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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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I want to roll... but dont want to roll.

I only want Karel but dont want the rest.


Is the next banner really Michalis (because it really isnt much better than this). Pray for another battle.


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2 hours ago, Liliesgrace said:

What would be better: a silver sword or a killing edge for Caeda? I'm already planning on giving her Glacies but I don't know whether to go with the higher Mt of the silver sword or to go with the lower cooldown count for killing edge and skill activation.

Also, what are some good skills for Chrom to inherit? He's tied for my favorite character and I use him to bait or kill all the heavy duty axe users.

His maxed out stats are: 58 ATK/33 DEF/23 SPD/18 RES

And another question (since I miss a lot of the aspects of the special skills) which special skills are best for attackers besides Astra?

- Killing Edge, since she's fast enough to make it ridiculous
- Axebreaker
- Depends on their stats, because each one has a different purpose

1 hour ago, Big Smoke said:

How good is this pull? (Specifically the two (two!!!) five-stars?)


Pull topic is pinned.  I don't know what other answer you're looking for.

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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

Ouch.  Eir really likes her Speed!

What you do with Eir depends on how you use her.  If she's going to initiate most of the time, try Death Blow.  Or, you can attempt to fix her Speed by giving her Life or Death (bonus is that it also amps her Attack up to really scary levels).

Thanks for the reply! :) 

Both sound great but i feel like Life or Death might make her abit squishy if i try to duel against other red lords but it definitely does fix her speed and amp her damage heaps and allows me to double some heroes.. If i were to use life and death it would set her to 21 def and 23 res would that make Eirika too much of a glass cannon?

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21 minutes ago, peekamoo said:

Thanks for the reply! :) 

Both sound great but i feel like Life or Death might make her abit squishy if i try to duel against other red lords but it definitely does fix her speed and amp her damage heaps and allows me to double some heroes.. If i were to use life and death it would set her to 21 def and 23 res would that make Eirika too much of a glass cannon?

That's kind-of what she is. :P:

She's not quite on Linde's level of glass, though.  But like everything else, this is dependent on the rest of your team!

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26 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That's kind-of what she is. :P:

She's not quite on Linde's level of glass, though.  But like everything else, this is dependent on the rest of your team!

That's quite true, i'll just have to work my team around her then :P

Thanks for the help! :)

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2 hours ago, eclipse said:

- Killing Edge, since she's fast enough to make it ridiculous
- Axebreaker
- Depends on their stats, because each one has a different purpose

Pull topic is pinned.  I don't know what other answer you're looking for.

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll get to work on actually setting up inheritance skills for my favorites.

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Just now, NekoKnight said:

How are people checking the boon/bane of characters?

There's an IV calculator on the wiki page: http://feheroes.wiki/Stats_Calculator

However, you can only check boon/bane of a character if they're either level 1 or level 40 and none of the in-between levels (2-39). 

BUT if your character is not a 5* and is level 20 or higher, you can go to Unlock Potential to check their level 1 stats of the next rarity. Since boon/bane stays constant between rarity upgrades, you can use this to check. 

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Okay so.... might require kind of a complex/lengthy answer, so if that proves to be the case or I don't get that answered, I suppose I might make a thread about it (though I don't know if that's fully necessary so I'll try to avoid it)... But uh.... What would be the ideal team to build around a!Tiki to cover her weaknesses, capitalize on her strengths, etc? Whether this be units with their default kits, or general skills/attributes to shoot for, I'll take any form of suggestion since it seems it's somewhat flexible now thanks to skill inheritance. Obviously a counter/counters for Falchions and Julia would be important so I was thinking Kagero since she can deal with all of them pretty handily, but beyond that I'm not sure. 

EDIT: If it helps, the build I'm shooting for with Tiki is gonna be something along the lines of Lightning Breath+, Swap/Pivot/etc, Bonfire, Defiant Attack 3, Quick riposte 1 (short term Takumi counter) / Vantage 3, and something like Breath of Life or a more useful Skill C than Spur Res (anything I can get level 3 that will be more useful probably). 

