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1 hour ago, Thienphu said:


I have a +spd/-def Lucina, should i give her a quad build?

Depends on her set.

If you want her to focus on getting the most kills with Swordbreaker, then definitely no. Lucina is one of the few units who performs worse with a Brave Sword. Her default Falchion is fine, but if you get a better nature and really want to pimp her out, you can swap her Falchion for Slaying Edge or maybe Wo Dao.

If you plan to give her Desperation in exchange for a small decrease in performance in her first round of combat, then go with Brave Sword.

Lucina +Spd -Def
Falchion, Moonbow
Life and Death, Swordbreaker
Player Phase 140:12:20
Player Phase [Luna, Brave Sword] 140:17:15
Player Phase [Luna, Brave Sword, Desperation] 136:18:18
Player Phase [Luna, Brave Sword, Desperation, 30 HP] 135:32:5

Lucina +Atk -Res
Falchion, Moonbow
Life and Death, Swordbreaker
Player Phase 142:6:24
Player Phase [+Spd, Moonbow, Wo Dao] 144:6:22
Player Phase [Luna, Slaying Edge] 144:6:22
Player Phase [Luna, Brave Sword] 137:13:22
Player Phase [+Spd, Luna, Brave Sword] 140:14:18
Player Phase [+Spd, Luna, Brave Sword, Desperation] 136:15:21
Player Phase [+Spd, Luna, Brave Sword, Desperation, 30 HP] 135:28:9

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14 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

What's the best template for Bladetome teams? So far I've run Eirika/Nino/Tharja/S!Lucina (with Blarblade), but apparently most teams run dancers?

Thanks in advance!

Strictly speaking, four cavalry units.

For infantry, you generally want

  • Eirika or Ephraim
  • Dancer
  • Litrblade user
  • someone to cover the things your other units can't kill
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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Strictly speaking, four cavalry units.

For infantry, you generally want

  • Eirika or Ephraim
  • Dancer
  • Litrblade user
  • someone to cover the things your other units can't kill


Before I got Brave Lyn and Reinhardt I was using Cecilia with Gronnblade on my Horse Emblem team. It's weird to think a Bladetome team would only have one -blade user...

Anyway, I want to get one of the Green Units from the new Banner, so my team would be:

Eirika; Inigo/ Azura; S!Lucina; another red/ green unit (depending on how powerful the dancer is)?

P.S. While this should probably go in the Performing Arts thread, do -blades or -ravens seem better right now for our new mage dancers (and, more specifically, for -blade teams)?

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1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

It's weird to think a Bladetome team would only have one -blade user...

A second Litrblade user is entirely possible for the last slot. It really just depends on who you have in your roster and how you play.


3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

P.S. While this should probably go in the Performing Arts thread, do -blades or -ravens seem better right now for our new mage dancers (and, more specifically, for -blade teams)?

It depends on their stat distributions. Litrraven is pretty useless on a unit with low Def.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

A second Litrblade user is entirely possible for the last slot. It really just depends on who you have in your roster and how you play.

Huh. I've never really thought about that before...I'm quite aggressive (to the point of making silly mistakes and costing lives), but I usually start each map trying to bait an enemy unit into killing itself on one of mine. Though now that I mention it, I usually don't like using my -blade mages for the latter...

Just now, Ice Dragon said:

It depends on their stat distributions. Litrraven is pretty useless on a unit with low Def.

Because of units that can counter them like B!Lyn and anyone with Distant Counter weapons?

Thanks again, @Ice Dragon!

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I'm building a Clarisse, but I'm not too sure what kind of A and B skills to give her. I don't have any bow fodder for the time being so she'll just be using her own bow, and the skills I have on her right now are Luna and Reposition. I'm thinking Darting Blow and maybe a breaker skill or WoM?

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25 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Because of units that can counter them like B!Lyn and anyone with Distant Counter weapons?

