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3 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

Unit’s attack includes visible buffs and not in-combat buffs, correct?

Only visible buffs count because you aren't in combat yet when the Special activates. Def and Res are calculated separately for each enemy hit. If you have adaptive damage, which defensive skill is used is calculated separately for each enemy hit.

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14 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

Unit’s attack includes visible buffs and not in-combat buffs, correct?

Correct. It is out of combat damage, so combat buffs do not apply; that also means Life and Death applies to the damage calculation but Death Blow does not.

Triangle advantage/disadvantage also is not a factor either.

Edited by XRay
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23 minutes ago, XRay said:

Correct. It is out of combat damage, so combat buffs do not apply; that also means Life and Death applies to the damage calculation but Death Blow does not.

Triangle advantage/disadvantage also is not a factor either.

That reminds me. Life and Death 3 may be better for what I am thinking of doing for Camilla in AR defense. More than Atk/Spd 2, anyway.

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So, I’ve been sleeping on some premium fodder for a while. I have yet to build Marisa, and I’ve considered giving her Swift Sparrow and/or Wrath. I haven’t found who to give those skills in months, so it would not feel so bad to give them to a 5*+0 that I’m not planning to merge. The thing is, do they work well together in Marissa?

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4 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

So, I’ve been sleeping on some premium fodder for a while. I have yet to build Marisa, and I’ve considered giving her Swift Sparrow and/or Wrath. I haven’t found who to give those skills in months, so it would not feel so bad to give them to a 5*+0 that I’m not planning to merge. The thing is, do they work well together in Marissa?

They work fine, although I think Life and Death is better since there is generally no point in keeping her bulk once in Wrath range. I would also give Marisa Slaying Edge so she can activate Moonbow/Glimmer right away at the start of each turn. Her default Wo Dao gives her even better performance during every other turn, but at the cost of shit consistency and basically being useless half the time.

If you are okay with dropping the consistency further to trigger a Special once every three turns, Slaying Edge-Ignis gives her even better performance. Slaying Edge-Dragon Fang performs the same at merge+0, but by the time Marisa gets to +10, Ignis does better.

Special triggers every turn:
Slaying Ege [Spd]
(Any Assist)
Swift Sparrow — Life and Death
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res

Special triggers every 2 turns:
Wo Dao [Spd]
(Any Assist)
Moonbow* — Glimmer*
Swift Sparrow — Life and Death
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res
*Moonbow is better against +10 enemies, while Glimmer is better against +0 enemies.

Special triggers every 3 turns:
Slaying Edge [Spd]
(Any Assist)
Swift Sparrow
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Def

Here is the Challenger List for the calculator, and I set their HP to 1 during testing:


Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Slaying Edge+  
Special: Glimmer  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Wo Dao+  
Special: Glimmer  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Slaying Edge+  
Special: Luna  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Wo Dao+  
Special: Bonfire  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Wo Dao+  
Special: Draconic Aura  
A: Life and Death 3  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Slaying Edge+  
Special: Ignis  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Marisa (5*)  
Weapon: Slaying Edge+  
Special: Dragon Fang  
A: Life and Death 3  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Infantry Pulse 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 2 


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How do I use Sturdy Impact? I have 4 Tibarn manuals, and Sturdy Impact seems like it'd be a pretty potent skill, but I'm just not sure who would appreciate the power of DB3 with far higher defense and canceling  enemy follow ups... I was thinking maybe Legendary and Brave Ephraim?

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17 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

How do I use Sturdy Impact? I have 4 Tibarn manuals, and Sturdy Impact seems like it'd be a pretty potent skill, but I'm just not sure who would appreciate the power of DB3 with far higher defense and canceling  enemy follow ups... I was thinking maybe Legendary and Brave Ephraim?

A heavy hitter who has access to skills that guarantees follow-up attacks on Player Phase (Hoarfrost Knife, Brash Assault, etc.) and got decent Def/Res (so they can forgo Desperation).

Flora is probably the best user of it in my opinion, since her niche is basically being an anti-Distant Counter unit. Ephraim and LL!Ephraim can also use it to compliment their Galeforce build pretty well.

