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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

After 2 and a half years of on and off trying, I finally got legendary Leif.

But guessing by todays standards he's going to want an updated A and C skill. So any recomendations, or is the base skills perfectly fine and i'm just worrying to much about things?

ARpush4 is just fineĀ for shorter maps (that is maps with like 4 or 6 units) or in general as long as Leif isn't constantly on the attack, but if you want something that doesn't stop working after a while, some alternatives would be Death Blow (only PP but has no drawbacks), a Solo skill (Leif will probably be alone most of the time anyway), or Catch 4 skill (offers the highest potential atk boost if both conditions are met).

Def Smoke is certainly not amazing these days, but it still does alright enough, especially if you need a debuff for Catch 4. An alternative skill would be Joint Drive Atk, but Cav units aren't quite as solid at utilizing it due to their tendency to stray from the group.

You may also want to consider dropping S Drink. All it provides in the majority of maps is special charge on turn 1, and even considering Cav units can't use Time's Pulse there are still other ways to get free special charge without using a skill slot (Groom Rafiel being a great pick in that regard).

Leif's default skills will still be just fine if you have no alternatives though.

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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

After 2 and a half years of on and off trying, I finally got legendary Leif.

But guessing by todays standards he's going to want an updated A and C skill. So any recomendations, or is the base skills perfectly fine and i'm just worrying to much about things?

You will want double Death Blow, and Lull Spd/Def on B. If you are using him as a Galeforcer, you may want to replace one of the Death Blows with Heavy Blade and run Lull Atk/Def. Def Smoke is fine, but if you want more alternative options, the only other skills I would recommend are Savage Blow, Hone Cavalry, Tactics, and maybe Fatal Smoke.

I do not recommend Counter-Vantage since it just does not work really well these days, but Close Salvo would be your best A skill if you plan to go that route. You will also want someone like Lucina: Brave Princess or Thorr backing him up so he can retaliate with Ruptured Sky/Moonbow.

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17 minutes ago, XRay said:

You will want double Death Blow, and Lull Spd/Def on B. If you are using him as a Galeforcer, you may want to replace one of the Death Blows with Heavy Blade and run Lull Atk/Def. Def Smoke is fine, but if you want more alternative options, the only other skills I would recommend are Savage Blow, Hone Cavalry, Tactics, and maybe Fatal Smoke.


How convenient death blow 4 is available right now from divine codes then.

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I haven't had the chance to test LH!Caeda in anything but how does Faithful Loyalty fare in general? It feels underwhelming thatĀ I low key want to replaceĀ it withĀ WoM and just add her to my Galeforce squad.Ā 

Forgot it comes with half of NFU. That's somewhat decent. Might just be me but I feel like we've gotten to the stage where NFU can be tacked on as a weapon effect and not be tied to the B skill.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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10 hours ago, Faellin said:

After 2 and a half years of on and off trying, I finally got legendary Leif.

But guessing by todays standards he's going to want an updated A and C skill. So any recomendations, or is the base skills perfectly fine and i'm just worrying to much about things?

Death Blow 4 is the cheapest premium A skill to give him that gets him close to optimal. Cavalry don't really have access to particularly good C skills outside of Menace, Smoke, and Rouse 4. His default Def Smoke is pretty decent, given he has Galeforce. His default Atk/Res Push is decent for PvE content where you may want him to grab a kill on enemy phase, but I don't recommend it for PvP game modes.

If you want to go all out, Atk/Spd Catch 4 with Atk/Def MenaceĀ is probably the best combination of skills, but if you already have buffs and debuff support from allies, his default Def Smoke gives him more consistent debuffs for Catch to run off of when Galeforcing.


5 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

I haven't had the chance to test LH!Caeda in anything but how does Faithful Loyalty fare in general? It feels underwhelming thatĀ I low key want to replaceĀ it withĀ WoM and just add her to my Galeforce squad.Ā 

Forgot it comes with half of NFU. That's somewhat decent. Might just be me but I feel like we've gotten to the stage where NFU can be tacked on as a weapon effect and not be tied to the B skill.

Null Follow-Up is on the B skill specifically to mirror the Flow skills.

