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1 hour ago, Othin said:

How exactly does Blazing Durandal's special cooldown effect work? I've been training up my Roy and had him attack an armor: he had higher Atk, so his Night Sky cooldown dropped from 4 to 2 on his attack, but when the armor countered, it only dropped from 2 to 1 rather than reducing it to 0. Does the Heavy Blade effect only apply when the user is attacking, rather than the enemy? (If so, what does this mean about Ike's Steady Breath passive?)

1 hour ago, Koumal8 said:

Dunno about Ike's passive, but if Blazing Durandal's effect is exactly the same as HB3, then yeah, the units gains +1 CD charge for each attack they perform

EDIT: just checked, it's as I say, though I don't have the SP to have my Brave Ike learn Steady Breath, sorry :P

21 minutes ago, Othin said:

Interesting. Would have been a shame if Steady Breath failed to increase charge on enemy hits when those are the ones it's most suited for, so it's good to confirm that that isn't the case. Do you know if it also increases charge on his own hits?

Blazing Durandal has the exact same effect as Heavy Blade 3. If your Atk is higher than your opponent's Atk, any attack you perform will charge your special cooldown by 1 more point than normal (doesn't matter who initiates combat).

Steady Breath has the effect that if your opponent initiates combat, all actions during that round of combat will charge your special cooldown by 1 more point than normal.

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2 minutes ago, Lunastria said:

Could someone explain to me what horse and flier emblem teams are? Could you also tell me which units are generally good on those teams. Thanks in advance

Horse Emblem is a team of 4 cavalry units. Flier Emblem is a team of 4 flying units. Essentially, you use the fact that they have superior buffing options, namely Hone Cavalry, Fortify Cavalry, Hone Fliers, Goad Fliers, and Fortify Fliers, to gain stat advantages over their opponents as well as power up the extremely powerful Litrblade weapons.

Just about any member with the movement type is workable on such a team, though the ones to look out for are units with Distant Counter on their weapon (Xander, Camus), units with very high base Atk that can use Brave weapons (Cherche, Cordelia, Hinoka, Est, Peri, Abel, Camus, Cain, Frederick, CYL Lyn), units with access to magic that can use Litrblade (Leo, Olwen, Ursula, Cecilia, Summer Corrin, Spring Camilla), and units with both good stat distributions and exceptional personal weapons (Reinhardt, Olwen, Minerva, CYL Lyn, CYL Roy).

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Steady Breath has the effect that if your opponent initiates combat, all actions during that round of combat will charge your special cooldown by 1 more point than normal.

Geez, that's even better than HB3!

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9 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Seriously can anyone tell me if you can use a debit card at all?

If you mean a Debit Card for purchasing orbs, then yes you can. It's how I make my purchases in the game.


5 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

Just pulled a 5* +Speed/-Res Mae and I'm thinking of building her as a ~blade tome mage since she's the only decently fast blue mage I have. I already gave her Blarblade and Moonbow from Odin but I'm not sure what other skills she should get. I do have a Hinata for Fury but he's my only one right now so I might hold off on giving her that until I pull another one.  

A Tomeblade user usually wants to have as high attack and speed as possible, so Life and Death 3 is usually what people would want to put on it.

Desperation 3 is usually the prefered B slot since it means that if the first attack doesn't kill, the follow-up usually will.

Desperation pairs well with Fury 3, which while not as big a boost as LnD3 does maintain some level of bulkiness while also making it easy to get into Desperation range, and Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice, both of which will let you instantly get into Desperation range. If you don't want to run RA/AD, then you can usually rely on positioning skills, especially if it's Mae's default Drag Back.

As for C slot, it's usually whatever you need most.  Mae's Resistance is usually good enough to make use of most Ploy skills against a number of units since their Resistance will usually be lower than hers, though your having -Res makes it a little shakier to use since it forces her down to 26 Res.

I usually prefer Fury3, Desperation3, Hone skill, and Draw Back for what I believe are your undecided skills. If you ever want to use a different special, Glimmer or Draconic Aura will usually add a crap ton of damage on Blade users. My Bridal Caeda, built to be a Blade user, still uses Chilling Wind due to insufficient SP for Moonbow, but she makes good use of it and usually murders on triggering it.

Hope this gives you an idea into Blade users.

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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

If you mean a Debit Card for purchasing orbs, then yes you can. It's how I make my purchases in the game.

