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19 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Got 2 copies of Julian from this legendary banner, one came up +attack -HP which i'm 100% going to keep.

So the 2nd one i'm just going to fodder, the thing is I don't have anyone that can use that close foil skill. But I do have several units lined up who would love that lull skill. All melees. But in this case that close foil will end up going to waste.

So my question is, since close foil is such rare fodder, should I wait until I get someone who can use it. Or just fodder that lull skill on its own. If it helps, the characters I have lined up would benefit from it are brave Eliwood (+4 merge, +speed IV) Petrine who I plan on making a merge project out of once shes available for grails

For what it's worth, you can give Close Foil to a Raventome unit to help improve their matchups against Bows and Daggers, who the most popular ones tend to be colorless, while also enabling them to defend against the melee weapon they have a color advantage against. Cecilia's special refine would especially love this, as she will then have a heavy advantage against all Blue and Colorless units, even if she can't counter against the Blue Dragons.

But as for if you should keep the Julian book for Close Foil over using it for the Lull A/S, it really depends on if you really think you'll need the skill later for any reason. Having valuable fodder doesn't mean a whole lot if you never intend to use it, and if you want to use Lull A/S then there shouldn't be anything stopping you. There are certainly good uses for the skill, but they may not resonate with your preferred playstyle.

I'll leave the answer as to who should get Lull A/S to someone else, because TBH it's not a skill I commonly use myself so I can't speak from any prior experience of using it.

Edited by Xenomata
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I summoned my second copy of CYL Micaiah when I tried again to get Plumeria after waiting and seeing the new banner reveal -- she showed up if anyone is wondering. +Atk, -Res where the first copy was +Atk, -Def. I could merge because why not, but I have heard that Ground Orders is useful if you can set up the team for it. Problem is I don't really know what kind of team I would want to set up with Ground Orders. Because of her dark affinity, I slapped her, Naesala, Soren, and kinshi Hinoka on a dark defense team with my only two dark mythics Sothis and Yune. They're mainly there for lift reduction loss, but occasionally they can take out someone or even win in the stupidest of ways. CYL Micaiah's Ground Orders and kinshi Hinoka's default Flier Formation and Flier Guidance have allowed them to help cover or suddenly warp to a nearby ally. I have it set up so that kinshi Hinoka is within 2 spaces of Naesala who covers a vertical path and CYL Micaiah provides Soren with a Ground Orders buff. Couldn't really get Sothis or Yune that close without causing Naesala to not be able to transform or cramping everyone together, but I digress.

The first merge, especially for a 5*-only unit, is useful, and aside from Ground Orders, there isn't much I really want from her. That said, she is fine unmerged, I have found her useful on Chain Challenges with maps that have a lot of armors and cavalry, but she hasn't been used much recently because she capped her SP and I don't really have much I would want to dump on her.

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46 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Hmm who was it who had Axe Valor again?

Summer Adult Tiki.

For the record, who has what skill is pretty easy to look up on Gamepedia.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Summer Adult Tiki.

For the record, who has what skill is pretty easy to look up on Gamepedia.

Yeah, I used to use that more frequently, but my computer doesn't like that site much so I try to avoid it. Thanks for helping me out. ^_^

Hmm I wonder if valor skills will be made more widely available at some point.

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Just now, Mercakete said:

Yeah, I used to use that more frequently, but my computer doesn't like that site much so I try to avoid it. Thanks for helping me out. ^_^

Hmm I wonder if valor skills will be made more widely available at some point.

That's fair, I've found it can be slow to load as well.

And yeah, it'd certainly be nice. Sword Valor has shown up on a few units by now, although IIRC all Valor skills are still 5* exclusive.

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

That's fair, I've found it can be slow to load as well.

And yeah, it'd certainly be nice. Sword Valor has shown up on a few units by now, although IIRC all Valor skills are still 5* exclusive.

Seems that way. I've gotten lucky on free pulls and stuff, but even so I think I only have Dagger Valor (Halloween Sakura), G Tome Valor (Valentine's Mist), Lance Valor (Summer Robin), Bow Valor (Valentine's Roy), Dragon Valor (Summer Young Tiki), and (recently) Sword Valor (Helpful Chrom.) I know that the only R Tome Valor unit is Christmas Tharja, too, though I don't have her. Still, I think that the most useful ones are Dagger Valor, Bow Valor, Dragon Valor (all of which affect multiple colors), and Sword Valor (probably the most common weapon type) but I've found myself using Lance Valor a lot while missing Sword Valor the most (again, until very very recently.)

