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March's Mythic Hero Appears!! Yune: Chaos Goddess (March 28 ~)


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10 minutes ago, Thane said:

Someone on Reddit wrote that this is the first month since June 2018 not to add any new Fates units, and that June was the only month to do so last year. I wonder if it'll be the same this year. 


Best month ever...?  That is a pretty shocking streak though, hope they lay off a bit and we can get more from other games.

Thank goodness they didn't go with lame boring Yune possessing Micaiah, we actually get the goddess herself ready to smite her foes!  So yes, another brand new character on mythic banner that makes 3 in a row.  

I'd really love Halloween Mia, but Bow Lyn I don't need any more of her is a real downer, want H! Myrrh but don't need Ryoma or Brave Celica.  Blue and green though are amazing for me.  Want all 3 on both, so I'll go with that. 

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I like Yune but not enough to snipe her color. At least not on this banner.

Still, there’s a good amount of good units so I’ll spend -/+ 50 orbs  pulling every color and see what I get.

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Nice banner. It’s time to pull! If only H!Myrrh wasn’t on the banner...

Blue: I want all of them. Don’t have Ophelia and L!Lucina, and L!Azura merges aren’t a bad thing. 

Green: I want Yune (need at least one Mythic Hero for each element) and Lewin for SS fodder (I have a Sonya waiting, and if I get Ophelia, she would be waiting too). I don’t have Kagero, so while she isn’t a unit I would pull for, she wouldn’t be so bad if she ends up being summoned.

Gray: Trying for Eir merges is a must. She’s a great unit in AR and merges helps in scoring. Also, wouldn’t mind getting a Mia, either to fix my -Atk or to give her weapon to someone. Lyn would be just a +1 for my neutral.

Red: I would skip if Myrrh wasn’t here. I want to +10 her (currently +2), so I need to summon in all her banners. I don’t have Ryoma, but he’s meh, and Celica is not more than fodder.

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I was half hoping they'd go with a Dark-element Yune so that we don't have Aether Raids scores inflating halfway through the season. But I wasn't expecting them to go through with green tome Yune. Weapon triangle advantage over Ashera, take that!

I'm glad that this means I can take my sweet time pulling for her instead of doing so right as the banner drops. Also confirmed I'll be sniping only green, even if Ophelia and Brave Celica are super tempting (gotta keep saving orbs for Idunn).


I'm still trying to figure out what Chaos Named does based on its Japanese text, and as far as I can tell, the English text seems incorrect.

I may be mistaken, but the Japanese text seems to say that only one enemy will have only one stat hit, that being the highest of (Atk -15), Spd, Def, and Res among the enemies in the targeted columns and with Res low enough to be hit.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I may be mistaken, but the Japanese text seems to say that only one enemy will have only one stat hit, that being the highest of (Atk -15), Spd, Def, and Res among the enemies in the targeted columns and with Res low enough to be hit.

So it is basically Chill Highest Stat within 3 columns against foes with lower Res, and Atk is treated as if it were 15 lower for comparison between the stats.

So if two enemies has the highest stats, one of them with 70 Atk and one with 55 Res, the one with 70 Atk will have Atk-5 and the one with 55 Res will have Res-5?

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

So it is basically Chill Highest Stat within 3 columns, and Atk is treated as if it were 15 lower for comparison between the stats.

So if two enemies has the highest stats, one of them with 70 Atk and one with 55 Res, the one with 70 Atk will have Atk-5 and the one with 55 Res will have Res-5?

That's what it seems to say, yes. (Plus the targeting restriction based on Res.)


EDIT: Also for anyone interested, her introduction is up on the main site: https://guide.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/09049002000360/


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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's what it seems to say, yes. (Plus the targeting restriction based on Res.)

That seems pretty good, so it is sort of like a fatter Ploy/skinnier Chill in terms of Area, and have an effect that is like a combination of both.

I assume it is best to run Fort Def/Res and Fortress Res/Resistance +3 to jack up her Res as high as possible, and ideally also have Chill Res on the team.

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Yune... That one actually stings a bit.

Well, now to wait for the obligatory swimsuit, playboy bunny and bride variations. Gotta please all those people that are going to wank to all the porn of her that's going to pop up on Pixiv in the next few days.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That seems pretty good, so it is sort of like a fatter Ploy/skinnier Chill in terms of Area, and have an effect that is like a combination of both.

I assume it is best to run Fort Def/Res and Fortress Res/Resistance +3 to jack up her Res as high as possible, and ideally also have Chill Res on the team.

Chill Res won't do anything since buffs and debuffs are applied after comparisons are made. But Fortress Def/Res 3 and the Fortress Res 3 Sacred Seal sound like the way to go.

