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8 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

@NekoKnight That was a surprisingly difficult question to think about. I definitely wouldn't put any of those on Hector, since he wants Threaten Atk more than anything to run full tank sets. If you have two Ward Armours, give them to Zephiel and Effie. If you have both options, I'd put Hone/Goad on Effie and have Zephiel keep Ward/Fortify. The Spd boost is wasted on Effie who already has Wary Fighter and the Spd buff when stacked with Life or Death can prevent Zephiel from getting doubled by everyone's crippled asthmatic grandmother.

I have Ward on Zephiel, Goad on Hector and I'm considering putting Hone on Effie. Hector is useful for killing ranged enemies on the enemy phase so perhaps Fortify would be better on Effie or Zephiel (although Ninian has Fortify Defense 2). Zephiel has Wary Fighter and I took off Life or Death to improve his bulk (Death Blow would be preferable if I get a character with it). Another build I mused with was Brave Sword+ Zephiel/Brave Lance+ Effie with Wings of Mercy, but that's really more of a Arena defense team idea.  

I've never seen Threaten Attack on a Hector. They usually have Distant Counter, Vantage and a buff skill.

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8 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

I have Ward on Zephiel, Goad on Hector and I'm considering putting Hone on Effie. Hector is useful for killing ranged enemies on the enemy phase so perhaps Fortify would be better on Effie or Zephiel (although Ninian has Fortify Defense 2). Zephiel has Wary Fighter and I took off Life or Death to improve his bulk (Death Blow would be preferable if I get a character with it). Another build I mused with was Brave Sword+ Zephiel/Brave Lance+ Effie with Wings of Mercy, but that's really more of a Arena defense team idea.  

I've never seen Threaten Attack on a Hector. They usually have Distant Counter, Vantage and a buff skill.

I was about to say that for the sake of fairness that Threaten Atk is mostly for offensive builds and almost entirely useless on defence since the AI will never get to use it. Running buffs, especially on an armour team, is almost certainly the way to go for defence.

If Zephiel is running Wary Fighter it really doesn't matter that much who gets what buff. Put it on Effie if you wanna buff Hector and Zephiel's Def into the stratosphere, but putting it on Zephiel can help patch up Effie's somewhat mediocre defenses.

Edited by Mortarion
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15 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Takumi is better than Hector on defense, if only because he isn't the last unit left due to 1 Mov. Running all ranged--or at least units that can counter at range--alongside a dancer is a good setup to start with.

@Jman1115, got any Lightning Breath to pass to your Tiki?

I do have a Lightning breath if I upgrade Tiki Adult to 5* which I can do as I still have 20k feathers. 

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So I got another Takumi from the golden week banner or what ever it was called and I am trying to find a new home for close counter but, I just can't find anyone that I think would benefit from it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Just assume I have access to any unit since I am willing to wait until I pull someone that will benefit.

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45 minutes ago, mersinary said:

So I got another Takumi from the golden week banner or what ever it was called and I am trying to find a new home for close counter but, I just can't find anyone that I think would benefit from it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Just assume I have access to any unit since I am willing to wait until I pull someone that will benefit.

B-Tomebreaker is rare as heck, meaning Odin can run a Counter-kill everyone set pretty well, so long as you commit to buffing and healing him. His bulk means that even greens have trouble with him. Pretty much only viable if you really like Odin, though.


Vantage Close Counter Kagero with Ardent Sacrifice and some Fury 3 dudes next to her (so she uses AS to go down to vantage range), is pretty good for farming defense wins too. (I also saw a S!Camilla flier emblem team with Vantage and Close counter, which does quite alright so long as you have tons of swap abilities so everyone sticks together to buff her, and the enemy doesn't have a strong bow. [+0 Klein kills fully buffed +10 S!Camilla without problems, IRRC.])


Edit: The thing is, though, Takumi has basically the perfect color and spread for Close Counter. Enough bulk to survive 1 hit pretty easily, enough offenses to be a threat both phases. He isn't as dominant as before since everyone else got stronger relative to him (he got stronger too, but he already had a nearly perfect set, so his gains aren't as great relative to everyone else), but his spread doesn't lie.

Edited by DehNutCase
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6 hours ago, Mortarion said:

That would be the case if the game's AI, especially in the arena, wasn't suicidally stupid. As it stands, you can put Hector just outside of the enemy's attack range and they'll walk right up to you, conveniently in rage of Threaten Atk. If IntSys ever adds proper PVP it won't be useful at all, but right now baiting the AI into range is painfully easy.

So that works for enemy melee infantry and armors and only infantry without a giant pile of positioning assist skills because the AI likes to spam assist skills when units can't attack.

