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3 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Although xenomata guided me about this Gautlet event. I still very confusing. I just won a battle here. But I don't know how many ballots & flags should I choose.  ( I  read "?" )

Generally you'd use them on the second day of each round, when your team is behind in score. On the first day it's more about completing the quests and using no flags while doing so.

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@Ice DragonI want to ask if I want to summon Lif & Alfonse's mom. So now 3.75% / 4 (4 units) then *2 ( 2 red,lif & Henriette) = 1.87%, right ?

So a 100 sided dice and I have to try to pull out number 1 or 2. Olivia Atk+,Def-.  in SM Eirika team, is that a good idea @XRay ?

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@Hasechi Each round is two days, or more accurately, 45 hours. The game tells you how many hours are left in the round, so when it says 20ish hours left, that's probably about the right time.

The later it is in the round, the higher the multiplier. You get at most 2000 flags per round (although you keep them between rounds), and it's easy to spend 2000 flags in one day, so most people will wait until then. There's a risk of course - for example you might think it's wise to save 800 flags to spend in the final hour of the round, but if your team is leading at that point, then your multiplier will be lower than if you had spent the flags an hour or two earlier.

As for Dimitri, even though his two infantry versions look almost the same, they have completely different uses. Brave Dimitri is a Distant Counter tank, Legendary Dimitri is a player phase offensive unit with good mobility.

For the summoning question, yes, you have 1.87% of pulling one of the red focus units, *if* you open every orb. But you would never do that, as there is no reason to open the blue or grey orbs. If you open only red and green, your chances will double that. If you only open red, it's even higher again.

Picture it this way: if you have 100 random orbs, on average there will be around one Lif and one Henriette in those orbs. But you can immediately throw out all the non-red orbs. Now you only have 30-35 orbs left, but still 1 Lif and 1 Henriette in that group. So it's trying to roll a 30ish-sided dice and hoping to get a 1 or 2.

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15 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Ice DragonI want to ask if I want to summon Lif & Alfonse's mom. So now 3.75% / 4 (4 units) then *2 ( 2 red,lif & Henriette) = 1.87%, right ?

So a 100 sided dice and I have to try to pull out number 1 or 2. Olivia Atk+,Def-.  in SM Eirika team, is that a good idea @XRay ?

About 1.87% of the orbs generated on the banner will be one of those two units. However, only about 30% of the orbs on the banner are red. So if you only pull red orbs, your odds of getting one of them are about 1.87/0.3 = 6.23%.



According to the summon simulator, pulling only red orbs on that banner has about a 50% chance of having Lif or Henriette show up in your first 65 orbs spent, and about a 90% chance of having one of them show up in your first 193 orbs spent. That assumes you're starting from a base 3% rate - the fact that you're already up to 3.75% means your odds are a bit better, but I'm not sure how much.

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Huh, looking at that simulator, the size of the summoning pools hasn't been updated since 2019, it looks like. Unsurprising perhaps since otherwise it'd be a pain to maintain when the pool increases every month, but it does introduce some inaccuracy. Not too much assuming new units are added to each colour in roughly equal proportion though, particularly for demotes.

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6 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

How do  you know this ?

Because we can look at the units available in the regular (non-focus) summoning pool, and about 30% of them are red.

About 25% are blue, about 20% are green, and about 25% are colorless.

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I followed Xray guide and try to build a team with a nuke & 3 dancers I think it is really cool. Offensive nuke.  Currently are :

Nuke SM Eirika with tharja %@!%$!blade weapon.

Dorothea( duo dancer ) , Olivia Atk+,Spd- ( in training ), Peony( she's too good, she's so mobility and provide mobility to the team )

But after reading dorothea duo skill that she can active a skill allow units in the team from FE:3H & FE4 can action again. That make me wondering : what if the nuke & the dancer in the team are from FE:3H & FE4 . isn't that better ? That the nuke can move again, the other dancer from FE:3H/FE4 can dance again to the nuke too. So now the nuke can move & attack 6 times in a turn

So - Horse Nuke  from FE4/FE:3H replace Eirika

      - Dorothea

      - A dancer from FE4/FE:3H replace Olivia

      - Peony or A dancer from FE4/FE:3H

I'm just a newbie. Those texts above are my question. I just want to imporve my team, to be stronger.

If I run a team, when I find another better unit that can replace a unit in that team; What should I do? I have to inherit skill from unit to unit, or find other units to inherit skills to that new unit. That would waste more resources(i think). So I think I should ask the question now, maybe it would save resources later


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On 2/28/2021 at 1:27 AM, Othin said:

Because we can look at the units available in the regular (non-focus) summoning pool, and about 30% of them are red.

About 25% are blue, about 20% are green, and about 25% are colorless.

