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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'll grant that the stats calculator isn't updated yet, but if you already have all of the character stats listed on their page, I question why you even need the calculator.

If anything, it takes longer to look up their nature via the calculator (or at least about the same amount of time) vs just checking their base stats on their page. 

I like keeping the calculators open on a single tab, because I can quickly cycle through characters, rather than opening up a new page every time.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I like keeping the calculators open on a single tab, because I can quickly cycle through characters, rather than opening up a new page every time.

I keep the tier list on a tab so I can quickly middle click a face when I want to see their stats.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

If you want to give Lucina-Spring Blárblade, I'd recommend the +Spd one, since you can't raise her speed as easily as her Atk.

Is your Fae 5*? I'd recommend waiting for a +Spd -HP one, as it's bulkier all around and can make use of Dark Breath for even more bulk for her as well as the rest of the team.

Alright! I was training up +SPD Bunny Lucina anyway (though the other one was +ATK/-RES, not -DEF as I thought... but your reasoning still applies, +SPD is the one I'll go with), so I'll get on that soon! Thanks, mate!

As for Fae, yeah, she's a 5-Star. Dark Breath is a nice idea... but I don't have that boon/bane combo, so I'll try something else for this one. Still, I'll keep Dark Breath in mind for if I ever pull another Fae (and she has +SPD).

However, regarding my current Fae... Do you think Lightning Breath+ (so she can counter at 2-range, which is a pretty nice thing to have to deal with mages and enemy dragons) / Ardent Sacrifice (I could replace this with Reciprocal Aid, but I don't have anyone with that, so Ardent will have to do for now; either way, she has 50 HP and Renewal, so she'll be able to heal fairly effectively) / Iceberg (gives Fae +15 (+18 with Fortify Dragons) damage every few combats, which could be nice) / Speed +3 (to give 31 SPD, which is a significant improvement for not getting doubled as much) / Renewal 3 (for healing after giving away HP via Reciprocal Aid) / Threaten ATK (nerfing enemy ATK means allies live longer) / SPD +1 Sacred Seal (to hit 32 SPD... 38 if we ever get Hone Dragons) could work to use Fae as a sorta-healer? Primarily because I want to use Fae on my Dragon team (I have Ninian, so Fae can benefit from +6 DEF/RES to protect her high HP so it can be used for healing Nowi/Adult Tiki), which needs a healer at the moment (which I think Fae could work as, since she has high HP and Renewal to recover whatever she gives away for healing).

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Okay, now that I have Hectors that I can start eating, I need to figure out which ones I should eat (and which one I should keep to actually use).

Hector is... complicated. Like Effie, he's given up his Res to boost his Atk, which weakens his ability to make the most out of Distant Counter and his innate Quick Riposte because any green mage worth their salt should kill him before his second hit ever lands. I'm assuming in a perfect world where any nature is accessible, [+Res, -Spd] might be the best for him (getting double attacked means Bonfire will be charged by his follow-up attack, not getting double attacked means he'll have Bonfire ready for Vantage), but I'm not sure.

Anyways, as for what I actually have available to me:

  1. Neutral
  2. +HP, -Def
  3. +Atk -Def
  4. +Atk, -Res
  5. +Spd, -Atk
  6. +Spd, -Def
  7. +Def, -HP
  8. +Res, -HP

Any thoughts on which ones are at least clearly out-classed (so I can eat them up first)? I haven't had a chance to run calcs yet due to the lack of time this weekend, and I'm not really sure what to look for since I've never actually used a Vantage Hector (or Hector in general outside of leveling one up and running mechanics tests) before.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Okay, now that I have Hectors that I can start eating, I need to figure out which ones I should eat (and which one I should keep to actually use).