Thank you for answering. If you don't mind can you tell how switch my payment?

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3 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Thank you for answering. If you don't mind can you tell how switch my payment?

I wouldn't know immediately unfortunately. My debit is just what I entered into my account first, and it's always been what it defaulted to me using for all payments.

It might be possible to enter a different payment method, but if it is then I don't know and I largely don't care (my debit is my only way to pay for orbs). So... yeah, sorry.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I wouldn't know immediately unfortunately. My debit is just what I entered into my account first, and it's always been what it defaulted to me using for all payments.

It might be possible to enter a different payment method, but if it is then I don't know and I largely don't care (my debit is my only way to pay for orbs). So... yeah, sorry.

No problem, thank you for the answer.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

A Tomeblade user usually wants to have as high attack and speed as possible, so Life and Death 3 is usually what people would want to put on it.

Desperation 3 is usually the prefered B slot since it means that if the first attack doesn't kill, the follow-up usually will.

Desperation pairs well with Fury 3, which while not as big a boost as LnD3 does maintain some level of bulkiness while also making it easy to get into Desperation range, and Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice, both of which will let you instantly get into Desperation range. If you don't want to run RA/AD, then you can usually rely on positioning skills, especially if it's Mae's default Drag Back.

As for C slot, it's usually whatever you need most.  Mae's Resistance is usually good enough to make use of most Ploy skills against a number of units since their Resistance will usually be lower than hers, though your having -Res makes it a little shakier to use since it forces her down to 26 Res.

I usually prefer Fury3, Desperation3, Hone skill, and Draw Back for what I believe are your undecided skills. If you ever want to use a different special, Glimmer or Draconic Aura will usually add a crap ton of damage on Blade users. My Bridal Caeda, built to be a Blade user, still uses Chilling Wind due to insufficient SP for Moonbow, but she makes good use of it and usually murders on triggering it.

Hope this gives you an idea into Blade users.

Thank you for the detailed response. I most likely will be building her according to what you have suggested. Although I am going to hold off on using my only Hinata for now. In the mean time, I'll give her Darting Blow 3 to further boost her speed. I need to clear out my box anyway. 

Given that I also recently pulled a 5* Soren with the same boon/bane, I'll start his ~blade tome build once I pull a Nino. Good thing I kept a Beruka so I can give him Glimner whenever I come around to building him. 

I was looking through my box and I realized that I have a +Speed/-Res Draug in addition to the +Speed/HP- Draug that is already trained up. I've been thinking of giving him L & D 3 and Desperation 3 to go with his Brave Sword+. After a Hone Armor boost, his match ups are as 147 wins · 1 losses · 20 draws. Compared to a HP bane, he loses one more unfavorable match up when he is in Desperation range with a Res bane so I'm guessing the Res bane is better?  

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16 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I was looking through my box and I realized that I have a +Speed/-Res Draug in addition to the +Speed/HP- Draug that is already trained up. I've been thinking of giving him L & D 3 and Desparation 3 to go with his Brave Sword+. After a Hone Armor boost, his match ups are as 147 wins · 1 losses · 20 draws. Compared to a HP bane, he loses one more unfavorable match up with a a Res bane so I'm guessing the Res bane is better?  

In most cases yeah -Res is better on a physical unit than -HP. The only time you will be putting yourself at risk of magic attacks with a -Res unit is dragon units and Close Counter mages... and I guess staff users with CC to, but lol CC Healer. If your going up against a Dragon, then they're either Nowi or Ninian, who probably have Triangle Adept 3 and you were dead to begin with, or they're not going to last long against Draug.

The only worry I have about giving Draug a Speedy Brave set is that he is an Armor unit, so he won't be walking to many battles on his own unless you have Amelia's Armor March. Of course that is what positioning skills are for.

In the end though, I think anyone would pick -Res over -HP on Draug. His Resistance is on par with Frederick's Resistance, or Delthea's Defense. He's dead against most magic anyways.

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Just realized that a 5* Lucius comes with Martyr---his third rank of assists---and Miracle---his second rank of specials. Saves a hefty amount of SP---Martyr makes sense since healers' assists are basically their 'weapons', but free Miracle is interesting, even if ultimately pointless.

(It says a lot about healers that I didn't have a 5* version until I pulled one for free, haha. And even then I probably would've just turned him into 1k feathers if he wasn't +Atk.)

