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Got a second Laevatein (+SPD/-ATK). Would be worth to use her over my +DEF/-HP one? 

I like her DEF boon since she reaches 46 DEF with her vanilla kit and ATK/DEF link in use, but her sword makes her a physical "Blade" user who usually want +SPD over everything. 

Don't want to merge, will keep the spare to fodder for a clear eventually. 

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28 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I like her DEF boon since she reaches 46 DEF with her vanilla kit and ATK/DEF link in use, but her sword makes her a physical "Blade" user who usually want +SPD over everything. 

The reason Litrblade users often run +Spd is because the causation is in the other direction. Fast units prefer Litrblade over other weapons, not the other way around. Being a fast tome user typically means either you dumped Atk and need Litrblade's damage boost to compensate (and being fast means you can't deliberately get doubled to charge a stronger special) or you dumped defenses and aren't as well suited to using Litrowl.

As for Laevatein, her stat spread is almost identical to Legendary Ike's, meaning that despite having a Litrblade weapon, she plays more similarly to Ike than Tharja or Nino.

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4 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

Isn't the 3 heroes quest for December supposed to start today, it said the 5th on the event calendar. 

Daylight saving switch happened. Add one to the dates listed on the calendar.
The quests start on the 6th.

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I suck at math and the appearance rate chart hasn’t been updated in months, but how good are my chances of getting Laegjarn on the voting gauntlet banner, if I snipe reds? I heard the two person banners have a better chance of getting focus units but I don’t know how that works?

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26 minutes ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

I suck at math and the appearance rate chart hasn’t been updated in months, but how good are my chances of getting Laegjarn on the voting gauntlet banner, if I snipe reds? I heard the two person banners have a better chance of getting focus units but I don’t know how that works?

Gamepedia always has the sniping rates in the wiki page for the particular banner: link here.

Laegjarn is 5.04% at base when sniping red.

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So I have these two units (put them in spoiler to save space). A +Def -Res Hrid and a +Def -Atk L!Lucina. I am pretty happy with their + Def (they are running counters so the more defence the better). The problem is with their banes as they sometimes gets in the middle of their performance. Hríd mostly as his 22 Res isn't helping him and I have seen a lot of tomes (even greens sometimes destroying him), Lucina is better since she is with Veronica or Laevatein in the team.

Now, I still have my summoner support to give to someone. So who will benefit from it mostly?

Also is distant Def sacred seal and distant guard a good way to help him do better against tomes?

On another note, is - Hp Surtr bad (affects badly his performance)?

Edited by SuperNova125
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12 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

On another note, is - Hp Surtr bad (affects badly his performance)?

i don't think so. i mean my surtr  is -def. and still takes a beating like a champ. 
So while it could get a touch dicey - i think he'll be good. 

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Now that I have almost finished my Arena core (masked marth only misses a merge that she will get next week and roy also misses only a merge), I can finally invest in other type of units.

I’ve given recently Firesweep Lance+ to my Cordelia (don’t remember the ivs, but nothing regarding Atk/Spe), would it be a good idea to give her Heavy Blade in her A slot to proc GF (QP seal)?


Is it worth to give a Brave Bow+ to a neutral +0 Brave Lyn? (For Aether Raids). 


How would you build a F!Corrin? Is there any way to make her speed based? Or would it be better to go the fury/breath - QR way?

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Now that I have almost finished my Arena core (masked marth only misses a merge that she will get next week and roy also misses only a merge), I can finally invest in other type of units.

I’ve given recently Firesweep Lance+ to my Cordelia (don’t remember the ivs, but nothing regarding Atk/Spe), would it be a good idea to give her Heavy Blade in her A slot to proc GF (QP seal)?


Is it worth to give a Brave Bow+ to a neutral +0 Brave Lyn? (For Aether Raids). 


How would you build a F!Corrin? Is there any way to make her speed based? Or would it be better to go the fury/breath - QR way?

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23 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Now, I still have my summoner support to give to someone. So who will benefit from it mostly?

I recommend giving Summoner Support to whoever you use the most often.

For example, I use BH!Lyn the most since I use her for almost every mode, so I gave her Summoner Support.

On 12/6/2018 at 2:32 PM, SuperNova125 said:

So I have these two units (put them in spoiler to save space). A +Def -Res Hrid and a +Def -Atk L!Lucina. I am pretty happy with their + Def (they are running counters so the more defence the better). The problem is with their banes as they sometimes gets in the middle of their performance. Hríd mostly as his 22 Res isn't helping him and I have seen a lot of tomes (even greens sometimes destroying him), Lucina is better since she is with Veronica or Laevatein in the team.

If you have Titania and you are willing to invest in her, you can try pairing her up with Hríd. With triple Tactics, she can boost all of his important stats. You can also put Distant Def on him if you have not done so already.

11 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

I’ve given recently Firesweep Lance+ to my Cordelia (don’t remember the ivs, but nothing regarding Atk/Spe), would it be a good idea to give her Heavy Blade in her A slot to proc GF (QP seal)?

It is good if you are going for one turn clears, but other than that, Heavy Blade and Flashing Blade are crap as A skills. Life and Death and Atk/Spd Solo are better.

