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General Weapon Refinery discussion/speculation/creation thread


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23 minutes ago, XRay said:

Hm... I remember Weapon Refine updates usually include Legendary and/or Mythic Heroes too. Are they spacing it out more and slowing that down?

We don't get refines for LME units if there isn't a remix scheduled for the month. We normally only get those on odd-numbered months with a few additional ones each year on even-numbered months to make up for the fact that we get more than 12 LME units each year due to double banners and story LME units releasing on normal banners.

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The next set of refines has been announced:


Say'ri: Amatsu

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • If HP is 50% or higher at start of combat:
    • Distant Counter

Say'ri is a pretty typical Dodge tank, but with Distant Counter already on her weapon and a higher Res stat than her Def stat.

Personally, I'd like to see them give her skill effects to better enable Godlike Reflexes, namely 2 stacks of Pulse before combat and flat damage reduction, but since she already has Iceberg in her base kit, it's almost certainly just wishful thinking. Or at least, the Pulse effect would be. Flat damage reduction isn't as farfetched.

Her default Kestrel Stance 3 has now been made obsolete by Firestorm Boost 3, and it would be nice to get passive healing to lean into that instead of having her run Finish 4 like everyone else.

Otherwise, I just expect the typical Dodge tank effects. Null Follow-Up or Tempo would be nice, though, since she can't run those at the same time as her default Dodge skill.

Legendary Sigurd: Hallowed Tyrfing

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • If opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • With a Blow condition or if opponent is a ranged weapon type:
      • 40% damage reduction on opponent's first attack

For reference, the remix to his Special grants 40% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack with a Blow condition to himself as a status effect at the start of the turn and grants +6 Def to the entire team after combat in addition to the existing +6 Atk and +1 movement. His new skill is Seal Def 4, replacing Crusader's Ward.

Crusader's Ward was already outdated on his release, and it was common to replace the slot with A/D Near Trace, which pairs well with his increased movement range. Since they're now replacing the slot with Seal Def 4, it's reasonably likely that they'll give him Canto on his weapon to make up for the fact that he can't run it in his B slot at the same time as Seal Def 4. If not, then it's likely that players will simply ignore Seal Def 4 entirely since Canto is way too useful on a unit with as much movement as Sigurd has.

That said, even if they do give him Canto on his weapon, if it isn't Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2), it'll still be hard to argue for Seal Def 4 over A/D Near Trace 4, as the 7 additional damage from Trace 4 is enough to match the additional Def reduction from Seal Def 4, and the only thing Seal Def 4 actually has to contest Trace 4 is the Guard effect.

While players generally aren't running Crusader's Ward if they can afford to not run it, there's a decent chance they'll move its effect to the refine, and I wouldn't be surprised if they made it apply to all opponents instead of being restricted to just ranged opponents. Similarly, I think there's a decent chance they'll make the damage reduction on the opponent's first attack in his weapon's base effect also apply to all opponents.

Other than that, as mentioned in the remix thread, there's also a good chance they'll add some Clash-like effect to his refine due to his high movement range.

Defensively, he'd like follow-up prevention, but I don't think he'll get it.

Female Kris: Spear of Shadow

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 100% at start of combat:
    • Stat penalty nullification
    • -5 Atk/Spd/Def to opponent in combat

Also a Dodge tank, but unlike Say'ri, she doesn't have Distant Counter.

Kris already has Moonbow in her base kit, so it's unlikely they'll give her any synergy with Godlike Reflexes. However, because she's a lance unit, she doesn't step on Mareeta's and Fir's toes as much for a Vital Astra build, and it would be nice if they gave her Time's Pulse 4 on her weapon.

Petrine: Flame Lance

Current effect is:

  • Effective damage against beasts
  • Permanent +3 Spd
  • If HP is 50% or higher at start of combat:
    • Targets opponent's Res
    • -5 Spd/Res to opponent in combat

It's super weird that Flame Lance targets Res with an HP condition, and it would really be nice to see the effect made unconditional. Targeting the lower defensive stat would also be better, but probably isn't really necessary.

