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14 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Quick question.


I have regular Idunn (-Spd/+Def) who I am debating on keeping (because fort def/res 3 is on a build I want to do with Mustafa and she'd be a hell of a lot cheaper than the divine codes or trying for the blue mage who has it), do I fodder her or wait for the off chance I'll get either the codes or another copy/carrier of fort def/res?  To be fair she has helped for some more difficult content but...the thing is I haven't really been using her and there is the off chance she could be useful in the limited battles...


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37 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:


I second keeping her. Builds that require premium skills can always make do with less premium skills in the meantime.

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On 9/1/2020 at 1:43 PM, MilodicMellodi said:

Okay, so apparently the right nickname can change your Friend Greeting?

I have a friend named $EBt|Face_C| with Default!Lyon as his character, and in his second window of speech he changes to his third portrait and says "May my visit sustain your friendship with ."

I never knew that XD

As a software developer, this makes me cringe hard.

User input should always be sanitized. Failing to do so is just asking for trouble because someone's eventually going to figure out how to inject something malicious into your database.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

As a software developer, this makes me cringe hard.

User input should always be sanitized. Failing to do so is just asking for trouble because someone's eventually going to figure out how to inject something malicious into your database.

I hope the name length's cap keeps that from ever happening...but you never know.

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Was talking with someone on discord about AR auto dispatch. And they mentioned its possible to hit tier 21 purely from auto dispatch if you have 2 offense mythics per season. Is this actually true? I currently have Eir, Peony for light, and Naga / Altina for astra season. Also Lif / Mirablis for anima defense. And just Sothis for dark. So dark season is definitely my weak point as of now.

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2 hours ago, Faellin said:

Was talking with someone on discord about AR auto dispatch. And they mentioned its possible to hit tier 21 purely from auto dispatch if you have 2 offense mythics per season. Is this actually true? I currently have Eir, Peony for light, and Naga / Altina for astra season. Also Lif / Mirablis for anima defense. And just Sothis for dark. So dark season is definitely my weak point as of now.

You cannot hit Tier 21 with purely Auto Dispatch since you can only do it three times per week. It simply is not possible to do 4 or more Auto Dispatches.

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I remember when Berkut's Lance was a very solid pick for lance users with defensive builds. Hasn't it been eclipsed by some other inheritable lance by now for that purpose, or is it still the go-to?

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17 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

I remember when Berkut's Lance was a very solid pick for lance users with defensive builds. Hasn't it been eclipsed by some other inheritable lance by now for that purpose, or is it still the go-to?

Barrier Lance is equivalent. Luncheon Lance is a different defensive lance, but I don't think it's as popular. Not sure about others. 

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6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

I remember when Berkut's Lance was a very solid pick for lance users with defensive builds. Hasn't it been eclipsed by some other inheritable lance by now for that purpose, or is it still the go-to?

5 hours ago, Othin said:

Barrier Lance is equivalent. Luncheon Lance is a different defensive lance, but I don't think it's as popular. Not sure about others. 

Yeah, Barrier Lance and Vanguard are an ass to face sometimes in Arena Assault if the player is not paying attention. Sometimes I just wing it in Arena Assault, so I only check for Distant Counter and Null C-Disrupt, and if I see neither, I bring Galeforcers and low Atk Brave archers to save stronger raw damage nukes and Firesweepers for later battles. Occasionally, that bites me in the ass since I get completely walled off by a foe that just stacks Def/Res like crazy. Luncheon Lance also is not bad in my opinion.

For Def or Def/Res tanks, the best lances would be Flowing Lance, Gilt Fork, or Guard Lance in my opinion. Flowing Lance inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foes, which is equivalent to Atk/Def/Res+5 on the unit. Gilt Fork has mild positioning requirements but it provides Atk/Def+4 and neutralizes penalties to those stats. Guard Lance provides Guard.

For Spd tanks, I recommend Tannenboom! instead if you can afford it since it buffs Spd.

For super tanks, I recommend sticking with Guard Lance since stats can be offloaded to a buffer. Gilt Fork is not too bad either since it partially neutralizes debuffs, but I think the best stats to preserve are Spd, Def, and Res, but not Atk. Super tanks do need Atk, but I do not think it is as crucial of a stat to preserve compared to the other three.

Edited by XRay
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@Othin @XRay

Thanks! I know that Gilt Fork can be obtained from Bunny Narcian and Christmas Robin has Tannenboom!+, but I can't recall who has Flowing Lance, Guard Lance, Luncheon Lance (I'm guessing Picnic Lukas?), or Barrier Lance. I think that Summer Ingrid has a nice lance, too -- one with healing built in. I can't remember its name, though. I'd mention the lance that Forsyth has, but it's not inheritable, nor is it really my focus.