11 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is it worth to give a Brave Bow+ to a neutral +0 Brave Lyn? (For Aether Raids). 

Brave archers are always good, but do beware of super bulky Distant Counter units though. If you are running a Player Phase team, I recommend running a Firesweep archer or healer on your team, so if BH!Lyn is not your Firesweep nuke, I recommend running AOTB!Veronica or another Firesweep staff unit to shut down enemy counterattacks.

11 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

How would you build a F!Corrin? Is there any way to make her speed based? Or would it be better to go the fury/breath - QR way?

I personally prefer to use F!Corrin as an Enemy Phase Spd tank so I am not wasting her Sorcery Blade effect as a dragon unit. You can turn her into a melee Player Phase unit, but there are a lot of other blue units who can do that better in my opinion, like Donnel, Nephenee, BH!Lucina, etc.

Player Phase:
+Atk, -HP/Res
Flametongue [Spd] — Dark Breath [Spd] — Light Breath [Spd]
Reposition — (Any Assist)
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Speed +3

Enemy Phase Spd Tank:
+Atk, -HP/Def/Res
Lightning Breath [Spd]
Reposition — Swap — (Any Assist)
Darting Breath — Steady Breath — Warding Breath
Quick Riposte — Null Follow-UP
(Any C)
Darting Stance — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Spd Tank:
+Atk, -HP/Def/Res
Water Breath [Spd]
Reposition — Swap — (Any Assist)
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte — Null Follow-UP
(Any C)
Darting Stance — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Def/ResTank:
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd/Res
Lightning Breath [Def] — Lightning Breath [Res]
Reposition — Swap — (Any Assist)
Steady Breath — Warding Breath
Quick Riposte — Guard
(Any C)
Close Def — Distant Def — Atk/Def Bond — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Def/ResTank:
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd/Res
Water Breath [Def] — Water Breath [Res]
Reposition — Swap — (Any Assist)
Moonbow — Bonfire
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte — Guard
(Any C)
Close Def — Distant Def — Atk/Def Bond — Quick Riposte

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Could you solve quests/missions like the three heroes quests by playing against your Aether Raids defense team? Can't try that out, solved everything already. 

Nope. I just used my Olivia to kill my Olivia with Test Defense and the kill count for the quest did not go up.

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. . . Well I tried to use the simulator to answer the question of what Surtr to keep, but his play style is such that the sims don't seem as useful as they are in general. I am assuming that he baits and then attacks back since that is his standard play(though frankly I often lure to 1 square away and then keep them there until I can one shot them. So he doesn't often have to soak even a single hit).

My first one that I have used is a +RES/-DEF. This one seems to perform best on the 714-724 list on Artic's.

I also have a +DEF/-RES I pulled when I dumped all I had in it today(I figured what the heck). Now this one is nice for 180BST. It performs best on the Hard list.

Two others also came today but they are the -HP versions of the above. I thought maybe he would prefer the -HP versions but it doesn't seem to work out that way for him. At first I thought it was just Wary Fighter, but other Fighter skills have similar results.

Given his play style I don't think he cares too much about boon/bane(other than maybe +ATK) so that seems to indicate I should just go for highest scoring potential. But as useful of an Arena unit he is I do not plan to try and merge him up. So that is really only useful for these two weeks or if he ever pops up as a bonus later on.

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2 hours ago, Usana said:

. . . Well I tried to use the simulator to answer the question of what Surtr to keep, but his play style is such that the sims don't seem as useful as they are in general. I am assuming that he baits and then attacks back since that is his standard play(though frankly I often lure to 1 square away and then keep them there until I can one shot them. So he doesn't often have to soak even a single hit).

You will need to play around with the options a little. Below the blue <Challenger> and red <Enemies> box, there is a box called <Duel Rules>. In the <Duel Rules> box, check <Enable Mass Enemy Adjustment>; it might be hard to see, but it is in the lower right corner of the box.

Once that is checked, a new <Mass Enemy Adjustment (Custom List)> box will appear below the <Duel Rules> box. In that box, you can simulate Surtr's performance against melee opponents by setting everyone's <Starting HP> to <<=75%>; you will also want to uncheck <Ranged> above the <Calculate> button. This is not perfect since Surtr will deal more than 25% damage in HP (no unit has more than 80HP), but it is a quick way to gauge Surtr's Player Phase performance after he baits melee enemies. If you want it to be precisely be HP -20, you will have to go to each individual build in the <Enemies> box and reduce their HP there.

2 hours ago, Usana said:

Two others also came today but they are the -HP versions of the above. I thought maybe he would prefer the -HP versions but it doesn't seem to work out that way for him. At first I thought it was just Wary Fighter, but other Fighter skills have similar results.

Tanks generally want +Def/Res. Tanks that go +Atk usually have some way of preventing enemy doubles. Hríd cannot be doubled by debuffed enemies; Omnibreaker Hector, MOO!Hector, AOTB!Hector cannot be doubled at all unless the enemy got Breakers or Null Follow-Up; Leo can run dual Atk/Def Bond and reach 35 Def, which almost no Player Phase or dual phase ranged unit would reach except maybe TOD!Jakob or WE!Tharja. On the other hand, Myrrh still needs +Def though since a lot of melee units have higher Def than her.

