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Is it wrong/selfish to want as many banners for a certain game as possible if it meant getting your favorite character sooner rather than later?


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This is something that's been kind of eating me recently. Any of you who know me enough on this forum will know that Jill is my most wanted character for Fire Emblem Heroes besides Patty, so naturally I've been doing nothing but saving up orbs for her. We've gotten a lot of Tellius love this year, but no Jill. I really don't want to wait another year just for Jill to be added, but I've seen a lot of other people say that Tellius has been getting too much love this year, to the point where it may end up being this year's Fates. So basically I'm asking the question that's in the title. Is it wrong or selfish to want as many banners for a certain game as possible if it meant seeing your favorite character added sooner rather than later?

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How did you feel when other people got their favorite characters before you?

That should answer the question, as ANY banner release means that other people's favorites won't be released on that banner.

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

How did you feel when other people got their favorite characters before you?

That should answer the question, as ANY banner release means that other people's favorites won't be released on that banner.

I was totally fine seeing other people get their favorites added

Also, it was a bad idea that I even started this topic was it?

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Selfish? Yeah, obviously. But it's not, like, a crime. Get a grip on yourself. 

Even as somebody who is passionate about none of the characters over another, I don't have an issue when people name names. I just want more new faces over alts. My aversion to dumb costumes must be as annoying as anybody else's terrible tastes.

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7 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

I was totally fine seeing other people get their favorites added

Also, it was a bad idea that I even started this topic was it?

If you think about what you're proposing, then yeah.  "Favorite character" is subjective and broad.  Banners come with 3-4 characters, so by their very nature, someone isn't going to see their favorite character even if their series is featured for the year.

In general, if you know the answer to a question (and I suspect that you do), then it's not worth making a topic about.

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Luke Bryan sings it better than I can put it into words:
"I believe you love who you love
Ain't nothing you should ever be ashamed of"

There is nothing wrong with being selfish (as long as you are not committing crimes or something). I do not give a fuck if some players dislike all the attention Camilla is getting, I still voted for her to receive a Brave version. You have to stay true to your wants and desires and waifus/husbandos. If you are not going to fight for Jill, who will? You have to promote your cause and send the developers Feedback.

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I generally don't see too much wrong with it, in general I am indifferent to other people getting their favorites, but I am pretty satisfied with the offerings so far, I am having trouble figuring on who to add that I really want, so I guess I really don't have much to offer on if it is bad or not as at the moment I have complete satisfaction, though micaiah and myrrh were my two most wanted units in heroes before they were added and I was pretty salty that Micaiah didn't get added until like february and Myrrh would have made sense to add before Amelia but it just wasn't the case, so I can understand the feeling that it has to happen eventually.

but if you want some hope, farfetched heroes may include jill and while we have had two tellius banners this year, I think that was just to add more beasts so more isn't off the table, be thankful that you are wanting a popular character, meanwhile I want meg to be added, but I know it will be an eternity before that happens, but her meme value may get here there.

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19 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

I generally don't see too much wrong with it, in general I am indifferent to other people getting their favorites, but I am pretty satisfied with the offerings so far, I am having trouble figuring on who to add that I really want, so I guess I really don't have much to offer on if it is bad or not as at the moment I have complete satisfaction, though micaiah and myrrh were my two most wanted units in heroes before they were added and I was pretty salty that Micaiah didn't get added until like february and Myrrh would have made sense to add before Amelia but it just wasn't the case, so I can understand the feeling that it has to happen eventually.

but if you want some hope, farfetched heroes may include jill and while we have had two tellius banners this year, I think that was just to add more beasts so more isn't off the table, be thankful that you are wanting a popular character, meanwhile I want meg to be added, but I know it will be an eternity before that happens, but her meme value may get here there.

I do hope with Louise technically being added and Thrasir likely being added in her own banner with Lif that Jill is on the Farfetched banner this year. The only thing that makes me somewhat hopeful for Jill being added this year is the fact that she's mentioned in Haar's Closely Associated Characters page despite the fact that she isn't even in the game yet.

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i dont think so but again Tellius is the best so i also want Zihark as soon as possible. Ive always thought they should just add all the characters in the game already and we just have weekly featured banners with a higher percentage rate of snagging them up and then the new banners would be alt characters. 

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You know, sometimes I feel obnoxious with Rinkah. Others are waiting for their characters too. And Rinkah would mean a new fate banner which would make quite a few salty. Unless they put her into farfetched, even if it also would make some unhappy? xD

And I can kind of relate to you with Tellius, 2 Tellius banner not so far from each other and they both have been filled with only beasts. Of course that is a bit salt. I see it with last year with fates. We had a Nohr banner and shortly after Adrift, instead of the Adrift banner (That banner was an ass kicker even for fate fans in my opinion) .I had hoped just for Rinkah to appear in a Hoshido banner. xD Welp, nope.. but that goes for all, there are quite some people who wait for their favorites from games which are "overpresented" and those are just a bit unlucky to like characters which have not been chosen yet.

One thing I can tell for both of us, You will get your Jill and I will get my Rinkah, others who wait for a certain favorite who might not make it into the game have it more difficult. For us... we know it and its just a matter of time. I don't think they will pull a third beast only Tellius banner soon. That would be overbearing in my taste.

