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Voting Gauntlet: War of the Clerics


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1 minute ago, MiracleMuffin said:

Julia is a hard counter to him, that's why, lol. Whenever I see a Julia I always make sure to keep Reinhardt away as she is his nightmare.


Think I can ask you about your Arena Defense Team?

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

What's your score? I have no idea what the cut-off for ranking in top 5,000 is for Team Lachesis, but I'm sitting at rank 4,346 with a score of 634,218.

Great, I have neither Elise or Priscilla, so, joining either would result in someone contributing less than desired. Cinnamon rolll or the healer that is not-Serra. Decisions.

I'm about 200,000 points below that, so yeah, nowhere close.

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I had one pretty bad match up with an Azura, your Est, and my Priscilla. We could take out everyone, but no one could do any damage to Gronnraven!Cecilia. You win some, you lose some. All in all, Est has been really good for me. It's inspired me to try out a similar build. I had a 3 star one that was +ATK -SPD, but now I have a 4 star +ATK -HP one. I may start grinding her. 

Great! +Atk is always good for Brave Lance builds. My Est is +Spd -Def, so, with LnD 2, she still has decent speed even with the Brave Lance. She really shines in Flyer Emblem though, because then she quads most things! Eventually, I'll promote Palla and the Whitewings can fly together...!

3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

...Good work, Lachesis. I never thought, when I joined Nordion, that we would come so close to threatening Elise's lead. But, in the end, we could not succeed.

I'm not sad we lost. I'm just sad we didn't see the upset yet. Team Priscilla, I shall join you after this round.

We welcome you! You can play with my Est, if you like, as you like flyers, yes?

5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Voting Gauntlet is serious business.


2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Great, I have neither Elise or Priscilla, so joining either would result in someone contributing less than desired. Cinnamon roll / toasted strudel or the healer that is not-Serra. Decisions.

Join the fair Lady Priscilla, join the ranks of the Elibean Army! It is what Serra would want!

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Lachesis came so close but nope. Oh well. Priscilla, i'll be joining your team soon. I don't have a Priscilla so i won't be able to contribute as many points as i did with Lachesis.

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1 minute ago, Astellius said:

We welcome you! You can play with my Est, if you like, as you like flyers, yes?

Already have you. Checked my friend list after I found the impostor, and there you were.

Funnily enough, I'm missing the two pegasi that have Brave Lance by default, so I'll be excited to get her.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Priscilla is the best troubadour. Join Priscilla.

B-but Maribelle!

3 minutes ago, Othin said:

I'm about 200,000 points below that, so yeah, nowhere close.

Well... good luck getting as high of a score you can get. I just spent my flags whenever the multipliers show up. And I still have all of these darn flags...

3 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Join the fair Lady Priscilla, join the ranks of the Elibean Army! It is what Serra would want!

Wouldn't she want to get a foot massage, marry into fortune, and not participate in a war?

Edited by Kaden
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3 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

Um, no offense, but that sounds like it might be an indicator of bigger problems. I mean, I sometimes stress eat as well, but hardly something to make me sick.

Nah, that's just me being me. And forgetting how much of the pizza I've already eaten. I like pizza, so I routinely eat too much.

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Already have you. Checked my friend list after I found the impostor, and there you were.

Funnily enough, I'm missing the two pegasi that have Brave Lance by default, so I'll be excited to get her.

I was lucky enough to pull 2 Hinoka's, so I was able to give Est the Brave Lance+ and Hone Fliers all at once! She'll exponentially raise the cuteness quotient of any team!

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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Great, I have neither Elise or Priscilla, so, joining either would result in someone contributing less than desired. Cinnamon roll or the healer that is not-Serra. Decisions.

Contributing less than desired is still better than contributing to the enemy, whoever that enemy may be.

I think you should join team Elise, for no particularly non-subjective reason.

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My original plan was to join Team Elise if Lachesis lost at any point. However, since Priscilla has basically beaten Lissa, i'll be joining Priscilla. Mainly because i now have hope that this can be the first Gauntlet where a non-Awakening/Fates characters wins.

None of this would've happened without the multiplier.

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Just now, LordFrigid said:

Contributing less than desired is still better than contributing to the enemy, whoever that enemy may be.

thanks to the multiplier, that's no longer true

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10 minutes ago, Kaden said:

What's your score? I have no idea what the cut-off for ranking in top 5,000 is for Team Lachesis, but I'm sitting at rank 4,346 with a score of 634,218.

Great, I have neither Elise or Priscilla, so, joining either would result in someone contributing less than desired. Cinnamon roll or the healer that is not-Serra. Decisions.

Join Elise, the best Horse Emblem healer who will always love you forever. She's such a cinnamon roll that she even has two in her hair? How could you say no to that? Join Priscilla and you'll always be second banana to Raven

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Just now, Kaden said:

All this persuading is reminding me of politics for some reason.

Thats cause its literally what politics is; persuading the masses to supporting your agenda

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1 minute ago, Motendra said:

Thats cause its literally what politics is; persuading the masses to supporting your agenda

Only instead of the wellbeing of millions, we're trying to convince you with good feelings and imaginary cookies.

Honestly, makes the bickering FAR more tolerable.

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Huzzah for Priscilla making second in the gauntlet despite expectations that awakening>stuff-before-awakening!

Now to figure out how to spend the flags I've been hoarding.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

My original plan was to join Team Elise if Lachesis lost at any point. However, since Priscilla has basically beaten Lissa, i'll be joining Priscilla. Mainly because i now have hope that this can be the first Gauntlet where a non-Awakening/Fates characters wins.

None of this would've happened without the multiplier.

Welcome to the Elibean Army! We seem to be crossing paths on multiple forums! And what wouldn't have happened without the multiplier?

2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

All this persuading is reminding me of politics for some reason.

Just now, Motendra said:

Thats cause its literally what politics is; persuading the masses to supporting your agenda

Priscilla agenda is best agenda. Vote Priscilla today!


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Just now, Astellius said:

We seem to be crossing paths on multiple forums!

Indeed we do!

Just now, Astellius said:

And what wouldn't have happened without the multiplier?

Priscilla beating Lissa and Lachesis almost beating Elise. If the multiplier didn't exist, Lachesis would've gotten absolutely rekt by Elise and Lissa would probably have a much bigger lead over Priscilla.

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4 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Priscilla agenda is best agenda. Vote Priscilla today!

You don't vote for nobles.


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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If the multiplier didn't exist, Lachesis would've gotten absolutely rekt by Elise and Lissa would probably have a much bigger lead over Priscilla.

But Priscilla started with a lead, didn’t she? Don’t get me wrong, I’m surprised Priscilla is winning, pleasantly so.

Edited by Vaximillian
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