AOTB!Ephraim, TLB!Myrrh, and Arden are better off with Distant Counter in my opinion since they have guaranteed follow-up attacks on both phases, but they could work too in theory, but they are really slow movement wise so I do not recommend them unless they frequently face other slow armor enemies. I prefer Hríd with Distant Counter, but he can also copy the Ephraims using a Galeforce build.

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So in my desire to counter the anti-counter meta I really wanted to get some Nailah. Well all the orbs gathered during said period netted me two.


The question is merge or use one for fodder. And which one to keep/use as the base. With the merge changes my gut says the +ATK is probably the better for the base if I am going to merge them(or rather will be once the changes kick in). 

As for merging vs foddering. I think Adrift Corrin F or Regular Fae are the only 'solid' candidates I have. I say that because who ever inherits would need their own source of DC since I have no fodder and you can't inherit both DC and Null C-Disrupt from Nailah. So that basically leaves the dragons, Ikes, Dorcas(who I don't have), and Fjorm. Fjorm and Ike are easy prey for the Reinhardts out there which seem rather common on defense teams and the blue dragons(and Nailah) die horribly to the not too uncommon TA Raven Celicas out there. Though I see those more on offense than defense. The problem with Regular Fae is her defenses would have to be pushed up high enough to take being doubled by everyone and their great great grandmother and would end up being yet another unit that I need to marry the QR seal to. Nailah and Adrift Corrin F can more easily rely on speed tanking and might be able to forgo said seal. On the other hand Regular Fae is easy enough to merge(I think I have enough on hand for +8 right now) and would work well enough with the Eirika/Clair +10's I currently have. Not that that matters much, but it sill probably pushes her ahead of Adrift Corrin F. Another push this way is having to anti-counter counters one of blue and one of green.

Though if I do go Fae I am unsure of best build to handle all the AR threats. She would need to handle both Veronica and Brave Lyn. Possibly in the same turn. Both will double her for sure. A mixed bulk build using both my Eirs could have 41 Def and 44 Res at +10, assuming Steady Breath as the A, a defense refine and using a +DEF copy as a base. Throw in Fortify Dragons or double tactics and she can hit 47/50, which still won't zero those two out, but should be more than enough to take both out in one round in back to back combats since QR shouldn't break. That should also block Reinhardt and TA Raven Celica. Could also throw in Summoner support as well. Fae isn't really a favorite of mine, but if she can make AR less annoying for me that may be worth it.  Probably just give her ATK Ploy as her C to further reduce a threat's attack(assuming I can line them up).


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So got some interesting units at the new banner. A Brave hector which fine and got in my armored team immediately. Also a +Atk -Def Quan and a +Spd -Hp Brave Lyn (I also have my free pull Lyn from Cyl). What I have in mind is:

Quan: Either fodder him off, or wait if he makes an appearance in the mythic banner to get a merge, but right now he is waiting in the barracks. How do I go around building him?

Lyn: she has a nice a very nice Spd and I thought about merging the neutral one to her but other than that I don't know how to build her, also how is brave bow on her?

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So, is there any use to Flier Formation on Leanne? Assuming I just run her on a team of Laguz, she'll always be at 3 Move, and the skill has only an effective radius of 2. Not like I really have anything good to replace it with right now, but I'm just curious whether I'm better off removing it eventually.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

So got some interesting units at the new banner. A Brave hector which fine and got in my armored team immediately. Also a +Atk -Def Quan and a +Spd -Hp Brave Lyn (I also have my free pull Lyn from Cyl). What I have in mind is:

Quan: Either fodder him off, or wait if he makes an appearance in the mythic banner to get a merge, but right now he is waiting in the barracks. How do I go around building him?

Lyn: she has a nice a very nice Spd and I thought about merging the neutral one to her but other than that I don't know how to build her, also how is brave bow on her?

Don't merge the Lyns. Keep the neutral one for guides. I merged mine, and now I can't use Bow Lyn for any guide. Also, if you give them different blessings, you can complete Blessed Gardens easier, or even have one for both of the two offense Mythic blessing types. (There are also two defensive Mythic blessing types, but Bow Lyn is better suited for offense.)

