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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Death Blow and Atk +3 are easily obtainable compared to Swift Sparrow. Fury is a good skill, but I would't use it on Celica. Swift Sparrow is premium fodder.

I know Swift Sparrow is not an easy skill for most people to get but I have a -Spd Ayra just sitting in my barracks and I don't really have anyone else who needs that skill. I thought fury might be a good idea as well since I might put Renewal plus either Sol or Aether on her as well to keep her health up.

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11 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I know Swift Sparrow is not an easy skill for most people to get but I have a -Spd Ayra just sitting in my barracks and I don't really have anyone else who needs that skill. I thought fury might be a good idea as well since I might put Renewal plus either Sol or Aether on her as well to keep her health up.

Life and Death and Fury are fine if you plan to keep her in Desperation range as an alternative option to Renewal.

If you are going for Renewal, then Swift Sparrow would be the best since it preserves her bulk and there is no recoil damage.

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Need some suggestions for Blue Sheena and Raven.
What I have planned for the former:


Hardin (+Spd, -Atk)
- Gradivus
- Swap
- Ignis
- Steady/Warding Breath
- Bold Fighter 3
- Ward Armor
- Quick Riposte 3 Seal

Problem is that I do not have any Breath skill (not going to sacrifice the free copy of RD!Ike because he is my only one) for now so I'm looking for a different A passive.
The biggest problem is that his Atk kinda sucks for an Armor (47) and he absolutely relies on his Special for finishing off his opponents.
Since he is +Spd I was thinking about Fury. It would balance out his Atk bane and give him 34 Spd which is ... something, I guess. It's not high enough to avoid doubles against common mages. Even Dragons reach 40 Spd now and that's enough to double him.
Is is better to keep his default Brazen Def/Res on him to capitalize more on his mixed bulk? I'm on a fence if I replace my DC Effie (+Res, -Spd) with him since she seems to tank magical hits better at the cost of having a gimped offense (runs Wary Fighter for her B slot).

For Raven I'm looking for his ideal Special.


Raven (+Spd, -Def)
- Basilikos (Refined)
- Reposition
- ???
- Fury 3
- Desperation 3
- Threaten Def 3

I was thinking about Moonbow since he should only have troubles against physical tanks and he would able to trigger it in every round (-1 cooldown from Basilikos and doubling with Desperation). Glimmer was also something I considered due to having the same cooldown but I didn't encounter a case in my calculations where Glimmer would help him to achieve a certain kill that Moonbow didn't. Am I missing something.
Not a particular fan of Galeforce since my HB3 Seal is in use for Julia and without it he can't sweep as effectively.

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21 hours ago, XRay said:

Get rid of Defiant Attack on A!Tiki and use either Fury, Triangle Adept, Steady Breath, or Warding Breath. Threaten Attack should also be replaced.



Thanks for all the advices, but what should i put in place of threaten attack?

Also, wouldn't fury clash with double riposte since it need high hp to stay active?

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15 minutes ago, Shanadeila said:

Also, wouldn't fury clash with double riposte since it need high hp to stay active?

Depends on if your need her to take multiple rounds of combat or not. With weapon triangle advantage, bulky units are typically capable of keeping Quick Riposte active for two rounds of combat even with Fury recoil damage.

In game modes where you typically don't need to last more than one or two rounds of combat, this is plenty sufficient.

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4 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Has anyone figured out the most optimal A-slot skill for Fallen Celica? Mine has a +Spd nature and I have been trying to decide between giving her Fury, Swift Sparrow or Steady Breath.

Either Fury or Swift Sparrow would be fine. I think it's worth at least noting that, with Fury, some variants of Myrrh (39 Def with neutral Def and Fury, or with +Def and Distant Counter), will fail to stop neutral Def Celica from doubling (37 Def after Beloved Zofia's bonus); buffs and merges can easily shift this back into Myrrh's favor. The amount of weight you want to give that depends on how much you care about possibly doubling a Myrrh, which I can't answer for you. I would save Steady Breath for someone else, preferably with Distant Counter built into their weapon.

