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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Do you see yourself actually using the unit (and with some of the new skills) if you did?

Specifically, in the time before they release a new unit or refine that does the same thing but even better.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Do you see yourself actually using the unit (and with some of the new skills) if you did?

Summer Mia would be the one unit who is a guaranteed Yes, since she is a Harmonic unit who gets used in the Resonant Battles, and the Mia I currently have I don't like using because she's so meh when I do use her (the only "good" skill she has is her default Swift Sparrow 3, and she's never fast enough to deal enough damage to most of the boosted enemies)
Kronya is a guaranteed No because her whole gimmick I don't feel that comfortable trying to take advantage of. In fact now I'm wondering why I even considered her in the first place...

All of the others are a bit more iffy. Sigurd, Edelgard, and Ephraim all have skills which I think would be nice to grab, while Lyon just looks good thanks to the Arcane weapon. Micaiah and Camus can probably also be skipped over. The only problem with them otherwise is that because I prefer to use units with high merge counts (to justify giving them all the merges), they are far more likely to not see much use outside of Arena Assault, a mode I haven't done in many months.

So... Summer Mia seems the most likely to give the most return for my buck.

Edited by Xenomata
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I’ve little experience with far saves, so I’m wondering if Duo!Marth could be a decent candidate for that role? His refine seems pretty fun to try.

I might be wrong and there could be better candidates, though.

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6 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

I’ve little experience with far saves, so I’m wondering if Duo!Marth could be a decent candidate for that role? His refine seems pretty fun to try.

I might be wrong and there could be better candidates, though.

The main advantage Winter Marth have over other Far Save candidates is the Preempt effect combined with an enemy-phase Desperation effect if he has a follow-up attack, which assuming you aren't going up exclusively against the fastest units should usually be enough.

Marth is not a defensive unit however, and the current lack of a Spd-boosting Far Save may hurt him for a little bit. This shouldn't matter too much however, since you already want him killing before the enemy is allowed to get a hit in.

So yes, Marth is indeed a good candidate for a Far Save unit. He's not quite conventional as one, since he lacks the defensive stats that other Far Save units have, but Preempt + Desperation should help him to take out most offensive units who come in to attack his allies. Something like the below kit should help him the most:

  • Tanngrisnir +special (Prf weapon refine with total all stat +8, Special Charge +1, Preempt, and enemy-phase Desperation)
  • Fire Emblem (2cd Prf special that, assuming no Guard effect is in play, should always trigger on his second attack
  • Atk/Spd Ideal, Atk/Spd Bond, Atk/Spd Unity, or Kestrel Stance (the first two grant the highest boost to his Atk and Spd possible to Armor units right now, Unity offers a chance at such if his Atk and Spd are debuffed, while Stance is always active on EP)
  • Wily Fighter, Slick Fighter, or Savvy Fighter (nullifying bonuses or penalties is up to you, but both still offer a guaranteed follow-up. Savvy Fighter offers NFU to Marth)
  • Any Atk boosting Far Save skill (until an Atk/Spd Far Save is released, you will have to make do with what is available. Since Marth does not need his defenses, D/R Far Save is the only save skill that is outright "bad" for his intended playstyle)
  • any Atk/Spd boosting SS
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I'm depressed at how bad the skill options are for ranged units, not just for ranged flyers which is coincidentally were some of my favorites seem to land, but just in general. My genius head decided to go for an extra copy of winter cordelia for Atk/spd clash fodder for a bow cav unit, only to find 40 summons later  (and not getting her) that the skill is restricted to close range units instead. Catch skills are the only options. Melee units are getting all sorts of new toys to play with, surge skills, clash skills, finish skills, etc, and ranged are stuck on catch forever it seems. Deeply depressing. I can't even tell if this is worse than ranged flyers having few to no B slot options at all.

Well, i do actually have a question. What are best bow options available? I have seen stuff like Helms bow and Ninja Yumi, Unbound bow, etc, but they are all kinda week. I'm talking for a speedy unit. I was using Whitecap Bow on my summer Lyn until she got her refine and that was still very useful, but if she can't quad it's not really that great. Ninja Yumi is depressingly bad. Great against units with no Def stat, completely useless against anything with middling defenses. Having finally played with this I'm shocked how much damage ninja cherche can deal, because this thing is just not doing anything. I have plans to +10 Setsuna at some point but the options are just bad in general, at least from what i'm finding out as i try different stuff. I really, really hope the arcane bow, whenever we get that, is a good weapon.

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1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

What are best bow options available?
I'm talking for a speedy unit.

Whitecap Bow is pretty much the premier Bow available right now, while no Arcane Bow exists yet. Atk/Spd+5 and a Brave effect on a refinable bow are pretty hard to deny.
Unfortunately there just aren't a lot of good options otherwise, since almost every other bow offers Atk/Def modifiers instead of Atk/Spd or is just outdated.