I used to have the same asset/flaw combination [+spd, -hp]. I was able to get some quad attacks, however I didn't find them as useful as I expected. Weak enemies were defeated before the quad attack, and strong enemies had enough defense to make each attack of a quad pretty small. Still, the brave effect takes out so many enemies before they can counter attack, that it's very much worth the investment. Even with neutral attack, the Brave Bow was so good that I left it permanently equipped. Luna as a special helps in cases were she has to fight a unit with high defense. (I only recommend the Brave Bow if you are getting the Brave Bow+ upgrade because the extra attack is needed even more for a [+spd] asset.)

I did recently switch to a [+atk] asset which makes the Brave Bow even better. My Bow Lyn is +6 now. With summoner support, Attack +3 seal, Swift Sparrow, and Hone Cavalry she initiates with 60 attack and 45 speed. That's reasonably scary for a ranged brave weapon.

Edited by Tree
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So, is there any use to Flier Formation on Leanne? Assuming I just run her on a team of Laguz, she'll always be at 3 Move, and the skill has only an effective radius of 2. Not like I really have anything good to replace it with right now, but I'm just curious whether I'm better off removing it eventually.

The only reason I can see to keeping Flier Formation is because you're running her on a no-dragons Flier team, or you expect to be separated by 1 block walls a lot.

Otherwise I'd replace it. Wings of Mercy works from anywhere on the map, as does Escape Route, while Pass might actually be a little viable on her since she has 3 movement and could run into enemies on her way to the ally.

Edited by Xenomata
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5 hours ago, Usana said:

So in my desire to counter the anti-counter meta I really wanted to get some Nailah. Well all the orbs gathered during said period netted me two.


The question is merge or use one for fodder. And which one to keep/use as the base. With the merge changes my gut says the +ATK is probably the better for the base if I am going to merge them(or rather will be once the changes kick in). 

I prefer +Spd for the merge base. Nailah is not particularly fast, especially with Distant Counter taking up her A slot and she requires Quick Riposte on the Sacred Seal slot for reliable doubles, as running Quick Riposte-Darting Stance defeats the point of running Nailah in the first place. 44 Spd (2 allies nearby) is barely enough to stop most unbuffed nukes from doubling her, so she will still need a Drive Spd buff or two from her allies to avoid doubles from buffed nukes.

I would only go +Atk if you plan to have Nailah carry the team and basically have the whole team support her. For example, if you use 2 M!Corrins to support her, she will have 13/13/9/9 buffs, and that does not factor in Drives yet in the C and Sacred Seal slot, so +Spd is not necessary in that scenario.

5 hours ago, Usana said:

As for merging vs foddering. I think Adrift Corrin F or Regular Fae are the only 'solid' candidates I have. I say that because who ever inherits would need their own source of DC since I have no fodder and you can't inherit both DC and Null C-Disrupt from Nailah. So that basically leaves the dragons, Ikes, Dorcas(who I don't have), and Fjorm. Fjorm and Ike are easy prey for the Reinhardts out there which seem rather common on defense teams and the blue dragons(and Nailah) die horribly to the not too uncommon TA Raven Celicas out there. Though I see those more on offense than defense. The problem with Regular Fae is her defenses would have to be pushed up high enough to take being doubled by everyone and their great great grandmother and would end up being yet another unit that I need to marry the QR seal to. Nailah and Adrift Corrin F can more easily rely on speed tanking and might be able to forgo said seal. On the other hand Regular Fae is easy enough to merge(I think I have enough on hand for +8 right now) and would work well enough with the Eirika/Clair +10's I currently have. Not that that matters much, but it sill probably pushes her ahead of Adrift Corrin F. Another push this way is having to anti-counter counters one of blue and one of green.

For now, Null C-Disrupt is fine for Distant Counter units to run. However, I remember reading that there is a Null Close Counter/Distant Counter in a data mine on Gamepress, so I am a bit hesitant on recommending putting Null C-Disrupt on a Distant Counter unit.

