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Irritating. Just failed the mission that would have given me enough for 80k. I needed 500. An A/D even would have been enough. There was a hard counter literally every single stage for each of my teams.

Stage 1: Ike. The bane of my Team A. Nino wasn't ready with Desp so he obliterated M!Marth. Fished through stage 2  barely.

Stage 2: Clustered red mage to the right that Caeda couldn't OHKO, bulky red that Xander couldn't OHKO, Sapphire lance sully coming right in on turn 2, Soren gets oneshot by Sophia, and the team falls apart. Team C makes it to stage 6.

Stage 6: 2 Swordies which Lukas can handle, but there's a Troubadour parked out front that no one can OHKO because of ridiclous 36 SPD and no hone speed in this group. She chips away at my team, kills Lukas and the team falls apart. Team D is slapped together halfheartedly.

Stage 7. Cherche can't OHKO Donnel without DB3 (Don't have the SP for it yet so I'm going Attack +3) and Effie can't OHKO Celica without Brave Lance. Olivia, Cherche and Y!Tiki are all destroyed on the following turn leaving Effie. Effie kills Celica and proceeds to be bombed by the 4 remaining units while NOT on a defensive tile.

I'm at 79.8K points with no stamina. Really annoyed right now. First failure since day 1 of the trials. Rank 818.


Edited by Zeo
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I failed a lot XD

Despite everything I learned from the previous tempest and all the new powerful units I've got this time around (like Reinhardt, he was still in the process of leveling up last time), the final map is more difficult for my teams than the first one. Even now I haven't gotten it down completely, so my first team usually goes down in the final map. Even if they all survived the first six maps.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I failed a lot XD

Despite everything I learned from the previous tempest and all the new powerful units I've got this time around (like Reinhardt, he was still in the process of leveling up last time), the final map is more difficult for my teams than the first one. Even now I haven't gotten it down completely, so my first team usually goes down in the final map. Even if they all survived the first six maps.

I don't count failing as A/B runs. If that was the case I'd fail 95% of the time. But losing all 4 teams? Was an extremely common thing in the first Tempest, but this Tempest? Never happens. I just happened to have unholy bad fortune in that particular run. Plus typically when I lose a unit I start playing worse because I already consider it a loss.

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10 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I don't count failing as A/B runs. If that was the case I'd fail 95% of the time. But losing all 4 teams? Was an extremely common thing in the first Tempest, but this Tempest? Never happens. I just happened to have unholy bad fortune in that particular run. Plus typically when I lose a unit I start playing worse because I already consider it a loss.

I have lost all four teams on this tempest more often than I'd like. Usually right after I wake up or right before I go to bed. Or if I'm just distracted.

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9 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Pretty much 3/4 of my 5* pulls were done at 1 am Pacific Time lol.

A good chunk of my 5* were definitely pulled at 1am(Mountain Time) too. The dead of night calls  for reckless orb spending!

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I have lost all four teams on this tempest more often than I'd like. Usually right after I wake up or right before I go to bed. Or if I'm just distracted.

I'm willing to fail after reaching 100k, until then though I want to be efficient.  *5 Delthea and *5 Ogma will probably be part of the next lineup of characters to do the trials once their leveled. Delthea boosts ATK for swordies and it doesn't get much better than Ogma for offenses. +SPD/-RES is pretty nice too. Pump 9 ATK on top of Vanilla +SPD/-RES Ogma and he's 105/22. Gonna be fun.

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Got Phantom Speed. Today I randomly pulled Boey so now I've got a 1.4 bonus unit to sacrifice, increasing my score by about 80 per run. At this new rate, I may be able to shoot for a top 10K ranked score. Just gotta see how competitive people are getting past the point where there's no more seals to earn.

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Just got an update on my progress - havnt been able to play this TT as much as the last one, but I'm alot more efficient from the start this time - whereas last time it took me a while to find my groove, build and work on my team

Just broke 30k 30,447 with an overal rank of 43,520 - getting closer to the final seal, may r may not go for more orbs, but all my stamina is going towards the TT and I'm looking forward to hitting 40k in points then I plan to focus on the yamada kotaro maps (as well as levelling some new units I got to 40 - but just dont have the time for that just yet)

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I'm at 85k and I'm not using bonus units anymore. I'm just throwing 3 ponies + random unit that I want to grind Hero Merit and destroying everything.
Got Summer Tiki to 2k HM, now I'm going with Ursula for the SP bonus and HM. When SP bonus ends Sunday, I'll max Summer Robin and Summer Gaius.

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On 9/7/2017 at 5:32 AM, Zeo said:

You may not be the best tactician ever, but honestly, your team lacks nukes. Sanaki can bomb things well. Hawkeye can tank well and you've got a healer and a dancer to keep people safe. But Hawkeye is being doubled by everything, sneeze on Sanaki and she dies, Maria is paper mache and of course Azura has her weaknesses. You have a well rounded team but it's the same as my old team. Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys. You might be able to skirt but you have to play virtually perfectly in order for things to go smoothly. In the worst cases the team you face can be a hard counter. Perfect example being a group of blues and colorless units in your case. As soon as I started getting things like Nino, Xander, etc things got ridiculously easier. Still have to play smart but the pressure is off and I get consistent A/B runs unless I play like a noob. 