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Hey guys, I'm new here but I have been playing FE Heroes for a while now. I wanted to ask a question: I'm trying to get some SP on my L40 5 Star Black Knight, so I just started grinding in the Training Tower, but for some weird reason none of my Units are getting any SP after killing an enemy... Can somebody help me here? Google had no answers, either

Edited by Leokatchu
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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

@Othin @XRay

Thanks! I know that Gilt Fork can be obtained from Bunny Narcian and Christmas Robin has Tannenboom!+, but I can't recall who has Flowing Lance, Guard Lance, Luncheon Lance (I'm guessing Picnic Lukas?), or Barrier Lance. I think that Summer Ingrid has a nice lance, too -- one with healing built in. I can't remember its name, though. I'd mention the lance that Forsyth has, but it's not inheritable, nor is it really my focus.

Flowing Lance is Pirate Geese, Luncheon Lance is Picnic Lukas, Barrier Lance is Kjelle and regular Conrad.

Summer Ingrid's lance is a prf.

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Ah, I see. Thanks!


Welcome! As for why you're not getting any more SP, it could be that your Black Knight is killing units that are too far below his level. Try killing units of higher levels. Also, to make SP grinding faster, it's best to do this on weekends since you get x2 SP, and you can increase that further by having a unit with Sword Valor as a skill on your team. I'm pretty sure that only Grey and Helpful Chrom (he's a cav unit) have it, but I'm fuzzy on the details right now. (Going off of memory.) Others can refine any details I got wrong.

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1 hour ago, Leokatchu said:

Hey guys, I'm new here but I have been playing FE Heroes for a while now. I wanted to ask a question: I'm trying to get some SP on my L40 5 Star Black Knight, so I just started grinding in the Training Tower, but for some weird reason none of my Units are getting any SP after killing an enemy... Can somebody help me here? Google had no answers, either


For a 5* lv40 unit to get SP from a kill, the unit they defeat must be a 3* of lv34 or higher, a 4* of lv31 or higher, or a 5* or lv29 or higher.

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14 minutes ago, Leokatchu said:

@Mercakete @Othin thank you very much! I actually have Sword Valor on my Black Knight right now (inherited from Cav!Chrom). Will it work on himself?


Valor skills don't seem to me like skills you'd generally want to bother inheriting. They work fine on whatever unit you initially get them on, just bring them with you when grinding.

Edited by Othin
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So I have been debating. I have had a spare Nailah I have been sitting on for a while(a pity breaker at some point). So currently I have +SPD/-HP Nailah that is built and I have a Brave Ike that I sacked a Nailah for(I intentionally tried to get two). So I have a Green and a Blue Null C-Disrupt.

Eirika has been a member of my Arena core since forever(my first 5*+10) and a favorite character so I figured I could bite the bullet for her resplendent. But I technically never built her up beyond being a tactics bot that could face tank while supporting the bonus unit. She is running the same build for a long time. I don't think I have changed her since before the infantry b-skills started coming out. So what I have been debating with myself over is if I should bite the bullet and sacrifice my one spare Nailah to her. DC/Null C-Disrupt would be pretty nifty to have on her and would give me a null c-disrupt in all but colorless. But I am not really sure if that is a good use of that resource. It isn't like Null C-Disrupt grows on trees and while she is a core Arena unit, she doesn't get used in AR where I would more frequently expect to need Null C-Disrupt. And I don't think trying to make her into an Astra super tank to give me a super tank for both seasons would really work too well. So of course my hesitation is coming from not wanting to burn my one inheritable source of Null C-Disrupt to her when I may later want it for an Astra super tank. And boy do I want an Astra Super tank. If I ever go back to trying to climb high I know I will want an option other than just my vantage Keaton for clearing maps.

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2 hours ago, Usana said:

So I have been debating. I have had a spare Nailah I have been sitting on for a while(a pity breaker at some point). So currently I have +SPD/-HP Nailah that is built and I have a Brave Ike that I sacked a Nailah for(I intentionally tried to get two). So I have a Green and a Blue Null C-Disrupt.

Eirika has been a member of my Arena core since forever(my first 5*+10) and a favorite character so I figured I could bite the bullet for her resplendent. But I technically never built her up beyond being a tactics bot that could face tank while supporting the bonus unit. She is running the same build for a long time. I don't think I have changed her since before the infantry b-skills started coming out. So what I have been debating with myself over is if I should bite the bullet and sacrifice my one spare Nailah to her. DC/Null C-Disrupt would be pretty nifty to have on her and would give me a null c-disrupt in all but colorless. But I am not really sure if that is a good use of that resource. It isn't like Null C-Disrupt grows on trees and while she is a core Arena unit, she doesn't get used in AR where I would more frequently expect to need Null C-Disrupt. And I don't think trying to make her into an Astra super tank to give me a super tank for both seasons would really work too well. So of course my hesitation is coming from not wanting to burn my one inheritable source of Null C-Disrupt to her when I may later want it for an Astra super tank. And boy do I want an Astra Super tank. If I ever go back to trying to climb high I know I will want an option other than just my vantage Keaton for clearing maps.


