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3 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

But I'd like to get your guys' feedback on it before I go through with hunting for the couple skills I have yet to get on her, to see if it's truly worth it.

I don’t think Close Call suits her. Since she’s such a good support unit, she generally doesn’t want to see EP combat since she doesn’t buff herself. And if she’s standing back so she doesn’t get sniped it can be hard to reach the enemy on PP.

The way Close Call works, boosting speed is more important than boosting bulk. 10 points of defence only reduces damage by 6, and more speed ensures the effect will be active against faster enemies. Mareeta herself is IMO the best user of the skill since she has excellent speed and (Solo) Null Followup on her weapon to make her even harder to kill quickly.

EDIT: If you want to max Brave Lucina’s combat potential in general and against dragons specifically, my suggestion is Ruptured Sky/Flashing Blade/Null Followup. Getting the special off every round of combat would be the point of this skill set.

Edited by Baldrick
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4 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

I went with Atk/Spd Push 4 because the effect is dual phase as opposed to Death Blow. Triangle Adept would fit with Swordbreaker more, but it completely ruins her chances against green dragons. I did think about Life and Death, but I didn't want her suffering from the lowered defenses either because the build is meant to be capable of dual-phasing...not to mention Close Call wouldn't be performing at its best because she'd be taking that much more damage. And I could go with Swordbreaker, but where does that leave her against Lances?

Just because a unit has effective damage does not mean they should go against a unit type that the effective damage is good against. BH!Lucina is blue, but even I do not recommend using her to tank red mages. You have to consider the unit as a whole; effective damage is only one part. You also have to consider color, stat allocation, teammates, the role of the unit, etc. As a buffer, BH!Lucina should not be concerned about good combat performance. Since she should be supporting a green or red super tank (ideally a green), that super tank should be more than capable of handling green dragons on their own. BH!Lucina's combat performance should be only be concerned against units she has a clear advantage in, which is red sword units.

Against green dragons, BH!Lucina has nothing going for her against that match up besides effective damage, and that simply is not enough to warrant her to cover those enemies.

BH!Lucina should not be fighting lances or blue units either. Her super tank should ideally be green, and that super tank should be the ones handling it.

4 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

I'd also thought about Fury 3 or 4, but I felt their level of burn was just a bit too much for the gain. Not only does Atk/Spd Push 4 have higher Atk and Spd, but it also has less self-burn than Fury 3. And while Atk/Spd Push 4 doesn't directly give defensive bulk like Fury 3 and 4 do, the higher Spd pairs with Close Call to help defend better against foes with high levels of Spd. Another one I thought about was Fort. Def/Res 3, but losing 2 Atk with no way to get any back without assistance would ruin her offensive presence; if she's going to have Spd, it's not going to be used in a purely defensive manner.

On a support unit, Life and Death, Fury, and Fort Def/Res are support skills. Their primary purpose is to draw Chills away from the supertank. Combat performance is secondary.

4 hours ago, MilodicMellodi said:

While she shouldn't be in combat — at least, not often — she should be able to perform well in any combat she's put into. While they shouldn't be one-man/woman-armies, it's of my opinion that Support units should be able to cover more bases if they don't outright lose anything in the process, because it means you can better optimize their teammates because you don't have to make up for their shortcomings as badly. Sort of like...Edelgard, for example. She's capable of dealing with a wide range of melee units independently from her allies; with melee units accounted for, you can focus less on them and more on dealing with ranged units, or perhaps on buffing or healing Edelgard and the rest of the team.

BH!Lucina is not Edelgard, and Edelgard is not BH!Lucina. BH!Lucina does not have the right Weapon nor Sacred Seal slots to worry about combat. If we are trying to maximize her value without any consideration to cost, BH!Lucina should not even be running an A slot nor B slot for combat performance since those slot can essentially be turned into additional "C slots" to support her allies. The A slot is good for drawing Chills away from the super tank, while the B slot should run Chill Atk or Chill Spd to blunt enemies' attacks against the super tank further.

By making BH!Lucina doing combat in addition to buffing, that is essentially trying to turn BH!Lucina into a one woman army who can do everything. The problem with multirole units is that they are bad at all their jobs. A team of units that can do a bit of everything is worse than a team of dedicated specialists.

