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I have a spare -Atk, +Spd Minerva and I'm looking for suggestions on what to do with her.

1.) Merge her with -Res, +Spd Minerva for a +1 Minerva? (Are the merge stats random?)

2.) Inherit the rare Life or Death skill to someone. If so, I have a few contenders but not sure who is the best:

-Nino (-Def, +Spd) ...or would she like Fury better? Either way have to retrain he when I promote to 5 star

-Lucina (neutral)- she probably needs something to make up for neutral nature. Haven't been using her for a while (used Sanaki for red unit) but I started using her again, would LoD be good for her? Although not sure if a drop in her okay defenses during melee combat is a good thing...

-Lillina (-Res, +Spd)- She's pretty new so not sure what to do with her. She's a lot speedier than Sanaki and for now Attack +3 has been working but LoD seems like it would enhance her current boon/bane combo.

Otherwise which heroes really need LoD to work? (in case I want to save Minerva for a future unit)

Edited by mcsilas
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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Otherwise which heroes really need LoD to work? (in case I want to save Minerva for a future unit)

There is a "Quadsuna" build that uses LoD on +spd Setsuna (40spd) with a Brave bow. Her Spd is so high and LoD cancels out the -5 Spd from the Brave bow so she is able to 4x attack most of the meta with the Spd +1 seal. With that +5 Atk from LoD and a short charging special she can do major damage.

The same build can be run with +spd Olwen (37Spd). She isn't quite as fast as Setsuna but she hits 38 Spd with the Spd +1 seal, and she attacks Res which is the lower defense stat of most top tier units (and everyone runs -res on their units).

Both are extremely dangerous.

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3 hours ago, Eridras said:

I thought about doing this, but then you'd be spending 22,200 feathers to raise your arena score up enough to get what, 500-1000 extra feathers?  It'd take a while to start seeing gains. 

Thats right l. Getting all three of them up would mean 66,600 feathers. And thats a lot.

Might be better to have a huge variety of 4* units maxed out. 

On the other hand, the grand hero battle has been providing a bonus character for the arena since its start. 

Wonder if theres gonna be ghb every other second week?

It might be harder to get a good rank, though, using a four star hero, not impossible, just harder, and thats another 500-1000 feathers.

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So I managed to pull 3 Ryomas. One has a sub-par nature (+HP/-Atk), but I was wondering which of the other two would be best to keep?

The +HP/-Def or the +Spd/-Atk?

I'm leaning toward the +Spd/-Atk one since more speed is always good, but I wonder if it's worth the drop in attack.

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@LuxSpes  -Atk +Spd natures have felt good for me on both Ike and Hector.  With QR and augmented speed u survive much more often and charge your special.  -atk gets mitigated by the extra speed for doubles.  These guys are bait tanks and this is the most survivable nature.

Edited by Chromatone
I still want confirmation about Azura build pleez!
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4 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

@LuxSpes  -Atk +Spd natures have felt good for me on both Ike and Hector.  With QR and augmented speed u survive much more often and charge your special.  -atk gets mitigated by the extra speed for doubles.  These guys are bait tanks and this is the most survivable nature.

Yeah, looking at the mass duel simulator, the +Spd/-Atk does better than the +HP/-Def, but only as long as Ryoma has someone buffing his attack. Which isn't hard in my case since I have tons of units who either have Hone Atk 3 or can pass it down to someone else.

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7 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

All right, so neutral Hector's spread is 52/36/24/37/19. My spread is 53/34/21/36/19.

By our reckoning, that looks like +HP -Spd, and a future profit of +2HP, +2Atk, +1Def.

...Any good, @DehNutCase?

-Spd mostly just has to resign itself to being doubled by everything. Not too much of a problem vs. melees, given his def, but basically every mage and their grandmothers will double him to death, if he doesn't manage to 1HKO. It's still Hector, wipes the floor with physical units of all varieties, and the weaker mages get 2HKOd.

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10 minutes ago, CorruptedChrome said:

Is Olivia worth the 20,000 feathers to 5 star? I have a +spd one ? 


Also is a -spd/+def Soren salvageable ? 