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So in my still fruitless attempts to get Brave Lucina I managed to snag two Roy, but both have subpar natures. First is +Res/-Spd while the other is +Spd/-Atk. Now, I'm wondering which one to keep.

In a similar vein, I also had my pity rate ruined by a Boey and I was wondering what nature is better between +Atk/-Def and +Res/-HP.

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9 hours ago, Tragonight said:

Draw Back or Reposition on Brave Lyn? I'll use her both on a Horse Emblem team and outside of one, although mainly in a horse team.

I personally prefer Reposition since it can be used defensively and offensively. Also, with a Dancer/Singer, Reposition allows both the unit and the Dancer/Singer to move out of enemy range most of the time.

5 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

So in my still fruitless attempts to get Brave Lucina I managed to snag two Roy, but both have subpar natures. First is +Res/-Spd while the other is +Spd/-Atk. Now, I'm wondering which one to keep.

In a similar vein, I also had my pity rate ruined by a Boey and I was wondering what nature is better between +Atk/-Def and +Res/-HP.

-Atk is always salvageable, while -Spd is usually is not.

For Boey, neither nature is ideal in my opinion, but I am leaning towards [+Atk, -Def] if you are giving him a Gronnraven. With Triangle Adept, he will still take negligible amount of damage from colorless units.

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

What's a better Jeorge to use? -HP/+Spd or -HP/+Atk?

Is it better to make hime a Brave Bower (+Atk) or use Parthia (+Spd maybe)?

I prefer Brave Bow build; it does more damage. If you are using him for Arena Assault, just give him a normal Brave Bow and maybe Fury or Death Blow to ensure that his target dies; he does not need a lot of investment so I would not bother with other skills. Fliers will usually die to both builds, but Brave Bows can also take out most squishy mages in one volley, whereas units using a single shot bow will have to eat a counter attack before finishing the enemy off with a follow up attack. Speedy mages can also avoid double attacks, so single shot bows might not be able to finish them off in one round.

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So I actually have a +ATK M!Robin, a -ATK one and a -SPD one. Both the bad nature robins are *4 and that means I actually have 2 Bonfires I can give. Bonfire is actually a very highly in demand skill over in my corner of FEH along with Fury. So yet again I'm asking, who are the 2 units I should give Bonfire, let me go ahead and list like always.

Xander - He's been running Glowing Ember + Quickened Pulse for the longest, and yes he deserves it. But he's maxed at 3000 HM and I've been trying to avoid using him outside of cavalry emblem in order to get HM on other units.

Camus - He's got Fury 3/Vantage and his Cav buff. He's still got Growing Thunder though, so Bonfire is the missing piece, but would Luna be just as good on him? What's the damage difference?

S!Robin (+DEF/-RES) - She's (going to be) running a Fury/Renewal build. 33 Def means Bonfire is a go, but again is Luna just as good an option?

Matthew (+DEF/-RES) - I'm looking for a +ATK or +SPD Matt so he's inactive, but he'll be running Bonfire either way. He's also *4

Hector (+HP/-RES) - He wants Bonfire, period. Plus it makes Arena defense easier with Vantage and that's a big issue for me right now.

Effie (+HP/-SPD) - She lacks a skill atm, I don't know what's best for her though.

Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) - She's fully vanilla still. She's got 30 Defense flat.

While we're here, what's better for units around the 29-34 DEF mark? Bonfire or Luna? 

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5 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

What special is Clarisse looking for? I'm not seeing the usual ones being much help to her.

If you want her to be an actual damage dealer, then she will need a Brave Bow build and her Special should be Luna.

If you are keeping her as a debuffer, I do not think her Special matters, so you can try to pad her Arena score with Aether if you really want to use that build there. You can also give her Luna as well if she managed to get into that many combat situations so she can deal some damage once in a while.

4 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I actually have a +ATK M!Robin, a -ATK one and a -SPD one. Both the bad nature robins are *4 and that means I actually have 2 Bonfires I can give. Bonfire is actually a very highly in demand skill over in my corner of FEH along with Fury. So yet again I'm asking, who are the 2 units I should give Bonfire, let me go ahead and list like always.

Xander - He's been running Glowing Ember + Quickened Pulse for the longest, and yes he deserves it. But he's maxed at 3000 HM and I've been trying to avoid using him outside of cavalry emblem in order to get HM on other units.

