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4 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I got pity broke by Idunn and since I already have a good IV one, I'm curious as to if I should merge her or not (I mean she's been pretty serviceable until now and does tank quite well all things considered).

If I go down the no merge route, then who would benefit from the skills she offers as SI?

Also thanks everyone for the advice.

Idunn is one of my favorite characters in the game and was one of my first 5* pulls (only been playing 2-3 months). I've thought about giving her DC and using her more, but I'm worried that red isn't a great color for a tank and the fact she's weak to armorsmashing and dragon effective weapons. I might merge her if I got more copies just because I like her so much, but she does have some good fodder so that's a tough call. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, lolĀ 

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12 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I got pity broke by Idunn and since I already have a good IV one, I'm curious as to if I should merge her or not (I mean she's been pretty serviceable until now and does tank quite well all things considered).

If I go down the no merge route, then who would benefit from the skills she offers as SI?

Also thanks everyone for the advice.

Any tank benefits from Fort Def/Res 3~

Vengeful Fighter is never really bad to have on your Armors, either~

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I got pity broke by Idunn and since I already have a good IV one, I'm curious as to if I should merge her or not (I mean she's been pretty serviceable until now and does tank quite well all things considered).

If I go down the no merge route, then who would benefit from the skills she offers as SI?

Also thanks everyone for the advice.

In my opinion, the bestĀ use for Fortress Def/Res is building tanks specifically for counteringĀ Infantry Pulse BlazingĀ mages in Aether Raids. Outside of that, you are not likely to encounter a need to boost visible Res, so skills like Warding Stance and Distant Def are better in my opinionĀ since they have stronger buffs, additional defensive effects, and do not gimp a unit's Atk.

Outside of Aether Raids, I guess you can give it to tank whoĀ wants mixed bulk, and ideally has a Weapon that can counter at any range. A tank that cannot counter in bothĀ range is better off running Distant Def or Close Def (tier 4 version is not released yet) in my opinion since those provide a stronger stat boost and shutĀ down enemy buffs. Dragons have easy access to Distant Counter Weapons so I think they are decent candidates for Fort Def/Res. Units like Florina and Oboro are better off running Close Def in my opinion for countering both physical melee armors and dragon armors, but they can run Fort Def/Res even though it is far from ideal.

Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

would you be able to clarify which tanks please because I'm not sure who would benefit from the SI, thanks šŸ™‚

I don't know who you have so I can't really recommend specific units. It's good on Dragons like Fae and Nowi, or example. It's great on Azama for stalling. Any unit meant to be tanky benefits from it.

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10 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I got pity broke by Idunn and since I already have a good IV one, I'm curious as to if I should merge her or not (I mean she's been pretty serviceable until now and does tank quite well all things considered).

If I go down the no merge route, then who would benefit from the skills she offers as SI?

Also thanks everyone for the advice.

You can go either way with merging or fodder on Idunn. I can't really say either is a wrong choice.

Idunn's best skill is Fortress Def/Res. The most popular choices for it are melee armors with Distant Counter on their weapon or ranged armors with good mixed bulk. If you're going for Aether Raids, I'd lean more towards Distant Def 4 instead of Fortress Def/Res, though. If you don't mind losing Distant Counter, it's also good for most other tanky armors.

Other good units for Fortress Def/Res are pretty much anything that you use for a general-use tank who can't or doesn't need to run a Breath skill and might want something less specific than Close Def 3 or Distant Def 3Ā (Hrid, Boey, Silque, etc.) or for a Res-based debufferĀ (namely Yune and units with Sabotage skills).

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Does the effect on Legendary Marth's Exalted Falchion stack with Nah's Bonus Doubler? I have a spare Nah that I'm not looking to use any time soon.

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1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

Does the effect on Legendary Marth's Exalted Falchion stack with Nah's Bonus Doubler? I have a spare Nah that I'm not looking to use any time soon.

They stack. If you have Eliwood: Blazing Knight, you can give Marth: Hero King tripleĀ Bonus Doubler.

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4 hours ago, Karimlan said:

Does the effect on Legendary Marth's Exalted Falchion stack with Nah's Bonus Doubler? I have a spare Nah that I'm not looking to use any time soon.

All in-combat boosts stack. No exceptions unless the skill explicitly says there's an exception.

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

With Legendary Roy does he want to be neutral or +Hp/-Def?


I don't intend to merge him if that helps.

IĀ thinkĀ +HP/-def.Ā The slightly better magic bulk is a good trade for slightly worse physical bulk since heā€™s best at fighting dragons.

