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10 hours ago, Othin said:

Sounds like it's because the enemy has a move that lets it attack without one of its units dying, while it didn't before?

No, I don't need Bonfire to kill anyone. That's why I wanted to replace it. In either scenario she cant kill the armoured knight or blue mage but can kill Lilina in one hit. I thought it might have been the cooldown timer itself but Lilina still acts later if I swap it out for sol. I'm really quite baffled.

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I mean this in all sincerity - is it better to look at tier lists and invest in better units...or just use whoever the heck you want and make them better? I have some feathers and want to make Ferdinand and Seteth 5*, but see on the tier lists...they aren’t great units. So am torn between saving the feathers or doing someone like Nowi instead of the characters I want.

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Fallen Berkut has two VAs credited on the JP version, but only one in EN. What's with that?

2 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I mean this in all sincerity - is it better to look at tier lists and invest in better units...or just use whoever the heck you want and make them better? I have some feathers and want to make Ferdinand and Seteth 5*, but see on the tier lists...they aren’t great units. So am torn between saving the feathers or doing someone like Nowi instead of the characters I want.

You'll probably have more fun by building whatever units you want rather than worrying about tiers. Feathers are cheap anyway, they barely even count as investment. Personally I've upgraded almost every common unit to 5*, including plenty I never had any plans to use, and I'm still doing great.

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3 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I mean this in all sincerity - is it better to look at tier lists and invest in better units...or just use whoever the heck you want and make them better? I have some feathers and want to make Ferdinand and Seteth 5*, but see on the tier lists...they aren’t great units. So am torn between saving the feathers or doing someone like Nowi instead of the characters I want.

use your favorites. ❤️  I've found as long as they're not on the *bottom* tier ( like tier 5 if it's 1-5) they're absolutely still competitively usable if you take the time investing in some cool skills and actually have a method to using them, which is also another load of fun on top.  My +10 ninja!zihark acts as my hard green counter on aether raids up to T26, and he's only like, tier 3 in one of the most popular lists? 

The only time I'd use tier lists is if a favorite of yours has two different versions and you're trying to figure out who's technically better than the other if you're limited in resources.

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2 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I mean this in all sincerity - is it better to look at tier lists and invest in better units...or just use whoever the heck you want and make them better? I have some feathers and want to make Ferdinand and Seteth 5*, but see on the tier lists...they aren’t great units. So am torn between saving the feathers or doing someone like Nowi instead of the characters I want.

You got to match your play style too to make sure you actually use the unit often enough to justify the investment. It makes no sense to invest a lot in Nowi if all you are doing is just use her for the monthly infantry Training Tower quest.

And as @Othin has said, Feathers are pretty cheap, so I would not worry too much about using it here and there for units you might not use often. On the other hand, Grails, Sacred Coins, Trait Fruits, etc. are harder to come by and more valuable.

As for top tier units, they are really good at making the game easier for you. For example, if you want to reach high tier Aether Raids with no effort, you really want to use BH!Ike with BH!Lucina as other unit combos just is not something that can match that level of bulk. Similarly on player phase, there are not a lot of nukes that can really match ITM!Lyn's physical raw damage output and mobility.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

Fallen Berkut has two VAs credited on the JP version, but only one in EN. What's with that?

It's probably Duma. I remember somebody said that in the Japanese game, Duma voices some, if not all, of Fallen Berkut's lines together with him, as if Duma is speaking through Berkut, meanwhile Fallen Berkut's voice lines only consist of himself.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

You got to match your play style too to make sure you actually use the unit often enough to justify the investment. It makes no sense to invest a lot in Nowi if all you are doing is just use her for the monthly infantry Training Tower quest.

And as @Othin has said, Feathers are pretty cheap, so I would not worry too much about using it here and there for units you might not use often. On the other hand, Grails, Sacred Coins, Trait Fruits, etc. are harder to come by and more valuable.