Camus - He's got Fury 3/Vantage and his Cav buff. He's still got Growing Thunder though, so Bonfire is the missing piece, but would Luna be just as good on him? What's the damage difference?

S!Robin (+DEF/-RES) - She's (going to be) running a Fury/Renewal build. 33 Def means Bonfire is a go, but again is Luna just as good an option?

Matthew (+DEF/-RES) - I'm looking for a +ATK or +SPD Matt so he's inactive, but he'll be running Bonfire either way. He's also *4

Hector (+HP/-RES) - He wants Bonfire, period. Plus it makes Arena defense easier with Vantage and that's a big issue for me right now.

Effie (+HP/-SPD) - She lacks a skill atm, I don't know what's best for her though.

Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) - She's fully vanilla still. She's got 30 Defense flat.

While we're here, what's better for units around the 29-34 DEF mark? Bonfire or Luna? 

If Xander is not in your main Arena offense or defense team, then I would not prioritize him.

Assuming Camus is at full HP, [Gradivus, Bonfire, Fury, Vantage, cooldown 0] gives enemy phase performance at 120:5:43. Luna gives him 107:5:56. I personally prefer [Gradivus, Moonbow, Fury, Quick Riposte] since that gives 129:5:34. Again, if he is not on your Arena team, I would not prioritize him.

I am assuming you are using YS!Robin as a Player Phase unit. She gets 136:3:29 with Bonfire with your skill set and cooldown set to 0. Luna gives her 127:3:38, again setting the cooldown to 0.

Yeah, I would not invest in Matther right now since you have other units who need it at the same time.

I would give Hector priority. Not having to worry about defense win Hero Feathers anymore makes your life so much easier.

Assuming it is Effie [Brave Lance, Bonfire, Death Blow, Wary Fighter, cooldown 0], her performance is 149:5:14. Luna gives 148:5:15

I would give Y!Tiki Moonbow so she can activate it more often if she is using Lightning Breath and Quick Riposte.

Bonfire generally is better, but Luna is not too far behind unless Defense is in the mid 30s or higher, then Bonfire is noticeably much better.

1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

On characters like Cordelia and Peri, which  boon is preferred on a firesweep lance build, speed or attack ?

Go with +Spd. They need as much as they can get to double.

22 minutes ago, Thienphu said:


what is the best build for brave Lyn? (neutral IVs)

should i go with firesweep+, brave bow+ or should i stick with her own bow?

(im using her in a horse emblem with xander and camus)

Do not use Firesweep Bow. That is a total waste of BH!Lyn. She got Sacae's Blessing already.

I would stick with her Mulagir unless you really need her to have a Brave Bow build.


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Just got a +att -hp Brave Lyn in a YOLO pull after getting shit from my 300+ orbs. Very lucky, finally!

Still, this questions my current arena team composition as my Lyn might earn a spot in it. Currently I run fury Nowi, TA Fae and fury Xander plus the starter bonus unit. Would my team be better off if I replace Xander with her? 

Also, do you think I should merge my neutral Lyn into the new one or is it not worth it?


Cheers people :)

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I would replace Nowi since since red is the least threatening color in the Arena right now. Xander and BH!Lyn can also give each other cavalry buffs. However, if you need the score, then give up Xander.

I would save the neutral one. She might be considered a free unit in future strategy videos concerning Grand Hero Battles, so would just bench the neutral one until you need her.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would replace Nowi since since red is the least threatening color in the Arena right now. Xander and BH!Lyn can also give each other cavalry buffs. However, if you need the score, then give up Xander.

I would save the neutral one. She might be considered a free unit in future strategy videos concerning Grand Hero Battles, so would just bench the neutral one until you need her.

Thanks, I do indeed need the score unfortunately (and already have Nowi/Fae +1 for even more scoring) so I'll just sacrifice Xander. You made a very good point about the reds, do you think a fury/qr Nowi is still fine nowadays or is there a better option? 

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8 minutes ago, Nowi said:

Thanks, I do indeed need the score unfortunately (and already have Nowi/Fae +1 for even more scoring) so I'll just sacrifice Xander. You made a very good point about the reds, do you think a fury/qr Nowi is still fine nowadays or is there a better option? 

You should keep Fury if you need more coverage, but Triangle Adept can completely wall and counter kill red units, so that is one more color you will have nothing to worry about.

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