It doesn't work well against cavalry because you need 2 movement range to bait cavalry into the correct distance unless you successfully predict the AI's actions 2 turns in advance and have enough between you and the opponent or between you and the back wall on the map to advance or retreat the required distance. The lava map and the parallel walls map are probably the only ones with enough space to easily predict enemy cavalry movement and position yourself far in advance.

And as I already mentioned, it doesn't work at all against ranged units. If a ranged enemy ended their turn in range to be hit by Threaten Atk on your player phase, they will have already attacked you once before being hit by Threaten Atk. Any mage not named Sophia or Henry is either already dead or has already killed Hector at that point.


1 hour ago, mersinary said:

So I got another Takumi from the golden week banner or what ever it was called and I am trying to find a new home for close counter but, I just can't find anyone that I think would benefit from it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Just assume I have access to any unit since I am willing to wait until I pull someone that will benefit.

The Robins and Merric are bulky and fast enough to run a Close Counter set, as well.

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I just pulled a + speed -def Azura l.. recommendations on best kit for her? 

I was thinking


Darting blow, or fury? Not sure which works best for her

Wings of mercy? Is something else better?

Hone resistance or def. 

What are your guys thoughts?



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7 hours ago, Chromatone said:

Edit: i did more calcs and +10 atk and speed on fury xander give him the most survivability.  So goad hone hone is quite strong and hone goad goad also amazing!


@Astellius  I saw no one answered u about this and I'm in the same dilemma.  First off Gunter is just a bad unit with one of the best kills in the game to pass.  Replacing Reins C is good for blade mage partner BUT Goad is a strong skill unique to him and allows speed stacking that Cecilia sometimes needs.  I also run TA Raven Celelia because it adds more utility to the team by blocking the dangerous ranged brave users.  Rein is already erasing 99% of the field on my turn any how.   I'm using Ward on Cecilia with her Rally res to help Rein and Xander bait red mages, the biggest weakness to this team.  Hone on Xander, despite him quite enjoying this buff, his speed is still bad and the other two need it for engaging.  

Then if u want to go full quad Cavalry the fourth will take the Fortify.  Clarine is a bonus hero and probably the best healer so she is under consideration.  Fortify just probably isn't necessary as a blade Cecilia with a single hone adding 18 Dmg is already bonkers and goad can ensure doubles so potentially 8 more dmg, giving her similar coverage.

It is also highly common to run two units with Hone so every one gets the best buff.  So you can just leave Goad on Rein and put Hone on both cecilia and Xander. 

Thanks! I was wondering if anyone was going to respond.

Gunter's not a bad unit, he's just not great. He's filling in until someone better comes along. He's bulky, so he can tank a few hits, that's his main role, and his attack is pretty good, so he's not bad attacking mages. I wasn't thinking about it, but Camus will likely replace him when he comes out. Camus comes with Goad Cavalry, and Gradivus has a built-in distant counter. So I guess the promotion schedule will probably be Xander, Camus, then Cecilia (or maybe Camus, Xander, then Cecilia). Gunter can hold down the fort until Camus comes along. And, if I need a horse healer, I have a 5-star Priscilla, and she comes with Rehabilitate, which is the best healing spell (I'm not running the team for Arena yet, their stats aren't good enough to get me high points, this is mostly long term planning).

I'm running a Gronnblade build for Cecilia, so Fortify Cav does more for her than Goad. I'm planning on putting Darting Blow in Cecilia's A slot, which more than makes up for the loss of the speed boost from Goad. So I still think Reinhardt is the best candidate for Fortify Cavalry, and Camus coming with Goad makes up for Reinhardt not having it. Since Camus will be replacing Gunter, and I want 2 people with Hone Cavalry, I'll put that on both Xander and Cecilia. With this setup, everyone can be honed easily, and Cecilia will get the most out of that Gronnblade tome. I'm not even going to bother making it a Gronnblade+ tome, that seems like it would be a waste of precious feathers for an increase of 4 points to Cecilia's attack. I mean, after all's said and done, Cecilia's getting +34 to a single hit. Doesn't seem like that'll make a difference to anything.

Sound good to everyone?

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Does anyone know why, in the first stratum of the training tower, a blue soldier unit decided to go after Ephraim,  level 40, and suicide on him, instead of after Caeda, level 9 and red? I have a theory, but I'd like to know if anyone knows for sure or has another theory.

Nevermind, I've confirmed my theory. The enemy considers Fury recoil damage when deciding who to attack. So, when the damage to Caeda would be lower than 6, they go for Ephraim instead. Maybe only when they would die in both cases, but that, I don't know.

Edited by Taim Meich
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A strange bug occurs every once in a while that makes one of my units lose the experience they gain after completing a level.  Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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2 minutes ago, Sarracenia said:

A strange bug occurs every once in a while that makes one of my units lose the experience they gain after completing a level.  Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Are you letting your units get KO'd? Defeated units lose any exp, and by extension levels, that they would have gained from the map.

