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General Weapon Refinery discussion/speculation/creation thread


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9 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

How come both Robins got a refine at the same time but not both Kanas? Actually, why are we doing Kana at all? So many units skipped for a dragon that's not even in a bad position.

Female Robin was in a worse position than male Kana is, being a defensive green tome that was worse than Boey. And now she's a support green tome that is worse than Boey.

Male Kana at least has a good class and an okay stat line, even if he's a bit weaker than Nowi.

The problem with female Kana is that she's 5-star exclusive with stats comparable to Fae's, basically just making her an expensive Fae and a worse Dream Corrin.



Ninian refine when?

Oracle's Dragonstone: 16 Mt. 1 Range. At start of turn, removes [Penalties] on allies within 2 spaces of unit. If foe is ranged, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Unique Refine 1: (Fala's Might) +3 HP. If Sing or Dance is used, grants [Fala's Might] to target. [Fala's Might]: Unit deals +5 damage.
Unique Refine 2: (Tor's Wrath) +3 HP. If Sing or Dance is used, grants Special cooldown count -2 to target.
Unique Refine 3: (Sety's Prayer) +3 HP. If Sing or Dance is used, grants [Miracle] to target. [Miracle]: That bullshit thing Seliph has on his weapon.
Unique Refine 4: (Ninis's Grace) +3 HP. If Sing or Dance is used, grants [Ninis's Grace] to target. [Ninis's Grace]: Reduces damage dealt to unit by 5. Neutralizes "effective against" bonuses.

No regular refines. Dancer balance be damned.

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58 minutes ago, Zeo said:

The enemy phase Brave Bow is nice though. If they were to give him the Swordhardt effect on his bow with a Breath Refine on EP however that would be pretty sick. Great synergy with Vantage and it makes Close Counter a very attractive A skill on him. Don't see it happening though since we just got a double phase brave bow user in L!Leif. Another one, even without the mount and Galeforce effect would undermine him imo.

Unless they also fix Gordin's abysmal Atk, I do not think he is that great with Counter-Vantage even with Meister effect. World of Thracia Reinhardt is already very shaky as  Counter-Vantage unit, as he has 5 less Atk (49=38+11) than Keaton (54=45+9), and Gordin's Atk is even lower (43=34+9; assuming his Weapon Mt is 9, tying with Meisterbogen and Vafþrúðnir).

Edited by XRay
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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

Unless they also fix Gordin's abysmal Atk, I do not think he is that great with Counter-Vantage even with Meister effect. World of Thracia Reinhardt is already very shaky as  Counter-Vantage unit, as he has 5 less Atk (49=38+11) than Keaton (54=45+9), and Gordin's Atk is even lower (43=34+9; assuming his Weapon Mt is 9, tying with Meisterbogen and Vafþrúðnir).

That's easy to fix. Just give him enemy-phase Brave + Special Spiral on his weapon and camp Brave Lucina behind him so you can Ignis everything dead.


What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ninian refine when?

Probably the same time I get my Cordelia refine AKA never.

Though really, I wouldn't be shocked if they never give any of the older refreshers Prfs as much as I'd want one for Azura myself.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's easy to fix. Just give him enemy-phase Brave + Special Spiral on his weapon and camp Brave Lucina behind him so you can Ignis everything dead.


What could possibly go wrong?

That works too.

I prefer more positioning flexibility on my Counter-Vantage units, so I am leaning more towards Meister with Bonfire on each hit.

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Thinking about it, Kana's weapon might incorporate a Noontime/Sol effect, given the name...

So far, similarly named weapons have had effects similar to their namesake specials. 

The Special skills Sol, Luna, and Astra from Genealogy are named after three lances of the same names from Gaiden. As such, it was no surprise that when they returned, first in Awakening and then in Echoes and now in Heroes, the weapons bearing those names (though with different weapon types) would come with an effect reflecting the skill that shares its name.

