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Scorched Grand Hero Battle: Valter, the Moonstone


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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

We can just hope that the inflation points weren't added to Atk or Spd.

Assuming his Atk and Spd are intact, that's 34/33 offenses with a legendary Killer weapon. That's pretty damned beautiful.


As a side note, Valter being added for the late August Grand Hero Battle means we're probably getting a Sacred Stones banner halfway through the month so that we can get a story chapter with Valter as a random opponent as a teaser.

I don't know... I certainly don't think they inflated his Res lol.

If he does keep those offenses though, then I think he can get by without receiving Hone Fliers like Xander?

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15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Assuming those stats are for Lunatic, that puts his level 40 base stats at 43/32/31/35/19 minus a total of 2-4 points of stat inflation. That's pretty damned respectable considering Cursed Lance's free Atk and Spd boost and legendary-status 16 Atk.

Hmm, so he's like Michalis, but if Michalis traded attack for speed so he wouldn't get doubled a lot. He also is now the second lance flyer to be a physical tank with his competition being Subaki. Both have a +6 defense lead on Catria, but have poorer resistance than her. He is the slowest of those 3, though, but not really by that much.

Now, if only we could get Ashnard or another sword flyer sometime soon. A high defense, high attack sword flyer would definitely complement Caeda's fast, mage wall and Palla's jack of all trades. That and y'know, more than 2 sword flyers.

With Valter, we have 9 lance flyers and 10 blue flyers with F(lying)F!Corrin. Green has 6 axe flyers and 8 total with spring Camilla.

Edited by Kaden
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Huh, I had initially assumed the Cursed Lance was just another inheritable lance like Berkut's Lance, but it looks like it's another legendary lance. I'll be even happier to 5* him now.

6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

As a side note, Valter being added for the late August Grand Hero Battle means we're probably getting a Sacred Stones banner halfway through the month so that we can get a story chapter with Valter as a random opponent as a teaser.

Perhaps. The FE12 Paralogue had Legion and Clarisse, but Ch12 didn't have Berkut. So it'll probably go along with the long-awaited FE8 banner, but Valter may or may not be in the maps.

Although Ch12 was also pretty crowded with six banner characters, Tobin, and Clive, plus Bruno.

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8 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I don't know... I certainly don't think they inflated his Res lol.

If he does keep those offenses though, then I think he can get by without receiving Hone Fliers like Xander?

If we're super lucky, they might have just given him +1 HP and +1 Def. It wouldn't be the end of the world for it to be something like +1 Atk and +2 Def, though. It would be quite a pity if it were +1 Atk, +1 Spd, and +1 Def.

You know, I can probably run some simulations and see what they did with his stats. Hm....

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15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

As a side note, Valter being added for the late August Grand Hero Battle means we're probably getting a Sacred Stones banner halfway through the month so that we can get a story chapter with Valter as a random opponent as a teaser.

I was hyped beyond belief at the thought of Valter hinting at more SS content, and you applying logical reason just raises my expectations further. Stahp! My heart can't take this!!

(On topic though, he may be slow and an utter creep but I'll be getting him nevertheless and it's hilarious how he comes with an innate counter to the twins' buffs (and also creepy given his interactions with Eirika)).

Edited by DefyingFates
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Watching at Valter was exciting even if I don't like him (Innes coming soon? maybe? I can dream?) . Oh boy, training him and reading his lv40 conversations is going to be interesting!

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9 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

 (Innes coming soon? maybe? I can dream?)

We are both dreaming my friend :'(

It's so hard to remember all the SS characters I want, because everyone is so awesome XD

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11 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

Watching at Valter was exciting even if I don't like him (Innes coming soon? maybe? I can dream?) . Oh boy, training him and reading his lv40 conversations is going to be interesting!

If we really are getting an FE8 banner soon, Innes seems like one of the safest bets. Innes, Seth, L'arachel, and... not sure about the fourth. Tana? I'd say Joshua, but that'd make it majority guys. Maybe Lute?

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Okay, based on his stats, I can confidently say that Valter has only 2 points of stat inflation relative to the stats I gave earlier, giving him a level 40 stat total of 158.

No way to tell which 2 stats, though. Not until I see his level-1 3-star stats, at least (at which point I'll know exactly what his final stats will be).

Unfortunately, based on patterns from other characters' stats, Spd is actually one of the stats that is more likely to have gotten a +1 point from Lunatic bonuses, but we'll see in a few weeks.

Data below:


Using the most common combination of level 1 stats and growth rates for each stat value, the inflated stats Valter has implies

Base stats of 19/8/7/9/4 and
Base growth rates of 55/55/55/60/35.

This results in a level 1 stat total of 47, which exactly matches the level 1 stat total for a melee flying unit, and a growth rate total of 260, which is 5 higher than the expected total for a melee flying unit.

For a 5-star unit, the gaps where increasing or decreasing a growth rate by 5 results in a stat change of 3 instead of 2 are between 25-30 and 45-50. None of his most likely stat combinations border those gaps, so it's very unlikely that his actual level 40 stat total is 157 or 156.

This means the most likely scenario is that his real stats are derived as follows using my estimated base stats and growths as a starting point:

  • One stat has its growth rate reduced by 5 and its level 1 base stat increased by 1.
  • A different stat has its base stat decreased by 1.
  • The two stats chosen above are therefore the two stats that received a 1-point Lunatic bonus.

This assumes that two stats each received a +1 bonus. If they chose to instead give a single stat 2 points of bonus, the end result is most likely that the growth rate for one stat is 5 lower than my numbers above with no changes to base stats.