1) If you want to run a Dancer and don't have any other dancers to work with, she's a great candidate for promotion. Although, it shouldn't be for the purpose of improving her combat, since she can still do her job even as a 3*.

2) Do you have any other bonus units to work with? Soren can still function with some investment, if you're willing. I prefer Raven Adept for him since it fixes his bulk and gives him great coverage, even if you can't promote Cecilia for Gronnraven+.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

1.) Merge her with -Res, +Spd Minerva for a +1 Minerva? (Are the merge stats random?)

Merge stats are not random. You can preview the stats by starting the merge, then on the screen where it shows the amount of SP you will gain, tap the "result" character icon (the one on the right) and see the stats on the header bar.

I think the first merge is always HP and one other stat. The other stat depends on the character.


3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Otherwise which heroes really need LoD to work? (in case I want to save Minerva for a future unit)

Speedy Brave attackers typically use Life and Death (that's an "and", by the way) to counteract the Spd penalty from the Brave weapon. Non-Brave speedy attackers typically have a choice between Life and Death and Fury.


3 hours ago, Hawk King said:

There is a "Quadsuna" build that uses LoD on +spd Setsuna (40spd) with a Brave bow. Her Spd is so high and LoD cancels out the -5 Spd from the Brave bow so she is able to 4x attack most of the meta with the Spd +1 seal. With that +5 Atk from LoD and a short charging special she can do major damage.

The same build can be run with +spd Olwen (37Spd). She isn't quite as fast as Setsuna but she hits 38 Spd with the Spd +1 seal, and she attacks Res which is the lower defense stat of most top tier units (and everyone runs -res on their units).

Both are extremely dangerous.

Olwen preferably runs +Atk instead of +Spd to bolster her low Atk and requires Hone/Goad Cavalry support to really put in work regardless.

Quadsuna's low Atk makes her damage output pretty lackluster, even with a 3-cooldown special skill activating on the last hit.

The characters that really benefit from Life and Death are Brave attackers with both Atk and Spd like Hana, Peri, and Cordelia and Olwen, who makes up for her lower Atk by targeting the typically weaker Res stat.


19 minutes ago, Tragonight said:

Did the bonus heroes for the next arena round get leaked yet?

It's not a leak when it's an official announcement.

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14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

1) If you want to run a Dancer and don't have any other dancers to work with, she's a great candidate for promotion. Although, it shouldn't be for the purpose of improving her combat, since she can still do her job even as a 3*.

2) Do you have any other bonus units to work with? Soren can still function with some investment, if you're willing. I prefer Raven Adept for him since it fixes his bulk and gives him great coverage, even if you can't promote Cecilia for Gronnraven+.

Ill right cool , I'll keep her at 4 still trying to pull azura. Thanks. 


Also, I do have Ike , I just have a team of Ike,Soren,reinhardt and Olivia . 

And wanted to know if I could still work with a -spd soren to make him at least decent. Thanks for the tips 

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Merge stats are not random. You can preview the stats by starting the merge, then on the screen where it shows the amount of SP you will gain, tap the "result" character icon (the one on the right) and see the stats on the header bar.

I think the first merge is always HP and one other stat. The other stat depends on the character.


The first merge always increases the charackters two highest stats (not taking into account weapon  an skills, of course). With HP beeing one of the highest stats for most units it ussually gets increased with the first merge. You can read about Merge Mechanics here.

For the -res +spd Minerva the two stats should be HP and Spd.

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1 hour ago, Nathair said:

The first merge always increases the charackters two highest stats (not taking into account weapon  an skills, of course). With HP beeing one of the highest stats for most units it ussually gets increased with the first merge. You can read about Merge Mechanics here.

For the -res +spd Minerva the two stats should be HP and Spd.

Indeed it does. Confirmed against my own data.

