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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I've been curious: for people who played Xenoblade Chronicles before DE, did playing it again change your opinions on anything? It could be the gameplay, story, characters, the gloriousness of Riki, or anything else.

Sure, I realise how blessed I was to be able to play the original version, I'm reminded of that everytime I turn DE on.

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5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I've been curious: for people who played Xenoblade Chronicles before DE, did playing it again change your opinions on anything? It could be the gameplay, story, characters, the gloriousness of Riki, or anything else.

Nope. Enemies are still a buncha johkuhs

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Somehow I got a dozen of notifications over night.....means I should reduce my activity here.

Planned to do it actually, but then I have to come back here to pose questions because I got stuck in a game.

All the typing becomes tiresome for me after the time not only because I have to stress my brain what to write because but also finding the right letter button needs focus. The pandemy doesn't make it better at all because even at work I have to use chat programs. Eye to Eye conversations don't exist anymore. All the typing makes me tired. I would have already ditched my Discard account, if I hadn't used it for streaming. Time to take Breath for a bit and leave this place. I shouldn't require any help in videogames right now.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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12 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Somehow I got a dozen of notifications over night.....means I should reduce my activity here.

Planned to do it actually, but then I have to come back here to pose questions because I got stuck in a game.

Don't make controversial statements!

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And finished the current avaialble maps of Yggdrasil. 12 Maps.

That was really fun, especially with it's extreme Player Phase focus. And i can't wait to see more. If i could speak japanese i would've even left a review on the download page. Sadly. i don't...

Party members i used:


Lord-kun. Pretty standard as far as lords go. Solid stats, Sword user, etc. Has Nosferatu sword prf

Lord-chan. While not force deployed on every map, she's a game over unit and is on the title screen. At first i thought she would be a Lyn or something due to not so good base STR. But then she got amazing level ups. While her def was low, her res was really good and she was fast. Has a Combat Art that gives her brave effect in exchange for 3Mt (Lvl1 Morale needed).

Edgy Mage-kun. First appeared and force deployed on the last map and had to let Witch-chan sit that one out because of that. He did his job in being entrapped well, tbh. XD

Healer-chan. Pretty standard as far as healers go.

Rutger *crits*

MVP-chan. Her personal allowed her to perfect avoid an attack after defeating an enemy. Really good.

Imagine Asbel having vantage and you get this guy.

Nun-chan, Light mage. Regen skill for nearby units (20% HP every turn). Dunno what's up with her str. She has highest str in the team despite being a magic unit lol. Maybe promotion gives her a physical weapon? Dunno. I got my first Master Seal after this map. Next version then.

Archer-san. 2-5 Range + Attack stance (When Morale is high, she supports every ally that attacks enemy in range by attacking after them) + Able to change type effectiveness (With the item she has she's effective against Armors instead of Fliers) + Combat art that gives 50 Crit and 5Mt = Super very useful.

Witch-chan. 3 Range prf tome. Spur Move (adjacent allies gain +1 Mov) and Solid stats. Super good, however has limited inventory slots, as yo can't remove the potion which only she can use and the wings, so you only have 3 tomes max per map. Which is still pretty good. 1 Dark Tome + PRF + Another Anima tome are pretty solid magic to have.

Armor Dude. An Armor unit, with a twist: actually useful! *Gasp*. Except for Lord-kun, he's the only one to have more than 10 Def, so that made him one of the very few tanks in the game. But that isn't what makes him useful. Remember the assault system i talked about, where you gain an extra action (if you didn't attack) by sacrificing all Def and Res? Well, with him you don't have to sacrifice Def and Res aslong as morale isn't negative. So he basically had 8 mov with no drawbacks if you knew what you were doing. But that isn't all, he also had a Zone Aura that made it so nearby enemy units only have 1 Mov! (Some Enemy armors had it as well though and they were a bit annoying to face).

There are other units of course, but those are the main ones i used.


95 Turns - A Rank yay!

The gimmicks were mostly pretty cool and the player is given the tools to work around them. Like enemy archers had sometimes an interception skill, where they auto attack any flier that enters their range. Bosses came with cool gimmicks as well (example: A boss with -1 max HP every turn for every player unit. Or a boss with -1 durability on player weapons every turn, Or a Boss that moved on your turn when you attacked him, etc.) to make the player act fast without being swarmed by reinforcements. There were also other incentives to act fast, mainly capturing enemy reinforcement spawns, as those give you gold and 100EXP to the unit that did the capturing if you were fast enough.