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12 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Seems that way. I've gotten lucky on free pulls and stuff, but even so I think I only have Dagger Valor (Halloween Sakura), G Tome Valor (Valentine's Mist), Lance Valor (Summer Robin), Bow Valor (Valentine's Roy), Dragon Valor (Summer Young Tiki), and (recently) Sword Valor (Helpful Chrom.) I know that the only R Tome Valor unit is Christmas Tharja, too, though I don't have her. Still, I think that the most useful ones are Dagger Valor, Bow Valor, Dragon Valor (all of which affect multiple colors), and Sword Valor (probably the most common weapon type) but I've found myself using Lance Valor a lot while missing Sword Valor the most (again, until very very recently.)

I think the most useful ones are whichever ones cover the most of your units, no matter how many colors.

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All the recent GHBs (Jorge, Ashnard, Petrine) have come with Prfs. I missed the initial discussions about them, so would anyone be willing to go over which of them are considered to be worth building, please? Thank you very much in advance!

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Just threw this together in unit builder

How does this look for a Petrine build? I have all the fodder on hand to make this a reality. Just need to wait for more merges to be available via grails and such. And any recomendations on things I can improve upon? I do plan on giving her the new atk/def solo seal coming from the next TT as well. All this is going to cost me is a L:Eirika duplicate from one of her past reruns, a fallen M:Corrin duplicate that just randomly showed up last night, and a Julian who I have 3 of from this legendary banner.


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Just now, Faellin said:

Just threw this together in unit builder

How does this look for a Petrine build? I have all the fodder on hand to make this a reality. Just need to wait for more merges to be available via grails and such. And any recomendations on things I can improve upon? I do plan on giving her the new atk/def solo seal coming from the next TT as well.


Lull Spd/Res benefits her more. The Atk/Def Solo is fine, though later on Atk/Spd might be better. For standalone, the rest seems ok, though I'd go for glimmer or ruptured sky if you're taking Lull x/Res, since the res debuff lowers moon bow's damage.

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14 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Just threw this together in unit builder

How does this look for a Petrine build? I have all the fodder on hand to make this a reality. Just need to wait for more merges to be available via grails and such. And any recomendations on things I can improve upon? I do plan on giving her the new atk/def solo seal coming from the next TT as well. All this is going to cost me is a L:Eirika duplicate from one of her past reruns, a fallen M:Corrin duplicate that just randomly showed up last night, and a Julian who I have 3 of from this legendary banner.


If you are using her as a dual phase unit in Tempest Trials, any stat combination of Solos, Lulls, and Rouses is fine in my opinion since the modes is not particularly difficult so you can divert some of that Spd to Def/Res to make her more bulky.

If you are planning to use her outside of Tempest Trials for more difficult content, I recommend Spd stacking her across all her skills. In my opinion, Spd stacking is crucial since she needs the Spd to double and to prevent doubles. As for what the other stat increases should be, I lean towards dumping everything into Atk for better player phase performance. For dual phase units, if they kill the most threatening enemies on player phase, then there is less need for a strong enemy phase. If you want her to focus more on enemy phase, then instead of Atk, you can focus on Def and Res. Since she is not running Desperation, she can also rely on the counter attack to help her charge Galeforce.

Dual phase; player phase focus:
Flame Lance
Atk/Spd Solo
Lull Spd/Res
Rouse Atk/Spd
Atk/Spd Solo (not out yet)

Dual phase; enemy phase focus:
Flame Lance
(Any Solo that boosts Spd/Def, Spd/Res, Def/Res)
Lull Atk/Spd — Guard
(Any Rouse that boosts Spd/Def, Spd/Res, Def/Res) — Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke — Panic Smoke
(Any Solo that boosts Spd/Def, Spd/Res, Def/Res)

Dual phase Galeforce:
Flame Lance
Atk/Spd Solo
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke
Heavy Blade

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12 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

All the recent GHBs (Jorge, Ashnard, Petrine) have come with Prfs. I missed the initial discussions about them, so would anyone be willing to go over which of them are considered to be worth building, please? Thank you very much in advance!

