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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Once you summon a 5-star unit, the summon rates will reset.

@lightcosmo side note on this, the summon rates reset at the moment the 5* unit is summoned, not at the end of the session. So if you summon a 5* unit at the beginning of a session and the rest are 4*s and 3*s, then summon only once in the next session and get a 3*/4*, the 5* rate will still go up, though you won't see this take place until you leave the summoning session (as the results of the session are pre-determined)
(If I got it wrong, let me know. Don't wanna give the wrong info to someone who doesn't know)

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every 5 summons that aren't 5-star rarity will increase your 5-star rate by 0.5% (split proportionally across all 5-star pools). Once you summon a 5-star unit, the summon rates will reset.

The advice is that if you've gotten the summon rate to increase, you should continue summoning on that banner until you cause it to reset because it is more efficient (in the long run) to spend your orbs on higher summon rates than lower summon rates.

This is funny, because I spent orbs trying to get Legendary Eliwood, with no luck at all, with the rate starting at 9% I believe? I free summon for Celica, first try. I free summon for Ophelia, first try. I think my luck is on the opposite end. Maybe i'm summoning at the wrong times?


1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

@lightcosmo side note on this, the summon rates reset at the moment the 5* unit is summoned, not at the end of the session. So if you summon a 5* unit at the beginning of a session and the rest are 4*s and 3*s, then summon only once in the next session and get a 3*/4*, the 5* rate will still go up, though you won't see this take place until you leave the summoning session (as the results of the session are pre-determined)
(If I got it wrong, let me know. Don't wanna give the wrong info to someone who doesn't know)

So i'm supposed to summon a lot at once to raise my chances, or am I reading this wrong?

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19 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

This is funny, because I spent orbs trying to get Legendary Eliwood, with no luck at all, with the rate starting at 9% I believe? I free summon for Celica, first try. I free summon for Ophelia, first try. I think my luck is on the opposite end. Maybe i'm summoning at the wrong times?

This is what statisticians like to call "small sample size" and what normal people like to call "luck". When you don't have a lot of data points, randomness is very random, not predictable, and prone to look like coincidences.


20 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So i'm supposed to summon a lot at once to raise my chances, or am I reading this wrong?

Not "a lot at once", but "a lot from the same banner".

Specifically, you want to maximize the amount of summons you make at higher-than-base summoning rates. In order to do that, you should never let a banner expire with the summoning rate at higher than its base value (because that's wasting summons that would have been made at higher-than-base summoning rates).

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

This is what statisticians like to call "small sample size" and what normal people like to call "luck". When you don't have a lot of data points, randomness is very random, not predictable, and prone to look like coincidences.


Not "a lot at once", but "a lot from the same banner".

Specifically, you want to maximize the amount of summons you make at higher-than-base summoning rates. In order to do that, you should never let a banner expire with the summoning rate at higher than its base value (because that's wasting summons that would have been made at higher-than-base summoning rates).

Ah, so it is random luck, then. Well I summoned using 160 orbs from the legendary Eliwood banner and managed to get little to nothing impressive, so I guess i'm confused on how everything works, since legendary banners are supposed to be more generous, obviously. Should I be saving more than that? Would that be considered "a waste of orbs"?

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14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

so I guess i'm confused on how everything works,

Flipping a coin doesn't give you 1 heads every two flips. Rather, over the course of tens or hundreds of flips, about 50% of your flips will be heads. That's how randomness works. There will be streaks of good and bad luck, but over many, many rolls, you'll land very close to the statistical average.


16 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Should I be saving more than that?

In general, I think many people try to save around 200-300 or more orbs for banners that they really want something from.


17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Would that be considered "a waste of orbs"?

Summoning a couple times from every single banner instead of pooling all of your orbs into one banner. In other words, the more you make use of the "pity bonus", the better.

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Flipping a coin doesn't give you 1 heads every two flips. Rather, over the course of tens or hundreds of flips, about 50% of your flips will be heads. That's how randomness works. There will be streaks of good and bad luck, but over many, many rolls, you'll land very close to the statistical average.