If Null C/D-Counter is restricted to infantry only, then I think giving Distant Counter units Null C-Disrupt is still a good option. But if Null C/D-Counter has no movement restriction, then I think it is pointless to run Null C-Disrupt on Distant Counter units since there will be a resurgence in quad Brave Bow archers (they do not need Desperation anymore to handle Distant Counter units) in addition to the already really hard hitting nukes like Celica and Ishtar who can now initiate on anyone with impunity.

If you plan to go through with giving a Distant Counter unit Null C-Disrupt anyways, then I recommend Fae. Unless you are a whale or something who can get A!F!Corrin to +5 or more soon, I think Fae is a better option due to her availability.

5 hours ago, Usana said:

Though if I do go Fae I am unsure of best build to handle all the AR threats. She would need to handle both Veronica and Brave Lyn. Possibly in the same turn. Both will double her for sure. A mixed bulk build using both my Eirs could have 41 Def and 44 Res at +10, assuming Steady Breath as the A, a defense refine and using a +DEF copy as a base. Throw in Fortify Dragons or double tactics and she can hit 47/50, which still won't zero those two out, but should be more than enough to take both out in one round in back to back combats since QR shouldn't break. That should also block Reinhardt and TA Raven Celica. Could also throw in Summoner support as well. Fae isn't really a favorite of mine, but if she can make AR less annoying for me that may be worth it.  Probably just give her ATK Ploy as her C to further reduce a threat's attack(assuming I can line them up).

I assume she is going to run something like this:
Lightning Breath [Def] — Lightning Breath [Res]
(Any Assist)
Moonbow — Bonfire (Breath) — Iceberg (Breath) — Aether (Breath)
Steady Stance — Steady Breath — Warding Breath
Null C-Disrupt
(Any C)
Quick Riposte
Steady Stance shuts down Specials, but Breaths allow her to deal more damage, and potentially improve her sustainability with Aether.

I recommend stacking Ward Dragons on Fae if possible. I see Aversa a lot, so unless you can get a consistent HP advantage over her with your Enemy Phase units, I recommend sticking with combat buffs rather than bonus buffs. Player Phase teams do not suffer the same problem since they can shrug off the debuffs with two Dancers/Singers. If you do not have Ward Dragons available or if you do not want to run a dragon team, M!Corrin, Marth, BH!Lucina, etc. are alternative teammate options who can give Fae lots of Drive buffs. M!Corrin is the best single target buffer if you Ally Support him, but Marth can buff the whole team, albeit with smaller buffs. I do not recommend Spurs because they can put your buffer at risk, unless they are also Distant Counter units and got the relevant skill sets to tank and survive.

4 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Quan: Either fodder him off, or wait if he makes an appearance in the mythic banner to get a merge, but right now he is waiting in the barracks. How do I go around building him?

His -Def is kind of pathetic for an Enemy Phase unit, but he is still usable as long as he is not facing against PvP units. I would build him with something like this:
Gáe Bulg — Slaying Lance [Def]
(Any Assist)
Moonbow* — Bonfire* — Ignis*
(Any A that boosts Atk/Def)
Quick Riposte
(Any C)
Atk/Def Bond
Which Special you use depends on his Weapon and the Spd of his opponents. If he faces a lot of enemies who are just as slow as him, Gáe Bulg-Moonbow and Slaying-Bonfire is the way to go. If he is facing a lot of fast enemies, then Gáe Bulg-Bonfire and Slaying-Ignis is better.

If you want to use him on Player Phase, then his Flaw is irrelevant as -Def does not matter if he kills his opponent before they can counter attack.
Brave Lance
(Any Assist)
Death Blow
(Any B)
(Any C)
Quickened Pulse — Heavy Blade — Attack +3

5 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Lyn: she has a nice a very nice Spd and I thought about merging the neutral one to her but other than that I don't know how to build her, also how is brave bow on her?

I agree with @Tree. I recommend saving the neutral copy so you can follow free guides easier. If you merge her, you can still use her to follow free guides, but it may more difficulty since the stat difference may influence how the AI moves.

