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Tempest Trials: A Gift of Peace!


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Thank St. Elimine! I did it. My first time doing this with no 40% bonus unit. I even got Frederick to max out HM...so I never have to use him again. Lol I’m so glad to be done with this thing. I really hope we don’t end up with another TT right after this one....

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I'm at around 80k. I don't regret promoting Nowi to *5 anymore. After pairing her with my Y!Tiki (who now has Refined Lightning Breath+) things got considerably easier.

Nowi won't hit 3k HM before this is over, but I'll keep using her. I don't like her in the least, but she's a pretty good unit even without the Tempest buffs. So I guess I'll keep her around. She's +RES so maybe something like a +RES Refinement will make her a Rein/Lyn check or something.

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I think this will be the first tempest trial where I haven't ranked within top 5000. I don't even know if I'll be able to stay within top 10,000. But this tempest trial was really annoying and came during the holiday when I have other stuff to do, and I didn't have a 40% bonus unit. So I'm just happy to have claimed all of the rewards.

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I am at 26,000 approximately. I know that not a very good score, but It’s a massive improvement over my last trial. I’m definitely going for 30,000 for 5 Star Marth, then hopefully 40,000 for the final Sacred Seal.

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23 hours ago, Zeo said:

I'm at around 80k. I don't regret promoting Nowi to *5 anymore. After pairing her with my Y!Tiki (who now has Refined Lightning Breath+) things got considerably easier.

Nowi won't hit 3k HM before this is over, but I'll keep using her. I don't like her in the least, but she's a pretty good unit even without the Tempest buffs. So I guess I'll keep her around. She's +RES so maybe something like a +RES Refinement will make her a Rein/Lyn check or something.

Nowi is actually pretty fantastic. After getting two non-focus 5* versions of her, I decided to begin the process of promoting 4*s and merging her up to 5* +10. I run a jack-of-all-trades build on her with a +Res forge - Rally Def/Res - Aether - TA3 - Bowbreaker 3 - Spur Def/Res 2 - and either Atk ploy seal or panic ploy seal. With an S-supported unit who runs Rally Def/Res she can do just about anything aside from taking on greens. She deletes all reds, handles all bows, and can even tank Reinhardts and other blues. And with her Rally and Spur Def/Res she can provide excellent support for any situation.

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I'll hit 40,000 by the end of the gauntlet.

On one hand, it's irritating when I'm stuck at 20%.  On the other hand, one movement sucks.  The only reason why it doesn't supremely suck is because said unit is Hector.

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On 1/5/2018 at 6:17 PM, ZeManaphy said:

I am at 26,000 approximately. I know that not a very good score, but It’s a massive improvement over my last trial. I’m definitely going for 30,000 for 5 Star Marth, then hopefully 40,000 for the final Sacred Seal.

2 hours ago, eclipse said:

I'll hit 40,000 by the end of the gauntlet.

How are your scores so low? Just doing the 3 runs per day for the daily rewards should get you to 50k no problem. Add in the fact that TTs are an extremely efficient form of leveling and SP farming, 5-7k per day should be extremely easy to manage. Even with only 20% units.

I will be ending tonight between 190-200k.

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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

How are your scores so low? Just doing the 3 runs per day for the daily rewards should get you to 50k no problem. Add in the fact that TTs are an extremely efficient form of leveling and SP farming, 5-7k per day should be extremely easy to manage. Even with only 20% units.

I will be ending tonight between 190-200k.

I'm stuck with Lucina, who is a 20% unit.  I also don't A/A things every time.

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I am not sure if I am going to make all rewards or not. It'll be close.

@Hawk King Since I really really really really really really really really really really really hate grinding the only way I grind up SP is through autobattles. And the warrior map seems to be much better for that than TT.  The artificial stupidity powering the autobattle is just so poor that TT inflated stats punish it severely. Though this is less noticed with armors, or at least most of them make it through alive most of the time rather than always wiping once by the final map. SP for my team is at 5393(Lissa)/5613(Robin)/6054(Amelia)/7900(Tharja). I find it funny that my team order and the SP order are the same. I wonder if I set that up subconsciously. Obviously Amelia and Tharja would get the most since they can counter at any range. And in hindsight Tharja would obviously get more for being a bonus unit.

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Scored higher than planned (149k, ~1,700th), since I needed all orbs for the legendary banner (which was a bad idea, after pulling 0 Ryoma and only 1 Roy). 

I'm doing only few lunatic/7 this time, since I don't like to crawl around with armors, but I'm burning all spare regular stamina on lunatic/5 auto. This should bring me to 160k and top 5k like usually. 