In general, I think many people try to save around 200-300 or more orbs for banners that they really want something from.


Summoning a couple times from every single banner instead of pooling all of your orbs into one banner. In other words, the more you make use of the "pity bonus", the better.

Ah, i really wanted Eliwood, though. Oh well, I'll try to remember to save more the next time. Thanks for the advice though! I have around 50 5 star units right now, should I try to focus on alot or a few?

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24 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Ah, i really wanted Eliwood, though. Oh well, I'll try to remember to save more the next time. Thanks for the advice though! I have around 50 5 star units right now, should I try to focus on alot or a few?

That depends on your motivations really. If you hang around here for any length of time you'll start noticing that most people here have their own quirks when it comes to collecting units. Some base their summoning on their fondness for a specific character, some for a specific game in the series. Some love building glass cannons, others like to invest in absolute tanks. Some love the seasonal units, some absolutely despise them. Some make it a goal to collect as many different units as they can, some prefer to just focus on a few and heavily merge them, while also giving them rare exclusive skills from other 5-star units.

With that in mind, the question is whether you've decided for yourself what you want in a unit. As a free-to-play player, orb income means you'll get on average about four 5-star units a month, including duplicates and unwanted off-focus units. As a consequence, you can only really afford to focus on one or two characters per month at best to really target. If you don't have any specific preference for playstyle or character yet, then it may be wise to try to figure that out first before spending any major number of orbs.

Most players here who've been playing for over two years will likely have approaching 200 unique 5-star units. That's just a natural consequence of randomness. However, realistically, most will only be actively using a fraction of those. Personally, I have maybe around 20 units I use very regularly, and another 30 or so that I use now and then. That means I only really use about a quarter of my 5-star units at all. Not saying that quantity isn't helpful - some have helped me decide on my preferences, some were useful but now obsolete, some could be good but require too much investment to get to that point, etc - but the name of the game is powercreep, so as long as you keep playing and getting new, recent units, you're not going to fall behind.

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11 hours ago, Hilda said:

I cant decide on the 4. member. I have no problems runnign a Team without a healer or dancer, but usually its nice to have one or the other around, but preferable a red unit. 

Leanne is not red and she cannot really fight well either due to her low Atk, but she is both a Singer and can heal. She also got a decent Res stat for Ploys and Sabotages.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Leanne is not red and she cannot really fight well either due to her low Atk, but she is both a Singer and can heal. She also got a decent Res stat for Ploys and Sabotages.

mmm doesnt wound bad.

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9 hours ago, Humanoid said:

That depends on your motivations really. If you hang around here for any length of time you'll start noticing that most people here have their own quirks when it comes to collecting units. Some base their summoning on their fondness for a specific character, some for a specific game in the series. Some love building glass cannons, others like to invest in absolute tanks. Some love the seasonal units, some absolutely despise them. Some make it a goal to collect as many different units as they can, some prefer to just focus on a few and heavily merge them, while also giving them rare exclusive skills from other 5-star units.

With that in mind, the question is whether you've decided for yourself what you want in a unit. As a free-to-play player, orb income means you'll get on average about four 5-star units a month, including duplicates and unwanted off-focus units. As a consequence, you can only really afford to focus on one or two characters per month at best to really target. If you don't have any specific preference for playstyle or character yet, then it may be wise to try to figure that out first before spending any major number of orbs.

Most players here who've been playing for over two years will likely have approaching 200 unique 5-star units. That's just a natural consequence of randomness. However, realistically, most will only be actively using a fraction of those. Personally, I have maybe around 20 units I use very regularly, and another 30 or so that I use now and then. That means I only really use about a quarter of my 5-star units at all. Not saying that quantity isn't helpful - some have helped me decide on my preferences, some were useful but now obsolete, some could be good but require too much investment to get to that point, etc - but the name of the game is powercreep, so as long as you keep playing and getting new, recent units, you're not going to fall behind.

I thought this game was more of the "right tool for the job" kind of game. You can't just focus on the same four units all the time, since some maps counter that setup your using.