Ashnard has 43 HP, 37 Atk, 21 Spd, 35 Def, and 31 Res and Gurgurant is a 16 Mt sword with the effects: "Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Grants Def+3. Inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foes within 2 spaces during combat." Ashnard is one of two sword fliers with built-in Iote's Shield. The other being Altina whose exclusive A passive Ashera's Chosen grants her Iote's Shield and Atk/Def Beast-Dragon Bond/Solo 3. Ashnard is also one of three grail unit fliers with Iote's Shield in some form. The other two is Michalis who simply has Iote's Shield and the other is Mininerva who has Dragoon Shield which also grants her Atk/Spd/Res+3. Both are axe fliers. Back to Altina, Ashnard shares a similar stat spread as her -- swapped defenses. Both are enemy phase units, but Altina's Ragnell-Alondite being a Brave weapon that works on both phases means she can do the usual player phase Brave a unit to death or as her default skill sets do: Counter, Vantage on enemy phase. So, an offensive tank. Ashnard's more defensive even though he can attack stack well to probably one-shot some squishier units.

The other sword flier options who are not 5*-exclusive are Caeda, summer Fiora, and Palla. They're much faster than him, so they are more player phase focused, especially Palla whose Whitewing Blade has a Brave effect with its unique refinement. Although they can do enemy phase, but won't have his built-in Iote's Shield and have much lower defense than him and at best, only come close to his resistance where Caeda does beat him in base resistance, but loses in attack and defense; Caeda has 24/34 base neutral defenses to Ashnard's 35/31 without Gurgurant equipped. Gurgurant's Atk/Def Rein 4 essentially goes a long way in letting him deal damage and take as little damage as possible since in combat, he does exceed Caeda's resistance with an effective 35 resistance. When it's introduced, you could stack Atk/Def Rein 3 or 4.

For 5* sword fliers, besides Altina, there's New Year's Hrid for a similar stat spread where NY Hrid is basically a gen 2 version of Ashnard and without a prf sword. NY Hrid has 42 HP, 38 Atk, 19 Spd, 36 Def, and 27 Res which results in -1 HP, +1 Atk, -3 Spd, +1 Def, and -4 Res compared to Ashnard. For a sword flier with similar defense, there's Laegjarn, Mirabiliis, and kind of New Year's Camilla who is more of jack of all trades. Laegjarn is more of player phase unit and she has significantly lower base resistance than Ashnard at 17 while Mirabilis is refresh unit.

To sum, Ashnard is secured in a role that does not have a lot competitors in the sword flier pool. If you do use guides, I don't remember seeing a 5* Ashnard used much if at all. Part of it is probably his default skills compared to other units like Mininerva. Distant Def 3 and Even Atk Wave 3 are what they are, but Ashnard really wants Distant Counter, Guard, Quick Riposte, and in the future Atk/Def Rein.

Jorge is a blue infantry archer with 45 HP, 36 Atk, 27 Spd, 35 Def, and 29 Res and Daniel-Made Bow is a 14 Mt bow with the effects: "Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+5 to allies within 2 spaces during combat. Inflicts Atk-5 on foes within 2 spaces during combat."

The closest comparison is legendary Chrom who has 41 HP, 42 Atk, 26 Spd, 34 Def, and 25 Res and whose Randgridr is a 14 Mt bow with the effects of: "Effective against flying and armored foes. Grants Atk+3. If foe's HP = 100% at start of combat, neutralizes penalties on unit and inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat." Legendary Chrom also has the exclusive assist skill To Change Fate! as his exclusive skill for being a legendary unit.

To make it short, Jorge is a +Res, -Atk legendary Chrom who trades effective damage against armors, Atk+3, Atk-1 and Def-6 on his foe during combat, and penalty neutralization when he is fighting foes at full health for a Killer effect, Drive Atk 4 if that were to ever exist, and the attack debuff works against foes within 2 spaces of him, so allies can take advantage of it and he is not reliant on fighting foes at full health. Basically, although he does not To Change Fate! for even better support, Jorge is a more of a support unit to legendary Chrom who can deal a ton of damage. Jorge is also a bit more flexible in that while he sacrifices being able to neutralize penalties on him, he will always be able to take advantage of the attack debuff letting him be a more consistent tank than legendary Chrom. A Killer effect over effective damage against armors and Atk+3 does let proc specials faster and unlike having Time's Pulse, it's a permanent special cooldown count-1 that is not affected by Flash, Witchy Wand, Pulse Smoke, and similar effects. He can run Time's Pulse too if you want him to have something like charged Moonbow.