As for top tier units, they are really good at making the game easier for you. For example, if you want to reach high tier Aether Raids with no effort, you really want to use BH!Ike with BH!Lucina as other unit combos just is not something that can match that level of bulk. Similarly on player phase, there are not a lot of nukes that can really match ITM!Lyn's physical raw damage output and mobility.

Yeah, that's true. If I want to really build up a unit, I want to have reason to think I'll actually use them, but I don't consider a single 5* upgrade to require that.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

It's probably Duma. I remember somebody said that in the Japanese game, Duma voices some, if not all, of Fallen Berkut's lines together with him, as if Duma is speaking through Berkut, meanwhile Fallen Berkut's voice lines only consist of himself.

That fits, since the additional VA is Duma's.

Now I have to figure out how to mark this on my spreadsheet.

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Does the adaptive damage check on breath effects happen before or after all the buffs? I'm trying to understand how it would work if Xane is attacked by a dragon.

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13 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Does the adaptive damage check on breath effects happen before or after all the buffs? I'm trying to understand how it would work if Xane is attacked by a dragon.

It takes into account all types of buffs and debuffs. If it does not take into account in combat buffs, then Close Ward's stat buff and Null adaptive damage combo would be kind of pointless.

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Okay, so I have a fun oddball Caeda project at +9. She's meant to be a magic tank, a res-based support, and an armored dragon counter.


Her build is:

Wing Sword + Eff



Distant Ward

Sabotage Speed

(Pending) Rein Spd/Def

Def Ploy Seal



Should I keep her as +Atk superboon to help her against armored units (especially the armored dragons that she'll be really good against) or switch her to +Spd on the last merge to deal with all the speed creep and make her weapon more reliable?

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@Fabulously Olivier Do you have Caeda's Resplendent form? The extra +2 to all stats may be of use to you if you wanna go full oddball.

The highest her base Spd can go with Resplendent, +10 merge, and +10 Dragonflowers is 45, and 48 with an asset change. Considering Spd/Def Rein and Sabotage Spd, as well as her frankly pathetic 25 base Atk (27 with Resplendent), I would personally go for +Atk and hope that a Hone Fliers buff or similar is enough to match the Spd differences.

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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Fabulously Olivier Do you have Caeda's Resplendent form? The extra +2 to all stats may be of use to you if you wanna go full oddball.

The highest her base Spd can go with Resplendent, +10 merge, and +10 Dragonflowers is 45, and 48 with an asset change. Considering Spd/Def Rein and Sabotage Spd, as well as her frankly pathetic 25 base Atk (27 with Resplendent), I would personally go for +Atk and hope that a Hone Fliers buff or similar is enough to match the Spd differences.

I do have the Resplendent, and I intend to fully invest her dragonflowers. The bonus to all stats is really appreciated on her, and it's damn good art.


I could see her slotting pretty cleanly into most team comps, receiving support from Brave Lucina or Seteth.

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So how exactly do I get extra skills/new attacks for my untis? do they just get them levelling up like in Awakening or is there a shop using some sort of in-game currency? Like getting Lucius a method of attack (He mentions being able to do it once so I think that's a thing?) and new skills for my other units?

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26 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

So how exactly do I get extra skills/new attacks for my untis? do they just get them levelling up like in Awakening or is there a shop using some sort of in-game currency? Like getting Lucius a method of attack (He mentions being able to do it once so I think that's a thing?) and new skills for my other units?

All units have a set of skills and passives they can learn by default. In battle, units gain SP for learning skills, the default being 3sp per kill, as well as s small abundance of SP every levelup. If a unit wishes to learn other skills or passives beyond what they have by default, they need to get new skills by inheriting them from units who do have such skills.

Units can learn more of their default skills as their potential rank increases, with all of their skills being unlocked by 5 stars.

Staff units, by default, don't come with an attack skill learned except in specific circumstances, but they do learn Assault for basic combat eventually.