The problem with Vantage in the current meta is the fact that most units have simply gotten too bulky for Vantage to be viable, which renders Faithful Loyalty really only relevant against cavalry opponents. Caeda's bulk isn't great, so she's forced to one-hit kill enemies with Vantage, which simply isn't reliable against infantry and fliers, who Caeda doesn't have effective damage against (and doesn't have Vantage against until after a round of combat), and armors, who have too much bulk to die in one hit.

Caeda can at the very maximum feasibly hit 91Ā Atk reliably before team support (no bonuses on Caeda counted because of an assumed Lull on the opponent, but +6 bonuses assumed on opponents, and no Summoner Support), whereas Legendary Chrom hits 98Ā physical bulk at +10+15 with no passive skills equipped other than his default Lull Atk/Def 3.

As far as cavalry go, Water season really only has Leaf in high-tier Arena, as Eirika requires a rareĀ Duel skill to get that high. Wind season has both Sigurd and Gunnthra, and Earth season has Seliph, making her at least somewhat viable if that's the second element. Caeda is useless against Lilina in Fire season due to Lilina having Hardy Bearing on her weapon.

In the Arena, it's probably still worth it to run Faithful Loyalty simply because there are probably still enough cavalry units that it works on, but it's likely better to run something else outside of the Arena like a teleportation skill, Desperation, or Flow Guard and just focus on player-phase performance.

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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The problem with Vantage in the current meta is the fact that most units have simply gotten too bulky for Vantage to be viable, which renders Faithful Loyalty really only relevant against cavalry opponents

Has there been a point in the meta where Vantage strategies were reliable long enough for it to be relativelyĀ common?Ā My understanding of Vantage set ups is that a super unit isĀ expected to just handle everything on the opponent team and thatĀ seems like it takes too much work and not sustainable especially given color disadvantage.

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13 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Has there been a point in the meta where Vantage strategies were reliable long enough for it to be relativelyĀ common?Ā My understanding of Vantage set ups is that a super unit isĀ expected to just handle everything on the opponent team and thatĀ seems like it takes too much work and not sustainable especially given color disadvantage.

Vantage was pretty common for quite some time around the launch of Aether Raids on both offense and defense. Seliph was a monster on defense with his refined Tyrfing, and Vantage was common enough on offense that it was recommended to have at least one unit run Hardy Bearing on defense to avoid being soloed by a single Vantage unit.

Weapon triangle disadvantage isn't too much of an issue for units that relied on Special damage (like Ares) or who just hadĀ overwhelmingly high Atk stats (like anything with Litrblade).

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23 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Has there been a point in the meta where Vantage strategies were reliable long enough for it to be relativelyĀ common?Ā My understanding of Vantage set ups is that a super unit isĀ expected to just handle everything on the opponent team and thatĀ seems like it takes too much work and not sustainable especially given color disadvantage.

I think Vantage was viable in the first and maybe second yearĀ of Aether Raids. Kronya was my pick, and her Atk was notĀ that high, although she could reach respectable levels at the time using Special Spiral. I went with Null C-Disrupt instead since I did Counter-Vantage when defense teams started to incorporate more Sweepers, and I used Hector: Dressed Up Duo as my Bolt Towers.

Towards the end of the second year though, Vantage simply is not worth running anymore and with the release of Plumeria, you can run Spd based super tanks instead for far better reliability.

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F2P players who get into Tier 21: how do you handle bonus units? I have a max investment arena core, but having to use the Askr Trio kills my score, and even when I have a bonus unit from a recent banner, the lack of investment usually keeps me out of bouncing between Tiers 19 and 20. Thank you in advance!

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36 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

F2P players who get into Tier 21: how do you handle bonus units? I have a max investment arena core, but having to use the Askr Trio kills my score, and even when I have a bonus unit from a recent banner, the lack of investment usually keeps me out of bouncing between Tiers 19 and 20. Thank you in advance!

That is one reason I bounce between tiers 19-20-21. Some weeks where I have a bonus unit with at least a little investment, I can get to T21 (so far I have never maintened T21 tho), but on other weeks where I have to use units like the Askr Trio I usually drop to T19 or barely mantain T20.

