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February's Legendary Hero - Roy: Blazing Lion (February 27 ~ March 5) DATAMINE HERE


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56 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Datamine Stats & Blessing Ability

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Legendary Effect:

Fire Ally Boost: HP+3 Grants allies this Legendary Effect during Fire season, if the Fire blessing has been conferred and if this unit enters battle with them. If unit is 5★ and level 40 and unit's stats total less than 175, treats unit's stats as 175 in modes like Arena. (Higher-scoring opponents will appear. Stat total calculation excludes any values



Ah so they finally came to the conclusion that noone gives a damn thing about Legendary units unless they have 175 BST or help immensly in Arena scoring. Nice touch but this should have been a thing with allready existing L-Blessing on top of the stat bonus.

I also guess people didnt care much for Duell Skills. I surely didnt care much. 

This is definitly better then the skills but its too late.


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I have bad feelings for his Legendary Effect... 

With Duel Skills, you need to choose between  having a boosting stats skill or Distant/Close Counter in the A-Slot but your unit will scores less, or your unit doesn't have such skills but scores higher. And the Duel Skills are limited, since there aren't Duel Skills for all types of units yet.

With Roy, we can have units like Tibarn scoring high without the need of get rid of Sturdy Impact... Reinhardt and Brave Lyn can now score higher and still use Death Blow 4.

I am happy that you whales liked it, but I don't. I still think that Duel Skills are more fair than this. I just hope for Arena to not become Aether Raids during Fire Seasons, with Brave Veronicas and Reinhardt everywhere. Maybe if Roy was a low BST unit, like 145 or 150, I wouldn't be that sad...

At least the Askr Trio can scores better now, but still...


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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The problem with Duel skills isn't that they're bad because they aren't. It's that they literally don't fucking exist.

If they wanted to make Duel skills actually relevant, they would have implemented all of them all at once and with much greater availability. But they didn't, and not only are they releasing the missing ones at a slower-than-glacial pace, but all of them are skill locked to a single 5-star-exclusive unit.


@Diovani Bressan

You wouldn't run R Duel Flying on Tibarn anyways. Tibarn has a stat total in the 165 bucket after his first merge, which means R Duel Flying is only raising his scoring tier by 1 bin. That's equivalent to only 100 SP worth of skills or half of a merge.

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There's a authoritative-sounding source on the subreddit claiming that the English translation has been horribly mangled once more

and that only the Legendary unit themselves gains the increased BST, as per the Japanese datamined text.


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10 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

There's a authoritative-sounding source on the subreddit claiming that the English translation has been horribly mangled once more and that only the Legendary unit themselves gains the increased BST, as per the Japanese datamined text.

I just went and actually read the English text again. It's actually no different from the Japanese one. People (including me) just suck at reading comprehension.

Though, actually, it probably is more because the dataminers didn't bother to include the line breaks in the right spots. It's more obvious once you put the line breaks back in.


Here's the English text:


Legendary Effect: Fire Ally Boost: HP+3

Grants allies this Legendary Effect during Fire season, if the Fire blessing has been conferred and if this unit enters battle with them.

If unit is 5★ and level 40 and unit's stats total less than 175, treats unit's stats as 175 in modes like Arena. (Higher-scoring opponents will appear. Stat total calculation excludes any values added by merges and skills.)

It literally says right there that the only Legendary Effect is HP +3.

The Duel effect is entirely separate.

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Depends how useless this new mode in April will be I guess, and when they decide to retroactively add it to existing game modes.

I'm not sure what I'd prefer actually. A very specific bonus like that of Mythic heroes where it's useless to me if I don't partake in said mode, or one that one-ups every single hero previously released. Both would be kinda disappointing. But in light of them having to hold back on it, I can't imagine it'd be a low-impact ability, so I'm prepared for either of those disappointments to become reality.

I'll have a wild stab at it and say it'll allow for reinforcement(s) on the player side, or maybe just the ability to hotswap a unit out of the team during a battle.