Anyway, the similarities to legendary Chrom extends to two skills he would make very good use of and they are Close Counter and Lull Atk/Def given his bulk. Incidentally, legendary Chrom is currently the only unit with both of those skills, so a spare legendary Chrom can give both Close Counter and Lull Atk/Def 3 to Jorge. With Daniel-Made Bow's Drive Atk 4, you could give him Drive Atk 2 or Joint Drive Atk and a Drive Atk 2 seal to let him grant a lot of attack to allies within 2 spaces of him and in the case of Joint Drive Atk, also get an attack boost himself.

Jorge is one of three blue infantry archers and the remaining one is legendary Lucina who is more of a player phase and position support unit to Jorge's enemy phase and stat support. As the accompanying CYL4 GHB unit, he does have gen 5 physical ranged BST, so that could help for scoring. He has been used a couple times as a 5* by guide makers, so there is also that.

Petrine stat-wise is Perceval and Sirius available as a GHB unit. Petrine has 42 HP,  35 Atk, 37 Spd, 30 Def, and 24 Res. Comparatively, Perceval has 38 HP, 32 Atk, 37 Spd, 28 Def, and 27 Res resulting in -4 HP, -3 Atk, -2 Def, and +3 Res to Petrine and Sirius has 40 HP, 34 Atk, 37 Spd, 35 Def, and 16 Res resulting in -2 HP, -1 Atk, +5 Def, and -8 Res. So, Perceval has slightly better resistance and Sirius has higher defense, but lower resistance. Attack and speed she is them or even better. 37 speed ties her with the second-highest speed of lance cavalry as summer Cordelia still holds the seat with her 38 base neutral speed, but she shares Perceval's 32 base attack.

Flame Lance is where Petrine distances herself from Perceval and Sirius whose prf lances both share a Killer effect while Flame Lance has Spd+3 instead. Their other effects are shared as well since both get Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 in some way. Perceval's Prized Lance grants him Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 and inflicts special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack if he fights a foe whose HP is full at the start of combat while Sirius's Sable Lance simply has Spectrum Solo. Flame Lance's other effects is effective damage against beasts and: "At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, calculates damage using foe's Res, and inflicts Spd/Res-5 on foe during combat." So, she is going to target resistance against all foes instead of only foes who do not use a staff or magic like Hel, but unlike Hel, Petrine is able to mitigate the issue of hitting a foe whose resistance is very high by inflicting Res-5.

There are only five units including Petrine who have effective damage against beasts. The others are CYL Eliwood, picnic Felicia, picnic Flora, and Petra. CYL Eliwood is also comparable mainly due to both having effective damage against beasts. CYL Eliwood's offenses are swapped Petrine's. He has 40 HP, 37 Atk, 35 Spd, 32 Def, and 18 Res which results in -2 HP, +2 Atk, -2 Spd, +2 Def, and -6 Res. Incidentally, like Perceval and Sirius, he also gets Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 in some way where Ninis's Ice Lance has Spectrum Blow and also Spd+3 and effective damage against dragons.

This gives Petrine a niche in being a non-5* exclusive option for anti-beasts and being a physical damage unit who targets resistance because of her lance. Lull Spd/Res as she has on infernal difficulty would work well unless you just want her to take less damage instead of dealing more damage with Lull Atk/Spd.

Compared to other grail lance units of Berkut, Camus, Clive, Conrad, Death Knight, Finn, and New Year's Laegjarn: Berkut, Clive, Conrad, and Death Knight are more enemy phase units or in Clive's case, he's more of an anti-armor and support partner unit, so it is not that fair to compare them to her. Camus, Finn, and NY Laegjarn are closer, but she still has higher attack and speed where Camus has a Distant Counter weapon even though his resistance is not that great for it, Finn comes with Brave Lance and only has 1 less base neutral attack than Petrine, and NY Laegjarn's Wagasa has Chill Def 3 and she also has Chill Res 3, so she can be a Chill bot. There's also Ferdinand who really got the short end of the stick where he shares her defenses, but has 1 less HP, 2 less attack, and 2 less speed. At least he comes with Reposition by default?

