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[DATAMINE/SPECULATION] Anniversary Present?

Diovani Bressan

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So... a unknown menu text was found in the last datamine:

"MID_SUMMON_PULL_ONLY_ONCE_Summon_762_legend13_OnlyPickup: The session ends when you summon a Hero."

For me, and for a lot of people on internet, this sounds like a "Free Summon Banner", just like the CYL banners. And we have the "legend13" on it, which could mean 13 Legendary Heroes.

I believe, for the 2 years anniversary, we will get a Free Legendary Hero of our choice, between 13 possible Legendary Heroes. I am also thinking that, since we have 14 Legendary Heroes, Fjorm will be out of this event. She is already a free hero, after all. Legendary Ike is also a free hero, but he is a different case. He won the A Hero Rises event, and that's why he is a free hero.

Anyway, this is only a speculation, but... If we get a Free Legendary Hero of our choice, what Legendary Hero would you pick and why?

For me, I would pick Legendary Azura. From all Legendary Heroes that I don't have (Ryoma, Eirika, Hríd and Azura), she will be the most useful hero for me.




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  • Diovani Bressan changed the title to [DATAMINE/SPECULATION] CYL - Choose Your Legendary?
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I hate what this might mean for f2p guides but I'll be picking Hrid if that's the case. Still annoyed I didn't get him >.< 

Depends if I pull him during his next banner and what the fodder is... 

Edited by Cute Chao
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This is not so easy. 

I already have:

Gunnthra, Fjorm, Ike, Ephraim, Grima, Azura

out of question to pick are:
Ryouma, Eirika, Tiki

Remaining Choices.
Lucina, Marth, Lyn, Hector, Hrid

I think it could be either one of those 5. Lyn has the least chance that I pick her.

Lucina would be nice, because of her skill which opens a few option.
Hector has the best recycle value and Ostia Pulse is just good for the barracks.
Hrid would give me a red cavalry I would find a place for.
And Marth is the excellence which deserves more love. 


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  • Diovani Bressan changed the title to [DATAMINE/SPECULATION] Anniversary Present?
10 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I hate what this might mean for f2p guides but I'll be picking Hrid if that's the case. Still annoyed I didn't get him >.< 

We don't know how much time we will have to choose from this special banner. CYL Free Summon banners have a duration of 1 year, so if we have access to this Special Banner for more than a month, and if you have interest in summon on the February Legendary Banner, you could wait for the Feb Banner. Maybe you get Hríd in the Legendary Banner.

3 minutes ago, redlight said:

Try changing the "cyl- choose your legendary" part to "anniversary present" or something as it gives away the info from the datamine

Thanks for the advice.

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15 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I hate what this might mean for f2p guides but I'll be picking Hrid if that's the case. Still annoyed I didn't get him >.< 

Depends if I pull him during his next banner and what the fodder is... 

I'm sure 99% of F2P guides will assume players picked Azura. 

And I'm just sitting here leaning towards my horsie lord. 

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If we can only summon during a specific time then I need to reinstall to get the free Azura and then uninstall again as I'll only return when something huge like skill refinery is introduced. I think the big deal with Azura and why people are so angry at this kind of powercreep is because we lack support units that are on par with her. SI took away the support utility several units had and now everyone can perform a semi-support role that's spread across the team. The only way you can be special when it comes to support is by having a unique skill and/or weapon. If Robin's weapon had something like hone QP when at full health or something instead of raventome then they'd be one of the best support units that doesn't have a part of their weapon wasted instead of a weapon that doesn't know what it wants to be. We need more units like Azura, albeit not as broken but are borderline broken that are support only. She'd have been well more received and considered to be borderline broken even if she was infantry and Gray Waves gave the movement buff to only infantry allies.

Edited by redlight
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Of the fourteen, I have: Fjorm, Ike, Frima, Marth, Hrid and Blairzura. Huh, that's more than I thought. 

Of the ones remaining, the only ones I would care to get are: Ryouma, Ephraim, Tiki and Lucina.

Out of those, I'll propably take Tiki, because she ranks highest among my favourites.

Let's hope this is actually what they are going for.

Edited by Nanima
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Assuming that we can choose the character, which is a big assumption, I’ll choose Azura. However, if we can only choose the colour, I’ll be still pulling blue, since is the only colour where I miss all the options (have the 3 green, the only gray and 3/5 reds, blue only Fjorm, who seems out of the ecuation)

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The Legendary Heroes that I don't have are Ryoma, Eirika, Hríd and Azura

My pick will be Azura.

My second pick would be Hríd, because I like him as a unit, and we works pretty well with Gunnthrá

My third pick would be Eirika. She is a good unit, although I wouldn't use her that much.

Ryoma would be my last pick, because I don't really care for him.

8 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

However, if we can only choose the colour...

In this case, I think that I would go with Red. From the Red Legendary Heroes, I don't have 3 of 5. I have Ike and Marth. I would use Ike to nullify my Ike's Bane, and Legendary Marth is one of my  merge project. I don't plan to target him in every banner he appears, but if I get him in any banner I wouldn't fodder him.

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44 minutes ago, Stroud said:

out of question to pick are:
Ryouma, Eirika, Tiki

Sorry to ask, but why those three? Eirika and Tiki are useful, so I think it's because you don't like them but I'm not sure.


For myself:

I have Fjorm, Ike, Lyn, Hector, Lucina, Marth, Tiki, and Azura.

