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46 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So I pulled another Matthew and he happens to be +SPD/-RES. I was willing to take the RES drop in favor of +ATK but a 37 > 41 SPD jump at the cost of a 19 > 15 RES drop is questionable given my build... A merge will bring him to +4. +1 ATK/SPD so the change to +SPD is 4 points and +ATK would have been 5.

  • Rogue Dagger+ (SPD)
  • Swap
  • Bonfire
  • Close Counter
  • Seal ATK 3/Windsweep 3(Current Arena skill)
  • Threaten SPD 3 
  • ATK Smoke 3 

A big part of Matthew's game involves attacking and debuffing the enemy and proceeding to tank on the enemy phase. The RES drop seriously undermines that can things that couldn't kill him before potentially can. 5 points of Attack would justify this bulk drop but a SPD boon? He's still not doubling the mages that hit him the hardest (LND Mages, Linde, Nino, Etc) but now his matchups vs magic are worse across the board. The enemies he was already doubling he will continue to double so no change there and he's crippled vs Dragons who he already had a particularly hard time against.

If I can pull a B!Lyn then I can make ATK Smoke 3 his C skill and put Distant DEF 3 as his seal like I want to. That would fix the bane but that's a big if. Seal ATK/SPD from S!Frederick also more or less fixes any issues with doubling which reduces the need for a +SPD boon. These at the moment are hypotheticals though.

TL;DR: Go for the +SPD/-RES Matthew or merge into Neutral and just take the 1 ATK/SPD?

I think you've more-or-less answered your own question, unless you plan on sniping for Frederick on this banner!

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35 minutes ago, Thienphu said:


I pulled 2 (VL) Ike, +hp/-spd and +spd/-res. Which one should i use?

I'm cheering for +spd/-res, preventing more double while -res doesn't change how he can survive magic much.Warding Breath will fix it back.

But +hp/-spd is an okay choice if you treat him slow as same as B!Ike.It's different that this time he's not coming with Urvan. It's Ragnell so becareful about being double.

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12 minutes ago, Ginko said:

But +hp/-spd is an okay choice if you treat him slow as same as B!Ike.It's different that this time he's not coming with Urvan. It's Ragnell so becareful about being double.

I think that could be somewhat remedied with Deflect Magic Sacred Seal. It is not as good as Urvan since it does not cover physical weapons, but VL!Ike has pretty decent Defense so it is not a huge issue. VL!Ike also got a 4 cool down Aether, so he should be able to heal up the damage if he runs Quick Riposte.

I agree with you that +Atk is still better, as -Spd eats into his bulk by allowing slower opponents to double more easily and I do not think +HP alone is enough to justify it.

Edited by XRay
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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I think that could be somewhat remedied with Deflect Magic Sacred Seal. It is not as good as Urvan since it does not cover physical weapons, but VL!Ike has pretty decent Defense so it is not a huge issue. VL!Ike also got a 4 cool down Aether, so he should be able to heal up the damage if he runs Quick Riposte.

Yeah, Deflect Magic will change from lose to win vs Reinhardt with QR. But being double from other tome will hurt a lot.

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3 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Yeah, Deflect Magic will change from lose to win vs Reinhardt with QR. But being double from other tome will hurt a lot.

You can swap out Ragnell with Slaying Edge if you want VL!Ike to wall mages. I think countering with Ragnell is still better, but if the player is used to playing with BH!Ike, they can basically turn VL!Ike into a red BH!Ike.

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8 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I'm not sure all this matters because I get the feeling @Chrom-ulent is quite happy to just build a basic unmerged team at this point. Do remember that the majority of players are in this boat, probably having maybe a +2 or 3 merged unit at best even after playing for a year and being quite satisfied with the situation. Many of us have neither the ambition nor the wherewithal to compete at the highest level and would be quite content to bounce around the upper tiers of arena while ensuring they have a good enough barracks to do content like GHBs and Lunatic TT with relative ease.

And yes, Bowlyn would be a great addition to just about any team. I'm assuming your final horse who you haven't named is Reinhardt for colour balance and magic (is everything)?