If you have CYL Eliwood, Perceval, Sirius, or a heavily invested Ferdinand, then maybe Petrine on her own stats wouldn't really offer much besides effective damage against beasts. If you don't have them or really need more anti-beast units or don't have them, then Petrine would be good even just by getting her to 5*. She is a recent unit and a niche one at that, so I don't think she really has been used in guides.

This is my own thoughts, but I feel like Ashnard and Jorge would be good investments or at least get them to 5* units. Ashnard does not have a lot of competition and he is among the several units who have neutralizes effective damage. Jorge can be a great stat manipulation bot and tank. He also has been used in a few guides, so if you ever need to use them, he might be there to help you. Although her offensives are high, Petrine is more niche and has more competition. I don't have Perceval or Sirius and I did want another anti-beast unit since my only one before her was CYL Eliwood, so she did become a 5* for me.

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It seems like both of Seliph's refines want him to be +Atk with Distant Counter. Is that accurate?

I have an extra Hrid on hand, as well as an extra Dorcas, so I'm thinking of merging and building him to use with his original refine and Infantry Pulse on Dark defense, and using his new refine more for PvE since it seems like a better fit there.

Unfortunately I only have the one spare Infantry Pulse right now, so I can't just throw it around. I could have Nils join him on my Dark team, although that'd be a bit frustrating since I specifically wanted him for his Pulse Tie skill on AR offense and already gave him an Astra blessing. I haven't really found him useful for that, though, and now that I have Plumeria, I feel like he'll have an even harder time finding a place on that team. My other Infantry Pulse units are Dorcas, Marisa, Summer Xander, and Pirate Geese, none of whom are particularly invested in so far.

(I also don't have Brammimond, so I can't use two infantry Dark mythics yet, just Sothis and one of the fliers.)

Does that all sound like a reasonable enough plan?

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Seliph wants Hp, and an HP res seal. At least for his Miracle refine. Bolt towers have become stronger and he needs to stay above certain HP thresholds. 

I removed Seliph from my defense since he just dies in one hit if enemies have a 40 damage bolt tower.

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52 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Seliph wants Hp, and an HP res seal. At least for his Miracle refine. Bolt towers have become stronger and he needs to stay above certain HP thresholds. 

I removed Seliph from my defense since he just dies in one hit if enemies have a 40 damage bolt tower.

That does not sound quite right to me. Way I see it, the odds that my opponent has their bolt tower upgraded that far and has it deployed, in an appropriate spot, are low enough that it should still be an improvement over my current options. Plus, I want to be able to use him in PvE with a better nature than +HP. And I don't actually have any +HP copies of Seliph, I guess I turned them all into manuals.

Also, I thought Vantage+QR was important for his Miracle build. How does it work with a different seal?

Edited by Othin
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11 minutes ago, Othin said:

That does not sound quite right to me. Way I see it, the odds that my opponent has their bolt tower upgraded that far and has it deployed, in an appropriate spot, are low enough that it should still be an improvement over my current options. Plus, I want to be able to use him in PvE with a better nature than +HP. And I don't actually have any +HP copies of Seliph, I guess I turned them all into manuals.

Also, I thought Vantage+QR was important for his Miracle build. How does it work with a different seal?

QR is wasted. Most things have follow up denial and then outspeed him. So if he survives he then stays at Vantage range 1 Hp with Vengeance ready. 


Bolt towers are mostly in lane 3 and 4. You need to win the catapult check if you have an upgraded defense one or have duma in anima season as well. For Seliph to work, Duma is pretty much mandatory.  Seliph as the frontline means he's most likely be in Lane 3 or 4, so he's getting hit by bolt tower rather consistently. I used him for about 5 months, and he's fallen off incredibly hard. What used to be 90% wins ended up at a measly 12% wins in the last two weeks I used him. I currently use a +4 B!Ike with Lull atk /spd and that works so much better as a frontline unit. 

Hardy bearing is also becoming more common on AR O since it isn't too difficult to splash the skill onto Eir or something. I haven't refined Divine Tyrfing, but his original refine, whilst good, just has a too high Hp threshold to be able to work consistently anymore in AR.