Sun Dragonstone is 白夜の竜石 (byakuya no ryuuseki) in Japanese, literally "Dragonstone of Hoshido", and has nothing to do with Sol.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The Special skills Sol, Luna, and Astra from Genealogy are named after three lances of the same names from Gaiden. As such, it was no surprise that when they returned, first in Awakening and then in Echoes and now in Heroes, the weapons bearing those names (though with different weapon types) would come with an effect reflecting the skill that shares its name.

Sun Dragonstone is 白夜の竜石 (byakuya no ryuuseki) in Japanese, literally "Dragonstone of Hoshido", and has nothing to do with Sol.

Why did they go with Sun? Is that just a random localisation because character limits (though I'd expect Hoshidon Stone could have fit) or does Hoshido's name have some kind of land of the rising sun thing going on with it?

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17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Harmonic Lance base with Spectrum Breath would be nice. He's kind of hard to fix, though, since he's literally a lance flier version of Niles.

Might as well slap "If foe's Def ≥ foe's Res+5, deals +7 damage" too because why not.

Watch Subaki's Golden Naginata be Selena's Blade, but with T-Adept 3 in place of effective damage against armors. Anyway, how about personal Harmonic Lance and Solar Brace as its unique refinement?

As for Athena, Concealed Blade makes me think of assassins or something stealthy which I do not know if that fits Athena. In her art, her sword is, well, a sword in length. Maybe even a shortsword and it reminds me of a gladius. I figured that when she gets a new sword, it would be called the Borderland Sword which is her title, but also kind of sounds like something you'd call a sword in a game or whatever. Moving on from this, for whatever reason, I thought of Golden Dagger's unique refinement as an idea for Concealed Blade.

For Concealed Blade, "At start of combat, if Special is ready, grants Atk/Spd+6 and if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can attack." She'd have to run Special Spiral or Shield Pulse to make the most of it and constantly have Desperation ready, but she would be able to rapid fire 2 cooldown specials powered by a personal Wo Dao. In the end, it's just Desperation, but dependent on having a charged special instead of passing a HP check.

I wonder if, "At start of combat, if Special is ready, if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can attack and if foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack", would be too stupid. Athena would be able to run Desperation, Vantage, and whatever B passive she wants like Null C-Disrupt, Null Follow-Up, or Special Spiral at the same time. Infantry Pulse shenanigans would be fun.

Edited by Kaden
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3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Why did they go with Sun? Is that just a random localisation because character limits (though I'd expect Hoshidon Stone could have fit) or does Hoshido's name have some kind of land of the rising sun thing going on with it?

Hoshido always has fair weather with clear skies and is associated with daytime. Nohr is covered by perpetual overcast and stormy skies and is associated with nighttime. In Japanese, Hoshido is called 白夜 (byakuya), "White Night", and Nohr is called 暗夜 (an'ya), "Dark Night".


3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

As for Athena, Concealed Blade makes me think of assassins or something stealthy which I do not know if that fits Athena.

In Japanese, her weapon's name is 異邦の秘剣, "Secret Sword of a Foreign Nation", not so much "concealed" so much as it is "unknown".

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In Japanese, her weapon's name is 異邦の秘剣, "Secret Sword of a Foreign Nation", not so much "concealed" so much as it is "unknown".

Then Borderland Sword would have worked and been closer to the Japanese name. One definition of "borderland" according to Merriam-Webster is "a vague intermediate state or region" which would be similar to "of a foreign nation". Even Foreign Sword as lame as that might be would have been fine. Unless concealed is meant to imply wherever Athena comes from is a secret place. Oh joy, I guess she's from Vall-

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37 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sun Dragonstone is 白夜の竜石 (byakuya no ryuuseki) in Japanese, literally "Dragonstone of Hoshido", and has nothing to do with Sol.

Now I want to imagine Kana shapeshifting into a giant Bellossom

Spr 2c 182.png or a Sunflora Spr 2c 192.png.


14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In Japanese, her weapon's name is 異邦の秘剣, "Secret Sword of a Foreign Nation", not so much "concealed" so much as it is "unknown"

Reads like a poor choice of translation, even if they had to condense two adjectives in the name alongside the word sword or blade. How much time do they get to translate? Who is hired for this game? 