I personally prefer Firesweep Bow, but Brave Bow is also fine. I originally gave her Brave Bow, but I switched to Firesweep Bow after Weapon Refinement came out that made dragons super bulky, as they can no longer be reliably taken down with Brave Bow without eating a Special to her face.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So, is there any use to Flier Formation on Leanne? Assuming I just run her on a team of Laguz, she'll always be at 3 Move, and the skill has only an effective radius of 2. Not like I really have anything good to replace it with right now, but I'm just curious whether I'm better off removing it eventually.

I would replace it. Even on my flier teams, Flier Formation and Flier Guidance are kind of pointless since my nukes and Dancers/Singers are already so close to each other and are rarely apart. And even if they are far apart, which is already pretty rare, Flier Formation and Flier Guidance does not work over long distances and Wings of Mercy is much better at bridging the gap.

If she is +Atk, I would give Leanne Quick Riposte so she can somewhat fight dragons. Otherwise, I would stick with Chills so she is guaranteed to debuff somebody. If you do not have Chills, then I recommend Guard for better survivability or Wings of Mercy for better mobility, but they are not as good in my opinion. If she is running Guard, that means she should not even be fighting in the first place. If she is doing her job properly staying near nuke allies and giving them buffs, then there is no point in running Wings of Mercy unless you are in Abyssal PvE modes or something where you need your nuke to run all over the place.

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ok so i turned my festive +9 Dancing Dagger Olivia into a Healer/Dragon killer.

Splashy Bucket+
Res/Atk Stance or Atk/Rest bond
Null C-Disrupt

Used her today in Aether Raids and it was fantastic

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5 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

So got some interesting units at the new banner. A Brave hector which fine and got in my armored team immediately. Also a +Atk -Def Quan and a +Spd -Hp Brave Lyn (I also have my free pull Lyn from Cyl). What I have in mind is:

Quan: Either fodder him off, or wait if he makes an appearance in the mythic banner to get a merge, but right now he is waiting in the barracks. How do I go around building him?

Lyn: she has a nice a very nice Spd and I thought about merging the neutral one to her but other than that I don't know how to build her, also how is brave bow on her?

Fraid I can't say much about Quan since I don't have him and as such have never given him much thought.

Lyn however is a different story. It depends on what you are using her for. If you are just following guides a Neutral copy is quite valuable as Tree and XRay said. However, I have never had a boon cause too much of an issue. It is the bane that always gets you. You can usually compensate for AI movements differing a bit. But if you don't have enough of a stat to reach a goal that the guide is relying on that is the end. For example the -HP can make it so that she doesn't survive stuff the guide is expecting her to. Working around that is much harder in my experience, depending exactly on how the guide has you building up the team/unit.

For a brave build, from my own experience with my Neutral and trying to clear Abyssal PvE content I can say one thing. She REALLY needs speed. My Neutral has needed a merge + Summoner Support(or 3speed) to meet speed requirements when running a Life and Death Brave Bow set(This is of course with a speed seal and hone cav under her belt as well). On Abyssal the damage she does is abyssal compared to the foe's HP and she is heavily reliant on special nuking people. With a quad desperation set she hits 3 times and then finishes them with a luna proc. Sometimes you need to run moonbow instead for special timing. I have even needed Brash Assault as her Seal to clear Abyssal content with her, since I just can't get her speed high enough.

Basically I have constantly lamented not being +SPD. However, that is with a Brave Desperation set. Brave eats a chunk of her speed. A firesweep set may not care as much(XRay would know more about that).

Tree does have a good idea about keeping 2 of her around to give her different blessings. She is a handy unit to have and that can allow her to participate in more gated content then if you just have a single merged copy. In that case I would build the +SPD for a Quad Brave build and use the Neutral for a Firesweep/Mulagir build. Still it depends on if you want multiples of her to complete a wider amount of content or one that is stronger.

@XRay Huh. A null DC/CC skill. Maybe I should hold off. Though wouldn't that skill count as a C-Disrupt and thus be countered by Null C-Disrupt(unless of course they had two sources of counter disruption)?

