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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So I have a +Res/-HP Reinhardt that I want to give a breaker skill to. I was originally thinking Lancebreaker but the Res boom got me thinkig- would B Tomebreaker be beneficial for him at all?

or do Blue mages in general would survive his attacks anyway?

If you're running deathblow (and he's 5 stars), the only blue mages to survive his attacks without tomebreaker are Ursula, Mae, and Bride Caeda. With lancebreaker, he misses out on finishing off a few units like Catria and Bride Charlotte. The calculations look something like this:

Lancebreaker: 87 wins; 13 losses
B. Tomebreaker 83 wins; 10 losses

This is also disregarding any buffs that Reinhardt or his opponents might have.

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28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So I have a +Res/-HP Reinhardt that I want to give a breaker skill to. I was originally thinking Lancebreaker but the Res boom got me thinkig- would B Tomebreaker be beneficial for him at all?

or do Blue mages in general would survive his attacks anyway?

Without B Tomebreaker, neutral Reinhardt with Death Blow deals with all of them already save for Mae, Ursula, and Bride Caeda, who all KO him back. Even so, he leaves the three with less than 3 HP so a Spur or Hone would be enough to finish them. All +Res does for Reinhardt is survive Mae.

Lancebreaker is the popular option since it does much more for his matchup spread, especially since none of them can counter him back.

Ninja'd by Rafiel but idc

Edited by MrSmokestack
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Alright thanks! I guess it's more for survivability but I'll just go with Lancebreaker to ease the pressure off my -Def Hector. Hector can deal with at least one Blue Tome anyway.

For the record I just gave him Death Blow 2 from Ursula (and Threaten Res waiting to be learnt in the future when I don't use him with Xander).


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Alright thanks! I guess it's more for survivability but I'll just go with Lancebreaker to ease the pressure off my -Def Hector. Hector can deal with at least one Blue Tome anyway.

For the record I just gave him Death Blow 2 from Ursula (and Threaten Res waiting to be learnt in the future when I don't use him with Xander).


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58 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

+Spd misses the KO on Hector assuming you're running Ruby Sword+, but 33 before Fury is a very crowded Spd tier. If you're not going to need an emergency Hector check then +Spd should be fine.

Was planning on giving her Moonbow anyway, which apparently guarantees a ORKO against any unmerged/unbuffed/non-HP seal Hector. Running through all the maths and it seems +Spd is just the tiniest bit better, so I'll just hold off on doing anything until I get one.

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15 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Is there ANYbody who would really like to inherit Iote's Shield? I ask because I'm considering sacrificing my second Michalis to B Cordelia for Threaten Def, but I feel bad "wasting" an otherwise pretty exclusive skill. Aside from Michalis himself, I can only think of maybe Catria for being tanky and letting her shrug off arrows? I already know the consensus is it's kind of a "why bother" skill, but I want to double check before losing it. I'd try to just wait for a 4* Peri to rip Threaten Def off of, but I've been rolling almost nothing but blues (and of course colorless on this banner) for weeks and haven't seen another one, so I don't think I should hold my breath. I don't want to wait that long to deck out my waifu.

I could just not give her Threaten Def, but that def drop seems to net her quite a few more kills she would miss otherwise. My Cordelia is also +res/-def so it's also a bit for compensation for not being +atk.

Second question: Is there a help line for feather withdrawal? Because I'm gonna need it after spending 20k to 5* Klein for his Brave Bow and 20k on Hana for LaD 3, thus using all my feathers for skills instead of new 5* units, again. But I can't stop. Cordelia must become even more perfect!

If you want a Defensive Beruka with Renewal/Reciprocal Aid to act as a flying healer, Iote's Shield would prove useful. That's probably the only thing I think she'd do that isn't super outclassed by Michalis since she has better HP/Res.


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Why is Bride Cordelia hitting on me after I got her to level 40?  No, I'm not blushing, and I don't find you attractive, Cordelia. 

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Why is Bride Cordelia hitting on me after I got her to level 40?  No, I'm not blushing, and I don't find you attractive, Cordelia. 

Maybe she knows

I thought this was a kid's game?

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God Draug is so annoying when you're trying to do the Armor Quest. He does 0 damage, but has Lunge, 40 def, and Pavise, so I do like 5 damage to him a hit. (Partly the fault of Hector being the only 5* in my armor emblem team, but still.)