There is always worse though, see like this otome.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Hoshido always has fair weather with clear skies and is associated with daytime. Nohr is covered by perpetual overcast and stormy skies and is associated with nighttime. In Japanese, Hoshido is called 白夜 (byakuya), "White Night", and Nohr is called 暗夜 (an'ya), "Dark Night".

Yeah, I guess that's obvious, but I think Hoshidon Stone would have worked better for accuracy. While Hoshido definitely has aesthetic connections to day as opposed to Nohr's night, the sun is a much larger concept that Hoshido doesn't have exclusive access to, hence the confusion of thinking it could be related to Sol. Even Day Stone would be closer.

5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Then Borderland Sword would have worked and been closer to the Japanese name. One definition of "borderland" according to Merriam-Webster is "a vague intermediate state or region" which would be similar to "of a foreign nation". Even Foreign Sword as lame as that might be would have been fine. Unless concealed is meant to imply wherever Athena comes from is a secret place. Oh joy, I guess she's from Vall-

I would have called it Sword of the Stranger. Sounds cool, encompasses the foreign and secret aspect (and is also a great movie). Although that could possibly be too  long a title, so maybe Stranger's Sword.

Edited by Jotari
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3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I would have called it Sword of the Stranger. Sounds cool, encompasses the foreign and secret aspect (and is also a great movie). Although that could possibly be too  long a title, so maybe Stranger's Sword.

Or we could totally call her sword: "Sword Sword" or "Blade Blade".


Athena's title in European and Latin American Spanish is "Mujer mujer" which means "woman woman", thus, "Sword Sword" and "Blade Blade".


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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now I want to imagine Kana shapeshifting into a giant Bellossom

She's obviously going to transform into a Heliolisk.


4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Reads like a poor choice of translation, even if they had to condense two adjectives in alongside the word sword or blade.

They pretty much always have to drop one of the two adjectives. A huge number of this game's exclusive weapons have two adjectives in them in Japanese.


3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

(and is also a great movie)

Probably a good reason why not to name it that.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

They pretty much always have to drop one of the two adjectives. A huge number of this game's exclusive weapons have two adjectives in them in Japanese.

@Interdimensional Observer

Including weapons localized outside of Heroes (lots of appositives ahead):

