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Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!


Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!  

248 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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  • Poll closed on 11/12/2017 at 05:00 AM

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2 minutes ago, Thany said:

Well its nice to have you on our side after you thought she was gonna lose twice in a row XD lets see if we can get her the gauntlet win.

Predictions are predictions. You can't always be right.

I will happily beat up Takumi considering I have yet to actually get a good roll on a Takumi. My only +Spd Takumi is -Atk, and my only +Atk Takumi is -Spd. Figures.

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Wow. Shanna won?!

Anyway, can we please stop about Soren vs Takumi? What does it matter about "they bashed Soren more" Who cares? I can't believe people are still acting like this.

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I had to go to sleep before I saw how Takumi ended up beating Soren, was it because of a multiplier? I'm kind of curious because the last 6-4 hours there wasn't a single multiplier and things were actually interesting for once.

Anyway I'll be joining with Shana.

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1 minute ago, Hekselka said:

I had to go to sleep before I saw how Takumi ended up beating Soren, was it because of a multiplier? I'm kind of curious because the last 6-4 hours there wasn't a single multiplier and things were actually interesting for once.

Anyway I'll be joining with Shana.

They traded multipliers for the last four hours of the round with Takumi, needless to say, getting it for the final hour.

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Congrats Takumi ! I knew from the start there are some characters too popular to beat and that he was one of them, so I'm just glad we came this far~

2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Takumi WINS! We avenged Ryoma! WOOHOO! Takumi wasn't letting Soren get away with taking his big brother down!

Tbh, I'm fairly sure Takumi was eating popcorn and clapping when we won against Ryoma. Beating Big Brother is like, the stone on which he's trying to build his self-esteem. xD (And he just beat the guy who did, so he must be pretty proud right now.)


3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't ship SorenxIke by the way. As much as I like Soren, which is a lot, I don't ship them. Soren is devoted to Ike yes, but would Ike respond? Furthermore, is Soren actually sexually attracted to Ike? Does profuse love without sexual desire for another person of the same gender count as gayness? Or is it just camaraderie? Is same-gender camaraderie gay without being sexual? In which case is everyone a little gay?

...Jesus. I'm not getting into this debate (and not checking the rest of this topic in case it did), because I'd probably get spoiled on Tellius, but romantic love and platonic love are different things regardless of whether sexual desire is involved. Signed : a ticked off homoromantic asexual.

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2 minutes ago, Kori said:

…but romantic love and platonic love are different things regardless of whether sexual desire is involved.


I’m shipping Sharena/Celica romantically and me×Sharena platonically…

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16 minutes ago, hauteclere said:

Yeah lol it's mostly a yaoi problem.

I'm going team Takumi since I like prickly characters ^^ added you anyway though! My lead is Bridelia. (assuming you were talking to me)

Oh I wasn’t talking to anyone specifically just decided to mention my ID for whoever is interested.

No prob I just accepted your request. Maybe I’ll get to face off against your Bridelia (^_^)

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3 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Oh...before I forget: shout-outs to @Rafiel's Aria‘s Ephraim and @Astellius‘s Tiki! Both of them were very helpful in my battles.

I didn’t see @Tybrosion‘s M!Robin, unfortunately...I ended up getting some rando’s witch Nowi a bunch. Next time, perhaps.

Yeeeeah! I'm glad you got to use him! 

Team Soren put up a good fight. I'm proud of the little guy. I'm sure Ike and the rest of the Greil Mercs are proud of him. I'll leave my profile pic the same to honor his memory also because I'm lazy. I decided to jump ship to Team Shanna. I've got Takumi, but I kind of dread having to use him. So time to put my +SPD -DEF Shanna to work. Granted...she's only 3 stars. Maybe I'll use some feathers to promote her if she does well. ^^ 

That being said, because I'm not on a green team now, I can set my +6 Merric (+SPD -RES) as my lead again. He's ready to EAT all of those Takumis with his bowbreaker. :3  

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Well. I'm glad I decided to disappear from this thread for the last hour.

Can't wait for this gauntlet to be over with. Hopefully the feathers I get at the end of all this, plus this week's arena bonuses, will get me to enough feathers to promote another 5-star, lol.

Also, while I don't think anyone here will get him, decided to put up Merric instead of Reinhardt for this final round.

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I suppose Shanna winning by multiplier twice in a row makes sense, as her main gimmick is learning desperation at 4*. She carried me through the early game (back when I was clearing story chapters on normal) and thus has sentimental value for me. That, and also it's satisfying to kill archers with fliers!

To Shanna, I go!

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Just now, The_antithesis said:

I suppose Shanna winning by multiplier twice in a row makes sense, as her main gimmick is learning desperation at 4*. She carried me through the early game (back when I was clearing story chapters on normal) and thus has sentimental value for me. That, and also it's satisfying to kill archers with fliers!

To Shanna, I go!

the last hour vs hinoka didnt have a multiplier of any kind, so in that sense that was a fair win, unfortunate for amelia tho.

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Just now, Korath88 said:

What are the best leads I can set for team Shanna? I'm considering either Hector, Deirdre, Celica or Elincia.

I think hector would be helpful when fighting takumis. So I vote for him.

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Bowtrayal is real!

I ended up in the top 1k despite not using all my flags, which is nice. Dropped from around 300 to the bottom half of 900 though, Usually I wouldn't do this well, so that's nice.

Loose ALL THE FLAGS whenever it is appropriate, of course.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian's Sharena like to visit my accounts once again!

Also someone had a Brave Bow Jeorge. Feels awesome to use.


@LordFrigid has a Jeorge+3.

@Rafiel's Aria’s Merric decided to settle in my Shanna’s entourage. It’s not as impressive given that my Shanna is lvl 1… but hey, I won’t complain!

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2 hours ago, Skylorella Con said:

Really sweetheart? I was not aware I was treated you like shit? *Sheesh* All I did was counter your arguments.

But you're right, discussing on this topic further is pointless.


Tone the attitude down.  The next time I tell you this will be via warning.


Was pleasantly surprised by Shanna's win.  I'm out of flags, and regret nothing!  Now, time to hack out the Iote's Shield!



I'm going to need every single one of these feathers. That last-minute flag burn was to ensure this.

Favorite moment from this voting gauntlet so far:



Don't remember if I saw him in the arena or the gauntlet. . .but I wouldn't be slamming the arena so hard if the gauntlet wasn't here, so I think it counts.

To whoever did this: You are the best.


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I've joined team desperation because I'm desperate for feathers. Will it pay off?

Strangely enough, I haven't seen a single takumi or archer yet but last round when I had my triangle adept green raven Soren, all I was seeing was horsey Lyn and Takumi. Their sudden absence is unnerving... Where are they? 

If anyone would like to add me, please feel free to send me a request. My ID is 9346382259. I have Barst as my lead. I hope he serves you well.


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12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Good luck to both little siblings! (clickable for source)


I think this is the first time we got a final round picture that isnt biased and looks very nice as well. This is a really good picture to have represent the final round.

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Okay, my friend was and is Team Shanna... So I'm against him , now ?

600 flags kept after last round since, of course, there was a LOT OF TIME without multiplier... then he had one when I was asleep. Or two. I don't know, the prediction sheet doesn't show what happen last round. Rofl...

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48 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


@LordFrigid has a Jeorge+3.

@Rafiel's Aria’s Merric decided to settle in my Shanna’s entourage. It’s not as impressive given that my Shanna is lvl 1… but hey, I won’t complain!

Suh-weet. May the power of Archanea serve you well!!!

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