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30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Feel free to post screenshots or a list of your 5-star and 4-star characters. That way, we can all take a look and make suggestions. That's what this thread is for.

Thank you! Here are my 4 and 5* units.











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2 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Thank you! Here are my 4 and 5* units.

Your 5-star selection is pretty solid. If you haven't already gotten all of them to level 40, that should probably be your first priority.

Among your 4-star units, Tiki, Klein, Nino, and Cecilia should be your top priorities because they have the best performance off of very little investment since none of them need a new weapon (Tiki wants Fury and Quick Riposte, Klein wants Luna, Nino wants Fury or Life and Death, Cecilia wants Triangle Adept and Hone Cavalry or one of the various Gronnblade-based sets).

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11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

@mcsilas You're limiting yourself to player-phase builds again. Gunter can run an enemy-phase Killer Axe/Slaying Axe build. +Atk Gunter is pretty much -Def Frederick, and +Def Gunter is -Atk Frederick.

That said, I'd probably still go with +Atk.

I prefer Player Phase units for Arena defense, since the AI is better at rushing players. I never had trouble with non-loli Enemy Phase units, so I do not feel comfortable recommending those builds. I never had trouble with melee Player Phase units either, but they have a better chance of killing one of my units if I messed up.

19 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also kagerochart doesn't seem to be updated anymore, what battle simulators can I use out there? I like the ease of use for Kagerochart's, and I know there's the Mass duel simulator but I find that a bit tricky to use interface-wise when I only want to look for specific enemy matchups. Any other sites?

I forgot to answer this part. I primarily use arcticsilverfox's calculator; it is based off of andu2's calculator. I think those are the two best up-to-date calculators so far. Gamepress has a calculator too, but it does not seem to work on my computer, but you can try it out if it works for you.

9 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Thank you! Here are my 4 and 5* units.











I would expand your barracks as soon as possible. In my opinion, it is generally better to horde as much fodder as possible. If you just send your extra units home, it is a waste of Orbs in my opinion since skill fodder is worth way more than 150/300 Hero Feathers. It is also pretty cheap to upgrade your Barracks, with 1 Orb for 5 additional spaces. I think of it as an insurance policy that can protect a investment portfolio worth 20 to 25 Orbs for each Orb spent.

If you need to save space, you can safely merge all your 4* healers to 4*+10 since they have practically no skill inheritance value for non staff units. 4* Boey, Gaius, Est, Lukas, Oboro, Mae, Raigh, Saizo, and Virion have little to no inheritance value, so you can merge them to 4*+10 too. You may still want to keep a few of these around for their niche skills and non maxed skills, so you can try fun builds and save more valuable fodder.

— — — — — — —

I would prioritize investing in your Dancers/Singers, offensive ranged units, and Distant Counter units. They are easy to use and will help you get more resources from Arena and Arena Assault. I would also invest in an armor team for Arena Assault Team 1, since they can get you are higher score.

If you have not done so already, I would level up Azura, Ninian, Olivia, Genny, and Gray first for your Training Tower team, it will help you level up the rest of your characters much quicker. A Training Tower team generally has 1 healer, 2 Dancers/Singers, and a trainee. You can also swap out one of the Dancers/Singers with a Valor unit (Gray in your case) to increase SP gain. You might also want to unequip Genny's Wrathful Staff for the lower Stratums so she can help feed the trainee kills.

Edited by XRay
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2 hours ago, XRay said:

I prefer Player Phase units for Arena defense, since the AI is better at rushing players. I never had trouble with non-loli Enemy Phase units, so I do not feel comfortable recommending those builds. I never had trouble with melee Player Phase units either, but they have a better chance of killing one of my units if I messed up.

I see the situation as "because the AI is better at rushing players, it's easy to make them rush headlong into the unit I want them to run into". But I'm pretty sure we both know each other's stances by now.

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So with the new weapon refiments out, I planned on giving Chrom one on my second account, but I’m struggling to decide which one to go for. The choice is either the “Spectrum Bond” refinement, or simply the Defence one. For reference, he is running a Steady Breath QR Ignis set. The +4 to all stats sounds real nice but he has to be adjacent to an ally for it to work, so I don’t know if the permanemt +4 Def would be too safe or not.