Although later on some of the gimmicks were a little bit annoying, like Enemy units that could only be damaged if you have Weapon Triangle advantage over them, but it wasn't that bad. In the grand scheme of things, the gimmicks worked really really well.

And while all maps were defeat Boss, you couldn't really cheese them because they usually had +Def/Res equal to enemy units on the map, so you had to do other stuff first. It did kinda turn almost every map into a rout without it technically being a route, but i honestly didn't mind. It worked well.


  • Cool Gimmicks
  • Extreme Player Phase Focus
  • Morale system
  • Solid Maps
  • Variety of Tile effects
  • Almost every player unit is useful
  • Cool, unique Boss fights
  • Side objectives almost every map
  • Amazing Ost and pretty cool art.
  • I want more

Even if you don't speak japanese, i honestly recommend you check it out (Link). Basic FE knowledge + Google tl for skills should be enough.

Edited by Shrimperor
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


  • Cool Gimmicks
  • Extreme Player Phase Focus
  • Morale system
  • Solid Maps
  • Variety of Tile effects
  • Almost every player unit is useful
  • Cool, unique Boss fights
  • Side objectives almost every map
  • Amazing Ost and good art.
  • I want more

Even if you don't speak japanese, i honestly recommend you check it out (Link). Basicl FE knowledge + Google tl for skills should be enough.

Seems pretty neat.

So what's up next, TearRing Saga?

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1 minute ago, Caster said:

So what's up next, TearRing Saga?

Tried it, was way too janky for some reason. Dunno if it's the emulator or the game it self. The few maps i played were also the big empty kind...

I am playing some FE hacks and fangames (Vision QuestInheritance and Broken Legacy) atm when it comes to FE (-like) stuff. I also want to check out more jp srpg studio games to see if there are some other good unique ones.

That, and i will start XBDE today...

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Tried it, was way too janky for some reason. Dunno if it's the emulator or the game it self. The few maps i played were also the big empty kind...

I am playing some FE hacks and fangames (Vision QuestInheritance and Broken Legacy) atm when it comes to FE (-like) stuff. I also want to check out more jp srpg studio games to see if there are some other good unique ones.

That, and i will start XBDE today...

What do you mean by janky? And how far did you play?

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Just got to the big plot twist in Tales of Berseria


Man, i hate Inominat. I guess that's like, the point, but they made him so pretentious and i hate the fact that he's super pretentious more than the fact that i'm supposed to hate him.

Also gotta say, i am disapointed that the game is really sticking to the whole "evil church" thing. I know that's a JRPG staple but i think it would've been more interesting that, questionable methods here and there aside, Artorius and the Abbey were genuianly good people but Velvet's hatred was so great that she was willing to kill a good man. Of course, doing this requires changing significant parts of the story. If the Abbey wasn't actually evil, i doubt Eleanor would join Velvet on her quest, for example.

In non-spoiler news, Velvet's quickly been becoming one of my favorite solo female video game protagonists. I'd love to read some good analysis on her character once i'm done.

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1 minute ago, Caster said:

What do you mean by janky?

Every input had some kinda delay in it that really got to me. Compared to how smooth FE games are...

I guess clunky would be a more appropiate term?

And iirc i played like 6 maps or something like that. Quite a few years ago though

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Every input had some kinda delay in it that really got to me. Compared to how smooth FE games are...

I guess clunky would be a more appropiate term?

And iirc i played like 6 maps or something like that. Quite a few years ago though

I don't remember any delays. Dunno.

I liked some of the early maps, earlygame was a bit weird in some parts.

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As I mentioned already, I will leave this place for a bit for serious since my post quality has been suffered in the past weeks and months. I can't think and write at the same time, especially with having language barriers. That's why most of my posts are full of spelling and content errors or missing words. And some of my gaming questions were needless anyways since I just could have watched a guide for that. Same goes for my superficial game statements. I just have played a little fraction of games to give me the right to make such a statement as I have given.