Anyways, at around 29k. Going to hit 30k before hitting the sack. Not really going to wait around during this tempest. Going to go ahead and wipe out that 100k so I can be done with this aside from the daily quests and maybe some HM/SP grinding. Don't know what the next two weeks will be like, rather not be tied down. I want to hit 50k by monday. Good luck on your grind Soul, if you're anything like me, you may play around with some team lineups and you'll start getting A/B-A/C runs easy.

I refrained from responding because I didn't mean to sound ungrateful (but I actually am), but by the way things are going, it doesn't seem like I really need certain characters to carry me through. You have a set of counters in each characters, and they should be able to pull through unless they don't exactly stand out in what they do. With that said, each of mine just does that. To say I have to play almost perfectly is quite an exaggeration, when all I really needed was some degree of patience(or aka not be a dumbass and make rash decisions at every turn). Hawkeye is a super-staple against all Blues and most colorless (especially the more dangerous ones that my others don't oneround, such as Takumeme and Kagero), Sanaki pretty much oneshots every green (and is actually my anti-Celica in the likes of Quick Ripostse+Night Sky), Maria/Lucius are godsent for simply keeping people alive and Azura because Azura and fuck Reds. Like, they're not as easy as throwing Vantage Hector/Xander at stuff and watch it die, but it's a thing.

I've been slacking hard with a fucked up sleep schedule these past few days, and only recently about to hit 30k (saw you hit that during the weekend, lol).


Edited by Soul~!
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2 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

You can't see the same unit twice in a single run right? It feels good to knock out those reinhardt counters in maps 1-4 before stats start getting out of control ~

Can't say for sure but from my experiences I've never seen the same units twice. I did get Reinhardt and Olwen on back to back maps before the final map so I got lucky. 

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26 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

You can't see the same unit twice in a single run right? It feels good to knock out those reinhardt counters in maps 1-4 before stats start getting out of control ~

No, you can't. @tobuShogi I prefer getting my hard counters and dancers early in the run before they've been affected by stat inflation.

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23 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@tobuShogi I prefer getting my hard counters and dancers early in the run before they've been affected by stat inflation.

Agree on the hard counters but I rather see the dancers on the final map so Celica can attack my Katarina turn one. Mine has Red Tomebreaker so I can take a hit and break Celica's Ragnarok via chip damage. I don't like seeing Soren though. He has 39 speed on Lunatic which means I can only counterattack if my +Speed Katarina gets a Hone Speed buff. Worst team comp against my team on the last map would be a Felicia/Niles/Julia, a dancer, a Klein, a Eliwood, and a Kagero.   

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30,000~something for today! Now 5*Tobin is here, now... Just trying to get to 40,000 for the seal and I will call it done.

Camus, Frederick, Ursula and Olivia are doing all the job and they need to taka a rest, so maybe these last 10,000 points I will trying to get them with other units for some exp and HM. I still need to do the Kotaro quest and some other quest, also the chain trials and new chapters...

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Wait, Nowi doesn't naturally have Quick Riposte? I lost Reinhardt in two different runs to a quick riposte Nowi...or maybe it's just her naturally doubling. Whatever, nowi's annoying.

Just cracked a 50K score. Rank is now 14728. But I won't be content with just a top 10K score. You nerds better listen to the music because there's 5000 seats left in this game of musical chairs.

And I'm damned good at musical chairs.

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25 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Wait, Nowi doesn't naturally have Quick Riposte? I lost Reinhardt in two different runs to a quick riposte Nowi...or maybe it's just her naturally doubling. Whatever, nowi's annoying.

Just cracked a 50K score. Rank is now 14728. But I won't be content with just a top 10K score. You nerds better listen to the music because there's 5000 seats left in this game of musical chairs.

And I'm damned good at musical chairs.

Nowi doesn't have a B Passive in her innate kit so you could've very well have encountered ones with Quick Riposte that or it's just Reinhardt being slow as molasses like you said.

Anyways, I just passed 60k not too long ago with my score currently at 61,965 (good for rank 7,660). With Lukas and Kagero now both at max merits, my A Team will now consist of Eldigan/Delthea/Boey/Lachesis and boy will it feel good to finally have someone who hard counters Celica on my A Team provided Delthea makes it to the final map given my track record of making boneheaded mistakes over the course of these trials.

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52 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Wait, Nowi doesn't naturally have Quick Riposte? I lost Reinhardt in two different runs to a quick riposte Nowi...or maybe it's just her naturally doubling. Whatever, nowi's annoying.

Nowi has 27 neutral base Spd compared to Reinhardt's 18 with Dire Thunder equipped. Even with Hone Cavalry up, Nowi only needs a bonus of 2 Spd to naturally double attack neutral Reinhardt.

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