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19 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Also, the description says that starting in april, a new ability will be given to new Legendary Heroes + Roy...yay, our other legendaries got obsolete -.-

Unless I'm interpreting the diagram incorrectly, they're only adding the new shared ability to Roy and other Legendary Heroes with the Duel effect (i.e. Legendary Heroes on the new table). When we get the Fire-Spd and Earth-Res Heroes, they presumably will not get that ability.

Which makes sense because HP +3 being the only bonus to the team plus Duel 4 (minus the HP boost) on the unit itself is otherwise really weak.

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I'm hopeful that the Duel effect being 175 BST means none of the forthcoming legendary units will be armours. Yes, we see some current gen armours with 174 BST but I don't think they'd be crazy enough to make an effect that's only relevant if you're unmerged.

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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I'm hopeful that the Duel effect being 175 BST means none of the forthcoming legendary units will be armours. Yes, we see some current gen armours with 174 BST but I don't think they'd be crazy enough to make an effect that's only relevant if you're unmerged.

The Fire-Spd and Earth-Res slots are still open for armors since they presumably won't get the Duel effect.

But yeah, I think the 3 new slots for Duel units will not be armors. Unless the unreleased effect being added in April actually matters enough.


And it's still silly that Roy's Duel effect only boosts his score tier by 1 bin. Which is kind of pathetic.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

And it's still silly that Roy's Duel effect only boosts his score tier by 1 bin. Which is kind of pathetic.

Between Duma, the valentine's armors, and now this, it really does seem like they decided 180 BST was a mistake.


2 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Hrid: May

This makes me feel a bit better about wasting all my orbs on failing to get Ophelia because I lack self control. Glad he'll be back relatively soon.

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27 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Between Duma, the valentine's armors, and now this, it really does seem like they decided 180 BST was a mistake.


Between this and the fact Surtr got removed from TT, it seems like IS believes Surtr was a mistake. Would you agree? 

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2 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

Between Duma, the valentine's armors, and now this, it really does seem like they decided 180 BST was a mistake.

I don't see the correlation. Myrrh, Tiki, and Fae were obviously going to fall in the 180 bin as they were pretty much guaranteed to be trainees.

Only 3 units got trainee stats for no lore-related reason: the 2 Adrift Corrins and Surtr.

There's literally no reason the Valentine armors would have gotten trainee stats, and Duma was a toss-up for whether they decided that they'd continue or discontinue giving random trainee bonuses here and there.


1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

Between this and the fact Surtr got removed from TT, it seems like IS believes Surtr was a mistake. Would you agree? 

Surtr wasn't a mistake. Giving him a stupidly good default kit was a mistake, well, actually, it's just Steady Stance 4 and Wary Fighter that are the problem in PvE. Without them in his default kit, he'd just be yet another gimmicky armor when randomly generated as a PvE enemy.

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Surtr and L! Azura were both horrible mistakes and just really poor design, probably not tested much.  One invalidates all other dancers except herons for beast teams and maybe Dancing Micaiah for armor/horse slaying.  One can't be player phased or enemy phased without devoted specific builds thanks to his weapon and C skill.  Stupid x infinity.  

However when you create units that are so stupid strong, then regardless of if one knows or cares at all about Azura or Surtr, one has to pull cause who doesn't want a broken tool for their barracks.  Game would be much better without their release, so yeah they were awful mistakes.  

I feel IS is generally willing to risk completely broken units/skills now without caring what effect it has on the meta.  If it is bad....oh here is a new 5 star exclusive unit with a skill that can counter it!  Ooh this prevents armors from getting free follow ups, ooh this prevents staff users from being uncounterable, etc etc.  I'm sure this bonus doubler skill is going to be abused in some horrific disgusting way, but don't worry panic smoke is coming!  5 star seasonal locked!