Edited by Stroud
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Let me posit my view on the matter. Every single person in the world wants something. Our interests compete and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you aren't harming anyone.


So you do you. You want more Echoes characters? Don't feel guilty about that. I want more Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones characters, and I will never feel guilty about that.

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If your primary motivator is your own wants, then yes, it is selfish. It's good to recognize this and think more deeply about it in order to expand your reasons so you can legitimately say that you want it for other people's happiness, too. But is it wrong to want something you like? No. The wanting's intensity can lead to wrong things (like growing bitter, impatient, or just plain toxic), but if kept in check, it's perfectly fine.

"I'm looking forward to x happening!" is very positive and can even cheer other people up.

"Why hasn't x happened yet?!" is negative and can start quarrels. People can also respond with this sort of attitude towards people innocently using the above, especially out of jealousy.

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I may not be the best person to ask about this, but I'd say it's selfish but not wrong to want a certain character. As long as you don't go belittling other people's opinions it's fine to wish for whatever you want. 

For example, I still am waiting for both Bride and Brave Eirika. She is a character that already has 3 alts and I'm wishing for her to have 5, which is the epitome of selfishness but I can't help but want her to get those two versions. Of course I absolutely know many are sick of certain characters hogging the alt spots when those can be used for other fan favorites (or new units if the recent banner is anything to go by...although people seem mixed on that kind of stuff) so I just mostly keep it to myself and maybe comment on my wishes once whenever the banner/voting arrives but that's about it. 

TL;DR: You're free to wish for whatever you want as long as you don't use that wish to pick fights or make others feel worse about how they didn't got what they wanted (no banner can make everyone happy so just let the disappointed/angry people blow some steam while you try your best to get your favorite).

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It's not like being selfish is bad you know. It's only normal to want things.
It's going overboard that is genuinely wrong and become genuine selfishness.

But well, we are talking about Heroes, a game that is shown to be competent in using and reusing the same character, sometime smart, sometime... stupidly, so I understand the frustration, and I'm sure many does too.

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It really depends on the game.

Wanting even more banners for Fates even after they were already given all possible sort of favoritism and already got banner after banner does seem a little selfish, as does pushing for more Tellius after the very plentiful amount of banners Tellius had this year.

But wanting more Blazing sword banners after this bridal banner seems fair since it really has been a long time since that game got anything. 

And its important to stress its a very, very, very low key sort of selfishness. If someone is annoyed about you wanting more banner for your game then its just too minor of a subject to get worked up about. Likewise someone expressing a desire for more banners is also so minor it be silly to get annoyed at them. 

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My favorite character is already in the game, so I'm hoping for the type of reps Tellius is getting right now for Jugdral next year. But I can't save orbs for shit so what does it matter to me, lol. But no, it's not selfish at all. Jill should've long been in the game already, anyway, VERY surprising that she isn't game. Don't feel bad about it at all tho lol. If I was running IS I would add 0 awakening characters/alts lmao

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Rather than using the term "selfish", it's better to think of it this way.

If you're the kind of person who complains about people being upset when they feel like their favorites are being snubbed just because yours is currently benefitting, then you don't get to complain when your favorite character gets snubbed in favor of other people's favorites.

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If you're just wanting the order of banners to be shuffled, I'd call that impatience. If you're wanting your favourite to be added at the expense of another character, I'd call that self-interest, possibly selfishness depending on context.

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Well, I mean, it depends on what character you're kicking out. If you're blocking someone who isn't as popular as your favorite character is it isn't really self interest or selfish at all

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well, the later your favorite unit gets added, the stronger he/she'll be

that's literally the only reason why i'm ok with levin being a gen 2 unit, and kieran, astrid and makalov not being in heroes yet

sure, i'd be lying if i said that i'm happy about my favorite units being added so late while we have 7 corrins, 6 tikis, we're getting our beloved and oh-so longed 7th camilla and so on, and that's why i'm seriously considering dropping FEH, just like many of my friends are doing

if you can't bear to wait to get your favorite units, then i guess FEH is not for you, because intsys just doesn't care, and if it does, it would probably be too late

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4 hours ago, Yexin said:

well, the later your favorite unit gets added, the stronger he/she'll be

that's literally the only reason why i'm ok with levin being a gen 2 unit, and kieran, astrid and makalov not being in heroes yet

sure, i'd be lying if i said that i'm happy about my favorite units being added so late while we have 7 corrins, 6 tikis, we're getting our beloved and oh-so longed 7th camilla and so on, and that's why i'm seriously considering dropping FEH, just like many of my friends are doing

if you can't bear to wait to get your favorite units, then i guess FEH is not for you, because intsys just doesn't care, and if it does, it would probably be too late

I mean, I guess worst case scenario I could take a break from FEH and come back when they announce either Jill or Patty, but who knows

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The entire spirit of this game is to celebrate this franchise and its characters. It isn't selfish to want yours to get in considering that context.


The only people who should frankly be blamed are those who demand more seasonal/alt banners. That is, after all, directly contributing to the slowing of new character additions. That is what selfish looks like in the context of this game. Demanding more and more versions of characters already included at the expense of every character that has yet to make it in.

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