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Maybe she knows

I thought this was a kid's game?

She's not my type.  How did you find out about my younger days?

3 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

God Draug is so annoying when you're trying to do the Armor Quest. He does 0 damage, but has Lunge, 40 def, and Pavise, so I do like 5 damage to him a hit. (Partly the fault of Hector being the only 5* in my armor emblem team, but still.)

What I do, is only do the Armor Quest when there's a favorable type match-up, and do either Infantry, Cavalry, or Flyer otherwise, since they're all easier, instead of just trying to do them all one type at a time.

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Quick question- I need to clear units so I'm going to send my 4 star Fir for inheritance. Is there anyone who wants Glacies over Iceberg?

Otherwise, I'm thinking of passing her Speed +3 to either Olivia or Xander. Xander has Fury 1 but sometimes the HP loss annoys me while Olivia has a free A slot. Would it benefit Olivia more? (If no one wants Glacies- I have a Peri/Camille but maybe they want Iceberg?)

also i have no Fury 3 fodder in case anyone asks. maybe a Fury 2 if i upgrade Bartre but saving feathers for Camus

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What I do, is only do the Armor Quest when there's a favorable type match-up, and do either Infantry, Cavalry, or Flyer otherwise, since they're all easier, instead of just trying to do them all one type at a time.

That is what I do. What do you think would happen if I ran my team into a tenth with even a single mage? (They'd all die.)

Draug is 'annoying,' sure, but at least he's killable without losses.

Edit: Just realized this was the ask questions thread, my post was meant to be in general, derp.

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I frequent this topic more than any other probably, but a set of questions here.

1. Horse Emblem.


1. I have Horse Emblem, it's currently possible to have a fully buffed cavalry team with Camus available. These are my units.

*5 Cain, Xander, Frederick (+HP/-ATK)

*4 Abel, Jagen, Ursula, Gunter, Cecilia, Camus, Eliwood

My Horse Emblem team is currently Xander, Gunter, Jagen and Ursula. Ursula pretty much does all of the work if Xander can't act. There's no form of healing so when Fury 3/Vantage 3 Xander runs out of juice (No bonfire yet) I have to park him somewhere. If I'm up against Lances and Ursula can't hurt them I'm screwed so Gunter is garbage and Jagen is pretty horrible too, even against Red Swords. He tanks Mages but his Fury 2 whittles him down and without it even the red mages double him.

Gunter and Jagen need to be dumped and their Fortify/Hone Cavalry buffs need to be moved. But to who? Xander loves the buffs so I don't know if I should forgo putting one of them on him. Frederick could possibly take Gunter's Hone buff but he's also -ATK so he could use the boost. Camus will be 5 starred but he already has Goad so he's out. No Leo as of yet. Ward Cavalry is cool but I don't even know if Eliwood has a spot on the team with Xander there. Maybe Xander could eat him for his Ward Cavalry? Somebody help me out here. Some advice would be nice.

2. Bride Cordelia


So I got a +ATK/-HP B!Cordelia while gunning for Bride Lyn. Fine. So I grinded an extra 20 orbs and had another go, and I got ANOTHER B!Cordelia with the SAME BOON AND BANE. Now I have two of them. What should I do? I also have 2 Takumi's. Both are -DEF. One is +HP and the other +SPD. Should I merge my Brides with eachother?

Is there a unit that would love Rally ATK/SPD more than her, potentially for a Blade Emblem team or something like that or should I just merge them? Is there a point to having a Merged Takumi AND Merged B!Cordelia? When would I use one over the other? It's just a really odd situation to be in with so many decent colorless units and I really don't know what I should do. 2 Close Counters and 2 Rally ATK/SPDs. I could merge one or the other, but they compete with eachother either way as they can both be +1 and I don't know who I would or should give their buffs to. So... help?