2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

I know Swift Sparrow is not an easy skill for most people to get but I have a -Spd Ayra just sitting in my barracks and I don't really have anyone else who needs that skill. I thought fury might be a good idea as well since I might put Renewal plus either Sol or Aether on her as well to keep her health up.

Keeping her health consistently at 100% with Renewal and/or heal specials is nice in theory, but a lot harder in practice. This is coming from the perspective of someone who uses Caring Princess Celica regularly as part of one of my arena cores. I've honestly found that the best way to do it is to A) OHKO stuff (which is a lot easier with Caring Princess Celica) or B) run someone with Reciprocal Aid (a healer would also work nicely for any mode not named regular Arena). It's not a bad idea to use Renewal & healing specials, I would just caution against expecting to keep Celica at 100% HP with them alone.

Edited by LordFrigid
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Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’m still kind of a noob (I had the same ancient phone until a couple months ago, and the iOS thing didn’t work for the game :/ ) but do they eventually bring back each of the limited/seasonal heroes? Or is it only if they win the popularity polls? I read on another thread they almost brought back winter Tharja, and might be bringing back witch Nowi, but I really want to get the Halloween versions of Henry and Jakob, but neither of them seem very popular :( 

Is there any chance they’ll be there next year? Or will they add new seasonal heroes?

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1 minute ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’m still kind of a noob (I had the same ancient phone until a couple months ago, and the iOS thing didn’t work for the game :/ ) but do they eventually bring back each of the limited/seasonal heroes? Or is it only if they win the popularity polls? I read on another thread they almost brought back winter Tharja, and might be bringing back witch Nowi, but I really want to get the Halloween versions of Henry and Jakob, but neither of them seem very popular :( 

Is there any chance they’ll be there next year? Or will they add new seasonal heroes?

Currently, they have been bringing back 4 previous limited characters with each Legendary Heroes banner, which runs for 5 days at the end of each month.

It's unknown if they will reprise the banners for the corresponding holidays.

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22 hours ago, XRay said:

If you need him for actual combat, I would run Brave Sword instead of Fólkvangr. Generally speaking, I would not give melee units Triangle Adept 3 since it is very valuable for mages and melee units can just run Gem Weapons instead.

The only time I would give a melee unit Triangle Adept 3 is when you give them an Effective Weapon to specifically counter and overkill an armor unit to make sure they are dead. For example, if you run Olivia or Azura on your team, but you are having a lot of trouble with LA!Hector or Zelgius, I would run [Armorsmasher/Slaying Spear, Glimmer, Triangle Adept, Axebreaker/Swordbreaker] to stack Triangle Adept damage on top of effective damage to eliminate those two in 2 hits.

Hm, in the past he mostly has repositioned people around while fighting the occasional Hector, but I did a few arena matches and there seem to be a lot more green melees now? Hector is still common ofc, but I've also seen quite a few Myrrhs, Lissas, Dorcas' and axe Azuras, so atm he's definitely in combat a lot more than he once was.

And yeah, I know that Brave Sword would be optimal and that the Gem Weapons are an option as well, but both of those would cost me 20k feathers (or require me to sack my Brave Hana), so TA was more of a budget option.
I guess I could give my two TAs to the mages though, which one of Lilina (standard), Julia and Sonya would like it the most? M!Robin already has it and Linde, Nino, Elise (Summer), Corrin (Summer) and Olwen all seem to prefer LoD, so... Oh, but using Fury on someone would be possible as well btw

20 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Cavalry for me has always been 4 Hone Cavalry or 3 Hone Cavalry and 1 Fortify Cavalry. Positioning has gotten much less flexible recently due to the prevalence of trench and forest tiles.

