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5 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

So, I definitely want high BST.

Why? Even though Duo Chrom has a Duel skill for a 195 stat total, Desert Byleth with a 180 stat total will score higher with only 2 more merges, and even if Desert Byleth is only running Reposition instead of a higher-scoring Assist skill, Desert Byleth will score just as high as Duo Chrom with only 3 more merges.

Unless you have the resources to pull for unit with high stat totals, it's better for your score to focus on units that you can easily merge, like 4-star units and Grail units.


5 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I just mentioned not having power because at least at this point Balthus and Ignatz just don’t hit terribly hard.

Currently, the best F2P axe infantry units are Ninja Shamir, Atlas, Shez, and Hans.

I believe Young Innes is still the gold standard for F2P infantry bow, though Kiragi has better stats. Summer Elincia is not infantry, but is also at the head of the pack.


5 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I also have a lot of copies of the new reds - Guy, YenFay, Holst, Scatach, Kamui. I also have Geen and Colorless Celicas at +2, plus ninja Claude and Reginn, Yuri and tank Fjorm.

As far as red units go, Yen'fay and Holst are the best you can get from the Grail shop right now. I you have the resources to pull for a 4-star Special Hero, New Year Panne is also a solid unit.

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On 1/14/2023 at 5:54 PM, Ice Dragon said:

Why? Even though Duo Chrom has a Duel skill for a 195 stat total, Desert Byleth with a 180 stat total will score higher with only 2 more merges, and even if Desert Byleth is only running Reposition instead of a higher-scoring Assist skill, Desert Byleth will score just as high as Duo Chrom with only 3 more merges.

So your response is making me realize I don’t completely understand scoring. I want a good scoring team more that high BST. Also, thanks for feedback on all of the other units.

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5 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

So your response is making me realize I don’t completely understand scoring. I want a good scoring team more that high BST. Also, thanks for feedback on all of the other units.

Basically, score takes multiple factors into account. BST, SP cost of skills, and merges. All other things being equal, a unit with higher BST(or with a duo effect that treats them as having higher BST than they actually do), will score more. However, merges are more important than BST. If you have a +10 unit with lower BST than a unit with significantly lower merges, the lower BST unit will score higher. This is why units with high BST that are easy to merge(modern grail and demote units) make good arena cores. A +10 Duo Chrom is, I believe, the highest scoring unit in the game, but you need him to be +10 or close to compete with other +10 units who naturally score a little bit less, which is difficult given how he's harder to merge than most units.

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What would be good passive skills for a Forma Spring Veronica? I've been building her since she might be nice to pick up - currently have Life and Death 4, Seal Res 4, and Spd/Res Hold. I imagine Atk/Spd Catch or Atk/Spd Push could be improvements for the A slot, not sure if there's anything else worth looking for.

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9 minutes ago, Othin said:

What would be good passive skills for a Forma Spring Veronica? I've been building her since she might be nice to pick up - currently have Life and Death 4, Seal Res 4, and Spd/Res Hold. I imagine Atk/Spd Catch or Atk/Spd Push could be improvements for the A slot, not sure if there's anything else worth looking for.

I personally prefer keeping Push 4 skills off units who need to stay above an HP threshold, mainly for longer battles or battles where they will need to enter combat more than a few times (in the case of Veronica it'd take maybe 5 combats for her base 38 HP to go below 25% assuming she never takes a single hit.) As such, even if she doesnt have a way to inflict penalties by herself, AScatch4 seems like a solid option. Better would probably be Finish since the full effects of her refined Prf want her near allies already, but she'd have to be a completely different movement type for that...

Seal Res 4 is good as-is. There are unfortunately not that many alternatives available to Tome Fliers, with S/R Far Trace being an alright consolation prize.

Since Veronica already has a team-spread ASoath4 in her refined Prf, Rein/Hold is probably the next best option. Panic Smoke or Def/Res Smoke might also be good options if you wish to better enable her allies kills.