3. Soren


This guy is currently my army's MVP. He does the brunt of the work in EVERY mission backed by Olivia's dancing and Lukas' Wall/Ignis'ing. He's +ATK/-RES and he's +1 which gave him a point in Speed and bolstered yet again by the +1 speed seal which happily sits on him. Bu as you can see he currently has no A or B skills. I don't really like Watersweep because my Soren is kind of speedy and can double things, plus the things he wants to attack without counter are the faster units so aside from occasional missions that require something a bit more unorthodox, he doesn't use it (plus I run a healer so he can really just take the hit.). He's never had an A skill also and currently I'm not sure what to give him as a special skill. Growing Wind comes in handy occasionally but it's usually overkill and a normal skill would better serve him.

So what should his build be if you have suggestions? And NO, I'm not running Fury 3/LaD3 and Desperation 3. That is a Nino build and when I get a +ATK or +SPD Nino that is the build I will run on her. I've decided from the beginning that Soren will not be a knockoff Nino and I'm standing by that. I want a unique bulid for him that differs from her. But I also want to make use of his unusual ATK and SPD. I've thought about something like Darting Blow or Speed 3 in the A slot but I don't know. GronnBlade+ is off the table probably as he's still just worse Nino with that. I really don't know what to give him as a B skill at this point. Most of the time it's Lukas that eats the ranged hits instead of Soren so I see it as mostly a waste.

Give me ideas if you can, tell me what's optimal too, but something that sets him apart from Nino WITHOUT Watersweep would be ideal.

4. Kagero has her normal build + Hone Speed 2 and Reciprocal Aid. Reciprocal Aid is virtually never used because if she takes a hit she dies. What's a better special and assist skill for her than R-Aid and Reprisal? I know Life and Death 3 and Desperation are her bread and butter so I'll wait on those but the assist and special are something I can change in the immediate.

5. F2P player... I've pulled on the Bride Banner twice and gotten two B!Cordelias and am still shooting for B!Lyn to replace Wrys as my healer. I can probably pull once or twice before the banner expires but it will deplete me and I'll probably have nothing for the next big thing, which could be a Dawn Brigade banner which probably means Edward, one of my favorite characters. I know these characters are limited though and this is probably my only chance to pull for her, possibly ever. Save or summon?

6. I've never outfitted a healer before... and Wrys is a keeper (I've never gotten a Trubadour ever) so what would you put in his A and C slots?

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@ZeoNaw. It's cool, bro. I ask a lot of questions too. I can't answer all of yours because I don't have the right experience. But I'll see what I can do. 

1.) For Horse Emblem, I would say keep Xander because distant counter rocks. I'd work on getting Camus to 4 stars because he'll give you a horse buff without inheritance and distant counter! Next, you need a good green unit. I saw work on Cecilia. See if you can get her Gronblade+ because she'll eat up those buffs and nuke everything. (At least that's what I've been told. Right now, Ursula does that with Barblade+ and it's LOVELY.) I'd say Ursula could also fill the last spot on your team. 

For buffs, I gave Xander Fortify Cavalry because he doesn't REALLY need the extra DEF. And I gave Hone Cavalry to both Peri and Titania who switch out. You could probably give both Cecilia and Ursula Hone Cavalry so they buff each other as well as Xander. I haven't used Ward Cavalry however, so I can't say much about it. And like I said, Camus comes with Goad, so you won't need to change that! 

Also, if you're really hurting for a "healer," Ardent Sacrifice isn't bad. If you have Desperation on Ursula, she can use Ardent Sacrifice to heal an ally and get herself down into Desperation range. 

5.) This may very well be your only chance to pull for Bride Lyn. This is a seasonal banner, so she may show up again next year or not at all, but these characters likely won't be added into the main pool. Consider how much you want her. You could always wait until they announce the next banner. That will give you about 24 hours to pull for her. It'll also give you about a week and a half to think about how much you want her. 

6.) I love making healer builds. :3 Is your Wrys the free one or a pulled one? If he's pulled, what's his boon/bane? Wrys gets kind of shafted in terms of stats. He's painfully slow with low ATK and meh defense. But his HP and RES are kind of ridiculous. Healers are really limited in terms of what they can inherit. You're left with the +3 skills and defiant skills mostly. I say play on his strengths. Give him RES+3. If he's +SPD, he may benefit a little bit from SPD+3, but honestly, he shouldn't be seeing battle. (I haven't run the calculations, so I may need to double check that.) For C skill, it really depends on what your team needs. You can't go wrong with Hone skills, but if your team already has enough of those, Fortify DEF isn't bad choice. However, I'm wary of Fortify because it means he needs to be closer to battle. Giving him a Threaten skill might be fun as well if you're into debuffs. 

