slots so it's easier to cycle through them. 8 teams is nicer for people who keep a lot of teams 'fixed,' but worse for people like me who only need 1 defense slot, 1 arena slot, and just build a fresh team whenever they need something specific done, since it takes longer to cycle through teams.

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3 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Off-topic: I kind of wish there was an option to limit the amount of team-slots so it's easier to cycle through them. 8 teams is nicer for people who keep a lot of teams 'fixed,' but worse for people like me who only need 1 defense slot, 1 arena slot, and just build a fresh team whenever they need something specific done, since it takes longer to cycle through teams.

Unless you find yourself forgetting where you set your teams, you're only worse off if you had exactly 4 teams and need to move from team 1 to team 4 (now 3 taps instead of 2, also unlikely that you'd ever use team 1 at all if you made it a dedicated defense team) or if you had (and consistently used) exactly 5 teams.


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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Unless you find yourself forgetting where you set your teams, you're only worse off if you had exactly 4 teams and need to move from team 1 to team 4 (now 3 taps instead of 2, also unlikely that you'd ever use team 1 at all if you made it a dedicated defense team) or if you had (and consistently used) exactly 5 teams.

I make teams on the spot a lot, so they basically go in whatever team slot happened to be open at the time. Ex. I have my defense team in slot 1, arena team in slot 2, and, say, a team of low level 3* and below I was auto-battle grinding in slot 3, so a team built, say, to clear a GHB goes into 4, and a team I'm using to train up, say, a new B. Cordelia I pulled goes into 5. I don't really have a logical order for my teams other than 'this slot happened to be free,' so aside from my arena and defense teams, I don't actually remember their positions.


It's made worse by the fact that a lot of the teams are temporary---the GHB team gets cycled out once I beat the GHB, a 'training' team stops mattering once the units reach 20 or 40, depending on who's being trained, etc.

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27 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

What's the Lunatic 9-2 Zephiel look like in terms of level? Because now both Zephiel and Sharena have to kill a level 40 Zephiel- and I believe the latter gets you the Zephiel reward.

It's level 40, I basically did the GHB twice and the lunatic map twice. Takes 40 extra stamina, but also far easier.

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2 minutes ago, StahlTheStall said:

How do you know if a hero is +hp, +res, -def, -spd or anything like that? I'm new to FE Heroes and in every forum, people say things like: "My Takumi is +res -def" and that is confusing... Can someone explain pls?

Compare your level 1 or 40 character with the calculator on the wiki, with the tables on the wiki’s individual articles on the characters, or elsewhere.

If a unit is less than 5⋆ but higher than level 19, you can also preview their level 1 stats by selecting them in the “Unlock Potential” window.

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