I have a lot of core units built already to the point that I don't have the need to build more units, so I'm thinking on investing hard on the Askr Trio for those cenarios. I'm even tempted to give them Duel 4 skills if I get them so they could score well enough.

Apart from that, my results usually depend on seasons also. I have a strong Earth team with L!Tiki at +6 and L!Claude at +5. For Water I have L!Dimitri as +7 and he can boost the scores enought to have a shot at T21. Wind is a little behing, as I only have L!Corrin at +4 and Fire is my worst season, but I don't need to bother with it as there's also another season togheter with Fire.

Finishing things up, this week I'll possibly be able to go up to T21 because I'm using Olivia as bonus. Mine is +10 and with my Water team I think my score will be enough by the end of the week.

Edited by Rinco
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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

F2P players who get into Tier 21: how do you handle bonus units? I have a max investment arena core, but having to use the Askr Trio kills my score, and even when I have a bonus unit from a recent banner, the lack of investment usually keeps me out of bouncing between Tiers 19 and 20. Thank you in advance!

I may not be F2P, but I definitely recommend putting aside some resources into getting merges on your Legendary Heroes, preferably Pair Up units since they come with a Duel effect (or non-Pair-Up armors). Pick six Legendary Heroes to concentrate on, two for each of three of the four blessing elements, and you can ignore the last element.

If one of the older 4-star units in the bonus list is good and you have merges on them, try using one of those instead of a newer unit. Each merge is equivalent to 10 points of base stats or 200 SP worth of skills, so having a decently merged older unit can be better for your score than using one of the recent banner units. Units with recent refines are particularly good picks due to how strong the refinesĀ have been as of late. For this week as an example, a +2 Legault will score the same as a +0 Niime, assuming the same SP in skills.

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While I'm hanging around for a little bit until I get enough orbs to spark AHR, may as well spend some currency I've been pointlessly hoarding for years. What's a fun/interesting grail unit released within the last year to build? And what are the best few 4* pool refines released in that same period?

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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

While I'm hanging around for a little bit until I get enough orbs to spark AHR, may as well spend some currency I've been pointlessly hoarding for years. What's a fun/interesting grail unit released within the last year to build? And what are the best few 4* pool refines released in that same period?

If you do not have a super tank and/or Save tank, Yen'fay (super tank) and Arden (Save tank) are some of the best enemy phase tanks right now. They do require premium fodder and support units to work, but theirĀ performance compared to the cost you put in is unrivalled in my opinion. If you have to pick one, I lean towards Arden, as a Save tank formationĀ cannot be "flanked" unlike super tank formations, so they can be used in PvE maps too where reinforcements spawn all over the map.

ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”

On the player phase side, Innes: Frelian Moonlight and Riev are the two best nukes in the Grail shopĀ in my opinion, but I am a bit more hesitant in recommending them. Riev technically is not in the Grail shop yet, but he will be soon. Innes: Frelian Moonlight disables non-Special damage reduction when his Specials trigger, while Riev can be a Blazing nuke that also doubles as a debuffer. While they are good units, I would onlyĀ prioritize investment for them if you only plan to do PvE and do little to no PvP.

If you are going to invest in PvP at all, then I recommend just saving up Orbs for Leif: Destined Scion and Dorothea: Twilit Harmony and not bother with the above two Grail units until you have spare resources lying around. Leif: Destined Scion is the only reliable ranged Galeforcer in the game right now (Leif: Unifier of Thracia is unreliable due to stat checks; Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo and Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act are unreliable due to being able to only Galeforce once per map, and even a half decent Aether Raids defense team will completely shut down all Duo/Harmonized skills for the first few rounds of combat), AND he got Miracle and Canto built into the Weapon. Dorothea: Twilit Harmony takes the former's Galeforce to a whole other level by being able to Dance twice, and while she cannot Dance a second time immediately in Aether Raids for the first few rounds of combat, she can Dance later in the turn once Leif: Destined Scions wipe out all Duo/Harmonized units or Duo's Hinderance. In Summoner Duels (a real PvP mode where you face real players live; the best way to summarize the experience is that it feels like timed chess due to the way scoring works: you want to control the center of the board for points, and it is not a bad idea to get into a war of attrition either even if you are on the losing side since you get points for kills), Canto is king, and Leif: Destined Scions works really well there (not as a Galeforcer, but as a regular nuke, so you will want to replace Njƶrun's Zeal with Moonbow or Ruptured Sky).