Fliers with Litrblade want to run some combination of Hone Fliers and Fortify Fliers. Other team compositions might benefit more from having Goad Fliers mixed in, especially with Panic Ploy being more prevalent and easily obtainable.

Armors want to run either 4 Ward Armor for an enemy-phase team or 2 Armor March and 2 other buffs of your choice for a player-phase team. You can also do some hybrid compositions like 3 Ward Armor and 1 Armor March.

Tactic skills aren't very accessible at the moment (Res Tactic is the only one that can be pulled at 4-star rarity), but they make building mixed teams easier.

The Guidance skill, Hinoka's new Hinoka's Spear weapon, and refined Cymbeline allow for more synergy with mixed teams containing fliers and infantry or armors.

Okay, thank you. :)
My flier team has 3 physicals + Summer Corrin without a Blade Tome so far, which means that I'm probably going to aim for Hone+Fortify.

Besides this, could I ask you how healers are currently built? Back in my day it was mostly something like Pain/Rehabilitate/Heavenly Light/Spd+3/Staff Skill or WoM/Filler, but nowadays there seem to be a lot more valid options (especially the Dazzling Staff refine is lovely) - and I've strangely seen a few people running Imbue? Like, I don't know, but wouldn't that be mostly pointless with the buffed basic staff healing?

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@XRay and @LordFrigid thanks for the advice. I think I'm going to go put Swift Sparrow on her then.

6 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Keeping her health consistently at 100% with Renewal and/or heal specials is nice in theory, but a lot harder in practice. This is coming from the perspective of someone who uses Caring Princess Celica regularly as part of one of my arena cores. I've honestly found that the best way to do it is to A) OHKO stuff (which is a lot easier with Caring Princess Celica) or B) run someone with Reciprocal Aid (a healer would also work nicely for any mode not named regular Arena). It's not a bad idea to use Renewal & healing specials, I would just caution against expecting to keep Celica at 100% HP with them alone.

I use Caring Princess Celica as well and tend to use her frequently especially since I rely on her when Reinhardt/B!Lyn can't deal with something. I know that it is difficult to keep 100% health since sometimes I see Celica having to go a turn fending for herself without Ragnarok's boost. Since Beloved Zofia runs off a similar effect to Ragnarok but only has a range a one instead of two I figured Fallen Celica will be taking more damage and thus would require more healing skills. I might just keep Luna on her for now since I'm trying to finish up grinding SP for the rest of her skill set since I'm guessing next week Fallen Celica will be a bonus unit in the arena.

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9 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Death Blow and Atk +3 are easily obtainable compared to Swift Sparrow. Fury is a good skill, but I would't use it on Celica. Swift Sparrow is premium fodder.

Swift Sparrow is expensive, but if@NSSKG151 asked explicitly for that skill, perhaps fodder is existent. 

Also Fury would give her an excellent first round of combat, since it boosts all stats like her weapon for a overall +7 effect. Unlike the original Celica, this one takes only 4 damage after combat. A simple Renewal could make up for this plus the Fury damage on every second turn to bring her to full health again. 

ATK+3 is a very budget skill. I only leave it on its original bearers (like Tobin) or give it to healers. If you want to go budget, Darting Blow would be even better than Death Blow (which is better on Brave units anyway). 

/Edit: sorry, I didn't read the next page of the topic, where those things were already solved. 



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got a +hp/-res Brave Lucina, A +att/-spd L'Arachel, and a +att/-res Subaki.

I get that subaki wants a gem weapon+glimmer+lancebreaker set, but does he work with anything else?


I've got a spare brave Ike as fodder. Should I give steady breath or aether to brave lucina? 

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Brave Lucina already comes with Aether, actually.


I get to have steady breath on brave lucina then. Hey this means I can brave ike/brave lucina/kagero as my infantry team. Should be fun. Now I've got to pick a red unit. Joshua, Marisa, or Adult Tiki?

