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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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On 5/21/2020 at 6:32 AM, TEKWRX said:

Hey guys, last week I had a +10 bonus unit in arena (thanks Smol Marth!) and I made T21 for the first time. But this week I'm going to demote hard. I wanted to merge my F!Lyon anyway, and since I'm using him as my bonus unit I may as well do it now to help a bit with my arena score. But, both my copies have pretty good IVs and I'm not sure which to stick with. Would you do +Atk or +Def. I'm leaning towards Atk, but I do like that Def will give him even defenses. What do you guys think? And I do like him a lot, so not interested in foddering a copy (plus I have 3 extra Nailahs if someone wants Null-C).


EDIT: Nevermind, I decided to give Ashnard a merge and use him in Arena. He scores slightly better than Lyon anyway. I still want to possibly merge Lyon anyway, so I'd still like input on if I should go with Atk or Def.

Sorry for late response. I saw it yesterday but completely forgot about it when I was free again.

I think I lean slightly towards +Atk, although +Def is not bad either. He essentially got twice the HP pool of other tanks against ranged foes, so while he is relatively bulky, I am not sure if twice the HP pool is bulky enough. I normally recommend slow Enemy Phase units to go +Def/Res unless they got some bulky gimmick like damage reduction or Wary Fighter, in which case I would recommend +Atk. While DB!Lyon got damage reduction, it feels a little low in my opinion. BH!Ike with Close Call/Repel that is properly supported essentially got like 3 to 4 times the HP pool of other tanks, so he can safely dump HP/Def/Res and go all out on Atk/Spd if the player so chooses.

Edited by XRay
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So I got the FEH pass when Eliwood came out and canceled it more than 24 hours before today like they said to do. But when I opened the app I got Sanaki and have access to all of the other FEH pass stuff. My phone says it expires today and I didn’t get charged. Does this happen to everyone? I’m guessing I’ll just get stuff today, but I thought I was supposed to lose benefits upon the pass refreshing.

Edit: Okay it just now expired. I guess I got an extra Resplendent Hero, so that’s cool.

Edited by SSbardock84
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1 hour ago, SSbardock84 said:

So I got the FEH pass when Eliwood came out and canceled it more than 24 hours before today like they said to do. But when I opened the app I got Sanaki and have access to all of the other FEH pass stuff. My phone says it expires today and I didn’t get charged. Does this happen to everyone? I’m guessing I’ll just get stuff today, but I thought I was supposed to lose benefits upon the pass refreshing.

Edit: Okay it just now expired. I guess I got an extra Resplendent Hero, so that’s cool.

When you sign up, you get locked into a month of Feh Pass. During that month, you are guaranteed to get two Resplendent Heroes. Depending on your timing, I think it is possible to get three.

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So I asked managed to get Byleth, Proven Professor. Any good skills to give her? I have to admit I am kind of confused by her weapon. 

I also managed to get Mercedes, I don't think I understand how exactly martyr works. Is it the damage the unit you heal has taken that is healed or is it based on how much damage Mercedes has taken?

I would like to find a good skill set for both of them.

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1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

So I asked managed to get Byleth, Proven Professor. Any good skills to give her? I have to admit I am kind of confused by her weapon. 

A standard Player Phase skill set will do. Her default skill kit is mostly fine. Just give her Reposition, run Desperation, and have her run something else on the C slot that is more consistent.
Creator Sword
Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

If you want her to be a tank buster, she will need some adjustments:
Creator Sword
Luna (with Flashing Blade) — Moonbow (with Brazen Atk/Spd) — Ruptured Sky (with Brazen Atk/Spd)
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Flashing Blade — Brazen Atk/Spd
For foes with 70+ Def, you want to use Luna-Flashing Blade; if they have less, you want to use Moonbow. Against dragon and beast foes, you want to use Ruptured Sky-Brazen Atk/Spd.

Her Weapon enforces a hard Spd check for follow-up attacks. It basically means stuff like Quick Riposte and Wary Fighter that modify the normal follow-up attack rules do not work (unless the effect benefits the unit; if the enemy has Swordbreaker, that will get disabled by Creator Sword; if F!Byleth has Swordbreaker, Creator Sword will not disable her own Swordbreaker; if F!Byleth uses Windsweep, Creator Sword will only disable the portion that prevents her from making follow-up attacks). Her Weapon also disables foe's Guard and Heavy Blade type of effects.