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I thought I was going to go for Blue with my orb stash, since Legendary Lucina is a Hero i would love to have, Azura could always use a Merge, and Ylgr/Ophelia/Nailah would be the third slot, all of which I want for either fodder or merges. Now that I have seen green, with Lewyn fodder, Kagero (the dud for me, but still a good amount of fodder) and Yune, I think I will evenly split my orbs until i have my blue needs fulfilled. 

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43 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Yune... That one actually stings a bit.

Well, now to wait for the obligatory swimsuit, playboy bunny and bride variations. Gotta please all those people that are going to wank to all the porn of her that's going to pop up on Pixiv in the next few days.


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Yune is very cute, but as a godess I think her voice is fine. I love tome fliers (Bridal Sanaki being my favourite) so I would get her but I want to save some more orbs. Maybe I'll go one circle.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

That seems pretty good, so it is sort of like a fatter Ploy/skinnier Chill in terms of Area, and have an effect that is like a combination of both.

I assume it is best to run Fort Def/Res and Fortress Res/Resistance +3 to jack up her Res as high as possible, and ideally also have Chill Res on the team.

Or you run Yune with Cancel Affinity on the B-slot and slap a strong Healer with Trilemma on it. That way you allways get neutral or very favourable matchups and can double. Thats what i do on Hrid occasionally.

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i'm so happy yune got in!

and exactly how i imagined her, too! (green tome flying unit)

i have literally 0 orbs though, so i think i'll skip this banner

i'll try to save some orbs and try to get her as soon as she returns

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I guess it's time for more RD spoilers?

Anyways, Yune looks like Mist, she's the speed boosting Dark and is a green flier (well, not that much of a concern there), she has Chaos Manifest(o) (Res +3 and if a negative status is on an enemy she gets +6 Atk and doubles), Glacies, Atk/Res Bond, Sabotage Res and Chaos Named (If anyone in 3 column has 3 Res less than her she inflicts -5 on their highest stat, while minusing from attack to account for a weapon. This is a description.)

As for everyone else, Red has L!Ryoma, Brave Celica and H!Myrrh (So I'd like to get Ryoma but I got H!Myrrh after much pain so probably not), Blue has Bowcina, L!Azura and Ophelia (I have none of these), Green has Kagemaid and Lewyn (Lewyn would be nice for a merge but I'm not that enthused) and Colourless has Eir, Witch!Mia and B!Lyn (Honestly, I have everyone. They'd be good fodder though).

If I can manage to pull, I'd go Blue >> Colourless > Green = Red

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I was half hoping they'd go with a Dark-element Yune so that we don't have Aether Raids scores inflating halfway through the season. But I wasn't expecting them to go through with green tome Yune. Weapon triangle advantage over Ashera, take that!

I'm glad that this means I can take my sweet time pulling for her instead of doing so right as the banner drops. Also confirmed I'll be sniping only green, even if Ophelia and Brave Celica are super tempting (gotta keep saving orbs for Idunn).


I'm still trying to figure out what Chaos Named does based on its Japanese text, and as far as I can tell, the English text seems incorrect.

I may be mistaken, but the Japanese text seems to say that only one enemy will have only one stat hit, that being the highest of (Atk -15), Spd, Def, and Res among the enemies in the targeted columns and with Res low enough to be hit.

I read her English text as saying it had that effect (one stat -5), but on each enemy in range with sufficiently low Res rather than just one. How would it pick just one?

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the way i understand it is that it's basically a "sabotage higher stat" for every enemy within its range (which is skadi's effect's range basically), but without the "adjacent" condition sabotage skills have

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32 minutes ago, Othin said:

I read her English text as saying it had that effect (one stat -5), but on each enemy in range with sufficiently low Res rather than just one. How would it pick just one?

Hmm... maybe it does hit every enemy with a -5 to their highest stat. Picking just 1 would be identical to a Chill, but reading it again, I think applying one debuff per enemy makes more sense with the wording.


EDIT: I guess if I could rewrite the English description, I'd write it as

At start of turn, if foes within 3 columns centered on unit have Res ≤ unit's Res -3, inflicts -5 to the highest of each of those foes' Atk/Spd/Def/Res through their next actions. (When calculating highest stat, treats Atk as -15.)

dropping the penalties calculated separately part and replacing it with "each" when referring to "foes".

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No real interest in anyone on the banner, but I am glad it's Yune and not Yune!Micaiah. They seem to be keeping to a non-alt mythic theme, which gives me some hope for future banners. 

Wouldn't mind overly if I pulled Yune, but also not interested enough to go for her. 

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