  • Swords
    • Ardent Durandal: 緋剣デュランダル, "Crimson Sword, Durandal".
    • Astra Blade: 流星, "Shooting Star", or "Astra" using the English localization of the skill name.
      • Useless trivia: The inclusion of the weapon type for Astra Blade, Sol Lance, and Luna Arc in English is probably because the internal name of the weapon in Heroes has the weapon type in it.
    • Ayra's Blade: 瞬閃アイラの剣, "Sword of Ayra, the Flash".
    • Beloved Zofia: 宝剣ソフィア, "Treasure Sword, Zofia".
    • Blazing Durandal: 烈剣デュランダル, "Blazing Sword, Durandal".
    • Bull Blade: 猛牛の剣, "Sword of the Raging Bull", or "Sword of the Bull" using the English localization of Cain's title.
    • Conjurer Curios: 魔月の祭器, "Ritual Staff of the Demon Moon".
    • Creator Sword: 天帝の剣, "Sword of the Heavenly Emperor".
      • Is "Creator" the English localization of "heavenly emperor"?
    • Dark Greatsword: 黒き血の大剣, "Greatsword of Black Blood".
    • Dracofalchion: 竜剣ファルシオン, "Dragon Sword, Falchion".
    • Dragonbind: 魔竜封印の剣, "Sword of Mage Dragon Sealing", or "Sword of Demon Dragon Sealing" using the English localization of Idunn's class name instead of the English localization of the same class name in Shadow Dragon.
      • Sounds fine in Japanese despite being really awkward in English. Follows the same pattern as Binding Blade's Japanese name, "Sword of Seals".
    • Exalted Falchion: 神剣ファルシオン, "Divine Sword, Falchion".
    • Gladiator's Blade: 剣闘士の剛剣, "Gladiator's Strong Sword".
    • Hana's Katana: カザハナの麗刀, "Hana's Beautiful Katana".
    • Hikami: 氷神刀, probably pronounced "Hyojinto", "Ice-God Katana".
      • Parallel to Raijinto, "Thunder-God Katana".
    • Hinata's Katana: ヒナタの猛刀, "Hinata's Ferocious Katana".
    • Nameless Blade: 無銘の一門の剣, "Unsigned Clan Sword".
      • The swordsmith's signature on a Japanese sword is effectively equivalent to the sword's name. An unsigned sword is effectively nameless.
    • Panther Sword: 若き黒豹の剣, "Sword of the Young Black Panther", or "Sword of the Young Panther" using the English localization of Abel's title.
    • Resolute Blade: 気鋭ワユの剣, "Sword of Mia, the Energetic".
    • Rowdy Sword: 明日の聖騎士の剣, "Sword of Tomorrow's Paladin".
    • Scarlet Sword: 紅の剣, "Crimson Sword", or "Scarlet Sword" using the English localization of Navarre's title.
    • Sealed Falchion: 封剣ファルシオン, "Sealed Sword, Falchion".
    • Selena's Blade: ルーナの鋭剣, "Selena's Sharp Sword".
    • Silverbrand: 真銀の聖剣, "Holy Sword of True Silver".
    • Solitary Blade: 孤高の剣, "Solitary Sword" or "Sword of the Solitary".
    • Storm Sieglinde: 雷剣ジークリンデ, "Thunder Sword, Sieglinde".
    • Vassal's Blade: 剣姫の刀, "Katana of the Sword Princess", or "Katana of the Sword Vassal" using the English localization of Karla's title.
    • Whitewing Blade: 白騎の長剣, "White Knight's Longsword", or "Whitewing's Longsword" using the English localization of the Whitewings.
    • Yato: 夜刀神, "Yato-no-kami", "Gods of the Sword of the Night".
  • Lances
    • Bright Naginata: 白き血の薙刀, "Naginata of White Blood".
    • Bull Spear: 若き猛牛の槍, "Lance of the Young Raging Bull", or "Lance of the Young Bull" using the English localization of Cain's title.
    • Cursed Lance: 魔性の槍, "Demonic Lance".
    • Dauntless Lance: 義勇の槍, "Lance of the Volunteer Soldier".
      • The word for a volunteer soldier in Japanese is 義勇兵, literally "soldier of loyalty and courage". The localization team apparently missed this.
    • Daybreak Lance: 払暁の槍, "Lance of Daybreak".
    • Festive Siegmund: 業槍ジークムント, "Performance Lance, Siegmund".
    • Flame Siegmund: 炎槍ジークムント, "Flame Lance, Siegmund".
    • Florina's Lance: フロリーナの誓槍, "Florina's Oath Lance".
    • Hinoka's Spear: ヒノカの紅薙刀, "Hinoka's Crimson Naginata".
    • Loyal Greatlance: 傭兵団の長槍, "Mercenary Band's Spear", or "Mercenary Band's Greatlance" using the English localization of the weapon series.
      • Useless trivia: "Spear" was the internal name given to the Greatlance weapon series in Radiant Dawn. The words literally translate as "long lance".
    • Ninis's Ice Lance: 氷精ニニスの槍, "Lance of Ninis, the Spirit of Ice".
    • Noble Lance: 高潔の戦槍, "Noble Battle-Lance".
    • Oboro's Spear: オボロの漆薙刀, "Oboro's Lacquered Naginata". Despite it not being a naginata in this game.
    • Panther Lance: 黒豹の槍, "Lance of the Black Panther", or "Lance of the Panther" using the English localization of Abel's title.