Edited by BANRYU
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How exactly do the -blade tomes interact with attack buffs? They convert bonuses to attack, so getting a +4 Def buff would then give +4 Atk to the blade mage. But what about a +4 Atk buff? Would you get +4 from the buff and then another +4 from -blade for a total of +8 Atk?

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40 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

There's an IV calculator on the wiki page: http://feheroes.wiki/Stats_Calculator

However, you can only check boon/bane of a character if they're either level 1 or level 40 and none of the in-between levels (2-39). 

BUT if your character is not a 5* and is level 20 or higher, you can go to Unlock Potential to check their level 1 stats of the next rarity. Since boon/bane stays constant between rarity upgrades, you can use this to check. 

Thanks, this will be helpful.


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6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

But what about a +4 Atk buff? Would you get +4 from the buff and then another +4 from -blade for a total of +8 Atk?

Yes, +Atk buffs do double-dip.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, +Atk buffs do double-dip.

Niiiice, Gronnblade Cecilia with Hone Cavalry support just got even more terrifying >:D

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

There's an IV calculator on the wiki page: http://feheroes.wiki/Stats_Calculator

However, you can only check boon/bane of a character if they're either level 1 or level 40 and none of the in-between levels (2-39). 

BUT if your character is not a 5* and is level 20 or higher, you can go to Unlock Potential to check their level 1 stats of the next rarity. Since boon/bane stays constant between rarity upgrades, you can use this to check. 

Technically, you can check at level 38 and 39 because there are fewer than 2 levels remaining at that point to gain additional stats and the difference between a neutral and a positive or negative cannot be less than 3.

In other words: At level 38, if you're lower than or equal to negative, you're negative. If you're between negative and neutral or equal to neutral, you're neutral. If you're above neutral, you're positive.

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Right when I thought I was done theorycrafting for the night...
* * * * *
So, you want a team build around Adult!Tiki? It would be helpful to know her Boon & Bane to maximize efficiency, as well as tailor her to the desired playstyle. But anyways, here we go. (Click on the Spoiler, this is gonna take a while.)


A!Tiki		L. Breath+	|| Bonfire, Swap*		|| Defiant ATT, Vantage*, Threaten RES*
A!Tiki		L. Breath+	|| Noontime*, Reciprocal Aid*	|| Death Blow*, Quick Riposte*, Threaten ATT*

A!Tiki		Flametongue+*	|| Bonfire, Reciprocal Aid*	|| D. Counter*, Quick Riposte*, "Passive C"

A!Tiki		Light Breath+*	|| Sol*, Rally Attack*		|| Armored Blow*, Swordbreaker*, B. of Life
A!Tiki 		Light Breath+*	|| Sol*, Rally Attack*		|| D. Counter*, Swordbreaker*, Breath of Life

* * * * *

Ephraim		Siegmund	|| Moonbow, Pivot*		|| Defiant DEF*, Swordbreaker*, Threaten DEF
Linde		Aura		|| Sol*, Ardent Sacrifice	|| SPD +3, Desperation*, Fortify RES

Ninian 		Light Breath+	|| Sol*, Dance			|| DEF +3*, Escape Route, Fortify Dragons
Sharena		Fensalir	|| Luna*, Rally Attack		|| Death Blow*, Renewal*, Fortify DEF

* * * * *

Ryoma		Raijinto	|| Astra, Swap			|| Defiant ATT, Vantage*, Hone ATT*
Takumi		Fujin Yumi	|| Glimmer*, Rally Attack*	|| Close Counter, Vantage*, Threaten SPD

Lucina		Falchion	|| Luna, Pivot*			|| Defiant ATT*, Desperation*, Hone ATT*
Julia		Naga		|| Dragon Fang, Rally RES	|| Death Blow*, Lancebreaker*, Breath of Life

Camilla		Brave Axe+	|| Iceberg*, A. Sacrifice*	|| Life and Death*, Lancebreaker*, Savage Blow

First off, pick your Adult!Tiki of choice. Then, select the rest of your team with the remaining characters. I recommend getting at least 2 Blue characters (pick from Ephraim, Linde, Ninian, or Sharena) and then pick whoever you want on the bottom.