U meant you count this :


thank @Humanoid I noted that, I'm less confused now

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34 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

How do  you know this ?

Because red units are the most common, the chance of a red orb appearing are somewhat higher than the other colours. And because green is the least common, green orbs are the least likely to appear. A rough estimate would be 30% red, 20% green, and 25% each for blue and grey. The actual maths is a bit more complicated, but let's use a simplified example:

Let's pretend there are only 9 different 3-or-4-star units in the whole game. Let's say 4 of them are red, 2 are blue, 1 is green, and 2 are grey - actually let's name them, Roy, Stahl, Chrom, Tharja, Effie, Florina, Bartre, Niles, Sakura.

Rounding a bit, you have about 10% chance of any orb containing a 5-star unit, and 90% chance that it is a 3-or-4-star unit. If you have 10 random orbs, that bunch of orbs will contain one 5-star unit, and one each of Roy, Stahl, Chrom, Tharja, Effie, Florina, Bartre, Niles or Sakura. So straight away we can say that the minimum chance of a red orb appearing is 40%, a blue or grey one is 20%, and a green one 10%, before we add in the 5-star unit.

Now let's assume it's one of those banners with equal number of 5-star focus units, similar to a legendary banner, so 2.5% chance of a 5-star unit for each colour - again let's name them: Byleth, Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude. This means there would be a 42.5% chance that any orb is red, a 22.5% chance an orb is blue or grey, and a 12.5% chance that orb is green.

If you follow so far, you can see why people say it's easier to get a 5-star unit sniping green: In this example, a green orb appears 12.5% of the time. Of that, 10% is from Bartre, and 2.5% from Edelgard. Therefore if you only open green orbs, on average (2.5 / 12.5) 20% of them will be Edelgard, and 80% Bartre. But if we do the same for red, we can see that only (2.5 / 42.5) 5.9% of the red orbs are Byleth. Now obviously in real life the difference isn't that big, but it's still pretty noticeable that it's easier to get a 5-star green unit.


5 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

U meant you count this :

Yes, but the chance of 5-star units is so small that you can mostly ignore it. If you count all the units available at 3 or 4 star, you'll notice more red than any other colour.

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alright, so with all this going on

1 - the best strategy in the gauntlet is to hold on to your flags until the end, unless you are winning? im on team corrin and we are getting left behind team freyja, not sure how much i should play and commit especially if we lose this round. all i want is for corrin to make it to the summoning banner so i can get a few copies. if the worst should happen and we lose, i want some resources on hand to support team micaiah if they win their side of the battle.

2. i finally got a taste of the new claude, on my first battle of the gauntlet no less; i got completely stomped, and i dont like it. my team was erinys with galeforce, a legendary corrin from some one on my friends list, and a nowi i cant remember but heavily invested. The opposing team had a stock Claude, Lysithia, and Sothis. Due to map placement, no matter what i did i was never going to touch Claude before he could make his first move, he took out everything i had with literally no effort and I couldn't do a single fraction of damage worth anything to it. Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I can run to counter this guy? I doubt my strongest units can nuke him in one go, and I have not invested in any archers yet.

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5 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

U meant you count this :


thank @Humanoid I noted that, I'm less confused now

You could look at that, but that pool is mostly consistent between banners, just with units getting added to it periodically (and sometimes changes to the availability of existing ones). So it's really just a matter of keeping a running tally of who's in the pool and at what rarities.

10 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

If I run a team, when I find another better unit that can replace a unit in that team; What should I do? I have to inherit skill from unit to unit, or find other units to inherit skills to that new unit. That would waste more resources(i think). So I think I should ask the question now, maybe it would save resources later


Keep both and have the new unit inherit skills from other units you have on hand. The old one could still be useful later for one purpose or another.

The game is constantly introducing stronger units, so that's an inevitable outcome no matter how well you choose who to build.

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13 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

1 - the best strategy in the gauntlet is to hold on to your flags until the end, unless you are winning? im on team corrin and we are getting left behind team freyja, not sure how much i should play and commit especially if we lose this round. all i want is for corrin to make it to the summoning banner so i can get a few copies. if the worst should happen and we lose, i want some resources on hand to support team micaiah if they win their side of the battle.

That's the strategy for maximising points, and therefore feathers. Trying to maximise the chance of winning is a bit more subtle in that sometimes you actually want to hold back on scoring maximum points to strategically deny the opposing team an inopportune multiplier. The classic example is when the teams are very close in score, with yours holding a slight lead with a little over 1 hour to go. If you score too well, your team's lead might increase to the point where you give the other team the multiplier in the final hour, which would lead to an almost guaranteed loss (unless it's Shanna murdering Takumi for some reason). However, despite the complexity and the lengths to which some people will obsess over optimising for this, the reality is that your impact as an individual player is negligible, so I wouldn't overthink it. Broadly speaking you can almost boil it down down to a game of chance where the chance of winning is approximately down to the ratio between the number of players on each team, which can be estimated by the first hour score where no multipliers apply to either team. e.g. Seiros has twice the score of Micaiah after the first hour of the event. We can approximate that Seiros has 2/3rds chance of winning and Micaiah 1/3rd.