Oh I don't mind using units who aren't "great" so that's not a problem for me. I'm just playing for fun, really, I go for units I like for the most part. I'm not sure which units I should focus on, at the moment I've just leveled a lot up during the 5x exp season since it was easy at that time.

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10 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

So is this new summer banner taking place of a new heroes banner this month?

There is usually one New Heroes Focus or one Special Heroes Focus per month, so Summer Refreshes is the Focus featuring new Heroes this month.

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30 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

So is this new summer banner taking place of a new heroes banner this month?

Last year's summer banners were also back to back, not to mention the Winter and New Year banners are also usually back to back. This is nothing out of the ordinary.

Additionally, with the announcement of Byleth being given out near the end of this month when linking a copy of Three Houses to your Nintendo account, it's extremely likely that the second banner this month will be Three Houses themed.

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9 hours ago, XRay said:

Leanne is not red and she cannot really fight well either due to her low Atk, but she is both a Singer and can heal. She also got a decent Res stat for Ploys and Sabotages.

@Zeo@XRayLeanne working great. Building her up with DEF/RES Fortress, Sabotage Def, Spd Ploy and Fortress Res or Atk Ploy in seal slot
Compliments Yunes Sabotage Res and C-Slot well
Mordecai running smite, ATK/SPD Link
and Mathew is running with Bonus Doubler on A-Slot, Desperation on B-Slot, Atk smoke, Spd Smoke

The Team is definitly not finished, much SP Grinding and optimization to do, but they are working very well together.

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I can't add pictures bc I'm on mobile.

What's up with Summer Lilina's art getting updated? I saw it in the notifications but I don't see the difference in the art.

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17 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

I can't add pictures bc I'm on mobile.

What's up with Summer Lilina's art getting updated? I saw it in the notifications but I don't see the difference in the art.

Here is a comparison between old and new:

It's some adjustments to contrasts, shading and face. Looks like they didn't use the final version for the game. 






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I need some help with choosing asset again. I have a +Res Myrrh at +2 merge, and I have another one that is +Atk. Is +Atk better than +Res? I use her as a tank in AR pretty often and I feel like having the high Res is very helpful for tanking magic there (on light season she has been able to handle Ophelia pretty well, though that might happen less now that most fortesses are lv. 5. I haven't encountered Ophelia much recently to check), but it might be that I'm just not noticing all the situations where +Atk would have helped me more. 

I also have a +Atk Amelia at +3 merge that I gave Bold Fighter back before she got Grado Poleax, but I've since pulled a +Spd one and I'm wondering of that is better for her now? My logic is that Spd is not that necessary because of Bold Fighter, but if Special Fighter is the thing she does best now I might want to get her that in the future, and then I assume +Spd would be ideal?

I've had these new extra copies lying around for way too long because I'm indecisive (and perhaps slightly attached to the original copies that I've had for a long time), so now I've decided it's time to stop letting them go to waste in my barracks.

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46 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

I need some help with choosing asset again. I have a +Res Myrrh at +2 merge, and I have another one that is +Atk. Is +Atk better than +Res? I use her as a tank in AR pretty often and I feel like having the high Res is very helpful for tanking magic there (on light season she has been able to handle Ophelia pretty well, though that might happen less now that most fortesses are lv. 5. I haven't encountered Ophelia much recently to check), but it might be that I'm just not noticing all the situations where +Atk would have helped me more. 

I like +Atk, but I don't use Myrrh for Aether Raids, so I know I can afford to forgo defensive stats.


47 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

I also have a +Atk Amelia at +3 merge that I gave Bold Fighter back before she got Grado Poleax, but I've since pulled a +Spd one and I'm wondering of that is better for her now? My logic is that Spd is not that necessary because of Bold Fighter, but if Special Fighter is the thing she does best now I might want to get her that in the future, and then I assume +Spd would be ideal?