* * * * *

Tiki 1: This is your default "Defiant ATT + Vantage" build, with Threaten ATT thrown in for survivability. However, when using Vantage, it is best to utilize it if you know Tiki can one-shot something. Otherwise, it may be better to look elsewhere.

Tiki 2: The "Quick Riposte" build, focusing on having Adult!Tiki trying to maintain at least 70% health so she can double anyone who attacks her. The Noontime passive and Reciprocal Aid help with this, while Threaten ATT still helps her with survivability. Death Blow is used to "finish off" foes left standing after the Quick Riposte.

Tiki 3: The "Not Young!Tiki" build. Essentially, this build can work with either 1 or 2 (Vantage vs Quick Riposte || ATT vs RES), but the main point here is the general +4 ATT all around due to Flametongue+, and Adult!Tiki no longer has that annoying +1 to Special Charge Time. She does however, lose out on her "A Passive" since it is used for Distant Counter.

Tiki 4 & 5: "Paladin Tiki," who focuses on supporting her allies and staying alive. Your choice of either Armored Blow or Distant Counter for Passive A.

Just remember that as Tiki is a Dragon, she will suffer from Falchion users. It is possible for Adult!Tiki to not be one-shot, but most Falchion wielders are still fast enough to double and finish off Adult!Tiki. Swordbreaker can help with this somewhat, provided Tiki has full health (she is not likely to survive otherwise).

* * * * *

Ephraim: Use this man to tank those annoying Falchion users, as well as the plethora of various swordsmen one encounters. As he has high DEF and has WTA in his favor, he excels at tanking physical units. Just keep him away from magic. (Hint: To further increase his effectiveness against Reds [and Falchion people], try using Triangle Adept instead of Defiant DEF. Triangle Adept will grant Ephraim more damage against his foes while taking less in return! Just remember that he does become more susceptible to Greens, and loses out on the Defiant DEF against Blues.)

Linde: Why tank Reds when you can nuke them? Field Linde to destroy troublesome Falchion users, as well as provide some healing to your party due to her Aura tome and Ardent Sacrifice. She can heal herself with Sol.

Ninian: Use her as a dancer and to take advantage of Fortify Dragons for A!Tiki. You can also try to use her as a makeshift tank against non-Falchion users, but know she does little to no damage.

Sharena: Sharena serves a multipurpose role and can do a little bit of everything. Use her to buff up your team, attack enemies, or off-tank. Just know that she will not excel in any particular role and will need to be swapped out if her HP gets low.

* * * * *

Ryoma: Use this man as an alternative Red Tank, but focusing on physical damage instead of magic. I love this man, but fielding 2 Reds may be undesirable in the current meta.

Takumi: Use him like Ryoma and have Takumi act as an "off-tank" that can snipe enemies and shoot down fliers. He also provides a nice physical ranged option.

Lucina: Lucina, while Red, can deal massive amounts of damage and is fast enough to double most foes. Use her as an "ultra offense" unit, and to handle hostile Dragons.

Julia: A supporting Green Mage, she can heal allies with Breath of Life and annihilate Dragons with Naga. She can also handle any troublesome Lance users due to her inherited Lancebreaker skill.

Camilla: Beware of enemy bow-wielding archers, but Camilla can deal lots of damage to enemy Blues, and can fly over terrain (useful on Arena Maps that have little land movement, such as the Bridge or that "Split Mountain" map).

* * * * *

As for some sample Team Comps...