I gave my Eirika a Nailah. 
i figured she  was bulky enough to take some dazzle/flash/firesweep.  (She'll probably eventually too run spurn or something). I like her with it if that helps. Mine is astra too. 

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6 hours ago, Usana said:

So I have been debating. I have had a spare Nailah I have been sitting on for a while(a pity breaker at some point). So currently I have +SPD/-HP Nailah that is built and I have a Brave Ike that I sacked a Nailah for(I intentionally tried to get two). So I have a Green and a Blue Null C-Disrupt.

Eirika has been a member of my Arena core since forever(my first 5*+10) and a favorite character so I figured I could bite the bullet for her resplendent. But I technically never built her up beyond being a tactics bot that could face tank while supporting the bonus unit. She is running the same build for a long time. I don't think I have changed her since before the infantry b-skills started coming out. So what I have been debating with myself over is if I should bite the bullet and sacrifice my one spare Nailah to her. DC/Null C-Disrupt would be pretty nifty to have on her and would give me a null c-disrupt in all but colorless. But I am not really sure if that is a good use of that resource. It isn't like Null C-Disrupt grows on trees and while she is a core Arena unit, she doesn't get used in AR where I would more frequently expect to need Null C-Disrupt. And I don't think trying to make her into an Astra super tank to give me a super tank for both seasons would really work too well. So of course my hesitation is coming from not wanting to burn my one inheritable source of Null C-Disrupt to her when I may later want it for an Astra super tank. And boy do I want an Astra Super tank. If I ever go back to trying to climb high I know I will want an option other than just my vantage Keaton for clearing maps.

I personally would not bother putting Null C-Disrupt on super tanks and Arena cores. Firesweepers are common in Aether Raids, but the vast majority I have seen are staff units and they have very limited damage output. Pain is not very common, and Panic can be simply ignored. Flash is an issue, but like Pain, it does not seem to be common either. For Arena I just do not see Firesweepers at all, and I do not think it is a skill worth using in that mode. If you need scoring and performance, Quick Riposte will often be enough.

I would give Null C-Disrupt to a specialized tank designed to counter Firesweepers in Aether Raids.

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With the trait fruit system being just over a week away. Out of these units, who would you consider the best choice to use the free 100 on? I use all of them very frequently.

Percevel (-attack) Going to be +speed

Duo Ephraim (-attack) Going to be +attack

Brave Eliwood (-speed) Going to be +speed

Say'ri (Neutral) Going to be +speed

Edited by Faellin
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8 minutes ago, Faellin said:

With the trait fruit system being just over a week away. Out of these units, who would you consider the best choice to use the free 100 on? I use all of them very frequently.

Percevel (-attack) Going to be +speed

Duo Ephraim (-attack) Going to be +attack

Brave Eliwood (-speed) Going to be +speed

It looks like you listed their current flaw and planned asset, but not their current asset and planned flaw. That could be relevant to determining who will get the most out of it, as well as more information about what builds and roles you use them for.

Personally, I think it's hard to come to much of any decision about Trait Fruit without knowing how frequently we'll get it. Which we should find out in the next couple of days, since they'll start showing up in reward menus on the 8th even though Frontline Phalanx won't be until the 15th.

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26 minutes ago, Faellin said:

With the trait fruit system being just over a week away. Out of these units, who would you consider the best choice to use the free 100 on?

Duo Ephraim is not in the pity breaker pool and has the worstbane out of those units. Brave Eliwood has a bad bane as well, but brave heroes tend to be rerun more so you could fix it that way.

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2 hours ago, Faellin said:

With the trait fruit system being just over a week away. Out of these units, who would you consider the best choice to use the free 100 on? I use all of them very frequently.

Percevel (-attack) Going to be +speed

Duo Ephraim (-attack) Going to be +attack

Brave Eliwood (-speed) Going to be +speed

Say'ri (Neutral) Going to be +speed

As others have mentioned, I personally would not waste Fruits on any of them, at least until we know how often we get Fruits. If you plan to merge any of them, I would not bother with using Fruits on any of them at all. I also would not bother with fixing neutral since the benefit from switching from neutral to another Asset is less than switching from one Asset to another Asset in my opinion.

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