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So, a certain FEHtuber released this video:

Now I feel a bit conflicted on whether or not I should spend my Forma Soul on Bride Fjorm or wait until something I like more comes along.

Points going for Bride Fjorm:
I like the character.
I did manage to snag some good skills for her (Witchy Wand, Rescue, Windfire Balm, Atk/Spd Solo, Aerobatics, Joint Hone Atk)
She's pretty much my only chance at an Isolation bot (practically required for Hit and Run strats in AR), especially since my luck tends to be pretty bad on Legendary/Mythic banners.

Points going against Bride Fjorm:
Isolation counters have been introduced in the past couple of months (sparkable Sara, sparkable Odd Recovery, slot 7 in AR-D teams with a strong possibility of sparkable Seiros in the near future)
Fjorm doesn't need overly expensive skills to do well (HP +5 and Martyr+ are largely what she needs to do well in AR)
The possibility that Lyn (Legendary, Summer, or Duo) may appear as a Forma unit in the future though it would take 5 months at the earliest.

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@Xenomata I'm sorry. I don't really understand what you said. could u give me an small example ?

Also I don't know when a skill would activate. Like Noontime, Reginn's Canto, Rising Thunder etc .v....v...



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3 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Xenomata I'm sorry. I don't really understand what you said. could u give me an small example ?

Also I don't know when a skill would activate. Like Noontime, Reginn's Canto, active skill of Reinharht etc .v....v...

I'll try to explain in the simplest way I can, but let me know if it's too confusing still, as I'm not quite sure what it is that confused you.


~A unit will ultimately have roughly the same spread of stats at level 1 and level 40, with differences dependent on the individuals Asset and Flaw.

A 4 star Reyson with a statspread of 14/7/9/3/3 (HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res) is considered +Spd -Def, while a same rairty Reyson with 13/8/8/4/3 is +Atk -HP.
Those same Reysons would end up with 4* Lv40 stats of 34/27/35/19/23 and 31/30/32/22/23 respectively.
You can read how leveling up affects stats, but those Lv40 stats are always how the unit will end up.

In the example I used of normal Chrom, his neutral statspread at 5* Lv40 is 47/37/25/31/17. Regardless of his asset and flaw, his spread will always revolve around that spread, so you can't have a Chrom with 35 Spd and 22 Def, at least not naturally (skills that alter stats can manipulate these numbers).

Again, once you get to the endgame content, you do not need to care about any levels aside from levels 1 and 40. Level 1 stats determine the order in which merges and dragonflowers raise stats, while level 40 stats are how the unit performs at their maximum potential.

~The same character can have different spreads of stats. The example I initially gave was of Nowi and her Halloween alt, and to demonstrate here are my own Nowis:


Same character, but normal Nowi has far higher defenses than her witchy counterpart, who is faster.

As for when skills trigger, the first thing to know is that there is a difference between skills and specials: skills are the effects granted by weapons, passives, and sacred seals, while Specials are the skill the unit has in the purple slot on their skill list. As for triggering them, the description of each skill and special usually tells you the conditions to make them work:

  • Specials that trigger in combat, such as Moonbow, Noontime, or Bonfire, will trigger when they have been fully charged, and on the units next attack.
  • Specials such as Growing Thunder and Blazing Wind trigger when they have been fully charged, and when the unit next initiates combat.
  • Specials such as Pavise and Aegis trigger when the special is fully charged and the enemy lands an attack in the appropriate conditions. Pavise will only trigger when the enemy is attacking from 1 square away, for instance. You can see the trigger conditions in each skills description.
  • Galeforce and Njorun's Zeal trigger are Specials that trigger after combat.
  • Reginn's Canto effect, as stated, triggers after combat, using an assist, or destroying a structure in Aether Raids.
  • Reinhardt's active skill... I assume you mean Dire Thunder? As long as Reinhardt initiates combat, he will attack twice per single attack.
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1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Now I feel a bit conflicted on whether or not I should spend my Forma Soul on Bride Fjorm or wait until something I like more comes along.