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43 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

All units have a set of skills and passives they can learn by default. In battle, units gain SP for learning skills, the default being 3sp per kill, as well as s small abundance of SP every levelup. If a unit wishes to learn other skills or passives beyond what they have by default, they need to get new skills by inheriting them from units who do have such skills.

Units can learn more of their default skills as their potential rank increases, with all of their skills being unlocked by 5 stars.

Staff units, by default, don't come with an attack skill learned except in specific circumstances, but they do learn Assault for basic combat eventually.

So what exactly is the amount of SP normally needed to learn anything new? 

I got Edelgard to level 40 and she didn't get any new abiltiies.

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3 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

So what exactly is the amount of SP normally needed to learn anything new? 

I got Edelgard to level 40 and she didn't get any new abiltiies.

You have to manually select skills to spend the SP on. Go to the Allies menu, then Ally Growth, then Learn Skills. 

You might find it helpful to check out the help buttons for tips navigating - there's ingame guides marked with a question mark and a website with guides marked with Sharena's face. There's probably other things you've been missing, they'll help you find them. 

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Hey everyone, back with more questions if you can give me a hand.

1 - ok, so i just got to rank 8 of the summoner's path and one of the little missions says "upgrade a sacred seal". I'm not very clear about these seals. I know they are not like the the a,b, and c skills units come with, so how do I get them? I see on the current tempest trials there is an "attack/speed solo 1" seal (that could be the wrong name but i think its something like that) and i know some units have an a skill named "attack/speed solo 4", if i can get that seal from the tempest trials, can i really upgrade it to that level? And how many of these seals can I have?

2. What are ephemera codes for?

3. I have a few reginns and plumerias (not the new years one) and i want to merge them, what asset should i prioritize for them, attack or speed? Reginn looks like attack would be best because of her high mobility, which i thinks makes for a hit-and-run play style, and plumeria i'm not sure; she's a magic unit so im thinking attack. What do you think is most beneficial?

4. I have a lot of 4 and 3 star units and i want to make a few merged 5* units with them. Are any of the older units worth the effort? like lonqu, lilina, fiorina, kaze, etc.

5. Are the newer 4* units worth ranking up? Knoll, Ilyana, felix, seteth, etc.

6. Are forma units worth getting? I like the tokyo units and i would like to build up tsubasa, any suggestions for what skills i should look for?

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51 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Hey everyone, back with more questions if you can give me a hand.

1 - ok, so i just got to rank 8 of the summoner's path and one of the little missions says "upgrade a sacred seal". I'm not very clear about these seals. I know they are not like the the a,b, and c skills units come with, so how do I get them? I see on the current tempest trials there is an "attack/speed solo 1" seal (that could be the wrong name but i think its something like that) and i know some units have an a skill named "attack/speed solo 4", if i can get that seal from the tempest trials, can i really upgrade it to that level? And how many of these seals can I have?

2. What are ephemera codes for?

3. I have a few reginns and plumerias (not the new years one) and i want to merge them, what asset should i prioritize for them, attack or speed? Reginn looks like attack would be best because of her high mobility, which i thinks makes for a hit-and-run play style, and plumeria i'm not sure; she's a magic unit so im thinking attack. What do you think is most beneficial?

4. I have a lot of 4 and 3 star units and i want to make a few merged 5* units with them. Are any of the older units worth the effort? like lonqu, lilina, fiorina, kaze, etc.

5. Are the newer 4* units worth ranking up? Knoll, Ilyana, felix, seteth, etc.

6. Are forma units worth getting? I like the tokyo units and i would like to build up tsubasa, any suggestions for what skills i should look for?

1. You can create and upgrade seals in the Sacred Seal Forge menu. Like I said, the help menus can show you how to find things like that. You can have as many seals as you can get, but they can only be upgraded to level 3, not 4.

2. Ephemera codes are for the Limited Time section of the Compile Combat Manuals menu. 

3. Plumeria is super slow so Spd is useless for her, so go for Atk. Most people seem to prefer Spd for Reginn, but it depends on your playstyle. 