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14 hours ago, Zeratul said:

I was thinking about Moonbow since he should only have troubles against physical tanks and he would able to trigger it in every round (-1 cooldown from Basilikos and doubling with Desperation). Glimmer was also something I considered due to having the same cooldown but I didn't encounter a case in my calculations where Glimmer would help him to achieve a certain kill that Moonbow didn't. Am I missing something.
Not a particular fan of Galeforce since my HB3 Seal is in use for Julia and without it he can't sweep as effectively.

8 hours ago, Ginko said:

@Zeratul For your Raven, why don't try Dragonic Aura? I think it's his 2nd best choice after Galeforce. Aether can work well too if you use Heavy Blade seal.

I would go with Draconic Aura if you want him to have better first round performance, or run Moonbow if you want him to have better second round performance and beyond (assuming Desperation is active).

I personally would not recommend running Galeforce since he would have a lot less killing power. Compared to Draconic Aura, Raven would have to waste his extra turn to finish off opponents he would have killed if he ran Draconic Aura, and Galeforce does not work against bulky enemies with Vantage. Compared to Moonbow, in addition to the previous problem, once Desperation is active and if Raven does not trigger a damage Special on his second hit to kill something, Raven would be dead when the enemy counters.

13 hours ago, Shanadeila said:

Thanks for all the advices, but what should i put in place of threaten attack?

Whatever buffs her teammates need. Hone Attack, Hone Speed, Drive Attack, and Drive Speed are the most popular and easiest ones to use.

9 hours ago, Sias said:

I guess I could give my two TAs to the mages though, which one of Lilina (standard), Julia and Sonya would like it the most? M!Robin already has it and Linde, Nino, Elise (Summer), Corrin (Summer) and Olwen all seem to prefer LoD, so... Oh, but using Fury on someone would be possible as well btw

Raven mages should have dibs on Triangle Adept 3, followed be regular mage tanks, since Raven mages can shut down two colors while regular mage tanks just shut down one. The following mages are commonly given Raven tomes as that is their most relevant niche based on their Defense (I made the arbitrary cutoff at 22, as Cecilia has 22 and has the lowest Defense out of the three vanilla Raven mages), default Weapon, and movement type. Other mages in bold and underline can also run Raven tomes based on their Defense stat, but I highly recommend they should run something else due to having superior offensive stats, have another useful default Weapon, or have access to buffs and skills that makes it is better for them to run something else.

Henry, Sophia, Lyon*, Leo, WE!Tharja, Tharja, Celica, Raigh
*Lyon's Naglfar is basically an exclusive Rauðrraven.

M!Robin, Odin, Oliver, LA!Lyn, Reinhardt, NS!F!Corrin, SF!Lucina

Boey, F!Robin, Merric, Cecilia, PA!Inigo, SF!Camilla*, TOD!Henry
*I personally prefer SF!Camilla to run a Blade tome until they release a more offensive green mage flier.

For Lilina, Julia, and Sonya, I would just give them Triangle Adept 2 as well as Reposition from Selena. Triangle Adept 2 should usually be enough to allow them to tank the most offensive mages as all three have high Resistance.

6 hours ago, Czarpy said:

I've got a spare brave Ike as fodder. Should I give steady breath or aether to brave lucina? 

I would save Steady Breath and Warding Breath to units that have Distant Counter on their Weapons. They make the best use of the skill when paired with Quick Riposte since they can charge their Specials and strike back regardless of distance.

You can put Steady Breath on non Distant Counter units, but I feel like they would not be making the best use of the faster cool down charge since they cannot counter attack against ranged units.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I would go with Draconic Aura if you want him to have better first round performance, or run Moonbow if you want him to have better second round performance and beyond (assuming Desperation is active).

