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Voting Gauntlet: Battle of the Mages!


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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Still needing Blue Allies to show up.  Guess I might have to field not-Leo if some blueys don't show up soon.

You can try to call my Oboro for help: 4893369838

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Does the 3x multiplier boost your total score too? I'm team Robin and only once seen 3x multiplier in our side (was very early and didn't have any flags then) so I'm afraid to use my flags without 3x multiplier if it messes up my overall ranking in the end.

Edited by Ludvig
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Someone actually gave me a Nino that is very similar, but not quite identical to, the Blade Emblem Nino I plan to build. Without buffs, she's doing amazing damage.

I believe this is called "A Taste of Power".

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@Arcanite - Darn, you changed your name back... This message is for you.


Guess who pulled a Henry?


If you guessed "Fypo", then you'd be right!


This is a CAWS for celebration!


No, it isn't. He's only a 3*, but still...





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38 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

Does the 3x multiplier boost your total score too? I'm team Robin and only once seen 3x multiplier in our side (was very early and didn't have any flags then) so I'm afraid to use my flags without 3x multiplier if it messes up my overall ranking in the end.

Yes, it does. 

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10 hours ago, Anime27Arts said:


Oboro is still there!!! You cannot take her from meeee!!! And true darkness, eh?

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Does my nohr festival fan art of Leo the vampire count?  Prob not though ???



Orboro sprite credits to @BANRYU



....festival vampire Leo........


...so much darkness *-*....  where are you hiding your fanart??



Edited by komasa
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11 minutes ago, komasa said:

Orboro sprite credits to @Vaximillian

I'm pretty sure it was @BANRYU who did this particular version of Oboro. I did some others.

Julia: 1,685.3 million
Sanaki: 1,697.4 million

Gap? what gap?

I got this beautiful Roy to fight on my side, courtesy of @Suichimo:



1–2 range, as it should be! He counterkilled Klein because of course he did.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Henry has the x3 multiplier again now. Henry 1,045,072,304 - Leo 1,172,664,481

Also go go Sanaki! Win so I have something to jump on if Henry loses!

Edit: Oh and in my last battle I got loaned a Leo named #BlameTakumi

Edited by Eleanore
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Merric versus Robin update:

Merric: 1,906,198,340

Robin: 2,076,225,383

Robin's kind of always in the lead, but I appreciate being so close to him. Dang all these fights are close. (I'm also ranked 698 in Team Merrick which is pretty sweet. Gonna' fight to stay in the top 1000.)

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I'm pretty sure it was @BANRYU who did this particular version of Oboro. I did some others.

Ah, thank you for the correction. Sorry  @BANRYU ~ Got confused with all the Oboro. Changed the credits :)

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Oh... hah yeah that one was me, but we both did Oboro stuff so you can't be too faulted for getting confused there lol. 

I'm not too concerned with having credit given though; if like, someone wants to know 'hey where'd you get that' or whatever you can tell them lol but otherwise credit isn't strictly needed for me haha. Appreciated all the same though!


Hah, man, so... this gauntlet right?

I'm actually surprised by how close we on Team Merric are sticking to Robin (in all likelihood the second-place runner up to Tharja). How are things going with the other team matchups? I mean.... I can imagine how it's going with Tharja VS Linde haha ;; but what about the others? Is Henry putting up a good fight? ;3; and I got no idea who'll win between Sanaki and Julia, I'm honestly curious as to how they're doing. 

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19 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hah, man, so... this gauntlet right?

I'm actually surprised by how close we on Team Merric are sticking to Robin (in all likelihood the second-place runner up to Tharja). How are things going with the other team matchups? I mean.... I can imagine how it's going with Tharja VS Linde haha ;; but what about the others? Is Henry putting up a good fight? ;3; and I got no idea who'll win between Sanaki and Julia, I'm honestly curious as to how they're doing. 

I think Henry and Leo have settled into a pattern where Leo pulls ahead, Henry getsx3 bonus and they end up with a "same" status (in whoevers favour) and then Leo pulls ahead again, giving Henry the multiplier and everything repeats. Leo will probably win unless the timing works out in Henrys favour and we have the multiplier for the last hour, but if Team Leo have been saving their flags since they haven't gotten the multiplier since the beginning it probably won't matter since they'd be able to keep ahead.

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Henry Vs leo has been pretty exciting so far. They've been quite a few back and fourths in the early stages but team leo has maintained a small lead for a while now. 

Quick question, do you still keep your flags at the start of a new round?

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1 minute ago, Namarid said:

Henry Vs leo has been pretty exciting so far. They've been quite a few back and fourths in the early stages but team leo has maintained a small lead for a while now. 

Quick question, do you still keep your flags at the start of a new round?


Yeah you do.

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1 minute ago, Namarid said:

Henry Vs leo has been pretty exciting so far. They've been quite a few back and fourths in the early stages but team leo has maintained a small lead for a while now. 

Quick question, do you still keep your flags at the start of a new round?

Yup, they carry over. The flag quests reset though, so you can keep getting more.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Yup, they carry over. The flag quests reset though, so you can keep getting more.

Too bad I'm almost out of crests! Only five left :(
I haven't been exactly economical, you see.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

It's okay, I have none, and I spent like 500 Platinum Points earlier lol.

Yeah, that's a nice idea to spend some points.

In other news,
Julia: 1,760.9 million
Sanaki: 1,741.8 million

The scion of Naga has overtaken the scion of Lehran!

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2 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

Someone actually gave me a Nino that is very similar, but not quite identical to, the Blade Emblem Nino I plan to build. Without buffs, she's doing amazing damage.

I believe this is called "A Taste of Power".

Would that happen to be my Nino? She's the one with fury 3 and desperation 2. If she is, happy to hear you enjoying her. Your Klein has been putting in work for me as well. I tend to get either him or an Azura (there's two actually, one of them with hone attack) and thanks to them I haven't lost a single match yet.

Julia seems to have taken the lead again, but it seems that the difference in poits gained isn't that big. If we can keep this current pace up it's still anyone's game. Also intrested in how the other matches will go (apart from Merric vs Robin though, RIP Merric).

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18 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

I think Henry and Leo have settled into a pattern where Leo pulls ahead, Henry getsx3 bonus and they end up with a "same" status (in whoevers favour) and then Leo pulls ahead again, giving Henry the multiplier and everything repeats. Leo will probably win unless the timing works out in Henrys favour and we have the multiplier for the last hour, but if Team Leo have been saving their flags since they haven't gotten the multiplier since the beginning it probably won't matter since they'd be able to keep ahead.

Yeah, that's more or less how it's been going with Robin and Merric. Interesting. Robin has never not been in the lead though lol.

2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, that's a nice idea to spend some points.

In other news,
Julia: 1,760.9 million
Sanaki: 1,741.8 million

The scion of Naga has overtaken the scion of Lehran!

Ah wow! Julia's niche must really be what's doing it for her I guess huh?? Interesting. 

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