I want to apologize to all for my low quality posts in the past time and will take time well to reflect myself!


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32 minutes ago, Caster said:

Can I post Runescape music if people would listen to it

Ah, Runescape. That brings me back... sure, go for it.

29 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

As I mentioned already, I will leave this place for a bit for serious since my post quality has been suffered in the past weeks and months. I can't think and write at the same time, especially with having language barriers. That's why most of my posts are full of spelling and content errors or missing words. And some of my gaming questions were needless anyways since I just could have watched a guide for that. Same goes for my superficial game statements. I just have played a little fraction of games to give me the right to make such a statement as I have given.

I want to apologize to all for my low quality posts in the past time and will take time well to reflect myself!

Oh... Hopefully you'll come back soon, once you feel you can.


Okay, since now I'm not alone on this, I'll be putting my DQV posts in spoilers, just in case. So, next one:


Okay, now thanks to recovering the Gold Orb, Zenithia is flying once more! DQIV had a hot-air balloon? V upgrades straight up to a flying castle! So, as informed by one of the zenithians, we must get the Dragon Orb in Talon Tower to find the sealed power of the Zenith Dragon. Which conveniently, is only accessible once you get the flying castle. As well we can only get the item that gives us access to the place by talking to the NPC anyway.

So, Talon Tower. Front door is locked, so the way to get in is by grappling hook from the very top. Yes, that was the item to enter the place. The tower itself is actually not that special. It's an almost straight descent to the bottom. A lever unlocks the doors, saving us the trouble of doing that again. The main part of the dungeon is actually in the basement levels. Now one highlight of the tower. This is one of the best place for gold farming. It's the home of Balhib monsters which are the ones who give the most gold. Over a thousand each! Just going through the dungeon alone will give me tons of money, but I might still do some money grinding later on. Anyway, down the basement I went...

... and we find but none other than our old Zugzwang friends trying to take certain objects before we reach them. First, Slon the Rook. Unlike Kon the Knight, he got the short end of the stick. Relegated to dungeon mid-boss, and his fight is very simple. He hits hard... and that's it. A few Buffs/Kabuffs and Oomph to speed things up, and down he went. Unlike Kon, not even a post-battle death scene. He's just dead. Further in... grr, it's Bishop Ladja again!

His boss battle is... much harder than Slon's, that's for sure. He can sometimes act twice per turn, has various fire breath attacks, can cast Bounce... and the dreadful Kafrizzle. I had to fight him twice, actually. First battle was going very VERY bad. Now this is a good example about equipment with special effects being more useful than raw defense. Before the fight I switch Madchen's Princess's Robe for the Flowing Dress she had before. The Princess's Robe may have much higher Defense and offers higher Fire Breath protection (as well as Ice Breath, but that's not needed for this boss fight), but the Flowing Dress has Frizz and Sizz spell lines protection as well as Fire Breath protection too. So overall it can be more useful than the Princess's Robe since it can reduce Kafrizzle's damage output. Parry has the Insulatle spell so that will do to compensate.

So, the second attempt went much better. Oomph on Madason, the Golem, and Parry, and Kasap on Ladja, when he's not protected by Bounce. It's was mostly just purely physical attacks, with the Golem using Muster Strength. Most of the time it did more damage than just attacking for two turns straight. Madchen was on permanent healing duty with the Staff of Salvation, which casts Midheal. And he went down. Fun little fact. In the original SNES version, Ladja also died here. Starting from the PS2 version onward he survives. One would be surprised to know Ladja's role was greatly expanded from the SNES original. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but in the SNES version it was Kon who petrified Madason and his wife, not Ladja. That was also added in later versions. So in this version, Madason's revenge still goes unfilled for quite some time more.

Well anyway, the objects they tried to steal were a dragon statue's eyes, located in the tower itself. Which when placed back open up the path to the Dragon Orb. The Dragon Staff can also be found here, which is Madason's ultimate weapon. Well, in theory. The Metal King Sword still has five more attack, but since it's harder to obtain, the Dragon Staff can do nicely. Though the staff can be used to cast Puff!, which is not to be confused with Puff-Puff, no no no. Anyway, I might still go for obtaining some MKS's, though still not for now.

