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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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2 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

That's part of what would make it so fun for the rest of us! Eventually you guys would get bored enough to try them anyways, and then we get to watch you guys try and do the whole thing from memory!

I mean, i'd just get it over with. Like, if i'm challenged to play it, i'll do it.

Besides, i'll get to see worst Lord Sigurd get roasted so that's a plus.


That's not a joke btw. I actually do despise Sigurd with a burning passion......heh.


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49 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

That's part of what would make it so fun for the rest of us! Eventually you guys would get bored enough to try them anyways, and then we get to watch you guys try and do the whole thing from memory!

This is pretty much how I played Binding Blade, as I own the physical cart and do not understand Japanese - I just memorized inputs/icons from playing 7 so much.

To say I disagree with a lot of the stuff Harvey says about the game is an understatement, but to say Harvey is stubborn and incapable of being reasoned with is already my second understatement. 

As for an unpopular opinion: I don't think the hit rate issues for lances/axes are as bad in FE 6 as people make them out to be; if the game was as easy as everyone's savior, 7, it wouldn't be noticed as much. I believe @ping was the one who put it best.

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5 hours ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

As for an unpopular opinion: I don't think the hit rate issues for lances/axes are as bad in FE 6 as people make them out to be; if the game was as easy as everyone's savior, 7, it wouldn't be noticed as much. I believe @ping was the one who put it best.

I agree with this. This is especially true of Normal, but even when I do Hard runs I never feel the hit rate problem too badly unless I'm up against someone at a gate. Axes I can kinda get because everyone who uses them not named Echidna (or maybe Lott if you're being generous) has mediocre to garbage Skill bases and/or growths, but it's still not as bad as people say. Lances, though, I don't get the complaints about.

Edited by AzureSen
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On 8/18/2017 at 3:51 PM, Armagon said:

Maybe i'm just lucky but Jaffar always seems to handle the enemies on his side. The only issue is when he walks into Ursula's range. But that's only sometimes.

I usually end up training her up, so her join time isn't too much of an issue. I mean, i consistently train Sophia in every Binding Blade playthrough, to the point that she's my main Shaman. If someone can train Sophia, then they can train pretty much any Est. Except Corple. Corple fucking sucks no matter what.

Nope even Corple can be good if Lewyn is his dad and you spam high XP staves and normal staves like a Tuesday afternoon. Here is mine... I mean like all Ests it is stupidly inefficient but it is possible 



On another note Battle Before Dawn is legitimately and unironically one of my favorite maps in the series and this isn't me being contrarian it's been one of my favorite and most memorable maps for me since I was a kid.  On that note I also love every defense map in the game, I recognize the problem of reinforcements not keeping on going but I standby their amazing regardless and don't deserve to be so heavily underappreciated because of this one flaw. Is pressing end turn a couple times really the end of the world.  

Edited by Locke087
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2 hours ago, Locke087 said:

Nope even Corple can be good if Lewyn is his dad and you spam high XP staves and normal staves like a Tuesday afternoon

Yeah, one can just have him staff abuse in his join chapter. It doesn't take long if he's high EXP staves and possibly has the Elite Ring.


Though he does have the problem of being a completely unnecessary unit considering the fact that Nanna and Lana exist.


I also like Battle Before Dawn as well. I actually think it's a fun map.

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3 hours ago, Locke087 said:

On another note Battle Before Dawn is legitimately and unironically one of my favorite maps in the series and this isn't me being contrarian it's been one of my favorite and most memorable maps for me since I was a kid.  On that note I also love every defense map in the game, I recognize the problem of reinforcements not keeping on going but I standby their amazing regardless and don't deserve to be so heavily underappreciated because of this one flaw. Is pressing end turn a couple times really the end of the world.  

Battle before dawn seems to be a mix bag between various players. On one hand, it happens to be the best defense maps I've played since you have to protect Zephiel who isn't at the start of the map and at the same time, gives you the tension to do things quickly and carefully before he, Jaffar and Nino get killed. The map is designed in such a way that you have routes to choose but neither of them are the best choice as they  both offer different consequences. You can't start turtling right away until you reach the point where you can cover for Zephiel. And since everything is dark here, unless you look at the guide, the enemies you will encounter are not shown giving you that scary feeling who's going to show up and kill him? An axe user, a mercenary or a druid/mage or Ursala herself? 

On the other hand, atleast on my first playthrough, I found it hard to get the chests at the left side of the map that I decided to skip it.  The enemies are in huge chunks and the NPCs here can act stupidly and not do in your favour. Atleast you can save Nino pretty easily unlike Jaffar who's going to take a bit more of an effort to save. And Ursala's bolting...I mean, sure there are ways to counter it but its still a threat nonetheless and that can easily kill off either Jaffar, Nino or Zephiel which can be a huge problem.

But then again, I only played this on Eliwood Normal. So I do wonder how it will be on Hector Normal.....

2 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I am completely indifferent to weapon durability.  I don't hate it, but then again I wouldn't miss it if it was gone.

Honestly, I'm a bit more opposite to that. I think weapon durability is the far better tactic than having no durability. The issue with weapons not breaking is that they will reduce stats which can be frustrating as seen in Fates.

If they manage to tweak that issue, then I'm all for not having durability.