To further illustrate this analogy, team 1 is objectively worse than team 2. While each unit on team 1 can do a little bit over everything, they are bad at everything they do. Team 2 has units that does their own separate job and that one job only, but they are really good at what they do; Celica is really good at nuking and A!Azura is really good at supporting.

Team 1
Rally Atk/Spd
Brazen Atk/Spd
Hone Atk
Hone Spd
Brazen Atk/Spd
Savage Blow
Brazen Atk/Spd

Team 2
Brazen Atk/Spd
Res Smoke
Brazen Atk/Spd
Book of Shadows
Life and Death
Wings of Mercy
Hone Atk
Hone Spd

Edited by XRay
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Thoughts on the following Male Byleth build:

Sword of the Creator


Ruptured Sky

Distant Counter

Wind/Water Sweep

Savage Blow/ Some other boosting skill idk what to put here

Attack boosting/ Speed boosting Sacred Seal (?)

I remember seeing something like this in a video but I'd like to know how useful it would be.  For reference his support partner is Edelgard (because she'll be slaying blues he can't handle).

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Thoughts on the following Male Byleth build:

Sword of the Creator


Ruptured Sky

Distant Counter

Wind/Water Sweep

Savage Blow/ Some other boosting skill idk what to put here

Attack boosting/ Speed boosting Sacred Seal (?)

I remember seeing something like this in a video but I'd like to know how useful it would be.  For reference his support partner is Edelgard (because she'll be slaying blues he can't handle).

Just putting my two cents in here, but Windsweep/Watersweep would be better put on Female Byleth because she has more natural Spd than him. Still, both genders can definitely use them because Creator Sword neutralizes the part that prevents their own follow-ups while not neutralizing the part that prevents the foe from counterattacking.
Though...in that case, wouldn't it be better to have the build be more based on the Player Phase? Distant Counter is an amazing skill, but Windsweep only works on the Player Phase so I'd assume you'd want to prioritize his effectiveness in that. Swift Sparrow (or Death Blow as a cheaper option) would do well, though Fury would also work wonders. For his C, just use his Odd Spd Wave.

No matter what, though, you should do what you're comfortable with. Choose your own path, so to say. Get used to the game at your own speed, don't rush things too quickly.

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30 minutes ago, MilodicMellodi said:

Just putting my two cents in here, but Windsweep/Watersweep would be better put on Female Byleth because she has more natural Spd than him. Still, both genders can definitely use them because Creator Sword neutralizes the part that prevents their own follow-ups while not neutralizing the part that prevents the foe from counterattacking.
Though...in that case, wouldn't it be better to have the build be more based on the Player Phase? Distant Counter is an amazing skill, but Windsweep only works on the Player Phase so I'd assume you'd want to prioritize his effectiveness in that. Swift Sparrow (or Death Blow as a cheaper option) would do well, though Fury would also work wonders. For his C, just use his Odd Spd Wave.

No matter what, though, you should do what you're comfortable with. Choose your own path, so to say. Get used to the game at your own speed, don't rush things too quickly.

I can't remember the exact build it was-(I've been playing heroes since Virion was the free archer, but the power creep is annoying to say the least.)  I do know it was a male Byleth build with wind/watersweep and DC (it stuck out to me because of it) I think his was a dual phase build.


I have a +Speed/-Atk Ophelia and was curious to know what set up she might make use of to try to max her irritating for AR to face.  She has three mages on the team (counting her of course) one of whom is my Grima's Truth/close counter/vantage/double savage blow 3 Morgan and Aqua (legendary Azura) and I think for memory Eir and Surtr (?) Not sure but will check, I'm trying to work out how best to build Ophelia, does she want Special Spiral and Swift Sparrow or Life and Death 3?  Or would Life and Death 3 be better on Lancina?

Edited by TheSilentChloey
Noticed mistakes because I derped out.
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27 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

 I'm trying to work out how best to build Ophelia, does she want Special Spiral and Swift Sparrow or Life and Death 3?  Or would Life and Death 3 be better on Lancina?

Special Spiral for sure, Life and Death 3 because it also boosts her AoE damage.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Thoughts on the following Male Byleth build:

Distant Counter and Sweep don't really play well together.

Both of those skills want the unit to either have a guaranteed follow-up or extremely high Spd, but you can't have either of those because the other skill slot is taken, which means you need to have a strong buffing unit to make up for the missing stats.


