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I'm so conflicted over whether to 5* Valter or not.


I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues.  I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues.


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3 minutes ago, ruruo said:

I'm so conflicted over whether to 5* Valter or not.

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I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues.  I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues. I don't need any more blues.


You can never have too many blueses, yes yes yes!

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11 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

She'd only have 36 speed with LaD, which isn't to much. It might be more worthwhile to go with Fury to give her an easier time against Reinhardt, or DB for more damage.

I would go with Fury over Death Blow. The unit has to be really, really slow for Death Blow to out damage Life and Death and Fury. Speed crucial for mages to double since Brave tomes are currently locked to Reinhardt and Olwen.

Edited by XRay
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25 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

She'd only have 36 speed with LaD, which isn't to much. It might be more worthwhile to go with Fury to give her an easier time against Reinhardt, or DB for more damage.


15 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would go with Fury over Death Blow. The unit has to be really, really slow for Death Blow to out damage Life and Death and Fury. Speed crucial for mages to double since Brave tomes are currently locked to Reinhardt and Olwen.

Alright, I'll see how Fury works out for her. As far as her B passive goes, I'm leaning towards either Lancebreaker or B Tomebreaker. Is one particularly better than the other or should I consider something else entirely?

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Alright, I'll see how Fury works out for her. As far as her B passive goes, I'm leaning towards either Lancebreaker or B Tomebreaker. Is one particularly better than the other or should I consider something else entirely?

For the most kills, you would want some kind of Breaker. I do not think a Breaker against blues is necessary since she kills almost every one of them with an Eirika buff. Axebreaker and Bowbreaker will give her 1 and 2 extra kills respectively. I am not sure if Breakers are worth it since they do not drastically increase your kill count.

You can try Vantage or Desperation, but I am not sure if Desperation will activate too often.

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Need some help deciding who to five star. I'd have the following options:

1.) Nino (+Spd -Def): I'd merge my old + Atk LaD2 Nino into her and give her Fury 3 ,which i heard is the optimal build for her.

2.) Cecilia (+Atk -Def): Or i could feed my only Nino to Cecilia and promote the other one later. Cecilia would run Fury and G-Tomebreaker together with Gronnblade+. I've been in need for a green cavalry for a long time since my Titania is -Spd. Shed be a oneshotting horse mage. OR is LaD3 +Spd better?

3.) Legion, Anna: I have to get rid of a bad IV Raven. And I need more greens for Arena Asault. They'll have to make due with Fury though, since I dont have acces to LaD fodder.

4.) Palla (+Spd -Hp): For my Flier team. Cherche can deal with most greens just fine but i still think I need a red unit on the team. She'd probably run Slaying Edge, Luna, Fury, Swordbreaker. I don't have a Wo Dao or Brave Sword but Slaying Edge works too, i guess.

5.) Save feathers for later I don't think I have the self control for saving.



Oh, and another question. About Sabers Shield Pulse: Does it work with Miracle? I thought it doesnt but I've just seen a Amelia with Shield Pulse and Miracle in my Arena Assault rating and was just wondering if it acctually works.

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On 8/22/2017 at 2:57 PM, XRay said:

For the most kills, you would want some kind of Breaker. I do not think a Breaker against blues is necessary since she kills almost every one of them with an Eirika buff. Axebreaker and Bowbreaker will give her 1 and 2 extra kills respectively. I am not sure if Breakers are worth it since they do not drastically increase your kill count.

You can try Vantage or Desperation, but I am not sure if Desperation will activate too often.

I do have a spare 4* Lon'qu that's just been hanging around for a while so I suppose I'll see how Vantage goes. Lord knows I probably won't ever put that Lon'qu to use otherwise.

Edited by Tybrosion
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4 minutes ago, Nathair said:

Need some help deciding who to five star. I'd have the following options:

1.) Nino (+Spd -Def): I'd merge my old + Atk LaD2 Nino into her and give her Fury 3 ,which i heard is the optimal build for her.

2.) Cecilia (+Atk -Def): Or i could feed my only Nino to Cecilia and promote the other one later. Cecilia would run Fury and G-Tomebreaker together with Gronnblade+. I've been in need for a green cavalry for a long time since my Titania is -Spd. Shed be a oneshotting horse mage. OR is LaD3 +Spd better?