1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

I also managed to get Mercedes, I don't think I understand how exactly martyr works. Is it the damage the unit you heal has taken that is healed or is it based on how much damage Mercedes has taken?

I would like to find a good skill set for both of them.

The damage the staff unit heals
The amount of damage the staff unit sustains
50% of the staff unit's Atk

Additionally, the staff unit heals half of its own damage. So if the staff unit has 10 damage, it will heal itself by 5 HP.

— — — — — — —

For a cheap Firesweep build:
Gravity — Pain
Dazzling Staff Refinement — Wrathful Staff Refinement (Dazzling Staff on the B slot)
Restore — Physic
Attack +3
Renewal — Live to Serve — Dazzling Staff
(Any C) — Savage Blow
Attack +3 — Atk/Spd

If you can afford a more expensive build:
Gravity — Pain
Dazzling Staff Refinement — Wrathful Staff Refinement
Restore — Physic — Martyr
Atk/Spd Push — Atk/Spd Solo
Dazzling Staff — Wrathful Staff
(Any C) — Savage Blow
Atk/Spd — Renewal — Live to Serve
If she is running Atk/Spd Push, AND if she is on a pure Player Phase team that relies on Desperation, AND if you plan to have her be fight multiple rounds of combat per battle, she needs to run Renwal on the Sacred Seal slot. If all those situations are true, it means that she cannot heal her allies (or else it will knock them out of Desperation range, which is really bad), and if she cannot heal others, that means she cannot regain HP via Martyr or Live to Serve to keep Atk/Spd Push up for more than a few skirmishes.

— — — — — — —

For a pure support role:
(Any Weapon) — Kumade — Grandscratcher — Joyous Lantern — Rapport Wand
Dazzling Staff Refinement
Restore — Physic
Miracle — Imbue — Heavenly Light — (Any Balm)
HP +5Fort. Def/ResHP/Res
Sudden Panic — (Any Pulse Tie) — (Any Sabotage) — (Any Chill)
Infantry Pulse — (Panic Ploy) — (Any Ploy)
HP +5 — (Panic Ploy) — Fortress Res — (Any Ploy) — HP/Res — (Any Chill)
There are a few ways to build a buffer/debuffer. Support skills in orange is based on HP; support skills in blue is based on Res; if you are mixing support skills based on different stats, you can use HP/Res on the A slot and Sacred Seal slots.

If you want her to support a super tank as a healer and Drive buffer for Astra Season in Aether Raids, you can run this:
Toasty Skewer
Dazzling Staff Refinement
Restore — Physic
Miracle — Imbue — (Any Balm)
HP +5Fort. Def/Res
Sudden Panic — (Any Pulse Tie) — (Any Sabotage) — (Any Chill)
(Any Drive) — (Any Guard)
(Any Drive) — (Any Guard)

Edited by XRay
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18 hours ago, XRay said:

When you sign up, you get locked into a month of Feh Pass. During that month, you are guaranteed to get two Resplendent Heroes. Depending on your timing, I think it is possible to get three.

I am able to confirm that with proper timing you can indeed get three Resplendent Heroes.

If you want to get 3 Res heroes, you just need to subscribe near the end of one heroes cycle, ideally that of a hero you want. Maybe wait for when there is 1 day left, or even when there are only hours/minutes left, before subbing and getting your Resplendent Hero.

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Indeed I think it'd be almost impossible to intentionally time it to only get two. It's only iffy if you sign up on the day a new hero is distributed and even then I wouldn't be surprised if you got three anyway.

Consider that currently the heroes are distributed on the 9th and 24th of each month. If you sign up on the 8th, you get the current hero that's about to expire, get the new one on the next day, then the next one again on the 24th. If you sign up on the 10th, you get the current one, another on the 24th, and the one on the 9th of the next month. These represent both extremes, so any date in between the days the heroes are distributed will give you three. I don't know what to expect if you sign up on the 9th though.

Caveat in that I'm assuming the FEH Pass lasts for a literal calendar month like it says on the purchase screen, and not 30 days. Things like whether expiry of the pass happens on fixed time (e.g. the daily reset) on a given day, or at the same time of day when you originally sign up, might affect the above. You can also miss out if you do something silly like signing up one minute before reset on the 9th and therefore not having enough time to claim the hero that's about to expire.