    • Peri's Lance: ピエリの小槍, "Peri's Small Lance".
    • Sable Lance: 黒騎の孤槍, "Lonesome Lance of the Black Knight".
    • Scythe of Sariel: サリエルの大鎌, "Sariel's Scythe".
    • Shanna's Lance: シャニーの誓槍, "Shanna's Oath Lance".
    • Sol Lance: 太陽, "Sun", or "Sol" using the English localization of the skill name.
    • Steady Lance: 未来の聖騎士の槍, "Lance of the Future's Paladin".
    • Whitewing Lance: 白騎の直槍, "White Knight's Straight Lance", or "Whitewing's Straight Lance" using the English localization of the Whitewings.
    • Whitewing Spear: 白騎の短槍, "White Knight's Short Lance", or "Whitewing's Short Lance" using the English localization of the Whitewings.
  • Axes
    • Axe of Virility: バアトルの豪斧, "Bartre's Manly Axe".
    • Berserk Armads: 狂斧アルマーズ, "Berserk Axe, Armads".
    • Beruka's Axe: ベルカの殺斧, "Beruka's Killing Axe".
    • Camilla's Axe: カミラの艶斧, "Camilla's Bewitching Axe".
    • Cherche's Axe: セルジュの恐斧, "Cherche's Fearsome Axe".
    • Draconic Poleax: 傭兵団の戦斧, "Mercenary Band's Poleax".
    • Frederick's Axe: フレデリクの堅斧, "Frederick's Solid Axe".
    • Grado Poleax: グラドの戦斧, "Grado's Poleax".
    • Guardian's Axe: 守護者の巨斧, "Guardian's Giant Axe".
    • Hel Scythe: ヘル, "Hel".
    • Stout Tomahawk: 剛斧トマホーク, "Strong Axe, Tomahawk". I wanted to make a thicc joke here...
    • Thunder Armads: 天雷アルマーズ, "Heavenly Thunder, Armads".
    • Victorious Axe: 覇道の戦斧, "Poleax of Domination" or "Poleax of Supremacy".
  • Bows
    • Argent Bow: 銀の宝弓, "Silver Treasure Bow", literally "Treasure Bow of Silver".
    • Bow of Devotion: 盲愛の弓, "Bow of Blind Love".
    • Cunning Bow: 謀略の戦弓, "Battle Bow of Strategy" or "Battle Bow of Schemes".
    • Deep-Blue Bow: 絶海の蒼弓, "Azure Bow of the Distant Seas".
    • Dignified Bow: 貴族的な弓, "Aristocratic Bow".
    • Luna Arc: 月光, "Moonlight", or "Luna" using the English localization of the skill name.
    • Niles's Bow: ゼロの虐弓, "Niles's Teasing Bow".
    • Swift Mulagir: 疾弓ミュルグレ, "Swift Bow, Mulagir".
    • Warrior Princess: 戦姫の和弓, "Warrior Princess's Tranquil Bow".
  • Daggers
    • Deathly Dagger: 死神の暗器, "Shinigami's Dagger", or "Angel of Death's Dagger" using the English localization of Jaffar's title.
    • Felicia's Plate: フェリシアの氷皿, "Felicia's Ice Plate".
    • Hoarfrost Knife: 霧氷のナイフ, "Hoarfrost Knife".
    • Hunting Blade: 狩猟の鋭刃, "Hunting Sharp Blade".
    • Kagero's Dart: カゲロウの眩惑針, "Kagero's Blinding Needle".
    • Saizo's Star: サイゾウの爆炎針, "Saizo's Explosive Flame Needle".
    • Spy's Dagger: 密偵の暗器, "Spy's Dagger".
  • Red magic
    • Aversa's Night: インバースの暗闇, "Aversa's Darkness".
    • Book of Dreams: 夢幻の書, "Tome of Dreams".
    • Dawn Suzu: 暁天の神楽鈴, "Kagura-Suzu of Dawn".
    • Eternal Tome: 悠久の書, "Tome of Eternity".
    • Fruit of Idunn: イズンの果実, "Fruit of Idunn".
    • Grima's Truth: 魔書ギムレー, "Magic Tome, Grima".
    • Hermit's Tome: 山の隠者の書, "Tome of the Hermit of the Mountain".
    • Muspell Fireposy: ムスペルの炎花, "Flame Flowers of Muspell".
    • Reese's Tome: カタリナの書, "Katarina's Tome".
      • Dot dot dot.
    • Tharja's Hex: サーリャの禁呪, "Tharja's Spell".
  • Blue magic
    • Book of Orchids: 金蘭の書, "Tome of Profound Friendship".
      • "Profound friendship" is written with characters literally meaning "gold orchids". The localization team missed this, but I don't blame them. Boey's tome gave me the uneasy feeling that I was missing something here, and then I checked to see if the word meant anything more profound in Chinese, and it did.
    • Huginn's Egg: フギンの魔卵, "Huginn's Magic Egg".
    • Missiletainn: 魔書ミステルトィン, "Magic Tome, Missiletainn".
      • The Japanese game actually has different names for the two Missiletainn weapons with Owain's being just "Missiletainn".
    • Odin's Grimoire: オーディンの黒書, "Odin's Black Tome".
    • Prayer Wheel: 清冷の法具, "Ritual Staff of Clear Water".
    • Tactical Bolt: 軍師の雷書, "Tactician's Thunder Tome".
    • Tome of Thoron: トローン, "Thoron".
      • The Thoron of Genealogy, トローン (torōn), is spelled differently in Japanese than the Thoron of all games after that (including Thracia), which is spelled トロン (toron). No idea why, but made it comically trivial to give Tailtiu's weapon a different name from the generic Thoron in Japanese.
    • Virtuous Naga: 至聖ナーガ, "Highest Sanctity, Naga".
    • Wargod's Tome: 軍神の書, "Wargod's Tome".