Hector is... complicated. Like Effie, he's given up his Res to boost his Atk, which weakens his ability to make the most out of Distant Counter and his innate Quick Riposte because any green mage worth their salt should kill him before his second hit ever lands. I'm assuming in a perfect world where any nature is accessible, [+Res, -Spd] might be the best for him (getting double attacked means Bonfire will be charged by his follow-up attack, not getting double attacked means he'll have Bonfire ready for Vantage), but I'm not sure.

Anyways, as for what I actually have available to me:

  1. Neutral
  2. +HP, -Def
  3. +Atk -Def
  4. +Atk, -Res
  5. +Spd, -Atk
  6. +Spd, -Def
  7. +Def, -HP
  8. +Res, -HP

Any thoughts on which ones are at least clearly out-classed (so I can eat them up first)? I haven't had a chance to run calcs yet due to the lack of time this weekend, and I'm not really sure what to look for since I've never actually used a Vantage Hector (or Hector in general outside of leveling one up and running mechanics tests) before.

All right, looking at your thoughts, Number 3 can go immediately. Hector doesn't give a damn about bows and daggers. Number 5 isn't as clear (since you're sacrificing Attack instead of Resistance), but I'd imagine if you want a +Spd Hector, you might want to choose Number 6.

Number 7 seems like he should go, too. Numbers 2 and 8 look more helpful.

Since I'm not too good at the minor numbers, we'll summarise it as 'dump 3 and 7 now, investigate the rest later.


I don't know my Hector's nature, so I'd laugh if it was +Spd -Res. Fun fact, that's my Klein's nature.


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9 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

All right, looking at your thoughts, Number 3 can go immediately. Hector doesn't give a damn about bows and daggers. Number 5 isn't as clear (since you're sacrificing Attack instead of Resistance), but I'd imagine if you want a +Spd Hector, you might want to choose Number 6.

Number 7 seems like he should go, too. Numbers 2 and 8 look more helpful.

Since I'm not too good at the minor numbers, we'll summarise it as 'dump 3 and 7 now, investigate the rest later.

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I don't know my Hector's nature, so I'd laugh if it was +Spd -Res. Fun fact, that's my Klein's nature.


+Spd -Res is actually one of the better mage-tanking IVs for Hector. If he gets doubled by a mage, nothing's saving him, but 28 speed is a decent tier if you can manage to get some Hones or Goads up. This is because glass cannons with huge spd get 1 shotted by Hector (Fury 3 Nino lives a =Atk Hector with 1 hp, which is another way to say: all variants rekt by Hone Armor), and the only two people who can 1HKO Hector are TA3 Sanaki or Lilina, neither of which have the speed to double +Spd Hector, even before buffs. (Tharja can't, at least, not without buffs from blade-tome---and TA3 would mean she can't get L&D, making it a lot easier for Hector to avoid the double.)


Edit: Also, why are you dumping +Atk\-Def? That's a +Atk nature. I can see dumping #2 since +Hp is basically worthless, but not 3.

Edited by DehNutCase
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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

+Spd -Res is actually one of the better mage-tanking IVs for Hector. If he gets doubled by a mage, nothing's saving him, but 28 speed is a decent tier if you can manage to get some Hones or Goads up. This is because glass cannons with huge spd get 1 shotted by Hector (Fury 3 Nino lives a =Atk Hector with 1 hp, which is another way to say: all variants rekt by Hone Armor), and the only two people who can 1HKO Hector is TA3 Sanaki or Lilina, neither of which have the speed to double +Spd Hector, even before buffs. (Tharja can't, at least, not without buffs from blade-tome---and TA3 would mean she can't get L&D, making it a lot easier for Hector to avoid the double.)

...The gist of this was implied by @Ice Dragon, and I believe that, reading it back, I must've misspoken at the point you must've caught.

At any rate, Klein likes +Spd -Res less, because he's not a mage-tank. He's my intended mage-killer, but he does it better on the Player Phase.