3.) Legion, Anna: I have to get rid of a bad IV Raven. And I need more greens for Arena Asault. They'll have to make due with Fury though, since I dont have acces to LaD fodder.

4.) Palla (+Spd -Hp): For my Flier team. Cherche can deal with most greens just fine but i still think I need a red unit on the team. She'd probably run Slaying Edge, Luna, Fury, Swordbreaker. I don't have a Wo Dao or Brave Sword but Slaying Edge works too, i guess.

5.) Save feathers for later I don't think I have the self control for saving.



Oh, and another question. About Sabers Shield Pulse: Does it work with Miracle? I thought it doesnt but I've just seen a Amelia with Shield Pulse and Miracle in my Arena Assault rating and was just wondering if it acctually works.

I like Palla and she is a fixed member of my flier team, but my most of the time MVP is +SPD Nino with fury and desperation. I use her in arena and she was great in TT1 & TT2. With a dancer she kills usually more than half of my opponents. 

Cecilia is great with blade tome and cav buffs, but I encountered few occasions where she really missed her 5* promotion. 

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13 minutes ago, Nathair said:

Need some help deciding who to five star. I'd have the following options:

1.) Nino (+Spd -Def): I'd merge my old + Atk LaD2 Nino into her and give her Fury 3 ,which i heard is the optimal build for her.

2.) Cecilia (+Atk -Def): Or i could feed my only Nino to Cecilia and promote the other one later. Cecilia would run Fury and G-Tomebreaker together with Gronnblade+. I've been in need for a green cavalry for a long time since my Titania is -Spd. Shed be a oneshotting horse mage. OR is LaD3 +Spd better?

3.) Legion, Anna: I have to get rid of a bad IV Raven. And I need more greens for Arena Asault. They'll have to make due with Fury though, since I dont have acces to LaD fodder.

4.) Palla (+Spd -Hp): For my Flier team. Cherche can deal with most greens just fine but i still think I need a red unit on the team. She'd probably run Slaying Edge, Luna, Fury, Swordbreaker. I don't have a Wo Dao or Brave Sword but Slaying Edge works too, i guess.

5.) Save feathers for later I don't think I have the self control for saving.

Oh, and another question. About Sabers Shield Pulse: Does it work with Miracle? I thought it doesnt but I've just seen a Amelia with Shield Pulse and Miracle in my Arena Assault rating and was just wondering if it acctually works.

I would go with Nino. I personally prefer Life and Death for the higher kill count, but Fury should be fine.

6 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Does Blarraven + Triangle Adept on Summer Corrin work against Archers?

Corrin will deal an extra 40% damage, and I believe Archers will deal an extra 10% damage.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Corrin will deal an extra 40% damage, and I believe Archers will deal an extra 10% damage.

The archers would deal 90% of their normal damage on Corrin instead of 150%. Without Triangle Adept, it'd be 120%.

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Just now, Johann said:

The archers would deal 90% of their normal damage on Corrin instead of 150%. Without Triangle Adept, it'd be 120%.

I thought archers have a 50% bonus damage against fliers, and Raven and Triangle Adept would reduce it by 40%, so there is a net 10% increase.

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Barst is a weird one, his offenses are comparable to Raven's but his bulk and HP are far superior which makes me wonder what I should do with him. I already promoted Anna who will kind of be like a Brave Axe user who teleports (especially if she has LnD2). I kind of want to give her Fury instead of LnD because the health decrease will get her into Escape Route range without worrying about having to take a hit, Fury also allows her to tank Reinhardt, something LnD takes away...

But anyways back to Barst. I'm wondering if I should sacrifice his bulk in order to boost offense... I don't really need two of the same unit so I kind of want to make him different from Anna, but maybe two Brave Axe+ teleporters would be cool. Thing is... I'm not sure what to do with him. Let's go ahead and look at my axe units.

  • +SPD/-HP Barst (*3)
  • Anna (*5)
  • Cherche (*5)
  • Frederick (+ATK/-HP) (*3)
  • Beruka (+DEF/-HP)
  • Michalis
  • Camilla (+ATK/-RES)

The 3 fliers are on the back-burner. Anna will probably run a Fury/Desp build. Cherche is the standard BA+/DB3/Drag Back build. Frederick will likely go DB3 and keep his WoM3 to be a teleporting nightmare (or have something gimmicky like Guard, preventing people from killing him on the counter with procs like Moonbow or Luna). But then there's the question of Barst and Legion. Legion wants a Brave Axe+ and Barst has that, but his stats are decent and his nature is good so he can actually use the Brave Axe+ fine (for 20k feathers cheaper!). 