Okay, time to head back to Zenithia and likely restore the Zenith Dragon. Gee, I wonder how could it be. Though, well, that's for next time.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, Runescape. That brings me back... sure, go for it.

I honestly love this game's soundtrack, since I've played it for a long while, but I don't think most people would care, just want an excuse to randomly post stuff.

I think I might continue DQVII tomorrow, feel up to it. And it's probably the game where the midis in the international US versions sound the best.

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Teehee, depending on who you ask about Runescape you can get at least three wildly different answers.

(Played for about a year, cleared the non-member stuff. Always was wary about the wildys.)

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6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Every input had some kinda delay in it that really got to me. Compared to how smooth FE games are...

I guess clunky would be a more appropiate term?

It was the same for me when I tried it out. So much so that I stopped pretty early on. I don't think it's the emulator in my case though. Other twitchy PS1 games like Crash Bandicoot played fine with no delay.

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5 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

As I mentioned already, I will leave this place for a bit for serious since my post quality has been suffered in the past weeks and months. I can't think and write at the same time, especially with having language barriers. That's why most of my posts are full of spelling and content errors or missing words. And some of my gaming questions were needless anyways since I just could have watched a guide for that. Same goes for my superficial game statements. I just have played a little fraction of games to give me the right to make such a statement as I have given.

I want to apologize to all for my low quality posts in the past time and will take time well to reflect myself!

Come back soon! We'll miss you!

3 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Ninja’d twilitfalchion...ninja’d...

Did somebody say.... ninja'd?


@Shrimperor Those nicknames you gave to your units in your review: If there is ever a translation of the game, these need to become their actual names.
Especially MVP-chan. XD


I made this as a tribute to my three favorite games and characters:


In other news, I started playing Fate Extella Link earlier today, the sequel to Fate Extella. Here are some first impressions, mostly on what I can tell was improved upon or changed from the first game:

  • The graphics look a lot better. Battlefields have much more going on, aesthetics-wise, and you can interact with it differently (there is for example elevated terrain and such)
  • The game finally has a hub, something which the first game sorely lacked. In this hub, you can mostly interact with your Servants, equip skills and other stuff. It actually reminds me of Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate in this regard (though Fate Extella Link's hub looks one HELL of a lot better)
  • Hakuno (formerly silent protagonist) talks during battles and your main objective is to protect him/her.
  • You are apparently also able to switch between male and female Hakuno at your leisure, as well as change their name whenever you like. Bit weird, but alright.
  • The basic gameplay loop is similar, but I feel like it flows a lot better than it did in vanilla Extella.
  • Speaking of the battle system, they added more stuff to spice it up. For example, you have usable skills like in Cyberdimension Neptunia or Nights of Azure. Also, Noble Phantasm activation is finally not dependent on finding items spread around the stage anymore, but is, like I wanted, a gauge you need to fill before you can use it. There are also Rush Attacks, which you can execute on enemy commanders after hitting them with a skill and Link Attacks, which is the same deal, only you need to have an ally nearby.
  • But by far the biggest improvement this game made is that you can finally freely choose who you want to play as in each stage. Of course, you are restricted to the Servants you have unlocked at the time, but you're never forced to play as anyone, which is something I sorely missed in the first game.
  • Speaking of Noble Phantasms, they immensely improved the visuals for them, making them even more of a spectacle to behold. And they finally added subtitles, so I can finally know what the characters are actually saying when they are activated.
  • They also added a bunch of Servants from other Fate materials: Lancelot and Gilles de Rais from Fate/Zero, Francis Drake and Robin Hood from Fate/Extra, Astolfo from Fate/Bad-ocrypha, as well as newcomers Charlemagne (nicknamed Charlie or Chuck), Arjuna, and a purple lady I don't know yet since she hasn't appeared outside of the intro cinematic.
  • Dialogue scenes are presented in a visual novel-esque style with character portraits talking in front of static backgrounds
  • Music is fantastic. In the first game, only a few tracks (mostly the Servant and final battle themes) stuck out, but here, the soundtrack in general is top notch.
  • Nameless/Archer/Emiya has long hair now, which looks odd, but kinda cool at the same time
  • Also, Young Altera is friggin' adorable

So far, impressions are positive. Story seems interesting, as well.

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