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6 hours ago, XRay said:

4* Boey, Gaius, Est, Lukas, Oboro, Mae, Raigh, Saizo, and Virion have little to no inheritance value, so you can merge them to 4*+10 too.

Boey gives Ignis (and Earth boost, which is a budged skill for physical tanks of lower priority) and I need an Virion every time I give someone Galeforce (to also pass TA3 and/or Brave+ from Cordelia). 

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So I'm really excited about Raven's new axe and finally getting around to building him properly. He'll be +1 with +SPD -DEF, and I'm torn between the following A-slots: LaD, Swift Sparrow and Fury. What would be best? In case it matters, he's going to be running Desperation in B and either Draconic Aura or Moonbow depending on whether or not I'm running him alongside an Infantry Pulse carrier.

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8 hours ago, XRay said:

I would prioritize investing in your Dancers/Singers, offensive ranged units, and Distant Counter units. They are easy to use and will help you get more resources from Arena and Arena Assault. I would also invest in an armor team for Arena Assault Team 1, since they can get you are higher score.

If you have not done so already, I would level up Azura, Ninian, Olivia, Genny, and Gray first for your Training Tower team, it will help you level up the rest of your characters much quicker. A Training Tower team generally has 1 healer, 2 Dancers/Singers, and a trainee. You can also swap out one of the Dancers/Singers with a Valor unit (Gray in your case) to increase SP gain. You might also want to unequip Genny's Wrathful Staff for the lower Stratums so she can help feed the trainee kills.

Thanks for the feedback. That is actually super helpful. I really like your training tower team. I hadn't been doing that. I also didn't know that Armor units got you a higher score in Arena Assault. I had just been putting my top four rated players out.

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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I'm quite fond of using Mae to pass Draw Back and Desperation 2 as well so I can get Desperation 3 and Iceberg from Shanna.

Also I fodder her to units that only need Desperation 2 to do the Bash Assault trick (Eldigan, Alfonse etc). 

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So I got an extra Tome Eirika. Should I just merge her into my +SPD/-HP one, or do you all think it is better to keep her as fodder? With her I would have 5 swift sparrow donors sitting around that I can spare. I don't really use Rally skills so that is less interesting than Sparrow, though I could get both for some lucky unit I suppose. I guess the real question is, is there a difference between 38 and 39 spd before skills/buffs are taken into consideration.

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7 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

So with the new weapon refiments out, I planned on giving Chrom one on my second account, but I’m struggling to decide which one to go for. The choice is either the “Spectrum Bond” refinement, or simply the Defence one. For reference, he is running a Steady Breath QR Ignis set. The +4 to all stats sounds real nice but he has to be adjacent to an ally for it to work, so I don’t know if the permanemt +4 Def would be too safe or not.

I am not a big fan of units requiring to be adjacent to another ally, so I prefer the regular Defense Refinement. However, the special Refinement is not too bad since you are giving him an Enemy Phase build as they are easier to position with.

If it was a little more flexible like being near allies within two spaces like Sanaki or Hinoka, then that would have been better in my opinion, and I would not mind it having a weaker effect.

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@XRay Ah, okay thanks for the links! and Ice Dragons' thoughts, too

Now for another question- what's the best special for Raven now with his new Basilikos upgrade? Is Luna still the way to go or should I go for something with a shorter cooldown time?

Luna is fine with Heavy Blade. You can also go Moonbow-Desperation-Heavy Blade so he can activate a Special even if the enemy cannot counter attack.

4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Boey gives Ignis (and Earth boost, which is a budged skill for physical tanks of lower priority) and I need an Virion every time I give someone Galeforce (to also pass TA3 and/or Brave+ from Cordelia). 

3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I'm quite fond of using Mae to pass Draw Back and Desperation 2 as well so I can get Desperation 3 and Iceberg from Shanna.