Both having effective damage against beasts and targeting Res are already rare enough that she can simply get common skill effects on her weapon and still feel sufficiently novel. Just a bunch of stats, damage reduction on the opponent's first attack, and Tempo would probably be good enough. Maybe also percentage damage reduction nullification since Ruptured Sky doesn't have it.

Divine Vein (Flame) would also be thematically appropriate, though completely unnecessary since Petrine can already equip Flared Sparrow and doesn't have any real reason not to.

Fallen Lyon: Blood Tome

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • If opponent is a ranged weapon type:
    • 80% damage reduction on opponent's AoE Special, excluding Rokkr Specials
    • 50% damage reduction
    • If opponent is colorless:
      • Grants weapon triangle advantage to unit
      • Inflicts weapon triangle disadvantage to opponent

Lyon really, really wants the effect that Harmonized Tana has on her weapon, though it would obviously be better as additional damage and flat damage reduction instead of a buff and debuff to Atk. He also really, really wants a guaranteed follow-up. And follow-up prevention.

I'm also absolutely expecting him to get some Sleep bullshit. I'm honestly not opposed to just turning him into a tome version of Fomortiis.

I'm a bit torn on whether I want him to have Special acceleration or not, though. He's a decent candidate for Laguz Friend 4, and not giving him Special acceleration would let him run it with Flare. And because of this, I'd also like to see him get Tempo and have Null C-Disrupt moved from his B slot to his weapon.

Legendary Male Byleth: Professorial Text

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • If Spd is higher than opponent's Spd:
      • Null Follow-Up effect
  • Grants the following effects to allies within 2 spaces in combat:
    • If Spd is higher than opponent's Spd:
      • Null Follow-Up effect

For reference, the remix to his Special adds Time's Pulse 3 as a passive effect. His new skill is Atk/Spd Oath 4, replacing Time's Pulse 3.

There aren't really any hints about his refine from his remix because they simply moved the replaced skill to his remixed skill and did nothing else. As it is, he already functionally has parity with Legendary Female Byleth since Time's Pulse means he doesn't need the Tempo effect, so there also aren't any hints that can be gleaned from there, either.

Vantage is an effect on the Brave and Fallen versions of Female Byleth, so I can see it being added here, especially since with Time's Pulse, he'll have his Special fully charged for the first round of combat on each turn. However, since he didn't get the secondary effect of Time's Pulse 4 in his remix, if he were to get Vantage, he'd really like to get it on his refine.

Scowl was an effect given to his Duo version, but I'm not convinced that he'll get it here since this version isn't meant to be a tank.

I could see another effect added as a Drive effect, though.

Harmonized Mia: Summer Strikers

Current effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat and with a Blow condition:
    • +5 Atk/Spd in combat
    • 75% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
  • Slaying effect
  • Dagger common effect

As a premium unit type, I'm expecting the damage reduction to be extended to non-follow-up attacks like with Kvasir.

Now that we have Lethality, it would be nice to get effects to enable it, though it would be more or less the same to just give her percentage damage reduction nullification and let her use Ruptured Sky. Tempo would be nice in either case, though a pre-combat Pulse would also get the job done. Also Null Follow-Up since she can't get that normally.

Healing on Special activation would also be a nice addition to reference the fact that Masked Marth is the backpack.

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Sadly, only Legendary Sigurd and Legendary Byleth interest me this time around. The others aren't units I use very much, they'll have to have pretty insane refines to make me care about them.

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Say'ri: Amatsu

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat (previously 50%):
    • Distant Counter
    • +4 to all stats in combat (new)
    • 7 damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (new)

Refine effect is:

  • With a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • 40% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
    • +1 Special charge rate
    • 7 HP recovery after combat

No Null Follow-Up is a bit of a bummer, but it's hard to stay bummed when she has both percentage damage reduction and flat damage reduction on her weapon as well as post-combat healing.

I was not expecting them to actually make her capable of running Godlike Reflexes without needing Laguz Friend 4, but she absolutely can with the +1 Special charge rate. Having percentage damage reduction on her weapon also means she can pass up on running a Dodge 4 skill in the B slot for Phys. Null Follow, but the Phantom Spd from Dodge 4 might be too useful with Godlike Reflexes to pass up.

