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Another team-building exercise for me, kinda just shooting the breeze, throwing ideas up in the air and looking for opinions.

The current Mythic banner has insisted that I have a Legendary Marth +2 (+Atk), and I suppose I'll humour it by finally building a usable team around him. See, up to now I've only used him as an AA hard counter since I have better general-purpose swords, not least his masked alter-ego at +10.

My current Fire units are Legendary Hector +1, regular Lilina +10, and a variety of high-powered horses. When I field a team, it's either a full horse one, or Hector, Lilina plus two horses in order to activate Ostia's Pulse. Now there's only one infantry there and she's hopelessly slow and thus completely unsuitable teammate for Marth. So I need to construct a team for him from scratch. Looking through my reasonably speedy non-sword infantry in my barracks, I have put together the following shortlist:

M Morgan - I have a +Spd one available to promote and merge my +Atk one into. Easy to get even more merges into. Decent enemy phase too, and also buffs Marth when he attacks.

Bride Tharja - She's +1 and +Res but still plenty speedy, plus I don't have to invest any feathers into her. Downside of course is her rarity, she'll probably be stuck at +1 forever.

Nephenee - She's also +1 and has an Atk boon, resulting in a very similar statline to Marth actually, twinsies. Effective against some tanky armours that Marth is likely to have some issues with. Decent Synergy since she likes to fire off Wrath-empowered Moonbows, and Marth can help her fire them off every round. Also cute.

F Corrin - Speedy dragon, don't have her ready to go but trivially easy to build and merge, and perhaps a good enemy-phase counterbalance to Marth.

Linde - HP boon at +1. Already has Dark Aura which would give Marth +12 Atk. Unlikely to ever get another copy though.

Tailtiu - Good synergy regardless of whether I go with Blarblade or her Prf, already is +Spd, and though unmerged currently, I have plenty of spare copies.

Summer Ylgr - Currently unmerged but happy to +1 her. Likes buffs too.

Raven - Don't have him at 5* yet, but eminently mergeable and likely pretty scary potentially firing off a Luna/Draconic Aura every turn. Actually, he can do single turn Galeforce reliably with Infantry Flash, can't he? Hmm...

F Kana - Is +Spd -Def, but I'll struggle to ever get another copy.

Adrift F Corrin - Neutral copy, the only real synergy is her Rally Atk/Spd+.

Lewyn - Nino is spoken for so he's my available green mage. +Res -HP is neither here nor there.

Sothe - Ready at +Spd and with a single merge, though I'm loathe to give him more due to his value as fodder. Peshkatz gives buffs. Marth likes buffs.

Kagero - No particular synergy but much more mergeable than Sothe for me.

Maria/Bridelyn - Token healer option.


Additional factors: My current 5*+10 units include a Lilina and Nowi which might make Morgan and F Corrin somewhat less desirable as merge projects due to doubling up on the unit type. I also have Cherche there, who sorta kinda does the brutal axe murderer role Raven would be doing, albeit sans-Galeforce.

Edited by Humanoid
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9 minutes ago, Nimrod said:


I pulled my first Azura yesterday. Thanks for the tip!

Hone Atk 4 is really good on her since it will buff adjacent allies' attack by 7, the highest visible field buff. If Azura has her Prayer Wheel equipped and she refreshes an ally's turn, then they get +7 to their other stats and with Gray Waves equipped instead of Sing, if the ally is a flier or infantry, then their movement gets increased by 1 to 3 movement like a cavalry or transformed beast flier from their usual 2 movement.

The trade off from switching to Hone Atk 4 from her default Atk Tactics 3 is that it won't buff allies within 2 spaces, but you don't have to play within the Tactics skills movement type restrictions of <= 2 of a movement type and the allies who do get buffed, get +7 to their attack instead of +6.

Edited by Kaden
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3 hours ago, Kaden said:

I know my post was long and maybe it wasn't clear, but I did mention CYL Hector. I also have those legendary kid Tikis from a while ago when I asked which one I should keep, the +Res or the +Spd one, and if I should use one to give Fierce Breath and Bold Fighter to Zelgius. Still haven't done that if you're wondering, so I still have my two poncho kids.