Tiki 2, Ephraim, Linde, Julia - Use Tiki and Ephraim to tank, while Linde and Julia nuke the enemy and provides off heals.

Tiki 4, Ryoma, Takumi, Ninian - Ryoma and Takumi deal damage and tank while Tiki charges in to heal her allies. Niniah offers dancing support and buffs up Tiki's DEF & RES.

* * * * *

Hope this helps!

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5 minutes ago, Sire said:

Linde Aura || Sol*, Ardent Sacrifice || SPD +3*, Desperation*, Fortify RES

I'm pretty sure the asterisk is supposed to mean taught through inheritance, but Linde has Spd +3 normally. You must be getting sleepy.

Same with Ninian and Light Breath+.

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9 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

This is quite a lot to work with here.


How many feathers do you have? The single best option is to bump one of your Reinhardt's to 5*, not only for his Prf tome but also for Goad cavalry which would make running the quest significantly easier.

Aside from that, training Gunter is very worthwhile as he gets Hone Cavalry at 4*. It's less dependent on positioning unlike Rein's and you can apply its effect on turn one based on how your units are ordered. Cain and Cecilia should occupy the last two slots, as Gronnraven gives the team perfect coverage and Wings of Mercy gives you more mobility options in case on an emergency. The team should be specifically ordered Cain / Gunter / Cecilia / Reinhardt as the units next to Gunter will benefit more from Hone if Rein cannot be upgraded for this mission.


As for your Fliers, Subaki is a great partner for Camilla, possessing similar bulk and being a strong baiting unit with Quick Riposte. Caeda gives you a red while Narcian provides AOE to make getting ORKO's easier.


There is a lot of grinding involved, but I hope this helps.

My apologies for the delayed response.  

Unfortunately, I've only got roughly 10k feathers, so I'm not likely to have enough to upgrade Reinhardt anytime soon (their boon/banes are also pretty terrible: +Spd, -Atk and +Res, -Spd respectively, so the min-maxer in me would hate to pour feathers into such units).  In that event, would Ursula be slightly preferable to a 4* Reinhardt?  Either way, I'll get to work training up Gunter as soon as possible.  The Flyer's sounds doable, so I will get to work on that as well.  Thank you very much for your help :)

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I'm having trouble analysing my Lissa's boon/bane. The stats laid out by the calculator do not match the ones on Lissa's promotion screen, and I'm not sure why.

Lissa's five-star stats: 16/13/7/6/8

Lissa's current stats (Lvl 40 4-star): 33/31/26/25/28

Lissa's skillset: Gravity, Rehabilitate, Heavenly Light, Live To Serve (B)

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

I'm having trouble analysing my Lissa's boon/bane. The stats laid out by the calculator do not match the ones on Lissa's promotion screen, and I'm not sure why.

Lissa's five-star stats: 16/13/7/6/8

Lissa's current stats (Lvl 40 4-star): 33/31/26/25/28

Lissa's skillset: Gravity, Rehabilitate, Heavenly Light, Live To Serve (B)

That would be -HP +SPD

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2 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

My apologies for the delayed response.  

Unfortunately, I've only got roughly 10k feathers, so I'm not likely to have enough to upgrade Reinhardt anytime soon (their boon/banes are also pretty terrible: +Spd, -Atk and +Res, -Spd respectively, so the min-maxer in me would hate to pour feathers into such units).  In that event, would Ursula be slightly preferable to a 4* Reinhardt?  Either way, I'll get to work training up Gunter as soon as possible.  The Flyer's sounds doable, so I will get to work on that as well.  Thank you very much for your help :)

Running Rein would still be preferable to running Ursula if you can't upgrade him, because he has higher magic even after factoring in Death Blow. The team is lacking in magic damage so making Ursula a support bot is something I am not comfortable with. Thoron has the same Mt as Dire Thunder, but Blárwolf is a little niche, which low mt and Ursula's ok speed preventing her from OHKO'ing any more threats than Rein can. Also, Vantage. I would use the +Res -Spe Rein for this mission for that reason.