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I personally prefer keeping Push 4 skills off units who need to stay above an HP threshold, mainly for longer battles or battles where they will need to enter combat more than a few times (in the case of Veronica it'd take maybe 5 combats for her base 38 HP to go below 25% assuming she never takes a single hit.) As such, even if she doesnt have a way to inflict penalties by herself, AScatch4 seems like a solid option. Better would probably be Finish since the full effects of her refined Prf want her near allies already, but she'd have to be a completely different movement type for that...

Seal Res 4 is good as-is. There are unfortunately not that many alternatives available to Tome Fliers, with S/R Far Trace being an alright consolation prize.

Since Veronica already has a team-spread ASoath4 in her refined Prf, Rein/Hold is probably the next best option. Panic Smoke or Def/Res Smoke might also be good options if you wish to better enable her allies kills.

Good point about the HP threshold. I've considered those two Smoke skills, wasn't sure how effective they'd be. Pathfinder doesn't seem as useful for her due to her Orders effect.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

What would be good passive skills for a Forma Spring Veronica? I've been building her since she might be nice to pick up - currently have Life and Death 4, Seal Res 4, and Spd/Res Hold. I imagine Atk/Spd Catch or Atk/Spd Push could be improvements for the A slot, not sure if there's anything else worth looking for.

Remote Sparrow would be the best option in the A slot if it weren't for the fact that it isn't in the Hall of Forms skill pool yet. Atk/Spd Catch is the best option that is currently available. Swift Sparrow is next in case you can't get your hands on Atk/Spd Catch. I don't recommend Atk/Spd Push because it simply makes her far too frail when not running any other defensive skills. Atk/Spd Solo and Atk/Spd Bond are both options, though they have restrictions based on her Orders effect (Solo means she pretty much has to move first and can't teleport, Bond means she usually can't move first unless she is starts the turn in the back). I don't think Atk/Spd Unity is worth it, as the loss of stats isn't really worth the more lenient condition, and penalty reversal is unreliable.

Spd Spd and Seal Res are good options in the B slot, though I don't think Seal Spd 4 is in the skill pool yet. Otherwise, there's S/R Far Trace, which would be used more for the stat boost than the Canto effect. Spd Preempt also exists and has some synergy with the fact that she has a Treachery-like effect on her weapon.

Offensive fliers typically want to run either Oath or Rein skills in the C slot. However, Veronica already gives herself all of the bonuses from Atk/Spd Oath, so the only part she'd gain is the in-combat stat boost. However, that boost is less than the boost from Rein, so her best-in-slot C skill is Spd/Res Hold with no real competition.

Veronica doesn't really get much mileage from Menace or Smoke. With Menace, she gets the most mileage from Spd/Res Menace due to the debuffs, even though the Spd bonus overlaps with her weapon. With both Spd Smoke and Def/Res Smoke, the skills' bonus application overlaps with her weapon's, so she'd only get the debuffs and status effect. Spd Smoke is actually an okay choice when running Spd Preempt, as the debuff helps with skill activation and Dodge can be helpful if she can't take out the opponent in one hit. Def/Res Smoke would only really be useful for the debuffs, as Pathfinder loses a lot of its value when her weapon already grants the Orders status effect to allies, though Pathfinder can still be useful situationally when using cavalry.

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24 summons into the Engage banner, and already got my big target. Alfred for that arcane lance.

Worth continuing for the spark? Alear in particular. Just I do want to start saving orbs for the mythic banner this month for Veronica's rerun. But i'm already a fair bit into the banner so the spark isn't to far off

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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

24 summons into the Engage banner, and already got my big target. Alfred for that arcane lance.

Worth continuing for the spark? Alear in particular. Just I do want to start saving orbs for the mythic banner this month for Veronica's rerun. But i'm already a fair bit into the banner so the spark isn't to far off

Do you still have Free Summon tickets? We got 9 of them between the event and forging bonds.

If you have at least 4 then I'd say go for it, since you would only need to spend 45 orbs total after the tickets are used. An extra 15 orbs for Veronica's rerun might not seem like much, but Alear also has a unique support effect that by itself makes her worth trying to summon.