I've tried every time that she appeared, but she didn't have come, so I may choose F!Grima. I've blown so many orbs to get her. Maybe 1000. Really. At least 200 orbs per banner where she appeared. She hates me so much xD

If I'm not choosing her, there is Ryoma (I don't hate him, but he is not my favorite) and all the horses. I really don't know who to choose. (If we really get a free legendary hero)

Edited by Drakhis
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Don't have:


Hopefully I manage to get Tiki, but as for the others, I'd probably rank it Bowcina > L!Hector > Kinyoma > Gunnthra > Cancer.

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No idea honestly which unit (or color) to choose, I'm not missing much. 

I could go for:

  • one missing unit (Ephraim, Eirika, Lyn or Ryoma).
  • fixing a bane (-ATK Hrid, -ATK Azura, -ATK Marth, -SPD Gunnthrá, -DEF Hector, -DEF Robin, -DEF Lucina or -HP Tiki)
  • some good fodder (Hector, Eirika, Tiki, Lyn)
  • a merged Legendary (Fjorm (currently 3 copies), Ike (4)). 

What do you think? @daisy jane @DarkAlf 

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

a merged Legendary (Fjorm (currently 3 copies), Ike (4)). 

That's a good thought. I will go with Azura, but I could consider Gunnthrá for a extra merge. She is the Legendary Hero that I hava with the higher number of merges (+4).

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That's a good thought. I will go with Azura, but I could consider Gunnthrá for a extra merge. She is the Legendary Hero that I hava with the higher number of merges (+4).

If you don't have Azura, she may be the best choice. Mine is -ATK, but it doesn't lower her utility for me. 

Fjorm trolled me two times getting Azura. IS trolled me by giving out free Ikes after I got one from the first banner and Ike trolled me two times when I pulled on the current banner (only having Ike and Tiki before). 

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Hooo boi, this sure sounds awesome! Wish it wasn't Legendary Units only, but still awesome.

Now, I do have a few Legendaries already: (Fjorm, Ike), Ephraim, Grima, Lyn, Hector and Lucina... man, I really thought I had more... not a surprise though, the last legendary banner I pulled on was Eirika's...

Anyways, who I miss are: Gunnthrá, Ryoma, Marth, Tiki, Eirika, Hríd, Azura
I'll definitely go for someone I miss, and I will definitely not go for fodders... I won't pick Tiki (as I don't like neither dragons nor armours), Ryoma (I have Caeda and Laegjarn for sword flier), Hríd (because he is just so... empty?), Gunnthrá (I have Horse Lilina for green cavalry tome)
This leaves only Marth, Eirika and Azura. I kind of want all of them, mainly Eirika as I've wasted so many orbs already trying to get her, but for f2p guides Azura would be the best choice imho. Will see if I can get Eirika on the current mythic banner, and decide after that.

But yeah, Eirika will be my choice if I fail to get her now. I really wish we are going to get this banner

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Heroes I have: Fjorm, Robin, Lucina, Marth, Hríd, Azura

Heroes I don't care/need:, Gunnthrá, Ike(I had foddered the free one off), Ephraim (the whole solo part doesn't sit well with me), Lyn, Ryoma (have 3 red fliers), Hector (have two green armors and one is Grima)

So I will go for Tiki or Eirika. Tiki is a monster and will be my first pure 180 BST unit and she is awesome, thought I have B!Hector she is better. Eirika is a less gimmicky sword cavalier that also I want, currently I have 3 members in my horse team (Lyn Veronica and Hríd) so she would be quite good (and I could replace storm Sieglinde as I am not a fan of it's requirements).

I wish mythics are also available so that I could pull Duma. 

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K, let me see my options.

I have Fjorm, Gunnthrá, Ike, Robin/Grima, Lyn, Ryoma, Hector, and Lucina.

That leaves Ephraim, Marth, Tiki, Eirika, Hríd, and Azura.

I suppose I should get priorities straight first. I need Eirika and Hríd the least of these. However, I lack a fast sword cav, so I need Hríd the least. After that is Marth (I do have dragon killers, let alone those with Falchion, but more never hurts), then Ephraim (Summer Cordelia and Camus are the only Lance Cavs I use, and he and Marth are the only other Fire legendaries I lack), then Azura, then Tiki.

If I do not get Tiki from the Duma Banner, Tiki will be my choice. Otherwise, it will either be Marth or Azura.

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I'm only missing two Legendary Heroes. FemGrima and Hrid.

Now of the two... FemGrima has been in EVERY SINGLE FREAKING LEGENDARY BANNER SINCE SHE WAS RELEASED, and yet she stops appearing the moment I'm able to really up the amp on summoning? Bullcrap! Hrid, meanwhile, has only been on one, and while I don't remember my situation at the time, I definitely do not remember being able to summon for him very much.

And of the two, Hrid is obviously very powerful, disabling enemy follow-ups while automatically having his own if the enemy has a penalty on them, which he is specifically built for. He also has Distant Counter by default, as well as plenty of Defense and respectable Resistance. FemGrima, meanwhile, is very average as far as Legendary Heroes go. Oh yay, you resist flier effective damage in your personal version of Bracing Stance and have a DC weapon by default. Great, wonderful.

So... probably Hrid. I'll just summon a FemGrima or two next chance I get, keep the one with the better asset/flaw if one is present, and settle for a perfectly average Hrid among a sea of downright broken Sword units that I own, let alone what already exists and what will come in the future. Assuming we do actually get to pick a Legendary Hero for free.

Man, summoning is never gonna get any easier than this, is it...

Edited by Xenomata
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I already have Fjorm, Marth, Tiki, Female Grima, Lyn and Ephraim.

I don't care about Ike, Ryoma or Hector.

Lucina and Azura are tempting, as is Eirika. Really not too interested in Gunnthra or Hrid. 

Then again, going Marth for the merges is veryyyy tempting.

I'll decide when it happens.

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