If you do not care about Aether Raids, I would not bother with BB!Fjorm. Units like Kronya and AMH!Hector can be decent in Aether Raids, but their performance outside of Aether Raids is a bit questionable. Some units, skills, and strategies are relevant in some modes but not in others. Desperation is practically useless while Guard is extremely powerful in Røkkr Sieges for example, but outside of that mode, the opposite is true where most player phase units always want Desperation.

If you do care about Aether Raids, I think she is pretty decent. As a paying player, I would definitely grab her. If you are free player, since you only get one, it depends on how often you think you are going to use her.

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@Xenomata thanks. Im asking about : is there any different between 3stars greyson & 5 stars greyson about growthrates, stats ( same charater same title only different about star rank)  Nowi and her Halloween alt are 2 different charaters

Where is this "fully charged" bar ?

Edited by Hasechi
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4 hours ago, Hasechi said:

thanks; ( i think i should update units to 5 stars first, then train them later

Promoting a unit to a higher rarity resets their level and stats back to level 1, except for their SP (which is retained) and their HM (which is a stat shared by all copies of the same character).

There is absolutely no penalty for leveling up a unit at a lower rarity other than the stamina cost, but there is a benefit in that you keep the SP from those previous level ups.

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23 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Xenomata thanks. Im asking about : is there any different between 3stars greyson & 5 stars greyson about growthrates, stats ( same charater only different about star rank.

Where is this "fully charged" bar ?

First, the rarity of the unit does determine how their stats grow (from their base level 1 stats to their growths when leveling up) and ultimately those stats are going to be lower than if they were a higher rarity, but the actual growth rates, as in the numbers that determine how much a units stats grow in total, do not ever change.
Raising a units rarity boosts their base stat totals and how much their stats increase in total by the time they reach level 40.

As for the "fully charged bar"...


On the field, you will see a purple number on the units upper-left corner, below their weapon type icon. This is their Special Charge number.
When the unit attacks, is attacked, or is under the effect of certain skills, this number will go down.
Once the Special is fully charged and ready to activate, you will see the icon seen in the 3rd image instead, and the Special will trigger when next allowed.

If you are in-combat, you will find this Special Charge number or Special Ready icon as the purple number/icon to the left of the units damage numbers.
The enemies Special Charge/Special Ready icon is the number/icon to the right of their own damage numbers.

You can see how long it will take for a Special to charge, or their Special Cooldown, in the Help description of each special. This will also show if the Special Cooldown is being affected by skills, such as Slaying weapons or inheritable Bladetomes.

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29 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I just unlock spring Veronica, why her 5 stars are blue ?

Units unlocked using Forma Souls will have their stars displayed in blue. It indicates that the unit cannot be used as fodder for merging or skill inheritance.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What team do you have?  I might be able to help depending on what you have.

Hi! Currently I only have 5 lv 40 charaters : B!Dimitri, B!Camilla, Peony, Fallen Tiki, Reginn.

Manakete attack DEf or RES enemy ?

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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

Hi! Currently I only have 5 lv 40 charaters : B!Dimitri, B!Camilla, Peony, Fallen Tiki, Reginn.

Manakete attack DEf or RES enemy ?

Breath attacks normally target Res, but most of them have an additional ability that makes it so that against ranged foes, they target whichever defensive stat is lower.

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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

Manakete attack DEf or RES enemy ?

Dragons target Res by default. However, most dragon weapons will target the lower of Def or Res against ranged opponents.

If you tap the weapon type icon next to the unit's level on the unit's stat screen or next to the unit's name on the ribbon on the top, you can check which defense the weapon type targets.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Dragons target Res by default. However, most dragon weapons will target the lower of Def or Res against ranged opponents.

If you tap the weapon type icon next to the unit's level on the unit's stat screen or next to the unit's name on the ribbon on the top, you can check which defense the weapon type targets.

Oh wow, I never knew about that info box. That's neat.

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5 minutes ago, Hasechi said:



Even B!Camilla, B!Dimitri, Reginn only deal 1 damage to him

Most of Duessel's skills only activate when he's not adjacent to any of his allies, so find a way to fight him when he's close to them.

