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2 hours ago, XRay said:

If you are foddering Bonus Doubler, I would prioritize it for dual phase units rather than player phase units.

The vast majority of player phase units do not care about Def/Res, so you are not using the full stat potential of Bonus Doubler. Additionally, running Bonus Doubler makes the player phase unit extremely dependent on buffs for combat performance, and I do not think that is a good idea. If you got the dough to spend on player phase units, other premium A skills are better since they provide consistent and high stats. For example, Life and Death provides a constant Atk/Spd+7 no matter what buffs you have; Bonus Doubler can only provide Atk/Spd+7 if you are running Tier 4 Hone skills.

It's technically possible to get bonuses as high as +8 by getting hit by an opposing level 7 shrine or school and then inverting the penalty with a Harsh Command effect, but that's not very practical. 

Personally, I'd use an extra Lyon as NCD fodder for a TA-Raven tank like Sophia.

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Who actually wants distant defense 4 fodder?

Random Caineghis pitybreaker showed up, came up neutral. And my current one is +def -speed. No real need to merge, and I don't use him enough to really warrant heavy investment.

Guessing tanks with some kind of built in distant counter would like it.

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3 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Who actually wants distant defense 4 fodder?

Random Caineghis pitybreaker showed up, came up neutral. And my current one is +def -speed. No real need to merge, and I don't use him enough to really warrant heavy investment.

Guessing tanks with some kind of built in distant counter would like it.

For tanking, Stance/Unity-Lull is a better combo in my opinion.

Distant Def's main issue is that it is for slow mixed tanks, but there are not a lot of decent B skills for that slot right now. Lull Atk/Def and Lull Atk/Res are good for slow tanks, but their effects overlap with Distant Def. Guard effect is good, but Guard as a B skill kind of sucks due to the HP requirement.

Personally, I would just keep it as a Manual for now until they release something on the B slot that is good for slow tanks but not overlap with Distant Def.

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6 hours ago, Faellin said:

Who actually wants distant defense 4 fodder?

Random Caineghis pitybreaker showed up, came up neutral. And my current one is +def -speed. No real need to merge, and I don't use him enough to really warrant heavy investment.

Guessing tanks with some kind of built in distant counter would like it.

If you have an armor with a DC weapon (BK, Zelgius, Hardin) and can get DD3 on them, you can use Caineghis to give them both DD4 and Vengeful Fighter 3.

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7 hours ago, Othin said:

If you have an armor with a DC weapon (BK, Zelgius, Hardin) and can get DD3 on them, you can use Caineghis to give them both DD4 and Vengeful Fighter 3.

I actually do have a +3 Hardin from random pitybreakers over the years. And I could just grab a r Leo when I get the grails to spare for bridging that skill.

Edited by Faellin
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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:


Spd/Def Rein (and take the atk/spd push 4 from Jill, because why waste a tier 4 skill). 
or Claude's fury 4 and atk/spd rein 

(i'm also hoping to secure another Fiora for Pegasus Flight then she will have ultimate powers). 


I kid, of course. Probably Spd/Def, but it depends a little on what you use her for. Spd/Def Rein is optimal for securing KOs no matter what you’re doing. Atk/Spd Rein is a situational pick that can help her take multiple rounds of combat on an EP set.

I use her primarily as a mixed phase Galeforcer & tank in AR. I currently run Atk/Spd, but I might switch her over to Spd/Def, since I find that she doesn’t need the Atk penalty most of the time.

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:


I kid, of course. Probably Spd/Def, but it depends a little on what you use her for. Spd/Def Rein is optimal for securing KOs no matter what you’re doing. Atk/Spd Rein is a situational pick that can help her take multiple rounds of combat on an EP set.

I use her primarily as a mixed phase Galeforcer & tank in AR. I currently run Atk/Spd, but I might switch her over to Spd/Def, since I find that she doesn’t need the Atk penalty most of the time.


Ta 🙂 
I just use her 🙂  (though i saw her amazing capabilities on your show case. such a good girl).  I got the Jill for her but i've noticed a lot of times you have the atk/spd rein So i just wanted to  get your two pennies. thanks friend. 

(I also laugh that I didn't mention her name... but you knew exactly who I was talkin' about anyway) 

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36 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:


Can I trouble you for your opinion on +Atk vs +Spd for Brave Celica?

I'm overall a proponent of +Spd. I think if you just wanted her as an AA option +Atk makes her a bit more consistent vs Arena green threats like Edels and Surtrs.

+Spd is superior if you want to try using her in AR, which I do on Astra. She is 1 point of Spd faster than Mareeta after factoring weapons, so she is actually a pretty good Spurn user, especially with the built-in Mystic Boost for a lot of sustain. She does pretty well with DC Spurn/NFU Time Pulse/Pulse Smoke. If you also want to field her in AR Defense, in which she is quite good I think, the Spd is good too since Spd stacking is common and easy on offense.