Legendary Sigurd: Hallowed Tyrfing

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow condition (new) or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat (existing):
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • 40% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (previously only first attack and only with a Blow condition or if the opponent is ranged)
    • 7 HP recovery after combat (new)

Refine effect is:

  • Canto (Rem. +1)
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to number of spaces moved by attacking unit, maximum +4
    • Additional damage equal to 15% of Atk, excludes AoE Specials
    • Stat bonus nullification to Atk/Def

For reference, the remix to his Special grants 40% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack with a Blow condition to himself as a status effect at the start of the turn and grants +6 Def to the entire team after combat in addition to the existing +6 Atk and +1 movement. His new skill is Seal Def 4, replacing Crusader's Ward.

No Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2) means that you'll probably want to swap out his new Seal Def 4 for A/D Near Trace 4 once it's released since it has a better and more consistent stat boost and a better Canto effect.

He also doesn't get Crusader's Ward moved to his weapon and also doesn't get follow-up prevention as a substitute. To be fair, Sigurd isn't really intended to be used on enemy phase to begin with, but it's still disappointing he gets almost nothing for enemy phase.

That said, his player phase was improved significantly with the original 40% damage reduction also applied to the opponent's first Brave attack, an additional maximum +8 to all stats, around 13~15 additional damage, nullification of the opponent's Atk/Def bonuses, and post-combat healing.

Female Kris: Spear of Shadow

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat (previously 100%):
    • Stat penalty nullification
    • -5 Atk/Spd/Def to opponent in combat
    • Tempo effect (new)

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • 40% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
    • Additional damage equal to 20% of Spd, excludes AoE Specials
    • 7 HP recovery per unit's attack

No innate synergy with either Vital Astra or Godlike Reflexes, but she can run Godlike Reflexes with Emblem Marth, Pledge, or Laguz Friend 4 if she wants to.

Otherwise, pretty standard Spd tank effects, but no Null Follow-Up, like Say'ri. Tempo is nice to have, but it's arguably less valuable than Null Follow-Up since it'll eventually be available on Velocity 4, whereas we don't yet have a Dodge variant with Null Follow-Up on it.

I suppose that means she runs Potent 4 instead, then, which I guess makes sense thematically, especially if you're pairing it with Emblem Marth (instead of Pledge). It's still a bit annoying that she won't get Dodge 4's Phantom Spd effect with Potent 4 to make Godlike Reflexes even more reliable since the boost to her Spd with her refine puts her at the front of the pack, but not decisively so.

Petrine: Flame Lance

Base effect is updated:

  • Effective damage against beasts
  • Permanent +3 Spd
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat (previously 50%):
    • Targets opponent's Res
    • -4 Atk to opponent in combat (new)
    • -5 Spd/Res to opponent in combat
    • Null Follow-Up effect (new)

Refine effect is:

  • With a Blow-or-Alarm condition:
    • -4 Atk/Spd/Res to opponent in combat
    • In-combat Panic effect to Atk/Spd/Res
    • 30% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
    • 30% Counter Roar effect

Null Follow-Up and in-combat Panic are nice. She also get Counter Roar's counterattack damage, but only gets damage reduction for the first attack, which is kind of ironic considering her weapon is meant to kill beasts.

I would've liked if they made targeting Res unconditional, but 25% HP is good enough. Units don't really try to fight at low HP these days since it's too easy to take counterattack damage and die.

She's still stuck with no Slaying effect, but that's not too much of an issue since Ruptured Sky is thematically appropriate for her. However, she doesn't get the Tempo effect or percentage damage reduction nullification to enable Ruptured Sky better.

However, as mentioned previously, the weapon having effective damage against beasts and targeting Res is already pretty novel, so she'll probably do alright with it.