As far as Wrys goes, his kit is great but his stats are not. As a healer, he gets the job done. He's also not a bad mage tank. I really like how his staff messes with SPD as well. But in combat, he's questionable. If I may ask, what other healers do you have? 

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Which one (if any) of 5⋆ [neutral] Michalis, 5⋆ [+Def, −HP] Catria, 4⋆ [neutral] Est is best suited for bearing 4⋆ Caeda’s Fortify Fliers?

The total team is the aforementioned three and 4⋆ [+Spd, −HP] Palla.

Michalis has QR2, Swap and Bonfire, Palla has Reposition, Est has a brave lance and Glacies, while everything else is vanilla.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

I frequent this topic more than any other probably, but a set of questions here.

1. Horse Emblem.

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1. I have Horse Emblem, it's currently possible to have a fully buffed cavalry team with Camus available. These are my units.

*5 Cain, Xander, Frederick (+HP/-ATK)

*4 Abel, Jagen, Ursula, Gunter, Cecilia, Camus, Eliwood

My Horse Emblem team is currently Xander, Gunter, Jagen and Ursula. Ursula pretty much does all of the work if Xander can't act. There's no form of healing so when Fury 3/Vantage 3 Xander runs out of juice (No bonfire yet) I have to park him somewhere. If I'm up against Lances and Ursula can't hurt them I'm screwed so Gunter is garbage and Jagen is pretty horrible too, even against Red Swords. He tanks Mages but his Fury 2 whittles him down and without it even the red mages double him.

Gunter and Jagen need to be dumped and their Fortify/Hone Cavalry buffs need to be moved. But to who? Xander loves the buffs so I don't know if I should forgo putting one of them on him. Frederick could possibly take Gunter's Hone buff but he's also -ATK so he could use the boost. Camus will be 5 starred but he already has Goad so he's out. No Leo as of yet. Ward Cavalry is cool but I don't even know if Eliwood has a spot on the team with Xander there. Maybe Xander could eat him for his Ward Cavalry? Somebody help me out here. Some advice would be nice.

2. Bride Cordelia

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So I got a +ATK/-HP B!Cordelia while gunning for Bride Lyn. Fine. So I grinded an extra 20 orbs and had another go, and I got ANOTHER B!Cordelia with the SAME BOON AND BANE. Now I have two of them. What should I do? I also have 2 Takumi's. Both are -DEF. One is +HP and the other +SPD. Should I merge my Brides with eachother?

Is there a unit that would love Rally ATK/SPD more than her, potentially for a Blade Emblem team or something like that or should I just merge them? Is there a point to having a Merged Takumi AND Merged B!Cordelia? When would I use one over the other? It's just a really odd situation to be in with so many decent colorless units and I really don't know what I should do. 2 Close Counters and 2 Rally ATK/SPDs. I could merge one or the other, but they compete with eachother either way as they can both be +1 and I don't know who I would or should give their buffs to. So... help?

3. Soren

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This guy is currently my army's MVP. He does the brunt of the work in EVERY mission backed by Olivia's dancing and Lukas' Wall/Ignis'ing. He's +ATK/-RES and he's +1 which gave him a point in Speed and bolstered yet again by the +1 speed seal which happily sits on him. Bu as you can see he currently has no A or B skills. I don't really like Watersweep because my Soren is kind of speedy and can double things, plus the things he wants to attack without counter are the faster units so aside from occasional missions that require something a bit more unorthodox, he doesn't use it (plus I run a healer so he can really just take the hit.). He's never had an A skill also and currently I'm not sure what to give him as a special skill. Growing Wind comes in handy occasionally but it's usually overkill and a normal skill would better serve him.

So what should his build be if you have suggestions? And NO, I'm not running Fury 3/LaD3 and Desperation 3. That is a Nino build and when I get a +ATK or +SPD Nino that is the build I will run on her. I've decided from the beginning that Soren will not be a knockoff Nino and I'm standing by that. I want a unique bulid for him that differs from her. But I also want to make use of his unusual ATK and SPD. I've thought about something like Darting Blow or Speed 3 in the A slot but I don't know. GronnBlade+ is off the table probably as he's still just worse Nino with that. I really don't know what to give him as a B skill at this point. Most of the time it's Lukas that eats the ranged hits instead of Soren so I see it as mostly a waste.