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4 hours ago, Faellin said:

24 summons into the Engage banner, and already got my big target. Alfred for that arcane lance.

Worth continuing for the spark? Alear in particular. Just I do want to start saving orbs for the mythic banner this month for Veronica's rerun. But i'm already a fair bit into the banner so the spark isn't to far off

Without knowing how much you want Alear versus how much you want Veronica, there's no straightforward answer. Objectively, spending 80 orbs at most (and as few as 65) to get a guaranteed top-tier unit is probably the best use of orbs in terms of improving the power of your barracks, but that of course ignores the emotional aspect of the decision.

Contrast the typical Mythic banner, where without FEH Pass, you can get hundreds of orbs in and still not have the unit you want despite the higher overall 5-star rate. Of course, if you do have FEH Pass then it's simply a matter of reserving enough orbs to spark the Mythic banner. Would you be prepared to suffer the disappointment of ending up with neither unit?

Regardless, you may want to wait for the Mythic banner to start to get more complete information. At that point they'll reveal when Veronica will appear next, which may not be too far away and would be more predictable (and probably sooner) than Alear's next appearance. The next run might also be scheduled at a time where you're better placed to spend orbs on her, instead of this very orb-intensive period around the anniversary event.

EDIT: You can then also make an informed decision on whether you'd be okay with getting potentially pity-broken repeatedly by Reginn and the third red unit on the banner (people are guessing it'll be either M Shez or Rearmed Lif).

Edited by Humanoid
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15 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Without knowing how much you want Alear versus how much you want Veronica, there's no straightforward answer. Objectively, spending 80 orbs at most (and as few as 65) to get a guaranteed top-tier unit is probably the best use of orbs in terms of improving the power of your barracks, but that of course ignores the emotional aspect of the decision.

Contrast the typical Mythic banner, where without FEH Pass, you can get hundreds of orbs in and still not have the unit you want despite the higher overall 5-star rate. Of course, if you do have FEH Pass then it's simply a matter of reserving enough orbs to spark the Mythic banner. Would you be prepared to suffer the disappointment of ending up with neither unit?

Regardless, you may want to wait for the Mythic banner to start to get more complete information. At that point they'll reveal when Veronica will appear next, which may not be too far away and would be more predictable (and probably sooner) than Alear's next appearance. The next run might also be scheduled at a time where you're better placed to spend orbs on her, instead of this very orb-intensive period around the anniversary event.

Man, this wasn't even a question I asked, but I really admire how thorough this answer is! It's something I can gain insights from for similar quandaries in the future, with how many angles it comes at the question and paying respect to both rationale and emotion. Thanks for posting this! It was a delight to read and to learn from!

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11 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Man, this wasn't even a question I asked, but I really admire how thorough this answer is! It's something I can gain insights from for similar quandaries in the future, with how many angles it comes at the question and paying respect to both rationale and emotion. Thanks for posting this! It was a delight to read and to learn from!

Thanks for the kind words. 🙂 I'm sure similar decisions have haunted most starting FEH players over the years, and I suspect like most people I've had my share of regrets. Admittedly it's somewhat different now because some summons can now be guaranteed, compared to the distant past where we were slaves to luck no matter what.

I can't remember when sparks were added but I maintain that they're the best addition to the gacha system they have made, though obviously some sparks being locked behind the FEH Pass paywall is unfortunate. This is even more true now perhaps given the recent efforts to make New Heroes equally as desirable as seasonal banners, which wasn't the case back when it was a Duo/Harmonic versus ...nothing.

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37 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Thanks for the kind words. 🙂 I'm sure similar decisions have haunted most starting FEH players over the years, and I suspect like most people I've had my share of regrets. Admittedly it's somewhat different now because some summons can now be guaranteed, compared to the distant past where we were slaves to luck no matter what.

I can't remember when sparks were added but I maintain that they're the best addition to the gacha system they have made, though obviously some sparks being locked behind the FEH Pass paywall is unfortunate. This is even more true now perhaps given the recent efforts to make New Heroes equally as desirable as seasonal banners, which wasn't the case back when it was a Duo/Harmonic versus ...nothing.