Training up a green unit could also be helpful, so you'll have someone able to get weapon triangle advantage against blue foes.

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11 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Hi! Currently I only have 5 lv 40 charaters : B!Dimitri, B!Camilla, Peony, Fallen Tiki, Reginn.

Manakete attack DEf or RES enemy ?

Okay, I'll get onto it, I'll assume lunatic difficulty because infernal is not the difficulty to attempt as a beginning player.  I'll edit this when I get the video recorded so you can follow along.


Eta: @Hasechi here you go, hope this helps.  Its lunatic difficulty since at this point, you're probably not going to have the units who are up to Infernal difficulty yet.  Generally I'd suggest 10+ units or heavy Skill Inheritance (SI) to clear those.  Brave Dimitri doesn't need the S Seal to make it work if you haven't got it for the TT, and Peony's doesn't do much in the scheme of things, but is a nice to have one.


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9 hours ago, Hasechi said:



Even B!Camilla, B!Dimitri, Reginn only deal 1 damage to him

In addition to green units with Triangle Adept, you also want to use cavalry effective Weapons like Wolf tomes and Poleaxe.

Gerome and F!Robin both have cavalry effective Weapons, and you can give them Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker.
Poleaxe — Keen Gronnwolf
(Any Refinement)
Triangle Adept
(Any C)
Attack +3

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9 hours ago, Hasechi said:



Even B!Camilla, B!Dimitri, Reginn only deal 1 damage to him

I have male Grima take care of him, but yes as many have said you need a good strong green unit for Dussel, he's not going down to anything less.

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Okay, I'll get onto it, I'll assume lunatic difficulty because infernal is not the difficulty to attempt as a beginning player.  I'll edit this when I get the video recorded so you can follow along.

Eta: @Hasechi here you go, hope this helps.  Its lunatic difficulty since at this point, you're probably not going to have the units who are up to Infernal difficulty yet.  Generally I'd suggest 10+ units or heavy Skill Inheritance (SI) to clear those.  Brave Dimitri doesn't need the S Seal to make it work if you haven't got it for the TT, and Peony's doesn't do much in the scheme of things, but is a nice to have one.

16 hours ago, Hasechi said:

how to beat petrine special map, she;s so strong

Also the manakate in Narreve special map is so strong too

OMG! thanks for the vid but you guide me the wrtong map ... the map like I said before :..

" Generally I'd suggest 10+ units or heavy Skill Inheritance (SI) to clear those." Is it worth resources to make those charaters 10+ . also what is "heavy Skill Inheritance" ? Do you mean "Strong Skill Effects" ?

thank@XRay .thank @Ice Dragon / ^ ^


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2 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

" Generally I'd suggest 10+ units or heavy Skill Inheritance (SI) to clear those." Is it worth resources to make those charaters 10+ . also what is "heavy Skill Inheritance" ? Do you mean "Strong Skill Effects" ?

Yes. "Heavy" in this case means giving your unit expensive and strong skills.

For example, "I heavily invested in my BH!Ike" means I put a lot of resources into BH!Ike, such as giving him a lot of merges, Dragonflowers, and skills.

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6 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

OMG! thanks for the vid but you guide me the wrtong map ... the map like I said before :..

" Generally I'd suggest 10+ units or heavy Skill Inheritance (SI) to clear those." Is it worth resources to make those charaters 10+ . also what is "heavy Skill Inheritance" ? Do you mean "Strong Skill Effects" ?

thank@XRay .thank @Ice Dragon / ^ ^


Oops!  Sorry I mixed the map up!  Glad I was somewhat able to help however!


Generally speaking you'd need a few more units in your barracks.  For Naverre's map I'll get onto that asap!


At this stage until you have some more heroes in your barracks I would advise against infernal and higher difficulties.

Heavy SI looks something like this:


Using Grima as an example.  Note he's got a lot of Premium skills and merges which is what heavy investment is.  Ideally you want one very strong tank, one nuke (or very high damage out put unit) and two dancers or one dancer and one healer.

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