Helm Bow/Unbound Bow ignoring enemy Spd/Def bonuses and Springy Bow neutralizes your own Atk/Spd penalties are the only other inheritable bows that offer an equal boost to Atk/Spd plus one effect.

Firesweep Bow is always a viable option if you have it.

Candlewax Bow manages to offer Fury 3 if you want to try some WoM or Escape Route shenanigans.

Edited by Xenomata
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43 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

I'm depressed at how bad the skill options are for ranged units, not just for ranged flyers which is coincidentally were some of my favorites seem to land, but just in general. My genius head decided to go for an extra copy of winter cordelia for Atk/spd clash fodder for a bow cav unit, only to find 40 summons later  (and not getting her) that the skill is restricted to close range units instead. Catch skills are the only options. Melee units are getting all sorts of new toys to play with, surge skills, clash skills, finish skills, etc, and ranged are stuck on catch forever it seems. Deeply depressing. I can't even tell if this is worse than ranged flyers having few to no B slot options at all.

Well, i do actually have a question. What are best bow options available? I have seen stuff like Helms bow and Ninja Yumi, Unbound bow, etc, but they are all kinda week. I'm talking for a speedy unit. I was using Whitecap Bow on my summer Lyn until she got her refine and that was still very useful, but if she can't quad it's not really that great. Ninja Yumi is depressingly bad. Great against units with no Def stat, completely useless against anything with middling defenses. Having finally played with this I'm shocked how much damage ninja cherche can deal, because this thing is just not doing anything. I have plans to +10 Setsuna at some point but the options are just bad in general, at least from what i'm finding out as i try different stuff. I really, really hope the arcane bow, whenever we get that, is a good weapon.

Ranged units with modern Weapons do not need the latest skills to be powerful. Being ranged in itself is already a massive advantage over melee units. For ranged units without modern Weapons, they do struggle in being useful, but so do melee units without modern Weapons, although both will be fine once there are enough Arcane Weapons for all Weapon types.

For Setsuna, her Atk is low enough that I do not think her exclusive Weapon nor Whitecap Bow is going to do much for her if you want her to take down slow bulky tanks. I think Ninja Yumi is her best option since she can utilize true damage to bypass Def. With Ninja Yumi, Flashing Blade/Finish, Sweep, and Null Follow-Up, she can deal 36 true damage per round of combat against slow tanks, and you can run Fatal Smoke to shut down most healing. If you are not in a rush to use her, I agree that waiting for Arcane Bow is best, since you can then better compare all her options.

For bow fliers and cavalry without modern Weapons, their options are more limited. They still have access to the old build of Firesweep Bow with double Poison Strike to safely chip all types of tanks, although they might not be able to finish off bulky tanks if their Atk is too low. They can also utilize true damage with Ninja Yumi with Sweep, but it is not as effective since they lack access to good true damage on A (Heavy Blade is not reliable enough), so they will have to run a stat boosting A skill and stick with Poison Strike Sacred Seal.

For magic and dagger infantry, tank busting is quite a bit more difficult without Weapons with true damage and Brave. Mages can use Blade tomes to help deal with high Res, but some bulky tanks can nullify bonuses, so they will still only deal like 10 damage from two hits via Flashing Blade/Finish. Dagger infantry can run Vicious Dagger, so they will be running Flashing Blade or Poison Strike on Sacred Seal.

For mage and dagger fliers and cavalry, I would not recommend using them to bust tanks.

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Are there any inheritable specials which add to damage from spd? I thought Regnal Astra might be inheritable since I got that special on my Anna Forma, but when I look at it on a unit/manual, it says it's not inheritable. It seems to me that specials which add to damage based on spd is rare, and usually locked to Shannan's family, but I figured I'd ask.

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2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Are there any inheritable specials which add to damage from spd? I thought Regnal Astra might be inheritable since I got that special on my Anna Forma, but when I look at it on a unit/manual, it says it's not inheritable. It seems to me that specials which add to damage based on spd is rare, and usually locked to Shannan's family, but I figured I'd ask.

Vital Astra and Godlike Reflexes.

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2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Ah, thanks! Who has those, though?

Ascended Mareeta and Flame Lyn respectively. Do note that the latter is a defensive special, triggering on foe's attack.

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Just now, Humanoid said:

Ascended Mareeta and Flame Lyn respectively. Do note that the latter is a defensive special, triggering on foe's attack.

I see. Thanks! That was really helpful! ^_^ I'll look into those, then!

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On 12/31/2022 at 5:06 PM, XRay said:

For mage and dagger fliers and cavalry, I would not recommend using them to bust tanks.

Sadly so many of my favorites are mages though. Deirdre, Julia, Marianne, Micaiah. At least Micaiah has armor effectiveness.