 The idea with Special Fighter Eliwood is that he's fast for an armor, especially a blue one, and HP, Atk, and Spd being his highest stats means if I were to merge him since he is someone I have been considering as a grail merge project, his 32 speed would go up to 37. With a speed refined lance, he'd have 40 Spd. Except for legendary kid Tiki (35), I don't have any of the other fast blue armors like LA Lyn (36), Halloween Niles (39), or winter Robin (34). If I consider the other armors, then after legendary kid Tiki, my fastest armors are the Black Knight and Halloween Henry (34) and a +Atk, -Spd Zelgius and +Atk, -HP winter Lissa (30). Amelia would have been an obvious choice with how unique refined Grado Poleax works while picnic Felica, GD Ike, and fallen kid Tiki come with Special Fighter. For a slow, Special Fighter armor, there's Duma, Idunn, spooky Myrrh, and if I had them, Caineghis, maybe winter Ephraim, winter Fae, GD Greil, picnic Lukas, Surtr, and winter Tharja because of their high bulk and/or very high attack.

 So far, Duma's looking like the better option. For my Distant Counter armors, reds have the Black Knight and Zelgius, blues have CYL Hector and legendary kid Tiki (x2), and greens have Hector, legendary Hector, and M!Grima while colorless has none because I don't have Caineghis or fallen kid Tiki. If you add in the other movement types, then reds add in Hrid, PoR Ike, vanguard Ike, legendary Ryoma, and Xander, blues add in Camus, Fjorm, and Nailah, greens add in Dorcas, and colorless only has F!Grima making her the only colorless DC unit which isn't saying much when colorless only has seven melee units, Caineghis, fallen F!Corrin, Duma, F!Grima, Leanne, fallen kid Tiki, and Velouria.

Ah, okay. Yeah, Duma seems better in that case.

LA!Eliwood is fast for an armor, so he should be fine if all he faces are only armor units, but he is really, really slow in comparison to other types of units. I expect Spd tanks to reach at least 40 Spd at merge +0, since plenty of nukes can reach 45+ Spd (SK!Alm +Spd can reach 56 Spd with Swift Sparrow and Darting Blow Sacred Seal); for merge +10 Spd tanks, I expect 44 Spd at the bare minimum. 40 Spd is fine for Arena and Arena Assault where teams are not optimized for performance, but in Aether Raids where performance matters, even 40 Spd does not really stop any of the top tier nukes from doubling.

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@Humanoid fwiw Marth boosts res if that affects your thinking at all.

From those options, I’d make a team of Marth, Tailtiu, Dream Corrin and Sothe. Dream Corrin has a bond and a not dissimilar effect on her weapon, so they’d work well together. Sothe over Morgan for colour balance. I’ve got nothing you hadn’t already said on Tailtiu.

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6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

My current Fire units are Legendary Hector +1, regular Lilina +10, and a variety of high-powered horses. When I field a team, it's either a full horse one, or Hector, Lilina plus two horses in order to activate Ostia's Pulse. Now there's only one infantry there and she's hopelessly slow and thus completely unsuitable teammate for Marth. So I need to construct a team for him from scratch. Looking through my reasonably speedy non-sword infantry in my barracks, I have put together the following shortlist:

 M Morgan - I have a +Spd one available to promote and merge my +Atk one into. Easy to get even more merges into. Decent enemy phase too, and also buffs Marth when he attacks.

Bride Tharja - She's +1 and +Res but still plenty speedy, plus I don't have to invest any feathers into her. Downside of course is her rarity, she'll probably be stuck at +1 forever.

Nephenee - She's also +1 and has an Atk boon, resulting in a very similar statline to Marth actually, twinsies. Effective against some tanky armours that Marth is likely to have some issues with. Decent Synergy since she likes to fire off Wrath-empowered Moonbows, and Marth can help her fire them off every round. Also cute.

F Corrin - Speedy dragon, don't have her ready to go but trivially easy to build and merge, and perhaps a good enemy-phase counterbalance to Marth.

 Linde - HP boon at +1. Already has Dark Aura which would give Marth +12 Atk. Unlikely to ever get another copy though.

Tailtiu - Good synergy regardless of whether I go with Blarblade or her Prf, already is +Spd, and though unmerged currently, I have plenty of spare copies.

Summer Ylgr - Currently unmerged but happy to +1 her. Likes buffs too.

Raven - Don't have him at 5* yet, but eminently mergeable and likely pretty scary potentially firing off a Luna/Draconic Aura every turn. Actually, he can do single turn Galeforce reliably with Infantry Flash, can't he? Hmm...