4/5. Depends. Feathers are common, try stuff and see what works for you. 

6. No, because they require spending money, and spending money on this game is never worth it. 

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1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

6. Are forma units worth getting? I like the tokyo units and i would like to build up tsubasa, any suggestions for what skills i should look for?

I'm going to disagree with @Othin on this. While you should always consider what it is you're buying from this garbage game with garbage summoning mechanics and garbage luck and garbage unit progression mechanics and garbage garbage, as long as you can make an educated decision then you never really "waste" money on the game, but also especially when it comes to Forma units.

A Forma pack costs $30usd, which gets you 60-something orbs and 1 Forma soul. The Forma unit, while always neutral, will be guaranteed to have powerful skills on them because of the free range of skills available to Forma units. This means you aren't just buying orbs and a Forma unit, but also up to 6 skills that you would otherwise need to summon randomly, which itself could end up being a larger money sink than the Forma Soul pack. As someone who does spend on the game, the Forma soul pack is one I make sure to pick up as long as I have the money to afford it, simply because of the advantage afforded to Forma units. I won't tell you that you NEED to buy forma soul packs though, because their value ultimately depends on the units made available in Hall of Forms, as well as the value of the skills you manage to get on the units. This TMS Hall is pretty good considering all 4 units are good, but there is no guarantee later ones will be. So again, just be sure to make an educated decision.

As for Tsubasa, as an offensive Flying Lance unit you want her geared for player phase nuking. Swift Sparrow 3, Atk/Spd Solo 4, and Atk/Spd Push 4 are some good ideas to consider for her A slot, while the most obvious recommendation for her C slot would be Spd/Def Rein. If you want her to use Galeforce however, then you should consider Atk/Spd Rein instead, as the higher Atk may lead to an unfavorable scenario where you do too much damage in 2 attacks and can't charge GF reliably. I personally won't be using GF on her, so Spd/Def Rein for me.
Her Assist should be something that isn't easy to get, which most Dual Rally+ assists fall into. I personally am taking Rally Up Spd+ since I don't have it on any of my units otherwise.
Her Special can be any offensive special, though you may consider taking a rarer one such as Ruptured Skies.
Her B Passive is the hardest to make any sound recommendations for. Melee Fliers do not have good skills available in that slot if they have some form of Desperation built into their weapon, which automatically removes both Desperation and Dive Bomb from the recommendations. Most other skills are worthless to melee nukes. Pegasus Flight is probably the rarest skill you can give Tsubasa that synergizes most with her playstyle, but her Res isn't the highest so it may not give the largest of returns.

Keep in mind to NOT leave her with Moonbow, Blade Session, Chill Spd, or Hone Fliers, as she already comes with these skills by default. You may even consider replacing her weapon with something else just so you have a little extra to play with come the halls end.

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm going to disagree with @Othin on this. While you should always consider what it is you're buying from this garbage game with garbage summoning mechanics and garbage luck and garbage unit progression mechanics and garbage garbage, as long as you can make an educated decision then you never really "waste" money on the game, but also especially when it comes to Forma units.

A Forma pack costs $30usd, which gets you 60-something orbs and 1 Forma soul. The Forma unit, while always neutral, will be guaranteed to have powerful skills on them because of the free range of skills available to Forma units. This means you aren't just buying orbs and a Forma unit, but also up to 6 skills that you would otherwise need to summon randomly, which itself could end up being a larger money sink than the Forma Soul pack. As someone who does spend on the game, the Forma soul pack is one I make sure to pick up as long as I have the money to afford it, simply because of the advantage afforded to Forma units. I won't tell you that you NEED to buy forma soul packs though, because their value ultimately depends on the units made available in Hall of Forms, as well as the value of the skills you manage to get on the units. This TMS Hall is pretty good considering all 4 units are good, but there is no guarantee later ones will be. So again, just be sure to make an educated decision.