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@DehNutCase @phineas81707

Well... while pulling from the World of Radiance banner, I somehow managed to pull another Hector (wat...). This one's [+Atk, -HP]. I assume this means both #3 and #4 (or at the minimum #4) are now tossable.

Current list:

  1. Neutral
  2. +HP, -Def
  3. +Atk -Def
  4. +Atk, -Res
  5. +Spd, -Atk
  6. +Spd, -Def
  7. +Def, -HP
  8. +Res, -HP
  9. +Atk, -HP (new)
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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@DehNutCase @phineas81707

Well... while pulling from the World of Radiance banner, I somehow managed to pull another Hector (wat...). This one's [+Atk, -HP]. I assume this means both #3 and #4 (or at the minimum #4) are now tossable.

Current list:

  1. Neutral
  2. +HP, -Def
  3. +Atk -Def
  4. +Atk, -Res
  5. +Spd, -Atk
  6. +Spd, -Def
  7. +Def, -HP
  8. +Res, -HP
  9. +Atk, -HP (new)

Now the parallels to I Am Number Four just get harder and harder to resist...

...Although to be honest, I'm now feeling rather uncertain as to your goal. As such, I'd rather avoid making more judgements.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@DehNutCase @phineas81707

Well... while pulling from the World of Radiance banner, I somehow managed to pull another Hector (wat...). This one's [+Atk, -HP]. I assume this means both #3 and #4 (or at the minimum #4) are now tossable.

Current list:

  1. Neutral
  2. +HP, -Def
  3. +Atk -Def
  4. +Atk, -Res
  5. +Spd, -Atk
  6. +Spd, -Def
  7. +Def, -HP
  8. +Res, -HP
  9. +Atk, -HP (new)

To be honest, I like -Res more than -Hp. If Hector gets doubled by a mage, there's basically no saving him, meaning =Res is meaningless, and for single hits Hp is clearly superior to Res, since it's physical and magical. That's just my take, though. 

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17 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

...Although to be honest, I'm now feeling rather uncertain as to your goal. As such, I'd rather avoid making more judgements.

Mostly, as I most likely lack the "most optimal" nature for Hector in the role I intend for him to play (sit there and watch things die without being too trivialized by mages), I just need to figure out which Hector would work best of the ones that I have so that I can use all of the rest as Distant Counter and Goad Armors fodder.


19 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

To be honest, I like -Res more than -Hp. If Hector gets doubled by a mage, there's basically no saving him, meaning =Res is meaningless, and for single hits Hp is clearly superior to Res, since it's physical and magical. That's just my take, though. 

When he's under my control, he'll likely have 2 or 3 stacks of Ward Armor on him, which is why -HP will probably be superior to -Res. I'd still need to run numbers to see how much of a difference that would make, though (and I probably won't have the time to do so before tomorrow night).

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17 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Mostly, as I most likely lack the "most optimal" nature for Hector in the role I intend for him to play (sit there and watch things die without being too trivialized by mages), I just need to figure out which Hector would work best of the ones that I have so that I can use all of the rest as Distant Counter and Goad Armors fodder.


When he's under my control, he'll likely have 2 or 3 stacks of Ward Armor on him, which is why -HP will probably be superior to -Res. I'd still need to run numbers to see how much of a difference that would make, though (and I probably won't have the time to do so before tomorrow night).

To be honest, I still like -Res Hector there. That's because a Hector like that will want Aegis or Sacred Cowl to mitigate the bulk of the magical damage---Hp actually beats res even in magic only situations with his special up, since it's damage after reductions that's reduced.

That said, it seems like Sheena has the better spread for that job? (Her mixed-bulk is so good---because she dumped HP---that she can just go QR and some kind of damage special and go to town.)


Edit: Feels like you're just turning Hector into crappy Ike, though. Stuff him full of buffs and watch him juggernaut. (Ike does this easier since Heavy Blade turns Aether into a 3cd damage and defense skill.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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15 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I'm working on making my Titania good, probably in a Horse Emblem team.


