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Took long enough. Just hit 30k for 5* Tobin.

I'm considering making a push to 40k tomorrow out of my usual goal of 5k per day just to grab the final unique reward quickly, and start focusing on grinding Chain Challenge to accumulate more orbs from Lunatic.

I ended up making no major changes to my team since I started running this TT. While the occasional ranged green or Dancer can cause issues, it has only ever cost me a run once. In the worst-case scenario, my usual Arena team can clear up whatever is left of Map 7 if Celica is dead.

Lukas recently finished inheriting Hone Spd 3, which lets him buff Bride Cordelia to 36 Spd and significantly improve her matchups against damage sinks like Ephraim and Bartre by quad-attacking them and proccing Draconic Aura. He and Reinhardt are close to max HM despite having only come into regular use almost a week ago; in fact, Reinhardt will cap his HM partway through my next Tempest run.

I only wish I could have pulled for a 40% bonus unit, since 604 as my hard A/A cap puts a damper on progress, but them's the breaks.

I never did get Dragon Fang for Reinhardt @Rezzy, after all. Moonbow masterrace

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10 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Took long enough. Just hit 30k for 5* Tobin.

I'm considering making a push to 40k tomorrow out of my usual goal of 5k per day just to grab the final unique reward quickly, and start focusing on grinding Chain Challenge to accumulate more orbs from Lunatic.

I ended up making no major changes to my team since I started running this TT. While the occasional ranged green or Dancer can cause issues, it has only ever cost me a run once. In the worst-case scenario, my usual Arena team can clear up whatever is left of Map 7 if Celica is dead.

Lukas recently finished inheriting Hone Spd 3, which lets him buff Bride Cordelia to 36 Spd and significantly improve her matchups against damage sinks like Ephraim and Bartre by quad-attacking them and proccing Draconic Aura. He and Reinhardt are close to max HM despite having only come into regular use almost a week ago; in fact, Reinhardt will cap his HM partway through my next Tempest run.

I only wish I could have pulled for a 40% bonus unit, since 604 as my hard A/A cap puts a damper on progress, but them's the breaks.

I never did get Dragon Fang for Reinhardt @Rezzy, after all. Moonbow masterrace

Moonbow is great!  My team is maxed, but it works so well, I don't want to change it until I've gotten my Orbs.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

Took long enough. Just hit 30k for 5* Tobin.

I'm considering making a push to 40k tomorrow out of my usual goal of 5k per day just to grab the final unique reward quickly, and start focusing on grinding Chain Challenge to accumulate more orbs from Lunatic.

O_O. How do you guys get so many points???? 

I just hit 6000....

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1 minute ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

O_O. How do you guys get so many points???? 

I just hit 6000....

By spending most of your Stamina on 7-map Lunatic and winning.

I'm also almost to 30k, just ~2 more runs away. Haven't been using a particularly efficient team, either, since I want to avoid using characters with capped HM, so I haven't gotten any A/A runs. I've also been playing a lot less than the first TT, especially the first few days, although I've been picking up the pace lately to get Tobin in time for the double SP event tomorrow.

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6 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

O_O. How do you guys get so many points???? 

I just hit 6000....

Lunatic 7 gives at most 705 points for a perfect run with A Survival / A Spd and a 40% bonus unit. I'm stuck with Lukas and Sharena as my only bonuses so my points cap at 604 though. You can do 5 runs on a full stamina bar, which will refill after 8 hours which leads to another set of 5 runs for a total of 10 runs per day without any stamina potions. To hit 5k per day, that's only 7-9 runs giving you leeway on a failed run or two.

I'm pretty sure the minimum you need to score to reach 40k by the end of the event is about 2.5k-3k, though, so 5k is overshooting it.

We're seeing higher numbers this time around since the maps are smaller and can be finished faster save the graveyard map, and the smaller map pool ensures less RNG that can result in a failed or imperfect run. It's more consistent overall.

tfw ninja

Edited by MrSmokestack
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1 minute ago, Othin said:

By spending most of your Stamina on 7-map Lunatic and winning.

I'm also almost to 30k, just ~2 more runs away. Haven't been using a particularly efficient team, either, since I want to avoid using characters with capped HM, so I haven't gotten any A/A runs. I've also been playing a lot less than the first TT, especially the first few days, although I've been picking up the pace lately to get Tobin in time for the double SP event tomorrow.