I think as far as BST, they might keep 180 only for trainee dragons, I thought Duma was screwed over but then the Tellius armors also didn't have 180BST either.  

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@Icelerate I'd agree on SS4 being the biggest contributing factor.

@Ice Dragon Ike has a pretty good case. He's got very high growths for an unpromoted unit in FE9, lorewise, is the probably strongest lord, and is one of very few units who actually has a case for being a trainee, ie starting weak and ending very strong. I'd argue Greil has as much case as Surtr, being the uncontested strongest Beorc, to a literally legendary extreme, until his son came along. Duma has less case than Tiki, but I'd argue as much as Surtr or Myrrh. Tiki has being the direct descendant of the god of divine dragons, but Surtr's only real claim to special strength is the flames of muspell. Myrrh is iffy, given she's in a similar situation to Tiki  lore-wise, but her status isn't made nearly as explicit so it's debatable whether she's especially strong for Magvellian divine dragons, which aren't depicted as especially stronger than normal.

That and we'll, seasonals are their playground for testing new things, eg, armored dragon, fighter skills, >40 neutral stats (Arden counts for all intents and purposes), etc.

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35 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Ike has a pretty good case. He's got very high growths for an unpromoted unit in FE9, lorewise, is the probably strongest lord, and is one of very few units who actually has a case for being a trainee, ie starting weak and ending very strong.

FE9 Ike isn't really that strong and the same applies to the other lords with the exception of Sigurd. He's inferior to the Black Knight who didn't get the trainee bonus. Surtr wrecked Fjorm, a legendary hero, with ease. He also wrecked Xander, the camus of Fates, with ease. I think he's much stronger than Greil. Physically, Surtr looks a lot stronger than Ike or Greil, and probably is based on his physique and the huge axe he carries and he has the ability to make massive fire meteors giving him ranged fire power surpassing that of even the strongest of mages. 

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I gotta say, as much as I love Roy, this new one is a bit disappointing. 169 BST is fancy and all, and his stat-line seems like it would cause him to completely obsolete most other sword units in the game, but in practice, he ends up being worse than DC Legendary Marth due to lacking Fire Emblem. At the very least, DC being innately in his weapon means that he's more useful for PVE content out of the box, and his C-Skill is a great support skill that pairs up nicely with bonds and Blue Flame. Just wish he had an exclusive special to stand out from the crowd

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7 hours ago, Icelerate said:

FE9 Ike isn't really that strong and the same applies to the other lords with the exception of Sigurd. He's inferior to the Black Knight who didn't get the trainee bonus. Surtr wrecked Fjorm, a legendary hero, with ease. He also wrecked Xander, the camus of Fates, with ease. I think he's much stronger than Greil. Physically, Surtr looks a lot stronger than Ike or Greil, and probably is based on his physique and the huge axe he carries and he has the ability to make massive fire meteors giving him ranged fire power surpassing that of even the strongest of mages. 

Agreed on PoR Ike. I was thinking the whole Tellius cycle being the start to end.

As for Surtr versus Greil, I don't know about that. Fjorm isn't exactly shown as being an especially skilled fighter at any point in the story, no more so than any of the Askrs. Her legendary status really doesn't seem to be based on skill or any real aspect. Maybe that she helped save Nifl? I'll admit that my Fates is foggy so I might be wrong, but I don't recall Xander being held up the same way people like the BK, Camus, or even the Reed brothers were as far as strength. I recall him being referred to as a very skilled knight, but lorewise, he seemed more on par with Seth to me, rather than someone other people were intimidated by even the thought of fighting. Again though, my Fates is very hazy so I'll defer to those with more knowledge. 

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18 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

also, inb4 reinhardt , brave lyns  and veronicas are return to arena because of legendary roy's effect

I haven't played around with him yet, will soon, but apparently his effect only gives +3HP allies for now and there will be an additional effect in the future.  He himself gets the effect of scoring as a 175BST unit.  


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