Edited by Humanoid
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1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

Will the reruns with the free 5* for 40 pulls are a common thing?

If so, is it known which banners will return?

For now, we only have two cases: The Three Houses Banner, and the one that is in a pool on Twitter which will happen on July.

People are voting on Twitter for the next New Heroes Banner rerun, and looks like the "Desert Mercenaries" banner will win (Duo Ephraim, Gerik, Ewan and Tethys). This one will return in July, with a Forging Bonds Mini with it.

We will only be sure more New Heroes banner are coming if they announce the 3rd banner after the one in July. We could get another Twitter pool in July, for example.


My theory is that... these New Heroes revivals are happening in Odd numbered months... while Double Special Banners are happening in Even numbered months... I wonder if this is a thing now, that each month we will have or a New Heroes rerun or a Double Special banner.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Can anyone advise me on a F2P friendly choice for me Arena team? Right now I have a Valbar, Flame Emperor and Eirika for my core and want to swap the latter out for someone with better BST. I'm assuming this means I should get a Red Hero, but if anyone has a Colorless recommendation I'm willing to hear them out too (I have a +10 W!Cecilia, for example).

Thank you in advance!

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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Can anyone advise me on a F2P friendly choice for me Arena team? Right now I have a Valbar, Flame Emperor and Eirika for my core and want to swap the latter out for someone with better BST. I'm assuming this means I should get a Red Hero, but if anyone has a Colorless recommendation I'm willing to hear them out too (I have a +10 W!Cecilia, for example).

Thank you in advance!

Before you swap Eirika out, I would consult the scoring calculator to see if it really makes much of a difference in scoring using a test unit's BST.

Even if there is a bump in score, you also have to consider whether that bump in score actually impacts your ability to maintain or promote to a new tier. For example, if you were bouncing between Tier 20 and Tier 21 previously, and your new hypothetical team now scores 20 points higher but you would still bounce between Tier 20 and Tier 21, then I do not really see the point in investing in a new Arena unit.

Basically, I would first determine what is the necessary score range to reach the next milestone (whether that is maintain a Tier so you do not demote; bounce between your current Tier and a new Tier; or completely go up to a new Tier). Then I would compare the difference between your current score range and the necessary score range, and figure out whether the increase in BST is enough to bridge that gap (I also recommend aiming about 10 to 20 points higher than the necessary score range to give yourself some breathing room).

If the difference is enough to bridge that gap, then you can proceed with your plan to replace Eirika.

If the difference is NOT enough though, then simply swapping out Eirika would just be a waste of resources. In this case, that means you will need consider utilizing Legendary Heroes and Blessings to provide a scoring boost, so you will need to start investing in multiple Arena teams.

— — — — — — —

For a free option, Astram is sort of similar to Eirika in that he provides a lot of buffs. His BST is 15 points higher, so assuming you keep their skill sets the same, Astram will give you an extra 3 points per battle (I think it rounds to 2 or 4 extra points, depending on the rest of the skill kit, since you cannot get an odd score). That translate to about a total increase of 10 to 20 points per win streak.

A Monstrous Harvest Dozla got 177 BST so he scores the same as Astram BST wise. Norne scores 171, so she provides 1 less point in BST scoring.

As previously mentioned, before you invest in Astram or a higher BST unit, make sure it actually has an impact on your ability to maintain or promote a TIer.

Edited by XRay
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9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

For now, we only have two cases: The Three Houses Banner, and the one that is in a pool on Twitter which will happen on July.

People are voting on Twitter for the next New Heroes Banner rerun, and looks like the "Desert Mercenaries" banner will win (Duo Ephraim, Gerik, Ewan and Tethys). This one will return in July, with a Forging Bonds Mini with it.

We will only be sure more New Heroes banner are coming if they announce the 3rd banner after the one in July. We could get another Twitter pool in July, for example.


My theory is that... these New Heroes revivals are happening in Odd numbered months... while Double Special Banners are happening in Even numbered months... I wonder if this is a thing now, that each month we will have or a New Heroes rerun or a Double Special banner.

Thanks for the information!

I like the idea of a second chance especially with the 5* although the timing was......... surprising. Wasn't prepared for it at all. 

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11 hours ago, XRay said:

Before you swap Eirika out, I would consult the scoring calculator to see if it really makes much of a difference in scoring using a test unit's BST.