 F Kana - Is +Spd -Def, but I'll struggle to ever get another copy.

Adrift F Corrin - Neutral copy, the only real synergy is her Rally Atk/Spd+.

 Lewyn - Nino is spoken for so he's my available green mage. +Res -HP is neither here nor there.

Sothe - Ready at +Spd and with a single merge, though I'm loathe to give him more due to his value as fodder. Peshkatz gives buffs. Marth likes buffs.

Kagero - No particular synergy but much more mergeable than Sothe for me.

 Maria/Bridelyn - Token healer option.


I highly recommend running at least a Dancer/Singer if you are using Player Phase nukes. Running a Dancer/Singer will help the team far more than using only nukes in my opinion. Keep in mind that while it is okay to build around Infantry Flash, you should not rely on it. Player Phase teams generally do not work well with skills that require positioning requirements.

Tailtiu is the best option out of all of them since she is the most powerful blue nuke that is easily mergeable.

For green, I highly recommend Nino if she is available due to her nuking ability and the ability to give Marth Atk+6 consistently if she runs Odd Atk Wave. If you are not willing to use Nino, then Raven will be the next best mergeable option. While Raven benefits from Infantry a lot, he will have huge reliability and independence issues if he has to constantly be near HK!Marth to activate his Special, and fixing his reliability and independence with Flashing Blade Sacred Seal means that Infantry Flash does not do anything for Raven. In this case, I would just run Moonbow on Raven so he can reliably activate it most of the time, and when faced against enemy tanks with Guard you can position HK!Marth near Raven to help Raven break enemies' Guard.

With the primary color triangle covered, I strongly encourage running a Dancer/Singer as mentioned above.

Edited by XRay
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22 hours ago, Baldrick said:

Both his B and C make him better as a nuke, so there's no need to replace them.

Any A skill that boosts Attack or Speed is good, Death Blow/Darting Blow/Fury/Life and Death are the best low-investment options.

For his special, I would stick with Glimmer. Since he inflicts a large Def debuff he won't get as much mileage out of Moonbow, and other specials have higher cooldown.


20 hours ago, XRay said:

If you are using him yourself manually (so he is not on a defense team being used by the AI), I strongly recommend replacing Lull Spd/Def with Desperation. Without Desperation, Claude is a one shot pony he takes his first counterattacks as he simply does not have the bulk to eat anymore counterattacks and he is not strong enough to one shot things unless it is a flier or something.
Claude +Atk/Spd
Cunning Bow
Fury — Life and Death
Def Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd)

Alternatively, if you have Claude +Atk, he can emulate Reinhardt, although optimizing it is more expensive as you need Lull Atk/Def:
Claude +Atk
Brave Bow
Death Blow
Lull Atk/Def — Lull Spd/Def
Def Smoke
Heavy Blade

Thanks to both for the tips!

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So if picking a boon for Edelgard would go with +SPD or +RES. I have ran some calcs against the default lists on the duel simulator and the +RES/-DEF comes out ahead over the +SPD/-ATK unmerged. But once merging occurs it almost appears to be wash. I had thought she would more clearly prefer +RES for dragon encounters. But I guess her bulk is enough at neutral that it doesn't make a difference. Anyways my gut says +RES/-DEF and the calcs agree, doubly so if I decide to use the other one for skill inheritance. Can anyone think of anything that would gainsay my gut?

Also, I did catch on to something that I hadn't actively realized before. Though I am pretty sure if asked to think it out I would have realized it since it is pretty obvious. I just never bothered to think much about it. The +RES would climb ahead in the hard list if it were -ATK(though it would still be a wash). The bane changes what order the merge points come in. As such for just a +1 it determines on whether she can beat swordhardt or not. And whether or not she can survive against Amelia(though she can't win that one). Basically -ATK gets a point of defense instead a point of ATK and that leaves her with 1 HP against swordhardt and 2 HP against Amelia.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

So if picking a boon for Edelgard would go with +SPD or +RES. I have ran some calcs against the default lists on the duel simulator and the +RES/-DEF comes out ahead over the +SPD/-ATK unmerged. But once merging occurs it almost appears to be wash. I had thought she would more clearly prefer +RES for dragon encounters. But I guess her bulk is enough at neutral that it doesn't make a difference. Anyways my gut says +RES/-DEF and the calcs agree, doubly so if I decide to use the other one for skill inheritance. Can anyone think of anything that would gainsay my gut?

