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Your opinion on Seasonals


What do you think of seasonals?  

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Seasonals. Do you dislike them? Do you like them? Do you not care? This the thread to truly voice your opinions

As for me, I’d say I’m in the like category, as I love to see characters dress up and act goofy. It even made a character I hate (Tharja) turn into a character I like (C!Tharja) via Seasonals.

Edited by Poimagic
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Technically they're hit and miss for me since there are some great seasonal designs out there (SUMMER FREDDY <3, the Askr bunnies, Christmas Robin, the Halloween peeps, etc.), but there are also one or two I absolutely hate too (Christmas Tharja, Bunny Camilla, and Bunny Kagero. Ew). But I generally really like them because it helps celebrate whatever the seasonals are associated with and that's fun. ^^

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I hate some, I like some. Most of the seasonal's are pure fan service and if I don't find them appealing, I'm not going to use them even if the unit is amazing stat-wise. I just don't want to be reminded of their existence.

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I like seeing the characters in seasonal as it helps bring out an extra layer of charm to them and sometimes they'll reference events that seem interesting (H! Sakura talks about outrealm stuff she did with Elise)

My favorite seasonal characters are the FE7 Love Abounds Trio(Seeing these three  just goof off at festival together while Roy and Lilina hang out was all I wanted in life) , Christmas Chrom (Chrom just a good man so it's always fun seeing him talk about different events), PA Azura (The dark songstress outfit is appealing to me)  

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I've been thinking less and less of them since they were implemented, especially since there seems to be a special banner every month, now.

It's nice to have unique units, but my problem with them is their availability and general difficulty to obtain over every other unit in the game. I dislike the fact that their banners offer a 50% chance to pull non-focus units, and that your only other chance to realistically obtain them again is when they're part of a Legendary banner or have their Special banner re-run, as last year's Spring banner is right now. Even then. a re-run of every special banner is not guaranteed.

I avoid spending any orbs on them, now. Legendary banners are far more worth my Orbs, with the mix of Special, Legendary, and generally great units that come with it.

As far as Arena bonus units are concerned, I think I'll simply put effort into completing the Askr trio (Fjorm is already kitted out) and GHB units.

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I like them, they are just something different added to the game. Who could have imagined, for example, Xander wearing in pink and hitting enemies with a carrot? Because I wouldn't xD

Also, let's wish that this thread could be used to discuss about new special heroes design instead of flooding their corresponing threads with "Camillas type arguments". 

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Oh, then I missunderstood it @Poimagic, I thought this was to keep safe seasonal threads in future. 

Also, going back to the topic, I'd like to see some different seasonals this year that weren't covered last year. In special, I'd love to see an Oktoberfest banner, although sadly, I don't think it has any chance :(

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I don't like them per se but I don't hate them either. Most are tacky but some are ok. The only ones I'd say I consider good are the Love Abounds and the Hoshido New Year outfits. I like some (cough bunny Alfonse) for superficial reasons. As long as stuff like this is kept separate from the "core" and is optional I don't mind it.

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I like them when they interest me. My main issue with them is that they feel too frequent. They last a whole month but that can also be a double-egded sword. Performing Arts and Halloween happened back-to-back. It also doesn't help that they tend to appear in the middle of other new banners and it's just not good for F2P-players. It doesn't help that a lot of them are exclusives (every Mage Flier except for F!Morgan is a seasonal, LA!Roy is the only other Bow Knight in the game, all Armor Mages are seasonals and Spring!Kagero is currently the only Dagger Flier). Yes, they will appear again in Legendary Banners but there's also like 8 other units they are competing against.

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I have a fondness for the absurd and don't really care so much about FE lore, so the sillier the better. I actually don't think they go far enough at times, with the typical magic types still being magic types, etc, instead of being totally off the wall. Xander's alts are still just the usual melee types, for example, I'd love to see him wielding magic or a breath weapon instead.

While I don't particularly like that they're exclusive to their banners, but that's more of a technical gripe since the odds of pulling a general pool 5* is minimal anyway without a focus. Most seasonals would by now have been far easier to pull than say, Luke.

That said, I will acknowledge where they suck - specifically in that they replace one of the two monthly new unit banners, instead of running alongside them. This is totally fine for people like me who will happily pull on both, but for people who refuse to pull on them, it's effectively halved their options.

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I like them, but as @Raven mentioned, I do not like the fact that they are limited in availability.

I like the fan service and some of their skills and stat distribution. My favorite seasonal skills so far would be Valors, Brazen Atk/Spd (this needs to be released in the normal pool), Candlelight, Kitty Paddle, Kagami Mochi, Ylissean Summer Weapons, Winter's Envoy Weapons, and Hares at the Fair Weapons.