Sparks were originally introduced with version 4.4 in April 2020, starting on the Rinkah/Lilith/Midori/Forrest banner that month.

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You're welcome! ^_^ Though, really, you earned those words, as far as I'm concerned. I just like giving credit when it's due and I notice it/have the time/etc. in order to acknowledge it. Why not give someone what (s)he earned? That's my mentality on it, anyway. Thanks for the reply! It's nice when people connect with mutual affability, I think! ^_^

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5 hours ago, Faellin said:

24 summons into the Engage banner, and already got my big target. Alfred for that arcane lance.

Worth continuing for the spark? Alear in particular. Just I do want to start saving orbs for the mythic banner this month for Veronica's rerun. But i'm already a fair bit into the banner so the spark isn't to far off

If your luck is perfectly average, it should take about 36 pulls (plus about 5-7 off-color pulls) to snipe a specific character on a Legendary/Mythic Hero banner.

In comparison, you have a guaranteed spark in 16 pulls plus anything you pull from those 16 pulls.


If Alear and Veronica are of similar value to you, then it's definitely more worth it to go for the spark on Alear.

If Veronica is more valuable, then it's up to to weigh their value against how many orbs you think it will take to pull Veronica and how large of a buffer you want (noting that it's always safer to expect your luck to be worse than average).

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Does anyone know if spd/res ideal 3 exists on anyone, or is Celine bringing spd/res ideal 4 the first instance of this ideal skill we're seeing?

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19 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Does anyone know if spd/res ideal 3 exists on anyone, or is Celine bringing spd/res ideal 4 the first instance of this ideal skill we're seeing?

No one else has it.

All of the new skill series that have 4 tiers release all 4 tiers at once and then release units with only 3 tiers later.

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Right, that makes sense. That's a bit of a bummer though, since if I did get a spare Celine I wouldn't be able to inherit canto control and spd/res ideal 4 at the same time.

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56 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Right, that makes sense. That's a bit of a bummer though, since if I did get a spare Celine I wouldn't be able to inherit canto control and spd/res ideal 4 at the same time.

The other five Ideal skills already in-game have the lower-rarity versions available though, so hopefully that's a hint that it won't be a very long wait. Not as long as it'll be for Catch and Clash skills at any rate.

I suppose it makes me appreciate the lack of difficult decisions when passing on Alfred's skills, he's the easiest Rearmed hero to optimise usage for so far, ahead of Ganglot. That said, I'm waiting for the anniversary announcements before giving his skills to Oscar, just in case they announce lifting the SI limit to 5 skills or somesuch. Wishful thinking I know, but it's not far away.

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On 1/17/2023 at 7:45 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Remote Sparrow would be the best option in the A slot if it weren't for the fact that it isn't in the Hall of Forms skill pool yet. Atk/Spd Catch is the best option that is currently available. Swift Sparrow is next in case you can't get your hands on Atk/Spd Catch. I don't recommend Atk/Spd Push because it simply makes her far too frail when not running any other defensive skills. Atk/Spd Solo and Atk/Spd Bond are both options, though they have restrictions based on her Orders effect (Solo means she pretty much has to move first and can't teleport, Bond means she usually can't move first unless she is starts the turn in the back). I don't think Atk/Spd Unity is worth it, as the loss of stats isn't really worth the more lenient condition, and penalty reversal is unreliable.

Sorry if I sound like a dumdum asking this, but I'm unsure if I understand this correcrly and wanna be sure since I'm also going to get Spring Veronica: is Atk/Spd Catch better than Unity because it not only it gives more bonus stats, though the condition to activate it isn't as "easy" as "if an ally is within 2 spaces", it's more reliable and straightforward?

Because I'll admit I'm asking because I'm like "i went nuts trying to get atk/spd unity because it wouldnt pop up for so long until at last i got it are you telling me it wasn't even the best choice?".

Though if it is, and I end up not rolling Atk/Spd Catch 4 with the last Forma Torches I can use, then at least I have the fodder for it as opposed to Atk/Spd Unity...