If you do plan to spend Orbs on A Hero Rises, then I would focus on getting one copy of each Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act and Azura: Hatari Duet (you can get two copies of each, one for each season of Aether Raids, but you can save and lock in Blessings in team compositions now in Aether Raids, so this is not really necessary anymore). This pair of units function largely the same as Leif: Destined Scions and Dorothea: Twilit Harmony. While this pair is not as good inĀ Aether Raids in my opinion,Ā due to current events going on, however, you are guaranteed to have both for a very low set amount of Orbs. The Voting Gauntlet will give out whoever winsĀ for free, and you canĀ just guarantee summon the other on the Focus. Outside of Aether Raids, both Galeforce pairs work about the same (if you are running triple Dancers/Singers, it really does not matter that Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act can only Galeforce once; I do not recall any maps where it mattered, and even if there are, they are probably extremely few in number), so if you do not care about Aether Raids, then the green Galeforce pair makes more financial sense.

ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”

For stuff on the more gimmicky fun side, but still has some meta relevance and effectiveness, Spd stacked Walhart seems pretty fun for annoying people in PvP, as his Weapon Refinement allows him to inflict Flash on foes, and a Spd stacked Walhart can actuallyĀ double quite a few units.

Aversa's Refine should also be coming up, so that is something to watch out and save Grails for.

ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”Ā ā€”

Basically, if you want to spend Grails, spend it on enemy phase teams. After that, I would spend it on something fun and interesting like Walhart, and maybe Aversa if she gets something nice.

While you can spend Grails on player phase teams, due to how strong and effectiveĀ player phase teams are relative to Orb costs, I do not think it is a good idea to spend Grails on player phase teams unless you have nothing better to spend on in the Grail shop. You only need one unmerged copy of the premium ranged Galeforcers I mentioned above, and being unmerged is important for keeping that -HP Flaw for more consitent Wings of Mercy activation. Their associated Dancers/Singers are support units, and as support units, merges are irrelevant. Basically, the only reason you should be spending Orbs for merges for a player phase team is for Arena.

Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

While I'm hanging around for a little bit until I get enough orbs to spark AHR, may as well spend some currency I've been pointlessly hoarding for years. What's a fun/interesting grail unit released within the last year to build?

Yen'fay is easily the best Grail unit we've gotten recently. He has 42 base Spd with a superboon, and his weapon has an additional +3 Spd, Distant Counter, and Dodge 3 (up to 40% damage reduction based on Spd).

Young Innes is easily the best Grail unit for pure offense. His weapon has the Slaying effect, +6 Atk/Spd, +7 damage when his Special activates, and makes his Special ignore the opponent's percentage damage reduction effects (but can't ignore damage reduction Specials).

For support, Riev is amazing, and he'll be added to the Grail shop in the upcoming update. His weapon inflicts -5 to all stats and Stall (if unit has +1 Movement, the unit is instead restricted to 1 Movement) on the enemy with the lowest Spd and all enemies within 2 spaces of it.


3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

And what are the best few 4* pool refines released in that same period?

We just got Legault's refine last month, which gives +15 Atk, +10 Spd, Dodge 2 (up to 30% damage reduction based on Spd), and the effect of his base weapon (Litrblade based on the opponent's Penalties). He's easily the strongest 4-star dagger unit and is almost on par with recent 5-star dagger units.

Soleil's refine isn't as flashy, but is rather unique due to being a Firesweep weapon. In addition to the Firesweep effect, it grants +5 Atk/Spd and gives her Heavy Blade without the Atk condition, but only on player phase.

Sothe's Peshkatz is a rather unique support weapon now. Its original effect has been upgraded to inflict -5 to all stats on enemies within 2 spaces of the target and grant +5 to all stats on allies within 2 spaces of Sothe (previously was -4 and +4). In addition, it gets +4 Atk/Spd, gains the effect of Pulse Smoke, and charges 1 point of all allies' Special skills within 2 spaces.