Also, I did catch on to something that I hadn't actively realized before. Though I am pretty sure if asked to think it out I would have realized it since it is pretty obvious. I just never bothered to think much about it. The +RES would climb ahead in the hard list if it were -ATK(though it would still be a wash). The bane changes what order the merge points come in. As such for just a +1 it determines on whether she can beat swordhardt or not. And whether or not she can survive against Amelia(though she can't win that one). Basically -ATK gets a point of defense instead a point of ATK and that leaves her with 1 HP against swordhardt and 2 HP against Amelia.

Not factoring in Flaws, I agree that +Res is better in my opinion. +Spd does not do anything for Edelgard since she will still be stuck in the shitty Spd range of 30-40. At the bare minimum, a unit's Spd should be less than 30 or more than 40 at merge +0. If the unit has less 25 Spd or over 45 Spd, then that is even better. Basically, the farther the unit is away from Spd 35, the better. Having low Spd allows your unit to activate stronger Specials more reliably due to being more easily doubled by enemies, and it better allocates those points towards other stats. Having high Spd helps prevent enemy doubles and ensure the unit's own doubles.

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@XRay Nino (+10) is tied up with the Water blessing, and is even more likely to remain that way now that I have Legendary Azura to power her up even more.

As for a dancer, I'm happy to plug a random one in at any time where it's most helpful, but the blessing is pretty extraneous for now since the dancer is unlikely to need the boost in performance and I'm not using the team for any modes dependent on arena scoring. If/when I resume clearing Blessed Gardens (which I haven't done for a year now) then trying to figure out an optimal dancer would be a priority.

That said, I might just toss a Fire blessing on a dancer I have no real reason not to - I have over 30 of the things. Ninian is in my Earth team alongside all my best dragons, as is Airzura because my best fliers are Earth too (because of F Grima). Olivia and Lazura cover Water. Inigo is in the Wind team because I can't remember why. I have both Lene and Silvia but swords. The remaining units are therefore Dagger Olivia, Elincia, Leanne and 4* Reyson. I think the beasts are out until I know which blessing my primary beast team (which doesn't exist yet) will carry. Of the other two, Elincia probably has a better niche, even if she is -Atk. To be honest though, I'll probably field just Lazura anytime Marth needs dancer support. 😛

Happy to bless some extra units rather than the bare minimum so I'll bless 4-6 of the best available units suggested no problem. Tailtiu seems a lock, Raven sounds a fun nuke, Sothe for colour balance is good reasoning, and so I think perhaps a tanky option or two would best complete the set. A lancer and a green dragon provide nice symmetry in that I'd have both physical and magical damage sources for both blue and green.


P.S. Beast team is currently, uhhh, Selkie, Caineghis and Leanne, plus one 4-star unit out of Panne, Naesala, Mordecai or Reyson. It's a pretty sorry sight at the moment.

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26 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

@XRay Nino (+10) is tied up with the Water blessing, and is even more likely to remain that way now that I have Legendary Azura to power her up even more.

As for a dancer, I'm happy to plug a random one in at any time where it's most helpful, but the blessing is pretty extraneous for now since the dancer is unlikely to need the boost in performance and I'm not using the team for any modes dependent on arena scoring. If/when I resume clearing Blessed Gardens (which I haven't done for a year now) then trying to figure out an optimal dancer would be a priority.

That said, I might just toss a Fire blessing on a dancer I have no real reason not to - I have over 30 of the things. Ninian is in my Earth team alongside all my best dragons, as is Airzura because my best fliers are Earth too (because of F Grima). Olivia and Lazura cover Water. Inigo is in the Wind team because I can't remember why. I have both Lene and Silvia but swords. The remaining units are therefore Dagger Olivia, Elincia, Leanne and 4* Reyson. I think the beasts are out until I know which blessing my primary beast team (which doesn't exist yet) will carry. Of the other two, Elincia probably has a better niche, even if she is -Atk. To be honest though, I'll probably field just Lazura anytime Marth needs dancer support. 😛

Happy to bless some extra units rather than the bare minimum so I'll bless 4-6 of the best available units suggested no problem. Tailtiu seems a lock, Raven sounds a fun nuke, Sothe for colour balance is good reasoning, and so I think perhaps a tanky option or two would best complete the set. A lancer and a green dragon provide nice symmetry in that I'd have both physical and magical damage sources for both blue and green.