I guess. I need better units, or better IVS on units I have XD And to get better at the game...

Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Lunatic 7 gives at most 705 points for a perfect run with A Survival / A Spd and a 40% bonus unit. I'm stuck with Lukas and Sharena as my only bonuses so my points cap at 604 though. You can do 5 runs on an empty stamina bar, which will refill after 8 hours which leads to another set of 5 runs for a total of 10 runs per day without any stamina potions. To hit 5k per day, that's only 7-9 runs giving you leeway on a failed run or two.

I'm pretty sure the minimum you need to score to reach 40k by the end of the event is about 2.5k-3k, though, so 5k is overshooting it.

We're seeing higher numbers this time around since the maps are smaller and can be finished faster save the graveyard map, and the smaller map pool ensures less RNG that can result in a failed or imperfect run. It's more consistent overall.

tfw ninja

Oh. Yeah... Having a unit besides Sharena for the bonus would help too O_O...

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I somehow only just realized that if I put one more merge on my Mae and give her the Speed +1 seal, she has a guaranteed double attack against Celica, even if Celica has +4 Spd from buffs.

31 base Spd, +3 from +Spd nature, +4 from +9 merge, +5 from Life and Death 3, +4 from Hone Spd 3, +4 from two stacks of Blarowl+, +1 from Speed +1 for a total of 52 Spd.

Celica has a maximum of 38 base Spd, +5 from Ragnarok, +4 from Hone Spd 3 or Rally Spd for 47 Spd. Due to the order of AI actions and the fact that the left ranged unit is assumed dead after walking into Tharja or Cecilia, she can't ever have a Spur Spd 3 buff.

Well, then... maybe I can spare the feathers for this.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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31 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Oh. Yeah... Having a unit besides Sharena for the bonus would help too O_O...

Yep, it would. I'm just trucking along with the Askran trio myself. It works pretty well when they're 5*.

It's also help to do Lunatic but after last time never again for me. I'm ~22.5 k right now, and I'd be further without working on all the other stuff. I'll certainly stop at 40k- No point imo.

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I've been so lazy with the trials this time around.  

I think I burned myself out last time because I always played Lunatic 7.

I'm reeeeally feeling the grind this time, so I have started doing the ultimate lazy thing.  I put the game on auto-battle on Hard 5 (the AI wipes my 4 teams on Lunatic 5).  On hard, the AI usually only wipes the team once or twice, so I get over 400 points per run.  It's not very stamina efficient, but I have over 50 potions and nothing else to do with them.

I have to make myself look away from the screen when the AI is doing its' thing cause it makes me cringe big time.  (Like rushing Azura in to attack an axe user instead of dancing.)  It's nice doing it this way, though!  I get to watch Netflix and crochet while the game grinds the trials for me, hehehe.  

I'm at 53k right now, so if I spend more stamina potions, I should have no problem making it to the top 5k by the end.  Last time I made it in the top 5k with 110k points, but I think the cut off will be higher this time.

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1 hour ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

O_O. How do you guys get so many points???? 

I just hit 6000....

I have around 30k from grinding hard 5---it's easy enough to auto, and 4 teams means you'll never fail to complete unless your teams are made of total losers.

The fact that it can be auto'd means that it's like 5 clicks a map, and I can do other stuff while I'm getting points and HM. (It's also easy enough for vanilla 5*s to beat, meaning I can run stuff that I'll never use in a serious situation to get HM.)

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23 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

I have around 30k from grinding hard 5---it's easy enough to auto, and 4 teams means you'll never fail to complete unless your teams are made of total losers.

The fact that it can be auto'd means that it's like 5 clicks a map, and I can do other stuff while I'm getting points and HM. (It's also easy enough for vanilla 5*s to beat, meaning I can run stuff that I'll never use in a serious situation to get HM.)

Woah... I didn't think that my team consisting of Xander, Reinhardt, Julia and Olivia sucked that badly... Suggestions?

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17 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Woah... I didn't think that my team consisting of Xander, Reinhardt, Julia and Olivia sucked that badly... Suggestions?

Use a bonus unit, even if you can't fit it into your main team. You get more points for a A/B run with 20%/40% bonus than for a A/A run with no bonus.

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1 minute ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Use a bonus unit, even if you can't fit it into your main team. You get more points for a A/B run with 20%/40% bonus than for a A/A run with no bonus.

lol. I meant Sharena, not Olivia. My bad XD

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22 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Woah... I didn't think that my team consisting of Xander, Reinhardt, Julia and Olivia sucked that badly... Suggestions?