And no problem! I'm glad this helped!

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10 hours ago, eclipse said:

- Killing Edge, since she's fast enough to make it ridiculous
- Axebreaker
- Depends on their stats, because each one has a different purpose

Pull topic is pinned.  I don't know what other answer you're looking for.

I was mainly looking for info on Karel and Rebecca... oh well :p

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What do determine a character will be added through the gacha pool or Grand Hero Battle? Three weeks ago I blowed my orbs for Ephraim, stay cool because I though "it's okay, villains/ characters that is unrecruitable in their original games will be implemented through Grand Hero Battle" and then bam Eldigan and Reinhardt is in the gacha pool and I cried. Not because I dislike Eldigan  or Reinhardt or  all I got from blowing my orbs during the family bond banner are all bad units, but because I realized I might have decreased my chance to obtain a character I really want and haven't been implemented yet. 

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7 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

What do determine a character will be added through the gacha pool or Grand Hero Battle?

Court intrigue well beyond our present ability to comprehend.

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9 hours ago, Sire said:


Right when I thought I was done theorycrafting for the night...
* * * * *
So, you want a team build around Adult!Tiki? It would be helpful to know her Boon & Bane to maximize efficiency, as well as tailor her to the desired playstyle. But anyways, here we go. (Click on the Spoiler, this is gonna take a while.) Ahh ofc, should have mentioned that to begin with. She is HP+/Res-, so dealing with magic is something she canNOT do and definitely wants to leave to her team (not that A!Tiki wants to in general anyway lol).

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A!Tiki		L. Breath+	|| Bonfire, Swap*		|| Defiant ATT, Vantage*, Threaten RES*
A!Tiki		L. Breath+	|| Noontime*, Reciprocal Aid*	|| Death Blow*, Quick Riposte*, Threaten ATT*

A!Tiki		Flametongue+*	|| Bonfire, Reciprocal Aid*	|| D. Counter*, Quick Riposte*, "Passive C"

A!Tiki		Light Breath+*	|| Sol*, Rally Attack*		|| Armored Blow*, Swordbreaker*, B. of Life
A!Tiki 		Light Breath+*	|| Sol*, Rally Attack*		|| D. Counter*, Swordbreaker*, Breath of Life

* * * * *

Ephraim		Siegmund	|| Moonbow, Pivot*		|| Defiant DEF*, Swordbreaker*, Threaten DEF
Linde		Aura		|| Sol*, Ardent Sacrifice	|| SPD +3, Desperation*, Fortify RES

Ninian 		Light Breath+	|| Sol*, Dance			|| DEF +3*, Escape Route, Fortify Dragons
Sharena		Fensalir	|| Luna*, Rally Attack		|| Death Blow*, Renewal*, Fortify DEF

* * * * *

Ryoma		Raijinto	|| Astra, Swap			|| Defiant ATT, Vantage*, Hone ATT*
Takumi		Fujin Yumi	|| Glimmer*, Rally Attack*	|| Close Counter, Vantage*, Threaten SPD

Lucina		Falchion	|| Luna, Pivot*			|| Defiant ATT*, Desperation*, Hone ATT*
Julia		Naga		|| Dragon Fang, Rally RES	|| Death Blow*, Lancebreaker*, Breath of Life

Camilla		Brave Axe+	|| Iceberg*, A. Sacrifice*	|| Life and Death*, Lancebreaker*, Savage Blow

First off, pick your Adult!Tiki of choice. Then, select the rest of your team with the remaining characters. I recommend getting at least 2 Blue characters (pick from Ephraim, Linde, Ninian, or Sharena) and then pick whoever you want on the bottom. For the time being I'll definitely be leaning toward the top one; Defiant Attack definitely isn't TOO bad on a unit that can tank pretty well, and maybe it's just that I've gotten used to it but I kinda like the variable Tank/glass cannon nuker role that Tiki has this way. That said, I'm def saving the rest of this stuff for later down the line if/when I can manage any of it, but for now, gotta go with what I have access to as a F2P player. 