Then there's the question of where to go with him... Luna is a good pick for his proc so no worries there. Then there's the question of skill, Death Blow is a better choice for slower units like Fred and Cherche so he'll likely use Fury 3 or LnD3 but I'm not sure which way to go. LnD2/3 gives him better offenses and solid speeds, but Fury 3 increases overall bulk along with attack power. Fury gives him a respectable 33/20 defense with 33 speed which is really nice, but LnD2/3 cripples him down to 26/13 - 25/12 for only 1 to 2 points more in offense. This obviously is a gamechanger though if he's using the Brave Axe.

+ATK gives him a few more outright kills but the +SPD is better for surviving and not being doubled (34/35 >>> 31/32). Anna is running Fury/Desp so I'll probably rock LnD2 (Eventually 3) but I'm not sure. Even then there's the question of a B-Skill. Escape Route 3 seems fun but it basically just turns him into a better Anna and a variation of Frederick. Desperation isn't worth it because he probably wants to kill the enemies on the first two hits. Axebreaker nets him a few extra kills but his lack of bulk hurts that skill. +SPD Barst lacks the Attack power to make Vantage worth it, then there's Renewal which is just... eh on him. Escape Route seems like the best choice but then there's a question of Variety. I don't really want to give Barst a Silver/Slaying Axe. Even at 35-40 Speed it feels wasted on him and it's a big investment for something I'm already getting with Anna.

Then there's Legion who I also hear wants a Brave Axe+, but that just makes him a better Barst/Anna. I like the idea of his Axe but I do kind of want a different one for him as well but the idea of having a bunch of the same unit is annoying so I kind of want to do something different with him. Not sure what though...

tl;dr. Brave Axe Cherche and Frederick are things. Fury/Desperation Anna is a thing, what should I do with Legion and a +SPD/-HP Barst that doesn't either make them borderline the same unit or just redundant altogether?


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25 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Barst is a weird one, his offenses are comparable to Raven's but his bulk and HP are far superior which makes me wonder what I should do with him. I already promoted Anna who will kind of be like a Brave Axe user who teleports (especially if she has LnD2). I kind of want to give her Fury instead of LnD because the health decrease will get her into Escape Route range without worrying about having to take a hit, Fury also allows her to tank Reinhardt, something LnD takes away...

But anyways back to Barst. I'm wondering if I should sacrifice his bulk in order to boost offense... I don't really need two of the same unit so I kind of want to make him different from Anna, but maybe two Brave Axe+ teleporters would be cool. Thing is... I'm not sure what to do with him. Let's go ahead and look at my axe units.

  • +SPD/-HP Barst (*3)
  • Anna (*5)
  • Cherche (*5)
  • Frederick (+ATK/-HP) (*3)
  • Beruka (+DEF/-HP)
  • Michalis
  • Camilla (+ATK/-RES)

The 3 fliers are on the back-burner. Anna will probably run a Fury/Desp build. Cherche is the standard BA+/DB3/Drag Back build. Frederick will likely go DB3 and keep his WoM3 to be a teleporting nightmare (or have something gimmicky like Guard, preventing people from killing him on the counter with procs like Moonbow or Luna). But then there's the question of Barst and Legion. Legion wants a Brave Axe+ and Barst has that, but his stats are decent and his nature is good so he can actually use the Brave Axe+ fine (for 20k feathers cheaper!). 

Then there's the question of where to go with him... Luna is a good pick for his proc so no worries there. Then there's the question of skill, Death Blow is a better choice for slower units like Fred and Cherche so he'll likely use Fury 3 or LnD3 but I'm not sure which way to go. LnD2/3 gives him better offenses and solid speeds, but Fury 3 increases overall bulk along with attack power. Fury gives him a respectable 33/20 defense with 33 speed which is really nice, but LnD2/3 cripples him down to 26/13 - 25/12 for only 1 to 2 points more in offense. This obviously is a gamechanger though if he's using the Brave Axe.