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Zero to Hero's! Team comp help

Alright so I've been playing since the game came out and had terrible pulls early on and basically was running a janky team for awhile the only good being an Epharem and Takumi. But I have been saving my orbs forever and went crazy on the last two banners, I now have tons of 5 star units to choose from and am not sure where to start on team building. And also of who to keep, combine, or Scrap for skills what do you guys think?. Here are the 5 star units I got:

Azura +speed  -def

Julia(+1) +def  -res

Hector 1 +res  -spd

Hector 2 +def  -spd

Hector 3 neutral

Hector 4 +attack  -speed

Ryoma +hp. -atk

Eldigan +Def -Resistant

Lucina +res -speed

Ike1 +res  -speed

Ike2 +hp  -def

Epharem (triangle adept/team buff build) +speed  -hp

Marth +res  -def

Takumi  neutral

Effie +speed  -def

Soren1 +hp  -res

Soren2 +res  -def

Caede +speed  -atk

Seliph1 +speed  -hp

Seliph2 unknown currently

Along with lots of 4stars etc..

I'm thinking Azura, Hector4, maybe epharim then probably a red unit. 

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Would the Wa Dao+ be a good fit for Palla?

I managed to upgrade a +Atk, -Res Palla to 5 stars and got her a nice skillset made out of a ruby sword+, reposition, moonbow, Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 3 and Goad Fliers (alongside the speed+1 seal).

It would allow her to take out red and colourless units more reliably and give her somewhat of a fighting chance against blue ones.

On the other hand is she the only unit in my flier team (Palla, Minerva, Subaki and Spring!Camilla) who straight up counters all green units.

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3 minutes ago, HyperBowser said:

Would the Wa Dao+ be a good fit for Palla?

I managed to upgrade a +Atk, -Res Palla to 5 stars and got her a nice skillset made out of a ruby sword+, reposition, moonbow, Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 3 and Goad Fliers (alongside the speed+1 seal).

It would allow her to take out red and colourless units more reliably and give her somewhat of a fighting chance against blue ones.

On the other hand is she the only unit in my flier team (Palla, Minerva, Subaki and Spring!Camilla) who straight up counters all green units.

It's honestly probably the best weapon for her if you're willing to sac Karel. Go for it.

I prefer Life and Death over Fury, but Fury works fine. Swordbreaker is also a B-skill to consider over WoM.

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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

It's honestly probably the best weapon for her if you're willing to sac Karel. Go for it.

I prefer Life and Death over Fury, but Fury works fine. Swordbreaker is also a B-skill to consider over WoM.

I did considering slotting swordbreaker as it would allow her to beat most (all?) sword wielders and green units.

Only problem is that the combination of WoM 3 with Reposition got me a few wins against cav teams in the arena I couldn't otherwise (closest thing to a rescue staff in this game).

I run Fury because I like her to be able to tank some hits and it has a nice synergy with Minerva's Ward Fliers (giving Palla effectively 35 Def and 31 Res) and Reciprocal Aid (which makes the Fury 3 recoil more manageable and allows Minerva to get into desperation range).


Are there any other units who make better use of the Wa Dao+? I heard Draug was a good one.

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8 minutes ago, HyperBowser said:

I did considering slotting swordbreaker as it would allow her to beat most (all?) sword wielders and green units.

Only problem is that the combination of WoM 3 with Reposition got me a few wins against cav teams in the arena I couldn't otherwise (closest thing to a rescue staff in this game).

I run Fury because I like her to be able to tank some hits and it has a nice synergy with Minerva's Ward Fliers (giving Palla effectively 35 Def and 31 Res) and Reciprocal Aid (which makes the Fury 3 recoil more manageable and allows Minerva to get into desperation range).


Are there any other units who make better use of the Wa Dao+? I heard Draug was a good one.

Wo Dao in general is good on fast swords (Draug is way faster than you would think considering he's an armored unit. +Spd Draug hits 35 speed without any buffs, which is ridiculous for an armored unit) with low base attack because it gives them a nice burst of damage, which they often need to secure kills. 

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This isn't really a question DIRECTLY about FE:Heroes but it does involve it, and it mostly has to do with nox, the android emulator, I've seen videos where people are trying to explain avoiding the Root kick error and they almost all show an option in the settings that says 'Root device' with the option yes or no, but I do not have that, I have 'Root on startup' with the options enable and disable, and i've tried to play the game with either option and got kicked both times, so how do I get the option to not root my device, mostly in sagemaster's nox video. 

Also, FE:Heroes was taken off of QooApp, help.

[Edit: FE: Heroes is back on QooApp, woo.]



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