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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I thought I was the only one who doesn’t grind Tempest for HM. I was wrong!

Tempest is actually easy enough to auto on hard, even for vanilla 5* level 40s. I do it with 1 team lost pretty consistently, and so far there hasn't been a single round where I lost 3 teams. It's only ~400 points compared to a perfect 700, but: Way less effort, just click auto every map and you're gucci.

Edit: This is basically how I've been HM 'grinding.' I'm even considering burning my stamina pots down to 40 or so for it. I doubt I will, though. Not enough 5* units, and I don't care enough about 4*s to grind their HM.

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8 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I've found Quickened Pulse+Moonbow is great for taking out a couple enemies in the opening round.  There seem to be quite a few that get killed by Moonbow that aren't by just Dire Thunder.

Moonbow's neat early on to push him into KO thresholds like you said, but honestly the damage he does early on is less important than the damage he can do later on, when enemy stats are inflated to the point that Moonbow's added damage hardly makes a difference compared to something with higher CD, but higher damage. Quick Pulse helps close the gap anyways.

I still have Moonbow for now, but I'm definitely giving Dragon Fang a shot at some point before 40k. Mine isn't +Atk so I'm sticking with Luna for Arena offense and Moonbow for defense after Tempest is over.

My maxed HM units:











Bride Cordelia


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Anyway, this is how the upper part of my HM list (that is, the part that matters) looks now. Ten units maxed, none of them during any of the tempests.


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I got Mae, m!Corrin, and Oboro to max out their hero merit due to running tempest. I can't remember if Leo and Linde got anything from this one or not, but the last tempest helped me max out Sharena, Fae, and Nino.

Priscilla is going to hit 2000 soon, and Alm's about to hit 1500. (And Klein's almost at 500, but since he hasn't been going into tempest I don't think that counts.)

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Well...I maxed out HM on my primary team and my backup team, so I'm probably going to do some grinding and level up some characters I've been meaning to. This gauntlet, I've maxed out Faye, Reinhardt, Lucius, Ursula, Sanaki, and Nowi. (Katarina is very close behind, lacking just 27 HM). Right now, I'm leveling up Mae to use as my bonus character. My next primary team may be Julia, Celica, Mae, and Camus/Healer. I'm a little worried about having two slower mages on a team (Julia and Mae). If Julia looks like she'll be a problem, I'll switch her out for Michalis or Hector.

My score's a little above 65k now. I think I'm on target to finish all of this up this weekend. I'll probably keep doing a few runs everyday even after I get all the rewards to see if I can stay in the top 1000. I may actually be able to break 100k feathers if that's the case. :3

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Starting to feel the effects of the grind. An A/D run. Getting sloppier. Made up for it with an A/A run where everyone survived.

My first deathless run ever. With a bonus team anyway. That run even had an Ike in it!

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Yesterday I decide to do what I actually wanted and not torture myself with this horrible mode anymore and play something that is actually fun for a change. I'm going to stick to that I don't care about the for the feather rankings anymore i'm just going to do the three times required for the daily quests and stop then I can't take any more than that, I have other things I want to play and other things I need to do. Maybe I'll give up near the end and just grind a ton to catch up but for now i'm done. I think from now in every tempest trail I'm just gonna only aim for the seal and then coast from there on. So yeah i am 46k and now I'm going to cost from now on only doing enough to fulfil the daily quests.

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Did some more experimenting and discovered that I can more consistent A/A rankings as well as Hero Merit by using Boey, Olwen, Xander, and Oliva.

So hooray for experiementation!

I knew I could get something to work. And if you ask me, spurs and owl tomes are lots of fun to play with.


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i finally resorted to making a team for Autobattle Hard mode. god i cringe so hard when i look down and see what the AI is doing, it hurts me inside. realized healers are a no-no the moment Sakura was suicided in on the first map. the team i settled on coincidentally happens to all have WoM...Faye, Nino, S. Lucina, and Olivia. honestly sometimes the AI makes amazing plays with WoM just like it does to me in the arena. i watch on like a father proud of his child.

consistent A/B A/C runs, thoooo, and with non HM maxed units to boot.

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Finally got 5 star tobin. I decided full cav team is too slow of a grind, and just left reinhardt with a dancer, hone cav xander, and a revolving door of healers that I want to grind HM for. It's not as safe, but it is much faster to do runs with. 

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On 48k and leaving it for today, most likely. I've been taking it easy and levelling up a few people between bouts. I really don't want to wear myself out with this. 

Annoyingly, my main team are now all maxed on HM. I really wish I had another 1.4 bonus unit to use instead of Alm. Hopefully, I'll get lucky with pulling one when I pull for other Echoes units tomorrow. I might even pull for greens in the hopes of getting Boey, even though Saber and Leon are my main targets. 