Anyways, I got other questions. Several. Because that's what happens when you're gone for a while and forget to ask the questions as soon as they came to mind i hope it's not a bother...


One: is Seth a good candidate for the Arcane sword? And if he is, any suggestions on a build? I noticed I got 10 copies so I have enough to get him to +9 (when I have enough feathers of course) so I'm tempted to do that...but only if he can use the Arcane sword well enough (tho ill admit i prefer he use it real good but im not expecting that). 


Two: any suggestions for builds for Lumera? Atm I'm using her with:


Atk/Spd Ideal 4

Spd/Bulwark 3

Atk/Spd Oath 4

Mostly been using it as a "general use" build. I'm just wondering if there are better builds for her since she, and Finn, are my current +10 high invest grail merge projects but I'm very new to this so I'm still learning what are good and what synergizes well and such. Actually, while I'm at it...


Three: any improvements I can give for my Finn build? It's atm:

Finn (+7)

Loyal Spear (refined)



Atk/Spd Solo 4

A/D Trace 3

Atk Smoke 4

SS: Heavy Blade


Four: is Niles still usable as a bow unit right now (if I have to pick a game mode to be more specific then...Aether Raids)? Or should I be waiting for the eventual Arcane bow to see if he's usable then? (Note: can't get Resplendent because F2P player)

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1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

Sorry if I sound like a dumdum asking this, but I'm unsure if I understand this correcrly and wanna be sure since I'm also going to get Spring Veronica: is Atk/Spd Catch better than Unity because it not only it gives more bonus stats, though the condition to activate it isn't as "easy" as "if an ally is within 2 spaces", it's more reliable and straightforward?

Because I'll admit I'm asking because I'm like "i went nuts trying to get atk/spd unity because it wouldnt pop up for so long until at last i got it are you telling me it wasn't even the best choice?".

Though if it is, and I end up not rolling Atk/Spd Catch 4 with the last Forma Torches I can use, then at least I have the fodder for it as opposed to Atk/Spd Unity...

The opponent having 100% HP is an easy condition to activate since the game largely revolves around killing an opponent in a single round of combat. Having a debuff active on the opponent is moderately easy because Menace skills have decent distribution and have been optimal picks for a lot of Forma units ever since the release of Atk/Spd Menace a year and a half ago.

The issue with having an ally within 2 spaces is the fact that offensive units typically move first and typically move away from allied units, making it more difficult and restrictive to actually stay within 2 spaces of allies, even when you have teleportation.


1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

One: is Seth a good candidate for the Arcane sword? And if he is, any suggestions on a build?

He's an okay choice, but not amazing.

Among cavalry units, Kent is currently the best option, as he doesn't need as many Dragonflowers to max out and has higher Atk even when compared to a maxed out Seth. A maxed out Seth with an Atk Asset has as much Atk as a maxed out Kent with a Spd Asset.


As for builds for both of them, you're looking at

Kent [+Spd]
Arcane Eljudnir [Spd]
Ruptured Sky / Moonbow
Atk/Spd Catch 4 / Atk/Spd Clash 4 / Surge Sparrow
S/D Near Trace 3 / Flow N Trace 3 / Seal Spd 4 / Seal Def 4 / Lull Spd/Def 3
Atk/Spd Menace / Spd Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Fatal Smoke 3 / Panic Smoke 4
[Anything that boosts Atk/Spd]

Kent/Seth [+Atk]
Arcane Eljudnir [Atk / Def]
Ruptured Sky / Moonbow / Bonfire
Atk/Def Catch 4 / Atk/Def Clash 4 / Sturdy Surge
A/D Near Trace 3 / Flow N Trace 3 / Seal Def 4 / Lull Atk/Def 3
Atk/Def Menace / Atk Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Fatal Smoke 3 / Panic Smoke 4
[Anything that boosts Atk/Def]


1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

Two: any suggestions for builds for Lumera?