Litrraven is typically used as a counter to bows. The biggest problem is that Lyn and Cordelia have high enough Atk stats to simply do enough damage to invalidate that counter.

+0 Brave Lyn [+Atk] (Mulagir, Swift Sparrow 2) +0/0/0/0, for example, has 60 Atk when initiating combat. Even with Litrraven and Triangle Adept, that's 36 effective Atk. Against someone like +0 Sanaki [=Def] (Raudhrraven+, Triangle Adept 3), who has only 17 Def, that's still dealing 19 damage per hit, which is a two-hit kill.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Litrraven is typically used as a counter to bows. The biggest problem is that Lyn and Cordelia have high enough Atk stats to simply do enough damage to invalidate that counter.

+0 Brave Lyn [+Atk] (Mulagir, Swift Sparrow 2) +0/0/0/0, for example, has 60 Atk when initiating combat. Even with Litrraven and Triangle Adept, that's 36 effective Atk. Against someone like +0 Sanaki [=Def] (Raudhrraven+, Triangle Adept 3), who has only 17 Def, that's still dealing 19 damage per hit, which is a two-hit kill.

Ah, I thought you were referring to Litrblades here too, my bad! Makes sense, though :P

As for my Bladetome team, I guess I just need to find the right melee unit...I have a 5* 40+1 Ninian and 4* Olivia, so which of my aforementioned mages is best - Nino? (I have a S!Corrin too but I'm pretty sure she's -Spd...

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5 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

What do you think of the advice in this video?


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It's geared towards F2P users and advises pulling for "efficiency, not specificity", i.e. it's better to pull multiple colours instead of sniping because you get more pulls overall that way. The other tips are to only pull on banners with multiple units you want and be ready to accept off-banner pulls, and to quit while you're ahead instead of going back in for another unit (the latter of which I did with CYL).

Given everyone here (myself included) advocates sniping so that you don't get your pity rate broken by another colour, I was interested to see what you thought of this.

Sniping is more efficient for 5* count---if you're trying to get as many 5*s as possible you should color snipe in a color unbalanced banner, preferably one with greens.

This is because the 6% of 5* odds isn't distributed evenly between colors, color with low numbers of units gets more of that 6%, and colors with more members in the focus itself also gets more 5* odds.


The only reason not to snipe would be if skill fodder from all colors is needed---and even then, certain colors produce better skill fodder than others, so if you're sniping basically anything but colorless you'd still be in a good spot. (I haven't run the numbers on skill fodder odds yet, but I'd say Red's the clear standout, with green second because of Barst's reposition, blue third, and colorless last because it's a really crappy color.)

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For some reason, my support are not leveling up when I'm doing the Warriors maps. Is there something wrong or am I doing anything wrong? I'm using Tobin, Ninian, Olivia, and Genny, and they generally just stay in the corner. 


I'm doing Map 5 on Hard. Tobin is still on C after several maps of it. :\

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

This'll sound like a dumb question, but are enemy units never supposed to randomly generate Distant Counter and Close Counter, or is it just exceedingly rare?

In PvE, no enemy unit other than Takumi or Hector has appeared with either 1-2 range counter skill. I can only assume they are excluded from the rest after about 7 months of playing this game and never seeing it on generics or other named units.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

In PvE, no enemy unit other than Takumi or Hector has appeared with either 1-2 range counter skill. I can only assume they are excluded from the rest after about 7 months of playing this game and never seeing it on generics or other named units.

Hm... that's interesting to note. You'd think that fighting an enemy with a 1-2 range counter skill would provide more danger than most other skills...

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11 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

To get 6 points of attack.

+Atk Reinhardt is best used with Dire Thunder, which is a brave weapon.

Fair enough, but is it worth the loss of bulk on a Horse team when Olwen is already an option?

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3 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Fair enough, but is it worth the loss of bulk on a Horse team when Olwen is already an option?

Dead enemies are pretty easy to tank, if I recall correctly.