    • Weirding Tome: 奇異ルーテの書, "Tome of Lute, the Strange".
    • Worldsea Wave: 四海の祭器, "Ritual Dagger of the Seven Seas".
      • It's actually literally "four seas" in Japanese, but has the same meaning of "all the world" as "seven seas" does in English.
  • Green magic
    • Book of Shadows: 泡影の書, "Tome of Transience".
      • Literally "tome of bubbles and shadows", but the word used for "bubbles and shadows" in Japanese means "something that is fleeting".
    • Chaos Manifest: 負の力, "Power of Chaos".
      • Literally "negative power", but the word used for "negative" that is Yune's domain is localized as "chaos".
    • Divine Naga: 聖書ナーガ, "Sacred Tome, Naga".
    • Inscribed Tome: 金石の書, "Tome of Inscriptions".
      • "Inscriptions" is written with characters literally meaning "gold stone".
    • Iris's Tome: アイリスの書, "Iris's Tome".
    • Light of Dawn: 暁の光, "Light of Dawn".
    • Muninn's Egg: ムニンの魔卵, "Muninn's Magic Egg".
    • Nifl Frostflowers: ニフルの氷花, "Ice Flowers of Nifl".
    • Tactical Gale: 軍師の風書, "Tactician's Wind Tome".
    • Thunderhead: 雷旋の書, "Tome of Thunder Spiral".
      • Apparently, the internal name of this weapon is 雷旋トルネード, "Thunder Spiral, Tornado", which explains why it's wind magic. Also, fuck Awakening for replacing Tornado with Rexcalibur as the third-tier wind tome name.
    • Vedrfolnir's Egg: フェルニルの妖卵, "Folnir's Bewitching Egg".
      • It seems like they actually had to shorten Vedrfolnir in Japanese due to space constraints. There's only space in the UI for 1 more character and adding the "Vedr" at the beginning would require 4 more characters due to Japanese being extremely inefficient at rendering v's and strings of consecutive consonants: ヴェズルフェルニル (vezuruferuniru).
    • Wind's Brand: 深き印の風 "Deep Brand of Wind".
  • Dragonstones
    • Breath of Blight: 暗夜竜のブレス, "Nohr Dragon's Breath".
    • Breath of Fog: 霧のブレス, "Breath of Mist".
    • Demonic Breath: 魔竜のブレス, "Mage Dragon's Breath", or "Demon Dragon's Breath" using the English localization of Idunn's class name instead of the English localization of the same class name in Shadow Dragon.
    • Divine Breath: 神竜王のブレス, "Divine Dragon King's Breath", or "Dragon Divinity's Breath" using the English localization of Naga's title.
    • Divine Mist: 神霧のブレス, "Breath of Divine Mist".
    • Draconic Rage: 水の飛沫, "Spray of Water".
    • Ethereal Breath: 異空のブレス, "Breath of Another Dimension".
    • Expiration: 邪竜のブレス, "Fell Dragon's Breath".
    • Fell Breath: 邪神のブレス, "Fell God's Breath".
    • Great Flame: 神炎のブレス, "Breath of Divine Flame".
    • Oracle's Breath: 神託のブレス, "Oracle's Breath".
    • Razing Breath: 断絶のブレス, "Breath of Termination". Tiki confirmed to be a Terminator.
      • What I'm translating as "termination" essentially means "to make something that exists no longer exist".
    • Savage Breath: 暴乱のブレス, "Breath of Violent Chaos".
    • Spirit Breath: 精霊のブレス, "Breath of Spirits".
    • Sublime Surge: 天帝の波動, "Surge of the Heavenly Emperor".
      • Is "Creator" the English localization of "heavenly emperor"?
    • Summer's Breath: 真夏のブレス, "Breath of Midsummer".
  • Beast
    • Brazen Cat Fang: 剛なる戦猫の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Tough War-Cat".
    • Bunny Fang: タグエルの子の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Taguel Child".
    • Covert Cat Fang: 柔なる戦猫の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Gentle War-Cat".
    • Foxkit Fang: 妖狐娘の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Demon Fox's Daughter".
    • Hawk King Claw: 鷹王の嘴爪, "Beak and Claws of the Hawk King".
    • Heron Wing: 白鷺の翼, "Wings of the Heron".
    • Kitsune Fang: 妖狐王の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Demon Fox King".
    • Lion King Fang: 獅子王の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Lion King".
    • Raven King Beak: 鴉王の嘴爪, "Beak and Claws of the Raven King".
    • Sabertooth Fang: 虎戦士の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Tiger Warrior".
    • Taguel Fang: タグエルの爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Taguel".
    • Wolfqueen Fang: 狼女王の牙, "Fangs of the Wolf Queen".
    • Wolfpup Fang: 人狼娘の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Wolfskin's Daughter".
    • Wolfskin Fang: 人狼王の爪牙, "Claws and Fangs of the Wolfskin King".