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

With Legendary Roy does he want to be neutral or +Hp/-Def?


I don't intend to merge him if that helps.

Neutral is better in my opinion if you are using him in Allegiance Battles as there are quite a Brave units.

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@XRayĀ @Baldrick

He's mostly Training Tower quest fodder for the tenth strata.Ā  So I was curious which was better- though I haven't built a chain challenge team and I'm thinking WoM dancers and Lilina or Lewyn (?) nlt sure on that either.

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

He's mostly Training Tower quest fodder for the tenth strata.

If that's all you're using him for, then it absolutely doesn't matter. Anything that isn't challenge content can be done with pretty much any unit (that isn't outdated).

I would personally prefer neutral in this case since physical bulk is typically more useful for general use. Having a dragon-effective weapon on a unit with high offensive stats means he should be one-shotting them most of the time (especially if you keep him buffed), so his magic bulk isn't all that applicable.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I have a question for you guys. Right now there's 4 L!Tiki Manuals in my barracks with my L!Tiki at +1. I was holding it for fodder, but she only has Bold Fighter and Fierce Breath. Bold Fighter I could fodder off from B!Hector Manuals that I have 2 of. Fierce Breath I don't know if it is that useful or not. Should I merge the Tikis so she gets to +5, should I let the manuals awaiting for someone? She could potentially be a +10 someday, since she's always coming back on Legendary/Mythic banners and I usually save orbs for those. Not that I would pull for her, but she may be sharing color with my snipe target(s) someday, as was the case when I got those extra copies.

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52 minutes ago, Rinco said:

I have a question for you guys. Right now there's 4 L!Tiki Manuals in my barracks with my L!Tiki at +1. I was holding it for fodder, but she only has Bold Fighter and Fierce Breath. Bold Fighter I could fodder off from B!Hector Manuals that I have 2 of. Fierce Breath I don't know if it is that useful or not. Should I merge the Tikis so she gets to +5, should I let the manuals awaiting for someone? She could potentially be a +10 someday, since she's always coming back on Legendary/Mythic banners and I usually save orbs for those. Not that I would pull for her, but she may be sharing color with my snipe target(s) someday, as was the case when I got those extra copies.

Fierce Breath is not bad, but I think Darting Breath (whenever that comes out),Ā Steady Breath, and Warding Breath are better for the same reasons I think +Spd/Def/Res are better natures on Enemy Phase units. For Def/Res tanks,Ā bulk is more important in my opinion since you need to survive in order to hit back twice with Quick Riposte, and boosting Atk is not really too necessary as long as you run a Special that goes off during every round of combat.

On the flip side, you can also argue that since you should not use your Enemy Phase unit to tank things it could not handle, there is no need to jack up Def/Res to ridiculous levels, and focusing on Atk is better for ensuring kills, and you have a likelier chance to kill things in one hit which would help preserving your bulk.

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So quick question, who wants the SI for Legendary Roy?Ā  As I said I have two copies and don't plan on merging them.Ā  So who'd want his skills.


Also I was thinking of giving Gimurei Null Disrupt- will she like that or prefer something else?Ā  She is currently +Spd and almost always doubling stuff.


And finally a question about Lissa.Ā  What staff does she want more?Ā  I don't have much staff SI so I'd like to know some general low end investment attack staves/healing assists she'd be great at using.

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27 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So quick question, who wants the SI for Legendary Roy?Ā  As I said I have two copies and don't plan on merging them.Ā  So who'd want his skills.

You can run Bonus Doubler on a tank with Distant Counter if you run Azura: Vallite Songstress with them. Without VS!Azura, I do not think Bonus Doubler is really worth it on a tank.

You can also use Bonus Doubler on a nuke, but that makes the nuke super dependent on buffs, so that is not ideal in my opinion.

Personally, I would just merge so you can score better and have an easier time in Allegiance Battles.

27 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Also I was thinking of giving Gimurei Null Disrupt- will she like that or prefer something else?Ā  She is currently +Spd and almost always doubling stuff.

I assume you are talking about Robin: Fell Vessel. FV!F!Robin and fliers cannot use Null C-Disrupt. Null skills are infantry only. I would stick with Quick Riposte since she is fast, but not that fast. If you are not using her in competitive modes nor high difficulty modes, then her B slot does not really matter, so you can go with something cheap like a Breaker or Renewal.

27 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

And finally a question about Lissa.Ā  What staff does she want more?Ā  I don't have much staff SI so I'd like to know some general low end investment attack staves/healing assists she'd be great at using.