Fallen Lyon: Blood Tome

Base effect is updated:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • If opponent is a ranged weapon type:
    • 80% damage reduction on opponent's AoE Special, excluding Rokkr Specials
  • With a Blow condition (new) or if opponent is a ranged weapon type (existing):
    • +5 Atk in combat (new)
    • -5 Atk to opponent in combat (new)
    • Additional damage equal to 20% of Res, excludes AoE Specials (new)
    • 50% damage reduction, excludes AoE Specials
    • If opponent is colorless:
      • Grants weapon triangle advantage to unit
      • Inflicts weapon triangle disadvantage to opponent

Refine effect is:

  • At start of turn, grants the following effect to unit as a status effect:
    • Cancel Affinity
  • At start of turn, inflicts the following effects to closest enemies within 5 spaces and enemies within 2 spaces of them as status effects:
    • -7 Atk/Res
    • Triangle Adept
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 Atk in combat
    • -5 Atk to opponent in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • Guard effect

In total, he gets an effective +10 Atk/Def/Res, an additional effective +7 Atk/Def/Res in debuffs to the opponent, about 8~10 additional damage, Triangle Adept, Cancel Affinity, Guard, and a guaranteed follow-up.

Unfortunately, it's not as strong as Harmonized Tana's effect since Lyon only gets the boost against blue and colorless units, and he didn't get any Sleep shenanigans, but it's still a ton of stuff that he got.

It's a bit disappointing that all of his boosts to his bulk are from debuffing the opponent's Atk instead of boosting his own stats because it means they don't contribute to Laguz Friend 4's damage reduction effect. On the other hand, he didn't get the Slaying effect, which means he can run Laguz Friend 4 with Flare instead of having to use non-premium Specials.

I'm not entirely convinced he'll function that well with Laguz Friend 4, but ranged units don't get many good defensive options, so it might be worth a shot.

Legendary Male Byleth: Professorial Text

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow condition or if there is an ally within Ploy 4 range of unit (previously Blow-or-Unity condition):
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • 7 additional damage in combat, excludes AoE Specials (new)
    • If Spd is higher than opponent's Spd:
      • Null Follow-Up effect
  • Grants the following effects to allies within Ploy 4 range of unit in combat (previously within 2 spaces):
    • +5 Atk/Spd (new)
    • If Spd is higher than opponent's Spd:
      • Null Follow-Up effect

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Boosts all stats in combat by number of allies within Ploy 4 range of unit
    • Stat penalty nullification to Atk/Spd
    • Tempo effect
    • 30% damage reduction to opponent's non-follow-up attacks
  • Grants the following effects to allies within Ploy 4 range of unit in combat:
    • Stat penalty nullification to Atk/Spd

For reference, the remix to his Special adds Time's Pulse 3 as a passive effect. His new skill is Atk/Spd Oath 4, replacing Time's Pulse 3.

Everything that used to be "within 2 spaces" has been changed to Ploy 4 range. That boost based the number of allies within Ploy 4 range also doesn't have an upper limit.

He gains stat penalty nullification, Tempo, and damage reduction, which are all nice, and his support effect, which is now Ploy 4 range, also grants +5 Atk/Spd and stat penalty nullification to Atk/Spd.

Now I'm wondering what you're supposed to give him in his B slot since he kind of just has everything already and isn't compatible with Magic Gambit 4.

Harmonized Mia: Summer Strikers

Base effect is updated:

  • With a Blow condition or if opponent is a ranged weapon type (previously if HP is 25% or higher at start of combat and with a Blow condition):
    • +5 Atk/Spd in combat
    • 75% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (previously only first attack)
    • Offensive Tempo effect (new)
  • Slaying effect
  • Dagger common effect

Refine effect is updated:

  • At start of turn, grants the following effect to unit and allies within 2 spaces:
    • Time's Pulse 3
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 Atk/Spd in combat
    • Boost to Atk/Spd in combat equal to 20% of Spd at start of combat
    • Null Follow-Up effect

The damage reduction was indeed updated to non-follow-up attacks, but unlike Kvasir, it doesn't apply against melee opponents on enemy phase. And that's the only defensive effect she has at all, so she'll fold like paper to anything that can nullify it.

As expected, she got effects intended to activate Lethality. With the Slaying effect, Null Follow-Up, Tempo, and Time's Pulse 3, she can guarantee Lethality on her follow-up attack as long as the opponent can counterattack. Or you can activate Ruptured Sky on both attacks, but where's the fun in that.