Yep, I'm mostly looking to play with my favorites. If nothing else, it will keep my spending on this game down to reasonable levels as I'm not chasing the metagame's top units.

And because my Horse Emblem is about playing with my favorites, L'Arachel is my fourth unit - or rather, third. I considered Brave Lyn because she's on the upcoming Hero Fest banner too.

And I just pulled a +Atk -Def Gunnthrá. Should I still consider Titania on the team?

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3 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

And I just pulled a +Atk -Def Gunnthrá. Should I still consider Titania on the team?

Of course, +Atk -Def is her optimal IV. At this point, you don't need Titania anymore.

Gunnthra will land nuke on almost everything blue(after her Chilling Seal activation). Also doing support role with her Chilling Seal. You got a free debuff on one of your enemy every turn as long as you keep her health high.

She don't need DC to land kill on important threat like Reinhardt because you just put her in his attack range. You got a dead Reinhardt. But more careful if you will use her to duel Micaiah.

Edited by Ginko
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Is Swift Sparrow a good choice for Marisa? I'm running LaD on her at the moment (with Desperation) and I worry I'm making her too vulnerable (especially for a rare Sword Hero with decent defenses).

Edited by DefyingFates
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41 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

What are some interesting strategies that can be done with the new Warding Breath skill?

Which unit are you going to use with it?

If It is on V!Ike. Then my preferred IV would be +res -def or +spd -def. Combining with Close Def seal, he can duel with some dragon easier. With -def at 32 is fine. V!Ike will play role as mixed tank. Tank both physical and magic.

+Atk would be the optimal IV if you are focus on firepower.

 You can also pair V!Ike with Infantry Pulse user too. He will deny some damage with Radiant Aether on first engagement.

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

What are some interesting strategies that can be done with the new Warding Breath skill?

You could put it on a +Res Reinhardt with Quick Riposte. That would be an interesting strategy. While certainly not the most effective use of a Reinhardt, it's at least interesting. With a Fortify Cav buff and a DD seal, he'd have an effective 44 Res on the enemy phase, making him a pretty solid magic tank. Blarblade+ would probably be the tome of choice here.

More seriously, I think that it would be an interesting and effective strategy on some of the dragons, such as Adult Tiki and Nowi. Pretty much any of the setups that run Aether on the dragons with Steady Breath would likely be effective with Warding Breath as well. Tiki can be surprisingly good at tanking magic with the right setup.

I think that the skill also has a lot of potential for some dagger users, especially if paired with the Kitty Paddle.

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

What are some interesting strategies that can be done with the new Warding Breath skill?

Everyone that has a viable Steady Breath build also is a contender for Warding Breath because Steady Breath was used for the special charge rate increase more than for the increased Def. The only difference is that now you have a choice between getting +4 Def or +4 Res instead of being stuck with +4 Def.


12 minutes ago, Astellius said:

You could put it on a +Res Reinhardt with Quick Riposte.

Reinhardt is cavalry. Warding Breath has the same inheritance restrictions as Steady Breath.

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I'm still struggling with thinking up a Lyon build.  

Obviously there's the standard TA3, QR3, Threaten Atk 3 build but is there any other B or A slot that would work on him?  And are there any seals that work well on him other than DD3 b/c its already being used.

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I'm looking to change up my original Ike build a bit to make him more useful. Any ideas? I'm debating whether or not I want to toss steady breath on him or possibly wait until I get a Vanguard Ike and give that one SB. Thanks!


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57 minutes ago, Lushen said:

I'm still struggling with thinking up a Lyon build.  

Obviously there's the standard TA3, QR3, Threaten Atk 3 build but is there any other B or A slot that would work on him?  And are there any seals that work well on him other than DD3 b/c its already being used.

You could try the Sophia build, where you place both DD3s on the A Slot and SS Slot for Lyon. It gives him great defense against colorless foes, and lets him tank a lot of magic based units of all colors. Maybe except Deltheas and of course you can't do anything against Reinhardt, but yeah he's pretty mediocre. You could also try Guard 3 with QR 3 seal to prevent specials, but I'm not sure what that's worth.