Male Morgan's weapon now has Atk/Spd/Res Menace (-5 and +5), -4 to all of the opponent's stats in combat, and Penalty Doubler.


If you include Grail units, Walhart's Wolf Berg inflicts Flash on all enemies within 4 spaces and grants an effective +18/6/18/18 after adding up all of the buffs and debuffs, which is silly.

Finn's Loyalty Spear is a Meister weapon with +4 Spd at the cost of -4 Def/Res, nullifies the opponent's bonuses to Atk and Def, and inflicts -4 Atk/Spd/Def to the opponent in combat.

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Cheers guys, some nice ideas there. It's very much for casual use, so novel mechanics are pretty welcome. 100% no PvP, not even regular Arena. I've just finished levelling Bride Catria in Forging Bonds and she's a fun unit, even made levelling my regular Leo with no SI actually not painful. I didn't even notice what was going on for like 20 levels. Can't spend any orbs on anything besides AHR because my plan is just to mess about for a couple weeks, then burn a couple hundred orbs on AHR then go back to hibernation.

- Yen'fay looks like a definite go, GHB unit so cheaper to merge if in theory I'm around during a re-run, but will definitely prepare a +1. Despite how common sword infantry is, my only fully-merged one remains Marthed Mask.

- Young Innes definitely worth a +1 too but will likely never be seriously merged due to missing out on the two original TT copies. (Same with Shamir who I'll also +1 out of favouritism)

- May as well grab a copy of Riev next week too then and that gives me a colour-balanced infantry team of Yen'fay, Riev, Shamir and Innes to build and take through dozens and dozens of story/paralogue maps.

- The two cavalry options are very much live too. Despite being a cavalry fiend, I've never built a top-tier axe-wielding one, while I've also noticed for a while now that my +10 Oscar is feeling pretty tired and outdated even in Lunatic maps.

- Legault sounds like a good idea too as I imagine my old Kronya build is pretty out-of-date now, at least until she gets a refine. Plus I've always liked his character, so some favouritism applies.

- Aversa I've already had at +10 for yonks, so all the hard work is done there. Have low-merged Soleil, Morgan and Sothe too, but looking at the above options they're probably lower priority for refines because after actioning the above I'll have reasonable depth in their respective classes.

For what it's worth, I've already spent 1400 Dew today refining various Legendary weapons and am down under 200 now. That said, I do have almost 3000 rocks so it's more a matter of tedium quad-refining every seasonal weapon than it is a real limit. But between Walhart, Finn, Legault, Aversa and Lazura that's 1000 of them already committed. And that's before I've scrolled through my unmerged 5* list for even more candidates as I'm slowly working my way down the my barracks checking who has available refines and have only gotten through the blue glowy units so far.

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@Humanoid I might be a little late in saying this, but seriously consider Walhart. It's frankly insane what they gave him:

  • His original condition for all stat +4 was upgraded to a proper Blow/Solo condition, making it less awkward to use.
  • If an enemy is within 4 spaces of him, he gets all stat +6 (field buff), and with his refine he also inflicts Atk/Def -7 and Dazzling on all enemies who are within 4 spaces of him. Keep in mind, 4 spaces is his exact movement range.
  • As an added bonus, if the enemy has greater than 75% HP then Walhart will also inflict Atk/Def -5 on them while in combat.

A 4-tile Threaten that inflicts Dazzling is a massive support effect, considering that before the only way to inflict the status was by attacking the enemy first and that the only other unit to have such an effect was Young L'arachel (whose effect functions more like a Menace than a Threaten), and since Walhart is a bulky Cav unit he can very likely get into the middle of an enemy group and mass inflict them all, all while remaining strong and durable. Also of note is how impressively fast he is, with mine at +10 merge, +15 dragonflowers, +Spd, and all effects triggered hits 59 Spd before any SS's take effect. It would be expensive to build him like that to be fair, but you can still give him a defensive set and he'll run it just fine too.