Additionally, she gets an additional +13~15 or so Atk/Spd in case you just wanted even more stats.

No passive healing is a bit of a bummer, though.


Overall thoughts

I'm impressed with Say'ri's refine and a bit annoyed that I still haven't gotten a copy with a Spd Asset despite having her at +9 if I merged all of my copies (which I should since Kestrel Stance is now obsolete). Not getting Null Follow-Up is also a bit annoying, too, since she doesn't really have the stats to afford running the Sacred Seal, but everything else on the weapon is really nice, especially getting both percentage and flat damage reduction.

Kris has the same issue as Say'ri of not getting Null Follow-Up, so you're stuck passing up on Dodge 4's Phantom Spd if you want to run Phys. Null Follow or Potent 4. Still pretty good, but not quite as impressive as Say'ri's.

Mia's Spd stat is stupid.

Byleth didn't really need anything to begin with, and he got enough redundant effects that I'm not even sure what to do with him anymore. Also, he sounds hilarious to use in Grand Conquest and Pawns of Loki where you have a much larger team size than normal.

Sigurd's is good, even if it's a bit disappointing that his enemy phase didn't improve much and he didn't get the new Canto effect. That said, Near Trace 4's additional effects are so stupidly strong that I don't think they could have really done anything to dissuade players from running it regardless of what they put on the refine.

Lyon's is solid, even if they're trying to foil players that are eyeing him for Laguz Friend 4 by not boosting his defensive stats directly. It reminds me of what they were doing with dragons for a while back when Dragon Wall first came out. A bit disappointed that he didn't get Sleep shenanigans, though.

Petrine's is pretty solid for a Grail unit. It's basically all novelties, and not in a bad way.

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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Everything that used to be "within 2 spaces" has been changed to Ploy 4 range. That boost based the number of allies within Ploy 4 range also doesn't have an upper limit.

I can see this being the next step for support effects going forward on premium units. I want to say Gregor was the first one to come with the Ploy 4 range condition?

21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Now I'm wondering what you're supposed to give him in his B slot since he kind of just has everything already and isn't compatible with Magic Gambit 4.

I've seen suggestions for Lull Spd/Res.

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Byleth is probably the only one I will refine. His support utility is quite nice.

For next month, we should expect Summer Selena, Fallen Ike, Awakening Anna and Julian, with Nemesis as GHB refinement.

On 5/7/2024 at 3:55 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Now I'm wondering what you're supposed to give him in his B slot since he kind of just has everything already and isn't compatible with Magic Gambit 4.


8 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

I've seen suggestions for Lull Spd/Res.

Yeah. Lull Spd/Res 4 or Occultist Strike.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I somehow didn't notice the update announcement until now, probably because I was busy this weekend.

Julian is getting a new weapon, so here's the translation note:

Thief's Honesty is "辺境の盗賊の暗器" (henkyō no tōzoku no anki), "Frontier Thief's Dagger". As usual, "暗器" (anki), "hidden weapon", is the name of the dagger weapon type.


Julian: Thief's Honesty

Currently has Caltrop Dagger, which has effective damage against cavalry and Hardy Bearing.

Julian has a base kit that was intended for enemy phase, but was dead on arrival due to the fact that ranged units at the time simply didn't have the stats to function on enemy phase, and Close Foil was nowhere near good enough to make up for it.

That said, Julian's base stats are actually not bad. He has usable 43/43 offenses with max Dragonflowers, and while his 45/38 physical bulk still isn't good enough for enemy phase unless he gets some major boosts from his weapon, it's good enough for player phase even with rudimentary weapon effects.

If they want to keep him as a Close Counter unit, he needs a lot of damage reduction of some sort, ideally enough to rival Duo Askr on the physical side. I don't expect him to get the Slaying effect, but he would really like to get it since it allows him to run a 3-cooldown Lethality with Laguz Friend 4.

Fallen Ike: Chaos Ragnell

Current effect is:

  • Distant Counter
  • Unity effect

Ike really just wants flat damage reduction to combo with the Dodge 3 skill he already has in his B slot and some means of more easily activating Mayhem Aether. Legendary Ike has the Slaying effect and 2 stacks of Quickened Pulse, which I can see them copying here, but now that Pledge exists, he can viably get other combinations of effects, like with Tempo or Special Spiral.