+ATK gives him a few more outright kills but the +SPD is better for surviving and not being doubled (34/35 >>> 31/32). Anna is running Fury/Desp so I'll probably rock LnD2 (Eventually 3) but I'm not sure. Even then there's the question of a B-Skill. Escape Route 3 seems fun but it basically just turns him into a better Anna and a variation of Frederick. Desperation isn't worth it because he probably wants to kill the enemies on the first two hits. Axebreaker nets him a few extra kills but his lack of bulk hurts that skill. +SPD Barst lacks the Attack power to make Vantage worth it, then there's Renewal which is just... eh on him. Escape Route seems like the best choice but then there's a question of Variety. I don't really want to give Barst a Silver/Slaying Axe. Even at 35-40 Speed it feels wasted on him and it's a big investment for something I'm already getting with Anna.

Then there's Legion who I also hear wants a Brave Axe+, but that just makes him a better Barst/Anna. I like the idea of his Axe but I do kind of want a different one for him as well but the idea of having a bunch of the same unit is annoying so I kind of want to do something different with him. Not sure what though...

tl;dr. Brave Axe Cherche and Frederick are things. Fury/Desperation Anna is a thing, what should I do with Legion and a +SPD/-HP Barst that doesn't either make them borderline the same unit or just redundant altogether?

I personally like redundant units so I can use the same overpowered tactics over and over.  Variety may be nice for Grand Hero Battles, but outside of that, I find hyper offensive builds easier to use, so having more of those makes Squad Assault and Arena Assault easier.

For variety, Legion can run Windsweep and Barst can learn Escutcheon, Close Defense/Fury, and Drag Back so he can be a pirate and kidnap people. I personally would not use those skills, but you might find them fun or helpful.

Edited by XRay
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34 minutes ago, XRay said:

I thought archers have a 50% bonus damage against fliers, and Raven and Triangle Adept would reduce it by 40%, so there is a net 10% increase.

Yep, but it's multiplicative, not additive. To be more specific, it applies the TA calculations to Atk first, and then multiplies the result by 1.5, so it's not an exact % every time depending on how much Atk that unit has (ie: 40 Atk vs 44 Atk).

8 minutes ago, XRay said:

I personally like redundant units so I can use the same overpowered tactics over and over.  Variety may be nice for Grand Hero Battles, but outside of that, I find hyper offensive builds easier to use, so having more of those makes Squad Assault and Arena Assault easier.

I've strongly considered making a 4*+10 Gunter with Brave Axe+ just to be an "extra Frederick".

Edited by Johann
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36 minutes ago, XRay said:

I thought archers have a 50% bonus damage against fliers, and Raven and Triangle Adept would reduce it by 40%, so there is a net 10% increase.

Effective damage and weapon triangle affinity are multiplicative with each other.

Multiply by 0.5, round down, add to what you had before. Multiply by 0.4, round down, subtract from what you had before.

40 Atk becomes 60 after effective damage (40 × 0.5 = 20, 40 + 20 = 60), then 36 after weapon triangle disadvantage (60 × 0.4 = 24, 60 − 24 = 36).

55 Atk becomes 82 after effective damage (55 × 0.5 = 27.5, 55 + 27 = 82), then 50 after weapon triangle disadvantage (82 × 0.5 = 32.8, 82 − 32 = 50).

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I personally like redundant units so I can use the same overpowered tactics over and over.  Variety may be nice for Grand Hero Battles, but outside of that, I find hyper offensive builds easier to use, so having more of those makes Squad Assault and Arena Assault easier.

For variety, Legion can run Windsweep and Barst can learn Escutcheon and Drag Back so he can be a pirate and kidnap people. I personally would not use those skills, but you might find them fun or helpful.

Windsweep on Legion is an interesting idea, but he needs Brave Axe+ to get the best out of that which takes speed (and usage of the skill) down. Escutcheon on Barst seems unnecessary because he's so bulky already but it's an interesting Idea, he lacks Hana's ATK and SPD so he kind of wants an offensive special though, plus Cherche already uses Drag Back and Frederick would probably use it better than Barst because of his 3 Mov (but he already has WoM).

Yeah I know, I'm picky. Barst will keep his Brave Axe+, that's all that's certain. I don't know what I'm going to do with Legion. I may just turn Barst into another Anna though. His offenses are pretty great and being able to teleport into Strike > Luna whenever you want is pretty fantastic and he can do it better than her. Escape Route Barst might be the way to go. Then I'll just have a Teleporting Desp Anna, Teleporting Brave Barst and Teleporting Brave Frederick to go along with my Brave Cherche.

