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Choose Your Legends 3


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Honestly, I think I'm just overall disappointed by the lack of innovation on IS's part more than anything.

Despite the fact that Ike, Lyn, Lucina, and post-SoV Celica at the very least scored higher than Camilla on their own merits, and Roy, Hector, Ephraim, and Marth either scored just as well or higher than Camilla, it feels like Heroes developers are only really paying attention to Camilla. Hector and Ephraim have gotten their fair share of alts this year, but they have pretty much no variety. 3/4 Ephraims and Hectors are just wielding Siegmund and Armads because apparently this is supposed to be a running joke that stopped being funny after Valentine's Hector. All Celicas are red infantry. All Lucinas are red and blue. Ike only has his Brave alt version and a justified legendary RD version that had to exist in the game one way or another. Marth's legendary form is pretty cool, but his seasonal alt was shafted to being a tempest trial reward because apparently Sanaki sells better???

Camilla not only has more alts handed to her than Lyn and Lucina, but she now has a version of herself for every color. She was the first flying mage and her spring version can tank arrows if built right, and her Adrift and summer versions are still really powerful because they're still recent. The only other person who covers all four colors is Lyn, and she has less alts than Camilla. I think what I'm worried about is that IS is only going to care about Camilla scoring first this year to justify spamming all sorts of Camilla alts, despite the fact that they haven't gone that crazy for anyone else who won CYL previously, including those more popular than her.

This isn't even to mention all the characters who scored decently enough, like within top 100 or very close, and still can't make it into the game because IS would rather shovel out alts of the same characters over and over again.

At this point, I think IS has a hard-on for either Camilla or characters like her. I think they'll latch onto any excuse to push out more Camilla, to keep putting characters similar to her in all the future games and just take a lazy way out to make characters that appeal to people for a quick buck. And maybe that's what this is about. They don't care about anything besides making money, and for whatever reason (justified or not) they just see Camilla as a moneymaker.

In other words, it's not even Camilla at this point. I'm just mad at IS and their bizarre priorities (or lack thereof) during 2018. I don't understand why Fates has suddenly become the "darling" of the developers.

Edited by Sunwoo
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10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

In other words, it's not even Camilla at this point. I'm just mad at IS and their bizarre priorities (or lack thereof) during 2018. I don't understand why Fates has suddenly become the "darling" of the developers.

The director of Heroes directed Fates, no?

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11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Am I the only person here that WANTS female Robin to win over Micaiah? I'm sad...

I'm not voting for her but I wouldn't mind if F!Robin won CYL3. I'm interested what they would do with Robin for their CYL costume and weapon plus I don't care about Camilla or Micaiah.

2 hours ago, Othin said:

We'll probably get our first alts for most or all of Alm, Sigurd, Seliph, Soren, Loki, Fates Anna, Nephenee, BK/Zelgius (Zelgius, probably), and... Surtr. Even if Alm gets a CYL alt (very likely), he'll probably get a non-CYL alt as well.

Don't you mean Heroes Anna? Fates Anna is not even in the game yet nor is she currently in the top 20.

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4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

All this politics about alts and I have never voted for a character that exists in Heroes in any of these polls. I wish we could go back to the days when CYL was just a way to guage interest in who we want to see added.

I still do.

3 hours ago, Yexin said:

because that's the whole point of the cyl event

voting for your favorite character so that he/she gets a cool alt

Absolutely not.  Every single character I voted for so far isn't in the game.  At most, I will throw a vote Marth's way.  Once.

3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

However, this does bring me to a theory I've had for awhile, and it's really the only reason I can think of that makes sense for why Ike has yet to get a seasonal: IS hasn't yet come up with an idea they like enough. They might not have some up with something that doesn't seem TOO silly or would be the most fitting idea. And I can get behind that. They want to really do Ike justice with his first seasonal? Totally go for it! I can wait for that, it'd be worth it.

In other words, once Ike is added as a seasonal, he's gonna break the game in half. :P:

3 hours ago, Lau said:

I agree about the lack of TMS characters. It's more upsetting that Smash got Tsubasa in the game as a Spirit, yet she isn't in FEH.