57 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I have a +Speed/-Atk Ophelia and was curious to know what set up she might make use of to try to max her irritating for AR to face.  She has three mages on the team (counting her of course) one of whom is my Grima's Truth/close counter/vantage/double savage blow 3 Morgan and Aqua (legendary Azura) and I think for memory Eir and Surtr (?) Not sure but will check, I'm trying to work out how best to build Ophelia, does she want Special Spiral and Swift Sparrow or Life and Death 3?  Or would Life and Death 3 be better on Lancina?

Ophelia always runs Life and Death and Special Spiral. Any other skill is strictly less optimal for the slot.

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15 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're going to be using her on a team with stat buffs, then you should switch over to Blarblade. Otherwise, stick to her default weapon for the time being and see if Blarowl fits your playstyle.

Blarowl wasn't working for me, so I went back to her default weapon for the time being, but I'll try it out again if I ever use her in a more defensive team. Thank you very much!

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Distant Counter and Sweep don't really play well together.

Both of those skills want the unit to either have a guaranteed follow-up or extremely high Spd, but you can't have either of those because the other skill slot is taken, which means you need to have a strong buffing unit to make up for the missing stats.

I have my +Spd M!Byleth built with DC, Watersweep, & Odd Speed Wave right now. I haven't used him much since doing that build so I don't know how good it is. I thought it would be good for dealing with dragons because of Ruptured Sky. Should I give him a speed boosting seal and run with it? Or change his build entirely? I'd like to use him more because he is one of my favorite 3H units. I'd really like to snag another Eir so I can give him the Miracle/Mystic Boost infinity build, but I need Eir to be on a banner for that to happen.  I also have 2 extra copies of Byleth, but I'm not sure if I want to merge him or save for fodder. My Ares is waiting for DC, but he can't really use any of Byleth's other skills so it seems like a waste. 

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26 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

I thought it would be good for dealing with dragons because of Ruptured Sky.

If you want your Byleth to be your anti-dragon unit, then why go with Distant Counter? Dragons are 1 range.

In that case, you'd probably want to go with a Res-boosting skill. If you happen to have a Fallen!Berkut and fodder off his Warding Stance 4 to your Byleth, he'll be able to deal with dragons a lot better during the Enemy Phase AND the built-in "special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack" effect would help with slowing down enemy specials and therefore increase his survivability.

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I'm planning on building and merging Halloween Jaffar. I have Close Counter and Bold Fighter fodder on hand - could that make for a good dual phase build?

I'd prefer to keep his weapon, but I could have him inherit a common replacement like Barb Shuriken.

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1 hour ago, TEKWRX said:

I have my +Spd M!Byleth built with DC, Watersweep, & Odd Speed Wave right now. I haven't used him much since doing that build so I don't know how good it is. I thought it would be good for dealing with dragons because of Ruptured Sky. Should I give him a speed boosting seal and run with it? Or change his build entirely?

If you want to run a Distant Counter build, drop Watersweep and switch to Quick Riposte and a Lull or enemy-phase stat boost (Stance, Distant Def, etc.).

If you want to run a Watersweep build, drop Distant Counter and switch to an A skill that boosts Spd.

If you still want to run both, figure out how much Spd you need on each phase to deal with the units you expect to have to fight and adjust your Sacred Seal and buffs accordingly. This will depend on the content you intend to use Byleth for. Sothis and Winter Sothis don't appear in randomized PvE game modes, so you can get a slight breather, but in PvP game modes, you'll need to figure out how much Spd you'll need to deal with units like Sothis and Fallen Corrin if you see them often.

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2 hours ago, Faellin said:

So for him, what would be the best IV base, and any good build ideas for him?

For stalling on Aether Raids defense, +HP or +Atk. +HP for more stalling power. +Atk is useful with Distant Counter-Vantage/Null C-Disrupt to punish mistakes.

Super Stalling:
+HP (+Def/Res are okay too, but they only increase one type of bulk.)
Special Refinement — Def Refinement — Res Refinement
(Any Assist)
Miracle — Aegis
Steady Breath — Warding Breath — Distant Counter — (Any A that buffs Def, Res, or Def/Res)
Shield Pulse — Lull Atk/Spd — Guard — Mystic Boost
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke — Time's Pulse
(Any Sacred Seal that buffs Def, Res, or Def/Res) — Quickened Pulse
Double Miracle may require Infantry Pulse support from allies. Double Miracle might help Seliph survive Blazing mages by counter killing them with Distant Counter.