Null Follow-Up would also be nice since he can't run that at the same time as Dodge 4 without giving up his Sacred Seal slot.

If they want to make him even more interesting, they could have him automatically debuff himself to activate his weapon's Unity effect. Granting himself Grand Strategy to make the debuffs stick after his action would also be fun and pretty silly.

Fallen Nemesis: Dark Creator Sword

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Def
  • Boost to Atk/Def in combat equal to 2 times the number of allies with HP 90% or higher, maximum +6
  • Damage reduction on opponent's attacks and AoE Specials equal to 15% times the number of allies with HP 90% or higher, maximum 45%

Given that Nemesis is one of only a few sword infantry that have both high Def and high Res, it would be nice to see Res added to his stat boosts, and I think it's pretty likely that they'll do that. He also looks like a unit that would like to run Laguz Friend and basically be a budget version of Emblem Ike like Young Lissa is.

I would be surprised if they didn't loosen up the HP threshold for his stat boosts, perhaps to 75% or so. It would also be funny if they removed the caps on them, too, like what they did with Legendary Male Byleth, but I don't see them actually doing that.

Passive healing and half percentage damage reduction nullification also seem somewhat likely, as they reference some of the skills he has in his source game.

They've been doing a decent job of giving Grail units workable refines, and hopefully they don't drop the ball here.

Awakening Anna: Apotheosis Spear

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Spd
  • Formation teleportation effect
  • If opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 Atk/Spd in combat

I would be surprised if they didn't give her a Clash effect to combine with her teleportation. Upgrading the teleportation effect to Grimoire teleportation would also be nice to have. And since she don't have access to tier-4 Guidance skills due to being an infantry unit, it would be fun if she also got that.

Maybe also give her one of the novel Canto effects to let her be a mobility support unit and a bunch of Drive-like effects.

Summer Selena: Exotic Fruit Juice

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • Inflicts the following effects on enemies within 2 spaces:
    • -6 Spd/Res in combat

I have no idea what they're going to do here. Her kit is extremely generic, being just Push 4 and Snag, and her weapon is also just about as generic as it gets, having only a stronger Rein effect.

Special Heroes typically get pretty good weapon refines, and her competition includes things like Kvasir, Rearmed Reinhardt, and Fallen Ursula.

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This isn’t a new thought but man, there really needs to be a minimum of 10 refines per month.

Fallen Ike is already a four year old unit, while Awakening Anna will turn four years old literally tomorrow right as she gets her refine.

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How many refines do we get? It's typically 6, right? Versus how many new units we get per month. Usually five seasonals, fiver new heroes units and a legendary/mythic. So we get 11 new units each month and half as many refines. This just means, as time goes on, the gap between new refines and new units is just going to widen and widen. Refines ideally should be X+1 where X is the number of new units we get each month.

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It is a bit of a stretch, but it would be nice if they can do some re-Refines too. Oboro's Spear is not going to make a dent in armor units these days with armor effectiveness alone, and that Close Def is not going to save her either; unconditional all stat+6 and flat damage reduction will help with survivability in general, and armor effectiveness with Scowl should help her deal damage against them. Stahl's Panther Sword and Sully's Bull Spear could definitely be upgraded, like having Cancel Affinity, inflict Triangle Adept on foe before combat, and Meister effect if there is any ally within two spaces.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

How many refines do we get? It's typically 6, right? Versus how many new units we get per month. Usually five seasonals, fiver new heroes units and a legendary/mythic. So we get 11 new units each month and half as many refines. This just means, as time goes on, the gap between new refines and new units is just going to widen and widen. Refines ideally should be X+1 where X is the number of new units we get each month.

By default, we get 3 units from the 5-star standard pool (+1 additional unit when we get the CYL refines), 1 Special Hero, and 1 Grail unit. Usually, we get a unit from the 4-star standard pool, but only if the 5-star pool is caught up to the 4-star schedule. And we get refines for whoever is being remixed on months where we get remixes.