I still do not regret +10'in Seliph since he was my first ever 5 star, but he has no place in AR anymore because of building creep and I don't have R Duel for him in Arena. So he's pretty much warming the bench except for Autobattling forging bonds etc.

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41 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

QR is wasted. Most things have follow up denial and then outspeed him. So if he survives he then stays at Vantage range 1 Hp with Vengeance ready. 


Bolt towers are mostly in lane 3 and 4. You need to win the catapult check if you have an upgraded defense one or have duma in anima season as well. For Seliph to work, Duma is pretty much mandatory.  Seliph as the frontline means he's most likely be in Lane 3 or 4, so he's getting hit by bolt tower rather consistently. I used him for about 5 months, and he's fallen off incredibly hard. What used to be 90% wins ended up at a measly 12% wins in the last two weeks I used him. I currently use a +4 B!Ike with Lull atk /spd and that works so much better as a frontline unit. 

Hardy bearing is also becoming more common on AR O since it isn't too difficult to splash the skill onto Eir or something. I haven't refined Divine Tyrfing, but his original refine, whilst good, just has a too high Hp threshold to be able to work consistently anymore in AR.

I still do not regret +10'in Seliph since he was my first ever 5 star, but he has no place in AR anymore because of building creep and I don't have R Duel for him in Arena. So he's pretty much warming the bench except for Autobattling forging bonds etc.

Interesting. I'm not looking for a 90% win rate, but I'd like to get my Dark team to the point of keeping my defense losses down to like 120 a decent amount of the time. My Anima team is already doing okay, it's just Dark that's the issue right now. 

Does anyone else have experience matching or contradicting this?

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7 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

QR is wasted. Most things have follow up denial and then outspeed him. So if he survives he then stays at Vantage range 1 Hp with Vengeance ready. 


Bolt towers are mostly in lane 3 and 4. You need to win the catapult check if you have an upgraded defense one or have duma in anima season as well. For Seliph to work, Duma is pretty much mandatory.  Seliph as the frontline means he's most likely be in Lane 3 or 4, so he's getting hit by bolt tower rather consistently. I used him for about 5 months, and he's fallen off incredibly hard. What used to be 90% wins ended up at a measly 12% wins in the last two weeks I used him. I currently use a +4 B!Ike with Lull atk /spd and that works so much better as a frontline unit. 

Hardy bearing is also becoming more common on AR O since it isn't too difficult to splash the skill onto Eir or something. I haven't refined Divine Tyrfing, but his original refine, whilst good, just has a too high Hp threshold to be able to work consistently anymore in AR.

I still do not regret +10'in Seliph since he was my first ever 5 star, but he has no place in AR anymore because of building creep and I don't have R Duel for him in Arena. So he's pretty much warming the bench except for Autobattling forging bonds etc.

What you say is true, but i think it also depends alot on the Team composition. Currently my Dark Defense Team runs Brami, Yune, Sothis, Seliph, BÏke and Bride Fjorm and I usually loose only 1-2 matches totally (most of them dont even do any lift loss). There is more counterplay to Seliph and he has fallen, but he can still be annoying. I also have to mention i have a maxed out Catapult on Defense that usually gets 50% of the Bolt Towers.
I think the winning factor here is B!Ike as if you have a counterplay to Seliph as a unit, that play doesnt work usually against Ike most of the time, so they both work in tandem with each other.


Regarding upcoming heroes:
Thinking about pairing Xane up with Raven. That amount of offensiv stats Raven has with Life and Death 7 is kinda yummy for Xane. But that only works for PVE not for AR i am trying to pick 2 units that have high stats in Atk + Res or Def and Spd + Res or Def. Also easy to merge units, but i'll have to see what i can cook up.
I can see Xane tough work in a specific defense setup too.

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On 10/6/2020 at 7:26 AM, DefyingFates said:

All the recent GHBs (Jorge, Ashnard, Petrine) have come with Prfs. I missed the initial discussions about them, so would anyone be willing to go over which of them are considered to be worth building, please? Thank you very much in advance!

I just noticed the post, but @Kaden already explained most of it, so I will just add a little bit of my opinion on top.