* * * * *

Tiki 1: This is your default "Defiant ATT + Vantage" build, with Threaten ATT thrown in for survivability. However, when using Vantage, it is best to utilize it if you know Tiki can one-shot something. Otherwise, it may be better to look elsewhere.

Tiki 2: The "Quick Riposte" build, focusing on having Adult!Tiki trying to maintain at least 70% health so she can double anyone who attacks her. The Noontime passive and Reciprocal Aid help with this, while Threaten ATT still helps her with survivability. Death Blow is used to "finish off" foes left standing after the Quick Riposte. I can also see Armored Blow being decent on this set for tanking (Death Blow is a skill in rather high demand, ofc, and only the best for Tiki naturally but I wonder if others might use DB better... welp cross that bridge when I get to it)

Tiki 3: The "Not Young!Tiki" build. Essentially, this build can work with either 1 or 2 (Vantage vs Quick Riposte || ATT vs RES), but the main point here is the general +4 ATT all around due to Flametongue+, and Adult!Tiki no longer has that annoying +1 to Special Charge Time. She does however, lose out on her "A Passive" since it is used for Distant Counter.

Tiki 4 & 5: "Paladin Tiki," who focuses on supporting her allies and staying alive. Your choice of either Armored Blow or Distant Counter for Passive A. Jeez the mental image I get of Tiki as a paladin is adorable... but uh... more relevantly... I do like this build, it makes sense given she's one of the tankier dragons, only beaten by f!Corrin on the physical spectrum IIRC. I somewhat question the use of Rally Attack, since if this Tiki is built around Light Breath, she wants to be spending her actions initiating attacks, since she can't exactly do both... (Granted, that's true of any Support skill really, though) I might prefer something like Hone/Spur Atk in order to get some attack buffs up on allies, and Reciprocal Aid could potentially be used for greater healing (and theoretically that one seems useful for a wide variety of situations since its applications are somewhat flexible). I think, if I go that route, I'll have to play around with what winds up being more useful when Tiki isn't able to attack due to mages/falchions/etc. since ofc she won't be able to all the time. 

Just remember that as Tiki is a Dragon, she will suffer from Falchion users. Oh believe me, it's never far from my thoughts lol. It is possible for Adult!Tiki to not be one-shot, but most Falchion wielders are still fast enough to double and finish off Adult!Tiki. Swordbreaker can help with this somewhat, provided Tiki has full health (she is not likely to survive otherwise). I'll have to do some calcs to see what might be possible... chances are, though, she'll probably just want to cut her losses and stay away from them haha. Swordbreaker might be allright for non-falchion sword matchups, though; once I figure out how to calc I'll have to see how well she can do against the likes of Ryoma, Lyn, Eirika, Eldigan, etc.

* * * * *

Ephraim: Use this man to tank those annoying Falchion users, as well as the plethora of various swordsmen one encounters. As he has high DEF and has WTA in his favor, he excels at tanking physical units. Just keep him away from magic. (Hint: To further increase his effectiveness against Reds [and Falchion people], try using Triangle Adept instead of Defiant DEF. Triangle Adept will grant Ephraim more damage against his foes while taking less in return! Just remember that he does become more susceptible to Greens, and loses out on the Defiant DEF against Blues.) Oh man I've been trying for Ephraim anyway, would love to be able to do this ;; probably what I'll shoot for haha (Ninian as well) though ofc the other options are all solid options... If I can't pull nothing else there's always Sharena to train up

Linde: Why tank Reds when you can nuke them? Field Linde to destroy troublesome Falchion users, as well as provide some healing to your party due to her Aura tome and Ardent Sacrifice. She can heal herself with Sol.