And yeah that is mostly what I was thinking with Fae. Ward Dragons is unfortunately hard to get, so she would only ever be able to have one stack in play on her. I just don't have the resources for more. Fae's HP is high enough I was thinking I could get away with Tactics since I have so many of those built up. Fortify is also easy since it comes by default on Ninian. The problem with Marth and Corrin is that I don't have them built up and am not exactly excited to do so.

BH!Lucina is Brave Princess Lucina right? I didn't think her drive effect worked on dragons.

Anyways I'll put Fae on the back burner for now. Next season is Nailah's season anyways. I'll just train up the +SPD one for now and decide a bit later after more info comes to light if the +ATK gets foddered.


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1 hour ago, Usana said:

Huh. A null DC/CC skill. Maybe I should hold off. Though wouldn't that skill count as a C-Disrupt and thus be countered by Null C-Disrupt(unless of course they had two sources of counter disruption)?

Nullifying Distant Counter/Close Counter is not the same thing as nullifying counter attacks. Nullifying Distant Counter/Close Counter only negates the additional Weapon range, while Null C-Disrupt negates the inability to counter attack.

1 hour ago, Usana said:

BH!Lucina is Brave Princess Lucina right? I didn't think her drive effect worked on dragons.

Oh yeah, you are right. I kept thinking she buffs all melee units, but she actually buffs all physical damage units instead. Dragons are magical damage units, so she does not buff them.

Outside of M!Corrin and Marth, I cannot really think of another unit that provides a lot of combat buffs. There are Happy New Year Weapons, but they are pretty rare outside of Hama Ya from HNY!M!Corrin and the 0/0/2/2 buff is pretty small; Nohrian Summer Weapons are equally rare and even worse with a tiny 1/1/0/0 buff. Sanaki and WOF!Hinoka got Drive Atk from their Weapons, but you are only gaining a total of 3 points instead of the 16 and 8 points of stats from M!Corrin and Marth, so I am not sure they are worth it as partners either.

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

@XRay quick question... 
should i sacrifice one of my Owains (wrath) to Soleil? or is there another better unit who would benefit from it?

I personally prefer Special Spiral, but Wrath is okay too. Wrath does have an advantage over Special Spiral in that it deals more damage when Special triggers, with the trade off being Wrath does not recharge your Special at the end of combat. Any unit with high Atk can use Slaying-Moonbow/Glimmer-Wrath combo to deal lots of damage, so I think Soleil is good. You can also use Wo Weapons over Slaying Weapons for even more damage, but you will need to wait 2 turns to charge your Special.

Lyn deserves a special mention since she is the only melee unit with Desperation built into her Weapon, so she can function as a regular nuke.
Sol Katti [special]
Brazen Atk/Spd — (Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
Def Smoke — Spd Smoke — (Any C)
Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res
You primarily want to boost her Atk since she is guaranteed to double against melee units, but boosting her Spd is also useful if she needs to fight a lot of ranged units who cannot counter attack.

LA!Hector also deserves a special mention since he got Wrath and Slaying in his Berserk Armads, so Hector can deal some crazy damage as a Player Phase armor:
Berserk Armards
Brazen Atk/Def
Armor March
Brazen Atk/Def
Reposition-Armor March gives him extra mobility needed for him to enter and come back out from enemy range safely. You can also opt for Death Blow instead of Brazens to help Hector get going right from the start.

Wrath can only be used by melee armor and melee infantry units, so Cherche unfortunately cannot use it.

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@SuperNova125   @Usana

I personally have been really disappointed with quad attacks. I set up my [+spd] Bow Lyn (+3 at that time) just for this purpose using summoner support, Speed + 3 seal, speed buffs, etc.) The four strikes were most often overkill so the quad was irrelevant. However, there were cases where the first two weren't quite enough; this sometimes resulted in her getting hit by a counter attack. Quad attacks can work well to get a guaranteed Luna (or other special) on tough units, but neutral speed (with buffs) is usually adequate for that. (Note that this doesn't work on units that have Wary Fighter/Guard like Surtr - you'll need to use the raw attack stat there.) For abyssal, you'll probably have to use Brash+Desperation anyway, so speed may not matter.