Sorry I had to go over him real quick, since Xray and Ice Dragon only slightly cover him. Walhart has been a star in all of my Abyssal Hero Battle clears since his refine dropped, and I'm seriously considering trying to integrate him into a future Dark AR-D team. I might have been a bit impulsive +10ing him years before he got his refine, but HOO-BOY did I make a good call doing it.

Edited by Xenomata
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35 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

It would be expensive to build him like that to be fair, but you can still give him a defensive set and he'll run it just fine too.

It won't even be all that expensive anymore with the next update. Once the new Divine Codes come out, you can grab three copies of Atk/Spd Solo 4 for just 1,200 pages each.

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55 minutes ago, MagicCanonBalls said:

How long does AHR banner usually lasts? I want to grab more Priam merges from the current banner but I am also saving for AHR.

I believe last year was the first time weĀ had a banner, and it lasted for 7 days.

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Would speed stacking legendary Julia be a possible thing to pull off at low merges?

I'm not really one to actively chase after merging 5 star exclusives. Especially on legendary banners. So I was wondering if it would be possible to pull off a speed stacking setup with her, to reach the point of being able to consistantly double

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8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Sorry I had to go over him real quick, since Xray and Ice Dragon only slightly cover him. Walhart has been a star in all of my Abyssal Hero Battle clears since his refine dropped, and I'm seriously considering trying to integrate him into a future Dark AR-D team. I might have been a bit impulsive +10ing him years before he got his refine, but HOO-BOY did I make a good call doing it.

Oh there's absolutely no chance of me *not* doing it. A quick look of my current axe cavalry lineup absolutely guarantees that I will:

- 4*+10 Frederick with Slaying Axe+. Never merged a 5* copy in so he doesn't even have access to his Prf.
- 4*+10 Titania with Emerald Axe+, because I merged a 5* copy in before she had a Prf.
- Spring Alfonse (+HP) +1. I never built him.
- TT freebies Bride Marth and Plegian Kris.

That's it, very sad-looking lineup indeed. Actually I do see my unlevelled Spring Saleh right at the bottom, I think that Spring TT was the last event I did before I quit the game.

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3 hours ago, Faellin said:

Would speed stacking legendary Julia be a possible thing to pull off at low merges?

I'm not really one to actively chase after merging 5 star exclusives. Especially on legendary banners. So I was wondering if it would be possible to pull off a speed stacking setup with her, to reach the point of being able to consistantly double

Not consistently, no. My +10+15 Legendary Julia [+Atk] hits 49 effective Spd with Life and Death 4 + Life and Death 3. With a Spd Asset, she'd hit 52 effective Spd. At +0+15 with a Spd Asset, she'd be at 48 Spd. If you replace the Sacred Seal with Blade Session and have maximum stacks, you can reach 56 effective Spd at +10+15 or 52 at +0+15.

Most of the newer fast units land somewhere between the mid 50's and the low 70's on enemy phase depending on their builds when fully merged. With buffs and debuffs, you can potentially double some of the slower fast units (particularly those whose in-combat Spd boosts aren't active on enemy phase), but the faster ones with Spd boosts on both phases are generally unreachable.


As a side note, Life and Death isn't there for the Spd. I'm running it to make sure she'll have her weapon's effect active, and the extra Spd is just a bonus. The aim is to one-hit kill as much as she can with her 87Ā effective Atk before buffs and debuffs. She also hard counters opposing Julias in the Arena as long as they aren't running the same build both by shutting down the opponent's weapon effect and by getting the double.

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So new seasonals have been revealed and based on what we've seen so far, Henry looks like he might be the one I'll aim for.Ā  With that in mind what skills should I consider getting for him and what are bow cavs like in the current Heroes meta?Ā  Also how good will he be for PvE content based on what we have so far?

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12 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So new seasonals have been revealed and based on what we've seen so far, Henry looks like he might be the one I'll aim for.Ā  With that in mind what skills should I consider getting for him and what are bow cavs like in the current Heroes meta?Ā  Also how good will he be for PvE content based on what we have so far?

It's too early to actually judge that for certain, we only know what his weapon does and that he can't double against a Lance Flier.
Wait for his statspread to be released and it'll be easier to answer then.

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