Give me ideas if you can, tell me what's optimal too, but something that sets him apart from Nino WITHOUT Watersweep would be ideal.

4. Kagero has her normal build + Hone Speed 2 and Reciprocal Aid. Reciprocal Aid is virtually never used because if she takes a hit she dies. What's a better special and assist skill for her than R-Aid and Reprisal? I know Life and Death 3 and Desperation are her bread and butter so I'll wait on those but the assist and special are something I can change in the immediate.

5. F2P player... I've pulled on the Bride Banner twice and gotten two B!Cordelias and am still shooting for B!Lyn to replace Wrys as my healer. I can probably pull once or twice before the banner expires but it will deplete me and I'll probably have nothing for the next big thing, which could be a Dawn Brigade banner which probably means Edward, one of my favorite characters. I know these characters are limited though and this is probably my only chance to pull for her, possibly ever. Save or summon?

6. I've never outfitted a healer before... and Wrys is a keeper (I've never gotten a Trubadour ever) so what would you put in his A and C slots?

1) I pretty much agree with Rafiel's Aria, Xander, Camus, Ursula and Cecelia should be a great team. If you can't get Gronblade for Cecilia, she can work pretty well with TA and raven as well.

2) Bride Cordelia has a much better offence spread then Takumi, especially if she's +atk. Get a brave bow and either death blow or Life and death on her and you have an incredible nuke. There's absolutly no reason to merge both her and Takumi, you should pick one (preferebly Cordelia, but her personal skill is pretty nice), and use the other for skill inheritance. Rally attack speed is a great skill, but there's no particular character who is best with it. You can give it to anyone, give them fortify defence and the fortify res seal, and they become the perfect buffbot. B!Cordelia could even do this herself, but every turn you're boosting someone, you're not nuking something with her. It could be nice for one of the askr trio, so they can be usefull as a bonus unit in the arena.

3) The only thing I can think of is a -raven + TA build. In mage land one usually becomes either a nuke (but pretty much any set you try is something Nino can do better if you go this route) or uses a raven build. Soren's defence is pretty bad, but fury gives him at least 20 defence, and TA will just hae to carry him from there. I know some people who didn't want to turn their Soren into a Nino light used a similar set, but I don't know whether it would work great for your nature. I figured I'd at least share it though.

I don't have much to add for the other questions, so I'll leave it at that.

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On ‎31‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 10:58 AM, Bartozio said:

I think the question has already been answered in part, but anyway:

Your Gordin has a great nature at least. He has the same attack as +atk Klein, so by giving him death blow and a breaker skill he can perform quite well as a nuke. Takumi and Jeorge can only get one more point of attack, so only B!Cordelia can run this a lot better (4 more points of attack if she's +atk, 1 more with neutral atk). The main thing that makes the other archers better is that they can run a quad hit built with Life and Death and desperation, something Gordin won't be able to do with his poor speed.

So in the end: if you want an archer who can kill flyers, squishies and almost all units of a certain weapon type, Gordin will do that well enough. If you want a life and death build who can quad hit a lot of enemies, wait for a better archer. Of course, B!Cordelia can run pretty much any offensive archer set better then any other archer, so if you're still trying for her, you might want to wait with building up Gordin for a bit.

Little update, saved enough orbs and summoned colorless again. No Cordelia, mostly healers BUT a +speed/-res Setsuna at 4*. Is she still worth building? I don't have many chances left for the bride banner so I'm thinking of just saving the orbs and start making a quadsuna. Unless Cordelia is really THAT much better. (keep in mind, If I would pull a cordelia it's probably a -atk or -spd one haha)

Edited by Chelone
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30 minutes ago, Chelone said:

Little update, saved enough orbs and summoned colorless again. No Cordelia, mostly healers BUT a +speed/-res Setsuna at 4*. Is she still worth building? I don't have many chances left for the bride banner so I'm thinking of just saving the orbs and start making a quadsuna. Unless Cordelia is really THAT much better. (keep in mind, If I would pull a cordelia it's probably a -atk or -spd one haha)