Will do, thanks! And to be honest, I have noticed how negligible an effect BST changes can have before 😕

I'll still look into it though, but while I do, do you have any other recommendations? Another buffbot sounds nice but I'm interested in some more offensive options too.

Thanks again!

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39 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Will do, thanks! And to be honest, I have noticed how negligible an effect BST changes can have before 😕

I'll still look into it though, but while I do, do you have any other recommendations? Another buffbot sounds nice but I'm interested in some more offensive options too.

Thanks again!

Astram is not too bad as an offensive unit either. His stat spread is pretty decent and he comes with Wrath. I agree melee units are not the easiest units to use though.

Norne will be your best colorless option in my opinion. She got 171 BST, so she does not need C Duel Infantry. She can run a Slaying-Special Spiral build with Ruptured Sky or Blue Flame.

Alternatively, you can run Tharja and give her R Duel Infantry. She is the best free red choice in my opinion. She is able to have slightly more SP than Norne since she got an exclusive Weapon, although you will want to check if the slight increase in SP will make a difference in score. To pad her damage and for score, she can also run Special Spiral with Ruptured Sky.

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So, I decided to dump my orbs into the Three Houses revival banner to pick a 5* after 40 summons and figured I wouldn't end up getting any of the focus units. Welp, I have a neutral Dimitri and +HP, -Spd Edelgard as my first copies of both. I'm not that inclined to pick either to fix their flaw, but since I have them, especially Dimitri being neutral, I could pick one for skills. Anyway, my original plan was to dump orbs and pick Claude or F!Byleth. Mainly because of Dimitri, I'm not sure who I should pick, so I would like some second opinions.

Claude I have two copies: +Spd, -Atk and +Atk, -Def, where those two copies is another question. I figured picking him would make it easy to make him into a combat manual or if I really wanted to, fix the flaw on whichever Claude I choose to stick with. Lull Spd/Def 3 and also Def Smoke 3 by inheriting Def Smoke 2 from someone else are the main reasons I want him. Off the top of my head, legendary Alm, Eleonora, Eliwood, Hilda, and Linus/Raven would be appreciate Lull Spd/Def. Eleonora would like Lull Spd/Def to pass Mirage Longbow's speed check more easily and deal more damage making her stronger as a player phase unit, but for more supportive role her default Spd/Def Ruse is fine and she has Poison Strike for Firesweep chip damage shenanigans. My Eliwood is +Spd and +10, but he's mainly used on Anima season defense with Lunge to mess with people and I don't really use him much elsewhere nowadays. Being +Spd, -Atk, Hilda would be able to patch up the -Atk and be even faster. Linus/Raven might be safer running Desperation over Lull Spd/Def and Lull Atk/Def might be a bit better to help with surviving against foes they might have been a few points off of.

F!Byleth is the only one who I don't have and would be for Creator Sword and Windsweep shenanigans. I do have a M!Byleth, but he's -Spd, so it would be harder for him to pull this build off. And considering what happened, picking her would also complete my Three Houses lords collection.

Since they showed up and I like keeping a copy of unit, I can pick either Dimitri or Edelgard for skills. With Dimitri, I could give Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 to someone. Those could go to legendary Ephraim, Frederick for armor smushing, Gordin, Klein, Meisterhardt who's +Atk and +7 because of poor decisions in the past, or Luke because why not. It'd be great, but I don't feel like I really want to give someone Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 at the moment.

Edelgard is in a worse spot for me where her skills that she has are good aren't that compelling over the Lulls from Claude and Dimitri or having a new unit through F!Byleth. If anything, I'd make the summoned one into a manual and use the guaranteed one since I figure 30 neutral base speed might be better than 26 with -Spd for breaking speed checks against units with Wary Fighter.

I'm still leaning towards either Claude or F!Byleth, but if someone can convince me that Dimitri or Edelgard would be better, then sure.

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Since i'm going to be blue sniping on this mythic banner to try and get Julia, how well does legendary Ephraim hold up these days in terms of performance? He looks to have a workable statline with his garunteed followups with his weapon. But his base kit could use some work.

Mostly compared to more modern lance cavs like brave Eliwood, Sirius, and Percivel. Just in case I do get him and all.

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19 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Since i'm going to be blue sniping on this mythic banner to try and get Julia, how well does legendary Ephraim hold up these days in terms of performance? He looks to have a workable statline with his garunteed followups with his weapon. But his base kit could use some work.