And yea, i'm playing the waiting game to pick up that Arcane bow. I hope we get some variation in weapons too, and not just one arcane weapon per weapon type.

For cavalry units, which do think is a better C skill, Menace or Rouse 4? I get the feeling that some how Rouse 4 skills have a slight edge over Menace skills but Rouse 4 just doesn't feel like it does enough by just offering null-Panic on the side, although it is an important bonus given how many weapons can nullify visual buffs.

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26 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

For cavalry units, which do think is a better C skill, Menace or Rouse 4? I get the feeling that some how Rouse 4 skills have a slight edge over Menace skills but Rouse 4 just doesn't feel like it does enough by just offering null-Panic on the side, although it is an important bonus given how many weapons can nullify visual buffs.

I find Menace skills to be a bit more useful than Rouse skills. Menace has the advantage of applying debuffs, which also combo with Catch skills (and help teammates).

The positioning requirement on Rouse can be tricky to use because many maps have start locations that won't allow you to activate it on the first turn, and Panic isn't a common enough status effect outside of Aether Raids and certain challenge maps for Null Panic to be particularly worth it outside of builds specifically meant for those game modes.

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Hey, I’m using the current double SP+EP event to (once again) clean up my barracks and am still somewhat unsure about which asset to keep on a few of my characters.
My choices are between +Atk and +Spd for Fallen Ninian, Fallen Dimitri, Hatari Azura & Leanne and Shannan; +Atk or +Res for Fallen Hardin and +Def or +Res for Fallen Morgan (F).

I’m leaning towards +Atk Hardin, +Def Morgan and +Spd for pretty much everyone in the first group, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask for some additional thoughts.
Oh, and there’s also my +Spd Ascended Fjorm who still needs a second asset, I suppose +Atk is ideal here?

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Do the clash skills have synergy with the oath 4 skills teleport movement range? Debating between Finish, Clash, and Ideal Skills for my (soon to be) +10 base F!Corrin. which I have no idea how to build. Building old units in this game is such a depressing undertaking..

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52 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Do the clash skills have synergy with the oath 4 skills teleport movement range? Debating between Finish, Clash, and Ideal Skills for my (soon to be) +10 base F!Corrin. which I have no idea how to build. Building old units in this game is such a depressing undertaking..


Yeah, Clash skills just count the absolute distance in tiles, doesn't matter how you achieved the movement: regular movement, teleportation, pathfinder, whatever, all count.

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16 minutes ago, Sias said:

Hey, I’m using the current double SP+EP event to (once again) clean up my barracks and am still somewhat unsure about which asset to keep on a few of my characters.
My choices are between +Atk and +Spd for Fallen Ninian, Fallen Dimitri, Hatari Azura & Leanne and Shannan; +Atk or +Res for Fallen Hardin and +Def or +Res for Fallen Morgan (F).

I’m leaning towards +Atk Hardin, +Def Morgan and +Spd for pretty much everyone in the first group, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask for some additional thoughts.
Oh, and there’s also my +Spd Ascended Fjorm who still needs a second asset, I suppose +Atk is ideal here?

Fallen Ninian prefers either Spd or HP depending on whether you're using her with debuffs that rely on HP comparisons. Her Atk is largely unsalvageable for combat use, and she should be used as a dedicated support unit.

Fast combat units like Fallen Dimitri and Shannan should always run Spd unless they absolutely need a different stat to function due to a conditional effect.

Harmonized Azura is a dancer with passable combat ability, and as a fast unit, should run Spd.

Fallen Hardin depends on what you're using him for. For general use, he should go with Atk. Res is an option for Far Save builds, but he doesn't really have the skill effects needed to pull off the build as well as others can.

Fallen Female Morgan wants Atk, but if you can't get that, Def is more valuable than Res for melee units that are intended to fight melee units.

I'm on the fence for what to do with my own Ascended Fjorm. Spd is the most important stat for her. Afterwards, there's an argument for any of Atk, Def, or Res, though I'm currently leaning towards Res.


7 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Do the clash skills have synergy with the oath 4 skills teleport movement range? Debating between Finish, Clash, and Ideal Skills for my (soon to be) +10 base F!Corrin. which I have no idea how to build. Building old units in this game is such a depressing undertaking..

I wouldn't call it "synergy", but yes Clash works with teleportation because the stat boost is based on the number of spaces between the unit's starting position and the unit's ending position regardless of how the unit got there.

Which of the three skills you pick should be based on how often you think you'll be able to activate their effects.

in general, Clash is the least reliable of the three and should only be used if you can guarantee that the unit will move at least 2 spaces on player phase when attacking. If you cannot guarantee that the unit will move at least 2 spaces, pick a different option.