Assuming optimal skillsets for everyone:

  • A +Atk/-Spd Gordin has an optimal matchup spread of 100 wins · 8 losses · 26 draws
  • A +Spd/-Res Setsuna has an optimal matchup spread of 108 wins · 7 losses · 19 draws (with Desperation active)
  • A +Atk/-Res Cordelia has an optimal matchup spread of 126 wins · 2 losses · 6 draws (with Desperation active)

Hell, if you pulled a neutral Cordelia, she still has a spread of 117 wins · 3 losses · 14 draws (with Desperation active)

Even a neutral Bride Cordelia is better than an optimal Gordin or Setsuna. 

Yes, she is that much better. 

*The sets I used are:



  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Assist: Flexible (positioning skill of your choice like Reposition or Draw Back)
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Death Blow
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker
  • C-slot: Flexible (Threaten Def or a Hone/Fortify/Spur)
  • S-slot: Atk +1


  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Assist: Flexible (either a positioning skill or Ardent Sacrifice to get into Desperation range)
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Flexible (Threaten Def or a Hone/Fortify/Spur)
  • S-slot: Atk +1


  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Assist: Flexible (either a positioning assist or Ardent Sacrifice)
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Flexible (Threaten Def or a Hone/Fortify/Spur)
  • S-slot: Atk +1

These sets are what I consider to be the best sets for each unit, but if someone else finds a better one let me know!


Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Wow! Thanks! I might still try, but I might only have 4 or 5 summons left. Already have Lyn so I hope i wont get her double. Else i'll use the setsuna build.

a few days ago I didnt have ANY decent archers so with Gordin and Setsuna its a step up at least. even if I dont get her I'll have something decent.  (a good archer is what I still needed for my 5* collection.)

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2 minutes ago, Chelone said:


Wow! Thanks! I might still try, but I might only have 4 or 5 summons left. Already have Lyn so I hope i wont get her double. Else i'll use the setsuna build.

a few days ago I didnt have ANY decent archers so with Gordin and Setsuna its a step up at least. even if I dont get her I'll have something decent.  (a good archer is what I still needed for my 5* collection.)

Good luck! I was forced to give up on Cordelia since I'm completely out of orbs now, but I wish you luck!

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36 minutes ago, Chelone said:

Wow! Thanks! I might still try, but I might only have 4 or 5 summons left. Already have Lyn so I hope i wont get her double. Else i'll use the setsuna build.

a few days ago I didnt have ANY decent archers so with Gordin and Setsuna its a step up at least. even if I dont get her I'll have something decent.  (a good archer is what I still needed for my 5* collection.)

Glad to hear you got a better archer. Setsuna and Gordin are both pretty good archers, even if there are better ones about. Since Amphy already answered your question, I'm just going to say good luck hunting for Cordelia and building up an archer (whoever it might end up being).

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Assuming optimal skillsets for everyone:

  • A +Atk/-Spd Gordin has an optimal matchup spread of 100 wins · 8 losses · 26 draws
  • A +Spd/-Res Setsuna has an optimal matchup spread of 108 wins · 7 losses · 19 draws (with Desperation active)
  • A +Atk/-Res Cordelia has an optimal matchup spread of 126 wins · 2 losses · 6 draws (with Desperation active)

Hell, if you pulled a neutral Cordelia, she still has a spread of 117 wins · 3 losses · 14 draws (with Desperation active)

Even a neutral Bride Cordelia is better than an optimal Gordin or Setsuna. 

Yes, she is that much better. 

*The sets I used are:

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  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Assist: Flexible (positioning skill of your choice like Reposition or Draw Back)
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Death Blow
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker
  • C-slot: Flexible (Threaten Def or a Hone/Fortify/Spur)
  • S-slot: Atk +1


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  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Assist: Flexible (either a positioning assist or Ardent Sacrifice)
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation
  • C-slot: Flexible (Threaten Def or a Hone/Fortify/Spur)
  • S-slot: Atk +1

These sets are what I consider to be the best sets for each unit, but if someone else finds a better one let me know!