If you don't have more harder to get skills, you could just give Ephraim Death Blow 3 and a damage special like Moonbow or Bonfire and he should be okay for player phase. Enemy phase is kind of all right, but mainly against physical damage units. Galeforce is the thing he can abuse with Flame Siegmund's guaranteed follow-up effect. In that case, Smite might be good on him to keep allies away from him and he would want to run Heavy Blade to charge Galeforce. Considering Heavy Blade 4, maybe that could work as his A passive while he Death Blow 3 as his seal, but that's expensive and requires sacrificing Ephraim & Lyon as they are the only unit with Heavy Blade 4. Otherwise, any attack boosting A passive would be fine like Atk/Def Solo, Fury, etc., and his B passive can be anything really that you would find useful for him including Desperation due Flame Siegmund's guaranteed follow-up effect. Same deal with his C passive e.g. a Smoke or Savage Blow.

19 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Mostly compared to more modern lance cavs like brave Eliwood, Sirius, and Percivel. Just in case I do get him and all.

CYL Eliwood, Perceval, and Sirius are fast compared to legendary Ephraim, so I don't feel like they're as comparable to him. CYL Eliwood has 35 base Spd and Perceval and Sirius have 37 base Spd to legendary Ephraim's 27.

Dimitri would probably be the most comparable to legendary Ephraim as both share a conditional guaranteed follow-up effect. Dimitri needs his and his foe's HP to be full or he and his foe to not be at full health while legendary Ephraim needs to be outnumbered. In terms of stats, Dimitri has 40 HP, 36 Atk, 29 Spd, 34 Def, and 18 Res to legendary Ephraim's 43 HP, 36 Atk, 27 Spd, 33 Def, and 18 Res. Basically, Dimitri's like a +Spd, -HP legendary Ephraim and legendary Ephraim is a +HP, -Spd Dimitri.

Dimitri can run the same builds as legendary Ephraim with the advantage of having Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 as his default passives. In other words, replace his special with something like Moonbow, Bonfire, or Galeforce, change his B passive to something else if you don't want him to run Lull Atk/Def and slap whatever C passive you want on him.

Edited by Kaden
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38 minutes ago, Kaden said:

So, I decided to dump my orbs into the Three Houses revival banner to pick a 5* after 40 summons and figured I wouldn't end up getting any of the focus units. Welp, I have a neutral Dimitri and +HP, -Spd Edelgard as my first copies of both. I'm not that inclined to pick either to fix their flaw, but since I have them, especially Dimitri being neutral, I could pick one for skills. Anyway, my original plan was to dump orbs and pick Claude or F!Byleth. Mainly because of Dimitri, I'm not sure who I should pick, so I would like some second opinions.

Claude I have two copies: +Spd, -Atk and +Atk, -Def, where those two copies is another question. I figured picking him would make it easy to make him into a combat manual or if I really wanted to, fix the flaw on whichever Claude I choose to stick with. Lull Spd/Def 3 and also Def Smoke 3 by inheriting Def Smoke 2 from someone else are the main reasons I want him. Off the top of my head, legendary Alm, Eleonora, Eliwood, Hilda, and Linus/Raven would be appreciate Lull Spd/Def. Eleonora would like Lull Spd/Def to pass Mirage Longbow's speed check more easily and deal more damage making her stronger as a player phase unit, but for more supportive role her default Spd/Def Ruse is fine and she has Poison Strike for Firesweep chip damage shenanigans. My Eliwood is +Spd and +10, but he's mainly used on Anima season defense with Lunge to mess with people and I don't really use him much elsewhere nowadays. Being +Spd, -Atk, Hilda would be able to patch up the -Atk and be even faster. Linus/Raven might be safer running Desperation over Lull Spd/Def and Lull Atk/Def might be a bit better to help with surviving against foes they might have been a few points off of.

F!Byleth is the only one who I don't have and would be for Creator Sword and Windsweep shenanigans. I do have a M!Byleth, but he's -Spd, so it would be harder for him to pull this build off. And considering what happened, picking her would also complete my Three Houses lords collection.

Since they showed up and I like keeping a copy of unit, I can pick either Dimitri or Edelgard for skills. With Dimitri, I could give Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 to someone. Those could go to legendary Ephraim, Frederick for armor smushing, Gordin, Klein, Meisterhardt who's +Atk and +7 because of poor decisions in the past, or Luke because why not. It'd be great, but I don't feel like I really want to give someone Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 at the moment.