Noticed auto lunatic/5 is worse for HM grinding in comparison to lunatic/7 though. Lissa is the last survivor of the first team most of the time and she soloes 1-2 maps reach run. Instead of 100-120 HM I'm getting ~50 HM each run. 

@Usana Why do you grind SP? Do you want to give your favorite units all possible skills?

Edited by mampfoid
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Not especially. Most of my units utilize a single build. Though some of my favorites do have alternates. Usually a Fury/Arena build and a Tempest/PVE build. Generally it is just an A Skill or a C Skill change. But a single build can easily cost 2000-3000 SP, or more, according to the inheritance tool. You get 594 from leveling. So that means you need 1406-2406 SP from kills. Which even with double SP is 234-401 kills to finish the build. That counts as grinding in my book. Basically if I need SP after hitting level 40 I consider it grinding. I don't even enjoy pulling units up to level 40. . . so I have a lot of half leveled folks since I get bored out of my mind part way. I may enjoy theory crafting builds, but I HATE having to get the SP.

But that comment was primarily to say that when I need excess SP I use the warrior maps because I HATE grinding and try to avoid it at all costs.

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I just got to 30,830. I guess I’ll have to push it a bit tomorrow to get to 40,000 and get the Heavy Blade seal and call it a day. I miss the Mini versions. The full TT combined with my declining interest make this a very boring and tedious chore even with 40% units.


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I will definitely finish the 100k today (at 90,600 at the moment). This one last push combined with the daily and the tower orbs will allow me to do one last try for Lucina… 4% rate be damned.

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6 hours ago, Usana said:

Not especially. Most of my units utilize a single build. Though some of my favorites do have alternates. Usually a Fury/Arena build and a Tempest/PVE build. Generally it is just an A Skill or a C Skill change. But a single build can easily cost 2000-3000 SP, or more, according to the inheritance tool. You get 594 from leveling. So that means you need 1406-2406 SP from kills. Which even with double SP is 234-401 kills to finish the build. That counts as grinding in my book. Basically if I need SP after hitting level 40 I consider it grinding. I don't even enjoy pulling units up to level 40. . . so I have a lot of half leveled folks since I get bored out of my mind part way. I may enjoy theory crafting builds, but I HATE having to get the SP.

But that comment was primarily to say that when I need excess SP I use the warrior maps because I HATE grinding and try to avoid it at all costs.

Ok, I misunderstood then. When you where talking about SP grinding and showing off your units with 5,000-8000 SP, I thought you where grinding these on purpose. 

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OHHHH, I can see that now! No. That is just me being too lazy to switch my tempest teams. I only mentioned it cause normally the units don't get that much SP due to constantly dying while in the AI's Hands.

Edited by Usana
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21 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

A score of 150,695 has me at rank 1848.  I could probably ignore the TT for the rest of the time left and stay in the top 5k, but I'll do the 3 battles a day for the next couple days for the items.

Last time 150k wouldn't have been enough for top 5k, but it seems this time people are less motivated. Don't know if they'll intensify on the last 24 hours though. 

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Last time 150k wouldn't have been enough for top 5k, but it seems this time people are less motivated. Don't know if they'll intensify on the last 24 hours though. 

Yeah, true.  I always keep my score high enough to stay in the top 5k, but I can't remember what I had last time.  Must have been a bit higher.  I expect people to go a bit nuts on the last day too, so I might have to top it off a bit.  We shall see. :^_^:

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Finally past 90k. Still a bit to go for a final push, but I find my rank actually dropping to below 50,000 when the rest of the world is awake.

Hopefully other people stop playing after 99k as well, I don't want to have to do too many extra battles to fight and just stay on the usual 4000 feather rank.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Finally past 90k. Still a bit to go for a final push, but I find my rank actually dropping to below 50,000 when the rest of the world is awake.

Hopefully other people stop playing after 99k as well, I don't want to have to do too many extra battles to fight and just stay on the usual 4000 feather rank.

People drop off pretty quickly. I do about 9000 points a day and for the first 100k points I held steady at about rank 22000. Today I got about the same points as I have every other day, but in the process I jumped up to rank 13000-ish. (110,824 points is rank 13140 to be exact)

My plan is to just squeak into the top 10k as I've done for every TT bar the first (which I hard-quit at Masked Marth).

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Hit 100k today. Will only play tomorrow for the dailies and then I'll be done. Still despise that box map >.<

I'm also hating that from what people have said, Corrin is likely to be the next TT free unit... If this is true, then it sets yet another thing I hate to see - even fewer non-seasonal fire emblem characters being released. Fun, fun, fun... -.-

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