P.S. Beast team is currently, uhhh, Selkie, Caineghis and Leanne, plus one 4-star unit out of Panne, Naesala, Mordecai or Reyson. It's a pretty sorry sight at the moment.

I forgot to ask, what do you need a Blessed team for? If it is for Blessed Gardens and Arena Assault, I would not recommend building a team around Legendary Heroes and just create a team that utilizes a play style that you are most comfortable with and then Bless that team.

For example, I Blessed most of my Player Phase units and Dancers/Singers so then I can just Player Phase my way through Blessed Gardens map and Arena Assault Teams 2-7. I pretty much ignore whatever Legendary Heroes I have unless they happen to match my playstyle or contribute better in a map.

20 minutes ago, Nimrod said:


If you had to choose, which boon for Tharja would be better, atk or spd? since you have been talking about doubling enemies I guess spd might be slightly better, right?

Depends on the mode, but I generally go +Spd. +Atk is better in modes where Spd is not as important. +Spd is better in modes where Spd is important.

Arena in higher score ranges, Abyssal difficulty, etc. favors +Atk more as units there are bulkier, slow, and weaker due to running scoring optimized builds rather than performance builds.

On the other hand, Aether Raids is a mode where performance matters much more. Since Arena is so easy and I can always copy strategy videos for Abyssal difficulty, I prioritize having better performance and doing well in Aether Raids.

7 minutes ago, Karuu30 said:

Is it worth to invest in a -Def +Spd Kliff? Or it would be better to save him for fodder? 

That is one of his best natures, so I would keep him. Kliff is really gimmicky, so if you actually want to use him and make him more suitable for regular play, I would overhaul his skill kit and run a standard Blade build:

Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd) — Flashing Blade

Edited by XRay
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20 minutes ago, Nimrod said:


If you had to choose, which boon for Tharja would be better, atk or spd? since you have been talking about doubling enemies I guess spd might be slightly better, right?

It depends on the game mode. Aether Raids wants Spd. High Arena leans towards Atk because opponents typically do not stack as much Spd.

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16 minutes ago, Nimrod said:


If you had to choose, which boon for Tharja would be better, atk or spd? since you have been talking about doubling enemies I guess spd might be slightly better, right?

Regular Tharja? If so, keep in mind that if you use her unique refinement that she effectively has 4 more speed than what her visible speed is. That is to say, her unique refinement inflicting Atk/Spd-4 on foes 2 spaces within her during combat means her base neutral speed of 34 is effectively 38 in combat. Same dealio with her defense and resistance since she's debuffing the foes' attack by 4.

Now, add in the usual field buffs on her because her personal tome is a -blade tome and in addition to her attack being very high, her speed will be high too. Also, merges if you plan on doing that with her. Tharja can become deceptively fast and bulky with the unique refinement.

Between +Atk and +Spd for -blade mages is up to you. +Atk would let Tharja do more damage and possibly or get more one shot kills while +Spd would be make it easier for her to double and also avoid doubles. I personally lean towards +Atk because of the unique refinement more or less boosting her speed in combat. +Atk also works well for a Close Counter, Vantage build since you want as much as attack as possible.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I forgot to ask, what do you need a Blessed team for? If it is for Blessed Gardens and Arena Assault, I would not recommend building a team around Legendary Heroes and just create a team that utilizes a play style that you are most comfortable with and then Bless that team.

For example, I Blessed most of my Player Phase units and Dancers/Singers so then I can just Player Phase my way through Blessed Gardens map and Arena Assault Teams 2-7. I pretty much ignore whatever Legendary Heroes I have unless they happen to match my playstyle or contribute better in a map. 

For my amusement basically. The game is getting very stale for me, and I suspect a lot of it is down to me just defaulting to two or three standard teams (one for each move type except armour) and playing the same way with them every time. Even when I get new and interesting units I tend to just go back to ol' faithful for any remotely challenging content because I have nothing else really prepared. So I want to build some new but powerful teams just to mix things up, even if I only end up using them for clearing the monthly 10th stratum quests or whatever.

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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

For my amusement basically. The game is getting very stale for me, and I suspect a lot of it is down to me just defaulting to two or three standard teams (one for each move type except armour) and playing the same way with them every time. Even when I get new and interesting units I tend to just go back to ol' faithful for any remotely challenging content because I have nothing else really prepared. So I want to build some new but powerful teams just to mix things up, even if I only end up using them for clearing the monthly 10th stratum quests or whatever.