I personally would not recommend running Galeforce since he would have a lot less killing power. Compared to Draconic Aura, Raven would have to waste his extra turn to finish off opponents he would have killed if he ran Draconic Aura, and Galeforce does not work against bulky enemies with Vantage. Compared to Moonbow, in addition to the previous problem, once Desperation is active and if Raven does not trigger a damage Special on his second hit to kill something, Raven would be dead when the enemy counters.

Then why do you quote me?, I didn't ask your opinion. The question owner is @Zeratul not me. Of course, who is silly enough to use Galeforce on something they can't kill? Raven have more firepower than Brave Roy if you think he is not strong enough and access to 4 star he has more chance to improve than 5 star locked. Also Galeforce doesn't mean to always benefit in arena, it can benefit in PVE content too. My point is I suggest him 2 choices he can choose by himself. There is no point to quote me, mind your own business. If you want to answer him just quote his question. Don't mind me.

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20 hours ago, Ginko said:

You will never go wrong with -Spd because -Spd is his optimal bane and allow him to upgrade elsewhere. With that said, I'll pick -Spd/+Res so he can duel mage and dragon better.

Personally, I think he had enough Def so he don't need more of that except you prefer him to be physical wall than mixed tank.

Last thing is Steady Breath/ Warding Breath won't stack with Vengeful Fighter but it can synergize well with Bold Fighter if you want him to be mixed phase monster by fodder a Hardin.

-Spd / +Res it is!

I'd like that I think. I was training him for SP yesterday, and I think having the option for both phases with the SB+BF would feel a bit better for me. I've another question though if you do not mind: since I don't have access to an extra BF yet, I was considering either Atk/Def Bond or Atk/Res bond in his A slot for the mean time. Sound good or would there be a better option until I eventually get an extra fodder? 


Thanks again.

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40 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Then why do you quote me?, I didn't ask your opinion.

I like to group multiple replies together so it is easier to track all the points. I think it makes it easier for the questioner to follow the discussion and it is easier for me to scroll within the reply box to agree or disagree with something instead of scrolling all the way back up into the thread. I will stop quoting you if you wish.

43 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Of course, who is silly enough to use Galeforce on something they can't kill?

The point of a Player Phase build is to kill the most units possible in an efficient and safe manner.

Raven +Spd -Def
Basilikos [Special]
Fury, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase [Moonbow] 172:21:30
Player Phase [Galeforce] 149:23:51

A drop of 23 kills is a pretty big performance hit. 149:23:51 is not bad, but you metaphorically no longer get to just throw Raven at whatever problem appears.

Here is Nino for reference
Nino +Spd -Def
Fury, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 166:19:38

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15 minutes ago, OmNomNom said:

If you do not mind: since I don't have access to an extra BF yet, I was considering either Atk/Def Bond or Atk/Res bond in his A slot for the mean time. Sound good or would there be a better option until I eventually get an extra fodder? 


Thanks again.

Both Bond skill are great(and quite expensive) on him. But it is still better than Fury for taking recoil and out of Vengeful Fighter range. It depend on what are you going to focus?

Atk/Res bond is good for duel mage and dragon. Atk/Def bond will make him a physical wall. Both of them increase his Atk and synergize with Vengeful Fighter so he will hit like a truck as long as he has adjacent unit.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

I would go with Draconic Aura if you want him to have better first round performance, or run Moonbow if you want him to have better second round performance and beyond (assuming Desperation is active).

I personally would not recommend running Galeforce since he would have a lot less killing power. Compared to Draconic Aura, Raven would have to waste his extra turn to finish off opponents he would have killed if he ran Draconic Aura, and Galeforce does not work against bulky enemies with Vantage. Compared to Moonbow, in addition to the previous problem, once Desperation is active and if Raven does not trigger a damage Special on his second hit to kill something, Raven would be dead when the enemy counters.

Whatever buffs her teammates need. Hone Attack, Hone Speed, Drive Attack, and Drive Speed are the most popular and easiest ones to use.