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Just now, Sable Argyle said:

Is it possible to pull a unit from a summoning sessions that is neutral across the board with no boon or banes?

Yes, though the odds aren't likely given all the other potential stat rolls you can get instead. My Lyn is neutral.

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It's been a while since I asked a question, so here it goes. This month's quests have inspired me to finally make proper use of Horse Emblem. (I kind of forced Flier Emblem to work for those Lunatic quests a while back. Armor Emblem can also be a thing. I think I have all of the armor units...) However, from what I've seen, I'm missing most of the ideal units for an Horse Emblem team. My goal isn't domination. It's survival. XD And then if by some chance I manage to pull a unit like Eldigan or Reinhardt, I'll be set. 

Here's the catch though... I highly doubt I'll have the feathers to promote all of these people to five. Three to four stars is doable. A little bit of SI is also doable. So here's what I have to work with: 


5* Peri (+SPD -RES) - Lv. 40
5* Fancy!Xander (Unknown... I'm pretty sure he's +ATK) - Lv. 23
5* Priscilla (+RES -HP) -Lv. 40
4* Eliwood (+DEF -SPD)  - Lv. 35
4* Xander (Neutral) - Lv. 1
3* Sully (+ATK -DEF) - Lv. 21 (I have 4 star versions of her with less ideal boons/banes)
4* Ursula (Neutral) -Lv. 27
4* Cecilia (+ATK -HP) - Lv. 33
3* Clarine (+RES -ATK) - Lv. 25
3* Stahl (+ATK -DEF and Neutral) - Lv. 21 and 1 respectively
3* Jagen (+DEF -HP) - Lv. 1 
3* Gunter (+DEF - HP)
3* Frederick (+HP -SPD) - Lv. 1

Right now, it looks like it's a matter of choosing between Ursula and Cecila as my magic unit and whether or not it's wise to bring a healer along. Priscilla has been a great one. Admittedly, I just haven't done much with the cavs, so now is a good time to experiment. How possible is extra super dirt cheap Horse Emblem? 

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@Rafiel's Aria It depends on how much you're willing to invest in terms of skill inheritance. 

If you slap Gronnblade onto Cecilia and/or Blarblade onto Ursula and have two units with Hone and Fortify cavalry, you're honestly set, even if they're all 4*. 

As a matter of fact, that's precisely the team I suggest: Blade Cecilia, Blade Ursula, Gunter, and Jagen. Just keep the buffs on the mages, and you should be able to melt just about everything. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Gronblade Cecilia is definitely doable, but I'm still holding out for another Odin before I give Ursula Barblade. I do have multiple copies of Gunter and Jagen (I just listed the ones with most ideal boons/banes since I have a few spares held out for SI). Do you think it's easier to just build the team around the mages rather than going for color balance? 

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Gronblade Cecilia is definitely doable, but I'm still holding out for another Odin before I give Ursula Barblade. I do have multiple copies of Gunter and Jagen (I just listed the ones with most ideal boons/banes since I have a few spares held out for SI). Do you think it's easier to just build the team around the mages rather than going for color balance? 


Cecilia melts anything that isn't red (and even some that are). *

Ursula melts anything that isn't green (and even some that are). *

Between the two of them, you already have every color covered. 

*This is assuming you're running -blade tomes on them and have Hone Cavalry and Fortify Cavalry buffs on them (or at least Hone)

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16 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


Cecilia melts anything that isn't red (and even some that are). *

Ursula melts anything that isn't green (and even some that are). *

Between the two of them, you already have every color covered. 

*This is assuming you're running -blade tomes on them and have Hone Cavalry and Fortify Cavalry buffs on them (or at least Hone)

Okay. I'll give that a shot then. I may try -raven Ursula since i have lots of extra Robins to throw around. I have some spare Roys for Triangle Adept, but I may hold off on that for a little bit. Since I'm hoping to 5* Xander eventually, I'll probably slap on a buff for him and maybe fill in the gap with Gunter or Jagen.

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

Okay. I'll give that a shot then. I may try -raven Ursula since i have lots of extra Robins to throw around. I have some spare Roys for Triangle Adept, but I may hold off on that for a little bit. Since I'm hoping to 5* Xander eventually, I'll probably slap on a buff for him and maybe fill in the gap with Gunter or Jagen.

I definitely recommend blade Ursula over raven Ursula, but who am I to stop you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, if you're going to 5* Xander and give him one of the buffs, I personally think he should get Hone Cavalry since he likes receiving the Fortify Cavalry buff more than the Hone Cavalry buff (though of course ideally he'd have both. That's possible long-term if you give either Cecilia or Ursula the Hone Cavalry skill). 

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