I mentioned keeping a few of them so you can save more valuable fodder. I never needed so save specific fodder for Specials since they are so common. Earth Boost still feels too niche in my opinion, and if you have a wide variety of fodder, Fury and Defense +3 is less restrictive.

2 hours ago, azurrys said:

So I'm really excited about Raven's new axe and finally getting around to building him properly. He'll be +1 with +SPD -DEF, and I'm torn between the following A-slots: LaD, Swift Sparrow and Fury. What would be best? In case it matters, he's going to be running Desperation in B and either Draconic Aura or Moonbow depending on whether or not I'm running him alongside an Infantry Pulse carrier.

I would go with Swift Sparrow or Fury. Raven might not survive the counter if you drop his Defense too low. However, if you use Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid, you can go with Life and Death.

2 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I also didn't know that Armor units got you a higher score in Arena Assault. I had just been putting my top four rated players out.

Armor units have a higher BST so they can get you even more score once you max them out. I would not make them top priority right now, but I would invest in them once you have your regular Arena team set up.

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If I merge a 5* unit with a refined legendary weapon into a 4* one, can I use the weapon on the 4* one? Was thinking of building Raven, Felicia and Marth and figured (eventual) 4*+10 would be nice since I don't have the will or resources to merge them at 5*.

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8 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

If I merge a 5* unit with a refined legendary weapon into a 4* one, can I use the weapon on the 4* one?

Yes, you can. All skills are transferred in this unchanged shape. Weapons are skills too.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, you can. All skills are transferred in this unchanged shape. Weapons are skills too.

I was unsure about this since there was that issue with inheriting refined skills before.

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I want to promote one of my two Caeda's so she can get the winged sword.

Between a +Atk-Def or +Spd-Atk which one is the best? Normally the choice would be obvious but because of the new effect on the WS I've seen some people say that triggering her special is better for overall damage output.

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4 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I also didn't know that Armor units got you a higher score in Arena Assault. I had just been putting my top four rated players out.

Rating means nothing right now. It used to be what determined your Arena matchmaking score range, but the Arena revamp in May (I think that was when it was) changed that.

Now, it's determined by the sum of the unit's stats with no skills equipped, merges, supports, or other modifiers, the sum of the base SP cost of all skills currently equipped, the number of merges, and the number of active blessings.


9 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

So with the new weapon refiments out, I planned on giving Chrom one on my second account, but I’m struggling to decide which one to go for. The choice is either the “Spectrum Bond” refinement, or simply the Defence one. For reference, he is running a Steady Breath QR Ignis set. The +4 to all stats sounds real nice but he has to be adjacent to an ally for it to work, so I don’t know if the permanemt +4 Def would be too safe or not.

If you're using him as an enemy-phase unit, which is what your build look like you're doing, I'd go with Spectrum Bond. Enemy-phase units have an easy time having an adjacent ally when engaging in combat because you're typically ending your turn with adjacent allies anyways for Hone/Fortify buffs (unless you're running a Drive or Tactic team).


4 hours ago, azurrys said:

So I'm really excited about Raven's new axe and finally getting around to building him properly. He'll be +1 with +SPD -DEF, and I'm torn between the following A-slots: LaD, Swift Sparrow and Fury. What would be best? In case it matters, he's going to be running Desperation in B and either Draconic Aura or Moonbow depending on whether or not I'm running him alongside an Infantry Pulse carrier.

I would have said Life and Death had your Raven not been -Def because neutral Raven has 59 physical bulk with neutral Def (60 with +1 merge), but -Def drops him to a shakier 56 (57 with +1 merge).

Assuming you're using an exclusively player-phase build (because you're running Desperation), I'd go with Swift Sparrow if you have it on hand.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Assuming you're using an exclusively player-phase build (because you're running Desperation), I'd go with Swift Sparrow if you have it on hand.

And in case of no available Swift Sparrow? I’ve got a Spd/Def Raven too with Desperation.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

And in case of no available Swift Sparrow? I’ve got a Spd/Def Raven too with Desperation.


EDIT: Or Darting Blow or Death Blow, I suppose.

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