Raven mages should have dibs on Triangle Adept 3, followed be regular mage tanks, since Raven mages can shut down two colors while regular mage tanks just shut down one. The following mages are commonly given Raven tomes as that is their most relevant niche based on their Defense (I made the arbitrary cutoff at 22, as Cecilia has 22 and has the lowest Defense out of the three vanilla Raven mages), default Weapon, and movement type. Other mages in bold and underline can also run Raven tomes based on their Defense stat, but I highly recommend they should run something else due to having superior offensive stats, have another useful default Weapon, or have access to buffs and skills that makes it is better for them to run something else.

Henry, Sophia, Lyon*, Leo, WE!Tharja, Tharja, Celica, Raigh
*Lyon's Naglfar is basically an exclusive Rauðrraven.

M!Robin, Odin, Oliver, LA!Lyn, Reinhardt, NS!F!Corrin, SF!Lucina

Boey, F!Robin, Merric, Cecilia, PA!Inigo, SF!Camilla*, TOD!Henry
*I personally prefer SF!Camilla to run a Blade tome until they release a more offensive green mage flier.

For Lilina, Julia, and Sonya, I would just give them Triangle Adept 2 as well as Reposition from Selena. Triangle Adept 2 should usually be enough to allow them to tank the most offensive mages as all three have high Resistance.

I would save Steady Breath and Warding Breath to units that have Distant Counter on their Weapons. They make the best use of the skill when paired with Quick Riposte since they can charge their Specials and strike back regardless of distance.

You can put Steady Breath on non Distant Counter units, but I feel like they would not be making the best use of the faster cool down charge since they cannot counter attack against ranged units.

I have a spare subaki. I was thinking about passing QR2 and steady breath to someone like adult tiki

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16 hours ago, Ginko said:

For your Raven, why don't try Dragonic Aura? I think it's his 2nd best choice after Galeforce.

7 hours ago, XRay said:

I would go with Draconic Aura if you want him to have better first round performance, or run Moonbow if you want him to have better second round performance and beyond (assuming Desperation is active).

I personally would not recommend running Galeforce since he would have a lot less killing power. Compared to Draconic Aura, Raven would have to waste his extra turn to finish off opponents he would have killed if he ran Draconic Aura, and Galeforce does not work against bulky enemies with Vantage. Compared to Moonbow, in addition to the previous problem, once Desperation is active and if Raven does not trigger a damage Special on his second hit to kill something, Raven would be dead when the enemy counters.

I would only run Galeforce if he had +Atk and L&D (that's +5 Atk). That way it is easier for him to get kills without Specials and he is practically guaranteed to get the cooldown reduction from the Heavy Blade Seal.

Going for Moonbow then. This Raven gets 17 damage from Draconic Aura. He usually doesn't have a problem ORKOing anything that has less than 30 Def anyway and Moonbow gives him 10+ damage in that range and that's usually enough for the kill (which @XRay showcased pretty well). 7 more damage just for the first battle doesn't seem worth trading for Moonbow in every battle.

Thank you for the advice.

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I have a question about Wrath 3. 

I was wondering if the condition of the +10 damage applies to reducing attack special such as Pavise and Aegis. I know the -1 skill cooldown won’t apply to the specials though. 

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12 hours ago, XRay said:

Raven mages should have dibs on Triangle Adept 3, followed be regular mage tanks, since Raven mages can shut down two colors while regular mage tanks just shut down one.

For Lilina, Julia, and Sonya, I would just give them Triangle Adept 2 as well as Reposition from Selena. Triangle Adept 2 should usually be enough to allow them to tank the most offensive mages as all three have high Resistance.

Ah, okay. I was worried for a bit because I wasn't sure whether Julia/Sonya would prefer Fury in order to avoid dangerous doubles (Lilina seems too slow anyways), so I thought I'd just ask.

Also, I've gotten my third M!Corrin now (the best one is +Atk/-Res), so I should probably give him some skills. Any good ideas for a build?

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