Edelgard is in a worse spot for me where her skills that she has are good aren't that compelling over the Lulls from Claude and Dimitri or having a new unit through F!Byleth. If anything, I'd make the summoned one into a manual and use the guaranteed one since I figure 30 neutral base speed might be better than 26 with -Spd for breaking speed checks against units with Wary Fighter.

I'm still leaning towards either Claude or F!Byleth, but if someone can convince me that Dimitri or Edelgard would be better, then sure.

I would pick whoever fits your play style more, or whoever provides you with more useful fodder.

Personally, due to my play style, I lean towards Claude since he is ranged cavalry. Dimitri would be next since he seems like a pretty good Galeforcer. Edelgard is also a Galeforcer, but she is more gimmicky due to her positioning requirements, so I would rate her below Dimitri. F!Byleth is a pretty decent tank buster, but I personally have not found tank busting to be particularly useful.

In terms of fodder though, I would rank Dimitri as the best since Death Blow and Lull Atk/Def are very good and extremely synergistic. Edelgard is a distant second, since while Atk/Def Solo is pretty decent on dual phase units with guaranteed follow-up attacks, those units are kind of niche; Rouse Atk/Def is not great either in my opinion, but it is a decent substitute if the player cannot afford BK!Eliwood, GOW!Eirika, or similar units. F!Byleth's skills are more flashy than meaningful; Ruptured Sky is nice for scoring, but in most other cases, it is pretty comparable to Moonbow; like all other premium A skills for Player Phase units, Fury 4 is nice but totally unnecessary; Wrath is also nice, but like Atk/Def Solo, it is pretty niche in my opinion as Desperation is generally a better option. Claude only has Lull Spd/Def, and it is really niche too as it is just for units with Desperation on their Weapons.

19 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Since i'm going to be blue sniping on this mythic banner to try and get Julia, how well does legendary Ephraim hold up these days in terms of performance? He looks to have a workable statline with his garunteed followups with his weapon. But his base kit could use some work.

Mostly compared to more modern lance cavs like brave Eliwood, Sirius, and Percivel. Just in case I do get him and all.

He is a decent dual phase unit with guaranteed follow-up. However, he is more gimmicky than others due to having positioning requirements similar to Edelgard.

He operates very differently to other lance cavalry as he does not need Spd to work, so I do not think they are comparable.

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On 5/28/2020 at 1:01 AM, XRay said:

I would pick whoever fits your play style more, or whoever provides you with more useful fodder.

Personally, due to my play style, I lean towards Claude since he is ranged cavalry. Dimitri would be next since he seems like a pretty good Galeforcer. Edelgard is also a Galeforcer, but she is more gimmicky due to her positioning requirements, so I would rate her below Dimitri. F!Byleth is a pretty decent tank buster, but I personally have not found tank busting to be particularly useful.

Play style is something I should think about as I don't know exactly what my play style is. I don't see any of them being merge projects, so picking anyone, but F!Byleth would be for skills.

The Byleths being tank busters are fine, but they are also capable of being selective Firesweep melee infantry with Watersweep or Windsweep. That's something unique and helpful even if it's not as potent as a ranged Firesweep unit that is cheaper to do with a healer. The collector in me also wants to pick F!Byleth to add a new unit.

On 5/28/2020 at 1:01 AM, XRay said:

In terms of fodder though, I would rank Dimitri as the best since Death Blow and Lull Atk/Def are very good and extremely synergistic. Edelgard is a distant second, since while Atk/Def Solo is pretty decent on dual phase units with guaranteed follow-up attacks, those units are kind of niche; Rouse Atk/Def is not great either in my opinion, but it is a decent substitute if the player cannot afford BK!Eliwood, GOW!Eirika, or similar units. F!Byleth's skills are more flashy than meaningful; Ruptured Sky is nice for scoring, but in most other cases, it is pretty comparable to Moonbow; like all other premium A skills for Player Phase units, Fury 4 is nice but totally unnecessary; Wrath is also nice, but like Atk/Def Solo, it is pretty niche in my opinion as Desperation is generally a better option. Claude only has Lull Spd/Def, and it is really niche too as it is just for units with Desperation on their Weapons.

Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def 3 are good and a simple combo, but in spite of that, I don't have anyone in mind that I really want to give them to; invest into. The units I listed are just candidates and in the case of Meisterhardt, sticking with his default Vantage and giving him Distant Counter would be "cheaper". Now, if we had a Vantage seal, then sure, Distant Counter, Lull Atk/Def, Vantage Meisterhardt or a similar unit would be pretty amusing. If fliers were not restricted from using Lull passives, then I would consider giving Death Blow 4 and Lull Atk/Def to Cherche or maybe Elincia.

Atk/Def Solo or any inherited Solo skill would be fun to play with. I think I'm at a point where I have a love-hate relationship with Solo passives. I get why Atk/Spd Solo and kind of Swift Sparrow 2 are still 5* locked, but it would be nice if Def/Res Solo were 4* available or even Atk/Def, Atk/Res, Spd/Def, and Spd/Res Solo. Anyway, I digress. Off the top of my head for units that I have, Atk/Def Solo could go to Dimitri as ironic as that may be, regular, legendary, or CYL Ephraim, Laslow, and Meisterhardt. There's also Yune, but she probably would prefer Atk/Res Solo instead or Sturdy Impact for a slightly stronger defensive boost and follow-up prevention at the cost of it only working on player phase. Additionally, CYL Hector, but that means not using Ostian Counter. I may have forgotten someone who I have that is a dual phase unit with a guaranteed follow-up effect.

Agreed with Rouse Atk/Def and also with it being a 5* locked skill. If it were on a 4* unit like how Ferdinand has Rouse Spd/Def 2 as a 4*, then sure, I could inherit Rouse Atk/Def 2 and nab Atk/Def Solo 3 from Edelgard or Close Call 3 from Mareeta and Rouse Atk/Def 3.

The only unit who would really want Dull Close is Luke and even then, it and Dull Ranged would probably be better off as seals. The day will (hopefully) come for Luke when either of them becomes a seal and he can run Dull Close and Dull Ranged together. The Legend of Luke will become slightly less lackluster.

I gave my reasons for not wanting to pick a unit I don't have and using them for skills, but I do agree with your thoughts on F!Byleth's skills. They're nice, but they're not that in demand for me. The only unit I would really want to give Fury 4 to would be Celica just for the extra point of attack and speed and making it easier for her to get into Brazen range if Ragnarok's recoil damage and Fury 3 were not enough. Puppet Delthea would come as a close second since Death has recoil damage, but she's not as fast as Celica. Wrath is good, but to me, only seven units come to mind as really wanting it: Athena, Barst, Fir, regular or LA Hector, Karel, and Mia. Also, any infantry beast unit. All seven and any infantry beast unit have a Wo Dao or Wrath effect on their weapon, so they can stack Wrath for more damage in addition to whatever other effect they have on their weapon. I guess any melee infantry or armor with a prf Killer weapon would work too, but being able to deal 20 damage is a nutty thing. Using Barst as an example, I'd rather compile the Owain manual and dump Blue Flame and Wrath 3 on him or hope that Wrath somehow in the near future ends up on a 4* demote because I would rather not have to use an Astram or any grail unit for skills.

Claude I blame two copies being +Spd, -Atk and +Atk, -Def. The speed ceiling is ever-growing and while 30 base attack isn't that bad with his default Lull Spd/Def and if he meets Cunning Bow's conditions, -Atk is still meh even though 30/40 base offenses is all right. +Atk is nice and opens up to him being able to use Brave Bow better, but the speed creep. Picking Claude feels like I can burn him and not have to worry about if I should go for +Spd or +Atk. That said, I thought about it and the only unit that I mentioned who is seeing frequent use is Eleonora since I gave her a Light Blessing. The others I gave my reasons like Eliwood mainly existing for Anima defense and how Desperation is cheaper and safer for Linus and Raven. Legendary Alm is used during Earth season and while he would benefit from Lull Spd/Def, he's not in Eleonora's situation where she needs to pass a speed check for her Mirage Longbow to be more than a prf bow with Spd+3. All legendary Alm needs to do is initiate and he'll deal damage equal to his 25% of his foe's defense. In contrast, Eleonora needs to initiate and pass a speed check for the Firesweep effect. Still, it's not the end of everything as I discussed before.