As for Tsubasa, as an offensive Flying Lance unit you want her geared for player phase nuking. Swift Sparrow 3, Atk/Spd Solo 4, and Atk/Spd Push 4 are some good ideas to consider for her A slot, while the most obvious recommendation for her C slot would be Spd/Def Rein. If you want her to use Galeforce however, then you should consider Atk/Spd Rein instead, as the higher Atk may lead to an unfavorable scenario where you do too much damage in 2 attacks and can't charge GF reliably. I personally won't be using GF on her, so Spd/Def Rein for me.
Her Assist should be something that isn't easy to get, which most Dual Rally+ assists fall into. I personally am taking Rally Up Spd+ since I don't have it on any of my units otherwise.
Her Special can be any offensive special, though you may consider taking a rarer one such as Ruptured Skies.
Her B Passive is the hardest to make any sound recommendations for. Melee Fliers do not have good skills available in that slot if they have some form of Desperation built into their weapon, which automatically removes both Desperation and Dive Bomb from the recommendations. Most other skills are worthless to melee nukes. Pegasus Flight is probably the rarest skill you can give Tsubasa that synergizes most with her playstyle, but her Res isn't the highest so it may not give the largest of returns.

Keep in mind to NOT leave her with Moonbow, Blade Session, Chill Spd, or Hone Fliers, as she already comes with these skills by default. You may even consider replacing her weapon with something else just so you have a little extra to play with come the halls end.

I can certainly agree that Forma Souls are one of the more cost-effective ways to spend money on this game. And while I can understand why some people might feel differently, my advice to anyone thinking about spending money on it will always be "don't".

The best way to avoid spending in the future is to never start, and I don't think most people who spend money on Heroes actually get increased enjoyment or satisfaction from it. Spending means you have more, but it also means you want more. People will spend hundreds of dollars getting extra versions of a shiny new unit just so it can have slightly higher stats, while I just spark for a +0 version with my free orbs and I'm satisfied with that. Stronger units don't automatically make the game more fun, they just mean putting it on a lower difficulty setting. A very, very expensive lower difficulty setting.

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19 minutes ago, Othin said:

The best way to avoid spending in the future is to never start, and I don't think most people who spend money on Heroes actually get increased enjoyment or satisfaction from it. Spending means you have more, but it also means you want more. People will spend hundreds of dollars getting extra versions of a shiny new unit just so it can have slightly higher stats, while I just spark for a +0 version with my free orbs and I'm satisfied with that. Stronger units don't automatically make the game more fun, they just mean putting it on a lower difficulty setting. A very, very expensive lower difficulty setting.

As a spender, yes I agree (hell it sometimes feels like my satisfaction goes down when I spend, hey did I mention this game is garbage?), but there's always that one thing in the game that'll appear, and since I already have a budget set aside for personal enjoyment I don't feel that bad about spending.
It isn't a Feh budget keep in mind, it's literally a personal enjoyment budget, the same pool I pull from to buy anything from new games, to anime statues, to going to the movies, and of course for buying premium currency in a gacha game.

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50 minutes ago, Othin said:

I can certainly agree that Forma Souls are one of the more cost-effective ways to spend money on this game. And while I can understand why some people might feel differently, my advice to anyone thinking about spending money on it will always be "don't".

The best way to avoid spending in the future is to never start, and I don't think most people who spend money on Heroes actually get increased enjoyment or satisfaction from it. Spending means you have more, but it also means you want more. People will spend hundreds of dollars getting extra versions of a shiny new unit just so it can have slightly higher stats, while I just spark for a +0 version with my free orbs and I'm satisfied with that. Stronger units don't automatically make the game more fun, they just mean putting it on a lower difficulty setting. A very, very expensive lower difficulty setting.

The only thing I've found that actually increases my enjoyment for money spent is FEH pass. Partially because of the QoL that is (scummily) locked behind it, but mostly because of the drip feed of units and costumes.