The day Touma and Ellie get in is the day I sell my kidney on the Internet to whale for them.

Can you sell your other kidney so I can whale for Touma too? :P:

43 minutes ago, Yexin said:

i think you guys here on serenes forest use the "toxic" word way too easily

if this is the kind of people you'd label as toxic, well, i envy you, a lot

a person who's acting differently than you would doesn't deserve to be called "toxic"


it's not that people who don't want camilla to win have no reason to think that way and are just acting like whiny babies for the sake of complaining

i don't personally hate camilla, she's just a bunch of pixels put together to portray an actractive woman after all, yet i can't but think that camilla fans should feel more than satisfied, with all the camillas they got

i mean, we're gonna have as many camillas as all of the thracia characters, alt excluded: how should thracia fans feel then?

you want to tell me they have to accept it because thracia sold trash? i can partially agree with that, but this doesn't change the fact that this situation is ridiculous to say the least

of course, that's all intsys' fault, but i can't believe that out of all of these camillas we already have, not even one is able to satisfy camilla fans

Except that last half is pretty toxic.  See, if you really do care about how the game is going, use the Feedback feature.  Pretty sure devs don't check this forum, so all you're doing is whining to other fans.  And quite frankly, I'm tired of dealing with it.

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12 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Don't you mean Heroes Anna? Fates Anna is not even in the game yet nor is she currently in the top 20.

Yeah, Heroes Anna. Thanks.

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2 minutes ago, MetalAmethyst said:

Does anyone think anything can change in this event?

There might be wild cards like Anna. Top 3 might shift around a bit with those within in it. Other than that, don't think so

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2 minutes ago, MetalAmethyst said:

Does anyone think anything can change in this event?

Yes, particularly in the top 3 of each list. Other minor changes are possible but probably not to the extent of being significant.

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Can you sell your other kidney so I can whale for Touma too? :P:

Of course, just be sure to visit my grave and let me know if you summoned him<3


If Camilla wins, I hope she gets Garon's axe. It always annoyed me how the Royal sisters didn't get legendary or exclusive weapons, it just seemed a bit unfair. And if Alm wins, I hope he's either his original design, or based on Rudolf. His Conqueror over class is better fit for a Legendary Hero tbh.

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1 hour ago, Sasori said:

 My problem with Camilla alts is that not only that there where a lot of them, but also that IS was never forced to put Camilla in. 

And my problem with her is that she’s only popular for the shallow fanservice, as noted with all but one alt exploiting her breasts and suggestive dialogue. I’ll give Brave Camilla a pass if she’s shown as a legit Brave Hero, instead of the walking fanservice she usually is :dry:

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31 minutes ago, redlight said:

The director of Heroes directed Fates, no?

Yeah, Kouhei Maeda. Although from what I've heard he only took over Heroes in the second year. Don't know who the guy was that did it the year before.

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2 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Yeah, Kouhei Maeda. Although from what I've heard he only took over Heroes in the second year. Don't know who the guy was that did it the year before.

So that explains the Fates bias and story quality.

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27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Absolutely not.  Every single character I voted for so far isn't in the game.

same here

i voted for erinys, astrid and makalov, but this doesn't change that what the major part of voters are more interested in are the winners of the contest

not everyone, just the major part

27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Except that last half is pretty toxic.

which half are you talking about? because i only talked about unsatisfied camilla fans and forgotten thracia fans, but i don't think neither of them is your problem with my post

you wouldn't have quoted me if that was the case

27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

See, if you really do care about how the game is going, use the Feedback feature.

that's exactly my problem with IntSys: they seem willing to listen to fans' suggestions and advices to make the game better, but the only advices they seem to ignore are the ones about characters' variety

and no, the laguz excuse is useless: they're some of the most beloved characters in the whole series, they were bound the get in the game sooner or later

you could say "they can ignore fans' suggestions and do whatever they want, it's their game", and i agree

but what's the point with even having created fire emblem heroes then?