Unless you absolutely need the additional +2 Spd from activating both stacks of Ideal, Finish is typically better as long as you can guarantee that your Special activates and aren't having the unit run off on their own. For units that aren't being built for Spd, there is usually no reason to run Ideal over Finish (other than skill availability) as long as you can guarantee that your Special activates since the extra damage and healing from Finish is always enough to make up for losing 2 points in two non-Spd stats..

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Hey everyone! As some of you know (and some of you do) I am on and off again with FEH and the forums. Since I last replied I have my arena core 2/3 of the way done. Balthus and Ignatz are both plus ten, full on dragon flowers and have some better skills. I could give them even better skills but don’t know that I want to sacrifice characters like Fallen Morgan and Melady to do so since I only have one copy. I am currently running Duo Chrome as my third since he is my highest scoring unit (I also have Thorr). Any advice on who to build up next would be great; this team has pretty good BST but lacks power.

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7 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Any advice on who to build up next would be great; this team has pretty good BST but lacks power.

Are you prioritizing score or performance?

If you're prioritizing score, merges and blessings are more important than stat totals. Every individual merge boosts your score by the same amount as 10 points of stat totals or 200 SP, and every blessing is worth 1 merge multiplied by the number of matching Legendary Heroes on the team. In general, most of the recent 4-star Special Heroes are good picks for scoring as they are relatively cheap to merge and generally still have good performance if you can give them a proper build.

If you're prioritizing performance, Duo Chrom and any recent unit with Canto (or Galeforce in a non-Special slot) are generally good picks. Ranged Brave units, like Harmonized Lysithea, Duo Female Corrin, Duo Laegjarn, and Legendary Leaf are also pretty solid picks. I don't know how common Ninja Camilla is in your score range, but if she appears often enough, it's a good idea to put Hardy Bearing on a unit that can kill her before she can counterattack or run a unit that can Sweep her. For that matter, units with Sweep effects are generally pretty good, too.

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Been a long while since I lasted posted on the forum.

Doing the current Hall of Forms Revival and am working on getting Bride Fjorm ready for the Forma Soul. Which C-skill should I go for?

Odd Recovery (currently)
Inf. Spd Tactic (just rolled; haven't picked)

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38 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Been a long while since I lasted posted on the forum.

Doing the current Hall of Forms Revival and am working on getting Bride Fjorm ready for the Forma Soul. Which C-skill should I go for?

Odd Recovery (currently)
Inf. Spd Tactic (just rolled; haven't picked)

Infantry Spd Tactic pretty situational, but can be useful if you're using Dodge tanks, though Dodge tanks are a bit iffy if they aren't running Godlike Reflexes since Deadeye and Lethality ignore Dodge.

I'd personally lean towards Odd Recovery. It's less situational and is harder to get, as it's currently still only available from Special Heroes (Saul and Sephiran).

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2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Doing the current Hall of Forms Revival and am working on getting Bride Fjorm ready for the Forma Soul. Which C-skill should I go for?

Odd Recovery (currently)
Inf. Spd Tactic (just rolled; haven't picked)

Inf. Spd Tactic is, as stated, a situational skill. On average you just have a higher SP version of Spd Tactic. At best your Infantry allies benefit if they don't already have a NFU effect in their kit. At worst... well it just does nothing and you have a largely wasted S slot.
I'm not personally a big fan of the recovery skills, so I don't have much to offer in that regard.

If you want to try and use Fjorm offensively, you can always go for other Flier-based offensive skills. Oath 4 grants her the Guidance effect, which can be notable for letting her attack or heal in places she could not have otherwise.

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16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Are you prioritizing score or performance?

If you're prioritizing score, merges and blessings are more important than stat totals. Every individual merge boosts your score by the same amount as 10 points of stat totals or 200 SP, and every blessing is worth 1 merge multiplied by the number of matching Legendary Heroes on the team. In general, most of the recent 4-star Special Heroes are good picks for scoring as they are relatively cheap to merge and generally still have good performance if you can give them a proper build.

If you're prioritizing performance, Duo Chrom and any recent unit with Canto (or Galeforce in a non-Special slot) are generally good picks. Ranged Brave units, like Harmonized Lysithea, Duo Female Corrin, Duo Laegjarn, and Legendary Leaf are also pretty solid picks. I don't know how common Ninja Camilla is in your score range, but if she appears often enough, it's a good idea to put Hardy Bearing on a unit that can kill her before she can counterattack or run a unit that can Sweep her. For that matter, units with Sweep effects are generally pretty good, too.

So, I definitely want high BST. I just mentioned not having power because at least at this point Balthus and Ignatz just don’t hit terribly hard. I wish I had the money to just go all in on DuoChrom. That would be amazing. I was thinking of a grail unit. I also have a lot of copies of the new reds - Guy, YenFay, Holst, Scatach, Kamui. I also have Geen and Colorless Celicas at +2, plus ninja Claude and Reginn, Yuri and tank Fjorm.

Edited by jameslove001
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