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57 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Finally got 5 star tobin. I decided full cav team is too slow of a grind, and just left reinhardt with a dancer, hone cav xander, and a revolving door of healers that I want to grind HM for. It's not as safe, but it is much faster to do runs with. 

I run similar Reinhardt/Gunter/Olivia/Mae. Gunter & Olivia help clean up what Rein can't kill (or, can't kill without being left in danger).

I switched to a similar set up late last tempest as well and it's actually really consistent. This tempest go around I typically get ~605 or more and I was getting consistent 500-600 runs last time

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My team:


Alm [+SPD/-DEF]


48 HP / 52 ATK / 36 SPD / 27 DEF / 25 RES
Weapon: Falchion
Assist: Reciprocal Aid
Special: Draconic Aura
Passive A: Fury 3
Passive B: Renewal 3
Sacred Seal: HP +3

Azura [+SPD/-HP]


33 HP / 43 ATK / 39 SPD / 21 DEF / 28 RES
Weapon: Sapphire Lance+
Assist: Sing
Special: Iceberg
Passive A: Speed +3
Passive B: Escape Route 3
Passive C: Hone Atk 3
Sacred Seal: Fortify Res 1

Nino [+ATK/-DEF]


33 HP / 53 ATK / 39 SPD / 19 DEF / 29 RES
Weapon: Gronnblade+
Assist: Draw Back
Special: Draconic Aura
Passive A: Fury 3
Passive B: Desperation 3
Passive C: Hone Atk 3
Sacred Seal: Attack +1

Robin (M) [+HP/-RES]


46 HP / 40 ATK / 29 SPD / 29 DEF / 19 RES
Weapon: Blárraven+
Assist: Draw Back
Special: Bonfire
Passive A: Triangle Adept 3
Passive B: Swordbreaker 3
Passive C: Spur Def 3
Sacred Seal: HP +3


Just got 30k for 5 star Tobin

2 more days at 5k a day will give me phantom speed!

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You know, regarding the doubled rewards for TT daily quests and everything, does anyone think that they might add these new Valentia maps to the TT rotation after the daily reset? Especially since there are only 6 existing maps in the rotation + the final map



(these are the maps from the new upcoming story chapter)


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Just hitted 69k, I have enough Stamina Potions to go to 120k in one day but my mind can only take doing 4 or 5 stamina bars at most, thankfully I only need to keep this torture for like 3 more days and hit 100k. Afterwards I'll let my Flier Emblem team auto battle on hard to get some HM and SP. 

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Hit 70k and I'm just outside the top 1k. After I hit 100k I may find an autobattle team of my own and let them clear this nonsense. After maxing HM and no longer needing SP on my units this is feeling mindless. 

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Wow I'm still just at 36,701 with my bonus Boey :/

Just been doing a 99 stamina run on it each day too when doing Lunatic 7 run (Work takes most of day). It's a constant pace but I guess other people have been spending stamina potions.

(To be fair my attention is divided into two accounts. Main account only has Sharena as bonus unit so pace is slower there.)

Don't think my brain can handle more than this per day though. At least Phantom Speed is soon.

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On 07/11/2017 at 7:09 PM, shadowofchaos said:

No, I assure you TT's inflated stats survive. I have to check this again the next time, but I've seen a Jeigan with 60 HP.

I assume you're basing this off regular Arena nature Jeigans.

Well yes, +ATK Rein with a special and Hone would pretty much obliterate any blue with a quad no matter how high their res.


On 07/11/2017 at 7:01 PM, Thor Odinson said:

He doesn't usually have Aegis. Aegis is Abel's thing, so he doesn't usually roll that. I think floor 7 Jagen can live that if he has blue tomebreaker, though--I beat a floor 5 Jagen doing 15 in 1 hit and 43 in another, but a floor 7 is likely to have more than 58 hp. 

Floor 7 btb Jagens are a pain in the ass. I'd have to hope Rein has DFang up and teamkill with both Rein and Olwen. Wish I had the feathers for Cecilia.

edit: nvm i am wrong i just never noticed it on him dragon fang rein is pretty bork though


On 07/11/2017 at 7:01 PM, DehNutCase said:

Jeigan dies even before specials from 4 hits from +Atk, DB 3, lance breaker Reinhardt. He only has 1 hp left before Aegis triggers. He survives =Rein without specials, but even Luna kills him. -Atk Reinhardt can't kill him without buffs, though.

Edit: Then again, 50 hp Jagen with 40 Res would survive at critical (less than 6 before fury burn) hp even after +Atk DF, so *shrugg.* I never bothered checking how inflated the stats get in TT etc. That said, +6/+6 from Hone would straight up obliterate him, since that's 18 extra damage first 3 hits, 3 extra damage the final hit, and 1/2 extra damage last hit if DF is the special. For about 22 more damage.

Just to confirm that I have bad memory:

Jagen with less than 50 HP, but definitely had Aegis.


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