As it is, they're actually keeping up with the 5- and 4-star standard pools since the 4 refines a month matches the 4 units on each month's New Heroes banner. Months when we get only 3 standard-pool refines because there is no 4-star unit getting a refine are balanced out by months where we get dancers, staff units without exclusive weapons, or LME units on New Heroes banners that are skipped in the refine schedule.

Where we're going to be falling behind is in the Special Heroes schedule. Older Special Heroes banners didn't have many exclusive weapons if at all, so they were able to actually stay ahead for a while despite starting late. However, they're now getting to Special Heroes banners that have more than 1 unit with an exclusive weapon, and the standard pool schedule has finally caught up. If they want the Special Heroes refines to keep up with the standard pool refines, they're going to have to start putting 2 Special Heroes refines per month sometime in the next couple months.


So for the time being, they're actually keeping up with the release of new units because they're matching the rate that we got refine-eligible units at the time those units were released. At most, I can see them adding an additional slot for Special Heroes sometime in the next few months to continue matching the rate that refine-eligible units were released.

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Honestly, I actually want GHB refines to go faster. Like, maybe every other month (or on months when we don't get a legendary/mythic remix) we could get two GHB refines instead of one. It's not like they take up space on a banner anyway. Or we could just get extra main pool refines on months without remixes and get a second refines banner. Why not?

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Julian: Thief's Honesty

Base effect is:

  • Effective damage against cavalry
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Additional damage equal to 20% of Spd, excludes AoE Specials
    • 30% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
    • Hardy Bearing effect
  • Dagger common effect

Refine effect is:

  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Binding Necklace effect
    • +1 Special charge rate
    • 7 HP recovery after combat

Julian keeps his original Caltrop Dagger's effect in its entirety, but with an HP threshold, and gains +8 to all stats, additional damage, percentage damage reduction, +1 Special charge rate, post-combat healing, and Binding Necklace.

He fucking gets Binding Necklace of all things. That alone is enough to salvage him in game modes where you can expect opponents to have Bonuses.

+1 Special charge rate means he can theoretically run Laguz Friend 4 with Lethality, but he'll be vulnerable to both Guard and Tempo against opponents that he can't double. That said, his low Res means he'll probably still have trouble dealing with units that target his Res even with Laguz Friend 4.

Even if you don't run Laguz Friend 4, he'll still be able to activate Lethality on his follow-up as long as the opponent can counterattack.

Fallen Ike: Chaos Ragnell

Base effect is updated:

  • +4 to all stats in combat (new)
  • Unity effect
  • Offensive Tempo effect (new)
  • Distant Counter

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • 7 flat damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
    • When Special activates:
      • Nullifies opponent's percentage damage reduction
    • If unit is equipped with a Special that activates on unit's own attack:
      • Reduces Special cooldown by half of Special's maximum cooldown, rounded down, before unit's first attack in combat

While Ike unfortunately doesn't get Null Follow-Up, he does get flat damage reduction, Tempo, percentage damage reduction nullification on Special activation, and charges 2 points of Mayhem Aether before his first attack, all of which are effects that show clear intent.

As long as the opponent doesn't have the defensive Tempo effect, Ike will be able to fully charge Mayhem Aether before his first counterattack on enemy phase as long as he either keeps his default Darting Breath or upgrades his default Atk/Spd Oath 3 to Atk/Spd Pledge. Flat damage reduction is a clear message to continue running Dodge in his B slot instead of switching to Laguz Friend 4, though he absolutely has the option to do so regardless.

Fallen Nemesis: Dark Creator Sword

Base effect is updated:

  • On first round of combat in each phase:
    • Damage reduction on opponent's attacks and AoE Specials equal to 25% (previously 15%) times the number of allies with HP 75% (previously 90%) or higher, maximum 75% (previously 45%), excludes Rokkr Specials
  • On all other rounds of combat:
    • Damage reduction on opponent's attacks and AoE Specials equal to 15% times the number of allies with HP 75% (previously 90%) or higher, maximum 45%, excludes Rokkr Specials
  • Permanent +3 Def
  • +4 to all stats in combat
  • Boost to all stats (previously Atk/Def) in combat equal to 3 (previously 2) times the number of allies with HP 75% (previously 90%) or higher, maximum +9 (previously +6)

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Tempo effect
    • 7 HP recovery after combat

Nemesis gets his damage reduction effect boosted significantly on his first round of combat in each phase. His stat boosts are also changed from just Atk/Def to all stats and are boosted in value, and he gets both halves of Tempo and post-combat healing. As expected, they also lowered the HP threshold needed for allies to count for his boosts.