Gravity ā€” Pain
Dazzling Staff Refinement
(Any Assist)
Attack +3
(Any B) ā€” Live to Serve ā€” Guard ā€” Dull Ranged ā€” Wings of Mercy
(Any C) ā€” Savage Blow
Attack +3 ā€” Live to Serve ā€” Savage Blow

Her Assist is down to preference, so just pick whatever you like best. Restore and Physic are some of the most popular ones. If you are running Pain-Savage Blow-Savage Blow, make sure to watch for Wings of Mercy on enemies.

Edited by XRay
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5 hours ago, Rinco said:

I have a question for you guys. Right now there's 4 L!Tiki Manuals in my barracks with my L!Tiki at +1. I was holding it for fodder, but she only has Bold Fighter and Fierce Breath. Bold Fighter I could fodder off from B!Hector Manuals that I have 2 of. Fierce Breath I don't know if it is that useful or not. Should I merge the Tikis so she gets to +5, should I let the manuals awaiting for someone? She could potentially be a +10 someday, since she's always coming back on Legendary/Mythic banners and I usually save orbs for those. Not that I would pull for her, but she may be sharing color with my snipe target(s) someday, as was the case when I got those extra copies.

Fierce Breath is a situational skill.

There's no particular unit that wants it, but that's because it's "useful in a specific situation" rather than "useful on a specific unit". The situation is basically getting one-hit kills with a 2-cooldown Special.


28 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So quick question, who wants the SI for Legendary Roy?Ā  As I said I have two copies and don't plan on merging them.Ā  So who'd want his skills.

I assume you mean Bonus Doubler because all of his other inheritable skills have cheaper sources.

Bonus Doubler is currently the best passive A skill for dual-phase infantry with Distant Counter on their weapon (if they aren't using Distant Def 4 for a more specialized build). It's also good for player-phase infantry if you don't have access to the Tier 4 offensive passive A skills, though it makes the unit extremely vulnerable to Dull, Lull, and Panic skills.


28 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Also I was thinking of giving Gimurei Null Disrupt- will she like that or prefer something else?Ā  She is currently +Spd and almost always doubling stuff.

Null skills are restricted to infantry, and neither of the Grimas are infantry.


28 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

And finally a question about Lissa.Ā  What staff does she want more?Ā  I don't have much staff SI so I'd like to know some general low end investment attack staves/healing assists she'd be great at using.

All staff units can use Panic, Pain, and Gravity well.

Panic is used for shutting down buffs, and is most commonly used in competitive modes and Aether Raids defense.

Pain is good for softening up enemies, and is perhaps most useful inĀ Rival Domains and Grand Conquest.

Gravity allows you to stall the opponent for as long as you have space to move backwards and is great in Arena Assault and most other maps that aren't timed.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

You can run Bonus Doubler on a tank with Distant Counter if you run Azura: Vallite Songstress with them. Without VS!Azura, I do not think Bonus Doubler is really worth it on a tank.

You can also use Bonus Doubler on a nuke, but that makes the nuke super dependent on buffs, so that is not ideal in my opinion.

Personally, I would just merge so you can score better and have an easier time in Allegiance Battles.

I assume you are talking about Robin: Fell Vessel. FV!F!Robin and fliers cannot use Null C-Disrupt. Null skills are infantry only. I would stick with Quick Riposte since she is fast, but not that fast. If you are not using her in competitive modes nor high difficulty modes, then her B slot does not really matter, so you can go with something cheap like a Breaker or Renewal.

Gravity ā€” Pain
Dazzling Staff Refinement
(Any Assist)
Attack +3
(Any B) ā€” Live to Serve ā€” Guard ā€” Dull Ranged ā€” Wings of Mercy
(Any C) ā€” Savage Blow
Attack +3 ā€” Live to Serve ā€” Savage Blow

Her Assist is down to preference, so just pick whatever you like best. Restore and Physic are some of the most popular ones. If you are running Pain-Savage Blow-Savage Blow, make sure to watch for Wings of Mercy on enemies.

So someone like Fjorm for instance?


Also drat, I didn't realise Null Disrupt was just for infantry damn >.< and Gimurei is fast it's very rare she is doubled by anything:


So I don't see how she's slow by any stretch of the imagination.Ā  I'd hate to see what she'd be like at 10+ still she tends to run renewal and spur attack (may swap to drive atk if that works better) and chill attackĀ for her S Seal (full upgraded, may change to chill speed or have her run chill speed for her B skill instead so she can double more things).

As for Lissa she running the following build atm:


1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Fierce Breath is a situational skill.