Holy shit this turned out longer than expected.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Skimmed the chatter here. So, F!Kana gets a Hoshido Dragonstone. I hope that M!Kana gets a Moon Dragonstone to mirror her! He's easily my most-used unit and I'd love to give him a special refine! He works great as he is, of course, (Mine has a +atk refine on his dragonstone) but it doesn't seem very fair for his fem version to get something special while he doesn't.

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7 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

but it doesn't seem very fair for his fem version to get something special while he doesn't.

His fate was sealed when he was released as a Grand Hero Battle unit, which has pretty much bottom-tier priority for refines.

They've been giving additional priority to units that are 5-star exclusive and are either overshadowed by or not sufficiently differentiated from easier-to-obtain units to make them more valuable to pull for, and female Kana fit the bill for that.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

His fate was sealed when he was released as a Grand Hero Battle unit, which has pretty much bottom-tier priority for refines.

They've been giving additional priority to units that are 5-star exclusive and are either overshadowed by or not sufficiently differentiated from easier-to-obtain units to make them more valuable to pull for, and female Kana fit the bill for that.

Yeah, I figured that was part of the reason, and it does make sense. Still, I'll hold out hope for her dragonstone to be mirrored one day by his! And the longer it takes, the more likely it is to be extra helpful! =D It's kind of set up to be a Nhorian dragonstone, too, if hers is obviously Hoshidan. It seems like they're following the unspoken default that fem Corrin stuck with Nhor and male Corrin went with Hoshido. It follows, then, that their kids would be on their parents' sides of things, too. I wonder if a Moon Dragonstone would have something like Dark Breath's affect, while the Sun Dragonstone would have something like Light Breath...