As a player phase player, I have a strong bias for Jorge in this case, so I would personally prioritize him over the others. While Jorge has some potential as a support unit, I would not really go that route unless you are using him to support a Counter-Vantage unit, and even then, BH!Lucina would still be a better support unit for Counter-Vantage units that uses Meister effect (Altina, Keaton, WOT!Reinhardt, etc.). Jorge only gives Atk, so his support ability is rather limited for other units who need more than just Atk. On the other hand, Jorge has an exclusive Slaying Bow, and if you want capitalize on that with Special Spiral, Jorge can be a pretty powerful Blazing nuke.

Blazing Nuke:
Daniel-Made Bow
Blazing Wind — Blazing Light — Growing Wind
Life and Death
Special Spiral
(Any C) — Savage Blow — Def Smoke
Hardy Bearing — Attack +3 — Heavy Blade

Petrine would be the next one up. In my opinion, her strongest asset is her ability to target Res over Def, so she is essentially a blue cavalry dragon. But unlike dragons, Petrine can also Galeforce, which makes her a lot better in that regard. Beast effectiveness can be nice to have, but the usefulness of that effect is entirely dependent on the meta, and I just do not see a lot of super bulky beast units that needs to be dealt with using an Effective Weapon.

Player Phase Galeforce
Flame Lance
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd without recoil)
Desperation — Mystic Boost — Renewal — Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke
Heavy Blade
Due to the way Flame Lance works, while I would still stick with Desperation over other options most of the time, I think options might be okay in certain situations to help her maintain above 50% HP.

Dual Phase Galeforce
Flame Lance
Atk/Spd Solo
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke
Heavy Blade

Ashnard is decent as a unit, but he does not really offer much in terms of uniqueness in my opinion. While he does not need Iote's Shield, he does not really offer much else in terms of tanking effects, and as a flier, he does not really have much access to good tanking effects on the B slot. I would still stick with using infantry units for tanking since they are far more customizable. In Aether Raids, I also do not think slow tanks make the best super tanks, and while you can Spd stack him, there are better options out there; SK!Alm and BH!Lyn are still pretty common in my opinion and other ranged physical nukes just do not appear often enough to make to make running a slow super tank worth it. I am not sure how good regular enemy phase units are in Aether Raids since I do not use them there, but he might fare better as a regular tank.

3 hours ago, Hilda said:

Regarding upcoming heroes:
Thinking about pairing Xane up with Raven. That amount of offensiv stats Raven has with Life and Death 7 is kinda yummy for Xane. But that only works for PVE not for AR i am trying to pick 2 units that have high stats in Atk + Res or Def and Spd + Res or Def. Also easy to merge units, but i'll have to see what i can cook up.
I can see Xane tough work in a specific defense setup too.

What about regular M!Corrin? M!Corrin provides a massive amount of Drive support, and M!Corrin can reach decently high stats himself too with Life and Death and Fort. Def/Res. If you got FEH Pass, Xane and 2 M!Corrins can all get Summoner Support for even more stats.

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44 minutes ago, XRay said:

I am not sure how good regular enemy phase units are in Aether Raids since I do not use them there, but he might fare better as a regular tank.

I've had a lot of success with TA-Raven units (Cecilia and Fallen Lyon) that I think would qualify as regular enemy phase units by your definition, but they have a lot of advantages Ashnard doesn't.

I also use Altina and Fallen Ike sometimes, they seem like they'd have closer playstyles to tank Ashnard, but they're a lot more narrow. Altina also has the benefit of being able to take a mythic slot, so if you have her, I feel like there's little need for another DC sword tank in Astra season, just in Light. (And in Light, I mostly just use Fallen Ike for countering Brave Ike, since he's like the only thing my mages can't kill.)

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5 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Anyone else having issues with resonate battles not being available this week but the quest is still in the quest box?

This week's Resonant season starts tomorrow. It's because it was affected by the update, it was mentioned in the update notification.

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5 hours ago, XRay said:

What about regular M!Corrin? M!Corrin provides a massive amount of Drive support, and M!Corrin can reach decently high stats himself too with Life and Death and Fort. Def/Res. If you got FEH Pass, Xane and 2 M!Corrins can all get Summoner Support for even more stats.

Regular M!Corring was my initial thought too. For PVE sure, but for AR a fully invested M!Corrin would prolly be hit by Dark shrines, thats my concern.

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