Edited by XRay
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I really like them, especially now they're moving away from being obsessed with just Awakening and Fates. I don't even mind the fanservice in them for the most part (except Winter Tharja... who I just wanted to see dress up warmly for once. She just looks awful to me. Witch Nowi is the other... Again. I just feel she should have been dressed up better - more cutesy maybe than what she was. Oh well). 

Otherwise, I'm happy enough with them. I don't mind them being once a month, but I hope they don't do any more back to back. I also hope they do no more repeats, at least for a while... and to please give us grooms this time, since the Brides Banner is the only one I really hate so far (though still sad we didn't get a second bunny boy to round out the party this year). 

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Depends. Seasonals like the Halloween, Christmas, Easter, bride, Valentine, summer...you get the idea. Those I don't like. They could offer a cute as all hell Valentine Julia and I still wouldn't bite.

The possessed (does this one even really count since the units are now in the summoning pool?) and dancer banner I do like because those are banners that feel like they fit with the characters/classes and the events and they don't really feel forced.

So overall I'd say that I'm not interested in 90% of the seasonal banners.

Edited by Hekselka
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I dislike them for the fact that the recent ones are made to waste your orbs in the sense that they're meta or have some new/rare skill, while the older ones were just for fun. I would say they're unfriendly towards the "sheep", who have a bad habit of spending all of their orbs every time there's a banner featuring new and impressive units. The fanservice is very baity. Limited time also really kills them for me

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I like them when they interest me. My main issue with them is that they feel too frequent. They last a whole month but that can also be a double-egded sword. Performing Arts and Halloween happened back-to-back. It also doesn't help that they tend to appear in the middle of other new banners and it's just not good for F2P-players. It doesn't help that a lot of them are exclusives (every Mage Flier except for F!Morgan is a seasonal, LA!Roy is the only other Bow Knight in the game, all Armor Mages are seasonals and Spring!Kagero is currently the only Dagger Flier). Yes, they will appear again in Legendary Banners but there's also like 8 other units they are competing against.

They happen every 2 normal banners so it's kinda slowed down. But the unique unit types being exclusive for seasonals is lame

Edited by silveraura25
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Characters that are gone forever have bothered me since the very first one. The only thing I have resembling a goal in this game is to collect all the characters. The vast majority of my orb pulling has been on seasonal banners and has only slowed down as a result of them reappearing in Legendary Banners. I'm starting to think my orbs would be better spent exclusively on Legendary Banners. I'm going to get pity broken anyway, it may as well be a unit that is incredibly rare and/or incredibly powerful. 

I do like that they've finally moved away from representing the same two games. That's a marked improvement. I'd still prefer new characters overall, but there's only so many times you could laugh at Chrom-in-another-dumb-costume.

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Honestly I used to have a great distaste for them. It was really frustrating only having one opportunity to grab said units. But I finally switched over to ftp for the most part and shifted my mindset. I have a lot of good units at various merge levels and now it’s more a goal to work harder and actually save orbs to get one or 2 of a unit that actually interests me. Plus with the monthly legendary banners we get another seasonal rotation.

They have steadily added so much to do in heroes and even though there are some lulls in events I have several more personal favorites I’m working on getting to +10. I feel like a bigger gripe if anything is that at this point they should rearrange the 5 star pool and drop several units to 4 star availability that are older since it is so cluttered at this point.

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22 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Oh, then I missunderstood it @Poimagic, I thought this was to keep safe seasonal threads in future. 

Also, going back to the topic, I'd like to see some different seasonals this year that weren't covered last year. In special, I'd love to see an Oktoberfest banner, although sadly, I don't think it has any chance :(

Haha. That'd be fantastic. Who would they choose though. Hmm....

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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

Haha. That'd be fantastic. Who would they choose though. Hmm....

Charlotte is a good candidate since she'll probably never appear in the game in her normal form

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I like the idea behind seasonal but that it are the same games and the same characters getting the new costumes has started to become really annoying. There are exception but the general rule seems to be that if you're not a Fates royal, a Smash character or Tharja then you're just not getting any costume. 

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I have an overwhelmingly positive view of them. I like seeing characters wear different clothes generally, and I love the goofy seasonal outfits. The fact that I have fairly "mainstream" taste in FE characters (that is, I like most of the characters who get picked as seasonals) no doubt helps.

My only complaint is that in a way they do slow the inclusion of other characters into the game, but the ups outweigh the downs to me for sure.

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I might be the most passionate opponent of them here on SF, and nothing ever will change my opinion.

They are silly and forced, they clog up the metaphorical tubes and slow down the introduction of actual new characters, they hog most of new and cool skills, they are most often overpowered and powercreeping, and so on and so forth.

I’d rather them never have existed.

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10 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Charlotte is a good candidate since she'll probably never appear in the game in her normal form

Dozla also seems like a good fit to me for some reason. Not really sure if he ever makes reference to drinking in his supports, but he seems to act like he's drunk most of the time. I could see Virion or Maribelle being featured as a sophisticated wine drinker.

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