Something that might be a little weird is that in trying to get as much skills out of Claude and someone as possible Lull Spd/Def and Def Smoke might not benefit Eleonora as much as it would for someone else. Savage Blow which she has is cheaper and works for Firesweep, splash damage shenanigans. Still useful since she can deal more damage against defense debuffed unit, but Lull Spd/Def and something like Ruptured Sky, L&D4 or Swift Sparrow 3 so she won't need to worry about her HP at the cost of defenses or only working on player phase, or Distant Guard, Joint Drive Atk, Panic Smoke, Pulse Smoke, or Time's Pulse would be nicer and asking for more.

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Okay, so, I got Legendary Eliwood and he came out as +atk -spd.

Now, I'm going back to the banner because I want Lif and Leif, and there's always the probability that I'll end up pulling a second Legendary Eliwood in the process, but in case I don't ... well, the dude has 34 neutral speed. That's not all that fast, especially considering the stuff we have now. Is -spd basically okay on Eliwood, since 34 speed's in that awkward middle ground and 37 speed at +spd isn't THAT great compared to what we have nowadays?

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6 hours ago, Kaden said:

Something that might be a little weird is that in trying to get as much skills out of Claude and someone as possible Lull Spd/Def and Def Smoke might not benefit Eleonora as much as it would for someone else. Savage Blow which she has is cheaper and works for Firesweep, splash damage shenanigans. Still useful since she can deal more damage against defense debuffed unit, but Lull Spd/Def and something like Ruptured Sky, L&D4 or Swift Sparrow 3 so she won't need to worry about her HP at the cost of defenses or only working on player phase, or Distant Guard, Joint Drive Atk, Panic Smoke, Pulse Smoke, or Time's Pulse would be nicer and asking for more.

Def Smoke and Savage Blow are good sidegrade options, and if you can afford it, it is not a bad idea to have both. Savage Blow gives permanent damage and Def Smoke avoids triggering Wings of Mercy.

6 hours ago, Kaden said:

Play style is something I should think about as I don't know exactly what my play style is. I don't see any of them being merge projects, so picking anyone, but F!Byleth would be for skills.

Do you have a preference between Player Phase, Enemy Phase, dual phase, or find a particular tactic or team composition interesting? If you completely have no preference for play style, is there a mode that you prioritize or that it is your favorite? And what play style do you use the most often for that mode?

5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Okay, so, I got Legendary Eliwood and he came out as +atk -spd.

Now, I'm going back to the banner because I want Lif and Leif, and there's always the probability that I'll end up pulling a second Legendary Eliwood in the process, but in case I don't ... well, the dude has 34 neutral speed. That's not all that fast, especially considering the stuff we have now. Is -spd basically okay on Eliwood, since 34 speed's in that awkward middle ground and 37 speed at +spd isn't THAT great compared to what we have nowadays?

34 Spd is usable. Base Spd does not matter too much as long as you can reach a certain Spd threshold factoring in skills and buffs. Life and Death, Brazen Atk/Spd, and Hone Cavalry will take that to 52 Spd, which is more than sufficient for a general purpose Player Phase unit.

You want to avoid having Spd that is between 30 to 40 (or 30 to 50; depends on the mode and enemies). For Enemy Phase units, that Spd is too slow to avoid doubles and too fast to reliably activate a strong Special. For Player Phase unit that relies on Desperation, anything below 40 or 50 is just way too slow. Generally speaking, the father away from that middling Spd range, the better a unit is. A unit wants to be as slow as possible or as fast as possible.

Edited by XRay
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48 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Did they confirm when legendary Julia and legendary Leif's next reruns will be yet?

Yes they always do. If you can't find it in-game the current or the upcoming month's legendary/mythic speculation thread will have a full on timetable of all the reruns. In-game it is in the notifications in the banner announcements, you must press more and there is an option called notes on this banner it is there written. 

To answer your answer directly, Julia is in August  and Leif in September. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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How does Annette's movement increasing rally interact with skills like armor march / armor stride and gray waves?

Theorycrafting an AR defense setup for galeforce sweeping multiple attackers at once. And if her rally stacks with stuff like armor stride I could easy build an interesting setup with a galeforce legendary Edelgard.

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7 minutes ago, Faellin said:

How does Annette's movement increasing rally interact with skills like armor march / armor stride and gray waves?

They do not stack since they are the same status effect. You cannot stack multiple Hone Cavalry or Dominance or Bonus Doubler status effects.

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