Now, if you look at the score tracker in the VG thread, you'll notice that Freyja is not leaving Corrin behind at all. They scored almost the same in the first hour, and now they're trading the lead every single hour thanks to the power of multipliers. Imagine it's a game of musical chairs, when teams are trading off the lead like that, it kinda becomes a 50:50 chance of winning, whoever is leading by dumb luck when the music stops.

13 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

2. i finally got a taste of the new claude, on my first battle of the gauntlet no less; i got completely stomped, and i dont like it. my team was erinys with galeforce, a legendary corrin from some one on my friends list, and a nowi i cant remember but heavily invested. The opposing team had a stock Claude, Lysithia, and Sothis. Due to map placement, no matter what i did i was never going to touch Claude before he could make his first move, he took out everything i had with literally no effort and I couldn't do a single fraction of damage worth anything to it. Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I can run to counter this guy? I doubt my strongest units can nuke him in one go, and I have not invested in any archers yet.

Is this asking for general advice on how to counter him, or advice on how to win VG battles? If it's the latter, it's simple: just take a level 1 unit to the fight instead. Your level 40 friend unit will still come with you, but the three opponents will be all low-level. That said, losing a VG battle has zero actual consequence besides the time lost in having to do another fight, as you lose no resources when losing.

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24 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I can run to counter this guy? I doubt my strongest units can nuke him in one go, and I have not invested in any archers yet.

Reginn should do the trick. Run in and smash him before Falling Star activates, then Canto out of the way. But also, if you don't have any archers trained at all, I'd suggest building one. Even a common one with no real investment, like Klein, should be handy for a situation like this.

Brave weapons are especially helpful against Claude, since he can only block one hit.

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@Humanoid good point. guess I'll just play normally and hope the music stops when we're closer to the chair than the other team is.

@Othin yeah mostly i would like to be prepared to see him on arena, he seems very popular and I am sure i will find him there plenty. On second look, I do have one archer trained to 40, new year's plumeria, but she is minus -atk. I also have a lv 5 shinon on  my barracks, also -atk, original bernadetta, innes at -atk (my luck, lol), and some colored archers. I hear that Shinnon has a very good special, so between him and plumeria which has a dance effect, which do you guys think would offer better utility?

2 - i have a spare henrietta, and i was thinking if giving her savior skill to my b!edelgard would be a good idea since she is the tank i use most and having the ability to protect my fliers seems really good but one of the things i like the most about edelgard is her ability to play well against both physical and magical opponents, do you think she loses much if i swap her stock c-skill for he savior skill?


and thanks for all the time you guys take to answer all this questions, there is still a lot about this game i don't have a good grasp on so you have been a great help all along.

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23 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

@Humanoid good point. guess I'll just play normally and hope the music stops when we're closer to the chair than the other team is.

@Othin yeah mostly i would like to be prepared to see him on arena, he seems very popular and I am sure i will find him there plenty. On second look, I do have one archer trained to 40, new year's plumeria, but she is minus -atk. I also have a lv 5 shinon on  my barracks, also -atk, original bernadetta, innes at -atk (my luck, lol), and some colored archers. I hear that Shinnon has a very good special, so between him and plumeria which has a dance effect, which do you guys think would offer better utility?

2 - i have a spare henrietta, and i was thinking if giving her savior skill to my b!edelgard would be a good idea since she is the tank i use most and having the ability to protect my fliers seems really good but one of the things i like the most about edelgard is her ability to play well against both physical and magical opponents, do you think she loses much if i swap her stock c-skill for he savior skill?


and thanks for all the time you guys take to answer all this questions, there is still a lot about this game i don't have a good grasp on so you have been a great help all along.

I suggest training all your units, particularly Shinon. Shinon and Plumeria sound like your strongest archers, but their roles are too different to meaningfully compare.

Does your Edelgard have Distant Counter? If she's still using her base Distant Ward, I would not suggest having her inherit Far Save, it seems wasteful to give such a fantastic skill to a unit that can only counter certain ranged attacks. Better to save it for a unit who can counter any of them. If she does have Distant Counter, though, I think it would be a big upgrade over her base C skill.

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9 minutes ago, Othin said:

I suggest training all your units, particularly Shinon. Shinon and Plumeria sound like your strongest archers, but their roles are too different to meaningfully compare.

