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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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10 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Technically you can't stop anyone who wants to do so. Anyone can tell you your opinion is wrong, it's the internet, since you don't have to actually see the hurt you cause people you can throw as many verbal knives, rocks, chainsaw frisbees, etc. as you want, screw common courtesy.

Maybe Hrid is a decent enough guy, but he just ruined my LegendaRoy chain for the second Legendary Hero Banner yesterday so my current opinion is that Surtr should have been allowed to successfully burn him to ash too. They could have used it to build Fjorm's character, she loses both elder siblings and then Surtr laughs about how he's going to let her see him burn Ylgr next, which gives Fjorm the energy to push back and defeat Surtr. Yeah, he no longer had the Rite of Flames in the final battle, but she was dealing with the Incurable Cough of Death plus has been beat into the dirt by him before, it makes more sense to give her the desperation born from the prospect of her little sister getting slowly torched to death just like she's had to see her mother, elder sister, and then elder brother all suffer...plus it would make me feel a lot better about having two Hrid and no LegendaRoy in my Barracks, knowing he burns for such sins in the end. As it is, he just pisses me off because he did literally nothing throughout the entirety of Book II and got a free Legendary Hero pass while Surtr gets...uh...

Why yes, I do have strong feelings regarding Units that pitybreak my obsessive need to own every version of Our Boi, why do you ask?

I can.

In other words, cut it the fuck out everyone.  This is supposed to be about the comics.

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There were barely any incestuous undertones in this comic. Hrid tucking in his little sisters scores a couple of points, but they’re far more interested in the new year than in fawning over him. Hrid needs to up his game if he wants to be considered a good big brother.

Edited by Baldrick
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10 hours ago, eclipse said:

I can.

In other words, cut it the fuck out everyone.  This is supposed to be about the comics.

Oh, I'm not picking a fight here - I'm glad Ana likes Hrid, it means he wasn't a complete fail as a character and I dislike the idea of a character that completely fails to have anyone like them unless that was the point, even for characters who infuriate me like him.
Also, technically you can't stop anyone from doing it either - you can punish someone for doing so, sure, and you can ensure nobody on here has to see it happen again by banning the offender, but bar going to ridiculous lengths(cutting out the tongue, cutting off arms and legs to prevent drawing as a method of communication, probably more than that) nobody has the capability to actually prevent someone from saying your opinion is wrong, regardless of how correct the statement that your opinion is wrong may be.

On-Topic, I do appreciate the attempts to flesh out the sibling relationships the comics have had - it makes most characters involved feel more in-depth and real.

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7 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Also, technically you can't stop anyone from doing it either - you can punish someone for doing so, sure, and you can ensure nobody on here has to see it happen again by banning the offender, but bar going to ridiculous lengths(cutting out the tongue, cutting off arms and legs to prevent drawing as a method of communication, probably more than that) nobody has the capability to actually prevent someone from saying your opinion is wrong, regardless of how correct the statement that your opinion is wrong may be.

Dude, I'm pretty sure that stuff is not what eclipse means and like she said, we'd be wise to drop it.

However, I appreciate you being glad that I love Hrid, I guess? Sure, he didn't get a lot of actual depth or development. I can't place him as a real top favorite because of that, actually. But I see a lot of potential in him as a character, and I think his design and special trigger lines are awesome.

Edited by Anacybele
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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Dude, I'm pretty sure that stuff is not what eclipse means and like she said, we'd be wise to drop it.

However, I appreciate you being glad that I love Hrid, I guess? Sure, he didn't get a lot of actual depth or development. I can't place him as a real top favorite because of that, actually. But I see a lot of potential in him as a character, and I think his design and special trigger lines are awesome.

His unintentional puns you mean right?!


XD Because aside from Henry (who is the master of puns XP) Hríd is a close second lol.


I wish they'd go and do a comic with Henry making a whole series of puns and Kiran being all "Mate, we're good with the puns, pls stop" XD

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6 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

His unintentional puns you mean right?!

Those lines being puns are exactly why I love them. XD I never thought of Hrid as a guy who'd make puns in battle, and yet he does. lol

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Those lines being puns are exactly why I love them. XD I never thought of Hrid as a guy who'd make puns in battle, and yet he does. lol

He makes them quite well.  My favourite would have to be "Ice upon you!" XD

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20 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Also, technically you can't stop anyone from doing it either - you can punish someone for doing so, sure, and you can ensure nobody on here has to see it happen again by banning the offender, but bar going to ridiculous lengths(cutting out the tongue, cutting off arms and legs to prevent drawing as a method of communication, probably more than that) nobody has the capability to actually prevent someone from saying your opinion is wrong, regardless of how correct the statement that your opinion is wrong may be.

If I kick you off of the forum, that will suffice for "cut it the fuck out".

But I'd rather you do it on your own.

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Man, I get so worried whenever I see Eclipse posting...

Anyway, I just wanna be honest here: Any comics about the Heroes OCs... they just don't do much for me, at least in comparison to many of the other comics revolving around the antics of, say, Lon'qu dealing with Kiran, or Roy and Lilina running away from a restrained Hector. Even that one comic where Ylgr silently declared future war on Askr had a bit of charm to it, but siblings being nice siblings to each other... I dunno, it's not like I don't like them or anything, they just... well, don't do much for me.

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14 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Man, I get so worried whenever I see Eclipse posting...

Glad I'm not the only one.

14 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Anyway, I just wanna be honest here: Any comics about the Heroes OCs... they just don't do much for me, at least in comparison to many of the other comics revolving around the antics of, say, Lon'qu dealing with Kiran, or Roy and Lilina running away from a restrained Hector. Even that one comic where Ylgr silently declared future war on Askr had a bit of charm to it, but siblings being nice siblings to each other... I dunno, it's not like I don't like them or anything, they just... well, don't do much for me.

In all seriousness though, I get what you mean. Everyone has their favourites when it comes to characters and "tropes", so it's fine if you don't like this sort of simple story with the OCs 🙂

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20 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Anyway, I just wanna be honest here: Any comics about the Heroes OCs... they just don't do much for me, at least in comparison to many of the other comics revolving around the antics of, say, Lon'qu dealing with Kiran, or Roy and Lilina running away from a restrained Hector. Even that one comic where Ylgr silently declared future war on Askr had a bit of charm to it, but siblings being nice siblings to each other... I dunno, it's not like I don't like them or anything, they just... well, don't do much for me.

That’s at least better than me, as I get nothing out of the OC-centered comics AND I actively dislike all of the OCs to varying degrees.

Though honestly, I think Hrid in particular is my absolute least favorite just because of how exceedingly fucking pointless his existence (even more so than his non-Fjorm sisters) in the story was.

Edited by Tybrosion
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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Though honestly, I think Hrid in particular is my absolute least favorite just because of how exceedingly fucking pointless his existence (even more so than his non-Fjorm sisters) in the story was.

Agreed on this front. I don’t hate Hrid but he’s just kinda there and a bit of a nothing character. The same can be said of Gunnthra tbh. Cause at least Ylgr has a cute Dynamic with Helbindi and Fjorm gets some stuff in forging bonds and such. Hrid and Gunnthra though? absolutely nothing. I feel nothing towards them. I like hrid’s design but you really have to put a lot of effort forth in order for me to care about him in any capacity.

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Leave it to "I brought Armads to a festival" Hector to deliberately weaponize his own daughter's cuteness. I can see Eliwood and Lyn shaking their heads right now, unless of course they also suffered 99,999 damage to the heart.

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So that is how their Duo Skill deals damage. I wish it would actually deal 99,999 damage though instead of a measly 20.

Edited by XRay
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