Ah, okay. You probably want to invest several different Specials on Raven depending on the team and map. Moonbow can be his default since it works no matter who his teammates are or what is in his Sacred Seal slot. Luna is great if you can put Flashing Blade on his Sacres Seal slot and just need a raw damage nuke. Galeforce-Flashing Blade is pretty amazing for Aether Raids and it could also be useful in Røkkr Sieges to clear out reinforcements.

For HK!Marth, I also recommend giving him a back up C slot in case you need him to work with non-infantry units.

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11 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Sothe - Ready at +Spd and with a single merge, though I'm loathe to give him more due to his value as fodder. Peshkatz gives buffs. Marth likes buffs.

Kagero - No particular synergy but much more mergeable than Sothe for me. 

The hilarity of it all with these two is if you don't want to merge Sothe, but want to build and merge Kagero, then Kagero uses L&D3 very well with her unique refinement reducing the first hit she takes when initiating by 50% and which you could get from Sothe.

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19 minutes ago, Kaden said:

The hilarity of it all with these two is if you don't want to merge Sothe, but want to build and merge Kagero, then Kagero uses L&D3 very well with her unique refinement reducing the first hit she takes when initiating by 50% and which you could get from Sothe. 

Poor Kagero is still rocking the LnD2 she's had since at least the very first TT ever, where she and Tharja did all the hard work with dancer support. I kinda feel bad now that she's been completely forgotten essentially since the end of 2017. I might find use for her elsewhere as part of another team sometime now that she's gotten some help.

It's unfortunate that I got a grand total of 0 Sothes on the current Mythic banner despite spending large parts of it sniping grey orbs exclusively. I do have two 4* copies still, but I need to be careful with how I spend them.

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7 hours ago, Usana said:

So if picking a boon for Edelgard would go with +SPD or +RES. I have ran some calcs against the default lists on the duel simulator and the +RES/-DEF comes out ahead over the +SPD/-ATK unmerged. But once merging occurs it almost appears to be wash. I had thought she would more clearly prefer +RES for dragon encounters. But I guess her bulk is enough at neutral that it doesn't make a difference. Anyways my gut says +RES/-DEF and the calcs agree, doubly so if I decide to use the other one for skill inheritance. Can anyone think of anything that would gainsay my gut?

On player phase, everything aside from +atk (or +def if you give her Bonfire) is mostly irrelevant. 

If you want her to see enemy phase combat, unless you give her DC, ranged units will attack her first. One hit means she’ll activate Luna/Bonfire against every melee enemy even if they don’t double her.

+Res won’t make much of a difference because her res isn’t great. On the other hand, her speed is fairly decent, so +spd for double mitigation can be helpful against even physical enemies (Moonbow/Luna will hurt)

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On 7/31/2019 at 1:25 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Both +Def and +Atk have their merits. For Triangle Adept, I'd lean towards +Atk, but only slightly. For Close Counter or Distant Def with Eternal Tome or Raudhrowl+, I'd lean towards +Def.

I think I'm gonna stick with +Def for now and see if situations call for +Atk. Since TA scales with her stats, she'll get more out of +Def since it'll bring her Def into the 30's.

Is there a merit to +Res at all? I feel like red isn't the best color to be used for tanking since blue tomes are common in PvP modes and you can't counter most staff units due to Dazzling Staff but I figure I'd ask anyway. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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22 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Is there a merit to +Res at all? I feel like red isn't the best color to be used for tanking since blue tomes are common in PvP modes and you can't counter most staff units anyway due to Dazzling Staff but I figure I'd ask anyway. 

You can better wall staff users and run Sabotages/Ploys but that is pretty much it.

If I am not running +Atk on a Raven mage, I usually pick +Def or +Res, whichever Asset that makes it more balanced.

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So I'm not sure whether to ask this here or in the Three Houses forum, but...

Does anyone know the name of the track that plays in the Three Houses Tap Battle boss battles?  It was a massive jam, and I'd like to be able to listen to it cleanly and outside of gameplay.

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What Heroes benefits the most from both DC and Null C Disrupt? I just got a spare Nailah, and I was thinking of giving her to fallen Corrin, but maybe that's overkill and she'd just rather have DC and another B slot? 

Damn, 240 orbs left and I don't know what to go for. Another Sothis perhaps, as I pulled a -Spd one... 

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