Edited by Ice Dragon
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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Okay, based on his stats, I can confidently say that Valter has only 2 points of stat inflation relative to the stats I gave earlier, giving him a level 40 stat total of 158.

No way to tell which 2 stats, though. Not until I see his level-1 3-star stats, at least (at which point I'll know exactly what his final stats will be).

Unfortunately, based on patterns from other characters' stats, Spd is actually one of the stats that is more likely to have gotten a +1 point from Lunatic bonuses, but we'll see in a few weeks.

Data below:

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Using the most common combination of level 1 stats and growth rates for each stat value, the inflated stats Valter has implies

Base stats of 19/8/7/9/4 and
Base growth rates of 55/55/55/60/35.

This results in a level 1 stat total of 47, which exactly matches the level 1 stat total for a melee flying unit, and a growth rate total of 260, which is 5 higher than the expected total for a melee flying unit.

For a 5-star unit, the gaps where increasing or decreasing a growth rate by 5 results in a stat change of 3 instead of 2 are between 25-30 and 45-50. None of his most likely stat combinations border those gaps, so it's very unlikely that his actual level 40 stat total is 157 or 156.

This means the most likely scenario is that his real stats are derived as follows using my estimated base stats and growths as a starting point:

  • One stat has its growth rate reduced by 5 and its level 1 base stat increased by 1.
  • A different stat has its base stat decreased by 1.
  • The two stats chosen above are therefore the two stats that received a 1-point Lunatic bonus.

This assumes that two stats each received a +1 bonus. If they chose to instead give a single stat 2 points of bonus, the end result is most likely that the growth rate for one stat is 5 lower than my numbers above with no changes to base stats.


The fact that you can math the answers from one set of numbers is more impressive than my future-math-teacher mind can handle...

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

As a side note, Valter being added for the late August Grand Hero Battle means we're probably getting a Sacred Stones banner halfway through the month so that we can get a story chapter with Valter as a random opponent as a teaser.

Poor Llyod is sitting there hoping that isn't the case out of spite.

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11 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

The fact that you can math the answers from one set of numbers is more impressive than my future-math-teacher mind can handle...

It's no different than one of those grid-style logic puzzles of "who bought which dessert at which shop?", which I got really good at doing back in middle school (because they were extra credit and not difficult).


2 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

Poor Llyod is sitting there hoping that isn't the case out of spite.

Some day, Lloyd. Some day.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's no different than one of those grid-style logic puzzles of "who bought which dessert at which shop?", which I got really good at doing back in middle school (because they were extra credit and not difficult).

Oh yeah, I remember those. I think it's a case of 'you need to have reference to a lot of minor details to have all the facts'.

You got to do them in school?

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Oh yeah, I remember those. I think it's a case of 'you need to have reference to a lot of minor details to have all the facts'.

You got to do them in school?

Those were some of the extra credit options my math teacher in 6th and 7th grade had out. There was a whole shelf full of various math-related puzzles, many of which were this type of logic puzzle, and you could turn completed ones in at any time for extra credit. I'd often end a school quarter with something like a grade of 110% in math because they were so much fun to do.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Those were some of the extra credit options my math teacher in 6th and 7th grade had out. There was a whole shelf full of various math-related puzzles, many of which were this type of logic puzzle, and you could turn completed ones in at any time for extra credit. I'd often end a school quarter with something like a grade of 110% in math because they were so much fun to do.

And that sounds awesome.

Back to Heroes... have you managed the same for Clive?

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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

And that sounds awesome.

Back to Heroes... have you managed the same for Clive?

Wiki seems to have Clive's level 40 stats up already. No idea how accurate they are, but their total checks out at least.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wiki seems to have Clive's level 40 stats up already. No idea how accurate they are, but their total checks out at least.

Hm... 45/33/25/32/19? I think I'd rather deal with Camus... except Clive is a free 5*. Might be between him and Abel, and Abel's also got the opportunity cost of not giving his Brave Lance to Clair/other unit.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wiki seems to have Clive's level 40 stats up already. No idea how accurate they are, but their total checks out at least.

Those stats look underwhelming enough to belong to Clive, at least. While I also don't know where they got them from, I'm inclined to believe that at the very least Clive's stats will look something like that even if those values aren't 100% accurate.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Those stats look underwhelming enough to belong to Clive, at least. While I also don't know where they got them from, I'm inclined to believe that at the very least Clive's stats will look something like that even if those values aren't 100% accurate.

You'd think, with Clair being in my top three characters, that I'd be more inclined to defend Clive than I am.

Ah well, not like I'm the biggest fan of Innes, Fiora or Farina. I like them, but not that much.

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Nice to see that we're getting Valter. I just hope that, if there's a SS banner, that Myrrh and Amelia are part of that banner. Seth, Vanessa or Moulder would be cool too. 

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18 minutes ago, The Geek said:

Any info on who Valter's artist is?

When I first saw it, it gave me massive vibes of the original FE8 artwork, which was done by Wada Sachiko, but the shading on the hair doesn't match the style used in her other Heroes artwork. So I have no clue.

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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

When I first saw it, it gave me massive vibes of the original FE8 artwork, which was done by Wada Sachiko, but the shading on the hair doesn't match the style used in her other Heroes artwork. So I have no clue.

I'm inclined to think it is her. The hair looks similar in style to the original FE8 artwork to me, but the madness in his eyes looks very much the same. His skin tone seems to be different though...

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