"You fucked up!":
Special Refinement — Atk Refinement
(Any Assist)
Reprisal — Vengeance
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte — Vantage — Null C-Disrupt
Def Smoke — Time's Pulse
(Any Sacred Seal that buffs Atk) — Quick Riposte — Quickened Pulse
This skill set mostly banks on Player Phase offense players not paying attention to skill sets and then counter kill their nuke.

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How does FEH handle things on multiple devices? My wife is getting me a tablet for Christmas, and the main reason I wanted it was to play FEH. Do I just have to make sure I manually close the app on my phone before running it on the tablet? What happened if they're both running at the same time? I really don't want to mess up anything on my account. And how would I set it up on the tablet the first time? Do I just need to use the same Google account I use on my phone? Do I also need to sign into my Nintendo account within the game, or is that automatic (my Nintendo account is already linked)? The tablet is an Amazon Fire HD, which I guess is running a modified version of Android. Does anybody have any experience running FEH on one of those devices? Are there any quirks or anything I need to watch out for?

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56 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

How does FEH handle things on multiple devices? My wife is getting me a tablet for Christmas, and the main reason I wanted it was to play FEH. Do I just have to make sure I manually close the app on my phone before running it on the tablet? What happened if they're both running at the same time? I really don't want to mess up anything on my account. And how would I set it up on the tablet the first time? Do I just need to use the same Google account I use on my phone? Do I also need to sign into my Nintendo account within the game, or is that automatic (my Nintendo account is already linked)? The tablet is an Amazon Fire HD, which I guess is running a modified version of Android. Does anybody have any experience running FEH on one of those devices? Are there any quirks or anything I need to watch out for?

It's possible to have the same file on multiple devices. It's saved with your Nintendo Account, not on the phone itself, so having the same account on different devices should be possible. Just don't go about playing both of them at the same time, the game recognizes it and sends one of them to the title screen to have to log in again.

Edited by MilodicMellodi
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What's a good player phase build for Lucina that will play off her stat line, she's going to be part of a mixed team for the most part (her for infantry, M!Grima for armour, Aqua (VS!Azura) for flier and lastly Veronica for cavalry/healer aka Team Grima), and are there any specific set ups that would be devastating for someone to come across against Lucy and her team more of a challenge to face as well as helping them to handle challenging PvE content?

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46 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What's a good player phase build for Lucina that will play off her stat line, she's going to be part of a mixed team for the most part (her for infantry, M!Grima for armour, Aqua (VS!Azura) for flier and lastly Veronica for cavalry/healer aka Team Grima), and are there any specific set ups that would be devastating for someone to come across against Lucy and her team more of a challenge to face as well as helping them to handle challenging PvE content?

All Player Phase units with decent Spd are pretty much built the same way.
Sealed Falchion
Moonbow — Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd)

— — — — — — —

In terms of being a challenge to face, then no. As far as I know, there is not really a good way to make melee units a huge combat threat. Melee units are pretty bad at threatening things due to their reduced reach. The only ones I can think of that are a bit threatening are Galeforcing beast fliers and Drag Back cavalry units. Galeforcing beast fliers can trip up Player Phase teams who accidentally put their units too close to the enemy team, while Drag Back cavalry units can trip up super tanks who rely on Drive buffs. However, Galeforcing beast fliers can be shut down with a super tank relatively easily, while Drag Back cavalry cannot really do anything if the Player Phase team does not leave anything in enemy range.

— — — — — — —

For handling Abyssal difficulty, I am not sure that team composition can work unless you do not mind the frustration and are willing to invest a lot of time figuring out the map. Fallen Heroes M!Robin is a dead weight due to his crap movement, and he does not have enough support to function properly on Enemy Phase since he will be lacking those crucial Ward Armor buffs. Lucina is a bit better, but she is still kind of a dead weight since she lacks the range of ranged units.

I recommend sticking with a full Player Phase team or a full Enemy Phase team for handling Abyssal difficulty. Like Aether Raids, mixing Player Phase and Enemy Phase together is not a good idea in my opinion since they require different types of support units, so the team will not operate well in either phase since essentially only half your team is usable for clearing threats.