Mind, when autoing, you're going to lose teams. Losing 1 is the most common outcome for me, losing 2 is the second most common, happening about half as often as losing 1, and losing 0 and losing 3 happens about the same rate (not at all often).

I prefer to auto anyway despite the less points because I just can't be arsed to spend so much time doing TT.


Xander's problem is that you're running him without a healer, so one or two bad fights and he's out of commission (and, even if he's only fighting physical greens, the stats should be just enough inflated that he'll be worn down anyway). Reinhardt is nice, Julia is okay, and Sharena is also okay, but Sharena also has a tendency to be worn down, and Julia isn't quite strong enough to ORKO consistently---meaning you're spending multiple unit-turns to kill one unit.

TT heavily favors units that can fight forever, one way or another: My Selena has Renewal 3 and ridiculous bulk thanks to Fury 3 (the burn damage is more than compensated by Renewal because it triggers at the start of every map), so she's always able to kill and tank. Strong 2 range damage dealers don't take damage to kill melees, and, worst comes to worst, dancers let your best units go again to either run away or kill another unit.


If you're autoing, though, it's mostly just throwing bodies at the enemies. 4 teams to beat 5 maps means each team only has to beat slightly more than 1 map---pretty easy assuming your 5*s are reasonably well kitted.

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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Mind, when autoing, you're going to lose teams. Losing 1 is the most common outcome for me, losing 2 is the second most common, happening about half as often as losing 1, and losing 0 and losing 3 happens about the same rate (not at all often).

I prefer to auto anyway despite the less points because I just can't be arsed to spend so much time doing TT.


Xander's problem is that you're running him without a healer, so one or two bad fights and he's out of commission (and, even if he's only fighting physical greens, the stats should be just enough inflated that he'll be worn down anyway). Reinhardt is nice, Julia is okay, and Sharena is also okay, but Sharena also has a tendency to be worn down, and Julia isn't quite strong enough to ORKO consistently---meaning you're spending multiple unit-turns to kill one unit.

TT heavily favors units that can fight forever, one way or another: My Selena has Renewal 3 and ridiculous bulk thanks to Fury 3 (the burn damage is more than compensated by Renewal because it triggers at the start of every map), so she's always able to kill and tank. Strong 2 range damage dealers don't take damage to kill melees, and, worst comes to worst, dancers let your best units go again to either run away or kill another unit.


If you're autoing, though, it's mostly just throwing bodies at the enemies. 4 teams to beat 5 maps means each team only has to beat slightly more than 1 map---pretty easy assuming your 5*s are reasonably well kitted.

Ah, I see. 

I don't auto all too often, since I find TT is better if it has my undivided attention. Xander has Vantage and Reposition, and Reinhardt has Reposition and Moonbow. Julia and Sharena have no inherited skills, but Sharena mostly Rally Attacks Xander or Reinhardt, while Julia hides behind Xander while attacking, usually pseudo-healing him in the process. 

The team I have usually sweeps house on Hard 5. But I'm open to other team builds as well. 

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Took me six days but I finally got my first perfect run!



I have no idea what I did differently this time. I choose to attribute this perfect run to summoning Leon at 1am last night. Thank you Leon you fabulous purple haired guy. 

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27 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I choose to attribute this perfect run to summoning Leon at 1am last night



I'm at 60k right now. I think I can reach the 100,000 reward no problem, but I lack the motivation to stay in the top 5k this time.

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at 52K now, gained 10k points today from hard mode auto-battle while working on a commission. feels good to be able to do productive stuff while doing TT instead of pouring grind-induced tears and valuable time into it. 

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I've got Phantom Speed and room to go up. The 6000 feathers are all that matter to me, but I won't say no to managing 8000. I know 10,000 is out of my league.

Alm/Nino/Sharena/Klein. No Dancer, no healer other than Alm (who actually does things and does them well). I wish Sharena could more reliably kill Celica (If she has Luna charged and Celica doesn't have a defence buff, she can usually manage it), but it's not that bad (Klein can normally finish her off).

Linde/Hector/Olivia/Priscilla can clean up the final map if necessary anyway.

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I wonder if I can get Alm and Clarine to max out their HM in the next seven days. That'd be really nice.

Progress? Ah, I'm at 63,259 right now. I'm happy enough with that.

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