They do like...0 damage at most? I’d have to check again just to be sure though.

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Dead enemies are pretty easy to tank, if I recall correctly.

They do like...0 damage at most? I’d have to check again just to be sure though.

No worries, I ran the calcs already. Dead enemies have a special Nullify Existence Sacred Seal that basically renders them almost like ghosts, to the point where anyone can occupy the same space as them. The SS also seems to make it so no enemy units can target them for combat, ally units can't use assists on them, and no matter what they can't inflict any damage, charge any skills, or even trigger skills like Poison Strike or Fury.

The only reason why you don't bother to tank them is because you don't get anything out of it.


Is WoM good on the BK? I haven't trained him yet so I'm looking for suggestions. Most likely I will just use him as an enemy phase unit. 

It can be, since BK is an Armor, which means his only other way to the enemy is LOTS of positioning skills. Only thing to remember is that he won't have any other skills that might be more desirable, like Vantage or Quick Riposte.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

It can be, since BK is an Armor, which means his only other way to the enemy is LOTS of positioning skills. Only thing to remember is that he won't have any other skills that might be more desirable, like Vantage or Quick Riposte.

I am going to give him Pivot so that alleviates the problem a little bit. I won't be putting him on my main team so that I'll probably just have him replace Draug on my armor team.

To be honest, I was debating if I should give him Vantage or Quick Riposte but just couldn't decide. 

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I've been trying to think of a good build for Clarisse that doesn't use the standard Brave Archer setup. Would Firesweep Bow+, Luna, Life and Death 3, a -breaker skill, and Savage Blow work decently as a "Kill one unit while annoying others and avoiding death" setup? The -breaker would probably just be switched out depending on what seems to be the current threat (Swordbreaker for Black Knight in TT, Bowbreaker or B Tomebreaker for Brave Lyn and Reinhardt in AA, etc.). I have three extra copies of her to promote and merge as well, but I'd appreciate any input and recommendations. 

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A few questions:

1. I pulled a +Res/-Spd Elincia and a Shanna fodder. Would having a Speed bane mean I should Shanna's Desperation somewhere else and not Elincia? Or is it still worth using the Desperation despite the (admittedly slightly) lower amount of wins? Or should I use a different B skill like Hit and Run (bye 4 star Clive?) or Drag Back?

2. I have a new +Spd/-Def Boey that could replace my +Spd/-Atk one. I know Boey's main strength is his physical bulk, so is it worth having more losses just so he could hit harder and have more wins? I feel like this should be a yes but I just wanted a second opinion.

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I have two unrelated questions other than the fact I got both their 5* 40s at the same time.

Eirika: Suggestions for a buffbot build with a +HP -Atk nature? I've heard Fury/Moonbow/Swordbreaker, anything else?

Black Knight: What's his JP 5* 40? The translated one states that he defeated Gawain, but Gawain had lost his skill and thus the Black Knight was searching for a true fight with someone that did have Gawain's skill- I want to see if the JP audience got this explanation canonised. Half my own curiousity, half this could increase the chances of Eddie/Leo/Nolan getting Caladbolg/Lughnasadh/Tarvos.

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32 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

A few questions:

1. I pulled a +Res/-Spd Elincia and a Shanna fodder. Would having a Speed bane mean I should Shanna's Desperation somewhere else and not Elincia? Or is it still worth using the Desperation despite the (admittedly slightly) lower amount of wins? Or should I use a different B skill like Hit and Run (bye 4 star Clive?) or Drag Back?

2. I have a new +Spd/-Def Boey that could replace my +Spd/-Atk one. I know Boey's main strength is his physical bulk, so is it worth having more losses just so he could hit harder and have more wins? I feel like this should be a yes but I just wanted a second opinion.

Also sorry, adding to this:

3. Which special is better for +Res Elincia?

Iceberg, Glacies or Luna?

Are there any specific units she wants to beat with Luna compared to the flat damage that Iceberg/Glacies provides?

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