2 hours ago, Usana said:

Given his play style I don't think he cares too much about boon/bane(other than maybe +ATK) so that seems to indicate I should just go for highest scoring potential. But as useful of an Arena unit he is I do not plan to try and merge him up. So that is really only useful for these two weeks or if he ever pops up as a bonus later on.

If you are just using him as a bonus unit, I found Brazen Atk/Def-Despertion-Brash Assault builds to be relatively cheap and pretty easy use on super bulky units. You can let them tank a hit from weaker color or even same color enemies to reach that HP range, and then you can decimate the rest of the enemy team.

Edited by XRay
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I finally built up my Soren, he's +Atk, -Def if it matters~ But I have no idea what kind of skills he would benefit from~ I gave him Darting Blow as a temporary A Skill and i know he's recommended with Chills but I don't have those growing on trees so any decent budget ideas for him? I plan to give him Desperation when some fodder shows up and I see Ploys are recommended, but at neutral his Res honestly isn't all that high so I was hesitant to go that route~

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2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I finally built up my Soren, he's +Atk, -Def if it matters~ But I have no idea what kind of skills he would benefit from~ I gave him Darting Blow as a temporary A Skill and i know he's recommended with Chills but I don't have those growing on trees so any decent budget ideas for him? I plan to give him Desperation when some fodder shows up and I see Ploys are recommended, but at neutral his Res honestly isn't all that high so I was hesitant to go that route~

Why not
Spur Def/Res 2 (From a M!Morgan)

a lot of people run ploys. but you can make him a res bot?

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Why not
Spur Def/Res 2 (From a M!Morgan)

a lot of people run ploys. but you can make him a res bot?

I would do LND but I kinda wanna keep his Res somewhat usable since my other Green Mages also don't have very good Res~ I'm not opposed to Vantage~ I could do Spur on him. I actually may be able to give him a Ploy with Res Refine on Wind's Brand but I think most recommend his Owl Effect from the Refine, so I'm not sure~

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6 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I finally built up my Soren, he's +Atk, -Def if it matters~ But I have no idea what kind of skills he would benefit from~ I gave him Darting Blow as a temporary A Skill and i know he's recommended with Chills but I don't have those growing on trees so any decent budget ideas for him? I plan to give him Desperation when some fodder shows up and I see Ploys are recommended, but at neutral his Res honestly isn't all that high so I was hesitant to go that route~

Unless you face a lot of high Res opponents or something, 29 Res should be enough against most melee units and some ranged units. You can also use Fury on the A slot to further boost his Ploy ability as well as combat performance at the same time. If you do not want to run Ploys then literally any C slot you like to use is fine. If you are willing to spend Heroic Grails, Drive Atk from BB!Marth is always good, or you can simply go with Hone Attack if you want something cheap.

4 hours ago, daisy jane said:


55 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I'm not opposed to Vantage~

I personally do not recommend Vantage on any unit unless the unit has super high Atk or can simulate it (e.g.: Pain healers, WOT!Reinhardt's dual phase Brave, etc.).

55 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I would do LND but I kinda wanna keep his Res somewhat usable since my other Green Mages also don't have very good Res~ I'm not opposed to Vantage~ I could do Spur on him. I actually may be able to give him a Ploy with Res Refine on Wind's Brand but I think most recommend his Owl Effect from the Refine, so I'm not sure~

I would stick with your gut and build him to be a unit to how you want to use him. The Owl effect is a waste if you do not play him that way, so if you feel the Res Refine is better and you want to do Ploys, then go with that.

Player Phase:
Wind's Brand [Spd] — Gronnblade
Reposition — (Any Assist)
(Any A that boosts Atk and Spd)
(Any C)
Speed +3

Enemy Phase Spd Tank:
Wind's Brand [Effect] — Wind's Brand [Spd]
Reposition — (Any Assist)
Atk/Spd Bond — (Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
Quick Riposte — Guard
(Any C)
Darting Stance — Distant Def — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Res Tank:
Wind's Brand [Effect] — Wind's Brand [Res]
Reposition — (Any Assist)
Atk/Res Bond — (Any A that boosts Atk/Res)
Quick Riposte — Guard
(Any C)
Distant Def — Quick Riposte

Support Ploy:
Wind's Brand [Res]
Reposition — (Any Assist)
Quick Riposte — (Any Chills)
(Any C)
Res +3 — (Any Ploys)

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I personally do not recommend Vantage on any unit unless the unit has super high Atk or can simulate it (e.g.: Pain healers, WOT!Reinhardt's dual phase Brave, etc.).

i feel I've asked but i forgot, so how come?

is it basically because if they can't KO with it, they're dead anyway?


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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

is it basically because if they can't KO with it, they're dead anyway?

Yeah, and Vantage has the potential to make things worse. If your unit activates Vantage and dies, it may severely cripple the enemy HP wise, but it would also make it more powerful and dangerous by turning them into Wings of Mercy beacons for their teammates.

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