If you replace Arrival of the Brave Veronica and FH!M!Robin with a ranged nuke and Dancer/Singer, the team should be able to work, although Lucina will be kind of clunky due to her melee range.

If you want to go Enemy Phase, I would replace Lucina and Azura: Vallite Songstress with two other Enemy Phase units.

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Looking for some feedback on what to do with a spare Winter Tharja.

Already have one built, with +Def/-Spd but I summoned a new +Atk/-Def one.

I've just been cheap and am using Candelabra currently with her default enemy phase kit (although currently unrefined because I couldn't decide between Def or Res). Is it better to merge to the new +Atk Winter Tharja compared to a +Def base? 

Otherwise I CC+VF is nice fodder combo...so is it better to keep +Def/-Spd because it's a much better overall boon/bane combo? While +Atk is nice, not really digging the -Def since I like how she has good mixed bulk.

(that said I don't currently have a CC+VF armour. From my barracks I guess I could give it to Henry, Jakob or Cecilia although I guess Jakob wants BF more for his Brave Bow set, even if +Def theoretically makes him nice for CC).

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Currently this is my Edelgard thanks to the current banner.



This is her current Galeforce kit (I just want to give her Lul Atk/Def) but I would like to run what enemy phase builds can she run since that is the playstyle I prefer, I was also thinking if I could combine Galeforce (the only reason I used so far) with DC/enemy phase/super tanking that is the playstyle I like. 

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I would like to know if the following is a good player phase build for M!Grima (and so help me of anyone calls him fallen Robin or use any alphabet soup I will be very pissed with you, he is Grima ffs...:XD: jk, but please just call him Grima because that is far more simpler for me to understand please and thank you for being considerate to me in advance so that I don't have to be a confused idiot as to which hero you're talking about 😄)



Moonbow (which Grimmy should be activating every round of combat I hope)

Life and Death 3 (because everything MUST die no exceptions XP)

Bold Fighter 3 (Because follow ups are a must)

Savage Blow 3 (to weaken anything stupid enough to not die from round one of combat) or Attack Smoke 3 (Debuffing is probably safer than chipping in case there are vantage sets Grima can't handle, but eh, Idk)

Squad Ace J (3)...

I'm not sure I like Grima doing player phase but may swap it for a mixed phase build/his normal mixed-going-on-enemy-phase build:



Aether/Ignus/Dragon Fang/Moonbow

Steady Stance 4/Svalinn Shield

Vengeful Fighter 3 (4 when it comes out XP)

Attack Smoke 3 (don't knock it, it is very useful to Grimmy)

Armour Boots/Squad Ace F 3

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Got a duplicate legendary Celica, and probably going to fodder her for SS 3 and attack / speed oath. And its looking very tempting to slap these skills on my Katarina for favoritism reasons. Since she already has SS2 built in, and that oath skill would synergyze nicely with her pref weapon since it requires her being adjacent to allies.

But before I do this, any other good users of said skill combo? I have a spare Naesalla I upgraded to 5 star from his original run, but never used him for anything. So I could sack him to get the combo for someone else.

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Looking for some feedback on what to do with a spare Winter Tharja.

Already have one built, with +Def/-Spd but I summoned a new +Atk/-Def one.

I've just been cheap and am using Candelabra currently with her default enemy phase kit (although currently unrefined because I couldn't decide between Def or Res). Is it better to merge to the new +Atk Winter Tharja compared to a +Def base? 

Otherwise I CC+VF is nice fodder combo...so is it better to keep +Def/-Spd because it's a much better overall boon/bane combo? While +Atk is nice, not really digging the -Def since I like how she has good mixed bulk.

(that said I don't currently have a CC+VF armour. From my barracks I guess I could give it to Henry, Jakob or Cecilia although I guess Jakob wants BF more for his Brave Bow set, even if +Def theoretically makes him nice for CC).

I would just keep your current one. If you merge, you are getting rid of her Spd Flaw, which is bad. The only reason you would want to get rid of her Spd Flaw is if you want to turn her into a super tank, but even then, I do not think she makes a good super tank.

If you are thinking about merging, I lean towards +Def. Unlike other Enemy Phase units with better movement where you can pick your battles more easily, so you can afford to go +Atk, I think going +Atk on armor units is a bit more risky since it is more difficult to disengage due to lower movement.