And personally, what is more exciting than actually receiving units is guessing what the next one might be. What keeps me playing is the anticipation of New Heroes, weapon refines, and Resplendents.

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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

The only thing I've found that actually increases my enjoyment for money spent is FEH pass. Partially because of the QoL that is (scummily) locked behind it, but mostly because of the drip feed of units and costumes.


And personally, what is more exciting than actually receiving units is guessing what the next one might be. What keeps me playing is the anticipation of New Heroes, weapon refines, and Resplendents.

That's a good point. As obnoxious as it is, it does offer some nice and unique stuff, and it's different enough from the rest of the paid content that I can believe it's feasible to stop there and not raise your expectations too much.

I guess the most important thing is that if you do spend money, it's important to just spend a fixed amount on regular payments. Buying the Feh Pass and a Forma Soul pack each month would be another, more expensive way of doing that. The most important thing, I think, is staying far away from the point where your spending starts getting affected by summon luck and by tempting special offers, rather than sticking to stuff you can carefully plan months in advance.

The biggest thing to stay away from is the regular orb packs. Unlike with monthly stuff or other bundles, there's no natural limit, so that's where spending can really get out of control. But I think even the bundles compare quite unfavorably to other ways you could spend money on entertainment. Like, you could spend $75 on Velouria and a bunch of orbs... or you could spend it on an entire video game. Or several cheaper games! Or DLC for a regular game. Like, Smash DLC is $5 for an entire character, and those characters have a lot more to them than any Heroes character.

I'd also agree about caring more about what's in the game at all than about what's in my barracks. I like to try to make my barracks work as a collector's showcase of as many of the things in the game I find important as possible, but I can appreciate other stuff from a distance, like the Resplendents. (And with my spreadsheet work, having the actual units feels increasingly unimportant, since I already have them all on my sheet.)

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45 minutes ago, Othin said:

That's a good point. As obnoxious as it is, it does offer some nice and unique stuff, and it's different enough from the rest of the paid content that I can believe it's feasible to stop there and not raise your expectations too much.

I guess the most important thing is deciding to spend a fixed amount on regular payments. Buying the Feh Pass and a Forma Soul pack each month would be another, more expensive way of doing that. The most important thing, I think, is staying far away from the point where your spending starts getting affected by summon luck and by tempting special offers, rather than sticking to stuff you can carefully plan months in advance.

The most important thing to stay away from is the regular orb packs, since unlike with monthly stuff or other bundles, there's no natural limit. That's where spending can really get out of control. But I think even the bundles compare quite unfavorably to other ways you could spend money on entertainment. Like, you could spend $75 on Velouria and a bunch of orbs... or you could spend it on an entire video game. Or several cheaper games! Or DLC for a regular game. Like, Smash DLC is $5 for an entire character, and those characters have a lot more to them than any Heroes character.

I'd also agree about caring more about what's in the game at all than about what's in my barracks. I like to try to make my barracks work as a collector's showcase of as many of the things in the game I find important as possible, but I can appreciate other stuff from a distance, like the Resplendents. (And with my spreadsheet work, having the actual units feels increasingly unimportant, since I already have them all on my sheet.)



Agreed. And if you think FEH is bad. Oh boy. I'm playing Genshin Impact right now and it has a 0.6% summon rate with a 50/50 focus/non-focus pity at 90 rolls and focus pity at 180. The pity rate is literally better than the summon rate. And it has a separate 10 roll pity rate for 4 stars. And a full summon session in GI is $25-30 depending on pack.


What I've learned about gacha games is that even though they are all about spending money, they do not reward spending money.



Anyway, I have another question. Wendy will probably be my next merge project. Would atk, def, or res be optimal? I'm thinking atk to do more damage and get more Aether healing.

Build is her standard Weighted Lance + Eff, Aether, Pivot/Swap, DC, Vengeful.

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