I personally lean towards +Spd for Amelia. She's legitimately fast with the Grado Poleax with 39 neutral Spd, beaten only by Niles (41), Ike (41), and Felicia (40) with Spd-refined weapons, making her one of the best candidates for Special Fighter.

If you're planning on giving her Special Fighter, then switch to +Spd (though that can wait until you actually get your hands on fodder). If you're sticking with Bold Fighter, stick with +Atk.

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13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I like +Atk, but I don't use Myrrh for Aether Raids, so I know I can afford to forgo defensive stats.

I see. If I were to get a +Def copy in the future, would that be the most optimal asset she could get considering her weapon uses it to function?

13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I personally lean towards +Spd for Amelia. She's legitimately fast with the Grado Poleax with 39 neutral Spd, beaten only by Niles (41), Ike (41), and Felicia (40) with Spd-refined weapons, making her one of the best candidates for Special Fighter.

If you're planning on giving her Special Fighter, then switch to +Spd (though that can wait until you actually get your hands on fodder). If you're sticking with Bold Fighter, stick with +Atk.

Ok, I think I'll save the merging until I get Special Fighter fodder someday then. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

I see. If I were to get a +Def copy in the future, would that be the most optimal asset she could get considering her weapon uses it to function?

It really depends. While +Def increases the chances of her weapon's effect activating, the last time I did the calculations (which admittedly was over a year ago), there weren't all that many units near the cutoff where the extra Def would have made a significant difference.

However, this depends a lot on the build that you're running on her, her merge level, and the game mode.

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15 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Do tanks like Lukas and Mordecai really want Def as their Asset, or is it good enough naturally that they'd benefit more from an Atk asset?

@XRay and I have expressed opposite opinions on this matter (and pretty frequently in this thread and the general thread).

For most game modes, I think most slow tanks are fine running +Atk. There are some exceptions, though, for units with lower stat totals where +Def or +Res can be better due to otherwise shaky defenses (Sophia and Henry come to mind).

For Aether Raids, I think the couple extremely bulky tanks (Winter Fae, Caineghis, etc.) will do fine with +Atk, but it depends on how many and what kinds of enemies you intend to tank in one turn and what skills you have access to.

In general, the more merges you have and the more access you have to premium skills, the less you need a defensive Asset. The threshold for this is higher in Aether Raids and lower for most other game modes.

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After doing some internet research I found out super banes don't get +4 stats with the 1st merge but 'only' +3, right? So in other words, with merges in mind, a bane does not matter anymore, and it's preferrable to avoid super banes for max bst, right?

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6 minutes ago, Nimrod said:

After doing some internet research I found out super banes don't get +4 stats with the 1st merge but 'only' +3, right? So in other words, with merges in mind, a bane does not matter anymore, and it's preferrable to avoid super banes for max bst, right?

Flaws are removed with the first merge. Gone. It's not "you get 3 points back", it's "your flaw disappears as if it never existed". If it was a superbane, you get all 4 points back.

My +10 Summer Linde [+Spd, -Def] has 20 Def, which is the neutral base 16 + 4 points from merges despite it being a superbane.

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So I pulled a Fallen Berkut while trying for S!Lyn and he's not bad by any means (+Def, -HP), but I just don't really see myself using him all that much because his play style isn't exactly something I usually work with. 

Meanwhile @LordFrigid suggested to me while I was making my push for T21 in AR that Warding Stance 4 would be a really good option for M!Kana, which I certainly agree with; he's fallen a couple of key times that could have been prevented if I'd been able to run Guard on him. Kana's +5 with 2 Dragonflowers (purely for L!Eliwood shenanigans) and usually runs a standard Omegatank build (LB (usually Res Refined but need Atk for now for the aforementioned shenanigans), Noontime, Brazen Def/Res, Dull Ranged, Atk Smoke, and QR). He's Astra Blessed and runs with two Nagas and is Summoner Supported at the moment.

Basically I'm wondering if it's worth sacrificing the Sprite Powercreep for Warding Stance 4 on him or if it wouldn't really make a noticeable difference in his matchups. I usually end up in T23 by the Season's end if that's of any importance~

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