Ninian: Use her as a dancer and to take advantage of Fortify Dragons for A!Tiki. You can also try to use her as a makeshift tank against non-Falchion users, but know she does little to no damage.

Sharena: Sharena serves a multipurpose role and can do a little bit of everything. Use her to buff up your team, attack enemies, or off-tank. Just know that she will not excel in any particular role and will need to be swapped out if her HP gets low.

* * * * *

Ryoma: Use this man as an alternative Red Tank, but focusing on physical damage instead of magic. I love this man, but fielding 2 Reds may be undesirable in the current meta.

Takumi: Use him like Ryoma and have Takumi act as an "off-tank" that can snipe enemies and shoot down fliers. He also provides a nice physical ranged option.

Lucina: Lucina, while Red, can deal massive amounts of damage and is fast enough to double most foes. Use her as an "ultra offense" unit, and to handle hostile Dragons.

Julia: A supporting Green Mage, she can heal allies with Breath of Life and annihilate Dragons with Naga. She can also handle any troublesome Lance users due to her inherited Lancebreaker skill. Yeah most opposing dragons aren't a good matchup for Tiki, makes sense. Seems like a solid option.

Camilla: Beware of enemy bow-wielding archers, but Camilla can deal lots of damage to enemy Blues, and can fly over terrain (useful on Arena Maps that have little land movement, such as the Bridge or that "Split Mountain" map).

* * * * *

As for some sample Team Comps...

Tiki 2, Ephraim, Linde, Julia - Use Tiki and Ephraim to tank, while Linde and Julia nuke the enemy and provides off heals.

Tiki 4, Ryoma, Takumi, Ninian - Ryoma and Takumi deal damage and tank while Tiki charges in to heal her allies. Niniah offers dancing support and buffs up Tiki's DEF & RES.

Tiki + Ephraim + Julia def seems like the main core here to shoot for, and I'm heavily leaning toward Camilla in the last slot due to this team's weakness to Poison Daggers tbh. There's probably some flexibility here since Cammy can likely nuke any blues Tiki would want dealt with, so Linde in place of Julia could be a solid option as well I'm thinking (I've also got a pretty good Nino I just pulled who could maaaaybe fill Julia's role in the short term, planning to get her with Ardent Sac + Desperation and could use Hone Attack or something on Tiki or someone else to boost her damage and make her more or less Julia's equal in nuking... I hope haha). I am definitely reluctant to have 2 reds on a team but if I happen to pull Ryoma I certainly won't knock it haha. 

* * * * *

Hope this helps! Absolutely it does! Even if I'm not necessarily taking your suggestions, it helps me get a starting point to work off of and focus my thoughts; doing this from the get-go is always sort of intimidating/overwhelming for me since I tend to not know what to do in the face of so many options ;; so yeah, it definitely does help, thanks a bundle for your time, dude

Holy shit dude that's WAY more of a response than I expected, supper appreciate it! Put some individual little questions/commentary in green up there ^ Thanks man, really appreciate your time for this!

Reading through this and considering team comp has made me realize that Tiki definitely wants to be able to do something on the support side of things for when it's too dangerous to send her to the frontlines, so Hone skills, Rally skills, and Reciprocal Aid all seem like solid options in the other slots to my mind.

I think the final build I'd like to shoot for will be something along the lines of RecAid / Swap / Reposition / Draw Back / a Rally (in this case I'll have to determine what Tiki can do best for the team instead of the other way round), Vantage, and a Hone (other skills defaulted), at least for the time being. Given more time, could always give her more options, but for now, yeah.

EDIT: Ooh if I could get her with Hone Atk/Spd and Rally the other one that'd make my Nino ungodly beastly if I'm not / until I'm able to get any of the other nukey mages. 

EDIT 2 OOOOH I JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE A SPARE 4* OLIVIA. There's an easy Hone Attack 3 under the belt....

Edited by BANRYU
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