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Just wanted to check before i inherit Cordelia's Galeforce into my +Spd/-Def Siegbert.

what Blue units would like Brave Lance+ and Galeforce? I know Peri has high offenses but i don't have good natures of her (and even then Firesweep Lance is an option)

Any other lancers who particular want Brave Galeforce?

edit- also what's a better Virion, +Spd or +Atk? I have a Brave Bow +Atk Virion but is there any reason to keep +Spd Virion? What kind of moveset would +Spd have?

Edited by mcsilas
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10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Just wanted to check before i inherit Cordelia's Galeforce into my +Spd/-Def Siegbert.

what Blue units would like Brave Lance+ and Galeforce? I know Peri has high offenses but i don't have good natures of her (and even then Firesweep Lance is an option)

Any other lancers who particular want Brave Galeforce?

Oscar has slightly better offensive stats than Peri, at 33/34 instead of 33/33, so he could run a Braveforce build slightly better than her. In my opinion, Peri and Oscar would be the main ones that might like both the Brave Lance+ and Galeforce. They have the speed and attack for it, along with the mobility to make the most out of it.

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1 hour ago, RipTide said:

Hi all! Is -attack +HP vanguard Ike usable? I just pulled him amd was super exited but not amymore :( ;(

Every character is usable.

But for a more specific answer, yes, he'll do his job.  It won't make that much of a difference once Aether goes off.

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4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Just wanted to check before i inherit Cordelia's Galeforce into my +Spd/-Def Siegbert.

what Blue units would like Brave Lance+ and Galeforce? I know Peri has high offenses but i don't have good natures of her (and even then Firesweep Lance is an option)

Any other lancers who particular want Brave Galeforce?

edit- also what's a better Virion, +Spd or +Atk? I have a Brave Bow +Atk Virion but is there any reason to keep +Spd Virion? What kind of moveset would +Spd have?

In addition to what @Astellius wrote, also Tana and Est would be good candidates. Tana has got already a good lance and likes also Firesweep though. Est likes mostly Brave+ .

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6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Just wanted to check before i inherit Cordelia's Galeforce into my +Spd/-Def Siegbert.

what Blue units would like Brave Lance+ and Galeforce? I know Peri has high offenses but i don't have good natures of her (and even then Firesweep Lance is an option)

Any other lancers who particular want Brave Galeforce?

edit- also what's a better Virion, +Spd or +Atk? I have a Brave Bow +Atk Virion but is there any reason to keep +Spd Virion? What kind of moveset would +Spd have?

Effie can use both dangerously, though it requires her to have Armor March to receive the full benefits of such.

Charlotte is one of the higher ATK Lancers right now, and I can attest to her being a good Brave Lancer. No word on with Galeforce...

As for Virion... 34 attack on a Brave Bow is decent, but 34 speed is very low for good-speed standards, never really outspeeding anything and never being outsped. Virion would need support to get to a better speed tier, and even then it's at the cost of his also average attack.

I'd stick to +Atk.

Edited by Xenomata
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So... I’m at 100 Sacred Coins again, and I’m a little unsure on my next upgrade. Do I go for Heavy Blade or Quick Riposte? Whichever one I don’t pick now I will upgrade next, but SCs aren’t the easiest things to get, which just makes deciding this harder for me. So I thought I’d get some other opinions on this. Fire away!

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6 hours ago, RipTide said:

Hi all! Is -attack +HP vanguard Ike usable? I just pulled him amd was super exited but not amymore :( ;(

It is fine, but don't invest too heavily in case we get him from the free vote.

29 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

So... I’m at 100 Sacred Coins again, and I’m a little unsure on my next upgrade. Do I go for Heavy Blade or Quick Riposte? Whichever one I don’t pick now I will upgrade next, but SCs aren’t the easiest things to get, which just makes deciding this harder for me. So I thought I’d get some other opinions on this. Fire away!

Quick Riposte all the way. Been invaluable for my Fjorm.

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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