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Hope is not something you believe in. To hope is to wish. If you believe it's impossible to wish for something... well I can't begin to describe the absurdity of that.

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I'm religious. I once wasn't, but after some hard times I "converted" so to say. Since then my life has been much better and I have followed my faith since then, so I now believe and I have no more complaints or questions.

I honestly don't care if others follow or don't follow my religion. It's their choice about what they want to believe in (Or I guess don't, but not believing in a supernatural deity aka: God is still a belief about one, which is why I consider Atheism a religion by definition), I just take them as they come. Your an asshole? Then your an asshole, doesn't matter if your religious or not. I have met great as well as sucky people on both sides.

It comes down to what you want to believe. There is no convincing someone to change their faith (whether your faith be in god or even science), short of a miracle directly tied to it.

On another subject. I dislike when people think you can't believe is science if your religious. It's a highly inaccurate and somewhat ignorant belief. They really don't conflict very much at all when you look a little harder. And my favorite thing in relation to religion in practice...

When you get fucked over by a natural disaster, the insurance companies are like "Act of God, nothing we can do".

Edited by Izuka
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I maintain an atheistic outlook on life until proven otherwise. This is generally because I believe party mentalities are ultimately detrimental.

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I'm an agnostic simply because I'm completely indifferent - if a God were to exist, I don't think he'd give birth to us to constantly worship him... :S And personally, I just don't... believe in religion. Probably because I grew up in a heavily religious household an am sick of it.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Usually, with controversial topics like religion, you can't prevent it. This is actually a sitting duck for that person.

on topic: Am I one of the few Christians who:

-Can take a politically incorrect joke

-Don't use my religion to hate other religion

-Don't hate gays

-Play fantasy games

I'm a Baptist Christian. According to my dad, we're the strictest Christian branch of them all. I wouldn't know, haven't visited other branches, although I went to a Catholic funeral once. (it was LONG, much longer than other funerals I went to, anyway)

Anyway, the reason of my quoting Snow Storm:

-Meh, don't know much about politically incorrectness.

-If you use things for hate, you're definately not following Jesus's teachings. Really, I can't see why folks who claim to believe in Christ try to use it for hate. (hence the reason for slavery, apparently, back before the Civil War)

-See previous statement. I admit I'm uncomfortable around them, but I'm alright just as long as they don't flirt or try to sexually harass me. I definately wouldn't hate somebody just because he's gay.

-I wouldn't be on this forum if I didn't play fantasy games, unless I only joined to troll.

I'm sure there's more like you out there, since around 1.9 Billion folk do follow it. (at least according to my history book, but that survey was made late 1990's, so it could be more or less, now)

I have nothing against any of you folks that hate religion, but it would be nice if you guys try it sometime, no matter what type it may be. (although my instincts would want you guys to try Christianity, but who am I to tell you what's what) Like what happened with Izuka (the member, of course), it could actually be surprisingly good for you. Not trying to preach or whatever, just some friendly advice.

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The teachings of the New Testament are good - I can almost say with 100% certainty, that I agree with all of them. However, The Old Testament? Not so much. Then again, the OT was made for a different generation; the Hebrews were still in exile, and the people needed something to guide them. One must take into account when the different parts of holy scripture for different religions were written, because many times, like a Government's constitution, things become outdated. (On that note, I have to say that the US constitution was pretty well written, but if we're still around for another 500 years or so, and it's still in effect? I'll be surprised and in awe. That is, if I'm around to be surprised and in awe. XD)

All of that said, Christ's teachings are a good start for creating your own set of moral guidelines.

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I am proud to say I am studying with the Jehovah Witnesses. I use to follow christians and catholics, but I learned rather quickly that those religions did not have the beliefs I had. Jehovah Witnesses in my opinion, is the closest religion to being the truthful one.

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I'm a Lutheran.

Since we're talking about religion, I have a question for Catholics. Why does the old guy wear a fish hat anyways?


Also, wow, i don't know anybody who doesn't go to my church that is a Lutheran.......

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Hey, I've read some folks talking about "Confirmation". What is that? (it's apparently a Catholic thing)

It's basically a sacrament to "confirm" your Faith as a believer in the religion. It's a bunch of bullcrap, because you may change your beliefs later, but you're still confirmed.

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It's basically a sacrament to "confirm" your Faith as a believer in the religion. It's a bunch of bullcrap, because you may change your beliefs later, but you're still confirmed.

I believe it used to have some meaning in the past (like, you couldn't properly marry and stuff like that), but... today, it's pretty much just a ritual. To be honest, in my parish, adolescents usually STOP going to the church after confirmation... which is quite funny, if you think about it.