No idea what I'll do with Legion at that point. I have Beruka and Michalis if I want Enemy Phase Axes. Hector could show up at some point too.

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16 minutes ago, Johann said:

Yep, but it's multiplicative, not additive. To be more specific, it applies the TA calculations to Atk first, and then multiplies the result by 1.5, so it's not an exact % every time depending on how much Atk that unit has (ie: 40 Atk vs 44 Atk).

I've strongly considered making a 4*+10 Gunter with Brave Axe+ just to be an "extra Frederick".

That is exactly what I did. He is not amazing, but he works well enough as a filler.

16 minutes ago, Johann said:

Yep, but it's multiplicative, not additive. To be more specific, it applies the TA calculations to Atk first, and then multiplies the result by 1.5, so it's not an exact % every time depending on how much Atk that unit has (ie: 40 Atk vs 44 Atk).

7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Effective damage and weapon triangle affinity are multiplicative with each other.

Multiply by 0.5, round down, add to what you had before. Multiply by 0.4, round down, subtract from what you had before.

40 Atk becomes 60 after effective damage (40 × 0.5 = 20, 40 + 20 = 60), then 36 after weapon triangle disadvantage (60 × 0.4 = 24, 60 − 24 = 36).

55 Atk becomes 82 after effective damage (55 × 0.5 = 27.5, 55 + 27 = 82), then 50 after weapon triangle disadvantage (82 × 0.5 = 32.8, 82 − 32 = 50).

Ah, okay. That means Raven and Triangle Adept is better than Raven and Iote's Shield right? Raven and Iote's Shield will reduce incoming damage down to 80%, but Raven and Triangle Adept also gives 40% to attack.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That is exactly what I did. He is not amazing, but he works well enough as a filler.

What nature? I'm thinking +Atk, -HP, and give him Fury, which is what my 5*+1 Frederick has. With all those merges, he should end up very comparable.

1 minute ago, XRay said:

Ah, okay. That means Raven and Triangle Adept is better than Raven and Iote's Shield right? Iote's Shield will reduce incoming damage down to 80%, but Triangle Adept also gives 40% to attack.

Basically yeah. Incidentally, I have seen this done with Spring Camilla since she has respectable defense (which, in my opinion, generally makes for a better Raven tome build).

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Just now, XRay said:

Ah, okay. That means Raven and Triangle Adept is better than Raven and Iote's Shield right? Iote's Shield will reduce incoming damage down to 80%, but Triangle Adept also gives 40% to attack.

Yes. When you are at weapon triangle advantage against opponents without Cancel Affinity, Triangle Adept is always better than effective damage negation.

Triangle Adept is worse when you are

  • at weapon triangle disadvantage,
  • at neutral weapon triangle against opponents with effective weapons, and
  • at weapon triangle advantage against opponents with Cancel Affinity.
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13 minutes ago, Johann said:

What nature? I'm thinking +Atk, -HP, and give him Fury, which is what my 5*+1 Frederick has. With all those merges, he should end up very comparable.

Mine is +Atk and -HP. He gets the job done, but he is not very impressive outside of killing blues. I have only merged him once for Skill Inheritance, but I have not merged him any more since I need his Hone Cavalry.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

Mine is +Atk and -HP. He gets the job done, but he is not very impressive outside of killing blues. I have only merged him once for Skill Inheritance, but I have not merged him any more since I need his Hone Cavalry.

Ah, well comparing his 4*+10 stats with Frederick's, I'd end up with a low investment (minus the axe) copy of Frederick. Key differences are -2 Atk, -1 Def, +6 Res, and Frederick has significantly greater long term potential. I'll probably wait til I have 11 Gunters before I get serious about it though. For what it's worth, Frederick is an absolute murder machine as is, even without cavalry buffs.

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23 minutes ago, Johann said:

Ah, well comparing his 4*+10 stats with Frederick's, I'd end up with a low investment (minus the axe) copy of Frederick. Key differences are -2 Atk, -1 Def, +6 Res, and Frederick has significantly greater long term potential. I'll probably wait til I have 11 Gunters before I get serious about it though. For what it's worth, Frederick is an absolute murder machine as is, even without cavalry buffs.

Yeah, Frederick is far better, so I am not too big on investing in Gunter.

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