Could Draconic Aura be interchangeable with Luna for bride Cordelia? Also, considering that without a special, +Atk, -Res bride Cordelia still gets 123 wins, 2 losses, and 9 draws or 124 wins, 2 losses, and 9 draws with Desperation active which is even better than what Gordin, Setsuna, Virion, and the used to be best archers Jeorge, Klein, and Takumi can manage by around +10 wins, you could just slap on Dragon Fang or even Aether for a larger damage boost to go against tougher units.

If Dragon Fang activates, she gets 134 wins, 0 losses, and 0 draws while Aether gets 132 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw.

If everyone has Fury 3, bride Cordelia without a special only drops to the others' results against everyone without Fury 3; she sits at 106 wins, 4 losses, and 24 draws when Desperation is not active and 107 wins, 7 losses, and 20 draws when it's active. If Dragon Fang activates in this scenario, she gets 133 wins, 0 losses, and 1 draw regardless if Desperation is active or not.

Running the same setup of Brave Bow+, L&D3, Desperation, Luna, and an Attack +1 seal, +Atk, -Def Takumi can only manage 92 wins, 2 losses, and 40 draws when Desperation isn't active and 93 wins, 7 losses, and 34 draws when it is active.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Could Draconic Aura be interchangeable with Luna for bride Cordelia? Also, considering that without a special, +Atk, -Res bride Cordelia still gets 123 wins, 2 losses, and 9 draws or 124 wins, 2 losses, and 9 draws with Desperation active which is even better than what Gordin, Setsuna, Virion, and the used to be best archers Jeorge, Klein, and Takumi can manage by around +10 wins, you could just slap on Dragon Fang or even Aether.

If Dragon Fang activates, she gets 134 wins, 0 losses, and 0 draws while Aether gets 132 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw.

If everyone has Fury 3, bride Cordelia without a special only drops to the others' results against everyone without Fury 3; she sits at 106 wins, 4 losses, and 24 draws when Desperation is not active and 107 wins, 7 losses, and 20 draws when it's active. If Dragon Fang activates, she gets 133 wins, 0 losses, and 1 draw regardless if Desperation is active or not.

Running the same setup of Brave Bow+, L&D3, Desperation, and Luna, +Atk, -Def Takumi can only manage 92 wins, 2 losses, and 40 draws when Desperation is active and 93 wins, 7 losses, and 34 draws with Desperation active.

Draconic Aura is fine, yes. Luna only edges out DA ever so slightly, but I would give it an even bigger leg up if you consider opponents with Fury or higher merge levels. She does really well either way though, and it's not like you're soloing the enemy team with her. Those handful of units she can't ORKO can be dealt with using another of your four units (or by just dancing her). 

I personally don't like high cd specials, even on Brave units, but if you wanted to go Dragon Fang, go for it. 

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17 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Draconic Aura is fine, yes. Luna only edges out DA ever so slightly, but I would give it an even bigger leg up if you consider opponents with Fury or higher merge levels. She does really well either way though, and it's not like you're soloing the enemy team with her. Those handful of units she can't ORKO can be dealt with using another of your four units (or by just dancing her).

Draconic Aura having fixed damage and bride Cordelia having the attack, especially if she's +Atk, compared to the other archers just seems more reliable than Luna for me. You pretty much will always know that she will do 15 damage, if +Atk, without attack buffs.

Without an Attack seal, Luna does better against everyone with Fury. With DA, she gets 105 wins, 5 losses, and 24 draws when Desperation is not active and 107 wins, 8 losses, and 19 draws when it is. With Luna, it's 107 wins, 5 losses, and 22 draws and 109 wins, 8 losses, and 17 draws, respectively.

But with an Attack seal, she gets the same results of 109 wins, 4 losses, and 21 draws when Desperation is not active and 111 wins, 7 losses, and 16 draws when Desperation is active. Even if she didn't have an Attack seal, having someone with Hone or Spur Attack could put her up there.

And yeah, while coverage is great, you could use the other units you have on your team.

17 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I personally don't like high cd specials, even on Brave units, but if you wanted to go Dragon Fang, go for it. 

Considering she normally KOs most of the cast with Fury 3 and DA and Luna only add at most, 8 wins -- without an Attack seal or special, she only gets 101 wins, 5 losses, and 28 draws -- while Dragon Fang adds in 32 wins with or without an Attack seal, DF seems worth it in my opinion or at least should be considered.

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