The [+spd] asset is probably the most versatile IV for her. The main reasons to use a [+spd] Bow Lyn is for a Firesweep Bow or her default weapon. She uses a Brave Bow very well with neutral, [+spd], or [+atk]. I switched to [+atk] for the Brave Bow. Performance is similar, but counter attacks (from dragons, etc.) are much more rare. Also, she can take out units with Wary Fighter/Guard (like Surtr) much easier.

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@Tree I can't really speak about Arena and such, but it can be really tough if not impossible to get her to hit speed requirements at neutral. It is the whole reason mine has Life and Death. Abyssal speed targets are VERY hard to hit for her at neutral. I have only had to use Brash once and it was a royal pain because the unit in question was one of the first spawned and knocking her hp down so that she could nuke it was a pain. I didn't have the luxury of sitting there and letting him attack her and then finishing on my turn. Abyssal fights with Lyn and Friends tend to require a lot of player phase elimination and the Brash threshold can be hard to hit safely when you need life and death to hit certian speed targets.  In addition Brash only works on units that can counter her, which can mean that she fails to eliminate some targets in a single round that you really need dead in a single round.

As for armors. I have yet to get her to one or two round combat a 99HP 48def abyssal wary fighter unit no matter the build. With those kinds of stats + Wary it normally comes down to special procs not 3 attack. And there are generally easier ways to deal with them than trying to brute force it with a brave bow. Axe dragons can also be an issue for her if she can't quad them. Though it is possible to brute force them due to their flying weakness. But you need all of +ATK/Deathblow/Summoner Support/Hone support/ATK+3 seal to pull it off if memory serves, at least I seem to recall my neutral just missing the two hit with everything but a +ATK nature. That said securing the quad with neutral speed isn't impossible since they have a 'meager' 32 base speed. Manaketes with their 35 base speed can even be more of an issue since you don't get effectiveness vs them and they may not be running lightning breath to use brash against. With 87 HP and 34 defense she would need something like 77 attack to kill in just two attacks. If you can push her speed up to 40 however she can instant gib them regardless of if they have Lightning breath or not(assuming you got Desperation Activated). If I recall the only units the +SPD needs brash to quad are daggers, who of course would always proc brash if her hp qualifies so that is easier to deal with than Manaketes who may or may not have a distant counter.

But anyways pvp content is of course a different beast since you don't run into 80-99 HP units very often there, nor are you vastly out numbered and at high risk of being overrun if you spend too many combat rounds on one unit.

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Can't argue with you on Abyssal. Those are tough and often require special builds per map. I use guides for those if I like the accessory, otherwise I skip them.

The attack asset has worked exceptionally well, and has proven much better for my usage than extra speed (at least for Brave Bows). However, by the time I switched to an attack asset, I had the equivalent of a speed boon from merges (+3 speed). So I haven't really used an attack asset without also having a good bit of speed to back it up. Either way, +speed and +attack are the best assets for Bow Lyn. I don't think you can go wrong with either one.

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So I’m really digging my complete Laguz set and thinking I want to use the multiple copies of Tibarn and Nailah to make merged units, but I’m having trouble deciding which copy to use as the base. So I have a few questions:

1: I heard that in a February update, banes will become irrelevant once you start merging because in addition to the extra 2 stats, the first merge makes a unit’s bane disappear. Does this mean there’s no reason to hold out for a +Atk-Spd Tibarn, and as long as I have any +Atk Tibarn, it won’t matter what the bane is?

2: Can I safely merge them now and still get the bane erasure when it updates?

3: I have a +Def-Res, +Res-Def, Neutral, and +Spd -HP Nailah. Which one of these should I use as the base for my defensive Nailah to minimize the number of enemies who can one-shot her?

4: Is there any reason I would want to hang on to at least one Tibarn or Nailah for foddering?

5: Do I have to level my 5 star units to level 40 before merging in order to get the stat boosts?

Edited by Alastor15243
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4 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

So I’m really digging my complete Laguz set and thinking I want to use the multiple copies of Tibarn and Nailah to make merged units, but I’m having trouble deciding which copy to use as the base. So I have a few questions:

1: I heard that in a February update, games will become irrelevant once you start merging because in addition to the extra 2 stats, the first merge makes a unit’s bane disappear. Does this mean there’s no reason to hold out for a +Atk-Spd Tibarn, and as long as I have any +Atk Tibarn, it won’t matter what the bane is?