Does your Edelgard have Distant Counter? If she's still using her base Distant Ward, I would not suggest having her inherit Far Save, it seems wasteful to give such a fantastic skill to a unit that can only counter certain ranged attacks. Better to save it for a unit who can counter any of them. If she does have Distant Counter, though, I think it would be a big upgrade over her base C skill.


No, she doesn't. One thing i have only started to notice in last couple days as I have started to try to build up characters is where these important skills are and i see many of them are on 5* units. Luckly, the other day i pulled a 5 star OG hector thanks to the special 4 star system, and I'm all for foddering him to enhance another unit since he is not the B!hector that seems to be his better version. I can pass his Distant Counter to Edel no problem.


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thank @Othin @Humanoid I understand 80% about summoning rate now. I will read your texts again when I'm more refreshing. 

Please allow me to say in short about what you said : Because red units have the most quantity in the game;. so it will(idk to use will or would here) be harder to pull out a unit we want when summoning. After that are blue & colorless. Green is easiest cause green has least units in all colors.

Now I understand why it was so hard to summon annard. I just spend 35 orbs & gor Gustav. Thank guys for your expaination about summoning. That really help me saying alot of orbs. 

God.... I remembered I spent a lot of orbs try to summon annard but still can't get her. until I have summon 40/40 enduring legacy banner, I had able to get her free. 

Wait.. is this summoning section scripted ? I got another Palla with Spd-, I believe I got five Palla with Spd-

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19 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:


No, she doesn't. One thing i have only started to notice in last couple days as I have started to try to build up characters is where these important skills are and i see many of them are on 5* units. Luckly, the other day i pulled a 5 star OG hector thanks to the special 4 star system, and I'm all for foddering him to enhance another unit since he is not the B!hector that seems to be his better version. I can pass his Distant Counter to Edel no problem.


You could do that if you're sure you want to, but there are two concerns:

  1. OG Hector is still a rare unit, and I recommend keeping at least one copy of every unit you get. Even a weaker version of Hector is still a plenty powerful unit, and in addition to his Berserk Armads upgrade, OG Hector could get a refine for his regular Armads weapon soon.
  2. You might get more mileage out of saving Distant Counter for a unit who doesn't already have a partial version of it.

That said, Brave Edelgard is a very powerful unit and could make really good use out of the DC + Far Save combo. If it really sounds worth those costs to you, I'd still recommend waiting a few days to see if OG Hector is in the next batch of refines - and if so, what upgrade he gets. If you do decide to go for it, make sure to pass on Goad Armor alongside Distant Counter, since it's another rare skill.

I'd also recommend waiting for more replies here - people like @XRay might have more to say on the topic.

19 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

thank @Othin @Humanoid I understand 80% about summoning rate now. I will read your texts again when I'm more refreshing. 

Please allow me to say in short about what you said : Because red units have the most quantity in the game;. so it will(idk to use will or would here) be harder to pull out a unit we want when summoning. After that are blue & colorless. Green is easiest cause green has least units in all colors.

Now I understand why it was so hard to summon annard


Yes, that's accurate. All else equal, green is the easiest color to pull the focus unit you want, and red is the hardest.

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27 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

good luck on pulling annand, i didn't get a single copy of her until way past the 40/40 spark line, and she is -def lol.

On the other hand, I have a legendery Claude, but no Leif yet.

You are luckier than me ... welll.. about 5 orb :)) . I past 40/40 and didn't get Annard. So at 40/40 now, I'm free to choose her with neutral IVs

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I just noticed that we can't turn 5* to manual. They have an "X" on their small portraits,  So how can we merge? I just wondering so I ask, haven't wanted to merge anything yet

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16 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I just noticed that we can't turn 5* to manual. They have an "X" on their small portraits,  So how can we merge? I just wondering so I ask, haven't wanted to merge anything yet

That's because every time you get a 5* unit the game automatically tags them as one your "favorite" units. You may notice at the top left corner of the game window when you look at a heroes portrait or when you are looking at their full image that there is a pink heart in there, that pink heart means the unit has been tagged as a favorite. You can not merge or turn to manuals any unit that is tagged as a favorite. You first have to remove the unit from your tagged units.To do this, simple bring up the hero you want to merge or manual up on the close up window, look for the pink heart in the upper left side of the window and click/tap on it. You'll see a window appear that allows you mark a unit as one of your favorites and even use a different color of heart to mark your unit (you'll see every heart has a number on it too but it doesn't mean anything especial, it just makes it easier to organize your units). At the bottom of all the colored hearts you'll see an empty heart with the word "Remove" next to it. Tap it, and your unit will be unmarked and you can now merge the unit to another, dismiss them from your barracks, or turn them into manuals.

below is an image of the close up window im talking about. see the pink heart on the upper left hand, third icon from the top? that's where you tap.


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