19 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Yeah, one can just have him staff abuse in his join chapter. It doesn't take long if he's high EXP staves and possibly has the Elite Ring.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a Holesty unit pretty much required to kill of Ishtar in the final map? If so, then if Lewyn's his father, he will DEFINITELY be required to kill her in a nutshell!


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20 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a Holesty unit pretty much required to kill of Ishtar in the final map? If so, then if Lewyn's his father, he will DEFINITELY be required to kill her in a nutshell!

It's recommended to use a Holsety user (who is always Ced for me) against Ishtar in the final chapter, or she can be silenced by a healer with really high Mag (which Corple can do so, iirc). 

If Corple's the Holsety user, then you definitely will need to get him promoted to use Holsety, and kill Ishtar.

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11 minutes ago, Harvey said:

I think people who bash at FE7 prepromotes being overpowered

Tbh I think Pent is the only prepromote to be quite overpowered. Then again, the only prepromotes I ever used in the game were Pent and Louise, so I don't know about how the others turn out....

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8 hours ago, Harvey said:

in my unpopular opinion, I think people who bash at FE7 prepromotes being overpowered and FE6 prepromotes being well balanced are unfair.

It's more like Marcus and (maybe) Pent being overpowered, not FE7's prepromotes in general. But pray tell, which FE6 prepromotes play in the same league as FE7!Marcus?

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9 hours ago, Harvey said:

in my unpopular opinion, I think people who bash at FE7 prepromotes being overpowered and FE6 prepromotes being well balanced are unfair.

I think you can reword that to say "I don't think FE7 prepromotes are overpowered and I think FE6 prepromotes are very unbalanced". No need to call out a group. Just a heads up.

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7 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

I think you can reword that to say "I don't think FE7 prepromotes are overpowered and I think FE6 prepromotes are very unbalanced". No need to call out a group. Just a heads up.

Problem is every time he's tried something like that someone jumps on him and tells him he's wrong.

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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

Problem is every time he's tried something like that someone jumps on him and tells him he's wrong.

No one is telling him he is wrong. It's just the way he presents his opinions seem like he is trying to insist people who think the opposite are wrong, even if that is not the intent, that is what it reads like.

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Calill and Sonya are my favorite sages and I consider them the best in the series. Mainly because they have the most depth and the best personalities in my opinion, I love fabulous characters.

If I had to rank the pre-promoted sages from Most favorite to least it would be like this:


Calill <- Love
Sanaki (does she count?)
Soren <- Hate

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On 08/19/2017 at 2:07 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

I think Ests damsel tendencies might be a little overstated. From the top of my head she's only kidnapped twice, once by Grief and then by the Archeneans.

Takumi is also kidnapped two times but no one calls him a damselboy. Tana might also get captured two times depending on what route you take and Kagero and Izana a whopping three times. 

The Fates routes are different continuities of the same world and time frame. It only makes sense that characters are kidnapped "multiple times" when the circumstances that lead to them being kidnapped don't change across continuities.

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8 hours ago, ping said:

It's more like Marcus and (maybe) Pent being overpowered, not FE7's prepromotes in general. But pray tell, which FE6 prepromotes play in the same league as FE7!Marcus?

What about Harken, Geitz, Jaffar, Louise, Karel and Regault?

As for Fe6 Prepromotes.....Percival?


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32 minutes ago, Harvey said:

As for Fe6 Prepromotes.....Percival?

Percival is only as good as he is on hard - care to tell us about that, when you struggle on normal?

Look, we get it, you don't like 6 - that's okay, but please give it a rest.

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For my next opinion...I think Def and Resistance needs to be combined as one stat together since they both are suppose to help to block attacks rather than having them as separate stats instead. That way, there can be a growth rate for a different stat like bringing back weapon level that was first there in FE1...


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I genuinely like Peri, even if I can't defend her character.

Jesse and Kamui are some of the best characters in Echoes. "My body is your plaything Mila~"

Faye > Cordelia

I really like Faye, most due to her A support with Alm, and her design. Shame about her ending though.

I don't see what's so good about Leon? Yeah, he's gay, yeah, he has a tragic backstory but...what about Niles? I know that a lot of people don't like Niles' innuendos and stuff, but people like Leon pining over Valbar, who just lost his family? Nice design though.

Gray x Clair's support is god awful.

I don't like Raven x Lucius, Lloyd x Raven is where it's at.

Kieran x Rhys is adorable as all heck.

Brady is a fantastic character.

Kjelle annoys me, Sully too...

I love Sothe's RD design, dat stomach.

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9 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Problem is every time he's tried something like that someone jumps on him and tells him he's wrong.

Problem is, he's basically taking a discussion in which people gave quite detailed reasoning why they disagree with him , calls said people "unfair", ignoring their arguments completely, and instantly goes dismissive when someone disagrees with him.

Also, @Harvey, while Perceval is really good, he doesn't join in the first chapter, and he isn't that much better than a trained Allen or Lance (or even Noah and Treck), unlike FE7!Marcus, who absolutely dominates a good chunk of the game. Harken, Geitz, Jaffar, Louise, Karel and Renault aren't FE6 prepromotes (well, Karel is, but he's barely around), so I'm not sure why you bring them up.

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1 hour ago, ping said:

Harken, Geitz, Jaffar, Louise, Karel and Renault aren't FE6 prepromotes (well, Karel is, but he's barely around), so I'm not sure why you bring them up.

You said that only Marcus and Pent are pretty overpowered which is false as there are other prepromotes that are on par with them.


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