There's no particular unit that wants it, but that's because it's "useful in a specific situation" rather than "useful on a specific unit". The situation is basically getting one-hit kills with a 2-cooldown Special.


I assume you mean Bonus Doubler because all of his other inheritable skills have cheaper sources.

Bonus Doubler is currently the best passive A skill for dual-phase infantry with Distant Counter on their weapon (if they aren't using Distant Def 4 for a more specialized build). It's also good for player-phase infantry if you don't have access to the Tier 4 offensive passive A skills, though it makes the unit extremely vulnerable to Dull, Lull, and Panic skills.


Null skills are restricted to infantry, and neither of the Grimas are infantry.


All staff units can use Panic, Pain, and Gravity well.

Panic is used for shutting down buffs, and is most commonly used in competitive modes and Aether Raids defense.

Pain is good for softening up enemies, and is perhaps most useful inĀ Rival Domains and Grand Conquest.

Gravity allows you to stall the opponent for as long as you have space to move backwards and is great in Arena Assault and most other maps that aren't timed.

Thanks XD Hopefully I can go a Wrathful/Dazzle build for her at some point- which I've been meaning to do forever since the skills came out lol.

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18 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So someone like Fjorm for instance?

Yeah, she would be great. Since you are not going into Aether Raids, she does not have to worry about Panic.

18 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Also drat, I didn't realise Null Disrupt was just for infantry damn >.< and Gimurei is fast it's very rare she is doubled by anything:


So I don't see how she's slow by any stretch of the imagination.Ā  I'd hate to see what she'd be like at 10+ still she tends to run renewal and spur attack (may swap to drive atk if that works better) and chill attackĀ for her S Seal (full upgraded, may change to chill speed or have her run chill speed for her B skill instead so she can double more things).

It is less about her being doubled, and more about increasing her damage output. Enemies in Infernal can reach around 40 Spd with the right Refinement and A skill. I do not think they are likely to double FV!F!Robin that often, but the fliers may be capable with the right skill set. The daggers definitely would double her if given any skill that boosts their Spd, since they have 43 Spd.

If you are using her in Abyssal, then she will likely be doubled by fliers too:Ā melee fliers got 42 Spd,Ā magic fliers got 45 Spd, andĀ bow fliers got 41 Spd.

18 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

As for Lissa she running the following build atm:


Looks good. I would just replace her C with Savage Blow or another buff.

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5 hours ago, XRay said:

Yeah, she would be great. Since you are not going into Aether Raids, she does not have to worry about Panic.

It is less about her being doubled, and more about increasing her damage output. Enemies in Infernal can reach around 40 Spd with the right Refinement and A skill. I do not think they are likely to double FV!F!Robin that often, but the fliers may be capable with the right skill set. The daggers definitely would double her if given any skill that boosts their Spd, since they have 43 Spd.

If you are using her in Abyssal, then she will likely be doubled by fliers too:Ā melee fliers got 42 Spd,Ā magic fliers got 45 Spd, andĀ bow fliers got 41 Spd.

Looks good. I would just replace her C with Savage Blow or another buff.

I don't use Gimurei for more than lunatic content- and Fjorm does Aether Raids on occasion when she's the bonus hero, though I don't use Fjorm that much, unless she's with Al for the Alfonse's quests.


What buffs would you recommend for Lissa?

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What buffs would you recommend for Lissa?

Depends on who she's with. But if you're looking for something cheap, you can't go wrong with Savage Blow. Since her niche is to chip away at the enemy while restricting their movement, it will help wear them down faster.

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So, I think I'm merging my 2 Eirs and go with Eir + Flower Girl on Light seasons. Ike would lose 5 Res, but the Dancer can make up for that. Someone talk me out of it lol

Also, thinking abour merging my 2 Nagas and go with Naga + Altina for Astra.Ā 

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Just now, Rinco said:

So, I think I'm merging my 2 Eirs and go with Eir + Flower Girl on Light seasons. Ike would lose 5 Res, but the Dancer can make up for that. Someone talk me out of it lol

Also, thinking abour merging my 2 Nagas and go with Naga + Altina for Astra.Ā 

I was thinking about it... but I would keep both Eirs. You can make one of your 5 teams a Double Eir Team, and despite Peony being a Light Mythic Dancer, I will probably use Azura in Water seasons... Depending if you use her C skill or not, Double Eirs also means 20 heal for the most damaged unit, so keep that in mind.

About Astra Season, that's a different story. I really liked Altina, so I would use Naga + Altina, but a team with both Nagas is also an option.

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