i used the feedback feature many times, but they just make me feel i wasted my time

27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Pretty sure devs don't check this forum

never said they do

27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

so all you're doing is whining to other fans.

well, sorry for expressing my opinion, but i strongly believe words must be used with care

and that post which had a random "toxic" put in every sentence just made me question about the actual use of that word by fe fans, that's it

27 minutes ago, eclipse said:

And quite frankly, I'm tired of dealing with it.

i-i'm sorry... i guess?

pardon my straightforwardness, but why are you even a moderator then?

i mean, you can't complain about one of the duties your role implies... i think

Edited by Yexin
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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah.....let's not kid ourselves. The story was still shit (or unspectacular at best) before this guy was brought on last year.

Does it at least explain why we got four Nifl siblings when we really didn't need more than two?

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9 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Yeah, Kouhei Maeda. Although from what I've heard he only took over Heroes in the second year. Don't know who the guy was that did it the year before.

That explains a lot  :dry:

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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Does it at least explain why we got four Nifl siblings when we really didn't need more than two?

Yeah, it says a lot when more people were invested in two/three of the villains then any of the Nifl characters. 

Edited by Medeus
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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Does it at least explain why we got four Nifl siblings when we really didn't need more than two?

Perhaps, but I was mostly referring to Book I or, the book where a plot barely existed. On the plus side, at least unnecessary ice brother and unnecessary snow loli are nowhere to be found on the midpoint standings (or any Book II OC aside from Fire Lord Ozai for that matter).

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10 minutes ago, Yexin said:

i-i'm sorry... i guess?

pardon my straightforwardness, but why are you even a moderator then?

i mean, you can't complain about one of the duties your role implies... i think

No, I'm not going to respond to that wall of text.  I suggest reading what I quoted from you for the second half.  I cut that quote down for a reason.

As for THIS.  Believe it or not, it takes work to keep a place running half-decently, and that means calling people out on their bullshit - in this case, you.  I understand a complaint or three, but yours has gone on for quite a while.  What do you expect to accomplish with all of this?

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14 minutes ago, Medeus said:

Yeah, it says a lot when more people were invested in two/three of the villains

Camilla is the better looking onee-chan in my opinion and I prefer her doting personality, but I like Laegjarn overall more for her unconditional love for Laevatein. If I remember correctly, Camilla tried to kill me on Birthright, while Laegjarn died for Laevatein.

I think Laevatein and Elise are both my favorite imoutos, although I think I still might like Elise a tiny bit more since she is just so cute. Laevatein is cute too and is not very far behind. I mean, just look how adorable Laevatein is when she smiles!



I absolutely despise Surtr, and I want to shove his pride down his throat and pound some humiliation into his ass. I think my strong hatred for him is also why I think he is a good villain.

14 minutes ago, Medeus said:

then any of the Nifl characters. 

Who were they again? I think I may have dreamed about them but I forgot.


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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yet both Lyn and Xander beat her to that milestone.

In all fairness you don't really need colorless if you have the other three colors covered. I can actually get away with not having complete triangle coverage sometimes with normal Reinhardt and normal Olwen.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

I think my strong hatred for him is also why I think he is a good villain.

A lot can be said of Surtr, but that is absolutely not one of them as far as I'm concerned...not even close.

Put him alongside most other villains from across the series, and he becomes a complete embarrassment in comparison. He's literally just Garon's Alolan form, and we all know how he's regarded as a villain.

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9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

In all fairness you don't really need colorless if you have the other three colors covered. I can actually get away with not having complete triangle coverage sometimes with normal Reinhardt and normal Olwen.

That's not the point, though.

You were presenting the fact that Camilla now has a version of every color as a matter of oneupsmanship compared to other characters with alts, but Lyn had Camilla beat by almost 9 months and Xander (who you forgot about) had Camilla beat by more than 5 months.

Even if you exclude colorless, Xander still had Camilla beat for all three triangle colors by over 11 months.

The metric of having more colors of alts is a meaningless metric.

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