2: Can I safely merge them now and still get the bane erasure when it updates?

3: I have a +Def-Res, +Res-Def, Neutral, and +Spd -HP Nailah. Which one of these should I use as the base for my defensive Nailah to minimize the number of enemies who can one-shot her?

4: Is there any reason I would want to hang on to at least one Tibarn or Nailah for foddering?

5: Do I have to level my 5 star units to level 40 before merging in order to get the stat boosts?

1. Correct, after the first merge, only the asset (boon) will matter. All flaws (banes) are removed, so it doesn't matter what they originally were. (Super banes will restore 4 stat points, so no loss there either.) Neutral are treated differently (+1 extra to the top three stats at level one) since they don't have a flaw to remove.

2. Yes, they said it will be retroactive, so it should fix already merged units too.

3. Not sure - I'll let someone else answer.

4. Nailah has very good skills. How much do you like these units and how much do you care about the Arenas and Aether Raids? If you don't care about really high placement in the competitive modes, or if these are some of your absolute favorite units, then merging is fine. I personally tend to favor merging over rare skill inheritance, but I also don't attempt high scores in arena; I play those modes just for the rewards.

5. Level is irrelevant to stats - at level 40 it all evens out to match the particular IV. Merges are permanent and they do not depend on any level, so you can merge at any level and will get the same result. There are a lot of protections in the game. The only thing you really have to worry about is the merge direction. All skills (learned or not), blessings, previous merges, etc. are preserved regardless of which direction you merge. However, you do have to merge into the correct copy to get the chosen IV. (There is a preview available on the merge screen, so you can double check right before merging.)

Note: the top stats at level one, (not level 40 or any other level), are used to determine which stats are added on the first merge. This only affects the order the stats are added. The end result will always be +4 to each stat at +10 merges.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

3: I have a +Def-Res, +Res-Def, Neutral, and +Spd -HP Nailah. Which one of these should I use as the base for my defensive Nailah to minimize the number of enemies who can one-shot her?

I am assuming she is used in Aether Raids.

Unless Nailah is receiving a substantial amount of buffs, Nailah should run +Spd with the following skill set:
Wolf Quees Fang
(Any Assist)
Moonbow — Luna — Bonfire
Distant Counter
Null C-Disrupt
(Any C)
Quick Riposte

While Nailah is not slow, she is definitely not fast either. Distant Counter slows her down, and she cannot run Darting Stance on the Sacred Seal slot either to since she needs Quick Riposte to finish off her opponent. Having two allies constantly near her is pretty reasonable and easy to do, so that will give her an additional 4 Spd. With neutral Spd, she reaches 41 Spd, which is not enough to stop doubles from powerful nukes like Celica and Ishtar who can slaughter her with Special activation. With +Spd, she reaches 44 Spd, and that level of Spd is more reliable at preventing doubles once it is further boosted by buffs from allies.

I would only go with +Atk/Def/Res if Nailah is being supported by a huge amount Drive buffs. For example, Nailah with 2 M!Corrins supporting her will give her 13/13/9/9 buffs, so +Spd is not necessary in this case, so she is better off with +Atk/Def/Res.

1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

4: Is there any reason I would want to hang on to at least one Tibarn or Nailah for foddering?

Tibarn got Sturdy Impact and Nailah got Null C-Disrupt. Both those skills are very powerful.

Sturdy Impact works well with high Atk units who has access to skills that guarantees doubles (Hoarfrost Knife, Brash Assault, etc.) and got high Def/Res (so they can forgo Desperation).

Null C-Disrupt works well on Raven mages (Sophia, Reinhardt, etc.) to fully shut down ranged colorless enemies (Firesweep archers/healers). I would hold off on giving them to Distant Counter units for now since they may release Null Close Counter/Distant Counter soon. Depending on how restrictive that skill's inheritance is, it would be pointless to give Distant Counter units Null C-Disrupt since ranged units could just Null your unit's Distant Counter.

Edited by XRay
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