Overall, he gets a maximum of +17/17/20/17 to his stats when he has 3 high-HP allies, which is enormous. Unfortunately, he doesn't get percentage damage reduction nullification, but that can certainly be fixed with Laguz Friend 4 and/or No Quarter.

It's certainly not the flashiest refine, but it gives him the monstrous defensive stats to make a Laguz Friend 4 build work and high enough percentage damage reduction that Laguz Friend 4 cutting it in half won't hamper his tanking ability.

Awakening Anna: Apotheosis Spear

Base effect is updated:

  • Permanent +3 Spd
  • Grimoire teleportation effect (previously Formation)
  • If there is an ally within 2 spaces at start of turn, grants the following status effect to unit and allies within 2 spaces:
    • Canto (1) (new)
  • If there are at least 2 allies within 2 spaces at start of turn, grants the following status effect to unit and allies within 2 spaces:
    • Dodge (new)
  • With a Blow condition (new) or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat (existing):
    • +5 Atk/Spd in combat
    • +4 Def/Res in combat (new)
    • 7 HP recovery after combat (new)

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +4 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 2 times the number of non-stat Bonuses on unit, maximum +8
    • Additional damage equal to 15% of Spd, excludes AoE Specials
    • Nullifies stat penalties

I am surprised she doesn't get a Clash-like effect to encourage teleportation, but they did at least give her Grimoire teleportation and a bunch of useful buffs to herself and nearby allies. While she didn't get a novel Canto, Canto (1) is still quite good for a unit that normally doesn't have access to Canto in any form. The ability to just grant nearby allies Canto and Dodge is also just really good in terms of support.

For combat, she gets a maximum of +17/20/16/16 plus additional damage based on her Spd and nullifies her stat penalties, which is a lot of stats, and has post-combat healing.

Summer Selena: Exotic Fruit Juice

Base effect is updated:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • Inflicts the following effects on enemies within Ploy 4 range (previously Rein):
    • -6 Spd/Res in combat
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • Nullifies opponent's stat bonuses to Spd/Res (new)
    • Additional damage equal to 15% of opponent's Atk, excludes AoE Specials (new)

Refine effect is:

  • If there is an enemy within 5 spaces at start of turn, grants the following status effects to unit and allies within 2 spaces:
    • +6 Atk/Spd
    • Hexblade
  • Inflicts the following status effects on closest enemies within 5 spaces and enemies within 2 spaces of them at start of turn:
    • -7 Spd/Res
    • Flash
  • With a Blow condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
    • -5 Spd/Res on opponent in combat
    • Null Follow-Up effect

Oh, I see what they're doing to make her stand out from all of the other busted tome cavalry out there.

Selena functionally gets +27/24 offenses, additional damage based on the opponent's Atk, Sweep, and Null Follow-Up, though +13/13 of those stats is in stat bonuses/penalties and are therefore not as reliable and don't stack with similar effects from other units or in other skill slots. Additionally, she also grants Hexblade to herself and allies within 2 spaces, and the Rein effect on her base weapon was upgraded to Crux range (but without the bonus Crux effect).

This does mean that she has less to gain from Incite in the C slot and therefore has a better argument than most to run Def/Res Smoke 3. Inflicting Flash on opponents also means she can completely pass up on Remote Sparrow and run Flared Sparrow with no real opportunity cost. Until she runs into someone with Null C-Disrupt, at least.

Overall a very good combination of offense and offensive support without really sacrificing any of one for the other.


Overall thoughts

All of the refines in this batch are pretty solid.

Nemesis obviously has the weakest of the bunch, but Laguz Friend 4 exists, and his weapon pairs very well with it.

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