4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I would like to know if the following is a good player phase build for M!Grima (and so help me of anyone calls him fallen Robin or use any alphabet soup I will be very pissed with you, he is Grima ffs...:XD: jk, but please just call him Grima because that is far more simpler for me to understand please and thank you for being considerate to me in advance so that I don't have to be a confused idiot as to which hero you're talking about 😄)



Moonbow (which Grimmy should be activating every round of combat I hope)

Life and Death 3 (because everything MUST die no exceptions XP)

Bold Fighter 3 (Because follow ups are a must)

Savage Blow 3 (to weaken anything stupid enough to not die from round one of combat) or Attack Smoke 3 (Debuffing is probably safer than chipping in case there are vantage sets Grima can't handle, but eh, Idk)

Squad Ace J (3)...

I'm not sure I like Grima doing player phase but may swap it for a mixed phase build/his normal mixed-going-on-enemy-phase build:



Aether/Ignus/Dragon Fang/Moonbow

Steady Stance 4/Svalinn Shield

Vengeful Fighter 3 (4 when it comes out XP)

Attack Smoke 3 (don't knock it, it is very useful to Grimmy)

Armour Boots/Squad Ace F 3

He is Robin, as the game very clearly labels him as such, so if we get Grima in the future it would cause confusion. I think Grima is better off as a dual phase or Enemy Phase unit though:
Swap — Reposition
Moonbow — Bonfire
Warding Breath
Bold Fighter
Armor March — Ward Armor
Quick Riposte

He really needs fellow armor units to make dual phasing to work in my opinion. If it is just Lunatic and maybe Infernal, Atk Smoke is fine, but I do not think it is enough for harder content like Abyssal where you really need something more consistent like Ward Armor stacking and Armor March to make use of his Player Phase performance. I do not recommend Armor Boots on armor units that is not running Firesweep, Brave, or one shot builds to avoid counter attacks, as Armor Boots is a dead skill once he takes damage.

For a pure Player Phase, I am not sure how viable that is. I will take a stab at it, but @Ice Dragon would probably be more helpful regarding that.
(Any Assist)
Distant Def — Mirror Stance
Bold Fighter
Atk Smoke — Armor March
Armor Boots — Quickened Pulse — Distant Def — Quick Riposte
This is primarily for countering cav line in Aether Raids, but it might be useful against other defense setups and modes too. This is not a pure Player Phase, but it heavily leans on Player Phase to take out the most dangerous threats and tank the weaker nukes on Enemy Phase. He will need a Reposition flier to get him over the mountains, and he may also need Hector: Marqui of Ostia to support him to get his cooldown count to 4 or activate Armor March.

1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Got a duplicate legendary Celica, and probably going to fodder her for SS 3 and attack / speed oath. And its looking very tempting to slap these skills on my Katarina for favoritism reasons. Since she already has SS2 built in, and that oath skill would synergyze nicely with her pref weapon since it requires her being adjacent to allies.

But before I do this, any other good users of said skill combo? I have a spare Naesalla I upgraded to 5 star from his original run, but never used him for anything. So I could sack him to get the combo for someone else.

Any nuke would appreciate it. However, Player Phase units are generally much less dependent on having a premium A skill than Enemy Phase units, so I would not worry about it passing it on to the most ideal candidate. I would just give it to whichever nuke you like the best or use the most often. Oaths are nice, but are not necessary either in my opinion since Dancer/Singers are already the ones doing the buffing.

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I've completed Eirika emblem with the Christmas tickets, but my barracks are too tight so I'm going to fodder one of them. My options are:

-Give Atk Opening to Mist. Probably Joyous Lantern as well, even if she'll be unable to refine it.

-Give Atk/Spd Solo to... someone? I have more sword users than staff users, but I'm more inclined to fodder a seasonal than a legendary.

I'm leaning towards the former, but is there any unit that makes particular good use of the latter?


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1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

I'm leaning towards the former, but is there any unit that makes particular good use of the latter?

Staff users would like it very mush since they cannot access more regular A skills.

Atk/Spd Push is one of the other A skill options that staves can access, but Atk/Spd Push has a limited number of uses since it stops working after unit reaches less than 25% HP. It will be fine for Aether Raids since there are only about 6 enemies to nuke, but it will not be sufficient for Abyssal content where there will be a lot more reinforcements.

They can also access Brazen Atk/Spd, but that might be a bit of hassle to set up outside of Aether Raids.

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