I was going to give her either Fortify or Hone Cavalry.

I've used a dancing cavalry squad for the last two seasons: 5* Reinhardt & Ninian, 4* Gunter & Cecilia (blade flavor). My Titania will be ready to replace Gunter just in time for the new season, so I'll assign her the same C skill as Gunter's and see how it works.

In the long run, and assuming a Cecilia + Reinhardt/Olwen core, I think that every cavalry unit should have two of Fortify/Hone/Protect/Ward cavalry, for maximum flexibility. One never knows who is going to be the bonus unit in future seasons.

With my current setup, the only foes that requires a bit of thinking before acting are Vantage+Bonfire Hectors with extra HP. Maybe that wouldn't be the case with a 4th cavalry unit, at the cost of losing the convenience offered by a dancer.

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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Feels like you're just turning Hector into crappy Ike, though.

That's not physically possible, though, because they are different colors. Covering different colors means they automatically fill different roles.

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Quick question:

Anyone know if dancers are still penalized, score wise, due to their far lower than average BST? (The fact that skills and merges factor into score means that the penalty is small enough to be ignored if a dancer really simplifies an arena run, but if it exists, running without a dancer might be optimal.)


3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's not physically possible, though, because they are different colors. Covering different colors means they automatically fill different roles.

By crappy Ike I meant basically: Strong, durable dude with distant counter that juggernauts. I'd call Camus blue cavalry Ike if I gave him Heavy Blade and Aether to juggernaut, for example.

Edited by DehNutCase
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Also, my Hector is currently sitting on 53/34/21/36/19 stats at level 38. I'm fairly sure this is high enough to determine the boon (boons are +3 to level 40 stat, and I can't gain 3 points in a stat in two levels), but is it possible to determine the bane now?

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28 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Also, my Hector is currently sitting on 53/34/21/36/19 stats at level 38. I'm fairly sure this is high enough to determine the boon (boons are +3 to level 40 stat, and I can't gain 3 points in a stat in two levels), but is it possible to determine the bane now?

Your bane is Spd, I'm pretty sure. =Hector maxes speed at 24 and yours can't gain 3 speed in 2 levels.

The boon is HP since =Hector maxes HP at 52 and you're already passed that.

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3 minutes ago, Otorio said:

Your bane is Spd, I'm pretty sure. =Hector maxes speed at 24 and yours can't gain 3 speed in 2 levels.

All right, so neutral Hector's spread is 52/36/24/37/19. My spread is 53/34/21/36/19.

By our reckoning, that looks like +HP -Spd, and a future profit of +2HP, +2Atk, +1Def.

...Any good, @DehNutCase?

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59 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

From what I see Anna is back as a bonus hero. Is this becoming a tradition? Might be worth making them 5* units...

I thought about doing this, but then you'd be spending 22,200 feathers to raise your arena score up enough to get what, 500-1000 extra feathers?  It'd take a while to start seeing gains. 

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I have a +speed -def Azura and a +hp -def Azura and was wondering which one i should merge? It feels like +speed would be the best one to keep but on the other hand -res ruins her one good defensive stat and mages are a much bigger threat in the arena than physical units. Also I have given my Azura distant counter from a spare hector if that makes an difference.

Edited by Erchamion
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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

where is the list for the bonus units?

Not sure if it's been posted yet but here


The units are:

Ike, Soren, Mist, Titania, Zephiel

Barst, Clarine, Hana, Felicia and Anna

I have a 4* Felicia trained so I'll guess I'll use her

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Yay haha i got Azura from the free orbs after spending more than i wanted and failing to get her.  she is -Atk of course! Face palm but +hp.  Its ok she survives well like this and just sits on the back singing about grey waves all the time...

Sooo Fury,Wings of Mercy, and Moonbow yea?  does wings come up often enough? swordbreaker secures lots of kills, but dancers shouldent be relied on for KOs.

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