Oh yeah, I'm a Roman Catholic too. I know Joshua disagrees, but

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The teachings of the New Testament are good - I can almost say with 100% certainty, that I agree with all of them. However, The Old Testament? Not so much. Then again, the OT was made for a different generation; the Hebrews were still in exile, and the people needed something to guide them. One must take into account when the different parts of holy scripture for different religions were written, because many times, like a Government's constitution, things become outdated. (On that note, I have to say that the US constitution was pretty well written, but if we're still around for another 500 years or so, and it's still in effect? I'll be surprised and in awe. That is, if I'm around to be surprised and in awe. XD)

All of that said, Christ's teachings are a good start for creating your own set of moral guidelines.

This. I don't follow the "normal Christian" rules, I have my own mind to believe in God. I still try to read the Bible, though the only book I love to read is Revelation.

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I believe it used to have some meaning in the past (like, you couldn't properly marry and stuff like that), but... today, it's pretty much just a ritual. To be honest, in my parish, adolescents usually STOP going to the church after confirmation... which is quite funny, if you think about it.

Oh yeah, I'm a Roman Catholic too. I know Joshua disagrees, but

You still think I think that? XD Man, that's in the past. :P

The same thing happened in both parishes I used to attend. I was confirmed in one, but locally I went to another, and when teenagers were confirmed, it was like they were done with the religion.

And Citrusman, my favorite book is the Book of Revelations too, but seriously, who DOESN'T like that book? XD

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God doesn't exist. How was the universe created?

Scientists: We don't know, but we can explain every other thing in existance.

Clergy: Um..... God did it! And.... He was always there!

So, what made God? Are you just going to assume "He was always there"?

This is why God was "created":

Humans are evolved into. They are smart. They think about things. They start to wonder how they were made. They don't understand anything in life, so they assume that, because they can think, the universe is centered around them, and the one making everything happen is a divine being.

That is why Religion was created: Because back then, people couldn't come up with a better excuse.

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Hey...this topic is a great chance to write down who doesn't believe in God.

A good idea. Kids need role models these days.

I honestly don't care if others follow or don't follow my religion. It's their choice about what they want to believe in (Or I guess don't, but not believing in a supernatural deity aka: God is still a belief about one, which is why I consider Atheism a religion by definition)

Then you're factually wrong. Atheism only requires the lack of belief in a God, not the positive belief that God is wrong. Allow me to illustrate:

I have just flipped a quarter and received heads; am I lying, or telling the truth? It's fair to assume that I have change on hand, and also that I have the digits to flip them (or I would in fact not be communicating with you!). Therefore, there is little that you have to assume to lead to the conclusion that I did indeed just flip a coin and receive heads. Continuing on.

I have just flipped a Susan B. Anthony coin four times and received heads each time; am I lying or telling the truth? Well, Susan B. Anthony coins are not as popular as they used to be, and much more scarce. Additionally, you only have around a six percent chance of flipping a coin four times and receiving heads every single time. While it's not impossible, the chances of me telling the truth are lower. You may accept me at my word, or you may outright deny all of my claims as false. Or you can simply suspend a definitive opinion one way or the other until stable evidence comes forth. Let us go even further, however.

I have just flipped a solid-gold Susan B. Anthony coin into outer space; am I lying, or telling the truth? At this time, the case becomes easy to work with. I am obviously lying, because it requires simply too much assumption to be true; it forces us to assume that I have a solid-gold Susan B. Anthony coin, which is in itself very suspect. In addition, it forces us to have to accept that I can perform what is seemingly impossible for anyone; that is, we must assume as true that I have the capability to flip a coin at sufficient speeds to escape the planet's gravitational pull, which is outright laughable. It is not illogical to outright deny my claim and assume it to be false until evidence comes forth to suggest that I am not a dirty, dirty liar.

Atheism is only the lack of belief in a God. There are strong atheists (also known as militant atheists) that readily and with a positive belief deny the existence of God/s, and there are weak atheists, that only lack belief in a God and suspend a definitive opinion one way or the other until sufficient evidence appears to tilt their beliefs in one way or the other.

The teachings of the New Testament are good - I can almost say with 100% certainty, that I agree with all of them.

The New Testament is far more acceptable in terms of morality, but that is not to say that there are not passages that give off a "...What?" feeling in terms of relating something rather raunchy as good.

Hey, I've read some folks talking about "Confirmation". What is that? (it's apparently a Catholic thing)

It is a practice that usually shows the individual in question is now a full member of the Church, and is basically supposed to be bestowing gifts of the Holy Spirit to the recipient, and creating a stronger bond with Christ.

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Proving the existence of God is like proving that the universe was made by a drunken redneck. It can't be proven, it can't be disproved because of how "out there" it is. Really pathetic really.

I feel like I have already posted this..

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The New Testament is far more acceptable in terms of morality, but that is not to say that there are not passages that give off a "...What?" feeling in terms of relating something rather raunchy as good.

I'm sure there are, but like I said. Almost. XD

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