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3 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

It seems like they're following the unspoken default that fem Corrin stuck with Nhor and male Corrin went with Hoshido. It follows, then, that their kids would be on their parents' sides of things, too. I wonder if a Moon Dragonstone would have something like Dark Breath's affect, while the Sun Dragonstone would have something like Light Breath...

I think I just had my mind blown that maybe that's the reason why vanilla Corrin has Dark Breath as her default weapon instead of something that made more sense.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think I just had my mind blown that maybe that's the reason why vanilla Corrin has Dark Breath as her default weapon instead of something that made more sense.

Oh. I thought that was obvious. But it also stands to reason that, as people have different levels of different kinds of abilities (cognitive included) that some things would be obvious to some while others would find entirely different things obvious from what the aforementioned group finds obvious. So, while this was obvious to me, other things I would be (and am) oblivious to, even if those things are obvious to people who are different than I am. In this way, we gain a broader understanding of things: sharing what we see and learning how others see things differently. We are different so that we can help each other in areas where we're not so skilled! =D It's like a sword user taking out an axe user to defend a lance user. 🙂

That kind of took a left turn, but I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't putting down anyone who didn't see what I saw as obvious. No one is inferior - just different! And everyone has something to contribute. ^_^

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22 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Oh. I thought that was obvious. But it also stands to reason that, as people have different levels of different kinds of abilities (cognitive included) that some things would be obvious to some while others would find entirely different things obvious from what the aforementioned group finds obvious. So, while this was obvious to me, other things I would be (and am) oblivious to, even if those things are obvious to people who are different than I am. In this way, we gain a broader understanding of things: sharing what we see and learning how others see things differently. We are different so that we can help each other in areas where we're not so skilled! =D It's like a sword user taking out an axe user to defend a lance user. 🙂

That kind of took a left turn, but I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't putting down anyone who didn't see what I saw as obvious. No one is inferior - just different! And everyone has something to contribute. ^_^

I guess it never really dawned on me because, having never played Fates (so my only experiences with Corrin are from Warriors and Heroes), the associations in my head with Corrin mostly go something like:

  • Nohr Prince Corrin: "That's Corrin!"
  • Nohr Princess Corrin: "That's Corrin!"
  • Hoshido Noble Corrin (M): "That's Hoshidan Corrin!"
  • Nohr Noble Corrin (M): "... Oh, that exists."
  • Hoshido Noble Corrin (F): "... Oh, that exists."
  • Nohr Noble Corrin (F): "That's Nohrian Corrin!"

And since none of Heroes's Corrins use their promoted designs, the "canon" allegiances for the unpromoted Corrins just don't really click.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I guess it never really dawned on me because, having never played Fates (so my only experiences with Corrin are from Warriors and Heroes), the associations in my head with Corrin mostly go something like:

  • Nohr Prince Corrin: "That's Corrin!"
  • Nohr Princess Corrin: "That's Corrin!"
  • Hoshido Noble Corrin (M): "That's Hoshidan Corrin!"
  • Nohr Noble Corrin (M): "... Oh, that exists."
  • Hoshido Noble Corrin (F): "... Oh, that exists."
  • Nohr Noble Corrin (F): "That's Nohrian Corrin!"

And since none of Heroes's Corrins use their promoted designs, the "canon" allegiances for the unpromoted Corrins just don't really click.

I see; that makes sense. I haven't played Warriors, but on the packaging for Fates, doesn't it show M!Corrin on the Birthright side and F!Corrin on the Conquest side? (My memory on it is fuzzy.)

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18 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

I see; that makes sense. I haven't played Warriors, but on the packaging for Fates, doesn't it show M!Corrin on the Birthright side and F!Corrin on the Conquest side? (My memory on it is fuzzy.)

My Fates box is happily sitting in my bookshelf where I cannot see it and generally do not remember that it is there. (But yes, it does. But it doesn't help me associate their unpromoted selves with their "canon" allegiances because I don't see that art like ever.)

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