For PvE if your Celica doesn't have SS3/AS Push 4 you could potentially fail to quad stuff in Abyssals, which could be a problem if the map has a bulky peg or dragon. With either of those As though she kinda quads the whole game anyway so +Atk is fine.

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6 minutes ago, steil said:

on AR-D, theres skills like AR-D on A slot, what are considered Defensive Sturtures? Does it show on your stats or is it considered in combat Buffs?

They are considered combat buffs like Death Blow and Brazens. Defensive structures are any Structures with a (D) at the end of their name, e.g.: Panic Manor (D), Catapult (D), etc. 

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I’m not sure what I plan to do with her yet, tbh. Currently she’s only fielded consistently in AA, but I might be interested in using her in AR at some point. It’s hard to say, though, both my seasons’ teams are pretty stable right now. I think I’ll go +Spd just in case. I’m not too concerned about compromising her AA performance, and on the whole I usually lean +Spd, I just wasn’t sure in this case. Thanks for your input!

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18 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

What you guys think is the best boon for Seteth? I am between Atk and Spd.

I use him as Galeforcer, and Atk helps with Heavy Blade, but Spd can allow him to quad with Brave Lance.

+Spd brings his maximum 0 merge Spd to 42 before any effects, which for a demote unit is pretty good, but that's if he keeps the Spear of Assal. Favoritism aside, if you wanted to give him a Quad Brave Lance I would have just skipped him entirely and merged up Cordelia. But having 39 base Spd is still good for getting doubles and erasing most Evasion skill damage reduction.

On the other hand, +Atk means he can hit harder as either a Brave Lance or SoA, which matters the more Def the enemy has. His Spd means he should be able to easily get high enough to cancel out most Evasion skill damage reduction without the help of a Spd asset, and assuming an average of 35 Def he should easily be able to net a kill on doubling...

Hm... I guess I'd pick +Atk if it were me. He has a good amount of Spd, but without access to any sort of Evasion skills I don't see a good reason to build it up to a super high level unless you need to combat 60+ Spd swords, meanwhile building his Atk up will enable more kills overall.

Edited by Xenomata
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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

What you guys think is the best boon for Seteth? I am between Atk and Spd.

I use him as Galeforcer, and Atk helps with Heavy Blade, but Spd can allow him to quad with Brave Lance.

For Galeforce, either one works, and each has their pros and cons. +Atk helps with Heavy Blade and +Spd helps with doubles and is less likely to one shot things.

If you are going with any Brave Weapon, I would go with +Atk. +Atk contributes more to performance than +Spd. Since you are hitting at least twice (you getting an extra 6 or 12 damage) and the drop in Atk is more severe compared to regular Weapons (i.e.: performance is being bottlenecked by not having enough Atk; same reason Caeda and Claire are generally better off running +Atk rather than +Spd), +Atk has a bigger effect on performance than +Spd.

If you are sticking with Spear of Assal, I would go with +Spd. Since you are not hitting twice, you will need to rely on winning the Spd check more to kill things.

Edited by XRay
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So I was thinking, LegDimitri could probably be used as an EP unit since his Prf skills don't have PP-locked effects. I was just wondering, is there a "best" way to go about it? Just to be clear, I'd like to try and avoid having him inherit an Evasion skill if I can help it, as I only have one to spare (Close Call from Mareeta) and I'm not sure how invested I actually am in Dimitri beyond giving him Distant Counter...

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22 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

So I was thinking, LegDimitri could probably be used as an EP unit since his Prf skills don't have PP-locked effects. I was just wondering, is there a "best" way to go about it? Just to be clear, I'd like to try and avoid having him inherit an Evasion skill if I can help it, as I only have one to spare (Close Call from Mareeta) and I'm not sure how invested I actually am in Dimitri beyond giving him Distant Counter...

If you don't want to give him an evasion skill, I imagine you could just keep Atrocity and give him DC and Noontime. Or a Lull skill, if you want a different B skill.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

If you don't want to give him an evasion skill, I imagine you could just keep Atrocity and give him DC and Noontime. Or a Lull skill, if you want a different B skill.

Atrocity is good and all, but... yeah a Lull does sound like a good idea for EP...

14 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What are Leg Dimitri's best IVs?

Given his having an Evasion effect in his weapon and the ability to stack it with another Evasion skill, +Spd is great to have on him (and it makes Flashing Blade work all the better for a Galeforce set). Despite the superasset, I don't know if he really NEEDS +Atk given he already has 41 at base, +5 from his weapon effect, plus a 25% damage buff if the foe is healthy, but... you know, more damage is never a bad thing.

So yeah, +Spd is probably his BEST asset, doubling as both his offense and defense, with +Atk being a good secondary asset. Don't quote me on if +Atk is best for scoring though, I don't really pay attention to that...

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