Lumera [+Spd]
Monarch Blade
Ruptured Sky / Vital Astra / Moonbow
Atk/Spd Finish 4 / Atk/Spd Ideal 4 / Surge Sparrow / Distant Dart / Distant Pressure
Velocity 3 / Spd/Def Tempo 3 / Spd/Def Bulwark 3 / Spurn 3 / Lull Spd/Def 3 / Seal Spd 4 / Special Spiral 4 / Close Call 4
Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Time's Pulse 4 / Atk/Spd Menace
[Anything that boosts Atk/Spd] / Null Follow-Up 3

Godlike Reflexes is viable as a Special, but only when running Special Spiral 3/4.


1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

Three: any improvements I can give for my Finn build?

As far as a Galeforce build is concerned, the only possible strict upgrade is Atk/Spd Catch 4 for its 2 additional points of Atk/Spd.

Seal Atk 4 is a possible side-grade for the B slot to make it easier to trigger Heavy Blade at the cost of less damage.

You can also run Atk/Spd Menace to get more immediate power in exchange for it being less useful after activating Galeforce. Panic Smoke 4 is an alternative option for game modes where the opponent is more likely to use visible Bonuses.


1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

Four: is Niles still usable as a bow unit right now



1 hour ago, Wyvern Fang said:

Or should I be waiting for the eventual Arcane bow to see if he's usable then?

Unless a skill comes out that allows Niles to leverage his gigantic Res stat to make up for his awful Atk and Def (something like Dragon Wall, but that also boosts damage by a lot), he'll likely never be viable in the more competitive competitive game modes.

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Haven’t done my free summon on the Engage cup banner. Not sure who should I pick since I’ve most of them already.

S!Eirika, F!Lyn and V!Lucina are my options. The last one would most likely be used as fodder.

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19 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

Haven’t done my free summon on the Engage cup banner. Not sure who should I pick since I’ve most of them already.

S!Eirika, F!Lyn and V!Lucina are my options. The last one would most likely be used as fodder.

I personally feel that Lyn is the only one who can be considered "good" as a unit, especially since she grants a Special Charge after every combat she lives through. Eirika doesn't feel like she has all the tools available to her to perform that much better than other G.Fliers (still good, just not amazing), while anything I say about Lucina probably won't change your stance.

I'd vouch for Lyn. If you like her as a unit, that's great. If you don't, Godlike Reflexes and Spd Smoke 4 are now up for grabs for someone else, such as the newly released Lumera. Eirika's ASoath4 is really what you want from her, and it does enable many units to be better offensively, while Lucina's offerings are mostly tailored to speedy armors.

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23 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

Haven’t done my free summon on the Engage cup banner. Not sure who should I pick since I’ve most of them already.

S!Eirika, F!Lyn and V!Lucina are my options. The last one would most likely be used as fodder.

Lyn is the most solid pick of the three. She comes with a complete kit out of the box, and while it does leave openings for optimization, her base kit is still extremely viable as is. In addition to good combat performance, she also has a powerful Pulse support effect on her weapon. And even if you already have her, she has extremely good skill fodder with Godlike Reflexes and Spd Smoke 4 (though if you're using her as fodder, you should be doing it specifically for Godlike Reflexes and tacking on Spd Smoke 4 since Spd Smoke 4 is available from the standard summoning pool)

Lucina is still the gold standard for Near Save and also comes with a complete kit out of the box. The only real optimization for her beyond her base kit is to run A/S Near Save instead of her default A/D Near Save, though she also has the option to run a Hardy Fighter set as a side-grade. As far as skill fodder goes, it's only worth using her for Savvy Fighter since she's currently the only source of it (Kestrel Stance 3 and A/D Near Save are both available from the standard summoning pool).

Eirika is a good unit, but has a very notable weakness in the fact that she doesn't have a reliable means of dealing with counterattacks with just her base kit and desperately wants the brand new Remote Sparrow. That said, she is still a good unit, being a ranged flier that has Canto (1) instead of the generally inferior Canto (Rem.) as well as the offensive halves of both Null Follow-Up and Tempo, but she doesn't break away from her competition as much as the units above. She's also pretty lacking in terms of skill fodder, as the only skill she has of significant value is Atk/Spd Oath 4, which is available from the standard summoning pool.

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